Toilet      04/07/2019

How to make something out of Lego. How to make a Lego city from a construction set? Various options and ideas for playing with Lego

When a child is small, he assembles Lego the way he wants. There is no need to submit ideas, the little engineer himself knows what the project should be. But as children grow up, they lose some of their enthusiasm and creativity. Therefore, they sometimes need to be told what to build with Lego.


What to build from Lego? Boys love to design various equipment. Moreover, the form can be the most primitive, the main thing is that the result is similar to a real-life object.

We will tell you how to build a ship from Lego. First you need to assemble the base. It will look like a trapezoid. We assemble the base from three small rectangles. The second tier should protrude slightly above the first. This can be done by attaching the parts not along, as on the first layer, but across. And to the final third tier you need to attach 2 more parts than to the previous one. The result is a stable trapezoid.

Now let's assemble the mast. It may consist of one long vertical part. It is advisable to make each part of the ship different colors. We attach the sail to the mast. It will be shaped like a triangle. Folding it is quite simple. We attach 3 square parts to the mast, the next layer will consist of two, and the third will also consist of two spare parts, but of a slightly smaller size. The final stage is attaching one piece that will complete the sail, and one that will crown both the sail and the mast.


When thinking about what to build with Lego, you immediately think of the city. But to make such a large composition, you need to start with something smaller. For example, from building a house. This could be a high-rise building or a residential cottage. To build such objects, you will need special “Lego”, which includes semicircular parts, as well as parts, one part of which is cut off.

How to build a house from Lego? First you need to do flat base. Often, construction kits already have it, and it’s whole and doesn’t need to be assembled. But if your Lego does not have such a plane, it needs to be folded out of flat parts.

Let's start construction. We assemble three pillars that will be the supporting structure of the building. Having approximately imagined what the width of the house will be, we build a wall on the opposite part of the beams. Between the finished two structures we erect the filling in a chaotic manner. The base is ready.

Now you can move on to building balconies. They will be made from rounded parts. We attach them to load-bearing wall with even spacing from each other. We are constructing flat balconies on the opposite side of the building. They may vary in length. For example, on the lower tier they will be large, and on the upper tier small. We build a roof over the balconies, and the building itself can be finished with small turrets.


What to build from Lego? Sometimes you want to build something not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, a beautiful toy steam locomotive. How to assemble it? To do this you will need Lego, similar to puzzles. If the farm does not have one, it can be replaced with a standard constructor. We assemble two walls of the locomotive. They should resemble rectangles. We fasten them together. To do this we need to assemble the nose of our vehicle. We will make it from contrasting details so that the shape is better readable. We assemble a rectangle and attach the side blanks to it.

To make the nose of the locomotive look prettier, we complement it with a few more details that will create a trapezoid in the front part of the structure. We collect back wall. It will look like a simple rectangle.

We install our workpiece on pre-assembled wheels. For structural stability, they will also be rectangular. Now we build a high hollow rectangle on the back of the locomotive. It is worth remembering about the windows and leaving empty space there. We make the front part of the locomotive in the shape of half a cylinder.

All that remains is to assemble the pipe. It will look like a rectangle expanding towards the top. We attach the pipe to the nose of the locomotive, and our vehicle ready.


What can you build from Lego with your own hands? You can make something original, like glasses. How to build them? Even a small child can cope with this task. We assemble the outline of two squares. They should be the same. Then we make a small jumper and connect all the pieces. All that remains is to make the arms. These parts will be shaped like the letter "L". We attach the arms to ready-made lenses with a bridge - and our glasses are ready.


With the help of a constructor, you can explain to your child how simple mechanisms work. For example, such as an elevator. It is very easy to build such a structure from Lego. You need to assemble a flat base. We erect a pillar on it. We make it from parts of the same size, simply attaching them to each other. We crown the top of the pillar with a roof. We place a flat part on it, to which we attach the wheel. Now you need to assemble the elevator cabin itself. It will be something like a basket. We make a flat base, raise all four walls up. We complete the basket with a jumper, which we attach to two opposite sides of our cabin. We take a rope, which we hang on the wheel of the lifting tower. We tie one end to the jumper of the elevator car. And now pull the free tail of the rope, the basket will rise and fall.


What can a girl build from Lego? It’s worth inviting her to design a castle. How to do it? First you need to build four towers. But they should be more than just pillars. These will be structures with arches located at different heights. Parents should help the child with this task. An adult can easily calculate at what height the arch needs to be erected so that a tube can later be pulled through it. We assemble the turrets and place them on a common base. We crown each of them with a roof, and in the middle of the castle, if desired, you can put a roof. All that remains is to thread the tube through the arches. The result will be something like a water park castle.

Christmas tree

You can assemble any designs from Lego. So, you can make a Christmas tree for the New Year. How to do it? We prepare a flat base, on which we assemble a low rectangle from the brown parts of the construction set. It must be filled out. This is the load-bearing part of the structure that will support the weight of the tree. For beauty, we attach one more detail to the right and left. So, in place of the leg, a kind of crosshair will appear. Let's start making the Christmas tree. We will build it from the top. We start with one part and so on incrementally attach to it the second row, consisting of two parts, the third of three, and so on until the sixth row.

To make the tree look original, it needs to have some branches. To do this, in some rows we place the parts not lengthwise, but across them. Branches may be uneven and of different lengths. Having reached the 6th row, we make the 7th a little smaller. It needs to be made from 5 parts. The next three rows increase again. We make the 11th row smaller again. We do the last part of the tree like this: 4 rows increase, and the rest gradually narrow. We attach the green blank to the leg - and our tree is ready.

Lego games have been popular among children for decades now. different ages. Almost every family with a child has several sets of this construction set. After all, this is not just a toy, but a whole fairy-tale world that allows you to create your own cities, buildings, structures and cars from small blocks and parts different sizes. It is very interesting for a child to imagine how to make a Lego city, farm or police station. But sometimes simple observation and ingenuity will not be enough. It is important not only to have detailed instructions, but also to gain experience in building from this construction set.

The history of Lego

The history of the appearance of Lego begins in 1932, when at that time a little-known carpenter and carpenter Ole Christiansen, together with his twelve-year-old son, began producing ironing boards, stairs and wooden toys. But it was toys that began to be in good demand, so two years later the company specialized only in the production of goods for children. For everything children's world this moment became a turning point. In 1947 Christiansen became the first manufacturer plastic toys, and two years later the first construction parts and elements appeared, which became the progenitors of the Lego constructor. However, the year of the famous toy's appearance is considered to be 1955, when the first construction kits were released.

The name “Lego” itself comes from two words - “leg” and “godt”, which translated from Danish means “I play well.” In Latin, Lego means “I am learning.”

Development of the company

The first sets included plastic parts of different sizes, which were connected to each other using pins. Interestingly, since 1958, Lego parts have almost completely corresponded to a modern designer and can be used in construction along with any series. The idea of ​​the company and the production technology of the designer have not lost their relevance today. The most important thing for the company remains high quality products. The quality of the plastic meets high standards and is under strict control at all stages of production, thanks to which Lego products are appreciated and loved by customers all over the world.

How to make a Lego city

In 1968, an entire toy city was built from Lego parts. Since then in different countries Lego festivals and competitions are constantly held. For the convenience of buyers, each designer kit has assembly instructions, as well as last years Many different author's manuals have appeared that describe in detail how to make various structures and mechanisms out of Lego with your own hands.

Currently, the range of construction sets is very wide; you can even find various add-ons in stores: figures of animals, people, trees, vehicles, and so on. In addition, you can purchase sets of various themes, for example, dedicated to pirates, wizards, and movie characters. But the most popular among children is Lego City.

It’s better to assemble your city on a level and smooth surface: on the floor or on the table. During operation, be careful not to mix up the parts used for different elements. The parts should be attached to each other carefully and tightly so that they do not fall apart.


Draw on a piece of paper a rough plan of the future Lego city, mark its central part, residential area, park area, roads. It doesn't have to be an ordinary city. Your child may want to create a fairytale castle or an alien metropolis.

Select the parts that you will use to create this or that structure. You can use all the sets you have, as they fit perfectly together. To help your child you can type simple instructions: how to make a Lego helicopter, car, farm and other buildings. Using schematic instructions is useful for developing a child's thinking and attention.

At the base of each block or building a large rectangular piece should be placed; the blocks can be connected by bridges, passages and by rail. Complete your landscape with trees, ponds, flower alleys, cars, people and other figures. Distribute roles and play with the whole family!

What else can you make from Lego?

Surprisingly, a plastic construction set can be used to create various interesting things. For example, Lego can be used to make ice molds, refrigerator magnets, candlesticks, even molds for making soap or a flower vase. And also a decorative wreath for Christmas, Christmas tree decorations, a convenient key holder, a night light, and jewelry. Fantasy has no limits!

The Lego company recommends taking design ideas from the world around you. Sounds tempting, but not always easy to implement. To make something interesting, you need instructions - otherwise it won’t turn out beautifully. And small crafts are not inspiring - they are too simple. But this doesn't always happen!

7-year-old Lego fan Semyon hunts for ideas every day. Here simple crafts, which he found so interesting that he decided to make them based on the picture. And if you're interested in more advanced ideas with instructions, check out this post.

Lego homemade products can be made easily and quickly using the picture, without instructions. The ideas below will be of interest to children from 5 to 99 years old.

And if you want to get more ideas, what can be made from Lego bricks, click or on the picture below.

Small safe

Can open and close. All parts, including the door mechanism, are commonly found and easily accessible.

Very similar to a cow because it has horns and 4 legs. It will look even more similar if you make it white and its face pink (that’s how it was in the original picture).

It turned out colorful. Comprises simple details, of which there are many in any collection.

Little robots Eva and Wally from Lego

One of the few crafts in which we managed to choose the right colors. So simple and great!

Robots - little Eva and Valli
Lego Eve and Wally - front view

Bigger robot Valli

Robot Valli can be made different ways. This one is a little larger, but still quite simple and easy to assemble without instructions.

Lego robot Wally without instructions - front view
Bigger Lego Wallie Robot

Lego underwater torpedo

Something unusual among the usual cars and robots. At the same time, it is very small and simple. Such things are very interesting to boys and some girls.

Lego underwater torpedo

Small plane from Lego

This plane seems too simple to me. But Semyon liked it - that means there’s something in it. Children see the world differently, and it is sometimes interesting to watch their creativity.

Children's construction sets are play sets that allow you to assemble all kinds of models from individual parts and make various buildings. They are soft, hard, flexible, made of different materials, with or without fastenings, for the little ones and even for teenagers... Why are construction sets so important and useful for a child?

First of all, by manipulating with multi-colored “things”, the child receives the first mathematical concepts, develops sensory perception: gets acquainted with geometric shapes and their properties, color, size. Any children's construction set develops spatial thinking. Playing with construction toys is also useful for practicing fine motor skills.

A children's construction set will help teach your child to finish what he has started. But here, of course, the participation of adults is very important. And after the game, involve your baby in cleaning up toys. Let him collect all the parts of the designer and put them in a box. This way, neatness will gradually be instilled.

How to choose the right designer

Choosing the right construction set or construction set for a child is an important task. Focus on the manufacturer's recommendations and the baby's characteristics.

It is better for the smallest builders to buy soft construction toys made from special polymer materials. Construction sets with small parts should not be given to children under 3 years of age. But for older builders, such sets are very useful: the smaller the parts, the more effort your fingers will have to put in!

If you want to buy a themed construction set for your child (farm, Pirates' ship, city, etc.), take into account his interests. Maybe dad will be interested in building a knight's castle, but his daughter will not. The girl would be very happy to build a farm and play with figurines of domestic animals. In general, be careful.

Children's construction sets: assembling turrets and houses

A construction set for a child is not a toy that a child can master on his own. The adult’s task is to help the child at first, teach him how to fasten parts or place building blocks one on top of the other, offer interesting options buildings and show what can be done with them next.

1.5-3 years

A simple turret. Teach your child to build tall towers from blocks. It is not at all easy for him to place the cubes one on top of the other. But the finished turrets can then be destroyed. Or hit with a ball. Let the baby throw out accumulated negative emotions in this way. It's good for him!

Do not fall! You can build turrets in another way. Place the cubes one on top of the other in turn: the cube is you, the cube is the baby. And so on until the pyramid falls. This game will almost certainly delight your little one.

First house. Two cubes on the bottom, one on top - that’s the house! And then build a fence around the house. Small toys (for example, made from chocolate eggs) can live in such tiny houses. Or they will become garages for tiny cars.

Train. Line up the cubes one after the other. You'll get a train! Show your baby how to gently push the “train” from behind to make it move. You can put toy passengers on the carriage cubes.

Let's play a fairy tale. You can build not just a house, but a “Teremok”. Let the mouse, the frog, and the rest of the characters live in it. And then a bear will come and break everything. And then all the animals, together with the baby and mother, will build themselves a new “Teremok” and live there even better! Or you can build a “Gingerbread House”. Or “Zayushka’s hut.”

4-5 years

Crane. Make it from a children's bucket and rope. We tie the rope to the bucket, throw the rope over the back of the chair - and the tap is ready! We load the construction kit parts into the bucket, pull the rope - and the “load” rises. Unload the bucket (shift construction material onto the chair), and then lower it for a new load.

Do as I do. Build some simple structure on the table, and let your child repeat after you exactly, using parts of the same shapes and colors. Start with simple shapes - turrets, paths, a house of 3-4 parts. When the child understands the meaning of the game, the tasks can be made more difficult.

Do you have a plan? If to children's designer assembly diagrams included different models, teach your child to use them. Your child may not be able to read the diagrams right away. Help him, give him some advice. And later let him try to build something according to his own idea.

Correct the error. Build a model according to the scheme, deliberately making a mistake. Will the baby be able to find it and fix it? And then switch places: the child builds with an error, and you correct it.

Games with construction kits: higher, bigger, longer...

Games with constructors and building sets will help your child learn a lot of knowledge. You can come up with many similar tasks during the game.

1.5-3 years

Learning colors. By playing with colorful pieces, your baby will easily begin to distinguish primary colors. The mother’s task is to tell the young builder this or that color more often: “Let’s make the roof of the house red. Look, it's a blue cube! And now you took the yellow one.”

High and low. Build towers of different heights with your child. Place toys on the roof of each turret. At the same time, say: “Here is a high turret, and here is a low one. Let's build a tower higher than this! Which tower is taller? Which one is lower? Who lives in a high tower? Who’s in the low one?”

Which is longer? In a similar way, you can master the concepts of “short” and “long”. To do this, we will lay out paths of different lengths from cubes. “Let the car drive along a long path. And now – for a short story!”

4-5 years

What kind of figurine? When looking at cubes, cones and other figures, draw your child’s attention to their properties. What is the name of the figure, where are its vertices, where are its edges, what does it look like, etc.

Magic bag. Place several different shapes from a building set (cube, brick, cone, cylinder, etc.) into an opaque bag or bag. Let the baby take one figurine at a time and try to determine by touch what it is.

Games with construction kits: down with frames!

Cubes, bricks, and other parts of construction sets can become “participants” not only in construction games.

Counting tables. Designer parts are convenient to use as counting material. For example, you can count the pieces, and also solve examples with them on addition and subtraction (“there were three, put two more, how many?”), ask the child to lay out the same number of pieces as are already on the table, etc.

Outlines. Cubes, cylinders, bricks - what not stencils! Invite your child to first circle them, then shade them. Or turn them into funny little people by adding eyes, noses, arms, and legs. This activity develops little fingers and prepares them for writing.

Sweets. Small parts can play the role of doll food: candy, cookies, etc. The kid can put them on plates and serve a “tea party”. They are also fun to load into the back of a truck and move around the room.

When working with your baby, do not forget about the most important thing: - these are not only “developmental” and “training” toys, but simply exciting toys that can give the whole family many hours of wonderful games. Have fun playing!

All parents know about the benefits of construction toys for a child’s development. In stores today you can find a wide variety of them. Why not use them to make interior decor?

Original crafts from the designer can also become a wonderful gift. The main thing is that the parts are securely fastened together, otherwise the product will fall apart at the most inopportune moment.

Constructor "Zoo"

It consists of flat square parts fastened together by means of grooves and teeth located around the perimeter. Some of the squares are hollow in the center. The easiest way is to assemble a rug from them, fastening them together in one plane. This rug will serve as a decor for a nursery or bathroom.

The parts of the Zoo construction set can be connected in three planes, resulting in cubes and parallelepipeds. And from them you can assemble robots, cars, buses, boxes for storing toys and various small items.

Designed by Friedrich Froebel

It got its name from the name of its creator. Strictly speaking, this is not really a construction set, and you can’t buy it in a store. But it’s easy to make it yourself with your child.

You will need regular dry whole peas and wooden toothpicks, sharpened at both ends. They can also be successfully replaced by sharpened matches. After the peas dry again, the parts of the craft will be securely fastened together.

The peas need to be soaked to the point where sharp sticks can easily be stuck into them. Toothpicks can be inserted into peas at any angle, creating three-dimensional shapes. Excellent material for studying molecules and atoms with children.

Crafts from construction sets for children are created in a matter of minutes. Connect 8 peas and 12 sticks in the shape of a cube or parallelepiped - you get the base of the house. A prism-shaped roof was added to the top and the house was ready. and an infinite number of such three-dimensional figures can be created.


Even a novice designer can make cool crafts from Lego with his own hands. If there are children in the family, they must be involved in work. Comes with every set detailed instructions for crafts from the designer.

The company produces dozens of different series, and all parts are compatible with each other. When some of them are lost, children usually combine several sets and collect everything that comes to mind.

Why don’t adults take an example from them and create decorative items or useful crafts for everyday life? Below is a master class on crafts made from Lego.


To make it, you will need a square plate approximately 10 x 10 cm. Around its perimeter you need to build 4 sides 10-12 cm high from linear and corner parts.

The result will be a cube with one plane missing. In such a cube you can put pencils or spoons and forks in the kitchen.


Nondescript flower pot can be lowered into a Lego planter by constructing a cylinder without a bottom. It's even easier to make an octagonal or hexagonal prism.

Hamster house

If a child has a furry pet and has accumulated a lot of designer parts, you can offer him to make a house with a spacious entrance. The hamster will hide in such a house from prying eyes.


On a flat rectangular panel lay out a pattern, any drawing or inscription made from colored parts. At the bottom of the panel, secure several parts by first drilling holes in them and inserting hooks on which the keys will be hung.

Attach the craft to the wall in the hallway. The hooks can be detached from the adhesive base. These are sold at any hardware store.


It will require a lot of parts, tens of thousands. Attach several square Lego plates of the same size to a wooden or plywood base.

Build sides on three sides from linear and corner parts. At a height of 15 cm, make a horizontal partition from thin plywood, on which to also fix the panels for the construction of the next floor.

The partition can be made as follows. On the bottom side, make holes around the perimeter so that Lego pieces can be inserted into them. For reliability, use glue. Now the partition can be attached to the walls of the first floor. For boxes also use plywood and plates. The main thing is that they are easily inserted into the niches of the frame.


To make them you will need a clock mechanism, a square plate and 12 square Lego pieces. You need to drill a hole in the center of the plate and insert the clock mechanism. Attach 12 parts symbolizing numbers on the panel in a circle. The clock is ready.


From Lego parts you can make frames for photos, mirrors, children's drawings, placing them on rectangular or square plates.


On a square plate, lay out 8 x 8 cells in a checkerboard pattern, and from the black and white flowers build chess pieces.

Take a closer look at the construction toys your child is tired of playing with. Don’t rush to throw them away, but give them a second life by creating useful and beautiful crafts.

Photos of crafts from the designer