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The name of the months in Ukrainian with translation into Russian. The name of the months in Ukrainian Lipnya what month in Ukrainian

Name of months in Ukrainian and different languages the world is pronounced differently. In many ways they are similar. Let's see how the names of the seasons of the year differ in different countries.

Name of months in Ukrainian

In the Ukrainian language, the name of each has the designation or brief description weather conditions at that time. This is due to historical signs that our ancestors have observed from time immemorial.

The name of the months in Ukrainian is “mysiatsi”. And now let's analyze the meanings of the calendar seasons in the designation of a neighboring state.

Ukrainian names of the months of the year


Translated from Russian into Ukrainian - “sichen”. In Latin, January sounds like “lanarius” and is named after the Roman god Janus (guardian of the house and gates).

"Sicha" - very ancient name land use process. Previously, at this time, people began to put the gardens in order, preparing the soil for spring. They uprooted stumps, collected branches, loosened the ground a little if there was no snow. Hence the name of the winter month, which includes 31 days.


“Fierce” is the second month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. It has 28 days, and in a leap year - 29. In the Ukrainian language, this name was fixed at the end of the 19th century. "Fierce" - means formidable, difficult, obstinate, like the weather itself this month.


Berezen - from the word "berezol". The third month of the year has 31 days. The meaning arose from the name of the craft, when birch ash is harvested for making glass. This process was done during the thaw, just in March.


The second month of spring, April, sounds like “kviten” in Ukrainian. This name was assigned to him in the 16th century. “Kvitka” means flower. It is characterized by the bright flowering of nature. April has 30 days.

"Traven" - from the word "grass". The first snowdrops and other flowers faded, and the ground was covered with fresh fragrant grass. This is exactly what the name of the third spring month “grass” symbolizes. So called his ancestors in the days of Kievan Rus. The month of May consists of 31 calendar days.

With the translation of the Ukrainian names of the summer months of the year into Russian, everything is much simpler. Each month has a clear designation.

Summer season


"Cherven" is the first summer month, which includes 30 days. Characterized by the most long days and short nights. The name of the month comes from the Ukrainian word "worm". This was the name of the red insect that is born during this period. Since ancient times, their insides have been used as red paint. Here lies the second concept of the name of the month from the word "red" - red.


"Lipen" is the seventh month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. July has 31 days. The Ukrainian name of the month comes from the word “linden”. This time is characterized by the collection lime blossom and is called the period of honey collection.


The month "serpen" (August) comes from the word "sickle". This is a tool used to cut grain. The name originates from the ancient Slavs. August consists of 31 days.


How does “September” sound in Ukrainian? The first one in Ukraine is called “spring”.

The name came from Polissya. Heather, a valuable honey plant, blooms there during this period. A month has 30 days.


"Zhovten" - the time of yellowing of the leaves. The month has received this name since the time of Kievan Rus. Among the people, it was also called mud, frowning, leaf fall, zimnik, wedding. October has 31 days.


November in Ukrainian is “falling leaves”, comes from the words: “leaves” and “fall”. It is in this season that the trees finally shed their foliage, which is characterized as leaf fall. November (in Ukrainian “leaf fall”) has 30 days.


"Breast" - from the word breast (clods). In ancient times, after the autumn rains, the primers trampled by wagons froze. It was difficult to drive on such roads - frozen clods interfered. Breasts also formed on frozen plowed fields. Hence the name of the month, which has 31 days and is the last of the year.

Names of the months in the world

The name of the months in Ukrainian is easy to understand and remember. In many Slavic languages ​​(Western Europe and Russia), the names of the months are of Slavic origin. But in different languages, one-to-one correspondences are missed between these names. Sometimes they are even shifted by one month in different language territories.

Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, Czech and Croatian use the names of the months exclusively Slavic.

The official Slavic names of the months are not used in Russian, Slovak, Serbian.

International Latin month names are used in Bulgarian and Macedonian. In the Slovene language, two systems operate in parallel.

Summing up

The names of months in Ukrainian differ from such names in Russian. Many of them have been fixed since the times of Kievan Rus and had only meanings characteristic of weather conditions. The months of the year in Ukrainian are of exclusively Slavic origin. While in Russian their name comes from Latin designations.

A calendar is a time calculation system that takes into account the consistent periodicity of natural phenomena. The origin of the names of the months is closely connected with the history of the formation of the calendar.

East Slavic calendar

The names of the months in Ukrainian and Russian have different origins. If the formation of modern Russian names is associated with the borrowing of Latin names through the Old Slavonic language with phonetic changes associated with vowels and the influence of analogies, then the Ukrainian language uses traditional Slavic names associated with natural phenomena. Next, the names of the months in Ukrainian and what they mean will be considered in detail.

Another demonstrates a different approach from the Russian. In the modern Belarusian literary language, there is such a system of naming the months: studen, lyuty, sakavik, krasavik, May (grass), cherven, lipen, zhnivven, verasen, kastrychnik, leaf fall, snezhan.

The name of the months in Ukrainian has a semantic similarity with it: sіchen, lyuty, birch, kvіten, grass, worm, lime, sickle, veresen, yellow, leaf fall, chest.

Unlike Russian, the language did not have a single system for a long time. Old names were used in parallel with new ones, and in the book language of the XIV-XV centuries. the advantage was still given to the old names. Only at the end of the XVI century. the modern naming system began to actively take shape.

Name of the months in Ukrainian with translation into Russian

Sіchen (January) originates in the Proto-Slavic language, when our ancestors dealt with cutting (cutting, carving) forests. Sections (clearing, felling) were carried out mainly at the time that approximately fell on the month of January. It is likely that the word sіchen is etymologically connected with the concept of a strong (cutting) frost.

Lyuty (February) completes the sovereignty of winter. Modern lute corresponds to the common Slavic names of frosts in this month: angry and crackling, prickly and cruel, fierce. Since the lexeme lyuty as the name of the month was not found in ancient Russian monuments, it can be assumed that it comes from the old Ukrainian language. For a long time, February had the shape of a lute, which in the dictionaries of the 19th - early 20th centuries. fixed first in parallel with the name lute. Lutium is the only name of the adjectival form of all modern names of the months.

Spring - from sap flow to the riot of herbs

March - harvesting period healing drink- birch sap. In the Old Russian language, for the name of this month, the name berezozol was used (berezozel, berezozil). The Ukrainian language inherited it in the form of berezol or berezil. Researchers interpret the etymology of these names in different ways: some believe that they arose at the time of burning birch trees to clear land for arable land, others explain the motivation for the name by a natural phenomenon, which was obviously of great importance in the life of the people. We are talking about the beginning of the development of birches. Dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 19th - early 20th centuries. contain various forms. B. Grinchenko entered the word berezil into his dictionary as the main register, because in the Ukrainian language of this period it was more common than berezin. E. Zhelekhivsky gives birch as the main name. Similarly to the names sіchen, kvіten, the name birch was formed, which is included in the Ukrainian system of naming months as the main one.

The name kviten is etymologically associated with the onset of spring as the time of flowering plants. It has been called that since the 16th century. The name also had a phonetic doublet - tsvіten (from bloom) with the initial combination of tsv, which is the historical correspondence of sq. B. Grinchenko added both names to the dictionary: bloom and flower.

Etymologically, the name of the months in Ukrainian is associated with certain natural phenomena. The modern Ukrainian name for grass (May) is closely connected with the spring season of lush growth of grasses (this is what motivates it). In lexicographic sources until the 40s of the XX century. together with the word traven, May is registered as equivalent.

Cochineal, lime blossom and sickle

The etymology of the month of Cherven (June) is explained in different ways. Some researchers point to the connection of the name with a natural phenomenon: in June, many worms appear that give life to cochineal, a species of insect from the family of worms. So, the modern Ukrainian literary name is worm (the popular name for worm insects is cochineal). M. Kochergan adheres to a different opinion regarding the etymology of the word worm, pointing out that worm is the month of worms, the worm month, therefore, the name is based not on the lexeme worm, but worm - common word to refer to all worms.

Time is also directly related to the modern name limen (July). Along with this name, the doublet form Lipets was widely used in Ukrainian. As a result of assimilation to the morphological design of the names of other months (sіchen, birch, kvіten), the lexeme lipen at the beginning of the 20th century. consistently used not only in oral speech, but also in various calendars, and subsequently as the official Ukrainian name of the month.

Serpen is the last month of summer. The name of the month was associated in ancient times with the period of harvesting and comes directly from the name of a hand tool for harvesting bread - a sickle.

From heather bloom to first frost

It is on the first that the flowering of squat, bushy heather falls. The modern Ukrainian literary name Veresen is undoubtedly formed from the popular name of this evergreen plant.

The modern name of the month Zhovten (October) is associated with the color of the leaves of most trees at this time of the year. At the end of the second half of the XIX century. the form zhovten was finally fixed in the Ukrainian language.

The modern name of the month of leaf fall (November) owes its origin to the autumn shedding of leaves. In the dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the late XIX - early XX century. such forms of the month are fixed: leaf fall and padolist, leaf fall. In the Ukrainian language, as a result of the tendency to reduce the word, the name leaf fall was formed.

The name chest (December) comes from the XII century. The first month of winter was also called jelly - from icy, cold. Breast has a similar meaning, denoting frozen clods of earth - piles that form on roads and fields with the onset of the first frost. The official name of the latter became only in the twentieth century. B. Grinchenko records the use of the word chest to designate November. This is another striking illustration of the instability of the names of the months in the past.

Continuation of the common Slavic tradition

Thus, the above allows us to draw the following conclusions.

A unified system of month names in the Ukrainian literary language did not exist for a long time: in parallel with the new ones, the old names were used. Modern system formed not earlier than the 16th century.

The name of the months in Ukrainian has a fairly transparent meaning and a clear motivation. It is associated with certain natural phenomena.

The Eastern Slavs, like other Slavic peoples, had different systems month names based on Latin. The Russian literary language inherited the Old Russian names - modified Latin names, which also exist in oral Ukrainian speech and in dialects of the Ukrainian language.

In conclusion, we will give the names of the months in Ukrainian in alphabetical order - this will facilitate the search for a translation.

Now you will not have any difficulties with the translation.

    1 year

    1) рік, year ( app. guide, r. year), summer, (usually in pl. h. lita), (decreased) river (r. -chka), godok (r. -dka), godochok (r. -chka). [Z New Rock!]. The current year is a tsei (current, bizhuchy) river. This year, this year - this year, this year, this year, this year, this year. Last year - that fate, past fate, (y) torik, togid. The year before last - a pozatorik. Next year - a drug addict. Relating to this year, this year - sogorіchny, tsyogіdnіy, sogolitoshnіy. A year ago - (already) rіk to that, rіk to that. From year to year - r_k-y-r_k, r_k-povz-r_k, year-y-year. From year to year - rock to rock. As in what year - yak pіd rіk (year), yak to rock (year). In previous years - for many (old) fates. In 1917 - the 1917th rock, in the 1917th rotation. In one year - one fate. A year later - for a river, for a year, for a river, for a year. In the course of the year - through the river, stretching the rock. Until the expiration of the year - until the rock, until the year. Every year - sho-roku, sho-rіk. Twice a year - girls on the river. Seven thousand a year (fee) - this is a thousand rubles. Lease for a year - hire for a year, for a year. To serve for hire for a year - go by year, have a booty for a year. Went to someone. the eighteenth year - on the vіsіmnatsyaty rіk it went (turned) to the komus, at the 18th rіk conceding htos. All year round- qiliy river, from ice to ice. Six months - pivroku, pivgoda. The fourth part of the year is a quarter. Leap year - transcendental river, Kasyaniv river. The time of the year is the time of fate, the vіdmina of fate. [Chotiri pori roku]. New Year- new river. New Year's Eve is a generous evening. Happy New Year (with certain rites) - new. Born this year, last year (about cattle) - selіtok, torishnyak;

    2) (age, years) age, years. [Young Lita. Childhood vіk]. Elderly years - pokhiliy vіk. Years of this no longer allow - iz lіt tse meviyshlo. As long as years allow, as long as years serve. Years old - a year old. Years pass - leta (rocks) pass. To live young years - vіdmolodikuvati. Wed. Summer.

    rik, genus. P. rock

    years - pl. rocky, -kiv and rocky, -kiv, lita, genus. P. lit.

    2 year

    3 year

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