Well      07.03.2020

Design of a small bathroom in a private house. Bathroom in the house - choose your option. The correct location of light sources in the bathroom

Throughout the history of its development, a person unconsciously, and often consciously, was drawn to comfort. In Russia, we have an understanding that such comfort occurred only with the start of mass construction of comfortable housing in cities. The emergence of a free market for building materials made it possible to join the comfort of the numerous inhabitants of private houses in suburban towns, villages and villages.

In general, comfortable housing is housing in which the notorious amenities are located in warm room inside the house, and not somewhere on the street in a wooden box. This is when in order to wash, you do not need to heat the bath, in winter it takes a whole day, so the bath in the village happens either on Sunday or on a big holiday, when in order to wash, you do not need to take absenteeism from work.

Today, you can improve your home even in the most remote village. Moreover, true comfort these days is possible only in an individual private house built according to one's own project.

As you know, our apartments are not very spacious, as for non-residential premises, such as: a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen, their area is so small that the owners have to show miracles of ingenuity in order to comfortably place in these premises everything that they do without don't make sense.

Bathroom on an individual project

Another thing is your house. Rules modern design bathrooms in the house say that bathrooms designed according to individual projects are not much different from a city apartment, except for more spacious rooms.

If the project of the house was created taking into account the wishes of its owner, then he can initially do everything in it exactly the way he wants and it will be convenient for him, and not for anyone at all.

If living rooms in the house can be located as you like, then the bathroom and kitchen should be located where it is most convenient to carry out engineering systems.

The construction of an individual sewerage system should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the SES, which states that the toilet should be located at a distance of no closer than 25 meters from a well or well. In reality, this rule is not always observed.

But even if, according to the project, the cesspool is located at a closer distance from the source of drinking water, you should not despair, it is enough instead of simple cesspool install a septic tank and the problem will be solved. The only thing to remember is the location of the septic tank, it must be installed in a place where a sewage truck can easily drive up to it.

The sewer pipe leading from the house to the septic tank must be sufficient large diameter, not less than 15-20 cm and located under acute angle in order to wastewater freely flowed down it into the septic tank.

The pipe brought out must be taken into a wooden or brick box, having previously wrapped it with a thick layer of mineral wool. Such a precaution will avoid freezing of the pipe in the winter.

Problems of arranging a bathroom in a private house

Having decided on the place of the sewer exit, it will be possible to say quite definitely where you will have a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. All these rooms should be spacious enough, especially the bathroom. I must say that this is all the advantages individual home in terms of arranging a bathroom, problems end and problems begin.

Buying city ​​apartment, along with it, a person buys a bathroom, albeit small and not very comfortable, but absolutely ready for use.

In your own house, you have to deal with the arrangement of the bathroom yourself. Due to its very small size, the bathroom is perhaps the most warm room throughout the apartment.

How to deal with fungus in the bathroom

Designers initially plan the small size of the bathroom, so that it best retains the heat generated not only by the radiators, but also hot water. Since the bathroom is used for taking water procedures, this room is almost constantly under the influence of moisture, which inevitably leads to the appearance of mold on the walls, floor and ceiling.

To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the bathroom. Since the bathroom in a private house is created according to an individual project, unlike standard rooms of this type, you can well plan a window in it that can be opened to ventilate the bathroom and dry the room. In principle, you don’t need to make a window in the bathroom; it will be enough to cut an outlet in the ceiling.

If this is not enough, you can install a hood in the bathroom by inserting it into the vent. The volume of the room in a standard bathroom is small and it heats up very quickly.

Having wished to have a more spacious bathroom, we thus acquire not only additional space, but also an additional problem associated with the need to insulate and heat it. If the bathroom is not warm enough, then a cold is not far away.

Bathroom heaters

As a heater, materials such as: mineral wool, foam or cork. The most preferred of all is mineral wool. It absorbs moisture well, so it must be covered with a layer of waterproofing before use.

Styrofoam holds heat very well, but is too fragile, so care must be taken when decorating walls and ceilings with it. Cork thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling in the bathroom is made by gluing cork plates.

Bathroom heating

Having allocated a large room for the bathroom, you must also take care of its additional heating. The best solution to this problem would be to install a double-circuit gas or electric boiler.

A double-circuit boiler is a combined water heater and heating system. A gas boiler in operation is much cheaper than an electric one and does not require any modifications to the gas supply system. However, despite the fact that our country is a gas giant, far from all our territories are gasified.

Wealthy citizens of our country living in these areas do not face costs, prefer to install electrical systems heating and don't mess with solid fuel boilers, which must be cleaned daily before rekindling.

The electric boiler is the most convenient of all. It turns on once in the fall, after which it can not be turned off until spring, only sometimes by adjusting the temperature of the coolant, that is, the water in the boiler. The electric boiler has its drawbacks.

A sufficiently powerful electric boiler, like an electric stove, requires connection to three-phase network, which ordinary houses not provided, moreover, electricity is the most expensive form of energy.

However, no matter how hard we try to heat the bathroom, the floor in the bathroom of a private house, if it is not specially insulated, will still remain cold. In order to insulate the floor, polystyrene is often used, which serves as a good thermal insulator. Today, the so-called warm floors are gaining more and more popularity.

Warm floor

The warm floor is such, because it is artificially heated by electric thermoelements woven into the grid. The mesh is flexible and easy to cut. The element woven into it is a tubular flexible electric heater stretched over the area of ​​the entire grid.

Unlike a thermoelement, the grid can be cut and laid out over the entire floor area, after the warm floor is laid, it is connected to the mains. Laminate slabs, linoleum, parquet or any other coating are laid on top of the warm floor.

The choice of plumbing for the bathroom

Once you've finished with the floor, you need to think about installing a bathtub. Multiple photos of bathrooms in private houses eloquently indicate that the non-standard bathroom in a private house is almost always much larger than the area of ​​a standard bathroom in a city apartment, and the plumbing installed in it can also be much larger than usual.

It is unlikely that someone will install a sitz bath in the bathroom of their own home. People are building own houses in the suburbs, not in order to arrange a corner of Soviet life in them, but, for example, to make a bathroom in a private house, turning it into a relaxation room and soak up the jacuzzi.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

The design of the bathroom, regardless of its area and shape, tends to be concise and balanced design solutions. A beautiful, functional, well-thought-out design is simply bound to captivate and delight. After all, it is from this room that our day begins and ends, it is here that we take care of our beauty, forget about unresolved problems, and get a certain feeling of joy and pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a harmonious and functional bathroom space, taking into account not only modern design trends, but also your own preferences.

Selection of a color palette

Competent color design of space creates a visual perception of its expansion or vice versa, reduction. The shades of the walls, interspersed with color spots create a certain psychological mood, directly affect our emotional state and spiritual comfort.

There are several dominant ones that experts recommend sticking to when designing a bathroom.


Everyone knows that achromatic is a win-win option in small spaces. It enhances the perception of airiness and increase in volume, solved with ceiling lights and , highlighting individual design elements.

Choosing white as the dominant color for all bathroom surfaces, it is necessary to provide bright color spots in the design of accessories. This will avoid the negative impact of a monotonous space, which does not have the best effect on a person’s energy.

White marbled tiles stylish solution for decorating bathroom walls


Extravagant and energetic, very powerful and influential purple bathrooms are chosen by people who are leaders in their inner feelings. Therefore, it is important to analyze how comfortable all family members will feel in the updated space.

The first thing to do when starting to design the interior in the bathroom is to correctly calculate the saturation of the shades. It is not recommended to bring a lot of dark color into a limited volume. It is advisable to dwell on the noble lilac tone, which promotes relaxation, finding peace of mind.

To give dynamics, you can alternate wall tiles with varying degrees of purple tone saturation. At the same time, it is taken into account that this range requires the addition of another less active color. The most harmonious is white tone. It is combined with purple gray, green, golden color.

Purple is the perfect backdrop for white sanitary ware, from the bathroom to the sink.

Black and white

The combination of two achromatic colors, black and white, is a classic and virtually win-win option in bathrooms with a relatively large area.

Usually, the floor and some elements of furniture and accessories are decorated in black. This avoids some heaviness. The white solution of the upper surfaces and walls gives the room more light and visually increases its volume, so you should not skimp on its presence in the interior.

You can pick up interesting elegant black patterns in weaves on a white tile background. Adds dynamics to a varied combination of these colors on the floor. Enhances the overall impression, emphasizes the noble depth of achromatic tones, active red in small quantities.


Solid brown color for the interior of the bathroom is chosen by calm and self-confident people. With proper selection of contrast, it is possible to create a cozy, luxurious environment where cleanliness and order reign.


The positive color of freshness, which is green, is associated with nature and spring. It is both soothing and energizing, creating an atmosphere of calm and giving a feeling of peace.

Forming future design in these shades, you are guaranteed to get the author's and truly interesting interior bathroom.

For small rooms experts do not recommend using too juicy shades. A light palette is best suited, which harmonizes the space, makes it balanced and welcoming. As additional, you can take almost any shade, but in small quantities. Successfully enhance the tonic energy of green: orange, white, yellow and beige accessories.

Inimitable malachite color in harmonious union with snow-white sanitary ware - a practical and correct solution


Relaxing blue has always been one of the most popular colors in bathroom design. It is not distinguished by expression, therefore, sometimes it requires the addition of a contrasting texture. It can be a framing border, vertical or horizontal, a small fragment on the surface - floral, geometric, etc.

If by nature you are a reserved and irritable person, you should not choose dark varieties for yourself. of blue color choose a quieter option. The ceiling can be made white, which will level out some of the sad note inherent in a large amount of blue.

As for the flooring, it is best to give preference to tiles made in light colors. K should be approached with due attention, since a lot will depend on its quality.

Style decisions

You can give even a modest miniature bathroom a sense of sophistication and prestige by solving its space in a certain style direction.

Provence. Gravitating to nature, the Provence style suggests the presence of light walls, white, decided under the floor. Are selected, bedside tables with a bright floral ornament. Towels with embroidery, woven soap dishes, forged fasteners for shelves will be appropriate. Wooden carved elements fit well.

Classic. You can add a touch of classic style to the design of the bathroom by choosing tiles that imitate natural objects - stone, wood. Creates an aristocratic atmosphere beige tone walls, doors, cabinets, shelves finished in mahogany.

Above classic style time is not powerful, it is always in demand and popular. Elegance and purity are his main forte

East style. The mysterious oriental notes that appear in the design of the bathroom look fresh and picturesque. It is enough to pick up tiles on the wall and floor with a sophisticated bright ornament, and the space will be completely transformed. Adds the inherent luxury of oriental interiors color - gold, red, lilac.

The style of the oriental interior has its own peculiarity. In it, it is very important to maintain harmony and not overload the space with small details. One of the shades should be dominant, and the rest are designed to create an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Silver, gilding, gloss - all this emphasizes and makes the interior of an oriental orientation special.

Japanese style. For small spaces, concise and elegant is one of the most suitable. When creating it, it is important to avoid rough imitation. Surfaces are monophonic in a combination of two, less often three shades. For example, black floor, brown furniture, gray walls and ceiling. Or white walls with red panels and black plumbing.

In the Japanese interior, a combination of lilac and pink, red and yellow is welcome. Drawings on panels, plumbing can be in the form of hieroglyphs or graceful plant motifs.

The Japanese style of interior design is naturalness and simplicity, so decorative elements - rugs, wall fans are made from natural materials.

Every detail Japanese interior adheres to the main principle oriental style- simplicity and convenience

loft style. For bold people who gravitate towards making non-standard decisions, with fairly spacious bathrooms, a modern free loft style will appeal to them. It is characterized by a rough finish of one of the walls - under or stone. The rest of the surfaces are plain.

Complete freedom is allowed in the installation of plumbing and furniture. If the area allows, then the bath can be raised to the podium or placed in the center of the room. There should not be many bright spots, for example, a red sink next to a white bathroom and cream walls.

High tech. Not recognizing pomp and showiness, modest style is ideal for small spaces. The walls are usually solved in plain colors, while saturated and bright shades are allowed.

A characteristic feature of this style is the absence of decorative artsy elements. Preference is given to simple clear lines of furniture, plumbing with metal, plastic, glass surfaces.

The high-tech bathroom design fits perfectly with a marble imitation floor combined with a mosaic in the sink area.

Most often, the colors that prevail in high-tech style are white, gray and black.

Minimalism. A strict and orderly style with clear lines and the absence of catchy decor is appreciated by calm, accomplished people. Surfaces are solved in plain pastel or achromatic shades.

In the interior design of a minimalist bathroom, two colors are usually present. Most often you can find a combination of white with gray, blue with turquoise, milky with light chestnut. The union of these shades will give the interior calmness, harmony and balance. All accessories and fittings should, if possible, be hidden behind the fronts of wall cabinets.


The main criterion for the selection of furniture for the bathroom is its high moisture resistance. Due to the small area, it is convenient to place a hanging cabinet on one of the walls, where there will be various hygiene items, household cleaners and detergents. The most advantageous option are cabinets with mirrored doors and lighting.

Under the sink, a cabinet with sliding or hinged doors is most often installed. It conveniently accommodates a laundry basket. If preference was given to an open shell on an elegant leg, then the basket is selected without transparent facades. It must be equipped with a lid. Exterior decor should fit into the interior style.

Separately, mirrors are placed on the walls and even under the ceiling, if, when developing a design project for the future design of the bathroom, it was decided to use them as decorative elements designed to visually expand the space.


When designing a future bathroom interior, it is important to remember that ceiling chandelier rarely present in these areas. For such an interior item, a fairly large area is required. More often, one corner lighting device is installed on the ceiling, covered with a ceiling.

From modern solutions, ceiling spotlights with the necessary level of hydroprotection are gaining popularity. wall sconces serve as a tool for zoning even a small space. They are placed above the mirror, next to the shelves.

Any lighting fixtures in the humid environments typical of a bathroom should be installed by professional electricians. The minimum distance from any lamp to a bathtub or sink is 0.6 meters.

Combined bathroom

In an effort to expand the space, some people decide to carry out redevelopment, removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom. It should be borne in mind that without the approval of the alteration project with the specialists of the BTI, it is impossible to dismantle the wall.

Having completed all the preliminary steps, they begin to create a design in the expanded room.

  • The ceiling should be done in classic white. Installation of moisture resistant tension structures is allowed. Most suitable material for conditions with high humidity is polyvinyl chloride. It is not subject to mold colonization, easy to clean, and if necessary, it will protect against leakage from above.
  • The walls are most often laid out with ceramic tiles. Thanks to the expanded space, you can turn to interesting collections, combining both plain and textured types of tiles. They make up a harmonious composition and do not require additional efforts to select a color scheme. There may be many options. An interesting dynamic is created if three walls are plain, and the third is filled with tiles with geometric or floral patterns.

You can decide on the lower part of the walls with a pattern, and make the top monochrome, using a tile with an ornament as a decorative border. It can also serve for zoning space, highlighting, for example, the area near the sink.

Increasingly, mosaics are used in the interior of bathrooms. Such a decorative finish should not be dominant, as it actively attracts attention. With its help, you can frame the mirror or decorate the walls around the shelves, visually highlighting this area.

Tiles or porcelain tiles remain the most popular types of floor finishes. Darker colors are more often selected than on other surfaces, which avoids excessive contrast in the room.

IN Lately polymeric ones appear in combined sanitary rooms, creating a sense of depth if a decorative pattern is placed under a transparent surface.

Regardless of the area of ​​the room, it is important to place plumbing, furniture, accessories in such a way that there is no feeling of chaos. There are several techniques that work for the harmonious organization of the combined space:

  • Mount a hinged compact toilet;
  • To store the necessary cleaning, washing, hygiene products, a wall cabinet with mirrored facades is used;
  • Install a washbasin combined with a cabinet in which the washing machine is placed;
  • The shower cabin is selected corner with a sliding door.

A universal solution that makes the design unique and the space endless is three-dimensional panel equipped from the inside LED backlight. The drawing is selected in accordance with the general theme of the design being created. Modern tendencies gravitate towards abstraction, which allows, if necessary, to bring a bright modern sound into a monotonous interior.

Video: beautiful bathroom interiors

In this video you can see best designs bathrooms, as well as choose the right style for your interior.

The main criterion for creating a bathroom design is the preferences of all households. Remember that everything in this room must be perfect. An atmosphere that causes anxiety and discomfort is not allowed here.

Decorating a bathroom is no less important than decorating a home. The atmosphere in such an interior should be fresh, invigorating and cozy, but do not forget about functionality: both spacious and small bathrooms must meet all the requirements for convenience and aesthetics.

The traditional design of such rooms is overly simple and concise, and sometimes you really want to add variety to the usual design: in this case, expert advice will help you.

Common features of modern bathroom design

The modern style of the bathroom is perhaps the most diverse: you are practically unlimited in the choice of materials, shapes and colors.

However, there are a few trends to keep in mind if you want to bring out the modern touch in your bathroom:

  • the absence of a large number of small details and accessories: do not overload the room with decor, it is better to pay attention to the functionality of the interior elements used;
  • the embodiment of non-standard planning ideas: for example, plumbing does not have to be placed against the wall, and when zoning the interior, you can rely on the possibilities of lighting;
  • the presence of calm shades: white, beige and gray tones, despite their soiling, are considered one of the most common in bathroom design;
  • the use of materials with imitation properties: countertops stylized as marble, stone or brick finishing materials, wood elements in the design will make it more refined;
  • combination of textures: more and more accents in the bathroom are created by embossed materials or metal finishes;
  • the use of natural or artificial flowers to create an environment close to nature.

Color design

In a modern bathroom, it is better to stick to uniform style and harmonious colors. Let's find out which shades are in fashion this year.

The choice of background shade depends on the size of the interior. , the lighter the color scheme should be. Walls and floors are best decorated in tones with varying degrees of saturation: make the floor darker, as it is easier to clean from dirt.

The color of interior items (plumbing fixtures, shelves and cabinets) should match the background. If the decoration of the room turns out to be too gloomy, dilute the interior with light details. Universal and one of the most fashionable colors of this year is white. You can easily find the necessary furniture and plumbing of this color and combine with each other in the same style.

Another common trend modern design bathrooms - black and white design. This combination can be achieved in the decoration (using patterned materials or adhering to a checkerboard design), as well as installing some plumbing elements made in dark colors against a light background.

Excessively bright black and white contrasts will help dilute the complementary color. With such colors Any natural tones are in perfect harmony: green, brown, purple.

Another suitable option for decorating a bathroom is a gray palette. This shade has not lost its relevance for several years, has a relaxing effect and is suitable for rooms of any size.

In addition to neutral colors, all marine shades are suitable for the bathroom: blue, turquoise, mint, emerald and blue. They can be used both as a background and to create bright accents in some areas of the bathroom.

If you prefer to create not a peaceful, but more invigorating and dynamic interior - choose bright colors: yellow, orange, red, green background will help you tune in to a productive day.

And, of course, do not forget about delicate pastel shades: they will make the bathroom more comfortable and emphasize the home environment. Please note that these colors can be combined with each other to create a nice rainbow design.

Actual finishing materials and tiles

The most popular and reliable finishing material used in the interiors of small and large bathrooms is a tile. In the new season, monophonic models will be relevant.

Instead of a pattern, preference should be given to tiles with an unusual texture.

The border will be replaced by a vertical division into contrasting stripes. By the way, tiles in modern utilitarian premises should be selected in several types. You can also choose models different shades. Often, Italian tile manufacturers develop entire collections for large and small bathrooms, consisting of 5-6 types. As a rule, such collections consist of wall tiles in light and dark colors. It is not necessary to use the entire collection. You can choose 2-3 tile options. Models from the same collection are perfectly combined with each other in color and size.

If you prefer ideas with a pattern, then pay attention to the geometric and ethnic ornaments that are relevant this year. Often in the interiors of utilitarian premises, tiles with a bright and colorful pattern are used. Such models should be used in doses, for example, to decorate one of the walls in the form of a horizontal or vertical strip, or as floor tiles in a small square. Using this method in your bathroom, be careful about the rest of the finish, do not use additional accessories and decor.

Tip: a popular option, which can already be seen in the photo, is wood imitation tiles. No less interesting in small and spacious bathrooms are options for gray concrete and dark granite.

Another one interesting idea- a combination of tiles and decorative plaster. It is not necessary to use tiles for all walls. Lay tiles only where it is necessary to protect the walls from moisture: on the floor, near the washbasin and bathtub. Decorate the rest of the surface with decorative plaster.

Plumbing of the latest collections is characterized by great comfort and original forms. Today on sale you can find a large number of original solutions - from round and oval to square and trapezoidal models. Ready-made showers are a thing of the past. Now a small space is allocated for the shower, which is fenced off with glass and tiled.

The modern interior of the bathroom is not complete without wall hung toilet. It is not only more beautiful than its predecessor, but also much more practical. In addition, this model allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe warm floor.

The interior of a newfangled plumbing room uses either original or completely simple plumbing. The sink-bowl looks very beautiful in the design of such a room. Today you can choose a sink-bowl of any shape: round, rectangular, oval. Hanging and built-in sinks are no less popular. In the sanitary room large sizes you can place not only a shower cabin, but also a free-standing oval sink.

The correct location of light sources in the bathroom

Experts advise to be very careful when choosing the location of lighting fixtures in the bathroom. . Experience suggests that you need to take into account some of the nuances, including:

  • lighting should be uniform, so you should always take into account next rule. The more light sources in the room, the lower their power should be;
  • the light should be correctly distributed, and the lamps should be located in all functional areas bathroom;
  • it is important to avoid glare, and for this you should not direct the lamps perpendicular to reflective surfaces: it is better if they are located at an angle;
  • a common mistake is to place one lamp directly above the mirror. Often in this case, the reflection will be slightly distorted. It is better to use mirror lighting on the sides, or on top and sides;
  • you can bring a zest to the interior thanks to color spots: colored shades, original inserts ceramic tiles. But it is better not to place such details in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mirror, so as not to distort the reflection;
  • lovers of non-standard ideas can be advised to experiment with the location led strip: it can be placed under the side of the bathtub, under the windowsill, etc.;
  • connect different lamps in the bathroom it is better to use separate lines, because not every time you will need to turn on all the lighting at once.

Organization of storage in the bathroom: the best ideas

Shelves to help you

If the bathroom has a small square, then you should not clutter it up with large cabinets. Instead, it is better to use open shelves. Their use will not take up much space, but will help to rationally organize the storage of various small things. In addition, oblong open shelves can visually increase the space, which is useful for small room. On narrow shelves it is convenient to store toothbrushes, cotton pads and other necessary little things. On wide shelves stylish decorative idea storage of clean towels rolled up can become. At the same time, they will not take up much space, but they will always be at hand. Don't forget the corners too. They can also accommodate small corner shelves to help keep your bathroom tidy. You can equip the shelves with hooks or a bar for storing towels. Such an idea will not only help to rationally use the space, but also add bright accents to the interior due to multi-colored textiles.

Cabinets and chests of drawers

If the bathroom is large enough, then a closet can be a great place to store things. You can put away a variety of personal items that you want to hide from your eyes, as well as clean towels. Special inserts dividing the space diagonally will become not only a functional, but also a decorative element. If there is not enough space in the bathroom for a large spacious closet, then a neat vertical chest of drawers can be placed in almost any space. AND use deep drawers and systems in lockers. This will help facilitate access to things located near the far wall. A very interesting idea is the use of shallow wooden boxes. By hanging them on the wall, you get additional storage space for medium-sized hygiene items. In addition, such shelves are very easy to make with your own hands.

A small bathroom requires the use of every free centimeter of space. Pay attention to the idea of ​​storing things under the sink. If you don’t have a special cabinet, then free space can be used to organize all the same shelves. As extra beds storage, you can use different containers: plastic or metal. Great option there will be the use of wicker baskets, which are not necessary to buy. They can be made by hand. If a special cabinet is provided under the sink, then to facilitate access to various little things that are stored there, you can use special railings for the bathroom.

Rational storage of small things

It is also necessary to store various small hygiene items correctly. Agree, cotton pads or ear sticks in plastic bags do not look aesthetically pleasing. If you place them in beautiful glass, wooden or ceramic containers, they can become a wonderful piece of decor. The same idea applies to free-flowing laundry detergents, salts, and other products.

We should not forget about the organization of space on the back surface of the cabinet doors. It is convenient to place small plastic containers on them for various little things: toothbrushes, decorative cosmetics, varnishes.

Niche use

If the bathroom interior has niches from built-in appliances or hidden pipes, then they should also be used as a place to store various little things. A properly used niche may well replace a small chest of drawers. In shallow ones, you can put various gels, shampoos, deep ones - towels, powders.

Even if the built-in niches were not specifically provided for when planning the bathroom, this does not mean that they cannot be equipped later. For example, why not use niches doorways to create small additional shelves. Additionally organized around the doorway, the rack is perfect for storing small things and will become a highlight of the interior.

Do not forget about the idea of ​​​​storing things under the bathroom itself or near it. The use of special plastic sliding screens will allow you to hide a large amount of cleaning and detergents that are used relatively infrequently. The choice of screens for the bathroom is very diverse: from cheap designs to options with sliding doors, which may well replace a closet or chest of drawers for storage.


Small bathrooms are the scourge of modern mass development. It is difficult to find an apartment in which you would not have to literally bite off precious stones with your teeth. square meters from adjacent rooms to accommodate a larger bath.

However, it is rarely possible to physically expand a bathroom - you have to go to different tricks to accommodate all the necessary plumbing and furniture in a compressed space. How to make a small bathroom cozy and functional?

The first step is designing a bathroom

First of all, you need to determine how the furniture in the bathroom will be arranged. There are many design options, and they can be successfully combined to get the best result. You need to decide what you want to see as a result: a practical room or a work of design art.

To expand the interior space, you can apply the methods created by designers from around the world:

  1. Observe the minimalism and conciseness inherent in Asians. Forget about hot tubs with curved shapes - only straight, strict lines and ideal geometric shapes.
  2. Use plenty of light. Natural light will not be available if the window in the bathroom was not provided during the construction phase of the house, but correct selection lighting fixtures, coupled with light finishes, will help to some extent get rid of crowding.
  3. Accessories. A large number of small details that attract the eye will divert attention from the assessment of the real volume of a small room - the bathroom, if not getting bigger, will seem less cramped.
  4. Ornaments on the walls, combining tiles of different colors, playing with shades. Looking at the patterns, not a single person will notice that there is nowhere to turn around in the bathroom.
  5. Use in the interior of modern achievements of plumbing. Today it is possible to use fully functional bathtubs, showers and sinks of a very modest size.

When planning a bathroom design, it's not just the actual small size of the room that needs to be considered. Consideration should be given to the number of people who will use the bathroom, the necessary set of plumbing equipment (whether the bathroom will be combined, whether a full bath is needed or enough shower, etc.).

Redesigning the interior of an apartment is a difficult task even in a new building. All communications are fixed - if you want to rearrange something, it's not a fact that you will succeed. In addition, it is not easy to align the walls.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the design of a wet room - due to the fact that the finishing materials must be moisture resistant, the range of available options is greatly reduced.

Priorities should be placed as follows: practicality, durability and only then - aesthetic appeal.

To design the design of the arrangement of furniture and plumbing, you can apply special computer programs or sketch a drawing by hand, indicating the location of all the main elements of the interior. Form a clear picture in your head of what you want to see in the end - and only then get to work!

How to fit everything?

The main design principle when creating the interior of a small bathroom is getting rid of everything superfluous.

You should forget about:

  • inappropriate placement of items - a place for cosmetics in a cosmetic bag or next to a trellis, dirty clothes and washing accessories - in a separate closet;
  • picking up things "in reserve" - ​​in fact, you do not need 5 cans of shampoo and 10 - with shower gel;
  • use of the bathroom for other than its intended purpose.

Teach yourself to be organized and store extra things in the pantry and separate closets in other, more spacious rooms. This is especially true for electrical appliances - hair dryers, curling irons, etc. - keeping them in the bathroom is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

It is easier to fit the necessary items in the bathroom if you only fit the things you really need. How to organize the arrangement of the minimum set of plumbing?

Combined bathroom

In most apartments, the bathroom is separate - after all, usually people live with whole families, and using a combined bathroom can be inconvenient. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with putting a toilet next to a small bathroom. Even if the project provides for two rooms for plumbing, it makes sense to combine them in order to use the available square meters more efficiently.

There are several design options for organizing a combined bathroom:

  • we put the bath in width, we place the rest of the equipment and furniture along the long side of the room;
  • the bath is placed in a niche, the walls of which can be used to place shelves - this will take away some of the space, but you can compensate for the decrease in the volume of the room by installing a mirror on the entire opposite wall.

If it is inconvenient to use a combined bathroom - a large family lives in the house - you can separate the toilet and bath with a decorative screen that is easily removed when no one is washing.

shower cabin

Small-sized appliances will save interior space and even allow you to install a washing machine. One of the design options for using minimalist technology is a shower cabin.

Cabins are very different - you can even make it yourself by installing a watering can and a drain behind the wall, separated from the rest of the bathroom glass door. On sale, there are usually not floor cabins, but sitz baths with a kind of glass flask on top. The choice is great, and it is worth thinking over the main design, starting from the style in which the vending cabin is made.

corner bath

If you don’t want to completely abandon the bath in favor of the shower, a corner bath will be a compromise solution small size. Place it much easier than a full oval bath.

The shape of the corner bath can be very different:

  • oval;
  • square;
  • circle - not particularly suitable for a small bathroom;
  • complex shape with curved edges - maximum usable space.

By the way, not only a bath, but also a sink can be angular. You can also wash in a small washbasin - there is no need to install plumbing fixtures the size of a full-fledged kitchen sink in the bathroom. Hanging style will save space under the sink.

And finally, the door. If the bathroom door opens inward, remember kind word your home designer and redesign it to open outward into the hallway. Better yet, replace the bathroom door with a sliding one - so it will not take up space at all.

Visually expand the space

Many methods have been invented to deceive human perception. To make your brain think that the bathroom is bigger than it actually is, you can:

  • using light colors in the design when finishing;
  • diagonal tiling;
  • expanding the walls, raising the ceiling, lowering the floor - save to the maximum with the rough finish of the concrete box;
  • approaching the shape of the room to the square - an elongated rectangular shape does not allow to be deceived;
  • creation smooth transitions between walls and horizontal surfaces - work with color and round moldings.

A classic solution for expanding bathroom space is the use of large mirrors. You can hang them not only on the walls of the bathroom - the mirrored doors of the cabinets will also help. Moreover, you can hang the entire space from floor to ceiling with cabinets - today there is a lot of compact furniture, even the most picky designer can choose something.

Working with tiles

Tiles are traditionally used to decorate the interior of the bathroom. Of course, there is also waterproof plaster, and special drywall, you can even finish the walls with natural stone. But in terms of expanding the room, tile is the undoubted leader.

The size of the tiles in the bathroom should be small. The smaller it is, the more confused the brain will be - it will not look at the square individual elements, but on their total number. The associative series is simple: there are a lot of tiles, which means that the bathroom is large. If you do not connect consciousness, the effect is excellent. A non-contrasting mosaic will help even more, which, to create smoothness, can be laid out not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the bathroom.

As for the color in the interior, the shades should be used light, but not white - this "hospital" color is not only difficult from the psychological side, but also difficult to care for - you will have to wash white tiles almost daily.

Light should make the whole room - finishing the lower half of the walls in contrast would be a bad decision, as this will divide the room and kill the whole expansion effect. The only design style allowed is to make dark vertical stripes.

It is better to take a tile glossy, smooth. She will reflect the light, working in tandem with mirrors, and further increase the space. The exception is the floor, it should be finished with a matte material for safety reasons. Or at least put a rubber mat on a smooth floor - slipping on a wet glossy tile is as easy as shelling pears.

Lay the tiles evenly from the floor to the ceiling of the bathroom. Do not use borders, thresholds, dividing strips - they will attract attention and show the real area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

A little more about bathroom flooring. It is not at all necessary to use a tile - a bulk polymer coating with a pattern or photo printing will be an excellent design variation. Creating an effect of depth with its help is easy, and a small bathroom will become larger at the same time. Wall murals can also be used to simulate natural light.

Color rules

Light colors - salvation for a small bathroom. Bright colors strain your eyes, and you want to relax in the bathroom. Dark colors can only be used when equipping the bathroom with powerful light, which we will talk about a little later.

Color disharmony - main enemy quality design of a small bathroom. Walls, floors, ceilings and all interior items should match each other in style and shade. This does not mean that you need to paint everything the same color - it will look bland and tasteless. A little contrast is always helpful, but light, pastel colors should go the extra mile in a bathroom.

Shades of white, beige, milky (but not pure white) are ideal for bathroom interiors. They create a feeling of cleanliness and expand the room.

If you decorate a light tile with an ornament (you can use acrylic waterproof paints for this), you can create certain motifs in the room - for example, Japanese. Branches and petals of sakura on a light tile, furniture made of natural wood- the east corner is ready!

Other possible colors are pale blue and light green. Remember about the ban on saturation and brightness. These colors have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, improve the effect of a relaxing hot bath. They are associated with water, nature, purity. Pairs well with white faience.

The market offers a wide variety of volumetric tiles and tiles with a textured surface. It is not worth using it - the ledges and stucco eat up the space of the bathroom and absorb light, making the small size of the bathroom even more modest.

Combining colors in the bathroom is an option for bold designers. This will give the interior a unique look, but you should be careful: in a small room, only three different shades are allowed.


So, best version for the interior design of a small bathroom - a combination of light shades and natural light. But a window in the bathroom is an unaffordable luxury in our conditions, and try to find at least one similar apartment in planned buildings.

It is necessary to use the miracles of electrification to the maximum. Electronics in the bathroom is a dangerous business, but you can’t do without light. Wiring should be hidden as best as possible and protected from moisture - it is best to remove it under the tile.

Sconce lamps are not difficult to find today. The choice of models is huge, and you need to try to pick up options in one style. The number of lighting fixtures and their power is up to your taste, try to make the bathroom as bright as possible. But to provide a relaxing, romantic setting, consider subdued lighting as well. Ideal - lamps with adjustable light intensity.

Powerful light will allow you to use dark colors in the design of even a small bathroom. But dimming the light will turn dark room into a real hole, in which, because of the large mirrors, it will also be scary to be.

A great option is lighting built into the ceiling of the bathroom. It is safe, and sconces hanging on the walls will not take up space. If the ceiling is made stretch or suspended, even spot or LED lighting is possible.

Furniture selection

Many owners of small bathrooms refuse furniture in favor of large and roomy plumbing, which does not carry a particularly useful load. You should not do this - even in a modest space there is a place for lockers and shelves.

The basic principles for choosing plumbing and furniture have already been disclosed:

  • pay attention to corner baths and sinks, showers, transforming appliances;
  • use the entire height of the walls to accommodate cabinets;
  • cabinet doors with mirrors partially compensate for the space eaten up in the bathroom;
  • the washing machine can be hidden under the sink;
  • discard tile partitions, thick curtains and screens in favor of glass.

All this will allow you to appropriately place the shelves under the accessories for washing, instead of putting shampoo bottles, shaving gels and everything else on the sides of the bathroom.

Furniture design

Whatever the style of the bathroom, no matter how small it is, one rule must always be observed - all furniture must be moisture resistant.

Remember that durability is more important than aesthetics - a beautiful bathroom is great, but it will be of little use if everything rots and you have to redo it after a couple of years.

Among the common materials, you can pay attention to the following:

  • MDF, chipboard, laminate - always with waterproof impregnation;
  • plastic - do not think that it will look cheap, modern plastic items look pretty good;
  • glass is not only practical, but also relatively inconspicuous, due to which it will visually save more free space;
  • stone.

I would like to use natural solid wood in interior design, but this is not recommended. It looks beautiful, but such bathroom furniture is designed for large rooms with good ventilation.

In our modest rooms, moisture is actively concentrated, hot steam actively destroys even wood soaked in stain and varnish. Considering the high cost and the redevelopment as soon as inevitable, the tree is a waste of money.

Built in furniture

Compact cabinets with mirrored doors can be used, but best solution will become a built-in wardrobe floor-to-ceiling bathroom. You can embed it in a niche that frames the bath. Even better - glass or metal shelves.

Where to put underwear?

It is common practice to store dirty clothes in a basket next to the bathroom or right in the washing machine. A very bad practice. The laundry in the bathroom deteriorates due to constant exposure to humidity, not to mention the fact that the laundry basket eats up a significant amount of free space.

It is best to hide the laundry basket in the pantry. If it is not there - in the built-in wardrobe. The washing machine should also be hidden - this will eliminate the temptation to store unnecessary items on it.

Interior in detail

Mirrors and accessories will complement the image of the bathroom and allow you to divert attention from its size. Don't go overboard with small details, though.

The larger the mirror, the better - the space will double if you mirror the entire wall.

Cleaning at the same time will take a lot of effort, but you can buy mirrors covered with a special film - it repels soap splashes and prevents the glass from fogging up. In addition, it will last longer, as moisture and hot steam destroy even glass over time.

When creating a stylish bathroom, you can not do without accessories. All of them should be graceful and orderly - deliberate negligence is permissible only over a large area. Everything should stand in its place and complement the interior, without becoming its redundant feature.

If you are designing a minimalist bathroom, things should be smaller. Get rid of everything superfluous and concentrate the style features of interior design in color design, furniture, plumbing and ornaments.

Shampoo and soap bottles, toothbrush glass, mirror frame should be in harmony with color scheme rooms without breaking out of it as a bright spot. This goes for towels as well as bathrobes: if you're a girl who loves pink, don't hang a fluffy pink towel in a green bathroom. Men in this regard will be easier.

Small accessories and decorations should fit into the theme of the bathroom. Shelves can be occupied by sea shells, ivy or another heat-loving plant, a small picture can be hung on the wall. Emphasize your style and your individuality, feel free to experiment: after all, accessories are not tiles, and an unsuccessful decision can always be changed.

It is difficult to create a modern, classic or Provence style in a small area of ​​​​an apartment - a complex design requires a large number of details and sometimes has features that cannot be realized in a bathroom.

Minimalism and high-tech in the interior - ideal options for this room. Glass and metal are indispensable attributes of such styles. The room will become stylish and comfortable, without losing its functionality.

However, no one forbids taking risks - if you love Provence, try to fit wicker baskets, porcelain and natural materials in the bathroom. With careful and thorough study of the interior of the apartment, you will succeed!

Photo options for arranging a bathroom

A beautiful bathroom counts worthy decoration living space. More than ten years ago, it was used only for sanitary needs. Today, for many of us, this room is associated with cleanliness and peace of mind.

Modern bathrooms with a competent layout and color solution radically change the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba small-sized room. Our material presents the recommendations of experienced designers who will help to equip the interior space of the relaxation zone.

Design Options

Soviet buildings differ significantly from modern houses. Apart from small bath and toilets are present here too low ceilings and the minimum possibility of redevelopment of the premises.

IN panel houses many of us observed the inconvenient location of the bathroom in the apartment. In most cases, they were combined with each other or separated by a thin partition wall. Being in such a room, a person, as a rule, experiences terrible discomfort. Some have been noted to be claustrophobic.

In such houses, experienced designers recommend combining a bathroom and a bathroom in one room. To do this, the partition is carefully disassembled. This allows you to get cozy area. To visually increase the space, light tiles and stretch glossy ceilings help.

Tiles in the bathroom should be white or milky. The storage area in this case can be a neat locker that can accommodate various trifles for face and body care.

The main task in the design small bathroom is that there are no tastelessly selected details in the room.

A small bathroom in a panel building requires the presence of non-standard household equipment. For this, it is best to choose a triangular bathroom and a compact sink for washing hands. Enlarge space will help large mirror without rim. It expands the room, making it cleaner and brighter.

A large amount of additional lighting creates the most comfortable environment. As for the stylistic direction, here the most the best option will be high-tech or minimalism. Chrome-plated details and strict lines add conciseness to the interior space.

Decorating a bathroom in a modern house

To date brick buildings have huge advantages among old stock houses. They are considered the warmest, most reliable and spacious. The height of the ceiling is 3-3.5 m. Agree that a bathroom with such a ceiling allows you to realize the most unusual design ideas.

Most of us often ask ourselves: “How to decorate a bathroom?”. Small-sized apartments, as a rule, have a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plumbing unit. Save precious centimeters helps modern equipment. For this, a multifunctional shower stall, a neat triangular sink and a compact toilet bowl are suitable.

All this equipment is placed in the corner parts of the room. In the center there is a fluffy rug and a large illuminated mirror. You can decorate the space multi-level ceiling. Depending on your mood, you can change lighting solution interior.

Hide sewer pipes under the bath. Sink and toilet, can be in a plasterboard box. He, in turn, is placed near the wall.

Tiles are laid on the surface of such a structure. minimum size. In the event of a leak or blockage, it is carefully disassembled and troubleshooted. After that, all structural elements are installed in their places.

When choosing a facing material for decorating walls and floors, it is recommended to pay attention to Special attention on the tile with the smallest size. It creates a visual illusion of a spacious room. You can decorate the ceiling with a rack method. To do this, you need chrome rails. They perfectly reflect light radiation, making the room brighter.

A small ornament on the tile helps to enlarge the bathroom. It adds a piece of comfort and warmth to the design of the room. Spotlights with yellow light on the ceiling make the interior soft and comfortable. It's nice to be here after a hard day's work with a cup of hot tea.

Sliding design door frame saves precious free space. These doors have a beautiful glossy surface and a silent opening mechanism. Luxurious fittings will add a peculiar zest to the design.

How to choose furniture?

Bathroom furniture must have moisture resistant coating. For this, the following materials are used:

  • tempered glass;
  • plastic;
  • a natural stone.

Furniture made from natural array different beautiful appearance textured surface and high strength. These materials have a fairly high cost, which makes them not accessible to everyone. The bathroom design photo shows the best furniture options.

Tempered glass makes furniture paraphernalia weightless and light. It makes a storage system hanging shelves and a mirror. Do not choose multi-level shelf designs. For a small room, the absence of unnecessary details is important.

Sink and toilet made of natural stone captivate with their beauty and grace. They are heavy and quite expensive. Such furniture is used to decorate a classic bathroom, where beauty and luxury are an integral part.

plastic furniture has interesting design and multifunctional use. Such items of furniture paraphernalia are accompanied by mobility, which allows you to create a new interior every time. They can be swapped or moved to a different corner.

Moving on to renovations

The design of the bathroom in the apartment requires perfect coverage. The first step is to properly level the walls. To do this, use a cement-sand mass. It allows you to hide deep irregularities on the surface of the wall. Next, apply gypsum putty. She penetrates into small cracks and has an antifungal effect.

After that, proceed to the installation sewer system and laying the floor. All excess elements are placed in a drywall box. Flooring insulate with a layer thermal insulation material and lay the cable. It will allow you to heat the floors to the desired temperature. Once all the parts are in place, they are poured with cement mortar.

When all rough finish finished, you can proceed to laying the tiles. In this case, it is recommended to entrust the working moments to an experienced professional. It neatly decorate your walls and floor.

Photo of the bathroom in the apartment