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Front and back side osb. How to fix OSB on a concrete floor Fastening OSB sheets

October 5, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing work and installation floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The use of OSB boards today is so extensive that it can be found almost everywhere: both inside and outside structures. This is due to high operational properties material and ease of use. We will figure out for what purposes OSB sheets can be used, how to choose them and what to look for when finishing the surface inside and outside buildings.

Use of material inside

I am often asked if OSB can be used for interior decoration? There are no obstacles to this, since high-quality material always has certificates confirming its safety for human health.

wall cladding

OSB for interior wall decoration is the best fit. It is important to collect all the necessary materials before work:

Materials used Characteristics
frame material
OSB boards The size of the sheets is 2440x1220 mm, as for the thickness, it can be from 6 to 30 mm, you need to choose the option that suits the specific situation. Most often, sheets with a thickness of 10-11 mm are used, but standards may vary. Quantity is calculated according to the area to be covered
frame material Here we need either wooden blocks or metal profile. You yourself must choose the option that is more suitable for your home. Metal is more expensive, but it does not deform when temperature and humidity fluctuate, wood is cheaper, but the frame can “walk” with temperature fluctuations. Wood is most often used, but this does not mean that you cannot supply a profile.
fasteners Interior decoration requires reliable fixation of each element, so close attention must be paid to fasteners. For work, you can use either self-tapping screws or screw nails, they fix the material much better than usual, which means they will provide a high reliability of the finish.

If you are purchasing OSB for finishing, then it is better to purchase material that has already been polished at the factory. This will greatly simplify your life and save a lot of time when applying decorative coatings.

As for the tool, in all cases you need approximately the same set, I will list everything you need here, but I will not write about it in other sections, since this list will be relevant there as well.

You need to have the following on hand:

  • If the crate or frame will be attached to concrete or brick, then you need a puncher with drills of the desired diameter and length. It can also be used as a drill by turning off the impact mode and placing a chuck under drills for metal or wood. Such universal option is the most convenient to date;
  • For twisting individual elements construction and when attaching OSB sheets to the frame with self-tapping screws, you can’t do without a screwdriver - it’s unlikely that you can tighten the fasteners with your hands, it takes too much effort. If nails are used for fastening, then you will naturally need a hammer, this tool is available at any construction site;
  • It is impossible to carry out quality work without a measuring tool. You can use a variety of devices: from classic options, like a plumb line and tape measure, to high-tech in the form laser level and the same roulette. Marking is done using a regular construction pencil, although you can use special options like felt-tip pens.

Now let's figure out how the walls inside the house are finished using OSB boards:

  • First of all, you need to mark the future position of the frame, for this a level and a plumb line are used, it is important to determine the position of the elements in advance, so that later you are not constantly distracted by plane control. Most often, the elements are placed close to the walls, it is important to find the most prominent area and dance from it when marking;
  • It is important to clearly define the distance of the vertical posts, they must pass along the edges of each sheet and in the middle, creating a stiffener. Most often, the spacing of the frame elements is approximately 40 centimeters, the thickness of the bar should be at least 40 mm in order to ensure the convenience of attaching our OSB boards to it;

  • The frame is fastened depending on the type of base: the structure is fixed to the tree with self-tapping screws, and to concrete and brick - with dowels. To strengthen individual sections (the same openings), you can additionally put metal corners. If you have frame house, then the structure will already be present and there is no need to build anything, the main thing is that the insulation be laid and the vapor barrier membrane fixed;

  • The material is fastened according to strict rules: there must be a gap of 10 mm between the OSB plate and the floor, the same is left along the ceiling. It is also important to place the sheets not close, but at a distance of 3 mm from each other, this will eliminate the deformation of the surface during changes in humidity, because the material reacts to them;

  • As for installation, self-tapping screws or nails are located every 15 cm at the joints of the sheets and at a distance of 30 cm at intermediate racks. Along the edges, that is, from above and below, it is recommended to place the fasteners even closer - every 10 cm. The work is done carefully, you should not place the fasteners closer than 10 mm from the edge, since there is a high probability of cracking the material.

Ceiling cladding

This option is most often used in suburban and country houses, but it can also be implemented in an apartment, if it fits the interior, the work is done in the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to fix the guides around the perimeter of the room, the easiest way is to pre-mark with a laser level or construction cord in order to have clear guidelines. Installation is carried out either using self-tapping screws, if the structure is wooden, or using dowels for other bases;
  • Next, you need to fix the remaining elements of the frame, it is important to constantly monitor the plane and carefully fix each part of the structure. If the fastening is not made directly to the ceiling, but with a gap, then the easiest way to work is to use direct drywall hangers, with their help you can clearly set each rack and securely fix it;

  • As for fastening the sheets, the process is similar to that described above; it makes no sense to repeat all the requirements. Here we can only note the fact that if you built metal carcass, then you need to use self-tapping screws with a fine thread pitch, and not with a large one, like on wood.

When working with the ceiling, it is important to foresee the laying of the cable, and it is best to lay it in a special corrugated box to ensure safety.


The floor of OSB boards is not only reliable, but also original, so this option is found more and more often, as for the workflow, it can be divided into several main stages:

  • First you need to determine how thick the sheet will be used, a lot depends on this. So, with a thickness of 15-18 mm, the distance between the lags should be no more than 40 cm, if the thickness is 18-22 mm, then the lags can be located in increments of 50 cm, and if the thickness is 23 mm or more, then between the lags there may be up to 60 cm. That is, if you already have logs, then you need to select an OBB slab for them, otherwise your floor will turn out to be unreliable;

If you already have flooring in the form of a board or other material, then you can attach the OSB directly to it, you just need to pre-level the surface if there are bumps on it.

  • Next, it is worth considering the location of the sheets, they are always laid perpendicular to the position of the lag, and all joints should fall on the support. As for the long side, it is necessary to use a special version of the OSB board with a tongue-and-groove connection system for the floor, since it is not possible to fasten the elements with brackets or other fasteners. The best decision, and the strength will be several times lower;

  • Regardless of the basis on which the floor will be located, the surface must be waterproofed; for this, a special film is laid that will protect the material from below. If insulation is needed, then the heat-insulating elements are placed in the frame as tightly as possible;
  • The OSB is fixed using self-tapping screws, which are necessarily recessed so that the hat is located below the floor plane, this will simplify its further finishing. A deformation gap of 10 mm must be left between the plate and the walls in order to compensate for the reaction of the material to changes in humidity and temperature. Laying starts from the corner, this is also an important condition for reliable installation.

Using OSB for exterior walls

Due to the high moisture resistance of OSB-3 and OSB-4, it can also be successfully used for outdoor decoration. We will not consider the option of sheets for the roof, since this is not a finish, but a foundation device, but wall cladding requires the closest attention. This method is ideal for frame structures, as well as for protecting old buildings finished with wood clapboard.

Let's figure out how the outer sheathing is made of OSB boards, first I will show you a diagram that shows the ideal structure of the frame structure, this will allow you to understand how the whole workflow should be carried out, because we analyze only its last stage.

External finishing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The entire surface of the facade must be covered with a windproof film, which will protect the structure from adverse effects and allow all its elements to maintain strength and reliability for as long as possible. Fastening the material is easiest to do with a special construction stapler;

  • Next, you need to fix the outer crate, for it you can use both a bar and a planed board, it is much more convenient due to the large width. The distance between the elements depends on the thickness of the OSB plate, the most commonly used option is 10-12 mm, under which the crate should be fixed in increments of no more than 40 cm;
  • As for the location of the sheets, all the requirements that apply inside are also relevant outside. The indentation above and below should be at least 10 mm, and between the sheets it is necessary to leave gaps of 3-5 mm, since the temperature differences in the street are greater, which means that the material will expand more;

  • Concerning window openings, then it is best to cut them directly into the sheet, this is the most durable option. It is important to make a reliable frame of the opening in order to secure the material as best as possible;

  • Fastening is carried out using screw nails 50 mm long or self-tapping screws 41 mm long. The spacing at the joints is 15 cm, along the edges - 10 cm, on the elements in the middle of the sheet, responsible for rigidity - 30 cm. The indent from the edge is at least 10 mm, and even 15-20 is better, which is why it is better to make the crate of materials wider.

Decorative coating options

I deliberately did not go through every section about what can be applied to the surface and how to do it. I will discuss the most popular options in one chapter, and you will choose the best one depending on your situation. This will make it easier and clearer.


If you need fast and inexpensive finish walls or ceiling, then this option will be the most optimal solution, in addition to low costs, it is good and the simplicity of the process. But in order to achieve best result, you need to know whole line important conditions and recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to check all the fastener caps, if some of them are located above the level of the sheets, then they should be drowned to a depth of 1-2 mm. Self-tapping screws are screwed in with a screwdriver, and nails are deepened with the help of a finisher, since it is problematic to drive them deep with a hammer;

  • It is recommended that all ends on the sheets be rounded with sandpaper, this is necessary so that there are no smudges of the composition along the edges. Of course, it is best to use materials with polished ends, but it can be very, very difficult to find such;
  • All attachment points, as well as joints between sheets, are sealed with an acrylic-based sealant.. It is great for OSB and allows you to hide all problem areas. Another plus of this type of composition is that they are easily painted if necessary, unlike silicone sealants. After drying, all excess is easily removed with sandpaper;

If you will cover the surface with varnish or other composition that does not hide the structure of the material, then it is best to use Pine-colored acrylic sealant, it blends best with the OSB color and is almost invisible after application.

  • Before finishing the OSB walls inside the house or outside the building, it is necessary to prime the plane. This is due to the fact that the surface has uneven absorbency, and if it is not prepared, then any paint and varnish composition will lie unevenly. It is best to use acrylic-based compounds with a strengthening effect for painting, they are applied with a brush or over the entire area;

  • If, after drying the material, you find that the pile has risen on it, then it is necessary to grind the base with sandpaper with a grain of M150 or less. After all the flaws have been removed, the primer must be repeated, only after that we can assume that we have qualitatively prepared the base for finishing;
  • Both paint and varnish can be used as a topcoat, it all depends on the purpose of use and the type of substrate. If paint is used, then it is best to use options based on alkyd or acrylic, although water-based formulations Suitable if you use a moisture resistant plate. The work is carried out in several stages, it is best to apply 2-3 layers in order to obtain a reliable and durable decorative and protective layer;

  • If you are applying varnish, you can use different variants. After all, it can be a ceiling made of OSB boards and its finish will not be subject to wear, or it can be a floor that is under constant load, and if a fragile composition is applied, it will quickly become unusable. Good for ceilings and walls acrylic lacquer, while for flooring it is best to use high-strength polyurethane-based options.


If you have not yet decided how to finish the OSB, but are firmly convinced that the surface will either be plastered, or wallpapered, or painted solid, then you can prepare the base by puttying it. Putty allows you to get perfect flat surface, which can be finished as you like, and this is the undoubted advantage of such a solution.

There are many opinions among specialists regarding how to do the job correctly, I will tell you about the option that I tried myself and which proved to be the best:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dust and dirt, just wipe it with a rag and check if the heads of the screws or nail heads are sticking out. They must be recessed 1-2 mm below the level of the slab, and if this is not the case, all flaws must be eliminated before starting other work;
  • Since OSB boards pass special treatment, there is always paraffin or wax on the surface, these materials impair the adhesion of the compositions, therefore it is necessary to walk along the surface with an emery barto remove the paraffin and make the material more rough. It's tedious but very milestone, which must be carried out if you need the best result;

  • Then it is necessary to seal all the seams between the sheets, for this you can use nitro putty, but I prefer lightweight putty for body work. It is very elastic and at the same time has excellent adhesion, it can quickly and reliably seal all joints. And there is no need to worry that the composition will fall off, it will last for many years, because its strength is an order of magnitude higher than that of building options;

  • When the composition dries, you need to remove minor flaws with sandpaper, after which you can proceed to the surface primer. For this job, I use adhesive compounds, they fit perfectly on the OSB and create a rough surface that suits any type of finish. Simply put, we get an excellent base for any purpose and can put anything on it without racking our brains on how to finish OSB;

  • Any putty is applied to the surfaces prepared in this way, here the work is no different from the usual ones, you need to monitor the uniformity of the layer and carefully close up all the irregularities, if any. After drying, the surface must be sanded with sandpaper or a special mesh. On such a base, you can safely glue the wallpaper, you can apply paint, because you get the usual puttied surface;
  • If you decide to apply decorative plaster on top, then you can additionally strengthen the surface with a fiberglass mesh, this will ensure maximum durability of the finish. It is recommended to lay it on the outside, inside it is not necessary at all.

Using all the recommendations, you can easily figure out how to finish an OSB house from the outside or how to process a ceiling. It is important not to break the technology and use only moisture-resistant materials, as they are much stronger and more reliable.


OSB plate - excellent modern solution, which is suitable for different purposes and can be used both for interior and exterior decoration. It is important to fix the material correctly and securely, and then finish it to protect it from adverse influences and give it a more attractive appearance. The video will show you some important nuances the topic discussed, and if you have questions, then write them in the comments under this review.

Before talking about technical details and the intricacies of the inner lining of OSB or OSB boards (they are also OSB, OSB sheets), it is worth considering the appropriateness of this event. Installation of OSB boards indoors takes place in two cases, namely:

  1. If you have a frame house and the frame has not yet been sheathed.
  2. If the pattern and texture of OSB boards are an element of decor.

If you just need to align the walls, then for this purpose better fit drywall, as it is cheaper and more convenient to work with during installation and further finishing.

Technologies outer skin houses are set out in the article:. Here we consider the question correct installation OSB boards on the walls inside the house.

The choice of plates for mounting OSB on the walls inside the house

When using any material inside the house, including OSB boards, attention should be paid to its harmlessness to the health of the inhabitants of this house. Already 34 years have passed since the appearance of OSB boards and all these years the debate about the environmental friendliness of OSB boards has not stopped. In fact, there are grounds for these disputes, since indeed, when gluing wood chips, polymer resins containing formaldehyde are used. But formaldehyde is also found in many other surrounding things, for example, in fabrics in chipboard furniture, combustion products, etc.

OSB slabs on the walls inside the house.

In order to exclude formaldehyde poisoning of people, enlightened Europeans established control over the production of OSB boards and divided the harmfulness of boards into classes. Plates with formaldehyde emission class E1 are harmless to human health and are used in the construction of residential buildings. Therefore, when buying OSB panels, choose a reliable and trusted manufacturer, as your health may depend on it. The Austrian four-star hotel Arlmont, whose interior decoration is replete with OSB panels, will say better than any words about the environmental friendliness of OSB panels.

Arlmont Hotel, OSB sheets used in the interior.

OSB boards are divided into classes according to water resistance:

OSB-1 is the class of board most exposed to moisture and has the lowest strength. Such boards are used for the production of furniture.

OSB-2 is a class of boards with the same moisture resistance as OSB-1, but more durable. Such plates can be used for wall cladding in dry rooms.

OSB-3 - moisture resistant boards with high strength. They are suitable for installation in damp rooms. But with prolonged contact with water, they deform.

OSB-4 - boards with maximum moisture resistance. They are able to withstand prolonged contact with water.

OSB4 boards do not have wide popularity due to their price, which is on average twice as high as that of OSB3 boards. Therefore, OSB3 boards are widely used. If they are treated with a primer or painted with paint, then such plates become resistant to prolonged contact with water.

More details about the various characteristics of OSB sheets can be found in the article:.

Sheathing the walls of a frame house from the inside

Before proceeding with interior trim frame house, it is necessary to insulate the walls, close the frame from the outside and the insulation with a vapor barrier.

It is recommended to insulate the walls mineral wool, and better than slab, since it is easier to work with than with polystyrene foam, it holds better in vertical structures and does not settle down, which happens with fiberglass insulation. Other heaters are not excluded and are also suitable for insulating the walls of a frame house. For more information on various heaters, see the article:.

After the walls are insulated, they must be closed with a vapor barrier. The vapor barrier membrane protects the wall from the penetration of moisture into it, which will keep the frame of the house and the insulation dry. The vapor barrier is fixed with ordinary construction stapler, with an overlap of 10-15 cm and glued together with a special double-sided adhesive tape.

An example of the construction of the wall of a frame house. WITH inside a vapor barrier film is laid on the frame, OSB boards are attached on top of it.

The sheathing itself is made as follows, the sheets are alternately screwed to the frame of the house one after another. The gap between the sheets is 3 mm. Sheets are screwed with wood screws 35-40 mm long. All openings (for windows, doors, mounting holes) are cut with a jigsaw.

Decorative wall cladding with OSB boards and battens

As a crate, it is best to use a metal profile as for drywall. It is easy to install and does not warp like wood. When choosing wooden bars for battens, it is better to use dried wood bars, because such bars bend and twist less when they dry out. The installation technologies in both cases are not fundamentally different, so we will consider them using the example of a crate made of metal profiles.

In order to sheathe internal walls OSB boards, you need to start by installing the crate on the walls of the room.

The technology for mounting the crate looks like this:

1. First you need to install the starting profile, which is mounted on the adjacent walls, floor and ceiling as in Figure 1. On the sides, the profile must be strictly vertical and close along the perimeter with the upper and lower profile.

Figure 1. The start profile is mounted to the adjacent wall. And closes with the top and bottom profile.

2. After installing the starting profile, it is necessary to make markings on the wall for suspensions. Since the hangers will hold the vertical racks of the crate, you need to mark it in such a way that two solid sheets of OSB close in the middle of the profile, you also need to install one profile in the center of each solid sheet of OSB.

Hangers are attached to the wall. A crate is attached to them.

3. We mount the profile. When fixing the profile on hangers, it is important to control the plane of the lathing with the rule so that “pits” or “belly” do not form on the wall in the future.

Installation of OSB boards on an internal wall using a crate.

It is desirable that the installation of OSB on the walls is carried out by specialists. OSB (oriented strand board) is a material that has gained popularity in the construction and home decoration industry. It has a lot of advantages that allow it to be used in exterior finish dwellings, in the lining of internal walls and the design of partitions in the process of redevelopment. In view of the increasing demand for this material, it is worth considering what are the advantages of OSB boards and where they are used, as well as what finishing methods exist for this material.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards

According to builders, wall decoration with OSB boards has a number of advantages:

  1. Compared to other materials sold in sheets, OSB walls are relatively inexpensive.
  2. The method of manufacture assumes resistance to damage, which ensures a minimum of defects during production, transportation and after installation.
  3. They are lightweight, so the installation of plates on the walls does not carry a large load on the supporting structures. Also, due to the lightness, these plates are easy to carry from place to place and install with your own hands.
  4. These plates look attractive on their own. There are several options for additional decorative finishes.
  5. This material is resistant to moisture, decay, fungal infection and is of little interest to insects.
  6. The strength of the structure of the plates does not prevent them from drilling or processing in any other way.

All these properties make the material suitable for external and internal works. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. For the sake of economy, some firms do not comply with technology, so their products turn out to be of poor quality from an environmental point of view. Such plates can emit harmful substances. Any OSB product does not allow moisture and steam to pass through, therefore, in rooms with such a finish, it is worth taking care of decent ventilation.

Areas of use

There are two main ways to work with OSB boards. Firstly, this is the rough cladding of the main wall inside or outside. This option allows you to reduce the number of joints, align the wall and make it more durable. To achieve such results, it is worth considering a number of points:

  1. The fastening of the material is carried out after 30 cm in the intermediate sections and twice as often at the joints.
  2. The outer edges are attached to the wall every 10 cm at a distance of at least 10 cm from the end of the sheet.
  3. For ventilation, gaps are left between them, which are then filled with sealant. This is one of the main ways to provide ventilation for exterior walls.
  4. When finishing a wall of OSB boards, you should take care of protection from wind and excessive moisture. Taking into account the characteristics of the material for working outside, it is worth using a superdiffusion membrane; for finishing inside, foil polyethylene is useful.

Other nuances in the question of how to sheathe a wall with OSB boards are discussed in the following video:

Secondly, to change the layout of the rooms, you can from the OSB. For this, installation on a wooden or metal profiles. Drywall is fixed in a similar way. The difference between OSB partitions is the resistance of this material to deformation, therefore, such interior elements do not bend under their own weight and are more reliably protected from cracks and other damage.

Since wood is included in the basis of the material in chip fragments, in the manufacture of OSB boards they are covered with a special composition. It includes resins, wax or paraffin. It not only has a bonding effect, but also gives the surface evenness and smoothness, so additional finishing of OSB walls is associated with additional difficulties. Firstly, the outer layer does not differ in adhesive properties. Secondly, some components contain fat and other substances that can seep through the outer Finishing work and spoil the final look, so you should consider options decorative processing material before finishing the OSB walls inside the house.

Paint or varnish finish

Wall painting or varnishing is one of the budget ways to decorate the walls of rooms. But in order for the layers to lie evenly, and in the future there will be no unpleasant surprises, it is worth considering a number of points.

First you need to inspect all the places where the plates are attached for not fully hammered nails or twisted screws. These minor imperfections can cause rust spots to show through the paint. In the case of nails, it is worth using a hammer, because when working with a hammer, not only will there not be a sufficient result, but the wall cladding will also suffer.

If it is planned that the internal walls will be painted, it is worth using an acrylic sealant to process the joints, since the paint does not fit well on the silicone look.

An obligatory stage of work is the surface. It will provide the material with great adhesive properties. In addition, the layer will lie more evenly on the prepared surface and give the appropriate effect. After the first coat of primer, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the pile. After such processing, it can rise, and the wall will lose evenness.

To correct this shortcoming, the surface must be treated sandpaper and apply another coat of primer. After that, you can finish the walls of the room with varnish or paint. Depending on the humidity of the room, you can use the option on alkyd or acrylic. In some cases, suitable water-based paint. Some builders recommend acrylic lacquer for walls.

For reliability and aesthetic beauty, it is recommended to apply the coating in 2-3 layers.

Preparing OSB walls for wallpapering

Wallpaper is considered the most popular option for wall decoration, so they are used in rooms with walls finished with OSB boards. Sometimes such a need arises in the process of redevelopment of space. So, before you make a partition, you should make sure that it is in harmony with the rest of the interior.

It can be used if there is a need for the finished wall to become universal for any kind of application. decorative coating. With this type of wall processing, you should pay attention to some features:

  1. Putty is applied to a clean surface. The presence of dust, dirt or traces of other building materials on the wall can adversely affect the quality of the coating, so it is worth washing the wall well before applying the putty composition.
  2. It is worth paying attention that the heads of nails and self-tapping screws are recessed as deep as possible, and upper layer better off with sandpaper. The surface for puttying should be slightly rough.
  3. The joints between the plates are best treated with nitro putty. This will ensure evenness and strength. Alternatively, bodywork putty can be used, since its properties are designed for a moving object. In this regard, the composition has not only lightness, but also great connecting properties, and it does not collapse on the wall for a long time. After completion of the preparatory work, a layer of putty is applied.
  4. After applying the composition, you can proceed to the primer of the surface.

This option is convenient because now any decorative material can be used on top of the primer layer without regard to OSB features plates.

OSB boards are a universal material for wall cladding of a house or finishing rooms inside it. This raw material is used both to strengthen walls and create partitions. It is quite durable, lightweight and resistant to mechanical stress, moisture, fungus and insects.

In order for this coating to last as long as possible, it is worth considering several factors before fixing the OSB. This is especially true for the distance between nails and screws, as well as the location of the joints. The appearance allows the use of OSB boards without any decorative treatment. However, they can be puttied, painted, varnished or prepared for wallpaper. Subject to technology, the result will be smooth walls, which will be the basis for any interior and will delight its owner for many years.

Installation of OSB on the walls is carried out on final stage building construction. Depending on the purpose of the building, sheathing is carried out on internal and external surfaces. When carrying out repairs, OSB boards can be used to level the floor. In addition, this sheet material excellent for creating a solid foundation for laying roofing on the roof. Today, oriented strand board is one of the most sought-after materials in residential and commercial construction.

Features of OSB boards

This construction material appeared relatively recently, thanks to inventions in the field of chemistry. OSB boards are glued and pressed wood shavings. Synthetic polymer resin is used as a binder. The chips are laid in layers in different directions. During pressing, the wood is impregnated adhesive composition. The result is products that are highly durable and resistant to moisture. Various additives in the adhesive make it possible to use OSB even outdoors.

Based specifications, products are divided into classes:

  1. Standard. It is used for the manufacture of furniture and interior cladding in rooms with normal humidity.
  2. Reinforced. The thickness of the plates allows them to be used to create partitions, walls, ceilings and floors.
  3. Moisture resistant. This material is used for interior decoration with high humidity(pools, showers, bathrooms).
  4. High strength moisture resistant. Plates of this class in terms of strength are not inferior to glued beams. Of these, load-bearing structures are created that experience an increased load.

Finished products can have a raw, sanded, laminated or varnished surface. To create monolithic surfaces, the plates are equipped with locks at the ends. The thickness of the OSB varies between 8-26 mm.

Advantages of oriented strand boards:

  1. High strength, which is achieved using a composite material. OSB partitions are more reliable than those made of drywall and foam blocks. They withstand high impact loads.
  2. Ecological purity. Manufactured using components that are safe for humans and environment. The release of harmful fumes does not occur even at high temperatures.
  3. Presentable appearance. The adhesive composition emphasizes the natural beauty of wood. Large chips create a beautiful and interesting pattern.
  4. Resistant to decay, mold, insects and rodents due to factory impregnation with an antiseptic.
  5. Water resistance. Products without consequences endure a long stay in a humid environment.
  6. Flexibility. This quality allows the plates, without cracking or breaking, to change their shape when the house is deformed.
  7. Durability. Since OSB is resistant to influence external factors, their service life can be 50 years or more.
  8. Affordable cost. In production, woodworking waste and inexpensive products of the chemical industry are used.

A definite minus of OSB is their complete airtightness. This property must be taken into account during construction. Properly equipped ventilation system will help to solve this issue.

Preparatory activities

OSB are fixed on a frame made of timber or steel profile. To improve the insulating qualities of the finish, it is recommended to use a heater. Before you start covering the premises, you need to carry out a small preparatory work. First of all, you need to prepare the tool.

In order to carry out the installation of OSB, you will need:

  • perforator;
  • level;
  • metal scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • steel profile and hangers;
  • self-tapping screws for metal;
  • plastic dowels;
  • acrylic sealant;
  • antiseptic solution;
  • oriented strand boards 8-10 mm thick;
  • basalt wool;
  • paint brush;
  • rubber spatula.

It is worth considering in advance top coat oriented strand boards. To do this, you can use varnish, acrylic paint or washable wallpaper on any basis. Surface coating allowed ceramic tiles, fabric or leather.

Before starting work, it is necessary to treat the walls with an antiseptic. After sheathing, a healthy microclimate should be in the resulting cavity.

Mounting OSB on walls

In order to sheathe the walls with this unique material, no special skill is needed. It's enough just to be careful.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The layout of the OSB on the surface is made. Plates can be fixed in any orientation. Cutting is carried out so that there is less waste.
  2. Markings are made on the walls for attaching the frame. It is advisable to choose a step between uprights 58 cm. The width of the insulation is 60 cm. It will hold well between the posts without additional fixation.
  3. Holes are drilled into which plastic dowels are inserted.
  4. With the help of steel suspensions, guides and bearing profiles, the frame is assembled. Its verticality and strength are checked.
  5. OSB boards are sawn into blanks. They are screwed to the frame. The recommended pitch between the screws is 15 cm. The edges of the plates must be on the supporting profile. This will help prevent cracks in the finish.
  6. The seams between the plates are sealed with acrylic sealant. For this, it is used mounting gun and a rubber spatula. Chips and recesses above the screws are sealed with wood putty.
  7. The surface is ground and polished with sandpaper.

It is customary to start work indoors with facing the ceiling structure, this greatly simplifies other stages. There are many products for such a process, but OSB boards are becoming more and more in demand. This product has good performance, but has certain styling nuances. An important task is the correct decorative cladding the resulting coverage.


At using OSB the exact selection of the variety is very important. Oriented strand boards include four main classes:

  1. OSB-1. Suitable for rough work in stably dry rooms and the manufacture of furniture parts.
  2. OSB-2. It has a higher density compared to the previous version, and a rather low moisture resistance. Products well proven for sheathing internal surfaces subject to constant humidity.
  3. OSB-3. The most popular variety, combining all the necessary properties. It can be operated under severe mechanical loads. Although the product belongs to the category of moisture resistant, it is not able to withstand prolonged contact with water without additional processing.
  4. OSB-4. This type is used much less frequently, because for all its advantages, its price is very high.

There are 4 varieties of oriented strand board with different specifications

Ceiling sheathing with OSB slabs is carried out with class 2 and 3 materials. The first option is suitable for the living room, bedroom and corridor, the second - for the kitchen, hallway and even the bathroom.

OSB has a fairly wide range of sizes, but the most common products are 122 * 244 cm and 125 * 250 cm. To work with a suspended horizontal structure optimum thickness- from 6 to 9–9.5 mm. In such a situation, the mass of the sheet is 12.9–18.6 kg.

On a note! It is important to have security certificates. The environmental criterion, measured by the level of formaldehyde emission, should not exceed 10 mg/100 g. Which implies a toxicity class not higher than E1.

The most important characteristics of OSB boards are weight and thickness

The installation of the material has a number of features that should be considered to obtain a high-quality result:

  • The work involves the preliminary construction of the frame. For this it is better to use wooden beam with a cross section of at least 50 * 40 mm. If there are beams, then laying is carried out on them after setting a single level and creating jumpers.
  • Precisely fixing the slab alone is not easy, it is advisable to involve assistants. If the work is done only with your own hands, then you will need to cut the sheet into several fragments.
  • Be sure to form compensation gaps around the entire perimeter of the walls. You should also leave space between adjacent panels. This is especially true for newly built private houses and dachas that are not constantly heated.
  • To finish the ceiling, you will need metal screws. They should be 2.5–3 times the thickness of the material used. The screw is slightly recessed flush to prevent bulging.
  • Sheathing starts from the center or from the corner, depending on the layout of the room. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-calculate the parameters in order to reduce the remaining product.
  • If the plate has additional moisture-resistant protection, then the surface is pre-sanded and degreased.
  • To reduce the complexity of further processes, the parts are treated with a deep penetrating primer before laying. This will cover not only the front side, but also the ends.

When fixing the plates on the ceiling, it is necessary to use elements made of stainless materials

Important! When buying material Special attention refer to the geometry of the elements. The fact is that due to a violation of production technology or storage conditions, the panel may be deformed. It is extremely difficult to work with the behavior of the sheet, it is not always possible to straighten out the tension.

Mounting technology

To install OSB boards correctly, the process should be divided into stages. This will allow you to carry out all procedures efficiently and avoid problems in the future.

Preliminary activities include the following:

  1. The ceiling covering is treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting compounds. The location of communications is provided in advance. If the structure is directly connected to the attic, then steam and waterproofing is carried out and an insulation plan is thought out.
  2. According to a pre-compiled layout of the racks of the frame, the product is cut.
  3. The surface is cleaned of dirt and dust with a broom and rags and, if necessary, degreased.
  4. Products are covered with 2-3 layers of primer "betonokontakt", each is thoroughly dried.
  5. A tool for fixing is being prepared - a screwdriver with the required set of bits. You should also provide a place to perform the process. For greater convenience, goats or suitable ladders are installed.

Before laying the tiles, it is necessary to carry out preliminary measures on the ceiling surface

Properly carried out preliminary work can avoid problems in the future.

In order for the OSB ceiling to be extremely even and reliable, it is erected along the crate. The creation technology is as follows:

  1. If a wooden beam is used, it is pre-impregnated protective compounds from mold and fungus and flame retardants. All parts are thoroughly dried.
  2. Surface marking is carried out. The first elements will be placed 2–3 cm from the walls, and the total step depends on the type of base and the need for insulation. The best option- 50-60 cm and the same frequency of jumpers that will be required if the structure needs to be reinforced or the slabs are cut into small fragments.
  3. Near one of the walls, the first rack of the frame is attached and leveled. From it to the opposite surface, a cord is stretched along both edges to expose the second part. The remaining fragments of the crate are laid along the resulting plane. It is required to fasten the structure with a margin of safety, so it is better to choose metal anchors.
  4. Communications are laid, the location of lighting fixtures is marked.

The crate is special frame, on which OSB-plates are subsequently attached

Should know! A significant disadvantage of the use of plastic dowels in working with concrete structures is the weakening in case of fire, which can lead to collapse and blocking of the exit.

OSB is attached to the ceiling with great care, any inaccuracies will lead to the formation of distortions. For ease of fixing, the parts are drilled in several places, this will allow you to quickly install the self-tapping screw. It is necessary to hem the material according to a certain scheme:

  1. The first element should be attached in the most visible corner. If the surface is dialed from the center, then it will be necessary to perform complex transverse and diagonal markings, as well as pull the installation cords.
  2. Before fixing, it is required to make a gap of 10–15 mm from the wall and ensure that the seam is at least 3 mm. Self-tapping screws are screwed in with force to provide a deepening of the cap.
  3. Due to the fact that the frame cross members are also used for fastening, they are marked after installation. To do this, a mark is made on the edge of the panel, which is combined with the opposite one, screws are twisted along the formed line.
  4. If cutting is done locally, then the dimension is preliminarily measured desired part. The edges must lie on the crate.
  5. By the same principle, you should hem the remaining fragments.

Mounting should not be done close to the wall, you need to leave a small gap

For a good fit, you can use plates with lock connection. They are suitable for situations where it is necessary to obtain a surface that will be decorated with transparent compositions.

OSB ceiling finishes

It is not difficult to sheathe the base with slabs, it is much more difficult to perform subsequent cladding. For this, various options can be used.

For finishing the ceiling of OSB boards, any decorative materials: varnish, wallpaper, decorative plaster, LMDF or HDPE panels


An original method that allows you to get a coating that has a pronounced woody base. To do this, hemming material passes preliminary training: the cracks are filled with a mixture of sawdust and PVA, the embedded areas are polished, then the surface is impregnated with a primer.

The varnish is applied in several layers, after each coating is well dried.


OSB can be finished with a special fiberglass variety of wallpaper. If you plan to use traditional roll options, then for better adhesion, it is recommended to pre-putty the base. When choosing this method, the joints are additionally covered with a reinforcing mesh. It is advisable to choose multi-layer wallpapers and use suitable glue.


If desired, the surface can be treated with any color paints and varnishes, but over time may appear dark spots. To avoid such troubles, perform the following steps:

  1. The coating is degreased and impregnated with 2-3 layers of primer.
  2. The ceiling is plastered. The applied layer should be no thinner than 2–3 mm. For greater reliability when working on large areas, everything is covered with a special reinforcing mesh.
  3. The resulting base can be whitewashed or painted.

OSB boards for interior decoration of the house are used more and more often, so the methods of subsequent cladding are constantly being improved. This allows you to sheathe the premises not only qualitatively, but also beautifully.