Mixer      07.03.2020

Kitchens with a minimum number of cabinets. Kitchen without wall cabinets - what to consider? Design of open walls in a single-tier kitchen: room for creativity

Rejection wall shelves cluttering the space is a bold and progressive solution. But where then to place all the kitchen utensils and is it enough for this? floor cabinets? We study the issue in detail.

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On the picture:

For what area?

Need a lot of space. Such furniture is optimally suited for spacious (from 20 sq.m.) and combined premises - kitchen-living rooms and kitchen-dining rooms. In a cramped six-meter building, you can also do without upper cabinets, but then where to store food, utensils and cutlery? There isn't enough space downstairs. It will not be possible to single out a separate wall for column cabinets here either.

What is the point?

Only lower modules and columns. A kitchen without wall cabinets is a fashion trend. In this case, the storage problem is solved as follows: in addition to low floor modules, a number of high column cabinets are installed along a separate wall (and preferably also in a niche). They hold the entire supply of groceries. In them - at eye level - they build household appliances A: oven, microwave, etc.

Layout options

Linear. Low floor modules are placed along one wall, they are covered with a tabletop from above. A comfortable space for cooking is formed: a sink, hob and work surfaces are all nearby. A kitchen without hanging cabinets looks especially impressive when empty wall is decorated. You can hang pictures, posters, framed photos on it - the main thing is that the objects are flat and do not visually clutter up the space. Cabinets-columns are placed against the opposite wall or diagonally.
Corner. The principle is the same as for linear planning, only kitchen set has an L-shaped configuration. It compactly occupies one corner, and high modules stand separately from it, against the other wall - where they do not interfere with anyone.
Island. Furniture along the walls in this case may be absent altogether - as the main working surface and the cooking zone is the kitchen "island" in the center of the room. Tall cabinets with appliances inside are best placed near it so that you can take hot pans out of the oven and put them on the countertop.

Tabletop. Thick, natural or artificial stone, solid wood, of stainless steel- often from the same material as the sink. Practicality takes a backseat. The main thing is to be beautiful.

In the photo: ALNOMARECUCINA kitchen from the Alno factory.


low cabinets. Wide modules with drawers are in fashion today. Any kitchen mechanisms and accessories that facilitate the work of the hostess are welcome: corner carousels, baskets, dividers, bottle holders, etc. Cabinet facades should line up in one plane. contours drawers and horizontal handles on them - fold into one line running along the entire headset.
Cabinets-columns. Almost up to the ceiling, they form a whole wall with doors and built-in appliances. It is trendy to place this piece of furniture in a niche so that the cabinets do not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, but are, as it were, “drowned” into it. Columns should line up in a continuous facade. Usually a refrigerator is hidden behind one of them.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Functionality. kitchen without wall cabinets good for those who cook often and in large quantities: they don’t “press” and don’t close the light. The columns are very roomy and convenient in terms of using built-in appliances.
  • Space. Without cabinets hanging over the countertop, the room looks more spacious and bright.
  • Decorative. The walls above the low cabinets remain free, and they can be decorated very stylishly.
  • "Inaction" of the walls. Allowing yourself to lose so much usable floor space is a luxury. The kitchen still has primarily a utilitarian purpose, and it would not be right to sacrifice this utility just for the sake of beauty. That is why it is hardly worth arranging such a kitchen without a wall with columns.
  • When most of the dishes are under the countertop, the hostess willy-nilly have to bend over more often. However, exercise in the kitchen is useful, but in a reasonable amount.

Examples of kitchens without wall cabinets

Kitchen Free factory Composite.

CALIGNAC kitchen by Cheminees Philippe.

Kitchen Luce factory Effeti.

Bellavita Rovere Grigio kitchen by Del Tongo.

ROCHEFORT kitchen by Cheminees Philippe.

The lack of hanging lockers is associated with some inconvenience, but appearance The premises are changing for the better.

In order to create the most convenient and original project, the designer temporarily transforms into the hostess of the house and imagines himself in her place. Women sometimes have to cook quickly and a lot, but the food must be tasty and beautifully presented. Food can meet all these requirements only in a comfortable cooking zone.

It is difficult to surprise modern housewives with a “kitchen-kitchen”, today they want to get a bright and airy space in which it is not only convenient to cook, but also to spend some time all alone with a cup of coffee.

Kitchen layout options without upper cabinets

The decision to drop the top kitchen cabinets requires layout changes. If the project is competent, the hostess will not experience discomfort during the cooking process. layout kitchen furniture there are several types.

Linear - working modules are installed along one wall. This arrangement is very convenient due to the fact that the hob, sink and cutting surface are on the same line. The absence of upper cabinets can be compensated by decorative compositions:

  • ;
  • panel;
  • pictures;
  • ;
  • wall clock.

All elements of the interior should be selected so that they do not create a clutter, but decorate the space. Opposite the modules, you can place a pencil case, in which all kitchen utensils will be located.

Everything you need has now moved down, and you will have to bend down much more often, the load on the muscles of the back and legs will increase. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, on the other, a plus, since unnecessary movements have not harmed anyone yet.

Advice! If the hostess does not have enough time for daily scrupulous cleaning, it is better to refuse such a layout.

Kitchen without upper cabinets: storage ideas for utensils

Usually wall cabinets are filled with dishes and bulk products. A stand-alone sideboard may well replace bulky top modules. Moreover, in color and style, the sideboard does not have to match the rest of the furniture.

The best option - arrangement of the pantry, which will simultaneously be a storage of pots, cans and food stocks. A pantry can be equipped in one of the corners or in a niche, if any.

Designers often come up with new ideas based on fashion trends, features of the premises, preferences of residents. The kitchen without upper cabinets is becoming extremely popular. The desire to throw off template designs, a fresh current, the need to unload the interior - all this and something else.

Why choose a single-tier kitchen

Often, guided by personal preferences, they get rid of the stereotype of the classical model, create an individual, unique space. The interior is designed to be a reflection inner world his master. The originality of the kitchen model without upper cabinets is high. A radically different design, different from the usual, brings lightness, openness.

A single-tier kitchen that allows you to fit a sufficient number of necessary things, bypassing the mess, is quite acceptable. Such diversity becomes a fresh solution.

Indeed, why load the work area extra furniture. The main thing is that the kitchen meets the functional needs, is quite roomy, ergonomic. The absence of unnecessary objects near the work surfaces will be an excellent indicator.

For some types of kitchens, such an organizational model is simply necessary. It will smooth out the load, create a feeling of spaciousness in small rooms. Here it is important to achieve desired effect, the creation of additional clutter is categorically contraindicated. An elongated kitchen due to the lack of upper kitchen cabinets will become visually shorter. When there is little natural light, the rejection of wall cabinets, combined with wall decoration light colors will give light, hide gloom. Some interior styles are against extra details, so a headset without top modules is perfect.

Kitchen with wooden shelves instead of wall cabinets

Pros and Cons of Ditching Upper Cabinets

The decision to design a kitchen interior without upper cabinets, like any other fundamental choice, has its positive and negative points.

  • The illumination of the room improves. It turns out the real flow of more light, the visual picture is transformed. Due to the normalization of lighting, the cooking process, the overall stay in the kitchen becomes more comfortable.
  • An additional space is created. The absence of bulky structures allows you to give the impression of expanding space: the walls seem to become a little higher, wider. There is a feeling of space.
  • The hygiene situation is improving. Cabinets located at the top are more difficult to keep clean. There accumulates dust, fat deposits. Cleaning chemicals can damage the appearance of the furniture. The top cabinets are also less accessible to keep things organized. When only more accessible surfaces remain at the top, the process is greatly simplified.
  • Substantial cost savings. When hinged structures are functionally involved poorly, why buy them. It is much easier to abandon unnecessary modules, facades, inserts, accessories that take a lot of money.
  • Improves security. Wall cabinets full of heavy items may fall. The upper sections are problematic to use with a small growth. Auxiliary use of improvised means: a stool, a stepladder carry an additional danger. The banal to stand on tiptoe, stretch up will bring a lot of inconvenience.

  • Storage system limitation. The kitchen usually has the peculiarity of being distinguished by a lack of usable space. Upper cabinets are really practical. Especially noticeable in small kitchens. Due to the limited length and width, it is incredibly convenient to use the height. When this problem is relevant, and there is no other way to solve it, it is better to abandon this idea than to face a limitation of functionality and comfort.
  • Openness of space. The smallest flaws in finishing and cleaning are on public display. The kitchen will have to be kept perfectly clean, otherwise stains and fingerprints will remain visible. The upper modules are able to hide, obscure imperfections.
  • Excessive clutter. Instead of hanging cabinets, shelves are usually installed. They are visually somewhat lighter, relieve the load of space. The contents of the shelves are incredibly quickly covered with dust. After the time has passed, it is also possible to overload open shelves with unnecessary things.

Space organization

The absence of upper cabinets can significantly reduce the functionality of the kitchen space if it is poorly organized.

The kitchen is small, the family is big, and then the main difficulties arise. The solution to the problem is the preparation of a detailed kitchen project, the manufacture of custom-made furniture, the transfer of part of the storage system. When planning space, you should take into account the entire possible area. The kitchen set must contain various devices that facilitate the storage and use of utensils. This is hard to achieve. Rarely used items (large dishes, household appliances) should preferably be placed in other places (pantry, balcony).

When the kitchen is of sufficient size, things are much easier. An excellent solution is the installation of a separate sideboard, cabinets, pencil cases. The kitchen, equipped with an island, a bar counter, initially has additional racks and drawers. Headset options are desirable to choose angular, U-shaped.

In a kitchen of any size, it is possible to use various optimization techniques. working area. Various railing designs will provide extra bed small items: crockery, household chemicals, spices. In this way, ergonomic efficiency is achieved.

It is worth remembering that rails are not appropriate for every style.

Another option is to use shelves. It is desirable to place something aesthetic on the shelves: dishes, accessories. The main thing is to know the measure, excessive overload of space has an extremely negative effect.

Kitchen without upper cabinets: wall decoration

When freeing up space from the upper tier of furniture, it should be remembered that the main attention will be drawn to the walls. Therefore, only perfect condition is allowed: even, without chips, damage, always having a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

The main detail that attracts the attention of those entering the kitchen is a section of the wall above the work surface, often called an apron. This element is designed to bring aesthetic pleasure, a practical task - to protect the wall from various contaminants. That is why it must be performed from suitable finishing materials.

Manufacturing protective screen working area is best produced from:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • tempered glass;
  • Polished metal elements;
  • artificial stone;
  • Plastic.

The most acceptable will be the mosaic method, artistic masonry. Thus, in addition to the necessary practical task, the issue of optimizing the visual picture of the working area is solved. decorative effect additionally achieved by edging, backlighting, photo printing. It is advisable to raise the usual area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apron a little higher.

The walls freed from bulky cabinets also need to be designed in accordance with the general style. It is advisable to use:

  • Art painting;
  • Photos;
  • Modular pictures;
  • Frescoes;
  • Ampelous plants.

Any option provides an opportunity to show creativity, imagination. Wall decoration will bring pleasure, the result will bring many years of joy.

Lighting features

Although there is initially more light in a single-tier kitchen, it is advisable to think over this issue in more detail. The best option the solution to the issue of light will be a large window, minimally obscured by textiles. But this is not always enough. A long, narrow kitchen always suffers from a catastrophic lack of light.

The absence of upper cabinets entails the automatic rejection of built-in lighting. Local lighting of the necessary areas will be provided by devices on a flexible drive, bracket, light panels, portable structures. Light is allowed limited bright.

Consideration should be given to the possibility of manifestation of the reflective abilities of adjacent glossy surfaces in order to prevent eye fatigue.

It is desirable to light the dining area separately. It is also acceptable to be content with the general lighting of a chandelier, ceiling spotlight. The absence of upper cabinets makes it possible to choose a chandelier at your discretion. A large model, hanging elements is perfect. Here only stylistic restrictions are introduced.

Kitchen style without wall cabinets

The best option for designing a kitchen space without upper cabinets is any style that supports a minimalist focus: minimalism, high-tech, modern, eco, modern, Japanese. Also, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can choose: Provence, eclectic, chalet, country.

Kitchen without upper cabinets in rustic style

Minimalism is best suited to a single-tier model. Strictly following the light monochrome color scheme, we get a fresh, incredibly light kitchen. It is necessary to limit the location of objects on the work surface. The linear, island version will fit perfectly.

High-tech is also the unsurpassed leader of this model. Built-in appliances, thoughtful storage systems, gloss, metallic sheen, discreet colors, lack of unnecessary details - a great solution.

Kitchen without upper cabinets with island

Eco style is a good option. natural materials pleasing to the eye color scheme, abundance of light, natural plants will give the room more airiness, lightness.

narrow long kitchen without upper cabinets

To cross out the prevailing stereotypes, to abandon the upper cabinets, carrying out the design of the kitchen, is not a fundamentally new solution. Many, trying to give freshness, lightness, trying to throw off the heaviness of the interior, act in a similar way.

Modern interior design workers are constantly coming up with something new and original, they are trying to bring modern notes to the interior, making it less stereotyped and boring. So in Lately kitchens without upper cabinets are gaining more and more popularity. Such kitchen sets really look unusual, because we are all used to having a set with rows of upper and lower cabinets in the kitchen. From the point of view of spaciousness and functionality, such a set is quite justified, but in some cases it may not quite fit into the interior due to the style or configuration of the kitchen.

In today's article, we will get acquainted with the features of a kitchen without wall cabinets. Let's consider in what cases it is better to use such a set, as well as get acquainted with the advantages and features of organizing a kitchen space with a similar kitchen set.

Kitchens without upper cabinets photo

When to choose a single-tier kitchen?

The question directly touches on two aspects: your desire and the features of the kitchen room.

As mentioned above, if you are striving to organize a kitchen in your apartment that is not like the others, then one-level kitchens will do this best, because they have a fundamentally different design. The originality of the idea of ​​such sets immediately catches the eye at the entrance to the kitchen, it doesn’t smell like something completely new and at the same time unique, this design gives the kitchen more openness and lightness.

The last two qualities are especially relevant if we consider the features of the kitchen configuration.

It should be noted that kitchens without upper cabinets have another very significant positive quality, they do not create a feeling of clutter, loading. The absence of hanging cabinets makes the kitchen space more free and spacious.

These properties are very useful for small kitchens, an unloaded upper part will make it lighter and more spacious, which will undoubtedly be perceived positively.

Kitchens without upper wall cabinets photo

Likewise, if you have an elongated kitchen, the rejection of the upper units will not make it even more elongated.

In a poorly lit kitchen with natural light, you can also abandon the upper cabinets, and in their place it is better to provide wall decoration in light colors.

Also, if you are striving to create minimalism, hi-tech, modern or other modern style, then the rejection of the upper hinged modules will best affect the maintenance of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis design.

Kitchens without wall cabinets photo

How to organize a kitchen space without wall cabinets

Many people think that removing the upper half of the kitchen will greatly affect its functionality and ergonomics. Yes, there is some truth in this, but only if the kitchen set is poorly designed. Indeed, in order to make its space no less effective, it is better to think over its type and layout in advance, as well as the location of each functional area and details. At the same time, all kinds of fixtures and kitchen accessories will greatly simplify the task.

Kitchen arrangement without wall cabinets photo

It is worth noting, also, that in such cases it is better to order a kitchen set in furniture workshops according to individual measurements. After all, only in this case we will be able to get the most ergonomic headset, using additional mechanisms.

Small kitchen with no cabinets

In order to replenish the capacity, depending on the characteristics of the kitchen room, you can resort to several methods:

  • If you have spacious kitchen, in addition to the main headset, you can order additional modules for it and place them against other walls. It can be a sideboard, a dish rack, a chest of drawers, etc. Such furniture is quite roomy, and kitchen attributes that are not used every day can be successfully placed there. Here, a kitchen with an island can be singled out as a separate item, the lower part of such an island can be used for storing kitchen paraphernalia. The same applies to the kitchen with a breakfast bar, if you pre-order it with drawers or shelves at the bottom.

One-level kitchen photo

  • The second method concerns directly the design of the main part. It should be said that if possible, then you can order a corner kitchen or a U-shaped one, such kitchen layouts compensate for the loss of functional space with the absence of upper cabinets. True, such headsets are more relevant for large spacious rooms.

Kitchen interior without upper cabinets photo

  • The third way involves optimizing the countertop and the space above it, through special kitchen accessories. An excellent assistant in this case is the wall railing. This spectacular metal tube attached to the wall, on special holders, will great place for storage of various kitchen utensils, using various devices: hooks, baskets and other holders. The most used accessories are placed on it: a slot with spices, a ladle, a slotted spoon, spatulas, potholders, near kitchen sink on the mesh basket will be successfully placed detergents and all paraphernalia, as well as a dryer for plates. This will significantly increase not only ergonomics but also the convenience of the kitchen during its use.

Kitchen design without upper cabinets photo

  • The fourth method involves the use of a small number of shelves in the upper part - above the countertop. This is at least a little, but it will help unload the kitchen. But do not be too zealous, otherwise the effect of lightness and minimalism can suffer greatly, it is enough to place 2-3 glass shelves. They can be placed on a beautiful tea set, beautiful plates, vases or anything else that would also help decorate the interior of the kitchen. An excellent idea is the idea associated with a kitchen apron - a shelf for its entire length lying directly on it. This will help not only increase functionality, but also help to complete the design of the kitchen set beautifully and logically.

Kitchen with shelves photo