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How to make a welding machine yourself. Do-it-yourself welding machine - is it possible? Video: homemade twist welding machine

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine any work with metal without the use of a welding machine. With help this device You can easily connect or cut iron of various thicknesses and dimensions. Naturally, to perform high-quality work, you will need certain skills in this matter, but first of all, you need the welder himself. Nowadays, you can naturally buy it, as in principle, hire a welder, but in this article we will talk about how to make a welding machine with your own hands. Moreover, with all the wealth of various models, reliable ones are quite expensive, and cheap ones do not shine with quality and durability. But even if you decide to buy a welder in a store, familiarity with this article will help you choose the necessary device, since you will know the basics of their circuitry. There are several types of welders: DC, AC, three-phase and inverter. In order to determine which option you need, consider the design and device of the first two types, which can be assembled without specific skills with your own hands at home.

On alternating current

This type of welding machine is one of the most common options, both in industry and in private households. It is easy to operate, compared to the rest it is quite easy to make at home, which confirms the photo below. To do this, you need to have a wire for the primary and secondary windings, as well as a core of transformer steel for winding the welder. In simple terms, an AC welding machine is a high power step-down transformer.

The optimal voltage during operation of a welding machine assembled at home is 60V. Optimum current 120-160A. Now it is easy to calculate what section the wire should have in order to make the primary winding of the transformer (the one that will be connected to the 220 V network). The minimum cross-sectional area of ​​​​the copper wire should be 3-4 square meters. mm, the optimal one is 7 sq. mm, because it is necessary to take into account the possible additional load, as well as the necessary margin of safety. We get that the optimal diameter of the copper core for the primary winding of the step-down transformer should be 3 mm. If you decide to take an aluminum wire in order to make a welding machine with your own hands, then the cross section for the copper wire must be multiplied by a factor of 1.6.

It is important that the wires are in a rag braid; conductors in PVC insulation cannot be used - when the wires are heated, it will melt and occur. If you do not have a wire of the required diameter, then you can use thinner cores by winding them in parallel. But then it should be borne in mind that the thickness of the winding will increase, and, accordingly, the dimensions of the apparatus itself. It must be borne in mind that the limiting factor may be a free window in the core and the wire may simply not fit there. For the secondary winding, you can use a thick stranded copper wire - the same as the core on the holder. Its cross section should be chosen based on the current in the secondary winding (recall that we focus on 120 - 160A) and the length of the wires.

The first step is to make the transformer core of a homemade welding machine. The best option there will be a rod type core as shown in Figure 1:

This core must be made from transformer steel plates. The thickness of the plates should be from 0.35 mm to 0.55 mm. This is necessary to reduce . Before assembling the core, you need to calculate its dimensions, this is done as follows:

  • First, the size of the window is calculated. Those. dimensions c and d in figure 1 must be chosen to accommodate all the windings of the transformer.
  • Secondly, the roll area, which is calculated by the formula: Sroll \u003d a * b, must be at least 35 square meters. see If there is more Sk, then the transformer will heat up less and, accordingly, work longer, and you will not need to be interrupted often in order for it to cool down. It is better that the screen is equal to 50 square meters. cm.

Next, we proceed to the assembly of the plates of a home-made welding machine. It is necessary to take the L-shaped plates and fold them, as shown in Figure 2, until you can make a core required thickness. Then we fasten it with bolts in the corners. At the end, it is necessary to process the surface of the plates with a file and insulate them by wrapping them with rag insulation in order to additionally protect the transformer from breakdown to the housing.

Next, we proceed to winding the welding machine from a step-down transformer. At the beginning, we wind the primary winding, which will consist of 215 turns, as shown in Figure 3.

It is advisable to make a branch from 165 and 190 turns. We attach a thick textolite plate on top of the transformer. We fix the ends of the windings on it using a bolted connection, marking that the first bolt is a common wire, the second is a branch from the 165th turn, the 3rd is a branch from the 190th turn and the 4th is from the 215th. This will make it possible to subsequently adjust the current strength during welding, by switching between different conclusions your welding machine. This is a very important function, and the more branches you make, the more accurate your adjustment will be.

After we start winding 70 turns of the secondary winding, as shown in Figure 4.

A smaller number of turns are wound on the other side of the core - where the primary winding is wound. The ratio of turns should be made approximately 60% to 40%. This contributes to the fact that after you catch the arc and start welding, eddy currents will partially turn off the operation of the winding with a large number of turns, which will lead to a decrease in the welding current, and, accordingly, improve the quality of the seam. Thus, the arc will be easy to catch, but too much current will not interfere with high-quality cooking. We also fix the ends of the winding with bolts on the textolite plate. You can not attach them, but run the wires directly to the electrode holder and the crocodile to ground, this will remove connections where there could potentially be a voltage drop and heat. For better cooling, it is highly desirable to install a fan for blowing, for example, from a refrigerator or microwave.

Now your homemade welding machine is ready. Having connected the holder and the mass to the secondary winding, it is necessary to connect the network to the common wire and the wire extending from the 215th turn of the primary winding. If you need to increase the current, then you can make fewer turns of the primary winding by switching the second wire to a contact with fewer turns. You can reduce the current with the help of a resistance made of a piece of transformer steel bent in the form of a spring connected to the holder. It is always necessary to ensure that the welding machine does not overheat, for this, regularly check the temperature of the core and windings. For these purposes, you can even install an electronic thermometer.

This is how you can make a welding machine from a step-down transformer with your own hands. As you can see, the instructions are not too complicated and even an inexperienced electrician will be able to assemble the device on their own.


Some types of welding require a DC welder. This tool can weld cast iron and stainless steel. You can make a DC welding machine with your own hands in no more than 15 minutes by converting a homemade product into alternating current. To do this, a rectifier assembled on diodes must be connected to the secondary winding. As for the diodes, they must withstand a current of 200 A and have good cooling. Diodes D161 are suitable for this.

Capacitors C1 and C2 will help us equalize the current with the following characteristics: capacitance 15,000 microfarads and voltage 50V. Next, we assemble the circuit, which is indicated in the drawing below. Choke L1 is needed to regulate the current. Contacts x4 - plus for connecting the holder, and x5 - minus for supplying current to the part to be welded.

Three-phase welders are used for welding in production conditions, two-electrode holders are installed on them, so we will not consider them in this article, and inverters are made on the basis of printed circuit boards and complex schemes with a large number of expensive radio components and a complex tuning process using special equipment. However, we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with the inverter design in the video below.

Visual master classes

So, if you decide to make a welding machine at home, we recommend that you watch the video tutorials provided below, which will clearly show how to assemble a simple welder from improvised materials yourself, and also explain to you some details and nuances of the work:

Now you know the basic principles of the design of welders and you can make a welding machine with your own hands, both on direct and alternating current, using the instructions from our article.

Also read:

A welding machine cannot be called an essential tool at home, such as a screwdriver or a hammer. However, there are situations when a welding machine is really necessary. IN this material we will consider how to assemble a simple welding machine at home.

First of all, we suggest watching a video on the manufacture of a welding machine

So, we need:
- water tank;
- salt;
- water;
- two metal plates;
- wire with a plug;
- two wires;
- welding electrode.

According to the homemade author, the creation process takes only 15 minutes, so let's not waste time in vain and move on to making a homemade welding machine. First of all, we need to take one metal plate and fasten one of the two wires to it.

We repeat the process with the second plate and the second wire.

Next, add two tablespoons of salt to the water and mix everything well.

In the resulting mixture, we immerse two plates and wires wound on them.

For safety reasons, metal plates are advised to be fixed with clothespins.

The plates actually allow you to adjust the welding current. How exactly does it work? The deeper we immerse the plates, the more current we get.

We must connect one wire coming from one of the plates to the phase, and the second wire to the welding electrode.

We also take the neutral wire and connect it to the object that we need to cook.

A completely logical question arises - how can you determine where the phase is and where is zero, if for some reason there are no special measuring devices at home. There is an old the right way: You just need to touch the wire to the ground. The wire that will spark when it touches the ground is the phase wire.

A good welding machine greatly facilitates all metal work. It allows you to connect and cut various details iron, which differ in their thickness and density of steel.

Modern technologies offer a huge selection of models that differ in power and size. Reliable designs have a fairly high cost. Budget options usually have a short lifespan.

Our material presents detailed instructions how to make a welding machine with your own hands. Before starting the workflow, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the variety welding equipment.

Types of welding machine

Devices of this technique differ in several types. Each mechanism has some features that are displayed on the work performed.

Modern welding machines are divided into:

  • DC models;
  • with alternating current
  • three-phase
  • invector.

The AC model is considered the most simple mechanism which you can easily do yourself.

A simple welding machine allows you to perform complex work with iron and thin steel. To assemble such a structure, you must have a certain set of materials.

These include:

  • winding wire;
  • core made of transformer steel. It is necessary for winding the welder.

All these parts can be purchased at specialized stores. Detailed consultation of experts helps to make the right choice.

AC design

Experienced welders call this design a step-down transformer.

How to make a welding machine with your own hands?

The first thing to do is to properly make the main core. For this model, it is recommended to choose the rod type of the part.

For its manufacture, you will need plates made of transformer steel. Their thickness is 0.56 mm. Before proceeding with the assembly of the core, it is necessary to observe its dimensions.

How to correctly calculate the parameters of the part?

Everything is quite simple. The dimensions of the central hole (window) must accommodate the entire winding of the transformer. The photo of the welding machine shows detailed diagram mechanism assembly.

The next step is to assemble the core. To do this, take thin transformer plates, which are interconnected to the required thickness of the part.

Next, we wind a step-down transformer, consisting of turns of thin wire. To do this, make 210 turns of thin wire. On the other hand, a winding of 160 turns is made. The third and fourth primary winding should contain 190 turns. After that, a thick platinum is attached to the surface.

The ends of the wound wire are fixed with a bolt. I mark its surface with the number 1. The following ends of the wire are fixed in a similar way with the application of appropriate markings.


The finished design should have 4 bolts with a different number of turns.

In the finished design, the winding ratio will be 60% to 40%. This result ensures the normal operation of the apparatus and good quality welding fixture.

Control the feed electrical energy can be done by switching the wires to required amount windings. During operation, it is not recommended to overheat the welding mechanism.

DC apparatus

These models allow you to perform complex work on thick steel sheets and cast iron. The main advantage of this mechanism lies in the simple assembly, which does not take much time.

The welding invector is a design of the secondary winding with an additional rectifier.


It will be made of diodes. In turn, they must withstand an electric current of 210 A. For this, elements marked D 160-162 are suitable. Such models are often used to work on an industrial scale.

The main welding invector is made of printed circuit board. Such a semi-automatic welding machine can withstand power surges during long-term operation.

Repair of the welding machine will not be difficult. Here it is enough to replace the damaged area of ​​​​the mechanism. In the event of a serious breakdown, it is necessary to re-carry out the primary and secondary windings.

DIY welding machine photo


Welding equipment does not have to be bought in a store. It can be made in the home workshop. Indeed, in fact, the design of the simplest device is elementary and it is not difficult to assemble it with your own hands. For this, only some components and a little knowledge of electrical engineering are needed.

How to make simple and, at the same time, functional devices for welding and what is required for this - more on this later in our article.

To assemble the simplest welding machine, you need to understand the principle of its operation.

All welding work is based on transformation electric current from the network. In domestic use, we have access to electricity with a voltage of 220 volts and a current of 16-32 amperes.

As we know, this is not enough for welding.

The welding arc requires power, and it is provided by the current strength, measured in amperes ( plain language, is the number of electrons supplied to the electrode). The larger the charge, the more productive the device will be.

To increase the power, transformers are used that lower the voltage several times, but increase the strength of the electron flow, which makes it possible to use such a current to form a welding arc.

The transformer is the main element that allows you to assemble the simplest apparatus operating on alternating current.

The basis of the transformer is a magnetic core (core made of transformer steel), on which the windings are wound: primary, from a thinner wire and a large number of turns. and secondary, consisting of a thick cable with the least number of windings.

Magnetic circuits for assembling welding machines can be used, for example, from old power transformers.

Power is provided from a household outlet and fed to the primary winding.

The windings should not be in contact with each other. Even if the transformer has windings one on top of the other, there must be a layer of insulation between them! The current from one winding to another is transmitted through the core by magnetic flux.

For full functioning, it is desirable to install cooling for such a device. Can be used computer fans. Otherwise, constant monitoring of the heating of the transformer and other elements will be required, as well as taking breaks in work to cool down.

The work is carried out as follows. The workpiece is clamped between the electrodes and the current is turned on. Having put a point, the power is turned off and the part is moved.

Such do-it-yourself microwave welding will ensure the welding of very thin structures. You can increase the power by connecting two transformers. But at the same time, it is important to correctly assemble such an assembly, otherwise a short circuit is inevitable.

DC welding

Homemade transformer devices operate on alternating current, so you can cook various grades of steel. But some metals when welding with an electric arc method require direct current to obtain a high-quality connection.

To assemble such a device, you will need to add a rectifier and chokes to the transformer to smooth the current.

Rectifiers are assembled from diodes that can withstand high power (up to 200 amperes). They, as a rule, are overall and, moreover, will require the assembly of a cooling system. Diodes are mounted in parallel to increase the current.

Such a rectifier bridge will allow you to align electric arc and get better quality seams when welding stainless steel or aluminum.

Is it all necessary

Today, on the Internet, you can find many schemes and designs of various welding equipment. From the simplest massive transformer apparatus to the most complex home-made inverters. How expedient is it to collect and use them in a home workshop?

Ten years ago, inverters were practically inaccessible to the general public and that's it. welding work carried out with the help of overall transformers, most often home-made. Their functions allow the welding of various structures using steel parts. And many experienced welders cook non-ferrous metals or cast iron with such devices. Especially today, the situation with electrodes has improved a lot, which can be selected for almost any material.

However, transformers without a rectifier operate only on alternating current and this makes it difficult to work with stainless steel or, for example, aluminum. The use of additional rectifiers increases the dimensions of the equipment and restricts mobility. And if this is not a problem for the workshop, then high-altitude work is already difficult. But the main problem of transformer welding homemade is the accuracy of the mode settings. Factory-made inverters in this case benefit a lot.

Various designs spot welding also make it much easier to work with thin-walled metals and products that can be quickly repaired. But creating a really powerful device will require more components, and they are not always available (try to look for two identical microwave transformers now).

Assembling the inverter in a home workshop will be advisable if you have almost everything necessary elements: transformers, rectifiers, transistors and others. Otherwise, why bother looking for and assembling a device with dubious power and settings, if today it costs from 50-100 dollars? And for small volumes of work, such a device will be more than enough?

What can you add to this material? Share your experience in assembling homemade welding equipment, especially assembly diagrams. In your opinion: how effective is the use of such devices in household? Leave your comments in the discussion block for this article.

It is very convenient to work in any metal processing workshop if you have a welding machine at hand. With it, you can securely connect metal parts or structures, cut holes, or even simply cut blanks in the right place.

Such useful tool you can do it yourself, the main thing is to understand everything well, and the skill to make beautiful and reliable seam will come with experience.

AC output current

At home, in the country, at work, such devices are most often found. Many photos of welding equipment show that it is made by hand.

The most important components for such an apparatus are a wire for two windings and a core for them. In fact, this is a transformer for lowering the voltage.

Wire dimensions

The device will work quite well with an output voltage of 60 volts and a current of up to 160 amperes. Calculations show that for the primary winding, you need to take a copper wire with a cross section of 3, and preferably 7 square millimeters. For aluminum wire, the cross section should be 1.6 times larger.

Wire insulation must be fabric because the wires get very hot during operation and the plastic will simply melt.

It is necessary to lay the primary winding very carefully and carefully because it has many turns and is located in a high voltage zone. It is desirable that the wire be without breaks, but if desired length not at hand, then the pieces must be securely connected and soldered.

Secondary winding

For the secondary winding, you can take copper, or aluminum. The wire can be either single-core or consisting of several conductors. Cross section from 10 to 24 square millimeters.

It is very convenient to wind the coil separately from the core, for example, on a wooden blank, and then collect transformer steel plates into a finished, reliably insulated winding.

stranded wire

How to make a stranded wire of a suitable cross section for a welding machine? There is such a way. At a distance of 30 meters (more or less, depending on the calculations), two hooks are securely attached. Between them, the required amount of thin wire is stretched, from which a stranded conductor will be composed. Then one end is removed from the hook and inserted into an electric drill.

At low speeds, the wire bundle twists evenly, its total length will decrease somewhat. Clean the ends of the wire (separately each core), tin and solder well. Then insulate the entire wire, preferably with a textile-based insulating material.


Good performance is shown by home-made welding machines based on transformer steel cores. They are recruited from plates with a thickness of 0.35-0.55 millimeters.

It is important to choose the right size of the window in the core so that both coils fit in it, and the cross-sectional area (its thickness) is 35-50 square centimeters. Bolts are installed at the corners of the finished core, and everything is tightly tightened with nuts.

The primary winding consists of 215 turns. To be able to regulate welding current of the finished apparatus, conclusions can be drawn from winding on 165 and 190 turns.

All contacts are mounted on a plate made of insulating material and sign. The scheme is as follows: the more turns of the coil, the greater the current at the output. The secondary winding consists of 70 turns.


You can assemble another welding device with your own hands - this is an inverter. It has a number of positive differences from the transformer. The very first thing that catches your eye is its light weight. Just a few kilos. You can work without removing the device from your shoulder. Then the worker D.C., this allows you to create a more accurate seam, and the arc does not jump so much. Easier for beginner welders.

Parts for assembling such a device are sold in stores and on the market. You just need to know the label. special attention requires the quality of the transistors because they are in the most stressed area of ​​the inverter circuitry. Use to cool the device forced ventilation in the form of cooling radiators and exhaust fans.

Thus, if you compile a catalog of homemade welding machines, you get a long list of transformers various designs, inverters, welding semi-automatic and automata. Such devices allow you to work with cast iron and steel, aluminum and copper, stainless steel and thin sheet iron.

The reliability and durability of their work depends on the accuracy of calculations, the availability of materials, parts, correct assembly, as well as compliance with safety rules at all stages of the creation and operation of such devices.

Photo of a welding machine at home