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How to choose lighting for an apartment - tips on Yandex.Market. How to make the right room lighting, good lighting

Harmony of light, color, form and space is the formula for an impeccable architectural structure and interior. But for some reason, when starting to work on the interior of the apartment, the owners first of all think about the layout, style, colors and forget about the lighting design. But light can be compared with clothes or make-up, which determine the appearance, create a mood, hide flaws, emphasize dignity, and, ultimately, create an image. Extraordinary is a real art that requires a special vision, inspiration, knowledge. Today we will try to "touch the beautiful" and voice some basic rules for creating a lighting scenario in the interior.

Where to start and where to end?

Properly selected lighting can change for the better the layout, the appearance of the interior, and our sense of self. In order for the space, shapes and textures in the room to come to life, it is necessary to create a well-thought-out dynamics of light and shade transitions from brightly lit to dark areas. Most The best decision- this is to combine sources of directional, diffused and reflected light located at different levels.

●First, decide what you will do in this room (read, play, cook, sew) and find places for functional lamps that give bright directional light in these areas: desk lamp, spots and built-in lamps.

●Place accents with sources of "drawing" light. They emphasize the plasticity and color of architectural and decorative elements, paintings and style-forming interior items. It can be LED strips, spotlights, lighting fixtures. When using bright directional lights, it is better to avoid frequent sharp transitions between bright light and shadow, as this tires the eyes and distorts the graphic pattern of the interior. If you use the artistic contrasts of the light and shade game, then carefully consider all the nuances.

●Lastly, add a source of even background light that illuminates the entire room. For this purpose, ceiling (pendant or spot) lamps, wall and, the light of which is reflected from the walls and ceiling, are suitable.

●Think about the interior palette, the color of the lighting itself, and how they interact.

●Determine appearance lamps for every room. They can be made in the same design or formally contradict each other, dissolve in the interior or dominate it. There are currently no style imperatives. You can follow the latest trends in interior fashion, prefer the good old classics or a functional approach, one thing is important: lamps are full participants in creating the atmosphere and character of your interior.

Artificial and natural

In the interior, the integration of natural and artificial lighting, maintaining a balance between them and, of course, an artistic approach to using different light sources is extremely important.

●Remember simple rules sides of the world. If the windows face west or south, you will have to seriously think about diffuse window decor, allowing you to hide from blinding rays from time to time and soften the high-contrast edges of brightly lit and drowned in shadow areas.

●In rooms with windows to the east, it will be easier to wake up and get in shape in the morning. Despite the fact that the light is direct, it does not dazzle, as during the day, but creates beautiful light-shadow transitions and highlights on the walls, ceiling, and furniture. In the afternoon, the sun will leave, and the lighting will become diffused, soft.

● In a room with windows to the north, the light is always diffused, but it is necessary to carefully consider the use of artificial lighting and to "lighten" the design of windows as much as possible, or completely abandon the decoration with curtains.

●Natural light can also penetrate into traditionally darkened rooms (entrance hall, bathroom, corridor, dressing room) if interior doors will be made of frosted glass, and the walls of glass blocks. It is also possible to provide interior windows through which it will penetrate sunlight from adjacent rooms.

●It is known that mixing light sources different temperatures perceived by us as uncomfortable. To simultaneously use artificial and natural lighting, it is desirable to use fluorescent lamps or luminous panels of cold or warm white light.

Reflections and refractions

●Mirrors are endowed with magical properties. They work wonders in the interior: they “raise” the ceiling, “push apart” the walls, create an endless reflected space. The more mirrors in the room and mirror surfaces, the "lighter" and "more spacious" it is.

●Crystals, crystal, multifaceted glass objects act as a prism. Interacting with light, they create a continuously changing effect of radiance, like in a kaleidoscope. Use them in decor items to enliven the interior with sun glare and expand the space.

Oformitalian light

Colored lighting complemented by special effects is always an interesting move in interior design, allowing you to transform the space, emphasize the tonality of the interior elements and push the boundaries of reality, creating an environment that is different from the one that exists in natural light. By introducing color and light design into the interior mise-en-scene, you can change not only its mood, but also its main meaning. So bright, decorated in neutral colors and calm shapes scandinavian style the living room in the evening with the help of LEDs can turn into a Brazilian carnival-like, incendiary party venue, and then with the help of systems that imitate the starry sky, remind of the sleeping Hawaiian Islands.

Modern industrial designers offer real masterpieces that allow you to create various color and light scenarios: from iridescent bright extravaganza of colors to meditative figured light and concise, eye-pleasing highlights.

The lighting in the room is very important role, it should be rationally distributed throughout the territory and in harmony with the design of the room. In this article we will try to understand the intricacies of the arrangement of light and its correct distribution.

How to correctly distribute the light in the room

Light is life, and the standard of living depends on its correct distribution. The mood of the owner, his psychological state depends on the lighting. As you know, bright light excites nervous system, while dim, soothes. From this we can conclude that there should not be bright light in the bedroom, in this room it is better to place several lamps with warm light around the perimeter. It is worth thinking about the distribution of lamps, there are such types of lighting:

  • general;
  • local.

The general light is intended for the entire room, and the local light is for a specific zone:

  • workplace in the kitchen;
  • illumination of the gazebo on the street;
  • place for reading;
  • desk;
  • balcony lighting.

Night lights and sconces are very popular, because with the help of them you can create a mysterious and relaxed atmosphere in the room. Lighting performs many functions, competent use light can change a room beyond recognition. There are certain techniques by which you can change the shape and size of the room. When creating a certain lighting system, it is necessary to resort to the use of the laws of perspective, take into account the direction of the rays and the power of the lamp.

If you need to increase the height of the room, then you need to use bright lamps, the light of which will be directed to the ceiling. You can reduce the height of the ceilings by lighting the walls, while dim lamps should be located at the top of the wall. A great way can be to use a mirror, this item will help create the illusion of a split room, and this, like nothing else, will help to visually enlarge the room. Experienced Designers can professionally increase the length of a corridor or any other rectangular room with the help of lamps at the end of the room.

You have no idea what results can be achieved with the help of a competent distribution of light. As you know, our eyes, and hence our brain, accurately perceive the rays of light, and this can be used. Workers in show business, trade and advertising are well aware of how light can affect a person. In various areas of life, zoning of space with the help of light is used. Using bright and subdued lighting, you can focus on the merits and hide the flaws. With the help of light, you can radically change the attitude of a person to something.

Colors are great stimulants of the human psyche. Correct use flowers can help you in your work or household chores, set your guests or colleagues in a certain way.

Use blue and blue colors for relaxation, pastel colors will help you relax and calm down.

And here green color will be a great addition to a child's room, it can be used as a primary or secondary color.

Warm shades give a feeling of love and joy, they can be used for living rooms or large halls, for rooms in which there is always a lively atmosphere.

You can experiment with colors and light, make the lighting in your room more functional, then you can change the mood in the room depending on the situation.

Hall and living room: subtleties of light distribution

The central place of any house is the hall, in this room the family gathers to celebrate significant events, guests are received and leisure is spent. A festive, but at the same time calm atmosphere should reign in this room. To do this, experts recommend using multi-level lighting in the hall, this will help increase the size of the room and make it more solemn. When arranging the light in the living room or hall, try to focus on the benefits and beautiful accessories.

Check out some design rules for decorating ceremonial premises:

  • the atmosphere should be as close to natural as possible, that is, the ceiling should be the brightest, by analogy with the sky. Walls - less bright, the floor should be the darkest. This technique is used to create openness and good nature;
  • the concentration of light should be in the working areas, in those places where you will spend the most time;
  • lighting should be moderate in all areas, it is better to use lamps with brightness control, so you can always adjust the lighting to the current situation;
  • the spectrum of light should match the colors of the walls and ceiling, that is, blue lamps should not be used if the walls and the stream are made in warm colors;
  • use local lighting to highlight important interior items and accessories, such as photo frames, figurines, candlesticks or decorative vases.

Bedroom - the realm of sleep and rest

The colors and lighting in the bedroom should be calm and discreet, because this room is designed for relaxation. Here it is better to use both general and local lighting. Lamps can be placed around the entire perimeter, focusing on beautiful interior items. Splendor and sophistication can add a combination of two colors, but different from each other in a maximum of one tone.

Children's room

Experts advise choosing the lightest and freshest tones for the children's room. There should not be heavy light here, it should be diffused and moderate in power. Try to equip each work area with separate local lamps. Remember that in the nursery your child not only sleeps and plays, but also does homework, develops and learns the world. Therefore, try to make this room as functional and comfortable as possible. The lamp on the desktop should be located on the left side, the light from it should not fall into the child's eyes.

Buy a night light for the nursery, its light should be as dim as possible so as not to interfere with the child's sleep. You can choose playful lamps and nightlights, perhaps you will find a sconce or lamp in the store with your child's favorite cartoon character. Keep your child's safety in mind, check electrical appliances before use.

light in the kitchen

Bright light is needed in this room, especially in work areas. sink, stove and dinner table should be well lit. Pendant lamps with moderate light are perfect for the eating area, furniture facades and countertops can be equipped with spotlights. Choose functional with the possibility of regulation, with a bendable handle. In order to give the room an aesthetic look, opt for openwork lamps, this will help create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the kitchen.

bathroom lighting

The relaxation room should be done in pastel colors, the light should emphasize the softness of the lines and the tenderness of the transitions. Hang a few small lamps near the mirror, choose weak lamps that do not blind. Place point moderate power around the perimeter. Additional accessories and interior items will help create a harmonious design and emphasize the sophistication of the room.

Correct selection lighting fixtures allows you to make the house comfortable and attractive for living. It's just that choosing lighting and its type is sometimes extremely difficult. The purchased device should decorate the room and, at the same time, increase the functionality of the living space.

Buyers are advised to make a small homework. It consists in studying the parameters of lighting devices and the possibilities of light output. A similar approach is also used by professional designers. It will allow developing cozy interior. Harmoniously combined lighting fixtures have a positive effect on the emotions of residents. The quality of lighting is a guarantee of the safety of the vision of all family members. In the end, quality lighting also plays an important role in terms of improving the safety of the building, performing a security function.

There are several available ways lighting. They depend on the operating parameters and the installation mechanism of the lighting device. Among them you can choose best option for any room.

Ambient light is the most common type of lighting. In this case, the rays of the light flux are directed at an angle relative to each other. This allows you to evenly distribute light throughout the room. Ambient lighting is soft, but sometimes it is not enough for some tasks.

The type of lighting device must be selected depending on the size of the room. Uniform illumination can be provided by both conventional light bulbs and fluorescent lamps. The form of installation is always ceiling. It is recommended to give preference to energy-saving equipment. Design can be free. This is perhaps the most extensive group of lighting fixtures. It includes both ordinary ceiling lamps and luxurious chandeliers.

Directional lighting allows the use of direct light beams. A beam of parallel beams directs light only to a specific object or to a specific point. For example, lighting can working space, furniture and other interior items. During the daytime, this type of lighting creates shadows. At night, the room will be lit only in the place where the light is directed. Lack of dispersion allows you to concentrate the lighting. It becomes extremely bright and sometimes hurts the eyes.

by the most simple example directional light is considered to be the use of a flashlight. Spotlights work on the same principle. One of the most popular lighting fixtures of our time uses this type of lighting. We are talking about spotlights. Inside their design, a flask with a special coating that reflects light is installed.

Indirect light also uses a directional form of lighting, but the luminaire will be directed upwards. The ceiling reflects light, resulting in dimmed lighting. This form of lighting is highly appreciated by designers. It can be created by sconces and spotlights. Instruments must be pointed upwards.

Mixed light is a combination of several types of lighting. Indoors, you can use at least all three forms of lighting fixtures. Installing floor lamps of different configurations or table lamps can provide the simultaneous use of diffused and directional light. These devices combine several types of lighting.

Light plays a very important role in human life, like air or water. Thanks to the right lighting, the room takes on a complete look, which is why it is so important to correctly calculate the illumination of the entire apartment and each room separately. Many factors of human life, in particular, the psychological state, depend on how well the room is illuminated. In addition, light affects the functioning of the brain, the health of our eyes. It is the quality of lighting that can positively (or negatively) affect the rest.

The main purpose of artificial lighting is to get as close as possible to natural light, to create a comfortable environment. In the process of calculating the correct illumination, it is necessary to take into account the type of light source, as well as its power.

We calculate the power of light sources

In order to roughly calculate the power of all the fixtures that you may need, you can use the following formula: P = pS/N. Conventions: p- specific power for lighting W/sq. meter (as a rule, this value is 20 W / sq. meter, since this is an average value); S- the area of ​​the room for which the lighting is calculated (in square meters); N- the number of light sources used.

Such calculations can only give approximate results, since the illumination depends on the type of room, on the selected fixtures, on your preferences and on other factors. Moreover, various types lamps (halogen, fluorescent) give different light and its amount is also different.

To make the calculations more accurate, it is necessary instead of an average value of 20 W / sq. meter to substitute the value inherent in the lighting of a particular room (living room, kitchen, nursery). So, for example, in a children's room, lighting should be equal to 30-90 W / sq. meter, in the living room - 10-35 W / sq. meter, in the bedroom - 10-20 W / sq. meter, in the kitchen - 12-40 W / sq. meter, in the bathroom - 10-30 W/sq. meter.

An example of calculating the power of lamps in a bedroom (with an area of ​​​​13 square meters): P = 15*13/3. As a result, we get that the power of each lamp for the bedroom is 65 watts.

The rooms may have both general lighting (chandeliers) and local, spot lighting (sconces, table lamps, floor lamps). And this should not be overlooked in the process of calculating the correct lighting, because each type of lamp gives a different amount of light, which differs in its brightness, shades (warm, cold tones), intensity.

It is much better to use various types of chandeliers as sources of main light in the apartment. At the same time, if you choose chandeliers with shades, then pay attention to the glass from which they are made: it must be matte. The light, passing through the frosted glass, becomes soft and diffuses throughout the space of the room, covering even the most inaccessible (and, as a rule, dimly lit corners). Today, frosted glass shades are popular all over the world.

If you want to illuminate not the whole room, but, for example, only a section working area, then you should choose lamps, the surface of which has a special reflective layer. Thus, the light will not spread throughout the room, but will concentrate on a specific area.

Which lamps to choose?

Lamps that can be used to illuminate an apartment are divided into three main types:

Incandescent lamps;

Halogen lamps;

Fluorescent lamps.

The most common are incandescent lamps. They have a low cost, but their light output and service life are also at a low level. Almost 95% of the energy that is released by incandescent lamps is spent on generating heat, so the name "heaters" is more suitable for them than "light sources".

Halogen lamps, unlike incandescent lamps, are able to convert energy much more efficiently, in addition, their service life is several times longer, and the light that comes from them is bright. The main advantage is excellent color reproduction, which is why they are used where accurate transmission is required. color shades(like a mirror).

The highest light output fluorescent lamps, as well as a huge selection of shades of light. The service life of fluorescent lamps is almost 15,000 hours. Thanks to these lamps, you can make the bedroom cozy and gentle, and the office bright and bright.

Correctly made calculation of lighting individually for each room will allow you to feel comfortable and cozy in the apartment. Moreover, right light beneficial effect on performance and health.

Lighting a room is both challenging and creative. A huge selection of lighting fixtures of various styles is amazing and allows you to show maximum imagination. But you need to take into account a few rules that will help you choose the degree of illumination of a room that will make it cozy and life comfortable.

Choosing bedroom lighting is about understanding the basic art of lighting and matching it with the theme of the room. colors. The bedroom is a secluded place that everyone decorates depending on the needs of the mood. It can be calm, romantic, bright, functional. Lighting plays one of decisive roles in creating the right atmosphere.

Size matters

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the room. This applies not only to the bedroom, but to any room. You need to choose such lamps that can illuminate all corners of the room. A common mistake is to arrange many lighting points in the hope that they will help emphasize all the details of the created layout. But in reality, everything turns out to be the opposite. As a result, one corner turns out to be illuminated excessively, and the second turns out to be in shadow. Even as decoration, all chandeliers and lamps should be in proportion to the size of the bedroom and the surrounding décor.

Harmony of styles

Bedroom lighting should also match the theme and color palette. If the room is decorated in a luxurious Hollywood style, then a cascading lamp would be an ideal choice for the centerpiece. If needed minimalist style, then you should pay attention to the lamps in niches with original floor lamps.

Tiered lighting

Several tiers of lighting cannot be replaced by any other effects. The interior is carefully thought out, including different kinds lighting that not only fulfills its intended purpose, but also emphasizes all the advantages. If the general lighting creates an atmosphere in the room, then the directional light focuses on certain details.

Innovative bedside lighting

Bedside lighting for last years became extremely diverse. It is no longer limited to simple table lamps on each side of the bed. Now they are being replaced more and more. original chandeliers and floor lamps. This frees up space by the bed, for example, you can refuse bedside tables, replacing them with other decor. At the same time, table lamps a good option to create visual symmetry. In addition, it is not at all necessary to abandon traditional approaches, sometimes time-tested options turn out to be much more advantageous than modern ones.

Playing with lighting

Unique Trait modern lighting - the presence of a dimmer. It allows you to easily change the degree of illumination in the room by simply pressing a button or screen. With the rapid development of technology, it is hoped that the possibilities of lighting will become limitless. Already now, for example, when reading a book, it is not at all necessary to illuminate the entire room.


One of the common mistakes when choosing lighting fixtures for a bedroom is to favor aesthetics over ergonomics. Of course, a floor lamp or lamp should look unique and attractive, but this does not mean that they will provide proper lighting. Will they be just as functional if other tiers of lighting are added? If you manage to pick up lamps that combine functionality and beauty, then this is good luck. If not, then you have to take into account the illumination, intensity, good angles.

colored streams

Whether it's the color of the lampshade or the color of the bulb itself, any shade can completely change the atmosphere in a room. Lampshades can be used to completely change the interior. If the background is done in neutral tones, then colored lamps can turn into a stunning color accent.