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For those born in the year of the dog. Year of the Dog: characteristics and years of birth. Yellow Earth Dog

In China, the Dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Prosperity, deliverance from evil spirits, abundance are associated with the Dog.

And some peoples of China generally consider the Dog to be their progenitor. True, sometimes the Dog changes: it becomes vicious and dangerous, and even approaches the characteristics of the evil forces from which it protects in normal times. The same dual nature and people born in the year of the Dog. Sometimes something nasty lurks behind their ideal character, and sometimes a person from whom no one expected anything good suddenly performs miracles of heroism and self-sacrifice. Years corresponding to the year of the Dog in the Eastern horoscope: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

The nature of people born in the year of the Dog

The dog is looking for himself all his life. She has no confidence in the correctness of the chosen path. Despite the fact that she makes detailed and realistic plans, and then sticks to them, she is constantly tormented by questions: “Did I choose the right profession?”, “Did I choose the right partner?”, “Am I right ...?”. Uncertainty in the chosen path of life makes the Dog rush about and worry. Often she suffers because of the past, which cannot be changed - it seems to her that she made the wrong choice. But in the future, the Dog thinks, I won’t make such mistakes. She sets a goal and does not give up on it, even if it threatens with serious losses. The nature of the Dog is pedantic, corrosive and quarrelsome. In relations with people, her dual nature is most clearly visible. A strict, principled, sometimes sanctimoniously correct Dog in difficult times is ready to take on other people's problems and support those in need in every possible way. The dog is not self-confident, but looks very demanding and unshakable. In life, she is helped by firmness, loyalty to principles and honesty. And such a feature as unwillingness to burden anyone and hope only for own forces, both helps and hinders her: the ability to cope with difficulties alone gives strength, but by no means makes life easier.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in love

In love, the Dog is careful. She begins to trust far from immediately. If the partner does not have enough courage and pressure to pull her out of the shell, then the relationship may never take place. If you are lucky and you managed to win the Dog, the alliance with it will be reliable, but not easy. She is faithful and honest, does not dissemble and does not manipulate, does not change and does not throw tantrums. But she is very demanding and expects ideal behavior from her partner. She criticizes her partner, believing that this helps him become better. But she will not leave him, seeing his imperfection, but will educate him for years. The only thing the Dog will not forgive is treason. It's hard for the Dog family. She was too used to relying only on herself. She will take care of and educate her partner and children, but she will not be able to relax and trust them, to shift some of her problems onto them. From time to time, she will be visited by thoughts about whether she chose the right life partner, but due to her innate loyalty and decency, she will not leave the family because of these thoughts. The dog is compatible in love with, and wild boar.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in friendship

The dog is a good friend. She is reliable and honest. She can be trusted with secrets, she is not talkative. Dislikes large companies, preferring to have a few close friends. She does not trust right away, she looks at a person for a long time, and sometimes time plays a big role in friendship: those whom she has known for a long time are more likely to become her friends. The dog takes care of friends, is ready to support them, but still it is not easy with her. Her integrity makes her good friend only for honest and serious people. The rest will miss her softness and ability to empathize. The principled Dog will never call black white even for the sake of a friend. This is very inconvenient if a person expects that she will cover his absenteeism at work or sympathize with an affair on the side of her spouse. No, in these cases, the Dog will call a spade a spade and try to guide a friend on the true path. Therefore, if a person has minor sins and weaknesses, he will not become a friend to the Dog. The dog is compatible in friendship with, wild boar and another dog.

People born in the year of the Dog: work compatibility

In work, the Dog is patient, accurate and responsible. She lacks the fuse to achieve high ranks, but nevertheless, many representatives of this sign go into politics or the civil service, because they dream of defending justice. Among the Dogs there are many middle-class officials. They are patient with visitors, focused and honest.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Analysis of compatibility by dates of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

1250 rub If the Dog works in the field of education, in social protection, in the police, many people remember her with gratitude. In addition to working with people, the Dog is good wherever competence is valued, not pressure. She is unlikely to be a good businessman, but many successful Dogs work as consultants, teachers, librarians and scientists. In addition to those jobs that suit the Dog in character, there are also those for which she has abilities and talents. These are medicine, law and the church. In these areas, the Dog can make a great career and achieve recognition and fame. The dog is compatible with, and.

A person born in the year of the Dog is able to share and look after the interests of his friends and work colleagues, he or she will not let other people's problems pass by the ears and will never refuse to give a helping hand.

Usually, the personality of the Dog does not allow her to strictly judge her friends and colleagues, she perceives them with all the shortcomings and problems. The dog will speak sharply and frankly only when someone breaks the promises made or tries to deceive her. Although it is natural for people born in the year of the Dog to hesitate - especially if he or she is faced with the need for a sudden decision or choice, they are able to work well both as a team member and as a team leader.

A person born in the year of the Dog prefers to enter into a relationship where everything is balanced, where both partners can give as much as they can take from their lover. He or she is usually a very generous and loyal partner, and if they are truly in love, they are always honest and straightforward in their relationship with their loved one.

And yet they will never be able to completely get rid of the troubles in their romantic relationships, this is a real problem for them, the root of which lies in emotional instability and constant internal anxiety. Such people are forever worried about everything and all problems at once, often harassing their partners, if not with suspicions, then with anxiety about things that may not even exist.

In personal life and love affairs, such people find it more appropriate to have the first feeling of affection form a friendship, and only then allow their feelings to develop into something more. With a successful combination of circumstances and the presence of mutual feelings, they will selflessly love, be devoted to their partner, and if necessary, they can even sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one.

People born in the year of the Dog tend to be overprotective of their partner, possessing him alone, which can sometimes mean some pressure on their part, but, as a rule, they are open and trusting with a loved one. In general, by their nature, their personality is very easy to understand. A person born in the year of the Dog is not prone to complaining or comparing his partner in a romantic relationship. In his eyes, the one he or she loves cannot do anything wrong, and if your partner is born this year, you should know that all they want is to be there for you, no matter the bad times. waiting for you or good.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Dog Cast: Mikhail Lermontov, Pyotr Stolypin, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Tvardovsky, Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, Ivan Papanin, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Voltaire, Bertolt Brecht, Lope de Vega, Jean-Baptiste Molière, O'Henry, Alexandre Dumas, Plutarch, Winston Churchill, Cicero, Bridget Bardot, Naomi Campbell, Sally Field, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Sophia Loren, Madonna, Guy de Maupassant, Sydney Pollack, Claudia Schiffer, Sylvester Stallone, Victor Hugo, Sharon Stone, Ernst Thalmann, Mother Theresa.

In Catholicism, Christmas is one of the three most important holidays, along with Easter and Pentecost. Every year on December 25, believers celebrate this solemn event - Catholic Christmas, which commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.

It is known that Jesus was born at night, so the main celebrations are also held at night. The most popular question is when does this happen: from December 24 to 25, or from December 25 to 26, 2019?

In the Roman Catholic Church, the celebration is held according to the Gregorian calendar. on the night of December 24 to December 25. Several masses are held, such as the Midnight Mass, the Aurora Mass to welcome the Dawn, and the Afternoon Mass.

That is, when Catholic Christmas is celebrated in 2019:
* Date - December 25, 2019
* Celebration - on the night of December 24-25, 2019

Here's what should be on the New Year's table in the year of the Rat:

* So, pie on the table is a must! With cabbage, meat, fish or sweet - any pie is attractive to a rodent.

* Salads can be divided into portions into tartlets.

* We recommend stuffing a baked bird (goose, duck or chicken) with rice in addition to apples and prunes, and when serving, decorate it beautifully fresh herbs and nuts.

* Considering mouse preference, don't forget salad with grated cheese or cheese slices. Lean varieties of well-cooked and thinly sliced ​​meats can also grace the table.

* Don't forget about fruits. A vase with beautifully arranged apples, pears and grapes will please the mouse very much.

* Dishes from potatoes and carrots. The owners of cellars, who store winter stocks there, know firsthand about the love of rodents for these vegetables.

How to decorate the New Year's table for 2020:

In the design of the table give preference white color , in serving - crystal and silver cutlery. The tablecloth on the table is also desirable white, because the color of the coming year is white!

Most of the world lives in the Eastern Chinese calendar. As you know, it has 12 different animals - symbols of the year. Many people want to know what character traits the year of birth gives him and what is in store for him as a person born in the year of the Dog? Each year has its own characteristic, and each has its own. In this article, we will consider the personality traits of people who were born in the year of the Dog.

When was and will be the Year of the Dog?

As already mentioned, there are 12 varieties of the symbolic affiliation of the year, that is, each of them will repeat again after 12 years. The Year of the Dog was or will soon come in:

  • 1958;
  • 1970;
  • 1982;
  • 1994;
  • 2006;

As you can see, the calculations are very elementary, and it will not be difficult to determine in which animal year you were born.

Born in the year of the Dog: characteristics

The eastern horoscope characterizes the Dog as the most positive of all characters, but not everything is perfect with her either. Consider the positive and negative sides of people born in the year of the dog.

Positive features

The dog is generous, kind, cares about the well-being of others. When someone needs help, the choice of people becomes obvious - everyone will go to the Dog for advice or support, since people who were born this year feel good about others, are capable of empathy, and especially pity those whom someone unfairly offended.

Only those born in the year of the Dog react so sharply to any injustice, as if it touched them personally. The characteristic of people of this year says that they can be true friends. They will always support in difficult times, will not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune and will fulfill their promise. People of the year of the Dog are usually highly intelligent, honest and always say what they think. Straightforwardness is their hallmark. If such a person works on something, you can be sure that the work will be done by him to the highest standard and on time. In general, the characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog are very positive, but dogs also have negative traits of character and behavior.

Negative Traits

People of this year are born psychologically old, but over the years they become younger. This is not just a bunch of words, but a strange fact: in the very young years of their lives, Dogs take everything extremely seriously, behaving like old grandmothers: they complain about everyone and everything, but with age, people born in the year of the Dog cease to pay such attention to the imperfections of the world . The characteristic of the year makes them great dreamers and idealists. It becomes quite clear why pessimism can be traced in the character of Dogs. The dog will drop his hands and lose his temper when he decides that it is not in his power to change the situation. The desire for perfectionism in everything sometimes makes her life more difficult, she worries not only about present, but also about future problems that await not only her, but also those close to her. It is imperative for the Dog to get rid of any excessive excitement about the future in order to learn how to live calmly and enjoy.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Dog: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

People who were born in the Year of the Dog are very loyal and devoted. They command respect, and will do everything to save their loved ones. They easily recognize lies, which helps them in all matters and in love relationships.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Dog

IN Ancient China the image of the Dog symbolizes fidelity, morality, justice, unwavering devotion. The appearance of the Dog promises future prosperity.

People born in the year of the Dog are honest, decent, always defend the weak. They do not remain indifferent to the injustice that they see next to them.

They take someone else's pain to heart as if it were their own. It often happens that, having learned about someone's trouble, they disinterestedly rush to help, waste their time and energy even to the detriment of their family. A sense of solidarity with the humiliated and offended is one of the main features of the mental warehouse of the Dog.

The dog tends to be restless most of the time. After all, she is always on guard, she simply has no time to rest, she is always on the alert, protecting something. In the company he prefers to listen more than to speak and is an excellent keeper of other people's secrets. Friends and loved ones can calmly ease their souls in the presence of the Dog, complain about life, etc. and will be sure that their secret will not be made public. In addition, people born in the year of the Dog are very delicate and sympathetic to other people's shortcomings.

The Dog has a heightened sense of justice and she sympathizes not only with loved ones, but also worries about those things that she is not able to influence: wars, disasters, natural disasters. She is worried about this all the time. It is difficult for her to understand and accept what she considers unfair. And if some kind of betrayal is directly related to her, then she can even fall into a deep depression. Often the Dog can be a source of disputes and conflicts. She, as a fighter for justice, immediately rushes into battle, while, without really understanding the situation, she acts with ardor.

People born in the year of the Dog are very fond of in the workforce. Even more: they are considered irreplaceable. They have a heightened sense of responsibility, workaholism, love for their work and good organizational skills. The dog is able to wisely and effectively manage a very large team. The dog knows how to set goals and achieve them. Despite the fact that she never chases after money, but simply does her job well, money, as a rule, earns big. It often happens that the Dog does the "dirty" work for those who are stronger and more cunning than it. When he discovers deceit, he suffers to the point of pain, but he will never take revenge. She simply falls into despondency and mourns for her doggy lot. Many people who were born in the year of the Dog live in anticipation of the bad, and practically do not rejoice in the good.

People born in the year of the Dog have the best human traits - they are loyal, noble and sincere, honest and generous. However, they are somewhat selfish, eccentric and incredibly stubborn. They will not rest until they think they can make the world a little better. In general, they consider it their “dog duty” to build an ideal world. Many politicians, journalists and public figures were born in the Year of the Dog. The dog is loyal and devoted with strong developed sense debt. Others can always rely on her in difficult times. They know: The dog will not betray. He treats people with patient care and unwavering constancy.

It cannot be said that the Dog is lucky in love. She has a passionate desire to remake the whole world, to make people honest, humble and sympathetic. The dog is often in a state of mild sadness and experiences romantic illusions. People born in the year of the Dog take their feelings very seriously and, as a rule, look for an object for a long time to whom they can give their love. In love it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. very attached to hearth and the people he loves.

A dog is like a man of a bygone era: a bit of a warrior, a bit of a philosopher, tormented by doubts. Such was Socrates, the greatest philosopher of the ancient world, who was born in the year of the Dog. A dog always suffers: for the past, for the present, and for what may someday happen.

The Year of the Dog corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Dog: 1910, 1970

The Metal Dog has a self-confident and straightforward character. She has boundless faith in her abilities and boldly and decisively takes on any new business. She has her own opinion on everything and does not perceive the advice of others. He can devote his whole life to achieving his goal. She can sometimes be overly serious and easily irritated if things don't go according to her plan. The Wood Dog has a narrow range of interests and is very devoted to family and close relatives.

Water Dog: 1922, 1982

People born in the year of the Water Dog are very sociable. They make new friends with amazing ease wherever they go. They don't know how to handle money. They spend it on unnecessary trifles, lend it to friends, acquaintances, give expensive gifts to relatives. The Wood Dog leads a mostly carefree life and is not overly disciplined.

Wooden Dog: 1934, 1994

People born in the year of the Wood Dog have an excellent sense of humor, are pleasant to talk to and are often the soul of the company. The Wood Dog is an honest and hardworking worker. Wherever she goes, she leaves the most favorable impression. Compared to other types of Dogs, she is less independent and prefers to work in a team. Wood Dog loves art very much. Can collect stamps, coins, paintings and various antiques. He loves nature and fresh air, so he prefers to live in the countryside more often than in the city.

Fire Dog: 1946

People born in the year of the Fire Dog have a lively character and a cheerful disposition. They, with much greater ease than other representatives of this sign, make friends and acquaintances. They devote a lot of time to social work. At work, the Fire Dog is characterized as an honest and hardworking worker. The Fire Dog is not afraid of the new, she has a research streak, she is an innovator and boldly introduces progressive ideas into life. Often succeeds where others would fail. Among the shortcomings can be noted stubbornness. If he manages to overcome this trait, he will easily achieve fame and success.

Earth Dog: 1898, 1958

People born in the year of the Earth Dog are distinguished by kindness, generosity and charismatic appearance. Thanks to their many talents and insight, they easily achieve their goals. In the chosen profession, they reach the highest heights. Earth Dogs are very responsible workers and talented leaders. Restraint and poise help them win the sympathy of others and be popular among acquaintances. Besides, Earth Dog, always helps those in need, is imbued with their problems and is ready to lend a helping hand.

Year of the Dog - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Dog

The positive qualities of people born in the year of the Dog can be listed endlessly. The dog is smart, honest, responsible, noble and courageous. A dog is the most faithful and devoted friend that you can rely on at any time of the day or night. The dog will never leave in trouble. In a team, she likes to listen more than talk. She generally prefers real deeds to words. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that she does not always know how to speak beautifully, but she is an excellent, understanding and sympathetic listener.

People born in the year of the Dog are brave and always fight against any injustice. Boldly acts against any injustice. She has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Can keep any secrets. The dog inspires confidence, and this trust is justified. She does her best for others and her devotion is great, even to the point of selflessness. People often respect her because she really deserves it.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Dog

There are few negative qualities of people born in the year of the Dog. These include stubbornness, excessive frankness and frankness where it should not be. Also, the Dog zealously fights against any injustice, but "fairness or injustice" is a subjective concept. Fortunately, the Dog rarely comes to the defense of stupid deeds. People born in the year of the Dog rarely show emotions, often criticize others and can easily fall into pessimism.

Dog sign career and money

People born in the year of the Dog do not strive to make a career, but they do all the work they undertake, they do it conscientiously. Very often this is quite enough to succeed and easily move up the career ladder. The dog is distinguished by diligence, honesty, responsibility. She sympathizes with everyone and easily wins the favor of colleagues and superiors. Thanks to these qualities, the Dog very often occupies the highest positions. But even there, she never turns up her nose and gets along well with her subordinates.

The only negative that can prevent the Dog from moving up the career ladder is excessive directness and the inability to remain silent where it should be. A dog is the best leader, an active trade unionist, a priest, an educator. Whatever she does, she will always be perfectly honest. She has excellent ability to manage people and no one has such an ability to work and directness that the Dogs have.

The Dog also does not chase after money, does not seek to save them. He spends very little on himself, but he is happy to help all his relatives, friends and even just unfamiliar people, which, of course, some shamelessly use.

Life spans of a dog

For people born in the year of the Dog, life periods are fickle and unpredictable. Basically, the Dog has a restless childhood and a difficult youth. In adulthood, they live with a sense of skepticism and fear of work. In old age, they often experience a feeling of regret about things done and not done.

It is worth noting that a Dog that was born during the day will be happier and calmer than one that was born at night. This is explained by the fact that it is at night that the Dog has to guard the house, always be on guard and bark until the stranger leaves.

Stones: diamond

Plants: marigolds

Time of day: 7 to 9 pm

Season: autumn