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What is protein and what is it for? Protein selection and intake What are proteins and what do they look like?

No matter how actively you work in the gym, the final assessment of your physical efforts is food. Training only triggers muscle growth reactions, but the muscles themselves “hypertrophy” only due to the structural material that enters the body with food.

What is the "brick of the universe" for muscle tissue? This question will be answered even by a "loser" - a protein. That is why proteins are an essential product in the diet of any athlete, regardless of "disciplinary" affiliation.

Protein is the “head” of everything

So, it is a plastic material that is used by the body to restore and compensate for muscle tissues injured under physical exertion.

It consists of monomolecules - amino acids, combined with each other in polypeptide chains. Once in the body, the protein under the action of enzymes is broken down to its simplest components, in order to then “fold” into a new combination - a “human” protein.

Naturally, the biological role of proteins in the body is not limited to the structural function - we have mentioned only the most decisive for the "iron guys". Among other things, these macronutrients:

1. participate in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;

2. formation of an immune response;

3. optimize metabolism;

4. perform a transport function.

For the average average person, protein, which is present in the daily diet, is enough to maintain basic physiological needs. What can not be said about athletes - their protein "need" is 2-3 times higher. The real salvation for those who train is the inclusion of sports supplements in the diet.

How is a sports supplement different from the protein we get from food?

There is no fundamental difference between them. Protein mixtures - the same biologically valuable and easily digestible protein of natural origin, only presented in a concentrated form.

Benefits of using protein blends:

1. high nutritional value;

2. convenience of preparation, consumption and storage;

3. optimal balance of nutrients.

Attention of protein users: protein blends are not an alternative to traditional products. They are used as an addition to the diet in order to compensate for the general lack of protein or increase its content in the daily diet.

Protein supplements: important and necessary for everyone

Chronic "malnutrition" of protein is observed, as a rule, in women who mistakenly attribute this supplement to a gentleman's arsenal of nutrition. I would like to note that the principle of "reproduction" of muscle tissue is the same for both male and female organisms. The difference is only in the average daily protein requirement, so novice fitness athletes who do not take protein supplements deprive themselves of the main argument in training. But it's never too late to improve - take a look at the online store sports nutrition to order protein.

Protein for all occasions

The protein mixture is a universal supplement for an athlete, both during the drying period and during mass gain.

The fact that protein is necessary for the construction of high-quality muscle volumes is obvious. However, the degree of need for it is no less high at the stage of compliance with low-calorie diets. In artificially created conditions of "hunger", the body activates adaptive mechanisms that initiate the destruction of contractile proteins, in other words, the loss muscle mass. Timely use of supplements can stop this process.

And besides, it is only in the presence of proteins that fatty acid oxidation reactions can occur.

Such a "many-faced" protein

The choice of protein today is not just large, it is gigantic! The source of origin becomes the basis for their classification - there are mixtures made on the basis of whey protein, eggs, soy, beef and casein, as well as multicomponent products. We will consider those that are most in demand among representatives of the sports fraternity.

1. Whey protein. In terms of speed, this protein has no competitors, so it is preferred when an emergency refueling of protein is required - before a training session or immediately after it. Once in the bloodstream, whey quickly saturates the body with amino acids and blocks muscle breakdown triggered by the action of the stress hormone cortisol. This type of protein is available to the consumer in three forms - isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzate. From this category in the online store site you can buy Nutrabolics Hyperwhey protein, Ostrovit WPC80, Dymatize Nutrition Elite Whey Protein and others.

2. Casein. Also one of the types of milk protein. But despite the “roots” common with whey, it has completely opposite properties - it is digested and absorbed slowly. "Resourceful" athletes have turned this feature of casein proteins into a plus, preferring to take it immediately before bedtime. That is why casein is often called a "night" protein - during sleep, it will slowly "melt", maintaining a consistently high amino acid pool in the blood and repelling catabolic "attacks". From this category in the Bioman sports nutrition store you can buy Dymatize Nutrition Elite Casein, QNT Casein 80, RPS Nutrition Casein Protein and others.

3. Multicomponent protein. This is a combination of several proteins at once “in one bottle”. In terms of speed and duration of action, multimixtures occupy an intermediate position between whey and casein, successfully realizing their advantages.

Protein - read the label

1. Absolutely for all consumers, be it a professional athlete or an ordinary fitness enthusiast, the measure of the quality of a protein supplement is the concentration of the main ingredient in it - the protein itself.

2. Information about this must be indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Moreover, one should not make hasty conclusions, focusing on the catchy inscription on the “facade” of the package: such as “Whey 100%”. Pay attention to the back of the jar, which will indicate the exact amount of protein in the traditional 100 grams of the mixture, or, as some companies clarify, the content of the component per serving. The higher the “protein content” of the product, the higher the rating it deserves.

3. Aimed at serious achievements in pumping, it is also recommended to “take care” of the protein filtration method - it is better to buy a protein made by microfiltration or ultrafiltration. Ion exchange technology is less perfect.

Proteins charged "to the full"

The range of proteins is presented both as pure mono-mixes, which include only the general component, and “tuned” products with auxiliary additives - creatine, BCAAs and other “improvers”, which endow the protein mixtures with new properties useful for the athlete.

But when deciding to buy a protein with the inclusion of related ingredients, be careful: pay attention to dosages. In some protein mixtures, their concentrations are so small that the claimed effect cannot be expected. In some cases, it is more rational to purchase a “pure” protein in a sports nutrition store and supplement it with the appropriate supplements.

The sports nutrition industry has gone to great lengths to ensure that athletes have a wide arsenal of the best nutritional blends at their fingertips. Well, you just have to find your favorite among manufacturers and products!

Protein is the most popular sports nutrition in the world. Like everything popular, protein intake has become overgrown with many myths. Starting from impotence when taking protein, to “protein is food for jocks”. In our article we will tell you what protein is, what products it contains and why it is needed. We will also talk about the benefits and harms of protein, and how much protein is absorbed at one time.

What is a protein?

Protein or protein (colloquially) is an organic compound consisting of amino acids. Under the name protein, you can combine all amino acids, proteins, caseins, isolates - all this is either a protein or its components. The protein consists of 21 amino acids and only 8 of them the body is not able to synthesize on its own, they are indispensable. For example, it represents only 3 essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. We wrote about the features of bcaa and the need for application in.

Benefits of protein

Almost everything in our body consists of proteins: organs, muscles, hair, nails, skin, brain. The role of protein in human life is clear without further explanation.

What is protein in the human body?

  • Immunity. Antibodies that protect the body from infections are proteins.
  • Construction material. Protein is the building block of the body.
  • Energy. 4 kcal comes out of 1 gram of protein, but they are used when carbohydrate reserves are depleted.
  • Transportation. Hemoglobin, so important for athletes, is also a protein.
  • metabolic processes. Without proteins, no process takes place in the body.

Possible harm to protein

There are studies that talk about the dangers of a high-protein diet. An increased load on the kidneys and liver is created, there is a risk of dehydration. But all these side effects are associated with huge doses of protein (more than 5g per kg of body weight). Risks can be reduced by eating both plant and animal proteins and by drinking enough fluids on a high-protein diet.

High doses of protein are no more harmful than high doses of fat or carbs, but none of these are beneficial. All the horror stories about proteins have no basis, especially rumors about impotence. From meat, milk, cottage cheese, such problems never arose, but from protein they suddenly arose. It came from the field of bodybuilding, where, in addition to protein, more serious and harmful drugs are used. They just have such side effects, only they don’t talk about their intake, and the townsfolk see only protein. Protein, like meat, milk and other protein products, on the contrary, has a positive effect on all processes in the body, including reproductive functions.

List of foods that contain protein

You can cover the need for protein from proteins of plant and animal origin. If animal protein is complete, then vegetable protein does not have a complete amino acid composition. Therefore, vegetarians and vegans need to properly balance their diet and use protein mixtures.

Below we have compiled lists of the most protein-rich foods. This does not mean that you need to eat only them, but most of protein should come from them.

Animal Protein: Food List

  1. Chicken. 20g per 100g Healthy and affordable low-fat product. The most useful part is the breasts. Can be used in any form.
  2. red fish. 22 g per 100 g Slightly more protein than chicken, but higher fat content. Fat is extremely healthy (omega-3). For the price, not everyone is available for regular use, but you should not forget about this product.
  3. Beef. 19g per 100g A well-known low-fat protein source. Beef steak is the food of any athlete.
  4. Cheese. 25 g per 100 g Due to high content fat, this product is far from the leaders of sports diets. But do not forget to occasionally sprinkle cheese on pasta or flavor chicken breast.
  5. Cottage cheese. 17g per 100g The best source of casein, a slow-digesting protein. We recommend to use at night and in large intervals between meals write. Satiety and muscle nutrition are guaranteed.
  6. Milk and kefir. 3g per 100g Milk is the fastest-digesting protein source. Not suitable as an independent source, but ideal for omelettes and protein shakes.

What foods contain vegetable protein? Grocery list

  1. Quinoa grains. The most balanced vegetable protein. The amino acid composition is close to dairy products, and the protein content is 16 g per 100 g of product. Not the largest content, but the richest amino acid composition.
  2. chia seeds. Protein content - 20 g per 100 g of product. In addition, they contain more calcium than dairy products. Recommended for vegans and vegetarians!
  3. Peanut paste. Protein 25 g per 100 g There are several disadvantages: high calorie content and a lot of fat. Although this fat is useful, we still do not recommend it for those who count calories. But marathon runners, skiers, swimmers - a great snack.
  4. chickpeas. Many useful vitamins and minerals, plus 19 g of protein per 100 g of product.
  5. Peanut. More than 20 g of protein per 100 g Tasty and healthy.
  6. Lentils and beans. Contain 17-23 g of protein per 100 g depending on the variety

How much protein is digested in one meal?

There has long been information among athletes that it makes no sense to consume more than 30 g of protein at a time. Allegedly, everything that is above will not be assimilated. Is it so? How much protein can our body actually absorb in one meal?

If a person does not absorb more than 30 g of protein, then how do people who eat 3 times a day survive? And most of them, especially those engaged in heavy physical labor. Based on this theory, for 3 times the body receives no more than 90 g of protein. Moreover, this is at best with a balanced diet. The norm of protein during high physical exertion is at least 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. In this case, there would be a constant protein deficiency and the problems arising from it.

If this were the case, then humanity could have disappeared long ago. Our body is a complex system much more complex than it seems at first glance. The process of digestion is a whole chain chemical reactions which are regulated by special hormones. Digestion can be artificially slowed down by the body in order to absorb as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, a person who consumes 120 g of protein at a time and takes 4 times 30 g will receive the same amount of protein. Both will survive and both will be healthy. The first will have one long digestion, the second will have 4 short ones.

Of course, it is better to split up meals, do not overeat and do not overload the digestive system. But you took 50 g of protein or 25 g - there is no difference for the body, the main thing is that you took it.

Eat right and be healthy 🙂 If you have something to add or object, write in the comments, we will discuss.

In today's article on sports nutrition, we will try to figure out what protein is and what it is for. We will also learn about its importance in bodybuilding, types, method of administration, harm and side effects.

Protein is a protein (derived from the English "protein"). It is a building material, without which any cell, tissue and organ of our body cannot do. IN large quantity found in seafood, meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products. It is also present in legumes (peas, beans), but the proteins in them are inferior, unlike animal products. What does "inferior" mean? A set of amino acids is non-essential, that is, the human body can synthesize them itself. But in the protein obtained from meat or fish, the amino acid composition is indispensable. Therefore, it is better to use animal protein.

Why you need protein

In bodybuilding, protein is needed to create new muscle tissue and gain muscle mass. Bodybuilders eat in large volumes, at least 6 times a day. There is not always an opportunity to cook food or time to dine. In addition, any protein obtained from ordinary food takes time to digest. And after sleep, for example, an instant influx is needed building material, which will enter the bloodstream within 10-15 minutes and prevent catabolism. That's when supplements come to the rescue - protein powders.

You can learn more about how protein supplements are made.

Sports supplements include different types protein. Three of the most popular are:

  • Whey - has a high degree of cleavage, due to which amino acids quickly enter the bloodstream. Promptly provides muscle mass with nutrients.
  • Casein - digested for a long time, about 6-8 hours, providing an even background for the flow of amino acids into the blood. Rarely used, as it can be replaced with cottage cheese.
  • Soy is a well-balanced form with excellent absorption, but not as effective and popular as casein and whey. However, it has a significant advantage - it lowers cholesterol well and helps with osteoporosis.

How to take protein

An ordinary person leading a measured lifestyle needs at least 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of weight. For an athlete, this figure is 2 times more (ideally 2.5 grams per kg of weight). And are usually considered proteins obtained only from animal products. For example, in 100 grams chicken breast contains about 22 grams of protein.

An athlete weighing 90 kilograms needs to consume about 180-225 grams per day, which is equal to 800-1000 grams of chicken breast. Theoretically, it is quite possible to overpower so much food, but it bothers and, as mentioned above, sometimes protein is needed here and now, after sleep or before starting a workout.

When and how much to take protein? Everything will depend on the scarcity of your diet. But remember that supplements should not be present in the diet by more than 40-50%. The ideal time of reception will be the period immediately after a night's sleep. Your body has used up all the nutrients overnight and needs building material immediately.

After taking a serving of whey protein (30-40 grams), wait 30 minutes and have a full breakfast. After a workout, always along with fast carbohydrates, such as bananas. It is best to mix protein powder in 300-400 ml of milk, which will also add calories to the diet. For strict observance of calorie content, ordinary water is used. Before going to bed, you need casein protein or a pack of cottage cheese, excluding carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of protein

The more muscle mass you have, the more protein you need. Protein deficiency brings with it various problems (skin, body, nails, hair). It literally saves muscles from drying out. This is especially true for those who regularly work out in the gym. It is often much easier to drink a glass of sugary smoothie than to eat a full meal with the same amount of protein.

There is practically none, except for its intolerance or abuse. It is important to remember that there should not be too much protein in the body - this is unsafe for the kidneys. And low calorie content can be attributed to pluses rather than minuses.

Side effects

Of course, like any other product, . This directly depends on the composition of the powder used, so before buying, you must carefully study the instructions. If you have an allergy, for example, to milk, then you do not want to take casein protein - in this case, intestinal problems (pain, bloating, indigestion) may appear. But given the low percentage of people who are allergic to casein, the supplement is safe in most cases.

If your body does not tolerate lactose (milk sugar) well, then you should refrain from taking whey protein, replacing it with whey isolate - it does not contain lactose. In this case by-effect will be about the same as from dairy products, which is also extremely rare.

Many people think that taking protein is only necessary when building muscle mass. However, recent studies in this area show that this is far from the case. Protein takes an active part in the construction of not only muscles, but also all organs of our body. Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fat mass, the body does not receive the right amount of building material, the hair becomes brittle, and the skin is flabby. Therefore, today many girls prefer to lose weight with the help of protein. About how to take it correctly, what types of protein are known, and how they differ, read below.

Benefits of Protein

Today, protein is available in several variations: powder, shakes, bars. If you want to lose a few pounds and not feel hungry at the same time, then this product is a must for you. However, just lying on the bed and drinking a protein shake will not get you into beautiful forms.

So, protein not only helps to form muscles, but also defeats hunger without harming the figure, speeds up metabolic processes and is involved in the process of fat destruction. Indeed, for the digestion of protein, the body needs much more energy than what it contains, so the body begins to break down fats, while receiving the missing calories, which leads to a decrease in volume.

The use of protein during weight loss will save you from sagging skin, split ends. Protein also influences the breakdown of carbohydrates by controlling the glycemic index.

Protein harm

Some are quite wary of sports nutrition and protein in particular. Questioning the benefits of its use. Attributing some negative qualities to the protein: a negative effect on potency, kidneys, liver. However, studies have shown that pure protein does not have any destructive effect on the body. On the contrary, it restores the work of organs, sponsoring the body with building material.

The exception is people with individual protein intolerance, but this is a rather small group, and if you are not included in it, then you can take protein at any age. The main thing is to pay attention to the rules for using the product. Indeed, depending on the goals, the protein intake schedule will differ.

Protein for weight loss

It should be used very carefully. They can replace one or more meals. After all, after drinking 200 ml of the drink, you will not feel hungry for 3-4 hours. Dropping extra pounds, in no case should you drink protein during a meal. This can backfire. If you have had something to eat, then wait 45-55 minutes before taking the protein.

Are there any other reasons to consume protein while losing weight? Of course have.

If you are on a diet, then, naturally, you reduce the amount of food you eat, which can lead to a lack of protein, and the body begins to borrow it from the muscles, which leads to their flabbiness, nails begin to exfoliate, hair split and break, the skeletal system becomes thinner.

Low caloric content of proteins and high energy consumption for its processing lead to a significant reduction in fat mass. After all, the lack of calories the body will borrow from the available fat reserves.

The best time to consume proteins for weight loss is 1.5-2 hours before the start of a workout, it is better if these are active aerobic exercises.

If you linger somewhere during the day, then without harm to external forms and health, you can have a snack with a protein bar, washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Today, there is a wide range of this product on sale. You can choose a dessert for every taste. A little lower we will talk about the types of protein, so when choosing a bar or any other protein product, pay attention to the type of protein used. This is what the cost of the dessert depends on.

Types of protein

Today, several types of protein are produced, each of them differs in its properties and degree of purification:

  • The most affordable is vegetable soy protein. It is often used to produce inexpensive bars that are consumed as snacks.
  • Casein protein is made from fermented milk, it saturates the body for a longer time than the previous one.
  • By purifying animal protein, a whey concentrate is obtained, it is quite popular among people who want to permanently part with extra pounds because of its low cost. However, the percentage of digestible product in it is not more than 62-63%.
  • Highly purified protein is obtained from the production of whey isolate. Thanks to high-tech processes, the amount of digestible protein reaches more than 96%, while the amount of lactose in it is minimal.
  • The purest and most digestible protein is whey hydrolyzate. This the new kind protein, which is maximally absorbed and saturates the body. The relatively high cost is its only negative factor.

How to take protein

Before you answer this question, you should decide on the reason for the use of protein. If your goal is, then it is better to drink protein after a workout, and mostly power. But if you want to lose weight, then you can replace any meal with a prepared cocktail or drink a glass 1.5-2 hours before the start of the workout. Try to do more, it is this direction, combined with protein, that will help you get rid of extra pounds in a short time.

Do not be afraid that by replacing, for example, dinner with a protein shake, you will remain hungry. The protein contained in the drink will saturate your body enough and at the same time will not spoil the figure.

In addition, the cocktail has a low calorie content, despite the excellent creamy taste with many shades.

The general principle of losing weight with protein is as follows. The body simply needs carbohydrates to produce energy, and it is to them that it first of all turns for support. By replacing breakfast or dinner with a protein shake, you not only reduce the calorie content of meals, but also drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. With a lack of the latter, the body, not receiving enough energy, begins to take it from fat reserves. Consequently, the fat layer becomes thinner and disappears. However, this is only possible if cardio training is included in your schedule. Otherwise, the body has no reason to release extra calories.

Most importantly, do not forget one important principle. At one meal, your body can absorb about 40 grams of protein. Therefore, you should not consume large portions at a time. It is better to break them into several tricks. Drink the last portion of the cocktail no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime.

Where is protein found

You can saturate the body with protein not only by using special cocktails and bars. A lot of protein is found in everyday foods. Animal protein is found in meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. In addition to the animal component, you can supplement the diet with vegetable proteins, these are peas, soybeans, asparagus, lentils, beans.

How to make a protein shake

You can make a drink not only using expensive special powders. At home, you can make a protein drink using a blender, whipping all the ingredients in it quite strongly. Here are some of these recipes:

  • 360 ml of low-fat milk, 125 g of natural yoghurt, a few fresh strawberries and a spoonful of flaxseed;
  • 260 ml of milk, 1 spoon of honey, banana, a little ground oatmeal and natural yogurt;
  • 300 ml of milk, banana, 150 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of honey;
  • 200 ml of milk, banana, a pinch of cinnamon and honey;
  • 200 ml of milk, banana, 1 protein, 60 g of cottage cheese, a little fruit syrup.

And one more little advice. If you freeze the banana before eating, the cocktail will turn out to be thicker. Give preference to natural products. If you buy a powder in a store, pay attention to the ingredients included in it.

A single serving of the drink should not exceed 260-310 g. This is quite enough to kill the appetite for more than 3 hours.

Protein is a processed food supplement that contains a high amount of protein, with almost no carbohydrates and fats. Protein is the main component of any organism, its presence in the body is much more important than vitamins and trace elements. The main difference between protein and regular food is the fast absorption rate.

What is protein and what is it for?

Another protein is an indispensable nutrient, it normalizes the functioning of the brain, restores hormonal levels, as well as the synthesis of enzymes. Many people think that processed protein is needed solely for gaining muscle mass / losing weight. This is the worst mistake, protein will not turn on the fat burning process, will not make your figure on the scales higher! Protein is needed in order to get the right amount of protein!

Imagine that an athlete should eat 150 g of protein per day or even more. Naturally, it is unrealistic to eat so much chicken, this is where the “powder” comes to the rescue. Protein is absorbed by the stomach much faster and easier than chicken (since it has already been “chewed” for you in advance). From protein, you can make cocktails with water or milk, ice cream, pancakes, pies, as you like.

What is protein, fats, carbohydrates read in this.

Types of protein

  • is a concentrated mixture of proteins derived from whey. It is absorbed quite quickly, within about 30 minutes.
  • An isolate is a purified protein, with or without the minimum amount fats and carbohydrates. It is absorbed just as quickly, about 30 minutes. For example, most often it is drunk by those who want to lose weight or athletes during the drying period. And just who wants to gain lean muscle mass.
  • waterproofing- the same as the isolate only absorbed in 15 minutes. It is recommended to drink immediately after a workout in order to nourish your muscles as quickly as possible after strength training, when glycogen stores are running out. It happens beef (that is, made from meat protein, not whey).
  • Casein- slowly digestible protein (just like cottage cheese). It is drunk at night to nourish the muscles during sleep.
  • Complex(multi) protein blend various kinds protein, which provides a peak concentration of amino acids. At the same time, slowly digestible proteins provide long-lasting muscle nutrition. It is recommended to use when gaining muscle mass, or in the afternoon, instead of the usual, as it contains a long digestible protein

Why do non-athletes need protein?

  1. Regular protein intake ordinary life allows you to make up for the lack of protein in the body. It usually manifests itself in the form of an inability to concentrate one's attention on something for a long time. This includes insomnia, a problem with falling asleep and waking up, brittle nails and hair loss. Quite often, with a protein deficiency in the body, so-called “jams” appear on the lips.

To make up for a protein deficiency, a multi protein is best. Therefore, it can be consumed with regular or soy milk for breakfast or instead of dinner.

Also, protein is ideal for those who are on a diet.

How does protein help you lose weight?

Proteins are digested by our body much longer. And the body needs more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates or fats. That is, the body will spend additional energy, taking it from fat reserves. Regular consumption of protein by the body ensures the harmony of your figure, and many diets are based on this.

Where to get protein for harmony? Let's make a small comparison. For example, in order to get 23 grams of protein, you can eat 2 eggs, but in this case, you are also guaranteed fats along with proteins, or you can drink one protein package. In this case, the amount of proteins will be even greater, but the body will not receive any fats, let alone carbohydrates, which means it will be more effective to achieve the best and most importantly quick results. In addition, proteins help to remove excess fluid from our body, which allows us not only to build weight, but also to get rid of edema and cellulite.

Proteins keep the body in good shape, preventing flabbiness of the skin, which is very important in conditions rapid loss scales when the so-called “excess skin” remains.

Protein Diet VS Regular Energy PRO+ENERGY DIET

So what is protein and which one should you choose? Go on a regular protein diet or consume protein regularly? Let's try to compare.

  1. A pack of ENERGY PRO protein costs 1950 R, while a regular (even the simplest protein diet) can hit your pocket. Indeed, at the current level of prices for meat, fish, and other protein products (which will have to be consumed in very large quantities), even a week on such a diet can empty your wallet great.
  2. During a protein diet, most people experience big problems with health, because with regular use a large number protein in the body accumulate decay products, such as uric acid, which puts an additional burden on the kidneys, as they need to remove harmful substances.

A fairly frequent companion of protein diets is constipation, since protein foods contain practically no dietary fiber, which contribute to intestinal motility.

Regular consumption of protein in the form of protein helps to obtain required amount protein, no fat and damage to your pocket and health.


Unlike conventional protein, Energy Pro raw materials are carefully processed and constantly tested for effectiveness. The innovative BioSlimMatrix complex further promotes greater efficiency when burning fat. It contains only natural flavors, which makes the use of ENERGY PRO even more enjoyable.

You can buy protein in the online store section: “Sports nutrition”

In our line of sports nutrition are present.

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