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A cat with long legs. Cat breeds with breed names and photographs. Cat breeds starting with the letters B and G

Like their wild relatives, many purebred cats have short hair. This makes life much easier for both them and their owners, who do not have to collect large clumps of loose wool around the apartment.

Largely because of this, as well as due to their extraordinary beauty and grace, short-haired cat breeds are desirable pets. Their varieties will be discussed.

Abyssinian cat

It is considered a descendant of the sacred ancient Egyptian cats that lived in the territory of modern Ethiopia. According to one version, in the 60s. In the 19th century, it was brought from there by British soldiers returning to their homeland.

Since the middle of the 20th century, Abyssinians have become very popular. They have a slender, muscular build, an arched neck and large ears.

American Curl

In the early 1980s, a stray cat with unusual, curled-back ears was found in California. She had two babies - one with short hair and one with long hair.

They created a sensation at the show, and in 1986 both of these breeds were registered. Curled ears, by the way, are a natural genetic deviation.

Descendants of domestic cats that arrived in America in the 17th century with the first English settlers. They are distinguished by their powerful body and long rounded paws.


Burmese cat

The breed is dark brown in color, brought from Burma. It was crossed with the Siamese, and the new breed was recognized in 1936. Burmans are characterized by a padded nose and a medium-length tail with a rounded tip.

It is the result of scientists' attempts to obtain a small copy of the black Indian panther. To do this, a brown Burmese was crossed with a black American Shorthair.

Bombays must have everything exclusively black - from every hair of their fur to the pads on their paws.

Devon Rex

In 1960, a cat with wavy hair was discovered in the English county of Devonshire. She soon gave birth to offspring, including one curly-haired baby, declared the first Devon Rex.

They are easy to distinguish by their thin, plastic body, triangular convex muzzle and huge ears.

European Shorthair

This breed is closest to wild species, so its representatives have excellent hunting skills. European Shorthairs are considered natural breed, humanity did not particularly interfere in its development.

Unlike overweight British women, European women are more refined and muscular. Experts note their very strong immunity.

Luxurious silver-smoky cat with a spotted pattern all over her body. She is similar to the cats that are depicted on the walls of temples and in the manuscripts of Ancient Egypt.

By nature, the Mau is quite reserved and rarely trusts more than one person.


The breed is named after the province in Thailand, from where American soldiers serving there brought it to the United States. It is believed that Korats must have a strictly silver-blue color, otherwise they are classified as the “Thai Lilac” or “Thai Color Point” breed.

Cornish Rex

This cat comes from the English county of Cornwall. The smooth-haired mother gave birth to a cream-colored kitten with curly hair. Subsequently, they were crossed, having already received two curly cubs (see what are there).

But over time, crossing closely related species produced weak offspring that had to be euthanized, and several other breeds were introduced.

Cornish cats, like other varieties of rex, are characterized by long front legs, an elongated rounded muzzle and unusually large ears in comparison with the head.


Probably the funniest looking cat breed, munchkins have very short legs, like a dachshund. This occurred as a result of a genetic mutation. Sociable, friendly and playful animals.

Manx cat

A unique breed, which is distinguished by a very short tail or its complete absence, which is also caused by a mutant gene.

Manx are named after the Isle of Man off the western coast of Great Britain, where their population developed. Large, well-fed cats with a round muzzle.

German (Prussian) Rex

Considered to be the first of the wavy breeds, it was bred in the 30s. XX century in Germany by crossing Russian Blue and Turkish Angora. They have a velvety coat that is pleasant to the touch, and are sometimes bald.

Oriental cat (oriental)

A thin, graceful cat with a long tail and slightly slanted eyes. It was brought to Europe from the Far East.


Ocicats are so named because of their visual resemblance to wild ocelots - the same spotted pattern on the body. Now there is a wide range of Ocicat colors - from cream to blue.


Another breed with a miniature tail, bred in America in the early 1990s. In appearance and color, the pixie bob resembles a wild lynx.

Russian blue

These cats were brought to the West by traders returning from the Arkhangelsk province. Their delicate blue-gray fur shines silver in the light.

A medium-sized cat, at the same time powerful and graceful, affectionate, and has a quiet voice.

One of the newest breeds, the first representative of which was born in 1987 in the American state of Wyoming.

Thanks to crossing with Persians, the Selkirk's fur is thicker than that of other rexes. Funny curly animals.

The history of this breed goes back to the 15th century. In Siam (now Thailand), such a cat was considered sacred.

She has a rather unusual appearance - a long neck, a triangular muzzle, slanting Blue eyes, large ears and colored limbs (see).

Singapura cat

Her in the early 1970s. brought from the island of Singapore. One of the smallest cats. It is distinguished by a small rounded muzzle and huge expressive eyes (see).


A strikingly beautiful breed resulting from mating Siamese with American Shorthair. From the Siamese there remains the color, from the Americans - a powerful physique and a large head. See all

Fluffy and hairless, affectionate and capricious, fidgety and lazy – all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for it, what to feed it and what tricks to expect.

History of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by chance, others are the result of long-term selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which they are valued by cat lovers. Thus, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British shorthair cat once simply caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked completely different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about hairless breeds: to some they seem like aliens from the cat world, their appearance is so different from the Murchiks and Muroks we are used to. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the cat family can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the purebred beauties that people know today were registered only in the last century. However, they have all become such a part of our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their cheerful antics.

Types of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burma, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and flexible character.
  2. More than anything in the world. These are Siamese, Oriental, Abyssinian, Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to identify any special common features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most contradictory feelings. The photographs evoke emotion for some, and disgust for others. However, the owners of these unique creatures they claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they become very attached to their owner, play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and smart. Are mongrel street vagabonds any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of yards have a love of cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends no matter if they have a cool pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day around a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. That's who can make us happy!

Fluffy and hairless, affectionate and capricious, fidgety and lazy – all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for it, what to feed it and what tricks to expect.

History of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by chance, others are the result of long-term selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which they are valued by cat lovers. Thus, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British shorthair cat once simply caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked completely different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about hairless breeds: to some they seem like aliens from the cat world, their appearance is so different from the Murchiks and Muroks we are used to. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the cat family can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the purebred beauties that people know today were registered only in the last century. However, they have all become such a part of our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their cheerful antics.

Types of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burma, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and flexible character.
  2. More than anything in the world. These are Siamese, Oriental, Abyssinian, Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to identify any special common features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most contradictory feelings. The photographs evoke emotion for some, and disgust for others. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they become very attached to their owner, play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and smart. Are mongrel street vagabonds any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of yards have a love of cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends no matter if they have a cool pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day around a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. That's who can make us happy!

Our affectionate, wayward and such beloved friends...

21. Munchkin

Very unusual cats. With an average body length, their legs are 2-3 times shorter than those of ordinary cats; because of this feature, they are sometimes called dachshunds. But appearance the weirdness doesn't stop there. While ordinary cats stand on their hind legs to look around, the munchkin sits on his hips and firmly rests his tail. Cats can remain in this position for quite a long time, and the short legs hanging on the sides give them a resemblance to a kangaroo, which looks quite comical. This breed did not arise as a result of selection, but due to a spontaneous mutation around the 30s. last century, in any case, it was at this time that Europe was excited by reports of funny short-legged cats; in 1953, short-legged cats were seen in Stalingrad. They arrived in Russia in 2001. Many munchkin owners note that their pets do not like to meow a lot and loudly. Very active, smart, playful. Breeders note that cats of this breed love to follow their owner on a harness. They are also said to be very docile and can learn to follow some vocal commands.

20. Turkish Angora (Angora cat)

One of the most ancient breeds of long-haired cats, whose homeland is Türkiye. It is often confused with Persian. Although they are neighbors ("Angora" is a modified name for Ankara, and the capital of Turkey is not that far from Iran, formerly Persia), there are significant differences between them. The Turkish Angora is much smaller than the Persian, more agile, lighter, slimmer, and its nose does not have a notch at the base (foot), like the “Persian”. Angora cats came to Europe at the end of the 16th century through France, so they were called French for some time. Currently, purebred Angora cats are quite rare. In Europe, the Turkish Angora, unfortunately, randomly crossed with cats of other long-haired breeds, primarily with Persians. Therefore, for successful breeding work, Angora cats are used, if possible, from Turkey, where they still live at home, and in the cages of the capital's zoo. Lively, smart, sociable. They have a calm, even disposition. Turkish Angoras are intelligent and loyal, adapting well to different conditions life.

19. Persian cat

This is a breed of long-haired cats. There is much that is unclear about the origin of this breed. Apparently, desert and Asian steppe cats, which lived in ancient times in the territory of Near Asia, took part in its formation. Türkiye is considered the birthplace of the Persian cat. The history of breeding the Persian cat in Europe begins in the 16th and 17th centuries, when it was introduced to Italy and then to France. The animal has become widespread and popular. The Persian cat, compared to other breeds, shows the highest degree of domestication. She has even lost the ability to catch mice and rats and cannot live outside the house. The Persian cat has an affectionate character and complete trust in humans, and is very calm. Her devotion to a person can be compared to the loyalty of a dog.

18. American Curl

The origin of the American Curl is associated with the domestication of a stray cat. The ancestor of the breed is considered to be a cat named Shulamith, distinguished by its black silky coat and unusual shape ears. In 1981, Shulamith gave birth to four kittens, two of which had the same inverted ears. In 1983, the American Curl breed was shown in California and was recognized in the United States. These cats first came to Europe only in 1995 and are not yet recognized by FIFe and the British Coordinating Council for Rare Cat Breeds. The American Curl's personality is a mixture of loyalty, tenderness, cheerfulness and curiosity. Good health and ease of care complete the picture of the ideal cat. American Curls retain their playfulness and curiosity throughout their lives.

17. Mekong Bobtail (Thai Bobtail)

The first Siamese, or rather the ancestors of all subsequent breeds, from which the Mekong Bobtails branched off, were brought to Europe in 1884 from the “City of Angels”, Krung Thep, the capital of Siam. They were brought to America in 1890; in Russia, the mention of the first representatives of the Siamese is associated with the royal palace at the beginning of the 20th century. Later, the development of the breed followed the path of culling cats with “royal” broken tails. In Russia, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, despite the stubborn official non-recognition by felinology, the Mekong bobtails were preserved, and were even replenished with representatives exported from the countries of Southeast Asia. For fifteen years, the Moscow club "Korgorushi" has been breeding Mekong Bobtails with the participation of individuals from China and Laos, Burma and Vietnam, Iran and Mongolia. Therefore, the main characteristics of the breed are maintained perfectly. And such quality as the tail in one quarter of the body and the creases, the shape of the tail and the texture of the coat are beautiful. A feature of the Mekong Bobtail breed is its longevity. Cats taken from their homeland and their descendants live 20-25 years. And they remain active and fertile until the end. Cases have been recorded where a cat couple aged 22-23 years gave birth to healthy, strong offspring.

16. Singapore cat

The Singapore cat breed was formed in the countries of Southeast Asia. Her homeland is Singapore. In 1976 it came to the USA, where in 1981 a standard was developed and it was recognized. The cat is small in size (2-3 kg), differs from other breeds in a number of exterior characteristics. The Singapura cat's coat is short, very fine, soft, silky, and lies tightly to the body. In a cat it is usually longer. "Singapore" is an elegant, very cheerful and active cat, obedient, funny, and a favorite of children.

15. Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is a cat breed that includes two varieties - shorthair and longhair. Launched in 1987 in the USA. The very first Selkirk Rex was short-haired; it was crossed with a Persian cat by an American felinologist from Montana, Jerry Newman. As a result, short-haired and long-haired kittens with a combination of curly and straight hair were born. Therefore, from the very beginning, the Selkirk Rex breed included two varieties, differing in the type of coat. The breed is recognized by TICA and other associations are also interested in it. The character is flexible, the coat requires very careful care.

14. Russian blue cat

Russian Blue - breed domestic cat, recognized by international felinological organizations, which became known in Russia only with the beginning of the felinological movement. The Russian blue cat is successfully bred abroad. She is one of the most popular breeds of short-haired cats. The sale of kittens is most common in Sweden, Finland, Norway, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. This is one of the most famous breeds in the world. The origin of this breed is surrounded by legends. Probably, the Russian Blue is the oldest aboriginal cat breed in Russia, originating from the cats of the ancient Slavs, and possibly from the proto-Slavic tribes - the Ants, which is reflected in Russian folklore in the image of the mythical Cat-Bayun, who accompanied the Slavic pagan god Veles. The Russian blue cat was first mentioned in the chronicles of the times of Peter I. In them there is a mention of his cat, Vaska, who was everyone’s favorite. Later, Catherine II presented Russian blue kittens as gifts to ambassadors of foreign powers.

13. Bengal cat

The Bengal cat was developed by crossing the Asian leopard cat with domestic cat breeds such as the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, Burmese and Egyptian Meow. Bengal cats are loving, loyal and very responsive to their loved ones. They build strong relationships with their owners and become loyal friends for life. They communicate with people and have a deep need to open up to them about their feelings. Despite its rise in popularity, the Bengal breed is certainly not a cat for everyone. Owners of Bengal cats note that the character of this breed completely lacks aggression, even to the slightest degree. Bengal cats are very smart, which is not surprising, since their ancestors needed to have enough intelligence, as well as sharp claws and fangs, to survive in the wild. Bengal cats are quick learners and can learn many tricks, including how to play fetch. various games. True, owners of Bengal cats are not always happy with some of their pets’ skills, especially such as turning lights on and off, opening doors and flushing the toilet.

12. Abyssinian cat

Its ancestor is considered to be a wild African cat that lived in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). The first Abyssinian cat was named Zula. It was brought by a member of the British military expedition, Captain Barrett-Lenard, in 1868. Abyssinian cats are extremely attached to their owner and cannot be alone for long. Active and mobile. They are in great need of affection and attention, but at the same time they do not require special care for wool. Quite quiet, preferring tactile communication to verbal. Often a female's heat goes unnoticed by the owner. The average litter of an Abyssinian cat is from 1 to 3 kittens, but there are times when an Abyssinian cat gives birth to up to 6 kittens.

11. Cymric

The Cymric breed was created in the USA in 1960 after a long selection work on the basis of the shorthaired Manx cat. The more poetic name comes from the ancient Celtic name for Wales, which, according to some sources, has its own species of tailless cats. Unlike Manx, Cymry cats can be mated with each other, but there is one peculiarity - a tailless Cymry cat needs a cat with a short tail. They are the same calm and obedient animals as their Manx relatives. Moves by jumping like a rabbit.

10. American Shorthair cat

Emigrants who left Europe in the 1600s in search of a new life in America packed their belongings and set sail. There were also cats with them. These animals did not claim titles of nobility, they were simple domestic creatures. However, a group of fanatical breeders, having skillfully added the blood of a number of local cats, fixed a new breed: original, strong and beautiful, these cats delighted people and subsequently received recognition at exhibitions. So an ordinary European cat, brought by immigrants, solemnly received American citizenship. She was given the name Buster Brown. The American Shorthair cat is distinguished by its endurance, love of jumping, excellent health, and shows its courageous character in various situations. Sometimes he shows himself to be a good hunter. It should also be noted that this is an affectionate, gentle and smart cat.

9. Toyger

Toygers are still in the process of development. The Toyger breed was recognized only in the early 90s. The long-term goal of breeders is to make the breed even more similar to tigers. Some of the characteristics of this breed have never before been recognized among existing domestic cats. Progress is slow but steady in all areas. The Toyger was introduced in May 2006 as a new breed by TICA. This breed of cat, bred in America, resembles a tiger in color. Registered by the International Cat Association in 2007. For the first time, the idea to breed a “tiger cat” came from Jane Mill in the 80s. This happened as a result of work on Bengal cats; it was then that the first kitten with stripes on its face and body was born. This is a designer cat breed. It is designed and bred to meet the demands of modern life, to be a companion and friend to man. Dear sir gentle character cats and the appearance of tigers will not leave anyone indifferent. Toygers have a very playful character: they are active and sociable. They are very loyal to their owners.

8. Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are distinguished by their luxurious coat, impressive size and friendly disposition. These representatives of the largest breed of domestic raccoon cats have been known for several centuries and are extremely popular. The optimal weight of cats presented at exhibitions is 8-10 kg, cats are slightly smaller - from 5 kg. One of the significant differences between cats of this breed and others is their character: they are kind and tactful. Although the Maine Coon looks more like an aristocratic and evil predator, in fact it turns out to be good-natured and soft creature. Representatives of this breed will not harm either their owners or their children; they become true friends and willingly play with children. The Maine Coon will become a faithful assistant in business; she loves to be close to her owner, but at the same time she is absolutely not annoying. If you are busy and cannot pay attention to your pet, she will not impose herself. Such cats are very intelligent, so owners will not face such a problem as vigilantly monitoring their pet. These cats are very loyal to their owners; they behave calmly with strangers, without familiarity or discontent. But at the same time, the Maine Coon is ready to defend its territory from the invasion of other animals.

This is a breed of shorthair cat that was created by crossing a spotted American Shorthair cat with a Siamese cat. By the 1980s, the breed already had its own standard. Distinctive feature These animals now have four white paws, a white stripe on the muzzle and the same white spot on the chest. Snowshoes love people. They are very gentle, charming, affectionate, affectionate, and are never in a nervous or excited state. The presence of Snowshu in the house ensures peace and goodwill of all family members. As a rule, Snowshu accompany their owners everywhere, constantly being nearby. They love to play with the owner, finding hidden small things in the house. Snowshu are kind and insightful, tolerant of children. Their advantages include the lack of vocal abilities, which their Siamese ancestors are so proud of.

6. Scottish fold cat (Scottish fold)

The first cats of this breed were bred in Scotland in 1961. In the East, fold-eared cats were known centuries ago. She has a balanced character, great affection for home and people, and is unpretentious. You can feel the breed in them, and even intelligence, their behavior is reasonable, stupid aggression is not characteristic of these animals.

5. Exotic shorthair cat

The Exotic Shorthair was developed in America by crossing American Shorthair cats with Persian cats and was originally called the Persian Shorthair. Officially recognized in 1966. The animal is calm, affectionate, agile and playful. You can buy an exotic shorthair cat in a specialized cattery.

4. Burmilla

Launched in 1981 in the UK. From an accidental crossing of a Burmese with a Persian chinchilla, charming kittens of a shaded silver color were born. After this, specialists began breeding work, intensively cultivating Burmese characteristics with each generation. A little later, varieties of Burmilla appeared, differing in color. The Burmilla breed was recognized by the GCCF in 1989 and by the FIFe in 1994. Burmilla has a balanced character, is not aggressive in the company of other cats, and loves to play with various objects. The coat needs to be brushed regularly.

3. Ragdoll

A breed of semi-longhaired cats. Brought to the USA in the late 1960s. As the name suggests (“rag doll”), this cat is soft, affectionate, and very pliable. Fans of this breed claim that ragdolls replace children in the family. They are smart, affectionate, playful, and get along well with other animals. True, they do not know how to defend themselves, and therefore they hide. With their character, Ragdoll kittens often resemble dogs - like dogs, they follow on the heels of their owners.

2. British Shorthair (British)

These are strong, smart, robust, active short-haired cats. They come in medium to large sizes. British cats are distinguished from other breeds by their special independence. They are often called the "businessman's cat" because the British tolerate loneliness quite calmly and find something to do during this time. Very dexterous and fast cats, excellent mouse catchers (if required). They meow, as a rule, rarely, quietly and quite peculiarly (a little like grunting or some kind of croaking sound).

1. Siberian cat

The Siberian cat was bred in Russia. Apparently, it comes from crossing local native cats with those imported from other countries, including Near and East Asia. The breed was recognized by the World Federation of Cat Fanciers (FIFe) in 1992. Since 1987, we began work on their breeding in Russia. Thanks to the enthusiasm of a handful of hobbyists, this breed has become popular throughout the world today. Since 1986, this animal has also been bred in Europe. The character of “Siberians” is very independent, they are excellent hunters. And at home, this is an imposing, affectionate creature that can relieve any stress from its owner. The cat is quite active, affectionate, playful, unpretentious and hardy. Easily toilet trained. However, sometimes it shows willfulness, is restless and does not always respond with affection to the owner’s attention, that is, it is subject to the influence of mood. Well adapted to living conditions in temperate and middle latitudes. Not afraid of water. Gets along well with dogs of any breed.

Cats have been known to mankind for at least 10,000 years; they have been highly valued by people at all times not only for their ability to catch rodents (catching mice is especially important at home), but also for their innate ability to bestow people with their affection.

10,000 years of love and benefit

Scientists have found that all modern cat breeds come from the steppe cat, which was domesticated by humans. In various parts of the world this has happened in different times, and therefore the data may differ depending on the region. However, despite the fact that domestication occurred on average 10,000 years ago, cats have almost completely retained the ability to go wild. And this is combined with the enormous love for a person that they are able to show.

Many breeds of domestic cats, especially in the West, may have this ability to a lesser extent, since their pedigree for many generations has not included individuals who lived outdoors or in close contact with wildlife. However, in Eastern Europe, this phenomenon is not uncommon. The most common breeds should not be confused, and the most popular cat breeds are completely different things.

With or without fur - cats are our affectionate friends

Today, there are about 100 breeds that differ in body structure, length of hair or its complete absence, disposition and other characteristics. Despite the fact that it is traditionally believed that cats are categorically incapable of learning and training, they understand a person quite well, somehow recognize his mood and can provide psychological support in difficult times. In addition, many cat breeds get along well with small children.

So what breeds of cats are there?

In fact, there are a lot of them, but, in general, all our pets can be roughly classified as follows:

  • Popular - this category includes, first of all, those cats that are most popular at the moment. That is, this is a floating class of pets, since trends can change, and cats that are fashionable now, tomorrow, quite possibly, will lose their relevance. The following cat breeds are popular today: Maine Coon, Ragdoll, British Shorthair, Abyssinian cat, Siamese cat, Canadian Sphynx, etc.
  • Rare - this includes both artificially bred and naturally occurring cat breeds. Mostly, both the first and second most often inhabit any specific region, such as, for example, the Kuril Bobtail. Also, the following breeds can be included in this class: Serengeti, caracal, toyger, savannah (asher), sokoke, kao-mani, etc. By the way, a popular cat breed can be rare, that is, these are not mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Shorthair - from the name of the category it is immediately clear what breeds of cats belong here. A striking example is the British Shorthair.
  • Long-haired - if a pet has long hair, such as a Norwegian forest cat, it is classified in this category.
  • Hairless or hairless - there are cat breeds that either have no hair at all, like the Canadian Sphynx, or it is extremely short. So much so that they cannot even be classified as shorthaired. Accordingly, they are classified as hairless or hairless cats. These are cat breeds such as: bambino, Don Sphynx, elf, etc.
  • For children - not all cat breeds are suitable for a harmonious life in a family with a child. However, some are ideal for this, for example: Maine Coon, Canadian Sphynx, Scottish Straight cat, etc.

Convenient and smart choice

As you can see, there is a clear classification that helps to understand what best breed cats that best suits the tastes and specific conditions of each person. In other words, sometimes you have to be guided not only by your own desire and taste, but also by certain parameters. If you have two children, and one of them is allergic to wool, you should not get a Persian cat, even if you want to.

In this case, it is better to pay attention to either a hairless breed or cats without undercoat, which practically do not shed. At the same time, your future pet should be loyal to children. Such a simple example clearly demonstrates which breed of cat to choose and how to do it correctly, taking into account all the factors. After all, not only your harmonious life, but also the life of the animal depends on this, since if the approach is not responsible enough, he may have to look for a new family.

We tried our best in full describe all the features of each breed, dividing them into categories. This way you can quickly get everything necessary information and make the right choice.