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Growing lavender at home: rules for planting and caring for the plant. Planting lavender at home, optimal conditions and plant care

Make the first transplant after the lavender has produced several sets of leaves. Wait until the leaves become " the right leaves", or fully mature. At this point, the root system will have grown too large to continue growing in the shallow tray.

Fill a large container with well-drained potting mix. You no longer need potting mix for the seeds, but the potting mix you use should be light. Look for mixtures that are made from part soil and part peat moss and part perlite. Peat moss is endangered; use coconut fiber instead if possible. Do not use vermiculite, which may contain asbestos, even if it does not say so on the label.

  • The pot for each plant must be at least 5 cm in diameter. Alternatively, you can also use a larger pot or an undivided tray and plant a lot of lavender in the tray 5cm apart.
  • Mix some fertilizer into the soil. Use a small amount of slow-release granular fertilizer that contains balanced proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

    Place the lavender in the prepared pot. Dig a hole in the new growing medium, approximately as large as the compartment in which it grew in this moment. Gently lift the lavender from its original container and replant it in the new hole, tamping down the soil around it to hold it firmly in place.

    Let the lavender continue to grow. Plants should reach a height of 7.6 cm before being transplanted to their final location, but they should still only have one stem. This may take from one to three months.

    Expose lavender to outdoor conditions slowly. Place the pots on outdoors in partial shade or partial sun for several hours. Do this for one week, it just takes lavender a long time to adapt to external conditions.

    Choose a sunny location. Lavender grows best in full sun. Shaded areas tend to be damp, and damp soil can develop fungus that will destroy the plant.

  • Prepare the soil in the garden. Break up the soil with a shovel or digging fork to loosen it and mix it with compost. Compost consists of uneven particles, it creates looser soil and this helps the roots to stretch more easily.

    • Check the soil pH after adding compost. Soil pH should be between 6-8, and preferably 6.5-7.5 to obtain best results. If the soil pH is too low, mix the soil with agricultural lime. If too high, add a small amount of pine sawdust bedding.
  • Growing on a windowsill or in a flower garden in a garden plot, lavender is not only the pleasure of admiring the beautiful flowers of a delicate purple color, but also the enjoyment of a delicate aroma. Planting this plant from southern countries is available as for an experienced gardener, and a beginner in this business, if you familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of growing a crop in advance.

    Successfully growing lavender from seeds depends not only on quality planting material, but also on the composition of the soil, the presence of additional lighting, proper watering and care and temperature regime premises. Excessive moisture or drying out of the soil can lead to the death of the plant, as can a lack of light. Low-growing varieties are selected for growing at home.

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      Types and varieties

      The genus of this southern plant includes 47 main and 7 additional (hybrids) species. Only 28 of them are known to be planted and cultivated, which are distinguished by a high survival rate and the presence of essential oils and other substances beneficial to humans.

      IN folk medicine still applies fewer species lavender:

      • toothed;
      • broadleaf;
      • English;
      • spikelet (medicinal);
      • narrow-leaved;
      • hybrid;
      • Southerner.

      Serrated and broadleaf

      The leaves are soft, have a silver or gray-green tint, and the flowers are purple in color. A popular variety of this species is the purple Royal Crown.

      Lavender scalloped Royal Crown

      Broadleaf is evergreen shrub up to one meter high. They are distinguished by lanceolate leaves and blue-gray peduncles. A common variety of this species is Voznesenskaya lavender.

      The varieties of this plant species are easily distinguishable:

      • Tiara with large blue flowers;
      • Papillon's mauve flower stalks are shaped like butterflies;
      • dark purple flowers of the Regal Splendour variety.

      Type: broad-leaved; variety: Papillon with butterfly-shaped flowers


      Otherwise, the plant is called narrow-leaved; the bush grows up to 70 centimeters high. At the base the subshrub is wide, the old branches become woody and are located closer to the ground, the young branches stand straight.

      The young foliage of the plant is gray, the old one has green color, blooms from July to the end of August with dark and blue-violet flower stalks.

      English lavender

      Varieties of this species are distinguished by their bright colors: Gem - dark purple; Alba - white; Munstead - lilac-blue; Rosea - pink.

      Spike or French

      Otherwise called French or medicinal lavender. A low shrub with woody tetrahedral branches up to 60 centimeters long with sessile grayish foliage. The plant takes root well with a powerful system of branching roots up to two meters long. Blooms French look in the second half of summer.

      French lavender

      When grown from seeds, a hybrid of spicate lavender produces seedlings that differ from the mother in the shape of leaves and flowers. For the purpose of industrial cultivation of medicinal lavender, cultivation using layering or cuttings is used. Lavender aroma, when grown at home, will have a beneficial effect on nervous system, calming the person.

      Lavandin or hybrid Dutch

      A sterile hybrid based on broadleaf and English lavender. Distinctive features this species: large inflorescences, narrowed silvery leaves. A Dutch lavender bush will decorate your garden plot as an enclosing border in a flower bed, as its height can reach two meters.

      Popular varieties of lavandin: Olympia and Arabian Night are distinguished by a dark shade of purple petals, pure purple color is Grosso, blue tint lilac color characteristic of the Seal variety.



      A perennial subshrub with a fibrous long root that stretches up to two meters. Under favorable growth conditions, it produces numerous shoots with a height of up to 60 centimeters. The flower stalks of the plant attract a variety of shades from lilac to blue-violet.

      Due to the plant’s natural ability to propagate itself, people rarely think about its targeted cultivation. Ripening seeds are independently distributed over the surface of the earth and carry out stratification. If you need to grow in the right places, you should take care of lighting and soil composition.

      On the persistent stem of the Yuzhanka lavender, large ears bloom, which can decorate both the window sill of a room and the street path to the house, or give a pleasant shade to an alpine hill.

      Lavender Southern

      Classification of varieties by stem height

      The advisability of growing lavender on the bedroom windowsill or on personal plot How to decorate the porch of a house is determined according to the height of the stems of an adult plant. This factor is decisive for the formation of peduncles and their size. Depending on the level of the bush’s stems, the size of the bud and the density of peduncles are formed.

      Lavender varieties according to the level of bush stems are systematized in the table:

      Heightbush Description and varieties of lavender Photo of a prominent representative
      High gradesAn excellent decoration for a personal plot, especially in the construction of multi-level compositions, can be lavender varieties Melissa Lilac, Vera and Hidcote Giant

      Variety: Melissa Lilac

      Middle lengthAn original shade of the center of a flower garden with a subtle aroma will help create a medium-sized lavender bush - these varieties are: Beechwood Blue, Man Davis, Buena Vista, Hidcote, Folgate and Pink Perfume
      Low (dwarf) varietiesSmall flowers of a low plant can look advantageous both on a personal plot and on a windowsill or as a decoration for a balcony. Low-growing varieties: Lady Lavender, Hidcote Superior, Sarah and Little Lottie

      Dwarf variety: Lady Lavender

      Many florists respect the plant for its persistent stem and beautiful peduncle. Lavender is a common decoration alpine slides, a fencing element in flower beds and paths to the house. At making the right choice containers for propagation, soil and following simple rules for keeping the plant in an apartment, lavender can be observed as a small lush shrub on the windowsill. The pleasant, light aroma of the plant evokes a feeling of calm and helps normalize sleep. It is no coincidence that lavender is used as fragrances in perfume compositions and fillers for scenting linen.

      Necessary conditions for growing at home

      Its roots love space, so the pot should have a diameter of at least 30 centimeters at the initial moment. It is better to give preference to an oblong container so that the roots have the opportunity to occupy a convenient territory for themselves during growth. The container volume must be at least 2-3 liters. Lavender looks impressive when planted with several bushes in one oblong container. Failure to comply with the first condition regarding the size of the container for the plant can lead to inconspicuous lavender flowering. How smaller area for root growth, the less nutrition the plant will receive, which means that flowers can grow in sizes much smaller than those that correspond to the description of a particular species and variety.

      When choosing a container for growing lavender, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the plant’s root system. Drainage and soil moisture - important factor when breeding. During watering, excess liquid inevitably accumulates; to drain it, there must be holes in the bottom pan along the entire area of ​​the bottom of the container. To preserve and distribute moisture in the soil, it is important what material the container is made of. Preference should be given to ceramics without glaze; experts advise avoiding plastic or other synthetic materials. The drainage layer should be sufficient to saturate the roots with liquid - this is a minimum layer of 5-6 centimeters.

      The color of the container also matters. If the pot or box has dark color, then when exposed to sunlight, the material will heat up, which provokes the evaporation of moisture and drying of the earthen clod. Despite the fact that lavender is classified as a heat-loving plant, excessive heating of the root system has a negative effect on it and can even lead to death. The rich lighting of the southern window sill is the most appropriate place for lavender. The heat-loving plant responds with grateful intensive growth to good diffused natural light and slower growth and problems associated with flowering when there is a lack of light.

      It is no coincidence that flower growers classify lavender as a capricious plant. In the summer, to create favorable conditions for plant development, the container is taken out onto the balcony or street. In winter, even on a southern windowsill it will not have enough lighting. For successful growth, care should be taken to organize artificial lighting. For additional illumination, it is recommended to use phyto- or fluorescent lamps. In this way, daylight hours are extended to 10 hours or more for a particular plant.

      The composition of the soil is selected according to the recommendations of experts:

      • one part sand or gravel;
      • one part of humus;
      • two parts of turf or leaf soil.

      If it is not possible to prepare such a composition, then a soil substrate for home flowers will do. Earth from garden plot It cannot be used in its pure form, as watering leads to compaction. It is permissible to use garden soil as a base, adding sand or gravel and humus to it.

      Seed sowing technology

      IN living conditions At home, gardeners propagate lavender in one of three ways:

      • by sowing seeds;
      • method of rooting plants using cuttings;
      • selecting viable cuttings of mature lavender, ready-made seedlings.

      When choosing a second or third propagation method, the gardener must have suitable viable material - cuttings or layering. The most accessible, but difficult method is considered to be the first one - growing lavender from seeds. If you follow simple rules and technology for sowing a plant, the process is not particularly difficult.

      To grow lavender from seeds, it is extremely important to comply with the specified deadlines, since they are characterized by a rapid loss of the ability to germinate. The indicated periods may vary depending on the climate; the proposed months are suitable for growing lavender from seeds in the Moscow region. Based on the given timing, they should be sown in advance and gradually adapt the seedlings to the new environment, which will subsequently become the permanent habitat of lavender (window sill or open ground).

      First shoots when growing lavender from seeds

      Step-by-step instructions for sowing seeds to grow lavender:

      1. 1. Before sowing the material, stratify it in the cold for a period of at least 30-40 days. The seeds are spread in thin layers of moistened peat and kept in a cellar or refrigerator at a constant temperature of about plus 5-6 degrees Celsius. To improve germination, it is recommended to soak them in a solution of Epin or succinic acid.
      2. 2. To sow prepared seeds, fill the selected container with drainage to a depth of 5-6 centimeters.
      3. 3. The next layer is earthen according to the previously indicated composition. It must be uniform in structure, so before sowing it is crushed and kneaded, removing large lumps. Loose soil will make it easier for seed sprouts to break through to the surface. After preparing the composition and structure of the soil, it is recommended to calcinate it in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees. For better seed development, it is recommended to add crushed shells. Before use, the prepared composition is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For better seed development, it is recommended to add crushed shells.
      4. 4. Seeds are distributed over the surface, pouring out folded sheet paper or spreading with a toothpick. It is permissible to lay the seeds on a small layer of snow. They are deepened only 2-3 millimeters.
      5. 5. Now the conditions of detention are important: temperature, humidity, lighting. To create conditions comfortable for seed germination, additional lighting is provided. fluorescent lamp. The container is covered with film; after planting, it is advisable to keep it in a cool but sunny place with a temperature of 15-22 degrees. Water the soil as it dries. If there is moisture accumulated in the pan, it is recommended to drain it.
      6. 6. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed, but this is done gradually so that the plant can get used to the drier and colder air of the room: first it is removed for 10 minutes, then for 20, and so on.
      7. 7. If the seeds were sown in small seedling pots, then after the first 2-3 leaves appear, each plant is planted in a separate container.

      The seedlings obtained at home are hardy and take root well in open ground, it can be planted in the garden. It is recommended to do this in mid-May according to a pattern of 30 by 30 centimeters. Before transfer to open ground dachas carry out mineral fertilizing with the addition of nitrogen for half a month and the roots are pruned to naturally stimulate the growth of lavender. If the plant was planted to be kept at home, then in the summer it is advisable to take it outside or at least to the balcony, then the bush will be evergreen all year round.

    Growing lavender from seeds in your garden to enjoy its unique aroma and elegant aesthetic appearance is not so difficult. It is not necessary to have an agricultural education to bring the “blue gold of the soul of Provence” into your garden, but to realize this wonderful goal you need to arm yourself with a small amount of knowledge and high-quality seed material.

    This noble plant came to us from the Mediterranean latitudes, and quite successfully took root in our region, becoming a picturesque symbol and a source of pride for garden plots. About the many advantages and broad healing properties Lavender has been known since ancient times, when it was used for cosmetic purposes in the Roman Empire. The value of this plant is concentrated in a special essential oil, which is contained in the leaves, stems and inflorescences of lavender.

    Lavender oil is an indispensable raw material in the production of luxury perfumes, noble cosmetics and soaps, and it is also used in cooking and in the production of certain types of wines to give them a special aristocratic charm. IN medicinal purposes lavender is used as a mild anticonvulsant and sedative, and essential oil famous for its good bactericidal properties and is used to relieve toothache. In aromatherapy, lavender oil ranks first in the ranking of the most popular biomaterials for these procedures.

    Despite the fact that lavender is a heat-loving plant, it can also be grown in our middle lane. Breeders have developed a special frost-resistant variety - “angustifolia lavender” or “English”, which has proven itself well in our climate, and it will delight us with flowering from mid-summer to late autumn.

    Lavender seedlings, which are presented on many trading platforms, are quite expensive, and their survival rate is not always guaranteed, and therefore growing lavender from seeds is the most popular and economical way.

    Lavender seeds, selection and preparation for sowing.

    To achieve good seed germination, the most important condition is to purchase high-quality seed material. This condition will be met if the seeds are purchased in specialized stores and not from street vendors. You need to take care of purchasing seeds in the fall, since they must undergo special “winter preparation” - artificial stratification, or cold hardening. In order to increase the germination of seeds to the maximum level, they are mixed with clean sand, placed in containers or bags and sent to the basement or to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Storage temperature 3-7°C. They are kept in the cold for two to three months, after which they are sown in the ground. The stratification method is used to artificially bring them closer to natural conditions. So, in untouched fields, the seeds fall, “winter” under a layer of dry foliage, and then wake up in the spring and sprout together.

    Advice from an experienced summer resident: “If you decide to start growing lavender on your site, then you need to start by growing winter-hardy varieties. They are less thermophilic and survive our winter well under a small shelter in a layer of snow.

    Soil preparation

    You also need to pay some attention to soil preparation, namely: choose the ideal suitable composition for planting seeds. Can be purchased now ready soil, or you can prepare it yourself: three parts of the top layer of soil (fertile), mix with one part of sifted sand and preferably add one part of humus. It is preferable to calcinate the soil at a temperature of 105 -115 ° C, or treat (water) with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil. Seeds are sown in boxes or containers in early March, placed on the south side of the room, at a temperature of 13 - 20 ° C, and covered with film or glass, ventilating periodically. If you intend to sow seeds directly into the ground, then this must be done at the end of spring, when the soil warms up to a temperature of 10 -12 ° C.

    Shoots. Features of cultivation.

    When the first shoots appear, boxes or containers with sprouts should be hardened, i.e. remove the film and expose it to sunlight, first for 30-40 minutes. A day, and then longer. When the plants get stronger, they can be transplanted to permanent place. When choosing a planting site in open ground, the following rules must be taken into account:

    • the site should be on a slight hill (lavender does not like groundwater to come close to the roots);
    • the sun's rays should illuminate the area as much as possible during the day;
    • the soil should be light and well fertilized, and moisture should be completely absorbed and not stagnate.

    Young shoots need to be watered moderately, and when more than 6-7 pairs of young leaves appear on the plants, it is advisable to cut off the top so that the lavender grows wider. In the first year of life, lavender will be inconspicuous, since all efforts are spent on rooting the plant, but in the second year of life it will delight you with its first flowers. The growth of lavender should be limited to 15 cm, the vine will be neat and dense with abundant flowering.

    With just a little effort, you can grow a beautiful blue-violet, fragrant and fairy-tale garden in your own garden from seeds. Good luck with your gardening!

    Lavender is an unusual and quite rare guest in the gardens of the middle zone and Russia in general. Its homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean coast, the climate of which is somewhat different from the Russian one. A real decoration of the garden will be lavender grown independently from seeds - accustomed to the harsh Russian climate, the plant will delight the gardener with lush flowering and an exciting clean aroma for many years.

    Lavender is common in the highlands of the Alps. There, as in most Russian regions, there are cold winters and dry summers. This is what gave reason to believe that this modest fragrant flower may well take root not only in the Crimea and the Caucasus, but even in the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals.

    To grow lavender from seeds on your site, you should choose varieties that are resistant to frosty winters. These include plants belonging to the subgroup

    • Munstrread;
    • Voznesenskaya 34;
    • Lublinskaya Semko;
    • Royal Blue;
    • Felice;
    • Crimean;
    • Isis

    If these varieties are grown from seeds, the fragrant flowers grow without shelter for many years, and they are not afraid of long winters. Moreover, sowing lavender seeds is considered the most productive method of plant propagation.

    The best conditions for growing lavender

    Next, you should pay attention to studying the question of how to plant lavender seeds and care for seedlings. Any non-compliance with the plant’s requirements for light, humidity and temperature can lead to the death of the plants even before planting in the ground. Strict adherence to the rules described below will help you avoid such mistakes.

    Where to start - preparing seeds for sowing

    In nature, lavender seeds undergo special preparation by humidity and temperature. They form and ripen in late August or early September, and then fall to the soil surface. Autumn rains “draw” them to a shallow depth, where they remain throughout the winter. Low temperatures contribute to the destruction of the dense shell of the seed and the awakening of vitality in it.

    It is this principle that should be used when preparing lavender seeds for sowing. Gardeners call it “stratification.” You need to start preparing in the fall, immediately after collecting or purchasing the variety you like. To do this, the seeds are mixed with slightly moistened sand, poured into convenient containers with a tight lid and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. Stratification of lavender seeds lasts for at least 2 months.

    During this time, the seed shell will become thinner, and the tiny sprout of the future lavender will gain strength and harden inside another whole seed. This will strengthen the plant’s natural immunity - it will easily tolerate short-term cold snaps after germination.

    During stratification, the container with seeds must be periodically removed from the refrigerator and ventilated - open the lid, periodically moisten the sand.

    Video “Lavender from seeds - secrets of growing”

    Sowing seeds - timing and methodology

    In order to obtain quality lavender seedlings from seeds at home, it is important to sow them on time. If you do this too late, the young plants will not have time to grow stronger and will freeze. If you sow early, the lavender will outgrow, and after planting in the beds it will “sore” for a long time, which can also lead to its freezing in the first winter.

    Lavender seeds

    In order not to make a mistake and choose the right time for sowing seeds, you need to check the calendar or remember when warm weather sets in in the region where lavender will be grown. Then 8-12 weeks are taken away from this period - this is how long it takes for the seeds to germinate and the formation of real leaves in lavender.

    Example: if warmth sets in at the beginning of May, seeds should be sown in mid-February.

    The container in which the seeds will germinate must be wide and shallow. Moisture will accumulate in bowls that are too deep, which is detrimental to lavender. It is advisable to equip the bottom with drainage holes. The soil is selected loose, with high content sand and peat. Such soil retains enough moisture for seed germination, but does not retain water and does not turn sour.

    The treated seeds are laid out on the soil surface, sprayed with water from a fine spray bottle, and then sprinkled with a thin layer of sifted soil. It is important not to compact the top layer of soil, since lavender can only be grown from seeds if they receive light.

    Until the seedlings emerge, the tray with seedlings should be kept in a bright place with a temperature of at least 21 degrees.

    The soil needs to be moistened from time to time using a sprayer in the morning. In this case, you need to make sure that the soil does not get wet. Should only be slightly damp upper layer soil! The first seedlings appear relatively late, about 4 weeks after sowing.

    Direct planting of seeds in open ground in northern latitudes is not carried out. Seeds often do not germinate or die immediately after sprouting. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant lavender before winter only in southern regions with mild winters.

    Video “Lavender from seeds - growing seedlings”

    Seedling care

    Young lavender seedlings from seeds should be in a warm and very bright place. The temperature should be at 19-23 degrees. Natural or artificial light (special phytolamps should be used) should illuminate young seedlings for at least 8 hours daily. Under such conditions, the stem will not stretch, and the plant will form stronger.

    Until the real leaves appear, lavender seedlings should be kept in bright light at a temperature of 18-22 degrees. It should be watered carefully so as not to create favorable conditions for fungal development. Seedlings do not need shading, since in the absence of sun, fungi and mold may appear. Lavender itself tolerates bright sunlight well.

    When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be transplanted into individual pots with a diameter of about 5-7 cm. The soil for plants should be made up of equal parts of turf and leaf soil, peat, and coarse sand. If necessary, you can add perlite granules and coconut fiber.

    You need to replant plants like this:

    • Fill the new container 2/3 full with soil and make a hole in the middle.
    • Carefully remove the lavender sprout from the tray with a lump of soil.
    • Place the plant in the pot so that the roots take a vertical position. There should be no bends!
    • Gently pour water over the roots to completely straighten them.
    • Cover the roots of the plant and part of the stem with soil. It is important to ensure that the central bud remains on the surface.

    The soil must be compacted carefully, without excessive pressure. Next, the plant is watered with a small amount of water, exposed to light, and the temperature is maintained at 15-20 degrees.

    Growing lavender seedlings require care in the form of periodic feeding. It is advisable to periodically water it with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers for flowers. This should be done after watering. A good option is to fertilize the soil directly with slow-soluble granular fertilizers. However, you need to be extremely careful with them. If there is an excess of nutrients, lavender roots run the risk of severe burns.

    You need to water lavender seedlings after the clod of soil has dried out!

    Transplantation to a permanent place

    A place to plant lavender must be chosen in advance. It should be elevated, open to the sun and wind. In spring, autumn and during rain, water should not stand on the site - it is destructive for lavender. It is recommended to grow the plant on slightly acidified soils, so it is worth fertilizing the bed with compost, peat, and a small amount of lime (if high level Ph) or pine needles(at low acidity levels).

    Advice! Before planting lavender seedlings outdoors, it is worth taking them out into the air for hardening for two weeks in a row.

    The planting bed should be as loose as possible. You can loosen it in the fall, and then repeat the digging in the spring. For each plant you need to dig a separate hole. Its depth should be the same as the height of the pot with seedlings. The distance between them should be 26-35 cm.

    Lavender needs to be removed from the pot with a lump of earth. To prevent it from collapsing, you should not water the seedlings the day before. The seedlings are placed in a garden bed and covered with soil. Then the plant is watered from a watering can with a fine mesh so that the water does not erode the soil.

    Young plants should not be allowed to bloom. It is recommended to cut off flower stalks with buds. Closer to autumn, cut off all the stems, leaving a third of their height. Only in the second year after planting, when the lavender has finally become stronger, can it be given complete freedom. Until autumn, you need to keep the garden bed clean, remove weeds, and water the plants during dry periods.

    If the soil has been filled with compost, the plants do not need fertilizing for the first year.

    With the onset of the first frost, the lavender is cut off and covered with spruce branches and oak leaves. It is not recommended to use film and other airtight materials, as the bushes can get in the way under them. In the spring, after the snow melts, the shelter is removed. It is important to remember that lavender germinates later than other plants. If leaves do not appear on the surface of the earth after it thaws, you just need to wait.

    Charming and fragrant lavender, the cultivation of which many gardeners consider excessively difficult, may well become a decoration for flower beds in the middle zone. With due diligence, this flower will grow in one place for at least 15 years. Growing lavender from seeds is no more difficult than other flowering crops. To do this, you just need to follow a few rules: plant it in a bright and dry place, do not feed it with fertilizers.

    Lavender is a perennial evergreen subshrub plant of the Lamiaceae family. The height is 60-90 cm. The root is woody. The lower shoots branch well. The leaves are small: 1 cm wide and 2.5-6 cm long, arranged oppositely. Lavender is notable for its spike-shaped inflorescences of white, pink, blue, lilac, lilac-violet colors. It blooms all summer, exuding a pleasant aroma. By September, the fruits ripen - small brown nuts.

    Lavender is native to the Mediterranean. The plant is thermophilic. Lavender can winter in open ground only in regions with a warm climate. In gardens, it becomes a decoration for alpine slides, rockeries, and borders. In cold climates they are grown in flowerpots - at the first hint of cold, bring them indoors. Suitable for growing as a pot crop.

    Lavender from seeds at home

    Growing lavender from seeds is a longer process.

    In warm climates, seeds can be sown before winter - they will undergo natural stratification and sprout in the spring. In the first year, the plant will build up its root mass, and flowering will occur the following season.

    When to plant lavender seeds for seedlings

    It is still preferable to plant lavender with seeds for seedlings: sow at the end of winter (February) in boxes or at the beginning of spring (March) for germination in a greenhouse outside. Pre-stratify the seeds: mix the seeds with sand, pour into a container, cover plastic film and keep it in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for a couple of months until sowing.

    • The soil needs to be loose.
    • Deepen the seeds a few millimeters, maintaining a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm.
    • Moisten the crops with a spray bottle.
    • Germinate at a temperature of 15-21 °C. Maintain moderate soil moisture.

    • Shoots will appear in 2-4 weeks.
    • Young plants will need 8 hours of daylight.
    • When 2 true leaves appear, transplant into separate containers with a mixture of peat and perlite.

    Grown plants along with a lump of earth. Fertilize the soil with granules of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Carry out the next transplant when the growth reaches about 7.5 cm. Start hardening the seedlings - take them out into the fresh air for several hours.

    Planting lavender seedlings in open ground

    Plant in open ground with the establishment of real warmth without night frosts.

    Selecting a location

    For good growth and flowering should be selected right place. Perfect fit open area with bright sunlight. It will take root in the shade, but lush flowering don't expect it. The root system of lavender reacts painfully to high soil moisture - avoid wetlands if they are close to each other. groundwater, you should build an elevated flower bed.

    How to plant

    • Dig up the area, adding compost. If the soil is acidic, be sure to add agricultural lime or ash.
    • Make the holes with a depth corresponding to the size of the root system.
    • Handle the lavender while completely preserving the earthen clod.
    • Between bushes, maintain a distance equal to the maximum height of the bush (80-120 cm depending on the type, variety).
    • To make it look monolithic in the future, reduce this distance by half.
    • Deepen the root collar by 5-7 cm. Water thoroughly.

    Propagation of lavender by cuttings and layering

    Most Popular vegetative propagation(cuttings, layering).

    • Cuttings root quickly and easily. Do this in early spring or midsummer.
    • You can root green and lignified cuttings with at least 2 internodes.
    • Cut off the leaves from the bottom, treat with a rooting stimulator and plant the cutting in loose soil, deepening it a couple of centimeters, cover with a cut-off jar plastic bottle or film.
    • Ventilate and moisten the soil regularly.

    Start in the spring. Bend one of the lower shoots to the ground, fix it at the point of contact with the soil and sprinkle it with earth, the top should remain on the surface. Water. In about 3 months active growth the new plant is ready to be separated from the mother bush.

    How to care for lavender in the garden

    Watering and loosening the soil

    Lavender as the top layer of soil dries. Overmoistening leads to yellowing of the shoots and rotting of the root system. Lavender will not die from drought, but the flowering will not be as luxurious.

    To maintain an optimal level of moisture, mulch the soil around the bush with rotted leaves and compost, leaving the base of the trunk uncovered.

    It is important to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.

    Top dressing

    If there is mulch, you don’t need to fertilize - the compost and leaves will gradually decompose, feeding the plant.

    At the beginning of the growing season, feed with nitrogen fertilizers: dissolve 2 tablespoons of fertilizer in 1 bucket of water and pour along the perimeter of the bushes.

    When flowering begins, complex mineral fertilizer. Also 2 tablespoons of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.


    Pruning is not a mandatory procedure. After flowering, shorten the shoots by a couple of centimeters. Be careful in your actions: shortening the shoots to the level of the woody part can lead to the death of the bush.


    Lavender bushes wintering in open ground can tolerate temperatures as low as -25°C. You should build a shelter, but do not cover it with leaves, otherwise the bushes will begin to rot. Better cover it with spruce branches.

    Diseases and pests

    The plant is rarely exposed to diseases and pests.

    Gray rot may appear from excess moisture - remove damaged areas and treat with a fungicide. Be sure to adjust the watering.

    The aroma of the plant protects it from pests. There can be such a nuisance as pennies - they lay their larvae, covering them with a foam-like substance. This does no harm, but spoils the decorative effect. Just rinse them off with running water.

    Types of lavender with photos and names

    There are 45 species. They are classified into 2 groups:

    English lavender

    It has narrow leaf blades and elongated spike-shaped inflorescences. They winter hard in open ground.

    French lavender

    It has wider leaves and shorter inflorescences. Most often grown as a pot crop. Withstands temperatures down to -15°C.

    Let's take a closer look at the popular types:

    Real or English lavender, spikelet, narrow-leaved Lavandula angustifolia ‘Elizabeth’ photo

    The bush is 1 m high and wide. There are subspecies 30 cm high. The inflorescences are spike-shaped. The most common type.

    Broadleaf lavender Lavandula latifolia

    There are 3 inflorescences on one stem and has the most vibrant aroma.

    Dutch hybrid lavender or lavandin Lavandula intermedia

    The result of crossing the two previous species. The bush can reach dimensions of 2 m (height and width). Inflorescences are curved.

    Petiolate lavender Lavandula pedunculata

    It has an unusual bloom of bright purple color.

    Lavender dentate Lavandula dentate

    It has soft green-silver leaves. Features larger flowers.

    Benefits of lavender

    In addition to decorating gardens, lavender is used for medicinal, perfumery, and culinary purposes.

    Lavender water is included in many cosmetic products.

    Lavender oil has an antiseptic effect and can be used to lubricate burns. Lavender syrup is used in the treatment of migraines. Infusions are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Brew lavender tea or take a bath with dried inflorescences - it calms you down and helps you cope with insomnia.

    Lavender can cause allergic reactions.

    In cooking, lavender is used as a spice for fish and meat; dry petals are added to sauces, salads, and flowers are used to decorate confectionery products. Lavender-flavored sugar is popular in European countries.

    Lavender honey is very useful.