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Beautiful blue flowers. Names of plants with blue flowers: descriptions and photos. Perennial flowers blooming in summer

Blue flowers, whose names are well known or yet unfamiliar, can take place in both the shade and the sunny place. They can be planted in the center of a flower arrangement or in the background. On a flower bed, an alpine hill or in a rockery, they create an atmosphere of airiness, freshness and lightness. Among them there are small flowers and tall ones, shrubs and semi-shrubs, creepers and ampelous species.

tender lobelia

This is a plant that pale blue flowers, can be planted not only in a flower bed, but also in hanging baskets, balcony boxes, flower pots. Blooming lobelia resembles a blue ball. This flower looks good in a group, for example, with a petunia, or in a separate planting.

Lobelia belongs to the bell family. Depending on the variety of lobelia, it can be:

  • Bush - forms a dense low profusely flowering ball, in which leaves are imperceptible.
  • Ampelnoy - this species is more difficult to care for, flowering is not so plentiful.

In mid-July, when the formation of new flowers stops, the bush should be cut, leaving 5-10 cm, after which the lobelia will bloom again.

To date garden plots, flower beds and window sills in the apartments are decorated with a variety of ornamental plants. The abundance of flowers, shapes and sizes of plants delight the eye of flower growers and their guests. Plants with flowers of all shades of blue, from blue to dark blue, are gaining popularity. The blue shades of flowers are very reminiscent of the sky, and that is why they are gradually winning the love of flower growers.

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Blue flowers: a symbol of the sky

Thanks to the efforts of scientists-breeders, today many new varieties have been introduced plants with blue and blue flowers. As outside observers note, plants with blue and blue flowers are striking in their richness of colors. In addition, blue and blue go well with other colors.

So, The most popular colors of all shades of blue are:

  • African lily or agapanthus;
  • ageratum;
  • wrestler or aconite;
  • small periwinkle;
  • Veronica oak;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring;
  • garden hydrangea;
  • blue tulips.

It should be remembered that in nature, pure blue flowers are extremely rare, mostly plants have shades of blue.

Blue flowers

Agapanthus or African lily is a houseplant with blue flowers of extraordinary beauty (pictured). Belongs to the onion family, genus Agapanthus. A rather low plant (no more than 70 cm in height). The leaves are large, fleshy, collected in fluffy rosettes. Flowers of various colors, including bluish and blue, are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

The plant blooms from summer to late autumn. Recently, the plant has been actively cultivated at home. Most popular among indoor plants three types are considered:

  • agapanthus orientalis;
  • agapanthus campanula;
  • agapanthus umbrella.

The plant is photophilous, feels good under sunlight. Optimum temperature cultivation is considered 15–25 degrees Celsius. It does not require painstaking care, watering should be regular, it needs to be transplanted.

Ageratum varieties Blue mink belongs to the aster family. This small size bush (no more than 60 cm in height), with triangular or diamond-shaped leaves, stems straight, pubescent, the number of stems is quite large. Ageratum fructifies, fruits in the form of a five-sided achene.

Blue flowers are fluffy, small, reminiscent of dandelions. Flower growers often plant whole flowery carpets, and the bush is also popularly called a “dry stream”.

Aconite or wrestler

A trail of legends and legends has always hovered around this plant. According to one version, aconite appeared after the dog Cerberus, the guardian of the entrance to Tartarus, appeared in Greece along with Hercules. From his poisonous saliva, which fell on the ground, a plant appeared.

The wrestler (pictured) refers to a small size (60-130 cm tall) perennial herbs , with a straight, rarely curly stem (up to 400 cm in length). The leaves are blade-shaped, dark green in color, arranged alternately. Blue flowers vaguely resemble a bell. It tolerates winter well, does not require painstaking care, and transplants are well tolerated. Actively cultivated by flower growers in gardens and front gardens.

Fully poisonous plant. When working with a flower, all precautions must be observed. It is recommended to land out of the reach of animals and small children.

Small - a small plant with blue flowers, surrounded by mystical stories. The periwinkle is about 40 cm high, the stem is branched, straight, rarely creeping. Flowering begins in May, pale blue or dark blue flowers appear on the stems. Flowers solitary, pedicels long, about 3–4 cm in diameter.

The leaves of the periwinkle are attached to the stem with short cuttings, have the shape of an ellipse, fleshy, dense to the touch, shiny. The top of the leaf is juicy green, the bottom is paler, grayish green in color.

The plant bears fruit, the fruits begin to ripen in June. Famous for its healing properties.

Veronica oak

The plant belongs to the genus Veronica, the plantain family. The herbaceous perennial has creeping pubescent stems, the length of which varies from 10 to 40 cm. The leaves of Veronica oak are ovoid, the edges are slightly jagged, about 2-3 cm long. Attached to the stems with short cuttings.

The inflorescence is racemose, axillary flowers have a bluish tint (pictured). The flowers are four-five-leaved, sometimes have a white border or dark veins across the petals. It has long been grown by flower growers as decorative ornament garden or kitchen garden, prefers dry and shady places of growth. Widely distributed in Russia and Ukraine.

Hyacinth is accompanied by a beautiful legend: once the son of the king of Sparta, a young man named Hyacinth, challenged the gods Apollo and Zephyr. The young man competed with the god in discus throwing, in no way inferior to the deity. Zephyr couldn't let a mortal win, so a gust of wind changed the trajectory of the disc's fall. He hit Hyacinth right in the face. The young man died from a mortal wound, and in the place where the drops of Hyacinth's blood fell, a tender bud grew.

belong to the lily family, This perennial with a tuberous root system. The leaves are dense, juicy green in color, as if superimposed on each other. Flowers of various colors, there are also blue tones. Inflorescences racemose, with many flowers, similar to bells.

About 45 flowers can be located on one stem.

Gentian or Gentiana

Gentian belongs to perennial shrub plants of the gentian family. It includes about 400 subspecies, small in stature, about 50-70 cm. In the natural environment, you can find specimens up to half a meter high.

Gentian's stem is erect, has basal leaves collected in a rosette. The leaves are mostly entire, may be ovoid or oblong. Flowers solitary, rarely collected in inflorescences, with straight vertical peduncles. They have the shape of a bell, blue, less often blue.

Gentiana has recently been cultivated in Russia, in areas where the climate is similar to the natural environment of the flower.

garden hydrangea

Large-leaved is considered the most popular ornamental shrub (see picture). The bush is quite tall, there are specimens about 4 m high. People call this shrub hydrania. Widely used in Russia to decorate gardens and parks.

Hydrangea leaves are quite large, juicy green shade, egg-shaped. The leaf tips are slightly pointed. The inflorescences are cluster-shaped, lush, of various colors, there are shades of blue. Remotely resembles lilac, the diameter of the inflorescence can reach 15 cm.

Flowering begins in June, ends in September - October. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves change color, becoming red-brown.

Blue and blue tulips were bred not so long ago by plant breeders. As a perennial bulbous plant, tulips come in a wide variety of shades of blue. An ephemeroid herbaceous tulip, in spring it goes through all stages of development: from the first leaves to death.

Tulips are quite popular among flower growers, special care does not require. Watering prefers regular, the soil for the tulip should be with a loose surface.

Without focusing on the basic rules of color, it is impossible to competently compose flower arrangements. Ornamental plants have many shades, varied texture, which is very important for the perception of a holistic picture.

In wildlife, color almost always contains a large number of nuances. It may change due to lighting or environment. Finding a pure color is almost impossible. The most widespread in the world of plants are purple, blue, lilac, blue, lilac tones.

The meaning of blue

Since time immemorial, various things or concepts have been associated with people with certain color. White color- light, purity. Black shade - evil, hatred, night, death.

Blue flowers have become a symbol of the sky and the sea. What do flowers mean different shades, you can ask the florists. Blue color is able to calm, create a feeling of comfort and calmness, help to fall asleep. Also, this color symbolizes contentment with life and stability, spirituality and intelligence.

Dark blue color inspires confidence, which was the reason for its use in business suits. Blue is the color of coolness, it calms and promotes better sleep. In nature, blue is less common than other colors.

The meaning of blue flowers

Blue flowers are one of the main signs of romance and infinity. The blue flower is meant to convey a message of desire and love to those who receive it. Therefore, knowing which blue flowers are used in which combinations will help in professional creation. flower arrangements.

Shades of blue in the garden

Not a single modern garden is able to do without bluebells, irises, aconites, lupins of various shades. However, since the blue range is not uniform, it makes sense to dwell on each shade separately.

Bright blue flowers are rare in the plant world, and if they appear in the garden, they indicate nobility and great value. Gentian, pushkinia, muscari, scylla, chionodox appeared in our gardens, having migrated from forest glades and mountain meadows, where they are difficult to get, and therefore they are associated with something exquisite and expensive. Cornflowers with their blueness are akin to the sky.

Blue color is stricter than blue. Dark blue flowers carry the seal of mystery and regal nobility. True, so that the excessive use of cold blue flowers in gardens and flower beds does not lead to depression, experienced designers tend to balance it with pastel colors. Traditionally, blue is well complemented by yellow and orange.

Every flower has its season

Blue flowers are present in petunias, violets, lobelias in the warm season. Blue flowers, whose names are known to everyone, are irises, cornflowers, and bluebells.

In March, blue hyacinths will be perfectly shaded by carnations, tulips, red pelargoniums. Against the background of the snowy whiteness of daffodils, blue flowers look great. What do they mean different combinations flowers, explains floristry - one of the areas of aesthetics.

The largest number of plants with dark blue flowers can be found in the height of summer. These are revered by all iris, anemone, delphinium, gentian. By the month of August, the blue baton of the leader is picked up by a bell.


Gardeners like to plant flowers that have blue and blue hues on their own plots. As a result, flower beds shake with rich colors. When you admire them, strength is added. The blue shade is refreshing and caressing, perfectly combined with the colors of the rainbow. In flower arrangements, it sets off warm shades of red and orange. Traditional is a combination with blue pink or yellow color. This combination in the garden is achieved if blue and blue hyacinths are planted in a flower bed. Pink colour, as well as snake mountaineer with forget-me-nots. Brunner inflorescences look amazing, which rise above the gold of variegated hybrids.

When the sunlight is intense, the blueness of the tones partially loses saturation, however, it is easy to find a shady corner in the garden where you can plant blueberries, lungwort, periwinkles, brunners and forget-me-nots. Some plants have blue foliage. They are also able to diversify garden compositions. These plants include blue fescue, mertensia, grate. There are also some hostas that have blue foliage.

Seasons of blue

When early spring comes, plants that have blue flowers, joyfully wake up the earth tired of winter with a cheerful blue flowering of crocuses and blueberries.

The beginning of May is heralded by the blue flowering of the spring umbilicus, Siberian brunners, forget-me-nots. All year round the small periwinkle with its leathery foliage serves as a decoration for the garden, and in springtime blue and blue flowers bloom on it. summer baton blue flowers violet takes in the garden.

In June, the flowering of low-growing steppe irises and aquilegia begins. July is decorated with delphiniums of blue tones. In the middle of summer, lavender blooms. All summer long bells and lobelia serve as decoration for flower beds and flower beds. To all this, there are many varieties of blue petunias. Even more varieties have shades of inky or purple. The blue flowering of tsitserbit completes the summer.

Monochrome blue gardens

Monochrome gardens have become a new trend in garden design in recent times. If you skillfully use the numerous shades of blue-blue tones, the garden will acquire a particularly romantic color, successfully relieving the stress of everyday life and calming the nerves.

After all, when flowers bloom in the garden at the same time, having a variety of shades of blue, the atmosphere of the garden becomes fascinating and mysterious. If you correctly select and correctly seat the representatives of the blue-blue flora, the garden will become visually much more spacious.

Flowers are a powerful compositional tool. Therefore, they are often used to place emphasis on important components of the layout. If a flower garden appears in the garden, where flowers of blue shades in various combinations predominate, this distinguishes the garden from many others, giving it an unusual flavor.

Means of revitalizing blue compositions

The main task that florists solve when creating a monochrome flower garden is to prevent it from becoming monotonous. Blue flowers harmonize perfectly with coreopsis and yellow anemones, creamy astilba, blue-gray carnation leaves and stems, light blue puskinia and stakhis. The composition of blue or blue with white, blue with silver-blue is associated with refreshing coolness and brings calm. A wonderful combination is obtained when combined with blue colors of light roses and daylilies. The reverse of the calming effect is given by combinations with a blue tint of yellow and orange.


The success of the composition, where there is a blue flower, is largely determined by the chosen location for the flower garden and for all the plants involved in it. When creating flower arrangements, it is necessary to take into account the shape of plants, their growth rate, leaf texture, and agricultural requirements. For example, anemones and delphiniums take root remarkably in conditions where there is little moisture and fertilizer. A large number of perennials can be found growing excellently in ordinary soil with good drainage and moderate moisture.

It is advised to plant 3 seedlings representing each variety. So they will grow faster, and you will quickly achieve the desired result. If necessary, it is possible to reduce or increase the size of the flower bed by reducing or increasing the number of seedlings.

You don't have to expect amazing results right away. At first, the future beautiful corner will not make a big impression. To mask empty spaces between seedlings, plant them ground cover plants- green or yellow lysimachia or blue styloid phlox. A good impression is made by small stones, which will be removed in the future.

When planning the composition of a flower garden, it must be borne in mind that it will constantly undergo changes: each plant has its own flowering time, so there may be specimens on the same bed that are just sprouting, that are in the flowering phase and for which it is time to wither. To make the flower garden look neat, fading plants must be removed in a timely manner.

For everyone who loves romance spring garden, you should like blue muscari, crocuses, primroses, blueberries that bloom magnificently in the shade of trees. In the summer, veronica, wrestler, aquilegia look wonderful in flower beds and in discounts. Perennials and annuals can once again emphasize their beauty: asters, lobelia, borage, viola.

container landings

A variety of garden accessories will fit well into the atmosphere of thoughtfulness formed by plants: tables, chairs, blue planters. wooden wall, painted blue, will easily play the role of a bottomless sky and become a backdrop for blue flowers planted in containers.

These container plantings can freshen up an existing garden design. It is optimal to plant bulbous plants in early spring, which will bring a spring mood to the garden much earlier than other flowers. Containers can serve as flowerpots, tubs and baskets.

When creating a flower garden in blue, it must be taken into account that at dusk the blue color loses its expressiveness. Bright lighting, on the contrary, gives it saturation. For placement of blue plants, well-lit areas should be chosen. If the garden is small, then planting blue flowers is best done as a background for the white, red or yellow tones located in front. This will lead to a visual increase in the size of the garden.

In keeping with its surroundings, blue can create a sense of sophistication or be casual. With a successful selection of the landing site, he is able to deepen the space, create volume. In this case, it seems that he "floats" in the air. If the blue color is located next to pink, it seems refined and striking grace, and close to the dark blue color, which condenses the flower arrangement, the blue color is almost weightless.

These properties of it are widely used in the creation color compositions. For example, placing more saturated tones at the bottom of a composition instills a sense of stability. If you place more bright hues, then there is a feeling of uncertainty and instability.

For many millennia, bright flower cultures have given people joy and good mood. Each flower is unique and unusual in its own way, and the combination of several species creates spectacular contrasts due to the variety of shapes, color of the petals and their aroma. The garden looks very stylish, decorated in one color scheme. A flower bed with blue and blue flowers has a calming effect, gives a feeling of lightness and spaciousness, reminiscent of the endless sea and clear sky.

Classification of flowering plants

All flower crops grown in open ground, are divided according to biological characteristics: annual, biennial and perennial.

The group of annuals includes flowers that develop, bloom, produce seeds and die within one season. Beautifully flowering cultures of this species are most popular in garden art due to the wealth of varieties and shades, and also because of the opportunity to create new flower arrangements every year.

After flowering, the garden bed can be prepared for the next season without fear of damaging the roots of plants, plan new scheme landing. Typical annuals are asters, cornflowers, petunias, sweet peas, blue salvia and others.

Flowers in garden design

In the flower world, the blue color of the petals is quite rare. Most often they have various shades of lilac, lilac or purple. The saturation of the colors in the flower bed depends on the companion flowers. The blue-blue background creates the illusion of space, and dark blue flowers further enhance the feeling of depth and boundlessness.

Blue and white shades

To dilute the dark background will help smooth transition from light blue to blue. The same effect can be achieved by planting flowers with white centers or spots in a flower bed.

Blue and white flowers for the garden:

annual crops

Using a rich palette of blue-blue flowering plants, you can come up with a lot of original landscape compositions. Full list annual crops are very voluminous. Especially popular are early and cold-resistant varieties that bloom all summer.

Alstroemeria: description, planting and flower care

List of annual flowers in blue shades:

Biennial flower bed

Today, experienced and novice gardeners are less and less likely to use biennial crops to decorate the garden. The sharp decline in popularity occurred due to the fact that the range of annual and perennial plants has significantly expanded, which in shape and color palette can easily replace bright biennials. However, some plants will never be forgotten or go out of fashion, still taking pride of place in the garden. These include:

What flowers can not be kept at home and why

Not a single modern garden is able to do without flower crops of various shades. Bright blue flowers are rare in the plant world, and if they appear in the garden, they testify to the nobility and aesthetic romanticism of the owners of the site. True, so that the excessive use of cold blue flowers in gardens and flower beds does not lead to depression, experienced designers seek to balance it with pastel colors.


Agapanthus (or African lily) - herbaceous plant with bright blue lily flowers, which are collected in umbrella inflorescences. Moreover, their number on one long peduncle can reach 150 pieces. It blooms for a short time, from June to July, loves sunny places, in places with frosty winters it needs to be dug up, plants in containers are transferred to wintering indoors. African lily looks good along the paths, near the walls of buildings, and in the flower bed will create the main focus.


These small fragrant flowers look great against the background of juicy green leaves, jagged along the edges. Ageratum inflorescences can be blue, purple, white or pink. All these colors are in perfect harmony, so the ageratum mono-flower various colors looks very impressive.


Aconite (or wrestler) is a graceful herbaceous plant with flowers resembling helmets. And this is no accident. Bright blue "panicles" are best admired from a distance. All parts of aconite are highly poisonous. Suitable for small group or single landings. Looks good in mixborders. It blooms from July to the end of September, it is quite winter-hardy.


This evergreen creeping plant blooms in April. It is ideal for growing on rocky slopes, in shady gardens and in the foreground of mixborders.

Cornflower mountain

Unusually persistent, despite the external fragility, the flower, which for its endurance received the "status" of the mountain, will be a wonderful addition to a rabatka or rockery. The mountain cornflower blooms for a short time, but early, already in May. The flowers are slightly larger than those of the blue cornflower.

Veronica oak

Unpretentious blue-blue veronica flowers will add charm and grace to your garden. No wonder the flower is given female name. Veronica is unpretentious, undemanding to the composition and moisture of the soil, and she is not afraid of shade. Although under its rays it looks more bright and elegant. A modest flower will decorate a border, a rock garden, it will become a wonderful frame for a pond, it will look good at the foot of trees and in the neighborhood even with such luxurious flowers as roses.


Heliotrope peduncles with small blue-violet flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences, always facing the sun. Therefore, the name of this plant comes from Greek words"helios" - sun and "tropos" - turn. Heliotrope looks great in borders and mixborders next to salvia, tuberous begonia and petunias.


In early spring, green pointed tubules hatch from the ground, from which dense inflorescences appear with numerous flowers (up to 30 pieces) of a tubular, bell-shaped or funnel-shaped form. Hyacinths exude a rich pleasant aroma. These plants are planted in picturesque mono- or multi-colored groups next to trees and shrubs or along a garden path.


It is among the gentians that there are specimens with such an intense shade of blue-blue petals that you can only imagine. Most of the species are listed in the Red Book, therefore, when planting gentian on your site, make sure that it is not protected by law. The flower is unpretentious, undemanding to the composition of the soil, except that it loves the sun and moist soil, but it will not cause trouble for the gardener. Depending on the species, it blooms from mid-May to late autumn. Used in borders, rock gardens, rockeries.

Hydrangea garden

Of all the varieties of hydrangea, only garden hydrangea is able to change the color of its inflorescences: from deep pink to sky blue. The color change can be controlled, but this should be taken care of in advance (in the spring), because when the flowers bloom, it will be too late - the hydrangea reaches full bloom in August. The petals are getting blue color in an acidic environment when watering alkaline soil with a solution of iron salts.


This plant is often called larkspur, or spur. Delphinium prefers sunny and windless areas with light soil, where water does not stagnate.

tenacious creeping

The name of this plant literally "speaks" for itself. The tenacious (sometimes called ayuga) is frost- and drought-resistant, undemanding to the type of soil, and also grows very actively. So it will quickly cover any bald spots on the site with a pleasant decorative "carpet". It is also good to use the plant in a curb planting, on an alpine hill in combination with a delphinium or irises. Blooms in late spring - early summer. Flowering lasts only 2-3 weeks, but the charming blue "panicles" of the tenacity will create bright color accents in the flower beds.


This climbing liana with beautiful heart-shaped leaves and large funnel-shaped flowers decorates the garden from early summer until frost. Ipomoea is an ideal plant for arches and pergolas.


With an unusual shape of a flower, irises resemble an orchid. IN middle lane flowering occurs in May-June. At the same time, the iris has no less spectacular leaves: xiphoid, fleshy, dark green.


A low-growing bush of Caryopteris (or Nutwing) with upright branches and blue flowers that attract bees with their fragrance. Blooms in the year of planting. Externally flowering plant resembles fluffy bright tail of a peacock. Kariopteris does not have special frost resistance - it can freeze slightly in cold winters, therefore it needs shelter. Looks good in the foreground of flower arrangements, in the border and rock gardens. The peculiarity of the plant (for someone pleasant, but for someone not very much) is abundant self-seeding.


Charming clematis is quite picky. It needs regular watering (at least 1-2 times a week), loosening the soil, timely removal of weeds, organic top dressing 2 times a month throughout the growing season, pruning and shelter for the winter. In addition, this plant loves light, nutritious and loose soil, does not tolerate strong winds and stagnant water. But when these requirements are met, the plant will delight with abundant flowering.


Delicate bluebells bloom from 15 to 90 days. They prefer well-lit areas, but can grow in partial shade. Only a few varietal plants need shelter, and most species grow well without much care.


Or saffron. This undersized (about 10 cm high) small-bulbous primrose with attractive flowers in the form of a glass looks most impressive in rock gardens, among the grass under the canopy of trees and in group plantings in combination with other spring plants.


Graceful lavender fills the garden with a pleasant aroma. Small blue-violet flowers go well with pink and yellow plants. However, residents of areas with an unstable climate will have to make a lot of efforts to grow lavender in their area: this plant is quite thermophilic.

Flax blue

From flax, you can not only make natural fabric, it will decorate a flower bed, flower bed, rockery or mixborder. flowers ornamental plant can be of various colors (yellow, purple, red), but traditional blue linen is especially popular. It is easily propagated by seeds, prefers well-lit areas, needs regular weeding and pest control (flax flea).


This unpretentious plant in gardens is most often grown as an annual. Lobelia has thin, branching stems covered with green leaves. Two-lipped flowers, located on short pedicels, appear in all their glory from June to September. Depending on the variety, they are white, purple, dark blue, purple or blue.

Meconopsis letter-leaved

The second name of this plant is the Himalayan blue poppy. Growing this flower with delicate petals in the middle lane is a real test even for experienced gardeners- this "sissy" does not tolerate dry air and a small amount of rain in the summer. It blooms from mid-June to the end of August (if wilted flowers are removed in a timely manner). Looks good on monocles. It is combined with aquilegia, hosta, low cereals, ferns.

Mordovnik ball-headed

This plant got its Latin name (echinops - similar to a hedgehog) for an unusual appearance. Single pale blue flowers on a long (up to 170 cm) erect stem, indeed, resemble hedgehogs studded with needles. Mordovnik is very unpretentious, loves sunny and dry places, blooms from July to August. In the garden, it will become a decoration for a two-tiered rabatka, it will look good along the walls. When dried, it is suitable for creating floral arrangements.


Thin and graceful mouse hyacinths with a slight smell of musk look great in a mixborder, discount and in a small clearing in front of the house. Muscari are unpretentious, but they cannot stand stagnant water in the soil, so they are not recommended to be planted in the lowlands.


This undersized perennial with small blue flowers decorates the garden in spring and summer. Forget-me-not looks best in group plantings near water bodies.


Raising a nemophila won't amount to great work. The plant is unpretentious, only very sensitive to watering, looks good on a mono-flower bed, where it will create a luxurious solid carpet of the color of the sky in the clouds. Perfect shade coniferous plants, will become a picturesque frame for a reservoir, and in a rockery it will itself resemble a blue stream winding among the stones.

borage grass

Or borago. This is one of the few herbaceous plants, all parts of which are edible. Bright blue "stars" with the taste of cucumber - a real exotic! They can be candied - and then they become a delicacy or canned and served as an unusual snack. Borage loves soil that is not too wet, grows well in partial shade, blooms from June to September. And in the flowerbed, he is simply beautiful in itself.


Or anagallis. Such a deep blue color, which these flowers possess, is not found in any of the known plants. Even the eyes of such a rich color does not happen. Full-time color will create a feeling of freshness and coolness in the garden. The plant is planted in borders and rockeries, flowering begins in May and does not stop until the first frost.


Or cineraria. Annual herbaceous plant with flowers of various bright colors, reminiscent of daisies. The flowers collected in baskets will look good framed in paths, in borders and mixborders. He likes moist air, prefers warm and lit places, but not under direct sunbeams. You can grow pericallis in pots, with which it is good to decorate the veranda in summer.


In flower beds and on the balcony, petunia is usually grown as an annual. This plant is striking in the variety of shades of flowers. The most commonly seen are blue, purple, pink, white and two-tone petunias. They perfectly decorate flower beds, borders and borders.


Or Scylla. Tiny weeds bloom in early spring(in the middle lane - in April) for 15-20 days, so they are often mistakenly called snowdrops. Scylla prefers loose and well-moistened soil, is undemanding to lighting and unpretentious in care.

Umbilical spring

Outwardly, the umbilicus resembles a forget-me-not, only its pale blue flowers are slightly larger. It blooms during May, covering the flower bed with an azure carpet. At the beginning of summer, creeping shoots form on the plant, which is why the umbilical is also called "creeping forget-me-not." It tolerates adverse weather conditions, such as frost, drought, etc., resists diseases and pests.


Pushkinia is a relative of hyacinth. And it is often called dwarf hyacinth. Blue or white bell-shaped flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences, bloom in spring along with other primroses.


Or plumbago. This shrub is an evergreen liana whose falling shoots need support. Delicate blue flowers bloom on them all summer. In the conditions of the middle zone, it is risky to grow a piglet in the garden - it looks beautiful in the front gardens, but may not survive the frosty winter, but in a room culture the plant will feel good - it is unpretentious and calmly tolerates dry air.

eryngium flat-leaved

This perennial plant up to 1 m high is popularly called "blue thorn". The eryngium is unusual in that it is completely blue - from the stem with rosettes of thin prickly leaves to umbellate silver-blue inflorescences. Honey plant, blooms in June-July, used in folk medicine. Looks good in the garden natural style, creates color accent in discounts, suitable for making dry bouquets.

Common bruise

The bruise loves to grow where even the most unpretentious wild plants"run away in panic" - in ditches, on wastelands, slopes, on sun-drenched forest edges. Distinctive feature plants - long stems (100-180 cm), densely strewn with bright blue flowers, similar to bells. Common bruise is a wonderful honey plant, blooms from June until almost September. Has medicinal properties.


This is an ideal plant for rocky hills and flower beds located in a well-lit area. In May-June, loose phlox bushes (up to 30 cm high) with branching stems "flash" with the lights of their small bluish-lilac flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Chionodox Lucilia

"Twin Sister" Scillas. However, the difference between the two plants is clearly visible. In shape, the flowers of chionodox resemble blue stars, and the bluebells have drooping bells. Blooms in March-April. He loves sunny lawns, but feels good in light shade, except that it blooms later. Flowering lasts about a month. Delicate flowers look good in flower beds and Alpine rollercoaster, combined with other ephemeroids (early flowering plants), especially contrasting in color.

Ceratostigma Wilmott

Small (not higher than 1 m) perennial shrub blooms in August. The height of flowering of ceratostigma occurs in autumn. Then, against the background of gradually reddening leaves, its electric-colored flowers look especially impressive. The plant prefers well-lit, sunny sites and light soil with drainage.


Chicory - wild medicinal plant with beautiful pale blue flowers. It grows everywhere - along roads, in forest glades, meadows. In culture, it is grown in the same way as table beets. A natural coffee substitute is prepared from the sweetish, slightly bitter roots of varietal chicory.

Nigella damask

Or nigella. Nigella looks very good in dry bouquets - its baskets with seeds resemble poppy seeds. By the way, the seeds of the plant are black cumin, widely used in oriental cuisine. Nigella loves bright sun and nutritious soil, does not tolerate waterlogging. Pale blue double flowers will transform even the most nondescript wall of a building or a monotonous fence along which they will be planted. Plus, the plant has medicinal properties.


Or salvia. This healing semi-shrub (up to 75 cm high) with two-lipped blue-violet, pink or white flowers, exuding a tart aroma, blooms from late May to July. Sage is a heat-loving plant, so in the middle lane it needs to be well covered for the winter.


The Scientific and Production Association "Gardens of Russia" has been implementing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. The association uses the most modern technologies, a unique laboratory of plant micropropagation has been created. The main objectives of the NGO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of world selection. Delivery planting material(seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. Looking forward to shopping: