Shower      04.03.2020

3-level stretch ceiling. How to make two-level stretch ceilings - step by step guide. We lower the frame to the desired length

Among modern methods of finishing the ceiling surface, stretch two-level ceilings occupy a key place. They look unusually fresh and presentable both in the photo in the advertising booklets of installation organizations, and live, representing an extremely successful design solution for completely different interiors. Meanwhile, in order to skillfully use all the advantages of a two-tier structure, it will not be superfluous to know what effect they have on the visual appearance of the premises - and how this happens on concrete examples. We present you with extensive material, which will certainly come in handy if you are eager to install two-level stretch ceiling- 100 photos from best ideas and useful tips for integrating a complex ceiling structure into the interior.

All the benefits of using

If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. So tension two-level structures are successfully implemented in modern city apartments and private houses for the simple reason that they allow the owners to realize some design ideas due to their obvious advantages. What kind?

  1. modern style - for those who are used to following trends, it is the factor of the relevance of a decision that plays a key role;
  2. effective masking of pipes and communications - nothing will spoil appearance premises, and if necessary, you can easily get direct access to them;
  3. unlimited zoning possibilities - it can be a division within the room into several decorative and functional zones;
  4. variety of lighting scenario - additional levels of the ceiling structure can be used to place a variety of light sources on them and create unusual lighting effects;
  5. room zoom - it is noticed in the photo that stretch bunk ceilings work great for a visible increase in the height of the room - but not in the case of rooms that are very modest in size;
  6. potential uniqueness of each project - there are no boundaries in terms of creating ceiling structures with several levels, which means that there is a real opportunity to uniqueize your interior, while costing a minimum of money spent;
  7. combination of different textures and shades - due to this stylistic synthesis, new forms of ceiling decoration are realized.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that two-level ceilings can be perfectly implemented as in the format of an ordinary city apartment with small area, and in conditions of spacious country house, where, as you know, square meters are not particularly considered - but why, when there are enough of them anyway?

All the disadvantages of using

No matter how much we want, but everything has back side- and often the facts found on it have much more weight and significance. But not in the case of stretch ceilings in several levels - for this it is enough to look at even a few photos from the catalogs. By and large, only the following points can be attributed to a small number of their minuses:

  1. reduction of the actual ceiling height - acquires any significance only if the room itself cannot boast of extra centimeters upwards;
  2. higher cost - increase in quantity consumable inevitably entails an increase in the price tag for a common project, you have to put up with this either - choose simpler and available options registration, the third - is not given;
  3. complicated installation - a fairly logical minus, which actually matters only if you decide to install such ceilings with your own hands, but most often this work is entrusted to professionals, therefore this drawback can be considered rather doubtful.

Installation features. Video

Above we noticed that installation two-level stretch fabrics is a little more complicated - due to the need to design metal frame, which will serve as a supporting structure for the second level. If you disassemble the entire editing algorithm point by point, then there is nothing complicated about it:

  1. first, a general plan is drawn up - you must decide how the lower level will be designed;

    then it is necessary to perform the required measurements and prepare profiles for the construction of a metal frame;

  2. after the frame is already ready, it remains to sheathe it with drywall;
  3. at your request, expose the drywall finishing- in accordance with the fact that it fits into the interior as well as possible;
  4. stretch the PVC film with a heat gun according to the standard method, which has already been described more than once both on the network and on our website.

Here is a detailed video instruction that allows you to visualize it all

Color matching table

The use of several levels of the ceiling surface in a single design concept implies compliance with certain color matching rules. Of course, any rules are made to be broken - and in some cases we even recommend doing so, but there will definitely not be too much information about basic tonal combinations.

For convenience, we have arranged it in a compact table. Enjoy!

Color Optimal combination Undesirable combination
White Blue, red, black
Beige Brown, emerald, red, black Yellow
Grey Fuchsia, red, purple Green
Pink Brown, white, olive, mint Purple, orange, lettuce
Red White, black, yellow Brown, pink
Yellow Blue, lilac, salad, light blue Black
Blue Red, white, grey, brown Green, purple
Black White, red, lettuce, yellow, orange Versatile but needs to be diluted

Interaction with light sources

With the emergence of a large number of sources additional lighting designers have a great opportunity to directly influence the atmosphere in the room, and stretch bunk ceilings here came in handy. As a rule, one of the levels is located along the perimeter or along one of the walls and takes an active part in zoning of the premises by placing spotlights or LED years. These light sources are classified as additional and help, in addition to performing a direct practical function, to achieve an artistic division of a single living space into several functional zones.

Let's see how it all happens in reality.

What light sources are actively used?

  • spots- spotlights, which are also often called mortise, have the ability to illuminate the space within a maximum radius of 2 meters and therefore are most often used in a bunch of 4-6 pieces, placed in series or in random order;
  • LED strips- LED strips that stretch along the perimeter or along one of the walls and illuminate the space are a basic element of the so-called hidden illumination;
  • chandeliers- the classic version of the main lighting, most often its central element, in the case of using two-level ceilings, is placed mainly on the PVC sheet itself;
  • ceiling lamps- exists a large number of variations - and each of them can play its role in the simulated light scenario, it can be placed both on the plasterboard part and directly on the stretch fabric.

It should be noted that quite often LEDs located at the top level in such a way as to highlight certain areas, thereby helping to achieve a three-dimensional and beautiful display of the pattern printed on the canvas. The most common options:

  • starry sky;
  • specific constellations;
  • sunny dawn;
  • space theme;
  • geographic Maps.

Use in different types of premises

The functional features of the premises are one of the main factors determining the nature of the decoration of the ceiling structure in them. Take a look at the photo above: the placement of stretch two-level ceilings in one case can favorably emphasize the scale of the room and the specifics of its use, but in the other, it can break the harmony in the air and create an uncomfortable, poorly optimized interior. In addition, in bathrooms, balconies, nurseries, you need to be very careful using a multi-level structure - due to direct mechanical action, the stretched fabric can tear, and permanent temperature changes affect its performance.

Nevertheless, people love two-tier stretch ceilings and actively use them in their "homes". Let's look at how this happens and what rules should be followed so that the final result after installation is pleasing to the eye. Well, when is it worth abandoning the rules in order to get an original and effective interior.

In the living room

If you are a resident in a private house and if you want to emphasize the luxury of your living room, we recommend that you view the following photos of stretch bunk ceilings: among them there are many options with deep relief and unexpected contrasts.

It is not enough to have a large living room - you also need to be able to use free square meters to the maximum. With the help of a complex ceiling structure and properly designed lighting, you can favorably highlight the recreation area or place other accents in the interior.

It always looks great when the ceiling is symmetrical to the floor decoration of the room. For example, as in the images below.

As a rule, in urban conditions, with the help of two-level stretch ceilings, the owners tend to emphasize the internal volume of the room. A higher scale is achieved by introducing an additional level in one of the corners of the room. Hidden lighting system is another tool that skillful hands turns into a well-aimed designer weapon.

Look at how it hits not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

In the kitchen

Far from always modern kitchens allow you to use several levels of decoration on the ceiling at once, but if such an opportunity is present, why not take advantage of it?

In city apartments:

  • narrow frame;
  • spot lighting over the entire area of ​​the lower tier;
  • light-colored stretch fabric placed in the center;
  • central chandelier (if possible)

Such a schematic arrangement of accents allows even in modest rooms kitchen type achieve excellent visualization of the interior. All the laws of competent zoning are observed, the working area is favorably illuminated by symmetrically spaced spots, and a chandelier is used as the main source of lighting. Instead, if desired, you can use a ceiling-type lamp - three hanging over dining table there will be enough lamps to organize a comfortable meal and a great atmosphere.

Be careful with experiments in modest-sized kitchens: non-observance of color balance can cause an uncomfortable interior that puts pressure on the brain. In particular, be extremely careful with the use of black. If it is already difficult to overcome your sympathy for him, then give him a place on the simulated frame, and give the main level a pure white color. The combination of two contrasting textures is especially advantageous - glossy And matte. In this case, it is best to place the first on the frame, and the second in the central part.

In private houses, it makes little sense to adhere to any specific schemes, since each house has its own layout, and most of the schemes known and recommended by experts simply do not work. It is best to resort to the help of a professional designer - he will be able to take into account all the nuances of the room and develop a unique project. Of course, the ceiling surface should be given maximum attention.

We offer you a photo with the successful use of stretch two-level ceilings in the format spacious kitchen in a private house.

In the bedroom

Leave all the provocations with color and texture for other rooms - in the bedroom you need to create an extremely cozy atmosphere that is most conducive to relaxation. To do this, use calm ceilings for two-level ceilings. pastel shades, avoid geometric congestion and jagged lines.

Soft, absolutely unobtrusive lighting and delicate accents on the bedside area of ​​the two-level ceiling are welcome.

If your bedroom uses a central chandelier, then prefer not the most massive design: the light source should be natural and not impudently suggest itself in the field of view.

A separate case - imitation of the ceiling under starry sky using LED lamps. With help different types glow, you can achieve the unique color of a two-level ceiling. Of course, someone will say, they say, a hackneyed plot, it's time to come up with something new. But take a look at the photo below, where the stretch bunk ceilings of this type are just presented. Isn't it a winning decision?

In the hallway and corridor

One of the most curious tools that helps to enrich a rather meager design a little. modern hallways by using

stretch ceilings. As a rule, in apartments these rooms cannot boast of a solid size, so you can apply a little trick: use ceilings of this type in the same way as in the next photo.

Thus, you masterfully kill two birds with one stone:

  • visually enrich a room that is modest in terms of aesthetic characteristics;
  • make it longer with the help of lower tiers parallel to each other.

Sequentially placed lamps on a two-level ceiling enhance the desired effect.

Here are a few more interesting photos with two-level ceilings in the format of modern hallways and corridors. Carefully study the interior - they are hiding in it great ideas, each of which can potentially organically fit into the design of your room.

In the children's room

Children passionately love everything bright, playful, fabulous. Therefore, in terms of choosing colors and motifs when organizing a stretch ceiling, parents have a completely free hand:

  • Flora and fauna;
  • stars and sun;
  • fairy-tale heroes;
  • motifs from comics and animations.

Do you want a blue sky filled with vital energy on your ceiling? Please!

Cartoon characters left the TV screen and settled on a stretch ceiling? Why not?

Incredibly beautiful butterflies flutter, creating a great mood and a reason to smile? Great option for the ceiling in the nursery!

As you might guess, for the installation of a two-level stretch ceiling, everything that one way or another is in the circle of interests of your child and makes up a map of his inner world is suitable. However, be careful with the lower level: kids often like to frolic with all sorts of objects, so the risk of damaging the stretched canvas is permanent.


You can endlessly look at how stretch two-level ceilings look favorably in the photo, but you won’t be full of images alone - sooner or later you will have to move from theory to practice. The existing variety of color and texture solutions of stretch ceilings allows you to express even the most daring and extraordinary idea on the ceiling surface. The main thing at the same time is to organically fit it into the overall interior. It should be remembered that all parts of the tension bunk ceiling are equivalent, which means that obviously tasteless, intrusive options that are on the verge of an aesthetic foul should be avoided. An effect similar to two-level ceilings can be achieved by using two-tone stretch ceilings in the interior. Or fit them into such design concepts in which they will look natural and beneficial. As the programmers say: "turn a bug into a feature".

Modern technologies allow you to take a fresh look at the design of the home. Take at least the design of stretch ceilings: PVC film provides a lot of design possibilities. The uniqueness of this material lies in the fact that no other material for finishing the ceiling has such qualities. Consider the most popular type of design: two-level stretch ceilings; we will study their types, advantages and disadvantages, as well as all the subtleties of choice.


Two-level stretch ceilings are a construction of metal profiles with a PVC film attached to them. Installation is carried out by adding drywall to the structure, which sets the desired design and size of tension inserts. The technology of these systems can be seamless (when the width of the coating is sufficient and is about 5 m) or seam (3.5 m), in which the panels are connected by welding.

Unlike single-level structures, to give volume and relief, plasterboard forms are used here, rather than plinth and molding.

Such ceilings are easy to install. With detailed information at hand step by step instructions and the necessary materials, you can install them in no more than a couple of days. At the same time, the result finished work not much different from the work of experienced craftsmen. This allows you to significantly save the budget, paying more attention to the purchase quality material and simple inventory, if it is not available.

The installation process is the fastening of the supporting profiles to the base (ceiling) with the formation desired lines, which are initially marked with maximum accuracy on the drawing, indicating the dimensions. The purchase of a stretch fabric is carried out only after measurements have been taken, in some cases it is purchased after the profiles are installed. It is cut out and sewn to the box itself or the frame, ensuring a high fit of the profile to the two-level structure. This factor determines the durability of the operation of a two-level stretch ceiling.

The panel is fixed in several ways (wedge, glazing bead or harpoon). More often, the latter method is used for fixation, welding special hooks to the edges of the panel to stretch the material and fasten it to the frame. Sometimes used for fastening special tape. A feature of the installation of tension structures is the heating of the panels by means of a special hair dryer or heat gun.

When heated, the material becomes elastic. First, it is fixed in one corner, then in the opposite, and only after that in the remaining two, correcting the irregularities. After that, the edges are fixed to the profile or baguette in increments of 8 cm. Technological gaps are masked with a flexible tape.

If you want to build in the backlight, holes are made on the canvas, not forgetting to protect the film from powerful lamps due to the heat-insulating ring. So the light sources will not touch the film.


The main component of the tension structure is the canvas. More often it is a polyvinyl chloride film, less often fiberglass and polyester textiles are used to decorate the ceiling. The fabric is heat shrinkable: it is mounted without preheating, it is able to partially absorb moisture. The texture resembles ordinary textiles, excludes the possibility of re-assembly. It is used to combine glossy and matte panels at different levels of two-level structures.

Profiles made of metal or plastic are used as fastening systems. These systems allow you to place the tension fabric at different distances in relation to the base one. With their help, you can hide various communications if they are located on top. If glazing bead technology is provided, plastic inserts are used. In other cases, the fastening is gapless.

If special forms are needed, drywall is used, which, if necessary, can be painted or wallpapered in the same style with a stretch panel.


A characteristic feature of such structures are the endless design possibilities: drywall allows you to create a variety of fantasy lines and shapes, in which the tension inserts look special. These designs are recognized as the most aesthetic and convenient type of ceiling decoration for a modern home. They may have different texture surface, which allows you to choose a variety with desired effect. Consider the nuances of each type of coverage.


This material is one of the sought-after canvases for decoration. modern interiors. It is especially harmonious when it is necessary to demonstrate the synthetic basis of raw materials and gloss. It is characterized by the presence of reflectivity, due to which it is used for visual magnification height and width of the walls of small rooms.

However, with all the aesthetics of such a surface, such material creates emotional tension, so it should be used deliberately in the design of a two-level stretch ceiling design.

An interesting nuance is the increase in reflectivity with increasing saturation and darkness of the color. In addition, among these coatings there are mirror options, which, along with the expansion of space, introduce an imbalance into its perception, doubly cluttering the room with details. In addition, such a texture attracts attention, which forces you to think about each element of its decor, from the drawing to the backlight. At the same time, it is not so easy to clean, because often after wet cleaning of the surface, stains are visible on it.


Such material is appropriate in different areas of interior design, so it can support any style or become its highlight without interrupting the overall concept of the interior. The matte type of surface in two-level designs is used in combination with glossy coatings, as it is able to soften the sharpness of the gloss. Matte film is perfectly combined with different backlighting and allows complex compositional techniques to be performed, when both built-in and external lighting are used to add volume and depth.

This film is easy to care for and allows the use of a damp cloth, vacuuming for cleaning. Due to its antistatic properties, it repels dust, so the coating almost always looks neat. This type of texture contributes to the creation of a cozy atmosphere, so it can be used in any room of the home.

This is especially facilitated by the fact that the appearance of condensate on its surface is impossible; this allows it to be used in rooms with a high percentage of humidity.


This material is another type of film coating. His distinguishing feature- it is frost-resistant and can be used in unheated rooms (for example, in the design of the ceiling of a summer house). This type of coating is placed in a separate group due to the mother-of-pearl reflection of the surface, which is not characteristic of either matte or glossy types.

According to their performance given material surpasses the first two analogues. It looks more expensive, aesthetically more attractive and is able to successfully fit into any interior design, regardless of the creativity of its direction. This canvas is expensive, it provides for decorating the surface with any decor up to the drawing. However, it does not compete with decorative elements and backlight.

Advantages and disadvantages

Two-level structures of stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages. Let's designate the most relevant.

  • Ceilings are durable. Subject to the installation technology, careful care of the coatings and proper cleaning of the surface, they will last more than 10 years.
  • Due to the lightness of the components of the structure, they do not create a large weight load, therefore they do not harm the ceilings of the premises, which allows them to be used in every room of an apartment or house.
  • They are distinguished by the possibility self-selection ceiling height, which is convenient if you need to mask the height difference of the walls.
  • All types of material used are harmless to health and do not cause allergic reactions, so that such structures can be installed in children's rooms.
  • Not limited to color solutions, which allows you to design the ceiling space, taking into account your own taste preferences.

  • The material used does not change its properties for a long time, while the texture remains resistant to temperature changes, the formation of fungus and mold.
  • Tension webs are not affected sun rays, thanks to which you can decorate the ceiling with rich tones of the color palette, without worrying that they will fade.
  • Depending on the chosen color, they are able to increase the size of the room, fill it with light, depth and lightness.
  • They provide for the use of modern diverse lighting, which in most cases can adequately replace the central lighting.
  • Such ceilings can unobtrusively zone the space through inserts and shapes of different shades, textures, and create a clear organization of each functional area of ​​the room.
  • The panels are resistant to moisture, in case of leakage from the apartment from above, they stretch without bursting. After drying, in most cases they return to their original shape.
  • The materials used provide for external and internal lighting; any design of the ceiling can be made special.
  • Bunk varieties of the ceiling allow you to embed the backlight in such a way as not to create unnecessary holes on the stretch fabric.


The list can be continued for a long time, however, along with the advantages of two-level stretch ceilings, there are also disadvantages. We note the main ones:

  • No type of material is designed for significant mechanical damage and possible punctures. The appearance of defects is usually accompanied by the dismantling of the tension web.
  • Bunk structures hide the height of the walls (from 10 cm or more), so their use in the premises of small apartments (Khrushchev and Brezhnevka) is not always possible.
  • The design of small rooms requires a special approach so as not to visually overload the interior.
  • Two-level stretch ceilings are more expensive than their single-level counterparts. At the same time, almost always, to create them, a design project is required for the specific dimensions of the room, which forces you to contact the designer, and this entails additional expenses.

  • When performing curly lines, you will have to observe an identical width, which will require more concentration. In addition, it is difficult if the ceiling has a height difference.
  • The canvas has to be cut out especially accurately, otherwise it may be expressed in its sagging or lack. While right angles are easier to handle, sharp and gapless design elements on double levels can be difficult for a non-professional to perform.


The palette of shades of tension structures with two levels is multifaceted. If necessary, you can perform a two-level design in several shades of the same color, differing in varying degrees of saturation. This technique allows, without violating the integrity of the composition, to give any room an organization. Conventionally, all types of paints can be divided into several scales:

  • neutral;
  • pastel;
  • natural;
  • dynamic;
  • dark.

The white color remains the favorite among the tones: it is able to bring positive into any interior, make the room visually lighter, fill it with air, soften the perception with an abundance of dark tones, and create balance. However, if it is used with a black tone, the perception changes: the absence of lively (color) tones deprives the space with a black and white ceiling of cheerfulness.

Therefore, white color often takes on the desired color due to the contrast with which it is customary to supplement it. For example, if you add light gray and beige to it, it will already look different.

Designers pay attention to the significance of adding white color in the design of a double ceiling structure with a stretch fabric.

Pastel shades look better than others in the design of stretch ceilings in two rows. They are perfectly combined with white color and allow you to bring coziness to the room. Some tones (for example, delicate turquoise, caramel, mint, light peach, ivory and pink) are selected according to individual project, starting from the general concept of style.

In this case, you can start from the color of the wall decoration, furniture or certain significant accessories and even photo wallpapers.

The use of natural (natural) tones often does not depend on the chosen style, therefore, they are guided so that it suits different designs, because the wallpaper is changed more often. In this case, it is important that the tone is not dark and inexpressive. The most popular color is beige of varying degrees of saturation. It can be light, bright, while it is important that the color does not match the tone of the furniture. Other tones include Brown color, which is more often used in glossy canvases.

They try to apply saturated colors in doses, combining with light shades or white. This is due to the fact that bright colors draw all the attention to themselves. If there are few, it does light colors expressive. When saturated contrasts dominate, a color imbalance of the entire interior is created. In this group, lilac, purple, yellow, wine and burgundy are most in demand today. Difficult to work with include blue, bronze, orange.


Lighting of two-level structures of stretch ceilings is of great importance. It is it that is able to draw out any design, including concise design options. Conventionally, it can be divided into two types: built-in and external. IN classic version these are chandeliers on suspensions or other fixtures or flat panels of the near-surface type. From the usual models of central lamps, they are often distinguished by their lightness of form: they have many small high-power lamps.

Usually used as lighting for such ceilings. modern type light sources are LEDs. By their own technical specifications and in terms of performance, they are in many ways superior to any known types of lamps. But this is only on condition that they are bought in a reliable store of a certain manufacturer, time-tested and marked by a lot of positive reviews.

During operation, they consume a minimum of electricity, almost all of it is converted into light, so they almost do not heat up when turned on.

The main types of built-in lighting are spotlights (soffits), spots ( lighting with the ability to adjust the angle), cord and flexible LED strip. TO unusual solutions, used mainly for decorating stretch fabrics of a translucent and transparent type, include fiber optic threads. When mixed, their thickness creates realistic effects by illuminating the ceiling from the inside (for example, the effect of twinkling stars).

The tape is distinguished by the ability to clearly repeat the shape and any bend, while it is easy to install and allows fixing on the eaves. These light sources are harmless, do not contain mercury, do not emit toxins, shine even and directional light. Therefore, in order to exclude dark, unlit areas in the interior, it is often necessary to place them at the same distance from each other along the perimeter of the box or along the figured line of drywall. Their design is almost always concise, but successfully fits into the design of any conceived idea.

Spots are remarkable in that they can be mounted on false beams or other ledges. provided in the design of two-level tension structures with drywall.

Style and design

The complexity of two-level structures of stretch ceilings, as well as the use of a certain texture, depend on the chosen direction of interior design. If these are decisions that include classic, neoclassic, classicism, Italian style , it is important to show the elements of palace solemnity. You can take white or light beige as the basis. It is allowed to combine matte and glossy textures, compiling levels U-shaped. This may be a certain lacquer accent of a geometric shape located in the center of the room (for example, a square, an oval).

It is desirable that the design provides for symmetry: this is a visiting card of classical trends. To add luxury, you can decorate the design with elements with gilding or imitation plaster moldings or choose a satin canvas, decorating it, say, with photo printing in the form of gilded lace along the edges.

However, with apparent luxury, the design should not be pompous: it is important to leave this role to the demonstration of furniture and accessories.

If we're talking about modern directions, they are divided into two types: minimalist (minimalism) and elegant (modern, hi-tech, brutalism, bionics). At the same time, functionality and demonstration are inherent in both categories. modern technologies, including through the selected invoice. Here it is important to show the synthetic component, which the glossy type of coating, decorated with ergonomically shaped lamps, will do just fine.

The lines of the structures are often curly, although often the ceiling space is decorated with round plasterboard elements that accentuate the central part of the ceiling.

If a certain vintage direction is chosen as the basis of the idea, capable of immersing you in the desired era, then, most likely, you will have to beat the design with matte stretch panels, choosing angular and simple shapes if this is the style of French villages. For luxurious interiors, which include baroque and rococo, it is worth taking a closer look at the ceilings with a satin sheen and plaster decorations.

If in simple compositions it is appropriate to decorate the ceiling with matte lamps with a simple design and a single shade, chandeliers on suspensions will look better here.

It is impossible not to note the creative style, for example, popular styles loft and grunge. In this case, it is undesirable to show the gloss of the ceiling surface. Since the appearance of the interior should resemble a lived-in industrial facility, it is better to take a matte texture as a basis. In this case, it is allowed to apply a pattern with an imitation of even concrete. The main thing in this case is right choice lamps, which can be played with the help of spots with imitation of communication systems.

If you want more creativity, you can finish in the form of an accent in light gray or lime-look white, making a transition to one of the walls or to a partition separating different functional areas. Such a design will be memorable and impressive.

An interesting design solution today is the use of photo printing. The process involves applying an image of any color and size to the surface of the coating. It can be selected from the catalog or ordered at will, using a high-quality and sharp image for decoration.

However, in order for the image to be successful, they try to select motifs in positive colors, as well as drawings without a perspective that creates a negative effect (for example, huge flowers and birds, a view of a person from below, military equipment are undesirable).

A popular plot today is the heavenly theme. These are daytime motifs depicting the sky, clouds, sunbeams, as well as a mysterious cosmos. The top of design art can be called a two-level composition with the theme of the starry sky, which is created using composite lighting, embedding it inside the tension structure and leading to the network. At the same time, for realism, you can use the desired image, selecting fiber optic strands in places where stars are drawn for the effect of greater realism.


Of great importance in the design of the ceiling with a double design is the purpose of the room. The color and type of texture of the material depends on this. Let's consider several options.

Hallway and corridor

These rooms often do not have windows, which makes them uncomfortable. The main task is to replenish lighting. At the same time, the design of a two-level structure should not be massive, otherwise you can create a negative perception of space.

The ease of design is welcome, for example, it is enough to emphasize a small part of the ceiling space with a stretch fabric, softening the design in white and a plain coating.

If there are few things in the hallway, or they are hidden in the closet, it is quite appropriate to use a glossy texture for decoration. This will allow you to visually beat the lack of light and the lack of footage, which is usually inherent in hallways. If the corridor is part of an open plan, you can highlight it with a separate box or curly line of one of the levels. In this case, you can combine two different shades or play with texture using a matte and glossy type of the same white color.


Dynamic colors are appropriate here. The contrasts can be the most unexpected. For example, a mix of light gray with a contrasting wine-colored insert, chosen for different zones kitchens. So that the combination of tones is not sharp, you can choose an imitation natural material, embodying it in a gray tint through a drawing.

However, when choosing extraordinary solutions, it is important to understand that for harmony in combination, they must be repeated in the details of the interior composition. This may be a rare vase unusual shape, curtain or other small element of arrangement (up to the flower or the color of the panel pattern).

Reception of versatility using two tones is also appropriate. You can decorate the ceiling with a glossy pale green canvas and emphasize it with a richer tone. So that the design does not look boring, the shades should be diluted with white. So in the kitchen, the lightness will not be disturbed, and freshness will be felt. The complexity of the two-level design will depend on the size of the kitchen: if it is combined with a living room or dining room, you can make a transition with a curly line, unobtrusively dividing the two functional areas.

Living room

This room is the heart of any home, so let's give it Special attention. It should be comfortable in it. Therefore, the priority is glossy and satin options for the panels: they will bring elegance to the interior, a certain amount of elegance and will not allow the design to be boring. To create comfort, it is preferable to choose warm and light shades of the color palette: they will suit all households and will not provide negative energy.

If this is an apartment of a young family, you can add purple, yellow, sand color to the design. In addition, let's say a blue tint mixed with purple due to photo printing of a picture of, say, a stellar nebula. If elderly people live in the house, such tones are undesirable for them: they will cause depression, even if there are not many of them in the design. The perception of young people is different: it will seem to them that the room is filled with freshness.

Everyone will be satisfied beige tones, the use of white, light peach, milky color. It is undesirable to decorate the two-tier ceiling structure of the living room with a pink tint: this color creates discomfort for men. The same applies to lilac.

Avoid red and black colors in the design of stretch fabrics: they carry a negative load and are sources of irritability.

It is worth mixing matte canvases with satin or glossy ones. This will look beautiful. If possible, emphasize different levels with spotlights: this way the tiered systems will become more elegant. As a backlight, use light sources with a warm shade of the light flux. If you want to change the perception, decorate one of the tiers led strip RGB type. At will, you can change the shade of the glow from white to purple, varying the color according to your mood.


The interior of the bedroom needs light colors and creating a relaxing atmosphere. Matte and satin finishes are applicable here. The former will allow you to relax as much as possible, the latter will bring luxury to the interior. To make the design look unusual, you can make a small accent using photo printing, making the transition of the stretch fabric to the wall at the headboard. If a matte texture is chosen, you can decorate it with simple patterns. Such an accent will clearly define the sleeping area, set the main mood for the design.

To enhance the harmony of the design of the ceiling and the interior, repeat the lighting elements on the walls or the facade of the cabinet. You can use the dressing table by highlighting it with identical spots or a cord.

Avoid large patterns: they are out of place here. Monochromatic contrasts with a predominance of white look better in the bedroom. Use warm tones, they promote relaxation.


The matte texture looks good in the nursery. It contributes to a better perception of space. However, for zoning, you can use a small contrasting insert by placing it in the working area of ​​the room. In this case, the material should be selected in such a way that the reflectivity is not large., otherwise it may be distracting, which is especially undesirable for schoolchildren.

The color of the tension fabric can repeat, for example, the finish of the rack. In this case, it is possible to perform a separate illumination of each section of the room, using small spotlights.

Do not overload the design by choosing unthinkable complex designs based on two tiers. In this case, it is worth betting on the pleasant tones and hobbies of the child. For example, for a teenager, you can choose an option in the form of a porthole spaceship, depicting the focus of this topic.

How to choose?

Let us note the basic principles for the selection of tension structures and their design. This will allow you to decide which option is more suitable in a particular case.

  • If you want to save money, you can buy the film yourself in a specialized store: they are sold in rolls, which is convenient for transportation. When buying, consider the width of the material so that in the future you do not have to think about welding seams.
  • If you have conceived a certain design, entrust it to professionals: order a certain pattern that will bring the right mood to any space. At the same time, give preference to matte or satin varieties: photo printing on them looks better and more expressive.
  • If you want to decorate an attic with a two-level design, try to focus on the matte texture of the surface, diluting it with a slight accent of a glossy finish.

Avoid dark tones on the attic floor: there is often not enough light here anyway.

  • To implement complex creative ideas It is worth thinking about combining with drywall. By themselves, matte and glossy canvases look easier.
  • Film materials are good for the kitchen and bathroom. They are easier to care for. Try to choose cheerful tones and textures with little reflectivity.
  • If you need to design the ceiling in a room with a staircase leading to the attic, choose a design that will allow you to beat the opening leading to the rooms on the upper floor.

Beautiful examples and options

To appreciate the role of space decoration different rooms dwellings, let's turn to the examples of the photo gallery, considering various designs of a 2-level stretch ceiling.

  • An example of accentuating the sleeping area with a laconic but stylish design with a satin texture of the material.
  • Dilution of lilac and brown tones of the interior by means of a white construction with a matte texture with separate illumination of each functional area.

  • An example of using warm blue with white contrast from drywall demonstrates the lightness of the design.
  • The contrast of white with light beige conveys the atmosphere of home comfort. The light chandelier is a stylish accent of the tension structure.

  • The ceiling with a black asymmetrical triangular insert with a mirror effect adds complexity to the perception, while successfully dividing the open-plan space.
  • The use of a glossy canvas with an airy chandelier in the guest area of ​​​​the room is successfully combined with the decoration of the box for a small dining space in the form of a bar table with chairs.

  • original design combined type with drywall, made in strict geometric shapes, is good for decorating a spacious living room.
  • A laconic solution for a child teenager using a warm white glossy coating, using different lamps: panels for working area and spotlights on the opposite side.

  • Stylish design ceiling with gloss fashionable today yellow color. Emphasizing the dining space with the transition of the material to the wall.
  • Decorating the living room classical style with the use of a stretch ceiling with a glossy texture, decoration in the form of a luxurious chandelier and solemn lamps of a similar style of a small size.

  • Good luck in compiling bright contrast: the use of gray and wine tones brings a special mood to the interior of the kitchen.
  • This design will be appreciated by the twins: a small glossy insert with a sky pattern in the shape of a circle, decorated in a backlit ring, fits well into the room, made in beige and blue tones.

1560 rub/m.p. with installation

Such designs are suitable for any room. Due to their relatively low weight, they are able to last a long time. special care do not require. If you are not satisfied with the geometry of the room, then you can make a small optical illusion that will expand or lengthen the room. Ceilings are of great importance in shaping the interior, so pay due attention to them. Place an order with professionals!

Two-level stretch ceilings

1560 rub/m.p. with installation

Ideal solution for hallways, living rooms and bedrooms. They will decorate the room, adding a special zest to them. At your request, we will make a backlight with a multi-color LED strip and a remote control remote control! We do not limit the flight of fancy, we will carry out an order of any complexity! Imagine the perfect two-level stretch ceilings, and now order them from RumExpert

Two-level stretch ceilings
with recessed lighting

2800 rub/m.p. with installation

Great option for lovers modern design. Such designs are able to visually adjust and expand the space. Repair will look expensive and solid. A two-level stretch ceiling is suitable for any design and type of room. There are configurations for unheated rooms and attic floors. We will make any ceiling! Treat yourself, choose best experts capital Cities!

More recently, most owners of apartments or private houses during the next repair carried out a simple ceiling decoration, which consisted in a simple whitewashing or, in extreme cases, the ceiling was pasted over with white wallpaper. But this time has already passed, and whitewashing has been replaced by a wide variety of finishing materials. Stretch ceilings are considered one of the varieties of ceiling decoration. Their history is quite large, since they were used even under Emperor Neuron.

Today, multi-level stretch ceilings are one of the most modern materials high strength. They can also be given any shape. If necessary, any designs are created on them.

One of the varieties of stretch ceilings are 2-level stretch ceilings. Today they are considered the pinnacle of evolution in the field of ceiling finishes.

To get started, you need to prepare the tool that will be used:

  • bead nails;
  • perforator;
  • hammer;
  • screws with dowels;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • graph paper;
  • pencil with eraser;
  • kapron thread;
  • drywall;
  • wooden bars.

It is much easier to perform than multi-level, but, no matter what, it is still possible. This will take more time, materials and effort.

The stretching of 2-level stretch ceilings should be carried out last, only after the main repair of the room has been completed. Therefore, during the repair, all furniture and other items are taken out so that they do not suffer under the influence of high temperature. Since during the heating of the film, the temperature in the room will reach 65-70 ° C.

Any can perform the functions of zoning a room. For example, in this way you can separate the dining room from the kitchen.

All actions for installing a stretch ceiling must be carried out in stages in strict sequence:

  1. First you need to measure the height of all corners in the room. The lowest corner is located. Then you need to step back 5 cm from it, driving a bead nail into this place. After that, you need to measure the same distance in all three remaining corners. A nylon thread is pulled through the corners. Thanks to this action, alignment is made around the perimeter of the entire room. Now you can easily calculate the working perimeter.
  2. After calculating the perimeter, a sketch of the future ceiling is drawn up. For convenience, you can take a double checkered sheet or graph paper from a notebook to recreate the most accurate space and extremely accurate final measurements.
  3. Buy 2-level stretch ceilings can be ordered from companies that specialize in them or purchased in stores. There are two types of base layer: . What type to choose should be decided by the owner of the future ceiling. Using both views allows you to create a visual distinction that will positively affect the overall appearance. Typically, most customers choose one of the forty shades of white, much less often use other shades and colors.
  4. The main part of the work begins after the ceilings are brought into the room. First you need to step back 5 or 6 cm from the level of the stretched thread, then the exact same thread is pulled in parallel. In the event that the second level of the stretch ceiling does not touch any wall - this is not scary, you can not lead the thread along it.
  5. The contour of the second level must be marked with a marker or chalk on the ceiling. After the contour is ready, wooden bars of a certain height (usually 10 cm) begin to be screwed to it. If there is a difference in height, then there is a slight expansion. In the event that, according to the plans, the creation of a rounded corner, then in this case drywall is used, because it can be easily given any shape. It also needs to be attached to the bars.
  6. Practically on all 2-level stretch ceilings it is necessary to install two types of illuminators. The first type of lighting is , and the second type is spot lighting, which should be displayed on the second level. It should not exceed 50 watts.

Stages of the main work

For the main work, you will need such tools and materials as:

  • perforator;
  • profile;
  • screwdriver;
  • thermal gun;
  • screws with dowels;
  • PVC matte;
  • PVC glossy;
  • spatula with a rubber tip;
  • harpoon mount;
  • decorative plinth.

Work process

The beauty and comfort of your home depends on many things. Every day, designers come up with new solutions that are not only fashionable, but also practical. Today we will look at what 2-level stretch ceilings are.

This complex structure, consisting of a special material with a baguette, a supporting frame, with the presence exterior finish from durable varieties of drywall. The features that 2-level stretch ceilings have give great freedom of design ideas and allow you to give them a different shape, and the variability of the plasterboard box has no limit.

2-level stretch ceilings, used as a canvas various materials, including fabric, matte, satin and PVC film sheets. The choice of canvas varies only by your own preferences.

An example of a two-level stretch ceiling

Advantages of 2-level stretch ceilings

Against the background of various design solutions for the ceiling, 2-level stretch ceilings take pride of place and have a number of key advantages.

  1. Aesthetic look. These ceilings are considered one of the most beautiful with the use of stretch fabrics.
  2. Design variability. 2-level stretch ceilings are practically unlimited in terms of design solution. They allow you to combine shape, color and surface texture without restrictions.
  3. 2-level ceilings facilitate the functional breakdown of the living space.
  4. Breadth of application. These ceilings can be used in almost any room, from the living room to the bathroom. Restriction on such ceilings imposes only the height of the room.
  5. Functionality. Under the ceiling structure, you can easily hide even the most cumbersome communications.
  6. flood barrier. 2-level ceilings will not allow your neighbors to flood you unexpectedly. Their design is durable, and some types of canvas (PVC film) are able to withstand large volumes of liquid.

Ceilings can be used in almost any room

Design of 2-level ceilings

Before you become the owner of such beauty, you need to choose how your future 2-level ceilings will look like. The frame of the canvas and the material of its execution will depend on this.

The ceiling itself most often consists of a carrier drywall construction and stretch fabric, but sometimes all levels are made from stretch fabric.

A typical example of a classic plasterboard ceiling

2-level stretch ceilings have the following design options for the carrier box:

  • rectangular;
  • spherical;
  • box with curved lines;
  • combined.

At the same time, it is possible to embed backlight elements in the box, which are also very diverse.

There are practically no restrictions in the decoration of the ceiling, the main thing is to observe the combination of the color palette between the decoration of the box and the stretch fabric. Moisture resistant materials will be a plus when finishing.

When they make a finish for a box on 2-level stretch ceilings, they most often use plaster (with the possibility of painting), wallpaper, and plastic panels.

Options for choosing a canvas for stretch ceilings:

  • The canvas is monophonic, mirrored. Due to the reflection in the mirror canvas, the volume of the room visually grows. Such canvases have a large selection of colors.
  • Satin or matte canvases (plain). Such 2-level stretch ceilings are made of fabric panels. They can be velvet, leather, suede. Their color palette is not so diverse, but they have a chic texture.
  • Mother-of-pearl, metal fabric. These canvases have a glossy surface, and visually such 2-level stretch ceilings increase the volume of the room.
  • Starry sky. In such a ceiling, a special system of LEDs, light bulbs, and fixtures is used. The brightness and color of the glow can be adjusted using the remote control.
  • Printed canvases. 2-level stretch ceilings with such canvases contain any drawing or favorite photos.

Stretch ceiling designs are completely different

Installation of 2-level stretch ceilings

Having chosen the design you like, marking the appearance of the ceiling, you can start installing it. To do this, you first need to have a working tool:

  • level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • square;
  • putty knife;
  • clamps for canvases;
  • air heater (for PVC film).

2-level stretch ceilings, the following materials are required:

  • stretch fabric;
  • drywall;
  • metal profiles;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • baguette (fixes the canvas, aluminum is best);
  • lighting elements (if required).

Ceiling installation

Before installing the ceiling, you can familiarize yourself with the diagrams and sketches.

2-level stretch ceilings are installed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of the old ceiling. It is cleaned of ill-fitting plaster so that it does not crumble and damage the canvas. Possible foci of fungus and mold are removed. Communications are being carried out, the foundations for lamps and lamps are being prepared.
  2. Installation of the first level, drywall boxes. We measure the line of the future box using a level, as a rule, it is 14-21 cm lower than the old ceiling. We start laying the line from the very bottom corner of the room, then we use laser level to make work easier.

    Frame, design for a two-level stretch ceiling

  3. Installation of the main frame. Metal carcass for 2-level stretch ceilings it is attached to the wall along the marked markings with dowels, with a distance of 20 cm.
  4. Installing profiles. On installed frame the rest are attached load-bearing elements boxes that are fastened together with self-tapping screws. If necessary, a ledge is made for future lighting.

  5. Plasterboard sheathing. Now the future 2-level stretch ceiling can be sheathed with drywall. Its sheets are given the necessary shape, for this they can be slightly moistened with water (wet drywall bends). Then the prepared sheets are attached to the box.
  6. Primer, putty. The resulting box is primed, puttied, cleaned.
  7. Lighting. We lay and mount communications for lighting.

    We prepare the structure and all the necessary profiles for the installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

  8. Installation of the second level. First of all, we fix the baguette on the box, taking an indent from the original ceiling. The baguette is fastened with self-tapping screws with a distance of 12 cm.
  9. We put up a canvas. We cling to the baguette using fasteners in the corners.
  10. Room heating. With the help of an air heater, we heat the room up to 41 degrees. This temperature makes the fabric more pliable.

  11. Canvas installation. Using a spatula, fill the canvas in a baguette. We start to do the work from the center, with a gradual shift to the corners.

    Stretch ceiling fabric

  12. Installing the fixing plate.
  13. Lighting installation. We install fixing rings on the stretched canvas in the place of future lighting, cut out the canvas inside the ring. We connect the power to the lighting fixtures.

Your 2-level stretch ceiling is ready!

An example of a finished two-level stretch ceiling

The cost of a 2-level ceiling

So, we figured out what 2-level ceilings are, how they are installed. And now it remains to find out the most interesting, how much does this beauty cost?

It is not possible to name a specific fixed cost. Much will depend on your choice of materials, floor space and design options. We present approximate prices for the most popular 2-level stretch ceilings.

Video: How to install a 2-level stretch ceiling