Water pipes      07/02/2020

The largest waterfall in Asia. The largest waterfall in Russia. Waterfalls of Asia, India, Thailand, Mongolia


The color spectrum of the rainbow attracts the human eye with the harmony of colors, their subtle tints, and richness of color and is one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky said that the delight from contemplating the beauty of nature is higher than from art. If the polar lights disappeared from the world, rainbows would fade, humanity would lose a lot. There are things in the world that have no price. How to describe the rainbows created by numerous waterfalls? In Asia, America, Australia and Oceania there are dozens of waterfalls hundreds of meters high, including five that exceed half a kilometer in their fall, and one - Angel, mentioned above - falls from an unimaginable height - a kilometer!

ASIA. The highest waterfall in Asia (except for the USSR), according to modern data, four times lower than the Angel, is Gersoppa in India, on the sacred river. Sharavati, falling in the Western Ghats from a height of 255 m. The name of the river is translated as “born of an arrow” and owes its origin, as narrated in the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, to the god Rama, who pierced the earth with an arrow from a magic bow and thereby freed the waters bound in the underground kingdom, which gave rise to Sharavati. Gersoppa is very beautiful and praised by Indian poets. It is not simple and consists in turn of four waterfalls, each of which has poetic names: the most beautiful is the Pale (Blue) Lady, or the Queen of India, the second is the Rocket, the stream of which flows around the rock, reminiscent of the flight path of a rocket, the third is the Rainbow and the fourth - Roaring, the most powerful of all. During the period of monsoon rains, the water flow in Gersopp increases sharply - up to 3500 m3 / s! - and the entire system merges into one formidable, stormy stream.

India has the super amazing Kaveri waterfall, located on the river of the same name, which is also considered sacred. The Cauvery flows from the eastern slope of the Western Ghats and rushes its waters east into the Bay of Bengal. On its way it flows around Fr. Shivasamudram and overthrows one branch from a cliff from a height of 91 m, the other - about 55 m. During low water, the Kaveri falls in branchy streams of great complexity and attractiveness. Intertwining the Kaveri streams into the most complex patterns, nature seemed to have surpassed itself...

In the south of Thailand, the original Ton Nga Chang (“elephant tusks”) waterfall, which gives its name to the reserve, is famous. A mighty stream bends around the rock on both sides and rushes down with two columns of water, strikingly reminiscent of the snow-white tusks of an animal that the Thais worship almost like a deity. For them, the elephant represents strength, kindness and prosperity. Also popular in Thailand are the beautiful waterfalls Sayok, Punyaban, Kheosuwat and Sirifum, and they are depicted on a series of stamps (issued in 1980) dedicated to tourism.

In Japan, the center of attraction for numerous tourists is last years became the Valley of a Hundred Waterfalls - Osugidani - in the Yoshino-Kumano National Park on the Kii Peninsula (Honshu Island). The valley is one of the wettest places in Japan, receiving up to 5 thousand mm of precipitation per year. The main attractions of the national park: the highest waterfall in the country - Nati (130 m), the Sveta waterfall, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, and the relict cedar grove, where the oldest tree on Earth grows - cedar, which has reached the age of 7200 years. The most famous in the Land of the Rising Sun is the hundred-meter waterfall Kegon-notaki, or Kegon (“taki” in Japanese - waterfall). It is located in the Nikko (Sunshine) National Park of amazing natural beauty. This park covers an area of ​​140,700 hectares, 135 km from the capital of the country - the 11 million metropolis of Tokyo. Over 5 million people visit the park every year. The park is famous not only for the Kegon waterfall; there are small but unique cascades of Kuri-Furi, Hoto, Urami-No and others. In Nikko, visitors' attention is attracted by rare sights: Buddhist temples, the world's largest Buddha statue, created in 749 and weighing about 380 tons, clear blue lakes, fiery red bridges and much more. And yet I want to believe that when the Japanese say: “Don’t say “kekko” (magnificent) until you see Nikko,” they mean first of all the magical view - the panorama of the Kegon Falls. The Shiraito waterfalls at the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji are also very beautiful. Many white waterfalls cascade from the peaks of Hionosen Mountain Park.

Beautiful land - Sri Lanka, which translated from ancient Sinhalese means Blessed Island. Europeans called the island the pearl of the East and the Garden of Eden. Until 1972 it was called Ceylon. Ceylon tea is famous all over the world. The island is famous for natural rubber, coconuts, precious stones. No less precious are the natural monuments of Sri Lanka - waterfalls. The shape of the island from above resembles a huge drop or an irregular ellipse, in the south of which there is a highland with the peak of Pidurutalagala (2524 m). From the highlands to the radial

direction all the rivers of the country run down. The slopes of the highlands, composed mainly of gneisses, are stepped, so the rivers form many rapids, waterfalls, and enchanting waterfalls. The largest and most famous waterfalls in Sri Lanka are Dunhinda and Diyaluma.

Dunhinda Falls is located on the river. Badulla-Oya, northeast of the city of Badulla. The path to it is cut into a steep rock. The waterfall refreshes with its splashes of vanilla orchids, tree ferns and mosses. Nearby is a grove of sandalwood, from the fragrant wood of which oil is extracted - the most valuable raw material for the perfume industry, and exotic souvenirs for tourists are made from sandalwood. The famous geographer and writer Yu. K. Efremov, who observed the waterfall, wrote: “Dunhinda is not collapsing like a narrow stream that fell from a cliff. Here an entire river overflows along its entire width. Tens of meters of free fall turn part of the flow into a huge cloud of water dust. The water does not fall as a single wall - different tiers and scenes are distinguishable in it. The mass of water gushes unevenly, its excess rushes into one or another part of the waterfall floors and curtains. The outlines of the foam verticals change every minute, as if the water before our eyes is molding moving snow-white statues from the foam...”

The highest waterfall in the country, Diyaluma, is on the tributary of the Kirrindi Oya river of the same name, on the southern slope of the highlands, near the town of Kosland. One of the travel companies in colonial times advertised it as “the fifth highest in the world,” but this was a clear exaggeration: the height of Diyaluma is 140 m (according to other sources, 125 m). A member of a group of Soviet cultural figures, A. A. Abasov, who visited Sri Lanka, described his impressions of the waterfall as follows: “It is called Diyaluma, which means “bridal veil.” More beautiful name it's hard to come up with. From a majestic height (140 m) a crystal river falls clean water. Breaking against a rock ledge and splashing, this water cascade creates a cloud of water dust that covers everything around; this magical natural water veil resembles something light, ethereal, really similar to a bride’s veil...” There is a tragic legend about the Diyaluma waterfall about a bride kidnapped by a villain in the form huge bird; the girl, fleeing, threw her veil over the predator’s eyes; both crashed high in the mountains, but the veil still flutters in the wind like a graceful waterfall.

The outstanding scientist, writer and poet Jose Rizal called his homeland, the Philippines, “the pearl of the eastern seas.” The luxurious nature of the tropics has always amazed travelers from countries with a temperate climate: mountains, jungle, and ocean; and yet the most memorable thing about this country is the 100-meter-high Pagsangkhana waterfalls.

Mongolian People's Republic famous for its impressive waterfall. Orkhon, located in one of the most picturesque places in the republic. In summer it is literally besieged by crowds of tourists. A sanatorium was built near it.

The famous researcher of the Korean Peninsula V.T. Zaichikov describes the Kuryong waterfall (in the KGE it is called Kilenz) on the river. Kurencheon (in KGE - Kurenkson) - “river of nine dragons” in the Diamond (Kumgangsan) mountains of North Korea (DPRK):

“Waterfalls and cascades are especially numerous in Outer Kumgangsan on the river. Kurencheon (“nine dragon river”). Its valley, cut deep into the granite mass, in places looks like a giant trench with a smoothly polished surface, along which you can only move along steps in the granite and holding on to the railing. Sometimes the valley narrows and its slopes become completely vertical. The entire bottom of the valley is littered with boulders, huge fragments of rocks; making its way between them, a mountain stream rushes in a crystal clear cascade. Changeable, treacherous, but always amazingly beautiful, like the best diamond, it sparkles and sparkles in the rapids. And in quiet backwaters, having encountered an obstacle, the flow suddenly stops, it takes on the hue of emerald; The stream slowly approaches the edge and suddenly, breaking loose, rushes down again, playing and making noise. In the upper part, the Kurencheon valley forms a mountain circus, a giant half-bowl cut into the body of the mountains. From here, from a height of a hundred-meter ledge, the river falls as a waterfall - the largest in the Diamond Mountains.

Like a thousand-ton snow avalanche, a water stream rushes down, crumbling into myriads of the same white splashes and water dust. The force of the fall is so great that everything shakes and shakes. Gusts of wind arising from the falling water are ready to knock down those who dare to approach the waterfall.

At the foot of the ledge there is a deep bowl. For centuries it was deepened by the falling stream. Everything is boiling here, everything is bubbling. White clouds rush up, carrying spray in the wind and showering with cold water dust.

The originality and beauty of the Kumgangsan Mountains are enhanced by the magnificent mixed forests that cover most of mountains and which are preserved here in an almost primitive state. In a relatively small area of ​​these mountains there are... 914 plant species!”

The legend about the waterfalls of nine dragons is harsh and at the same time naive. Nine dragon brothers lived in a lake located high, high in Kumgangsan. One day, waking up in the morning, they saw a modestly dressed man and did not pay attention to him. They did not know that in front of them was the great Buddha himself. Buddha got angry, wrote the hieroglyph “fire” on a piece of paper and threw it into the lake. The water burst into flames. The dragons rushed in horror

run. WITH high mountains they fell into gorges, rose, fell, overtaken and scorched by fiery water, and jumped with giant leaps. Where the dragon brothers fell, waterfalls were formed, where the elder dragon brother fell, the hundred-meter Kuryong cascade rumbles...

Waters of the river Kurencheon is penetrated by a chain of 8 lakes. Each of them is a gigantic cauldron of the previous waterfall and at the same time a source of power for the next one. A similar “structure” of the mountain stream was reflected in another legend - about eight fairies who, having experienced such beauty, preferred earthly life to heavenly life and descended from the sky along a rainbow to these cascades.

In general, the legends and fairy tales of the Land of Morning Freshness are unusually melodious, and those dedicated to waterfalls are especially melodious. In the mountains of Kumgangsan there is a small lake called Pak Yong. Folklore says that in ancient times, a poor man, Pak Young, fell in love with the daughter of a rich man. They secretly made their way to the lake on a date. The rich groom of a nobleman's daughter tracked them down. One day a young man, suspecting nothing, sat on the shore of the lake and played the pipe, waiting for his beloved. A vengeful rich man sneaked up unnoticed, killed him and threw him into the lake. Seeing a pipe floating in the water and not finding her beloved in his usual place, the girl realized that he was no longer alive. She cried bitterly for so long that the small reservoir overflowed from her tears, the water overflowed its banks, overflowed the edge of the bowl, and since then the Pak Yong waterfall has been murmuring and flowing in the Diamond Mountains...

The light blue stamp of Vietnam depicts a steep, generous waterfall - this is Bang Gioc in Cao Bang province. In my collection there is a single postcard with a view of the most picturesque two-stage Vietnamese waterfall Bandoc, which amazes with the abundance of a wide variety of cascades. The Thakba hydroelectric complex (grandmother's waterfall) is being built on the mountain river Tyay ("running").

Information about Asian waterfalls is more than modest: out of 32 waterfalls included in the KGE list in the “Eurasia” section, only four belong to Asia. One of the Austrian authors briefly mentions the Vasudara waterfall in the Himalayas. A photograph of a water body that attracted the researcher’s attention is accompanied by the inscription: “According to one of the legends, a certain deity in a state of nirvana (blissful peace) at the Vasudara waterfall enjoyed nectar.” Climbers who have climbed Everest mention the Chumbu (Khumbu) waterfall near the base camp of climbers near the capital of Nepal - Kathmandu.

Waterfalls themselves are wonders of nature and the higher they are, the more beautiful they are. Streams of water fall from heaven, causing genuine admiration and awe, as evidence of the greatness of Mother Nature. This list contains 20 of the highest waterfalls from different parts of the world, after visiting at least one of which you will not be able to stop.

Angel Falls

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. It is also the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. Located in Bolivar, this natural wonder excites visitors. The stunning beauty of this place is absolutely inexplicable - it can only be felt, but not described in words. It is also impossible to appreciate all this splendor from photographs - you need to see everything with your own eyes. The height of Angel Falls is 979 m.

Tugela Falls

This complex seasonal waterfall is the second highest in the world. It is located in South Africa, namely in the Royal Natal National Park in the KwaZulu-Natal region. Tugela Falls is famous for its scenic beauty. Once you visit it, you will never want to leave this place. When traveling to a national park, don't forget to also book a Safari throughout the park. This is an incredible experience that you will remember forever. The height of Tugela Falls during the rainy season is 947 m.

Three Sisters Waterfall

A waterfall called Cataratas las Tres Hermanas is located in Peru. Freely translated from Spanish the name translates as Three Sisters. This is the tallest waterfall in Peru and one of the tallest in the world. It is located in Otishi National Park. Three Sisters is a three-tiered waterfall with three sections, hence its name. It is located in the remote Ayacucho region, which is not easily accessible to visitors. The height of the waterfall is 914 m.

Olupena Waterfall

Norway and Hawaii have some of the tallest waterfalls in the world. The fourth highest in the world and the first in Hawaii, Olupena Falls is unique in its essence. This place is loved by numerous travelers, photographers and even tourists. It is located on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. Although Alupena does not attract as many tourists as Niagara or Victoria, it is no less impressive and gigantic. The height of Olupena is 900 meters.

Katarata Umbilla

Located near the town of Kispis, the Katarata Umbilla waterfall is the fifth highest in the world. It has a hypnotizing effect on tourists, and locals even talk about the curse of the waterfall. Additionally, there are numerous smaller waterfalls around the site that make it ideal for an expedition to Peru. If you have sufficient physical fitness, then feel free to set off and conquer the natural beauty of this country. The height of Katarata Umbilla is 895 meters.

Vinnufossen waterfall

If you are planning a trip to Norway, then this waterfall is one of the country's most outstanding attractions. It is located in the east of the village of Sunndalsera and flows into the Driva River near the village of Hoelsand. This waterfall originates from the Winnubrin Glacier. Vinnufossen is one of the highest in all of Europe, and the scenic beauty of the surrounding villages is just an additional reason to travel here. The height of the waterfall is 860 m.

Balaifossen waterfall

It's no secret that most of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world are located in Norway. The high Balaifossen waterfall was no exception. It is located 6 km from Osa and is well worth a visit. The waterfall is located on the eastern side of the Osa fjord in the municipality of Ulvik and is famous for its mystical and magical aura. You can stay in one of the neighboring villages and have one of the most enjoyable trips of your life. The height of the waterfall is 849 meters.


Another famous waterfall in Hawaii, Puukaoku is one of the least explored and underrated, but still one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. A quick internet search will turn up thousands of hypnotic photos that might have you packing your bags and flying to Hawaii right now. So what are you waiting for? Hawaii has everything you need for a great vacation, but don't forget to visit the 840-meter-high Puukaoka.

James Bruce

The tallest waterfall on the North American continent and the ninth tallest in the world, James Bruce is located in Princess Louise Provincial Park. This is one of the most important attractions in British Columbia and a real treat for the eyes. The waterfall is full-flowing throughout the year and is divided into two parallel streams. Thanks to numerous hiking trails, you can hike through the forest of this area. If you want an original travel experience in Canada, don't miss this natural wonder and the forest that surrounds it. The height of the James Bruce Falls is 840 m.

Brown Falls

Located above Doubtful Sound, Brown Falls is part of New Zealand's Fiordland National Park. It rises from the source of Lake Brown and is one of the tallest waterfalls in New Zealand. The waterfall got its name in honor of the photographer Victor Carlyle Brown, who discovered not only the lake, but also the waterfalls. Today Brown is a prominent tourist destination in New Zealand. The biodiversity of flora and fauna around this waterfall makes it even more picturesque. This is one of the added benefits of traveling to the Doubtful Sound region. The height of the waterfall is 836 m.


This waterfall is the tallest in Norway and also one of the most unique waterfalls in the country. The shape of the waterfall is so unusual that it seems as if many waterfalls have united into a single stream of water. Strupenfossen has become a real magnet for photographers from all over the world. However, this is not the only reason to travel to Norway this year. Other natural wonders of the country include the Northern Lights and a number of other high waterfalls. The height of Strupenfossen is 819 meters.


While Ramnefjellsfossen waterfall is unofficially referred to as the third highest waterfall in the world, it is actually the twelfth on our list. Located on Mount Ramnefjöllbryn in the villages of Loen and Olden, the waterfall is fed by the Ramnefjöllbryn glacier. Ramnefjellsfossen can be reached both by boat and on foot. Tourists can camp and hike in the scenic surroundings of this waterfall. Additionally, this waterfall is one of the few that has not been used to generate hydroelectric power. The tourist flow to these regions does not dry out throughout the year. Waterfall height: 818 meters.

Waihilau Falls

Located in the Waimanu Valley, the waterfall is the third highest in Hawaii and the thirteenth highest in the world. The falls resemble a horse's tail and are a prominent landmark in Hawaii. Some of the world's best waterfalls are commonly believed to be inaccessible on foot, and Waihilau is living proof of this. However, a short boat ride to the nearby river will give you breathtaking views of the majestic waterfall. The height of Waihilau in Hawaii is 792 meters.

Colonial Creek

Considered to be the tallest waterfall in the continental United States, Colonial Creek is located in Whatcom County. While the region's main attraction, Colonial Creek Falls is also known for its many hiking trails and excellent camping opportunities. If you are a trekking enthusiast, you should definitely visit this place at least once in your life. Here you can endlessly enjoy the mystical beauty of the waterfalls, which refresh the mind and rejuvenate the body. Elevation of Colonial Creek: 787 meters.


Mongefossen waterfall is located in the municipality of Rauma, county Møre og Romsdal. Mongefossen is located near the Rauma River and is actively used for hydroelectric power generation. As a result, the water flow during the summer season is significantly reduced. You can view this beautiful waterfall on a train ride from the village of Flatmark to Marstein on the north side. If you love tall waterfalls, be sure to make Norway your next destination and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. Height: 772 meters.

Katarata Gokta

The Catarata Gokta waterfall with two cascades is located in Peru and is the 16th highest waterfall in the world. This waterfall was only discovered in the last decade by German explorer Stefan Siemendorff, although it can be easily seen and heard from several kilometers away. A small hotel was recently built 10 kilometers from the base of the waterfall. It allows tourists to stay close to the waterfall and savor its beauty during their stay. Travelers can also explore the scenic views around this waterfall. The height of the Katarata Gokta waterfall is 771 meters.

Mutarazi Falls

The tallest waterfall in Zimbabwe and the second tallest in Africa, Mutarazi is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world. This waterfall was actually the fifteenth highest in the world until 2002, but then its height decreased. Located in Nyanga National Park in the Easter Highlands, the waterfall is a popular attraction. During the journey, you can stay in one of the neighboring houses, where you will enjoy the thunderous roar of water falling from a height of 762 meters.


One of the highest waterfalls in Norway, Kjellfossen is located near the village of Gudvangen. It consists of three waterfalls, the largest of which is Stor Kjellfossen, located on the left side. The middle one is called Vetle Kjelfossen, and the smallest one is known as Nærøyfjord. This is an extremely popular attraction that most tourists traveling in Norway try to visit. If you're in Norway on holiday, don't miss the chance to experience this beautiful natural wonder. Kjellfossen reaches an altitude of 754 meters. Waterfalls are definitely one of the main reasons to visit Norway and get to know this country better.

Johannesburg Falls

Many small water streams cascade down from Mount Johannesburg. However, the waterfall of the same name surpasses them in literally all respects. First of all, Johannesburg is among the top 20 highest waterfalls in the world. Secondly, the volume of water in it exceeds other waterfalls nearby. The falls are also known for increasing flows during the spring and fall seasons. Although it is not the largest attraction in the area, it is still worth a visit. Tourists are offered a comprehensive tour of all the waterfalls of Mount Johannesburg. Height: 751 meters.

Yosemite Falls

The United States of America is home to some of the tallest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Among them, it is worth highlighting Yosemite Falls located in the Sierra Nevada. This popular attraction consists of 3 sections - Upper, Middle and Lower Falls - that are part of Yosemite National Park. These waterfalls are amazingly beautiful during winter and spring, but sometimes stop flowing during the summer season. This waterfall is a major spring attraction. Consisting of 3 sections – Upper Falls, Middle Cascades, and Lower Falls – the falls are part of Yosemite National Park. While the waterfalls are amazing during winter and spring, they sometimes stop flowing during the years. Height: 739 meters. Even more beautiful landscapes await you in the selection dedicated to the mesmerizing beauty of waterfalls from different parts of the world.

August 29, 2017 | Categories: Places , Topper , Nature

Among the many wonders that nature has given to man, the most beautiful and popular are perhaps waterfalls. Their greatness fascinates tourists, and their power makes them admire.

“Falling water” has long attracted not only humans, but also animals. For example, with their thunderous peals, waterfalls for tens of kilometers serve as landmarks for birds during migrations.

A very interesting pattern: all the largest waterfalls on earth are located on the border of two or more states. Apparently, this is no coincidence. After all wide waterfalls- these are insurmountable natural boundaries, around which boundaries were previously established.

There are entire clusters of such “water diamonds” on the planet. For example, in the Caucasus in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve in the gorge of the Salyngan River there is a valley of “Thirty Waterfalls”. And in Japan, in a park on the island of Honshu, a hundred waterfalls fall into the Osunidani Valley. Norway is called the Land of Waterfalls. And few people know that a small kingdom in the mountains of Lesotho on the territory of South Africa in Africa is an intricacy of 3 thousand waterfalls.

If you ask yourself what is the largest waterfall on earth, many will answer that it is Niagara. Maybe someone will remember Victoria, which is in Africa. And only specialist geographers will clarify what is meant, height, width or power. After all, the term “largest” itself is quite vague in this case.

Waterfalls of Russia

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls. The widest waterfall on the planet is located on the Mekong River and is called Kon (Khon). The most powerful was the Iguazu Falls or “Devil’s Throat”, since a huge mass of water falls over the ridge and its roar can be heard tens of kilometers away. Well, the most famous is Niagara Falls. Its height is only 50 meters.

Russian gifts

Well, what is the largest waterfall in Russia? Yes, yes, although most of the country is located on a plain, Russia can boast of a large number of waterfalls. We can definitely say that the tallest in our country and throughout Asia is the Talnikov waterfall. Almost no one knows that it is located in the Putoransky Nature Reserve in the Central Siberian Plateau in Taimyr. But almost everyone knows that this water cascade is considered the most beautiful in Russia.

As tall as a skyscraper

It is worth noting that Talnikovy Falls falls from a 920-meter-high mountain called “Trapezia” into the lake. The length projection of the stream onto a plane reaches 1000 meters.

Surprisingly, the water flow through this waterfall is seasonal; it lasts for about two months. The scientific literature reports that the waterfall “reaches” a height (this is a visual estimate) of about 600 meters. However, when the instruments for measuring the waterfall were made, scientists found that the height of the cascade was 482 meters. It's hard to imagine, but this is a height of 160 storey building. This record for Russia is even included in Kravchuk’s book “Records of Nature”. Another waterfall called Zeygalan (or Great Zeygelan Waterfall) is also listed there.

Fickle beauty

Another outstanding waterfall is the Zeigelan Falls. This is already the second highest waterfall in Russia and throughout Europe. The height of the cascade, this is an approximate value, is 600 meters. The data is inaccurate because it was obtained from a study of area maps. The Zeygalan waterfall is located high in the mountains and, experts say, has a pulsating character. According to most, the flow of the waterfall directly depends on the ambient temperature. And the largest runoff occurs in August of each year. During the cool seasons, at an altitude of four kilometers above sea level, the glacier stops melting, at which time only sagging on the mountains remains in place of the beautiful waterfall. The Great Zeigelan Waterfall is located in North Ossetia.

It can be found 7 kilometers south of the village of Jimara. By the way, clouds are constantly gathering over this place, this happens even when it is warm and sunny on the plain. By the way, dazzling waterfalls constantly fall from all the slopes of this natural beauty. Experts estimate that there are more than ten of them.

Cascades in the Sayan Mountains

Another attraction of Russia is the Kinzelyuksky waterfall. It is located in the Sayans, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The area where the waterfall is located is called Tofalaria. The water cascade originates from a lake located on the Kinzelyuksky (or Dvuglavy) peak near the left tributary of the Kinzelyuk River.

Sayan Mountains

The height of the waterfall is 330 meters, and the height of the water fall is about 90 meters. It turns out that Kinzelyuksky waterfall is the largest waterfall in the Sayan Mountains.

Mineral Falls

There are waterfalls in Russia that are not so impressive in size, but no less impressive. Of course, the White Falls mineral spring deserves attention. It is located on the slope of the central crater of the Koshelevsky volcano. On a small terrace, numerous springs are knocked out of cracks under pressure, forming low fountains. They merge into two streams and fall from a height of only 20 meters, thereby giving rise to the right source of the Levaya Pauzhetka River. Here the western stream falls from a cliff, the eastern one rolls down as if along steps. Right at the exit from the ground, the seemingly clear water turns white before our eyes. It takes on the appearance of rather highly diluted milk. Stream beds are covered with a white coating, and downstream it becomes denser and thicker. Many fountains and streams emerge on the cliff, increasing their power and the width of the painted area. The water temperature is 4.2 degrees Celsius. It’s not for nothing that this spring is called mineral; the water in it tastes a little astringent. More than half of its sediment consists of aluminum oxide, the rest is compounds of iron and various other substances. Aluminum oxide gives a white precipitate due to a sharp drop in pressure to atmospheric pressure.

Musical icicles

Musical fountains have a special charm. They are located beyond the Arctic Circle. The waterfall looks like a musical organ, where instead of pipes there are giant “Musical Icicles”, tens of meters high. But amazing and very useful waterfalls from hot waters are located in Kamchatka in the Valley of Geysers.

By the way, experts say that the menacing roar of the waterfall has a calming effect on people. The beneficial effect of hydro-aeroionization of water cascades according to the “sleeping near the sea” type is already known. Tourists always leave the waterfall fresh and invigorated.
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