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The entrance to the cottage is under the bay window. Two-story houses with bay windows: pros and cons, projects and layouts: interior options

Cottages with a ledge on the wall decorate any suburban area. They create coziness, comfort, and help save electricity. A house with a bay window is built on one level or on two floors. If the area of ​​the plot allows, a house with two bay windows is installed. They are located at opposite points of the building or on the same wall.

What it is

The German word "bay window" means a projection on a wall. This design solution has been known for a long time. In the Middle Ages it was used to defend fortresses. Today it is being built to create additional internal volume, giving the building a unique look. Houses with a bay window are more difficult to design and build than ordinary ones. But the result is worth it.

What types of bay windows are there?

Experts have created a classification of bay windows according to several criteria:

    according to form(rectangular, semicircular, multifaceted);

    by number of storeys(one-story, two-story, multi-story);

    at the installation site(corner bay window, wall-mounted, inscribed in the corner).

This architectural element can be located on any side of the house, there can be several of them. Depending on the room in which the bay window is located, its functionality and design are thought out.

    Rectangular The bay window form is the most common. It is simple to design and build.

    Semicircular This option requires larger and more accurate calculations. The construction of round walls is more difficult from a technical point of view.

    Multifaceted The model makes it easier to work with bay window walls. This option is quite popular.

Two-story house with two bay windows. A two-level ledge is built into the corner of the building, a single-level one has a wall position

Before creating a project for a house with an extension, they decide how many floors the bay window will occupy. The simplest option is a one-story extension. Its construction will require less materials and effort. At the same time, it will give the building a unique look. The construction of a two-story bay window will require more financial and time costs. But such a building will acquire more usable internal space, more original appearance.

Multi-story bay windows are built in high-rise buildings. They can be installed on all floors of the wall or limited to several levels.

Most often, designers design wall bay structures, placing them on one or two walls. Corner bay windows protrude forward a short distance.

A building with one round corner bay window and several wall

The bay window structures inscribed in the corner do not protrude forward - it looks like a corner balcony - it looks original and significantly expands the view from the room.

They design bay window projections that are classic and combined with a balcony. It can be on the side or on top.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all design solutions, bay windows have positive and negative sides.

TO positive qualities such protrusions are classified as such factors:

    natural illumination premises, which reduces energy costs;

    is added volume rooms;

    creates a beautiful panoramic view from the window;

    it becomes possible to create a special zones in the room;

    is improving ventilation;

    the building looks Beautiful.

House designs with a bay window on the upper level must take into account the load on the floor. In such options, strengthening of the lower part of the extension is provided. The big advantage of these models is that the area of ​​the premises increases without building up the land.
On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.
The house with a bay window is two-story; the project with a ledge on the second floor looks original, but requires more attention when developing:

A wooden house with a bay window on the second floor is reinforced in the lower part

Bay windows have fewer disadvantages, but they must be taken into account:

    When building a structure, additional calculations for roof and walls;

    houses with bay windows stand expensive ordinary;

    the risk of cold air entering the room increases, which means additional insulation.

Projects of houses with a bay window

Corner bay windows are installed at one or several points. Such projects are carried out for walls made of any building materials. Wooden houses with a bay window extension are most often built from profiled timber, since a house made of such material retains heat better.

Most Popular wall option bay window The shape of the protrusion is chosen at the request of the owner.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Most two-level bay window extensions are made not on the classic second floor, but in the attic. Houses with a bay window and an attic allow you to save on construction costs. If you equip a corner bay window structure, the area of ​​the house will not decrease, but construction costs will be reduced.

The roof of the ledge can be combined with the roof of the house or be autonomous.

The bay window floor can serve as a garage roof if the latter is installed under the building or is located next to the house.

How many windows to install

Most often, the project involves installing a bay window module on the south side of the house. This allows for maximum illumination of the room with natural light. For the southern regions, where the average annual temperature is high, windows cover the entire protruding wall.

For northern regions, they are considering options for installing windows depending on the situation. This can be one window in the center of the structure with blank side walls, or a separate window is installed on each wall. The height of the window opening is chosen as desired. It can be from floor to ceiling or regular windows can be installed.

House 8x9 with two bay windows

The 8x9 house belongs to the category of small buildings.

1st floor plan of 8x9 house with 2 projections. The entrance to the building is in the bay window wall

Bay windows allow you to increase the usable area of ​​a building without any special financial costs. The extension serves as an entrance vestibule. By equipping the ledge, you can zone the rooms and make them more functional.

Interior options

Choice interior design design depends on the functionality of the room.

Video description

For an example of decorating a house with a bay window, watch the video:

Choosing furniture

In the bay window niche of the children's room they arrange work area, where the child does homework and plays.

They arrange in the living room winter Garden, a place for tea drinking and private conversations. In such a bay window, a small table with armchairs and a sofa with a large number of pillows are installed.

IN extra space a recreation area has been arranged

A kitchen bay window allows the housewife to be distracted from cooking without leaving their room. In this segment you can arrange a dining room, visually separating it from the kitchen.

A bedroom with a bay window looks especially intimate.

It has become fashionable to install a bathtub in the bay window. This option is designed on a wall located in the inner part of the yard. This allows you to combine relaxation and hygiene procedures.

Do not block the ledge with bulky furniture - cabinets, furniture. They will make the room uncomfortable and dark.


Curtains for a bay window require special attention. For the option with a round or semicircular perimeter, order special cornices or stretch strong wire. On walls with corners, curtain rods are hung separately for each straight section.

Curtains for a bay window extension are selected in one color scheme with room design. Light, functional curtains are appropriate for the kitchen. Bright kitchen curtains will make the room more original and memorable.

In the living room they hang thick curtains in noble shades, and roller blinds in neutral light shades.

Curtains in pastel colors are appropriate in the bedroom. They can be transparent, but in this case other elements are installed on the windows - roller blinds, Roman shades, blinds.

What to consider during construction

The construction of walls for a bay window requires competent masonry bricks or blocks. The windows should fit well into such a façade. This is especially important for round and semicircular structures. Despite the fact that externally a bay window is a decoration of the house, the design of a two-story house with a bay window extension must take into account that its walls are load-bearing. Strength calculations for them are done in the same way as for other walls.

Roof installation is specific. For the bay window ledge required additional elements– valleys, roofing material, support beams. The protruding position of the bay window makes the roof vulnerable to gusts of wind. To cover the roof of the bay window, a separate calculation of the angles of inclination is made, and the safety factor is calculated. The joints with the main roof are treated with sealant.

Video description

What nuances there may be when installing a roof on a house with a bay window, see the video:


Bay windows are an original architectural solution that allows you to decorate a house and expand its usable area. Existing models, designed for different financial capabilities, tastes, area of ​​land, building material. But if you want to build a two-story or one-level house with a bay window, you must take into account that this will inevitably entail a complication of the project and an increase in the final cost of the house.

Original house designs with a round or square bay window are in constant demand among our customers. This architectural element is a part of the building - a columnar or polygonal protrusion extending beyond the boundaries of the facade, and glazed on all sides. It gives any, even the simplest building, an elegant look.

Stylish modern facade

The prototype of the bay window can be called watchtowers that vaguely resemble it, which were built in medieval castles. Niches open on three sides made it possible to notice the approaching enemy from afar. Over time, they lost their combat significance and became a decorative element. In Gothic architecture it was called a “lantern”; in Russian architecture hexagonal “drums” were common.

IN modern projects cottages with one or two bay windows in front, columns, they are assigned not only a decorative, but also a functional role. They improve the insolation of the building, especially on the north side, where the sun enters the side windows from the east in the morning and from the west in the evening. They are often built several stories high - this technique is used in buildings with second light.

Our architectural solutions

Our catalog contains photos of cottages with full documentation different sizes, with attic, balcony and others interesting elements. They are built from different building materials.

  • Projects of wooden houses with a bay window made of logs, laminated veneer lumber. An example is a building stylized as a “Russian estate” - photo No. 10-33 with a protruding part of the building in the form of an elongated rectangle. No less interesting is option No. 10-25 with a triangular ledge in a modern style.
  • Cottages with brick and combined walls. The plasticity of this material allows you to create facades of complex shapes. The catalog includes many such buildings, for example: No. 48-21 with a semicircular and No. 48-24K with a square projection.
  • Projects 2 storey buildings with an oval or rectangular bay window made of aerated concrete, foam blocks, gas silicate blocks. These economical materials are widely used in modern construction. An example of such a cottage is shown under No. 48-31G.

Facades with a porch in the form of a bay window, or with its location in the corner, look very stylish and modern. They draw attention to themselves, forming the compositional center of the architectural ensemble.

The beauty and functionality of a home is in the details and details

A private house is a practical solution. It has more living space, and the comfort is not inferior to apartments. You can, of course, huddle in a small apartment all your life, consoling yourself with the words: “in cramped conditions, but don’t be offended,” or you can take it and change your life. Building a house is not an easy task, but it is interesting and exciting. After all, there is nothing better than planning and furnishing your own house. And it all begins with a plan, or rather with a project. The project helps you correctly calculate your strength and budget. In many families, the budget is limited, so it is not worth designing initially big house several floors. A house with an attic and a perimeter of 10 by 10, give or take, will be quite enough for a full and comfortable life for a modern family. The house does not have to be big, but it must be beautiful and original. Therefore, we present to your attention projects of houses with a bay window that have successfully taken root in Russia.

What is a bay window?

A bay window is a very convenient architectural solution. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary balcony, but the significant difference between a bay window is that there is no partition between the room and the space of the bay window itself. It is a continuation of the room and increases its area. Bay windows are rectangular in shape, but those with more than three sides look much more interesting. Previously, bay windows were mainly used in multi-storey buildings to enlarge rooms, but today they have also successfully taken root in private homes. The bay window can be on one floor or on several at once. Another important function of a bay window is that it improves the natural lighting of the room. This effect is achieved by large quantity glass As a rule, all edges of the bay window are glazed, without exception. A house project with a bay window is best option For small house, in which every corner matters.

Why is the project needed?

The project is an integral attribute in construction. Without it, you won’t be able to obtain a construction permit or hire a contractor. It, like an instruction, gives information about what, how, and from what to build. The project carries out calculations according to permissible loads on the walls and foundation, diagrams of beam attachment points are made, and cross-sectional drawings of the roof and ceilings are drawn. Since a bay window is a structure that is supported by beams in the wall, house designs with a bay window are of particular importance. In order for the bay window to be not only beautiful, but also safe, calculations must be made. And it’s easier to control the consumption of building materials along with the project. But if builders take on work without a project, then it’s worth thinking about their competence. It’s better not to mess with such would-be masters.

Project of a house with a bay window: how to make a purchase?

Today, finished project houses with a bay window are not a problem. Our company offers its clients a wide range of projects, including those with bay windows. The purchase can be made without leaving home on the company’s website. Dom4M means high-quality work and a professional approach to business. Our employees will advise and help you do right choice. In addition to the main sections, the project can be expanded with additional packages, such as interior or landscape design. The price, of course, will be higher, but the point is that the customer can control the cost of the project himself, choosing only what he needs. If necessary, it is also possible individual approach to order. If standard projects If you don’t like houses with a bay window, you can order an individual one. In this case, the house is designed based on the wishes and capabilities of the customer, and the design is preceded by an analysis of the site, the soil on it, and the landscape.

A ready-made house project with a bay window and a terrace will cost the homeowner much less than an original one. Construction is not a cheap pleasure, but the money spent will be justified by the aesthetic appearance, useful additional space, and additional lighting. More often it is completely glazed and equipped with panoramic windows.

This term refers to the protruding part of the building. Has different geometric shapes. With their help, you can increase the area of ​​the room and improve the lighting in the house. The structure, regardless of its shape, has a base, fencing, light opening and roof.

Read how to choose a cornice for a bay window.

The combination of a bay window with other architectural elements

In order to create original house designs, architects skillfully combine a bay window with other architectural elements.

  • With attic and terrace. This idea looks especially original in a multi-story building. Where there is an attic above the first floor, then a bay window. Or in a project where this element occupies two floors, and on top of it is an open or closed balcony or a forged metal fence.
  • Small house, where both the bay window and the attic are located on the same or different floors, thereby increasing the available area.
  • A house with several projections(bay windows) of different geometric shapes and a terrace.
  • The project looks interesting, combining two bay windows and one attic, located symmetrically with respect to each other. An additional decoration will be the terrace.

A house with a bay window with a terrace is expensive, so the project should be developed by professionals. If construction crews for some reason refuse to build a bay window, making their own changes to the project, or increase the cost, then they definitely have no idea what they are up against and will not be able to cope with the task. It is better not to cooperate with them at all.

Modern architects and builders realize various projects of apartment and private buildings, which are built in compliance with all norms and requirements. IN Lately Architectural elements such as the bay window and attic are popular.

This is due to the fact that buildings equipped with decorative projections and having an originally designed residential attic look both elegant and restrained. Houses with an attic and a bay window have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when developing a project.

An attic is an attic that has been converted into a living space.. Facade attic floor is the roof surface (broken, curved or inclined). The construction significantly enlivens the appearance of the entire building and significantly increases the living space.

The attic can have a symmetrical or asymmetrical shape, have a broken or triangular silhouette, occupy the entire roof of a building or a certain part. The structure can protrude beyond the façade. In this case, you should consider creating supports: consoles or columns.

It is important to know: if the roof has a broken shape, then the lower part of the attic is erected at an angle of 65°, the angle of inclination of the upper part should be about 20°.

It is recommended to construct the attic floor using lightweight materials that will not heavily load the base, for example: wood, plastic, foam concrete. Also, when selecting, it is important to take into account the degree of fire resistance of the building. Attic floors can be fully or partially insulated, it depends on the nuances of the operation of the room.

Photos of houses with an attic and a bay window will help you evaluate the advantage of mixed-type architectural structures.

Description of the bay window

Find out how to design a living room with a bay window.

How to arrange additional space?

The bay window is the compositional center of any room, so it You can always turn it into a cozy and functional corner.

Glazed ledge located in the living room, often designed as a relaxation area with a soft sofa, beautiful curtains and a fluffy rug. Here you can chat with friends and read a book. The ledge in the kitchen is equipped with dining area using a table and chairs. The area can be divided by a bar counter.

In the bedroom, a niche serves as a sofa or bed. In this case, you should hang it on the windows blackout curtains or blinds. Sometimes exercise equipment is installed in the protruding part or a place for relaxation is created.

Panoramic windows allow you to create a winter garden indoors. Good lighting and ventilation contributes to the comfortable stay of plants in this area. At the same time, the room itself becomes very cozy and beautiful without any special interior decorations.

In the bay window area you can arrange a study, a place for needlework, a play area for a child. When arranging a niche, it is important to take into account the interior of the entire room. It is undesirable for the discrepancies to be dramatic.

So, a house with a bay window and an attic is a compact and economical type of housing, allowing owners to use additional meters usable space, arranging them as you wish.