Water pipes      06/14/2019

Where does Elena the flying live. For clean water: cleaning rules from Lena Letuchaya Revizorro in Elena Letuchaya's apartment

Elena Letuchaya is a talented TV presenter, actress and journalist. For a long time, Elena hosted the Revizorro program on the Friday channel, but she recently left this project and is already working on a new one in which girls will lose weight on a dare. Prior to that, she worked in a large organization as an economist. A few years later, she retrained as a journalist and correspondent.

Born in 1978 in the city of Rybinsk, in the Yaroslavl region, in Russia. She spent all her childhood in Siberia. Before entering the university in Moscow, she lived as a journalist in big house near Rybinsk reservoir with her parents and studied in Blagoveshchensk as an economist.

Upon graduation, she was engaged in economic activities in the Russian Railways and Gazprom organizations and coped with her duties quite well. In 2007, on the eve of her 29th birthday, she decided to fundamental change own life. The girl found her vocation in journalism and decided to graduate from the Ostankino Television School.

Very often she traveled to different cities since childhood, since the girl’s grandmothers lived in different ends countries - one in St. Petersburg, the other - in Nizhny Novgorod.

Now he very often comes to his parents, because he believes that the family is the most valuable thing a person has.

Where does he live?

On this moment rents an apartment in Moscow, because, according to the TV presenter herself, it is difficult for her to buy a house or apartment in Moscow now due to her work schedule. It is impossible to say about the exact place of her residence, since she often moves from place to place.

The girl does not have to be at home. If there is a minute of free time, she spends it with friends and girlfriends, or with her family. In the summer, she was noticed with her new lover. However, the young talented star is in no hurry to get engaged to the chosen one and move in with him. She believes that buying her own home is more important for her. She practically does not appear at the apartment, so the housekeeper cleans up in it.

Who does he live with?

Since Elena is constantly on the road due to endless filming and projects, she did not have enough time for her personal life. She used to say: “Men don’t stay long due to the inconsistent schedule of my work.”

On Valentine's Day, Elena notified her fans that she would soon become a bride

But 1.5 years ago, the situation changed and now she lives with Yuri Anashenkov on his territory, namely in the center of the capital in a two-room spacious apartment, made according to her own sketches and design solutions. According to the TV presenter, in the near future she is going to get married and live with her lover.

Elena Letuchaya is the owner of TEFI, a popular TV presenter, the Revizorro program, beloved by everyone, and also a producer of the Friday! TV channel. Elena is also responsible for the Magazzino and Revizorro-show projects.

The career growth of the TV presenter began in 2014 with the arrival of the Friday! Channel, before that Elena Letuchaya tried herself in different projects and programs, but without much success. Elena began her career on television quite late (at the age of 29) and had no friends or acquaintances in this area, but she had a great desire to realize herself in her favorite business.

The flying woman has repeatedly said that she is trying to maintain the same cleanliness at home that she requires from others. True, the heavy workload at work does not make it possible to do household chores personally, so now she entrusts all household chores in New Riga to a housekeeper.

Elena Letuchaya's house on New Riga

Elena used to rent an apartment in Moscow, but a year ago, together with her fiancé Yuri Anashenkov, she bought a cottage in an elite village along Novorizhskoye Highway. The mansion has: a large entrance hall, a living room, a large dressing room, cozy bedroom, an office, as well as a hammam.

At the beginning of the year, Letuchaya announced her departure from the Revizorro project and, in parallel with the preparations for the wedding, began repairs in the cottage. After several unsuccessful attempts to find a suitable designer, Elena turned her attention to an architect from Novosibirsk - Maxim Dureev.

They immediately found mutual language and after the first sketches, they began to gradually redesign the mansion. It was decided to decorate the entire cottage in white with black or dark brown details.

Due to the heavy workload of Elena, the entire project was done by Maxim without her presence. The main wishes of Letuchaya were: lightness in the interior, a four-poster bed, and that the office should be “like in an office”. For the rest, she relied on the taste and design skills of Dureev.

In the hall, we decided to install two huge cabinets (from floor to ceiling) with glass trim, which visually significantly increases the space. For convenience, two small pouffes were placed.

A piano fits into a small niche on the way to the living room, numerous books and plants stand up.

The living room has two large sofas, a small table, but Elena did not like the fireplace in the proposed 3D design, it was decided to change it.

The office is made with turquoise elements, it immediately guesses the owner's favorite hobby - surfing. Here, as well as in other rooms, there is nothing superfluous, but the black color is already being replaced by dark brown and all attention is focused on turquoise color armchairs.

Large and absolutely white, with retractable mirrored doors, the dressing room is divided into two parts - “for him” and “for her”.

The master bedroom is designed in the same white colors. There is a huge mirror on the wall in the middle of the room, and in the center of attention is a large wooden bed with a canopy, which Elena dreamed of seeing in her interior.

To date, Elena Letuchaya has successfully completed repairs in her cottage, got married and started new project"Revizorro. Moscow".

According to estimates, Elena Letuchaya's cottage in New Riga can cost from 30 to 40 million rubles.

Last week, the Pyatnitsa TV channel launched a new project, Revizorro-show, in which the host of the popular Revizorro program, Elena Letuchaya, comes face to face with restaurateurs and hoteliers whom she has ever offended due to her professional "raids" on their institutions. The purpose of the project is to check these establishments for compliance with sanitary norms and service standards. In the new show, their owners, who disagree with Elena's verdict, have the opportunity to make claims to her, to discuss the situation.

On the occasion of the recent premiere of HELLO! I talked with Volatile about how she is at work and how she is at home - next to her relatives, about extreme sports in the profession and life turns. It is known that earlier Elena worked at Russian Railways and Gazprom, then worked behind the scenes - as a producer on the Let They Talk program, on the set of the Kitchen series and the Kitchen in Paris film, but at some point she decided to leave from the shadow.

Elena, how did the idea of ​​"Revizorro-show" come about?

The Revizorro program has been going on for three seasons, and as soon as I leave a city, many offended restaurateurs make loud statements in in social networks and in the local press, distributing edited videos, accusing "Revizorro" of bias. We decided to give them the opportunity to present their claims directly, to dot the i's. In addition, not only "unfairly offended" come to the studio, but also those who at one time passed the "Revizorro" test. There are very a large number of institutions that just needed a little help, to remind the norms, to point out shortcomings. And they are grateful to us for this and treat the program well.

Personally, I'm very happy to have a show like this because it allows me to talk. I finally have the opportunity to explain my position, to tell why I act one way or another. During the checks, I do not have such an opportunity - at this moment I have other tasks.

Leading "Revizorro" and "Revizorro-show" Elena LetuchayaNot all the heroes of "Revizorro" are happy with your visits. Is there anyone you don't want to deal with anymore?

True, I would not like to intersect with everyone. But I am ready for this in order for the viewer to see the true face of people, listen to both sides and draw their own conclusions. At one time, I myself chose such a profession, and I know better than anyone that "Revizorro" is not just a television show, it is a huge, complex and sometimes dangerous work.

One of the programs almost cost you your life: you were attacked in Salekhard.

It seems to me that everyone already knows the story that happened to my film crew in Salekhard - this is an absolutely disgusting, blatant situation. It is still hard for me to remember her, after returning to Moscow I had to undergo a rehabilitation course and take a vacation, and my operator was in the hospital for a long time with a traumatic brain injury.

Have you increased your security staff since then?

The presence of security guards is necessary at every shooting: you never know how people will react to our appearance, because it is always unexpected. After the situation in Salekhard, they really increased security for me, and, thank God, since then such dangers have not arisen.

"Revizorro-show": Elena Letuchaya checks the quality of products with radical methods together with co-host Kirill Nagiyev and spectatorsIn the new show, lawyer Sergey Zhorin supports you. But you, probably, already perfectly know the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation yourself?

Any professional journalist, when he starts working on something new, always studies all the introductory notes himself. Talmuds of laws were prepared for me and sanitary norms, I studied them inside and out, looking for legal information that I lacked.

Many, judging by your screen image, consider you tough. What are you like in life?

I am forced to be tough by the specifics of my work, otherwise it is unlikely that anyone will listen to my comments. I strong man, I have an absolutely clear position on all issues. Yes, I have character, and I think it's good. But at home, next to my beloved and dear people, I am soft and feminine.

Have you always been a demanding guest when visiting restaurants, staying at hotels?

Yes. When I come to a restaurant, I want to be served politely, so that the food is fresh and the dish is tasty. No supernatural requirements. In any self-respecting institution, the staff should treat each guest well, and this is normal. True, after traveling with Revizorro around Russia, I made so many bad discoveries for myself that now I prefer to eat at home. If I go to some institution, then only if I know that everything is in order in this kitchen, or I personally know the chef.

Admit it, but you demand from the household perfect purity? You probably don't even have a speck of dust in your house.

Due to my crazy schedule, I physically do not have enough time for cleaning - this is done by a housekeeper. And I cook at home - I love it very much. My house is clean, like any normal person (smiles.)

You are now busy not only with a new show, but also at the MITRO school: you teach where you once studied yourself. Do you remember how you decided to change your prestigious job at Gazprom and become a journalist?

I have always envied people who like their work with white envy, and I wanted to be such a person. And my life at that time was passing me by. At the insistence of my parents, I studied to be a financier, but this did not become my calling. I had a good stable job at Russian Railways, then at Gazprom's structure. At some point, I decided to radically change everything - and went to study at MITRO. I have always been attracted to the genre of action journalism. It's great when, as a result of your work, the lives of those around you change for the better. One of my first stories was about donors. Having made it as a producer, author and correspondent, I realized: television is mine.

What are you going to teach the next generation?

I give students not only professional journalism workshops, but also important life advice. I believe that a journalist should write the truth. It's important to be honest with yourself, be honest with others. Yes, it's difficult, but I want as many people as possible, especially journalists. Students listen and, importantly, hear me. It's nice. I hope I will make my contribution to the formation of honest, good, useful and interesting journalism.

Text: Elena Redreeva

The storm of Russian restaurateurs and hoteliers has been admitted more than once: at home she tries to maintain the same cleanliness that she requires from her wards. True, the crazy schedule does not allow you to do household chores in person - the order in the country apartments of the Revizorro star is put in order by the housekeeper. The field of activity of the servants is now very impressive in size: on square meters A two-story mansion in New Riga houses a dressing room, a living room, a spacious hall, an office, a bedroom and even a hammam.

Previously, Lena Letuchaya rented an apartment in Moscow, but at the end of last year she acquired her own housing in an elite village near Moscow, where she soon moved her things along with businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Since February 14, the man presented his beloved with a long-awaited ring, along with preparing for the upcoming wedding, the TV presenter has plunged into home improvement. After long attempts to find a common language with many designers, Elena chose Maxim Dureev. The architect, who came to Moscow from Novosibirsk only two years ago, has already managed to work not only with Russian businessmen, but also with Univer actress Anna Khilkevich.

Dureev quickly became friends with his famous customer, making all her dreams come true. While only a few rooms are ready in the country house of the TV presenter, the rest are still being renovated. Unlike stellar colleagues, Elena does not chase high prices - Italian furniture ordered from abroad, she preferred the local IKEA and ZARA HOME.

Here is what the architect had to say about the project:

"Our acquaintance with her is a whole story. I am a novice architect, I moved from Novosibirsk to Moscow two years ago, but I am confident in my abilities, I had serious clients, I did projects in Saint-Tropez for Russian businessmen. I decided to work in Moscow with stars, this reliable word of mouth, and I'm interested in promotion.

At the meeting, Elena at first treated me with distrust, and I perfectly understand her - trust must be earned. As it turned out, she tried to work with many designers before me, but the result did not suit her. We agreed that I would develop a decorating project, and she would decide whether she was interested in continuing to work with me or not.

Lena immediately said that she understands little in design - offer. I needed, as a psychologist, to understand what her ideas about cozy interior. From conversations, I realized that she likes lightness, not overloaded with unnecessary details, a certain sophistication, but classics and minimalism are not at all to her liking. He asked me to send me wishes for each room by mail. One of them sounded like this: "An office - everything is like in an office. In the bedroom I want a four-poster bed." Later, she showed me a photo of such a colonial-style bed. Perhaps that was all, the rest I had to guess.

But when he presented the project to her, Lena approved everything immediately. The changes were minimal. Now the house will have a lot of mirrors, large storage cabinets. The sofa in the living room remained the same. On the sketch of the living room - my original idea. But Elena refused the tables, and the fireplace will look a little different. In the living room, in fact, little has changed from its original appearance. Added pillows and curtains. Elena wanted light airy curtains.

It is a pleasure to work with Lena, if all clients were like that, she is a very easy person to communicate with. But she has a critical lack of time. Decisions are made quickly. Sometimes even on phone calls does not answer or literally says a few words. Nevertheless, she tries to take a lively part in everything, I even introduce her to the guys who will make furniture, we choose lamps. I hope you are happy with the final version."

Lena is really enthusiastic about the interior: "Maxim made my dream come true. This is not a bedroom, this is my magical white castle, light, airy and very functional!".

3D layout
Photo: Architect Maxim Dureev

The storm of Russian restaurateurs and hoteliers has been admitted more than once: at home she tries to maintain the same cleanliness that she requires from her wards. True, the crazy schedule does not allow you to do household chores in person - the order in the country apartments of the 37-year-old Revizorro star is put in place by a housekeeper. The servants' field of activity is now very impressive: on the square meters of a two-story mansion in New Riga there is a dressing room, a living room, a spacious hall, an office, a bedroom and even a hammam.

Previously, Lena Letuchaya rented an apartment in Moscow, but at the end of last year she acquired her own housing in an elite village near Moscow, where she soon moved her things along with her fiancé, businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Since February 14, the man presented his beloved with a long-awaited ring, along with preparing for the upcoming wedding, the TV presenter has plunged into home improvement. After long attempts to find a common language with many designers, Elena chose Maxim Dureev. The architect, who came to Moscow from Novosibirsk only two years ago, has already managed to work not only with Russian businessmen, but also with Univer actress Anna Khilkevich.

Dureev quickly became friends with his famous customer, making all her dreams come true. While only a few rooms are ready in the country house of the TV presenter, the rest are still being renovated. Unlike stellar colleagues, Elena does not pursue high prices - she preferred the local IKEA and ZARA HOME to Italian furniture ordered from abroad.