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An important event in 1944 was the complete liberation

Winter-spring campaign of 1944 began with a gigantic battle in the Right-Bank Ukraine (24.12.43-17.04.44), consisting of several offensive operations. Troops of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Ukrainian Fronts, ships of the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Flotilla, partisans took part in these battles. Off-road offensives came as a surprise to the Germans and led to the liberation of the Right-Bank Ukraine. At the same time, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, in cooperation with units of the Second Baltic and Baltic Fleets, launched offensives near Leningrad and Novgorod. The German group "North" was seriously defeated. The blockade of Leningrad ended, the Soviet troops moved forward 220-280 km. In the south of the country, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, in cooperation with the Black Sea Front, successfully carried out the Crimean operation (April 8-May 12, 1944). The entire Crimean peninsula was cleared of the enemy.

During the winter-spring campaign of 1944, Soviet troops inflicted a major defeat on the Germans and their allies - 30 enemy divisions were completely destroyed. The troops of the Soviet Army liberated over 300,000 km2 of territory on which more than 20 million people lived before the war. In April 1944 Soviet troops reached the state border and entered the territory of Romania, transferring hostilities outside the Soviet Union.

In the summer, Soviet troops conducted major offensive operations in Karelia, Belarus, Western Ukraine and Moldova. On June 10, the offensive of Soviet troops in Karelia began. In two successive operations - Vyborg and Svirsko-Petrozavodsk, Finnish troops were defeated, thereby removing the threat from Leningrad from the north. The Finnish government was forced to begin negotiations for an armistice concluded on 19 September. Finland, as an ally of Germany, withdrew from the war.

The main blow in the summer of 1944. was inflicted on Belarus. Already in the winter, preparations began for an offensive operation code-named "Bagration" - one of the largest in terms of military-political outcome and scope in the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet troops were faced with the task of defeating the German army group "Center" and liberating Belarus. The essence of the plan was to break through the enemy’s defenses in 6 sectors, encircle and destroy the enemy’s flank groups in the Vitebsk and Bobruisk region, gaining the opportunity to quickly go deep into the enemy defenses for the subsequent encirclement of an even larger grouping of German troops in the Minsk region.

The troops of the 1st Baltic, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian fronts were involved in the operations.

The operation began on June 23, 1944. Near Vitebsk, the enemy defenses were successfully broken through; on June 25, 5 German divisions were surrounded to the west of the city, destroyed on June 27. With its destruction, the key position on the left flank of the defense of Army Group Center was defeated. In the Bogushevsky direction, after breaking through the enemy’s defenses, the 5th Guards Tank Army was brought into battle, successfully crossing the Berezina, it cleared Borisov of the enemy. The withdrawal of front troops in the Borisov region led to a major success: the 3rd Panzer Army was cut off from the 4th.

The troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front broke through the enemy's echeloned defense, prepared along the Pronya, Basya, Dnieper rivers, and on June 28 liberated Mogilev. The troops of the right wing of the 1st Belorussian Front by June 27 surrounded 6 enemy divisions in the Bobruisk area with the active assistance of aviation, partisans, on June 29 they completely defeated them. July 3, 1944 Minsk was liberated, surrounding 105 thousand German soldiers and officers. From 5 to 11 July they were captured or destroyed. The Germans lost over 70,000 killed and 35,000 captured. With the release of Soviet troops to the line Polotsk - Lake Naroch - Nesvizh, a huge gap 400 km long was formed at the front. Our troops now have the opportunity to start pursuing the enemy's broken formations.

On July 5, the second stage of the liberation of Belarus began; 5 offensive operations were carried out: Vilma, Kaunas, Shauliai, Belostog and Brest-Lublin. Soviet troops completed the liberation of Belarus, parts of Lithuania and Latvia, crossed the border and entered the territory of Poland and approached the borders East Prussia. The front advanced 260-400 km.

During the operation "Bagration" 21 enemy divisions were completely destroyed and defeated. 61 divisions lost half of the composition. The German army lost about 500 thousand people killed and wounded. July 17, 1944 57,600 people taken prisoner in Belarus were carried out through the central streets of Moscow.

June 6, 1944 A second front was opened in France against Germany. Under direct influence on the Soviet-German front in August 1944. happened popular uprising in Romania, in September - in Bulgaria. In October, Soviet troops entered the territory of Hungary and by the end of the year liberated most of the country. In autumn, the Germans were driven out of Estonia and part of Latvia. Soviet troops in September-October helped the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia to expel the Germans from most of the country. At the same time, Soviet troops entered the territory of Czechoslovakia, in October they liberated the Soviet Arctic and the northern part of Norway.

Nuremberg Trials
In 1945, the words of the Potsdam Accords sounded to the whole world: never again to allow the revival of German militarism. The vital interests of all peoples demand that not only the possibility of aggression on the part of German imperialism be ruled out forever, but also the possibility of a repetition of Nazi crimes against humanity. Judicial...

Israel is pushing the Arabs.
On the morning of July 9, a flurry of Israeli attacks broke out in all directions. In the north, they captured important positions around the cities of Shefaram and Nazareth. Attacks on Jetshin were, however, repulsed, and the city remained in the hands of the Arabs. But the Israelis achieved the most important strategic success in the attack on the cities of Lod (Lydda) and Ramla. AND...

Victory over Kolchak
The main blow to Kolchak was inflicted by the South, a group of troops of the Eastern Front, led by commander M.V. Frunze and a member of the Military Council V.V. Kuibyshev. On April 28, 1919, despite the spring thaw, units of the Red Army launched a decisive offensive and delivered an unexpected blow to the enemy. In May, Soviet troops liberated from the Kolchaks ...

By 1944, a decisive advantage of the Soviet troops was achieved. Domestic industry managed to produce 102,800 tanks during the war years, Germany - only 43,400.

The balance of forces at the beginning of 1944

Soviet post-war historians called the strategic offensive operations of 1944 " Ten Stalinist blows.

At present, the term "Stalinist strikes" is not used, but this does not make these offensive operations any less important:

1. Leningrad operation(January 1944). The blockade of Leningrad was lifted, the city of Novgorod (now Veliky Novgorod) was liberated.

2. Korsun-Shevchenko operation(February-March 1944). 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts ( N.F. Vatutin And I.S. Konev) defeated south of Kyiv 10 divisions of the Army Group "South" Field Marshal General E. Manstein and liberated Right-Bank Ukraine.

3. Odessa And Crimean operation(April-May 1944). The cities of Nikolaev and Odessa were liberated, then the cities of Simferopol and Sevastopol.

4. Vyborg-Petrozavodsk operation(June-July 1944). Soviet troops defeated the Finnish army, liberated the city of Vyborg, Petrozavodsk and most of the Karelian-Finnish SSR.

5. Belarusian operation, or operation « Bagration"(June-July 1944). Armies of 4 fronts (1st, 2nd, 3rd Belorussian and 1st Baltic) marshal K.K. Rokossovsky, generals G.F. Zakharova, I.D. Cher-nyakhovsky And I.X. Baghramyan surrounded a group of Germans, forming "cauldrons" (Bobruisk, Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk), liberated Belarus and part of Lithuania.

6. Lvov-Sandomierz operation(July-August 1944). Soviet troops defeated the Germans near Lvov, liberated Western Ukraine, crossed the Vistula and formed a bridgehead near the city of Sandomierz.

7. Yassko-Chisinau And Romanian operations(August-September 1944). Soviet troops liberated Moldova and reached the border with Romania. Romania and Bulgaria withdrew from the Nazi coalition.

8. Baltic operation(September-October 1944). Soviet troops surrounded in the Baltic (Kurland cauldron) and defeated more than 30 divisions. Estonia, Lithuania, part of Latvia were liberated. The Courland group of Germans resisted until the end of the war. Finland, a former ally of Germany, declared war on her.

9. East Carpathian And Belgrade operations(October-December 1944) - most of Hungary was cleared, Transcarpathian Ukraine was liberated, assistance was provided in the liberation of Yugoslavia. Hungary, a former ally of Germany, declared war on it.

10. Petsamo-Kirkenes operation(October 1944) - the defeat of the 20th mountain German army in Northern Finland. Soviet troops occupied Pechenga, entered the territory of Norway.

As a result of these offensive operations, 136 enemy divisions were defeated. Former allies of Germany - Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary declared war on her. By November 1944, the Nazi troops were finally expelled from Soviet territory, the state border of the USSR was completely restored, and hostilities were transferred to German territory. The liberation campaign of the Soviet Army in Eastern Europe began. In total, about 1.5 million people died during the campaign. Soviet soldiers. The liberation campaign gradually turned into a struggle for spheres of influence and soon caused contradictions between the USSR and the allies.

Warsaw uprising.

In July 1944, Soviet troops entered the territory of Poland. The leadership of the USSR was in hostile relations with the Polish bourgeois government, which was in exile in London. Polish resistance movement - Home Army(AK, "Patriotic Army") - was hostile to both Germany and the USSR, considering them occupiers. The last act of the desperate struggle of the Polish government in exile for power was the adventurous decision to start an uprising in Warsaw on August 1, 1944. It was assumed that the AK fighters, poorly armed and insufficiently trained, would liberate Warsaw from the Nazis, and the Polish bourgeois government would return from London by plane and, at the moment the Soviet Army approached, would declare its rights to power.

Soviet troops approached Warsaw, but did not provide assistance to the dying rebels. According to the official version, the Soviet Army was exhausted by the fighting. According to a German historian, former Wehrmacht General K. Tippelskircha, "the uprising broke out when the power of the Russian strike had already dried up." But many foreign historians argue that JV Stalin deliberately allowed the Germans to drown the Warsaw uprising in blood in order to prevent the return of the Polish bourgeois government to power. At first, Stalin did not allow Anglo-American aircraft to land on Soviet airfields, dropping cargo on the Warsaw people. Only on September 9, Stalin agreed to help the uprising, but it was too late. The Warsaw uprising of October 2, 1944 was crushed. 200 thousand Poles died.

Opening of the second front June 6, 1944 Liberation of Poland. In Normandy (France), the operation " Overlord"- the landing of the Anglo-American troops (commander - D. Eisenhower). In January 1945, when the threat of defeating the Anglo-American troops in Alsace and the Ardennes arose, Churchill asked Stalin to speed up the offensive from the east. Soviet troops and the Polish Army, equipped with Soviet weapons, during Vistula-Oder operation crossed the river Vistula and January 17, 1945 liberated the ruins of Warsaw. During the liberation of Poland, more than 650 thousand Soviet soldiers died.

Liberation of Romania. With the approach of the Soviet Army in August 1944 a coup d'état took place in Bucharest, the pro-fascist government of the dictator Y. Antonescu was overthrown, the dictator was executed in 1946. Romania broke off the alliance with Germany and joined the anti-Hitler coalition.

Liberation of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government in July 1944 began secret negotiations with England and the United States on the possibility of entry into its territory of allied troops. On September 5, 1944, the Soviet Union declared that it was at war with Bulgaria, an ally of Germany. When the Soviet Army crossed the border, the Bulgarians greeted it with music and flowers. On September 9, 1944, an anti-fascist uprising took place in Sofia. The Bulgarian army went over to the side of the rebels, the liberation of the country was almost bloodless.

Liberation of Yugoslavia produced the partisan People's Liberation Army Josip Broz Tito and Soviet troops F. I. Tolbukhina. On October 20, 1944, the city of Belgrade was taken.

Liberation of Hungary. Hungary remained Germany's only ally in Europe. Two attempts by the Soviet troops to capture Budapest ended in failure. In the autumn of 1944, Soviet troops defeated German and Hungarian troops during the Debrecen operation. In December 1944 Hungary withdrew from the war. Germany has lost its last ally. However, a large grouping of the Nazis defended Budapest. Hungary was liberated in April 1945.

Liberation of Czechoslovakia. In August 1944, an anti-fascist uprising began in Slovakia. In the autumn of 1944, the Soviet tank armies, together with the Czechoslovak corps, captured the Dukla Pass in the Carpathians, but could not advance further. The rebels on the radio turned to the Soviet Army with a call for help. The USSR transferred troops, weapons, food by air. On May 5, 1945, Soviet tank armies were sent to Prague, and on May 9 it was liberated.

Yalta (Crimean) conference (February 4-11, 1945).

The "Big Three" in Yalta resolved the following issues:

1) the occupation of Germany;

2) creation United Nations(UN). The USSR was represented in the UN by three republics (RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus). The Allied Powers accepted Declaration on a Liberated Europe and declared their readiness to help the European peoples "to create democratic institutions of their own choice."

3) the question of the post-war status of Poland. The USSR was against the return to power of the Polish bourgeois government;

4) the USSR confirmed its readiness to enter the war with Japan;

5) meeting the requirements of the USSR for reparations(damages) from Germany in the amount of 10 billion dollars.

Berlin operation April 16-May 8, 1945

In January 1945, the Soviet Army reached the borders of Austria. During the winter-spring offensive of 1945, Soviet troops conducted two major operations on the territory of Germany - Königsberg And Berlin. On April 13, after the most stubborn battles, the fortress city of König-sberg was taken. April 25, 1945 on the river. Elbe, a meeting of Soviet and American troops took place.

Three fronts took part in the Berlin operation - the 1st, 2nd Belarusian and 1st Ukrainian (marshals G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky And I.S. Konev). On April 18, Soviet tank armies captured the enemy's defensive lines on the Seelow Heights, and by April 20 they reached Berlin. The tank army of the general was cut off from the capital of the Reich Walter Wenck(1900-1982). On April 25, Berlin with a 400,000-strong group of Nazis was encircled. The shelling of Berlin from more than 40 thousand guns and rocket launchers turned the city into ruins.

Then more than 6 thousand Soviet tanks entered Berlin. After stubborn street fighting on April 30, 1945, sergeants Mikhail Egorov(1923-1975) and Meliton Kantaria(1920-1993) hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. April 30, Hitler committed suicide, handing over power to the admiral Karl Dönitz(1891-1980). On May 2, the Berlin garrison capitulated. During the Berlin operation, about 300 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers died.

Capitulation of Germany. On the night of 8 to 9 May 1945 in the Berlin suburbs Karlshorst representatives of the armies of the USSR, USA, England, France and representatives of the Nazis (Field Marshal W. Keitel) signed the act of complete and unconditional surrender of Germany. On behalf of the Soviet Supreme High Command, the act was signed by Marshal G.K. Zhukov. The Great Patriotic War is over.

Victory parade took place on Red Square in Moscow June 24, 1945. 200 banners of non-German divisions were thrown to the Mausoleum.

Potsdam Conference July 17-August 2, 1945 The Big Three met in Potsdam (Germany). At the talks, the contradictions of the parties escalated - on the eve of the Americans tested nuclear weapons and felt their superiority.

The conference participants discussed the principles of the post-war order of the world:

New borders of Poland were defined;

A decision was made to transfer East Prussia from the city of Königsberg to the USSR (since 1946 - the Kaliningrad region and the city of Kaliningrad);

Germany and the city of Berlin are divided into zones of occupation: American, British, French and Soviet;

In Germany, the principle of three "D" was introduced: denazification(cleansing from Nazi ideology) , democratization, demilitarization;

The International Military Tribunal for fascist war criminals was established in Nuremberg;

The payment by Germany of significant reparations to states that suffered from fascist aggression was established;

In order to prevent new wars and resolve international disputes peacefully in October 1945 was created United Nations(UN). Main organs of the UN: General Assembly, Security Council. Headquarters - in New York;

The Allies were forced to agree to the inclusion of the countries of Central and Southern Europe (except Austria), liberated by the Soviet Army, into the sphere of interests of the USSR.

In addition, the USSR demanded a revision of the Convention on the regime of the Black Sea straits, the return of the cities of Kars and Ardagan, which bordered on Armenia and ceded to Turkey in 1921, a naval base in the Aegean Sea. These exaggerated demands of Stalin led to an aggravation of relations with yesterday's allies.

Nuremberg trials (November 1945-October 1946). In Nuremberg, at the international trial of the surviving leaders of the Third Reich, 12 defendants were sentenced to death ( G. Goering, I. von Ribbentrop, W. Keitel, E. Kaltenbrunner etc.), the rest - to long prison terms.

War with Japan August 9-September 2, 1945 On August 9, the USSR, fulfilling its allied obligations, violated the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact of 1941 and declared war on Japan. Commander of the Soviet troops Far East marshal was appointed A. M. Vasilevsky. Forces of three fronts - Transbaikal ( R. Ya. Malinovsky), 1st Far Eastern ( K. A. Meretskov), 2nd Far East ( M. A. Purkaev) in the course of 24 days, the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria (1 million people). Soviet troops expelled the Japanese from Manchuria and Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuriles.

On August 6, 1945, by order of US President G. Truman, an atomic bomb was detonated over the city of Hiroshima, and on August 9 - over Naga-saki. Over 100 thousand Japanese died. The atomic bombing was caused, on the one hand, by the desire of the United States to hasten the end of the war, to avoid huge casualties among its soldiers during the assault on the Japanese Islands, and on the other hand, to demonstrate its atomic power to the USSR.

64 victories of Ivan Kozhedub

On February 4, 1944, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, an ace pilot of the Red Army, was awarded the first title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Later, he became three times Hero of the Soviet Union, the most successful fighter pilot in Allied aviation (64 victories).
Ivan Kozhedub was born in the village of Obrazhievka, Glukhovsky district, Chernihiv province (now the Shostkinsky district of the Sumy region of Ukraine) in the family of a peasant - a church elder.
At the beginning of 1940, he entered the Red Army and in the fall of the same year he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation Pilot School, after which he continued to serve as an instructor there.
After the start of the war, together with the aviation school, he was evacuated to Kazakhstan, the city of Chimkent. In November 1942, Kozhedub was seconded to the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 302nd Fighter Aviation Division, which was being formed in Ivanovo. In March 1943, as part of a division, he flew to the Voronezh Front.
The first air battle ended in failure for Kozhedub and almost became the last - his La-5 was damaged by a Messerschmitt-109 cannon burst, the armored seat saved him from an incendiary projectile, and upon returning the plane was fired upon by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners, it was hit by 2 anti-aircraft shells. Despite the fact that Kozhedub managed to land the plane, it was not subject to full restoration, and the pilot had to fly on the "remnants" - free planes available in the squadron. Soon they wanted to take him to the alert post, but the regiment commander stood up for him. At the beginning of the summer of 1943, Kozhedub was awarded the rank of junior lieutenant, then he was appointed to the post of deputy squadron commander. Shortly thereafter, on July 6, 1943, on the Kursk Bulge, during the fortieth sortie, Kozhedub shot down his first German Junkers Yu-87 bomber. The very next day he shot down the second, and on July 9 he shot down 2 Bf-109 fighters at once.
First the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Kozhedub (already a senior lieutenant) was awarded on February 4, 1944 for 146 sorties and 20 downed enemy aircraft.
Second Kozhedub was awarded the Gold Star medal on August 19, 1944 for 256 sorties and 48 downed enemy aircraft.
By the end of the war, Ivan Kozhedub, by that time a major in the guards, flew La-7, made 330 sorties, shot down 62 enemy aircraft in 120 air battles, including 17 Ju-87 dive bombers, 2 Ju-88 and He bombers. -111, 16 Bf-109 and 21 Fw-190 fighters, 3 Hs-129 attack aircraft and 1 Me-262 jet fighter. Last Stand in the Great Patriotic War, in which he shot down 2 FW-190s, Kozhedub spent April 17, 1945 in the sky over Berlin.
third Kozhedub received the Gold Star medal on August 18, 1945 for high military skill, personal courage and courage shown on the fronts of the war. He was an excellent shooter and preferred to open fire at a distance of 200-300 meters, rarely approaching a shorter distance.
Kozhedub's flight biography also includes two US Air Force P-51 Mustangs shot down in 1945, which attacked him, mistaking him for a German aircraft.
I.N. Kozhedub was never shot down during the Great Patriotic War, and although he was knocked out, he always landed his plane.
At the end of the war, Kozhedub continued to serve in the Air Force. In 1949 he graduated from the Red Banner Air Force Academy. At the same time, he remained an active fighter pilot, having mastered the jet MiG-15 in 1948. In 1956 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. During the Korean War, he commanded the 324th Fighter Aviation Division (324th IAD) as part of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps. From April 1951 to January 1952, the division's pilots scored 216 air victories, losing only 27 aircraft (9 pilots died).
In 1964-1971 - Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. Since 1971 he served in the central apparatus of the Air Force, and since 1978 - in the Group of General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In 1970, Kozhedub was awarded the rank of Colonel General of Aviation. And in 1985, I. N. Kozhedub was awarded the military rank of Air Marshal.
Died August 8, 1991. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

If the battles on the Eastern Front convinced Hitler that he faced a decisive and staunch enemy, then the battles with the troops of the Western states only strengthened his confidence in their insufficient combat capability. He retained this faith until the last days of the Second World War. Even after the victories won by the allies in Africa and Italy, he was still convinced that their soldiers would not withstand the first full attack of the Wehrmacht and would rush to run.

The most unattractive side of the “Jupiter complex” was the use of the rhetoric of “righteous fighters” to justify their not always honest actions and decisions. Only this complex can explain one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Second World War - the destruction of Dresden, the greatest monument of European civilization, the treasury of world culture.

Bombing of Dresden

The Anglo-American attack on Dresden was the result of Roosevelt and Churchill's desire to prove to Stalin that they were doing everything possible to help the efforts of the Eastern Front. On February 14, 1945, 2978 tons of bombs were dropped on Dresden. For seven days and nights in the city, according to various sources, from 25 thousand to 135 thousand people died.

The final defeat of fascist Germany predetermined the successful offensive of the Soviet army in 1944. By the end of the summer of 1944, the state border of the USSR was restored, and the Soviet troops, pursuing the enemy, entered the territory of the neighboring states: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Norway.

On the Eastern Front, from January to February 1945, the Vistula-Oder operation was successfully carried out. In the course of it, the liberation of Poland was completed and conditions were created for delivering a decisive blow to Berlin.

In April-May 1945, Soviet troops carried out two successful operations - Berlin and Prague.

It is curious that there was a competition between the Soviet armies in Berlin, who would quickly reach the Reichstag, which for the Soviet soldiers symbolized the Third Reich. In fact, the symbol of German democracy - the Reichstag after the fire of 1933 was empty, and its members did not gather. material from the site

  • the defeat by the Soviet troops of the East Prussian grouping and the implementation of a large-scale offensive in the direction of Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna;
  • the American invasion of Saxony and Thuringia beyond the borders established at the Yalta Conference;
  • the completion of the Ruhr operation, after which the Allied offensive turned into a victorious march;
  • meeting of the Soviet 5th Guards and 1st American armies in the Torgau area on the Elbe.

In March 1945, Kesselring, who had a reputation in Germany as a military genius, was appointed commander-in-chief of the German troops in the West. However, the Allies still successfully crossed the Rhine, which had long been considered by the Allies as the last obstacle on the way to the heart of Germany.

April 30, 1945 Hitler and his inner circle committed suicide. On May 2, the head of the German General Staff, General Krebs, came to the commander of the 8th Guards Army V.I. Chuikov and announced that the garrison of Berlin subordinate to him was laying down arms.

Option 2.

I.Assignments of part A.

1. An important event in 1944 was

1) complete liberation of Leningrad from the blockade

2) UN formation

3) declaration by the Soviet Union of war on Japan

4) the defeat of the Nazi troops near Kursk

2. The Tehran Conference of the Leaders of the Three Powers was held in

2) Brusilovsky breakthrough

3) Vistula-Oder operation

4) defense of Port Arthur

4. Citizens of the USSR for the first time in 1941 heard the words addressed to them: "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!" in a speech

5. In the first month of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet border guards put up stubborn resistance to the enemy in

1) Minsk 2) Vyborg 3) Riga 4) Brest

6. In August 1941, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command issued Order No. 000, the main point of which was

1) the announcement of Soviet prisoners of war as traitors, the introduction of punishments for members of their families

2) improving the financial situation of the families of the dead soldiers

3) the introduction of labor mobilization of the population of the frontline regions

4) the formation of penal battalions

1) Kyiv 3) Leningrad

2) Moscow 4) Stalingrad

8. In 1941, for several months before the war with Germany, in the USSR

1) new types of weapons were rapidly developed

2) parts of the army and navy were mobilized in full

3) The Red Army switched to wartime regime

4) the border troops were put on full alert

9. Completion of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War is associated with (o)

1) Battle of Kursk

2) Battle of Stalingrad

3) Battle of Moscow

4) the liberation of Kyiv

10.Largest tank battle in the Great Patriotic War happened during the battle

1) Kursk 3) for the Caucasus

2) near Moscow 4) Stalingrad

11. The Supreme Commander during the Great Patriotic War was

2) 4) SEE. Budyonny

12. In which direction was Operation Bagration carried out in June 1944?

1) Belarusian 3) Kiev

2) Leningrad 4) Chisinau

13. The operation of the Soviet troops, which made it possible to transfer hostilities to the territory of Romania, is

1) Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya

2) Iasi-Chisinau

3) Belarusian

4) "Bagration"

1) Moscow 2) Tehran 3) Yalta 4) Potsdam

15. During the Great Patriotic War

1) the decree on the separation of church and state was repealed

2) The Local Council elected Patriarch Sergius

3) the priests were given the opportunity to perform divine services at the front

4) the construction of new temples began at the expense of the state

2) Ussuri region

3) Nakhchivan region

5) Kuril Islands

6) Transnistria


8. Establish a correspondence between the conferences of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition and the years when they took place.


A) Moscow conference B) Tehran conference

B) Crimean (Yalta) Conference D) Berlin (Potsdam) Conference

9. Read the extract from the German military plan and write the name of this plan:

“The main forces of the Russian ground forces, located in Western Russia, must be destroyed in bold operations by deep, rapid advancement of tank wedges. The retreat of combat-ready enemy troops to the wide expanses of Russian territory must be prevented ...

The ultimate goal of the operation is to create a defensive barrier against Asiatic Russia along the Volga-Arkhangelsk common line. Thus, if necessary, the last industrial region remaining with the Russians in the Urals can be paralyzed with the help of aviation ... "


10. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the history of Russia during the Great Patriotic War.

G enocide, reparations, occupation zones, passport regime

Find and write down a term that refers to a different historical period.


11. Write the missing concept (term).

…………………-is a manifestation of the people's war against military units and administration, which the population considers alien and occupational.

Answer: .

12. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the data presented in the list below. For each cell marked with letters, select the number of the required element.

3. signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany

4. Commanded the troops of armies and fronts in the Battle of Stalingrad, Jassy, ​​Kishinev, Budapest, Vienna operations

5. Kovpak Sidor Artemievich

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

III.Part C assignments

1. Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C2. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge in the course of the history of the corresponding period.

From the memoirs of the marshal.

“Thousands of multi-colored rockets shot up into the air. At this signal, 140 searchlights flashed, located every 200 meters. More than 100 billion candles illuminated the battlefield, blinding the enemy and snatching objects of attack from the darkness for our tanks and infantry. It was a picture of great impressive power...

Hitler's troops were literally sunk in a continuous sea of ​​fire and metal. A solid wall of dust and smoke hung in the air, and in places even the powerful beams of anti-aircraft searchlights could not penetrate it.

Our aviation went over the battlefield in waves ... However, the enemy, having come to his senses, began to resist from the Seelow Heights with his artillery, mortars ... a group of bombers appeared ... And the closer our troops approached the Seelow Heights, the more enemy resistance...

C1. What period of the country's history do the events described in the text refer to? Specify the chronological framework of this period. What battle are you talking about?

C2. Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name at least two distinctive features this battle.

SZ. What was the significance of the described battle for the general course of the war? What events followed it (name at least two events).

2. Choose from the proposed options ONE historical figure of a certain era and write his historical portrait.

1. Molotov (Skryabin) Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Indicate the time of life of the historical figure (the exact years of life do not need to be indicated). Give brief description the main directions (events, achievements, etc.) and the results of its activities

At 3-20, at 4-35, at 5-45