Water pipes      04/21/2019

Projects of 3-storey houses with a mansard roof. Layout of small houses for a summer residence

An attic is a significant saving on building materials and work for the construction of a full second floor, additional living space, office, children's or guest room. The attic space is used rationally and does not require special investments for the construction of walls, ceilings and interior decoration.

A private house with an attic is unique design interior layout and original appearance. Favorable construction solution relative to material costs. After all, residential square meters increase, and the construction of additional capital walls is not required. Savings are also obvious if the land plot is small. The main thing is a correctly created project.

Advantages of the attic

The attic adds living space to the house by using an additional level. The room can become great place for a workshop or smoking room, which are not always appropriate in the main part of the house. Subject to all necessary technical rules, the attic reduces heat loss from the building through the roof. The room can be decorated in an interesting, individual style, distinctive from the main composition of the house.

But there are also difficulties. Dormer windows are not cheap, and the angle of inclination and floor beams require an experienced designer's eye, otherwise the room will not be very comfortable. In addition, when snow drifts accumulate, it will not be so easy to clean windows if they are built into a pitched roof. However, there are still more advantages, and technological issues can always be resolved.

Features of building a one-story house with an attic

A simple one-story house with an attic can be built either from foam blocks or using brick or timber. Considering that the roof will be subject to negative impacts climatic factors from the outside and a certain influence from the inside, it is necessary to take care of high-quality hydro, heat, sound and vapor insulation. Ventilation must be sufficiently functional, for which free space must be left between the thermal insulation and the roof.

A strong rafter system is required. The supporting structure is made of wood or metal profiles (stone and concrete should not be used, this will create a high load on the floor). The rafters are placed at an angle of 30-60 degrees.

All elements of the attic must be strong, but light. It is best to cover the roof with soft or metal tiles or slate sheets. Since metal conducts heat too well, in cold weather the room will not be protected from serious heat loss. It is recommended to use as insulation mineral wool. Finish fences with plasterboard. For internal partitions Plywood or plasterboard sheets are suitable.

Even in small houses, the attic can always be arranged in a very original and stylish way: make windows in the roof, add decorative beams. Projects where the roof has a different angle of inclination (but not less than 38 degrees) look especially advantageous; this allows you to zone the room.

Which attics are best for a private home?

How exactly to position the attic, what size it should be and what materials will be needed depends on several factors:

  • how many people will live in the room;
  • purpose of the attic: office, playroom, bedroom;
  • period of operation: year-round or only in the warm season;
  • how the roof is designed (gable, dome, half-hip or hip);
  • what is the building itself made of? brick house, foam block, cinder block, etc.);
  • material used for floors.

The fastest and easiest would be a single-level attic under a gable roof. Minimum required additional elements designs. In this case, the gables are used as a place to install vertical windows.

However most of The area remains unused, so it is more profitable to equip the attic under a sloping roof. This will complicate the design and construction works, but all the space will be used as efficiently as possible.

The most preferable is an attic under a hip (hipped) roof. The design is quite strong and does not deform under the influence of external factors, resistant to wind and snow. But if the building is very small in size, it will not be possible to create a comfortable attic.

Projects of houses with an attic

An attic can decorate the entire private home or be its functional addition. How the floor will be equipped and located depends on the wishes of the owners and the design of the building itself.

House with a gable roof. The first floor is represented by one large room, the entire space above it is reserved for the attic. This is the simplest and most cost-effective solution if enough light comes through the windows and no additional sources of daylighting are required in the roof. In this case, the staircase is moved outside the house, which saves space. This option is suitable for country house no garage.

House with attic and terrace. Can also be considered as an option countryside holiday, and as a full-fledged residential building. In this case, the terrace does not have to be located on the attic floor. The drawing is in the photo below.

But the terrace will also look good as an element attic floor

A fairly simple project for combining an attic above a garage. Ergonomic, convenient, and does not take up unnecessary square meters land plot. The staircase can be installed both in the garage and in the main part of the house. In the first case, the car owner receives complete autonomy, which is important if you rent out the house. But designing such a building requires consultation with a professional architect in order to correctly distribute the weight across all structural elements.

Attics in cottages made of timber. Such houses are indispensable for a large family. Or even several married couples.

If desired, you can combine everything: an attic above the first floor and a terrace above the garage.

The project might look like this.

You can find a huge selection of projects of any type of complexity in the online store “Cottage Projects”

Technical requirements for attics

The roof covering should be durable, but light, so it is better to choose ondulin or metal tiles.

The attic tier is more susceptible to heat loss and condensation, which means you should not skimp on heat, waterproofing and good ventilation.

It is preferable to make internal attic partitions from plasterboard, wood and metal profile to reduce the load on the interfloor ceiling.

No matter what material the roof is made of, sound insulation will require a lot of money. Go cheap, and the sounds of rain, wind and falling snow will be heard quite loudly.

The line of intersection of sloping or sloping roofs and the facade should be located at a level of about 150 cm relative to the attic floor. With the recommended floor-to-ceiling distance of at least 2.5 m for residential premises, in the attic floor the space with such parameters should be 50% or more of the entire room.

In general, an attic can be built in any one-story house, but it is better to design its location in advance, even at the stage of creating a plan for the future structure.

Project for a house with an attic and a garage

A beautiful house project with an attic and a garage will not be too expensive if you first decide on the construction plan and the required square footage of all the premises.

If you build a house with a total area of ​​111.9 m2 and a residential area of ​​70.60 m2, plus a garage of 17.80 m2, for development individual project you will need to spend 10-25 thousand rubles.

Depending on the purpose, the attic can be built only above the garage or use the entire area of ​​the house box. What are the designs of one-story houses with an attic, the photo is given below. Ready plan with an attic, excluding the area allocated for the garage and in the absence of a basement:

First floor projection

Projection of the attic floor

In this case, the entire load falls only on the load-bearing walls of the house box.

The angle of inclination of the roof with this layout is 42-43 degrees, the height of the ridge is 8.0 m. The size of the attic is 32 m2, which can be divided into three rooms, staircase, bathroom, storage room and front room.

Project for a simple one-story house

For a house made of foam blocks with an area of ​​139-140 m2, without a garage and basement, basements and basements, the design of the attic floor can look modest and unassuming, maximally saving free space for any purpose.

In small-sized houses, in order to have more additional living space, you can arrange an attic space for comfortable living above the frame of the house and above the garage. The only exception is extensive basements. Then it is better to limit yourself to only that part of the structure where they are not.

Installation of a rafter system for a house made of timber with a gable roof

First of all, the slope of the roof must correspond to the climatic conditions of the region. Where there is frequent heavy precipitation, the roof should have a sharp slope of 50-80 degrees.

In areas with high intensity winds, on the contrary, flat roofs are suitable, which will help reduce the pressure on the roof structure.

For rafter systems under attics, the installation of mauerlats is required. These are 10x10 cm beams that ensure distribution of the roof load over the entire surface it covers. Mauerlats are placed under rafter leg or installed along the length of the entire building. Usually used wooden structures, but if the roof is supposed to be made of metal roofing, you need to use Mauerlats made of metal profiles.

The cross section of the beam is shown in the photo below.

Everything that is required to build an attic, decide on the size of the room and its purpose, develop a project, study necessary materials, their number and you can begin construction.

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If the loan is not given, you should find out the reason. For example, get your CI and study it to see if there are any delays caused by the banks. Maybe you have accumulated debt on utility bills - it needs to be paid off. After some time, you can re-apply to the microfinance organization to receive a smaller loan amount. Several consecutive small loans taken and repaid in a timely manner will improve your position in MFOs.

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A common planning solution in individual and cottage construction is the installation of an attic in the space pitched roof. The layout of a house with an attic has its own characteristics, which significantly distinguish it from the layout of a house on one level, and make the project almost identical to a two-story building.

The most important difference between the layout one-story house with an attic is the need to create a staircase to provide access to the second level. Often the developer does not understand the complexity of this planning element, treating it with disdain. This approach is a gross mistake, turning daily living in the house into an endless repetition of inconvenient and meaningless movements around obstacles.

Plan of the 1st floor of a house with an attic 9x9 Attic floor plan of the same house 9x9

The decision to construct a usable attic must be made at the design stage and the building must be designed taking into account the correct and convenient placement of the staircase on the first floor and the creation of a convenient and space-efficient exit to the second, attic floor.

Depending on the number of floors of the building, the performance characteristics of the staircase used change. The attic in a one-story building, as a rule, serves as a “quiet zone”, the premises in which are intended for night rest and daytime leisure. For such houses, it is possible to save as much space as possible on the expensive first floor by installing staircases of small width, from half a meter and above, with the most economical shape, for example, a spiral one or with a minimum platform between flights.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic 6x6

When designing the layout of a 6x6 or 8x8 house with an attic, as a rule, there are no other reasonable solutions left, since a space of about six square meters in the central part of the room falls out of the total area, since access to the attic can only be arranged in the area of ​​the roof ridge.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic 8x8

The layout of houses 8x10, 9x9, 9x12 with an attic is less sensitive to the design of the staircase assembly, since it occupies a smaller percentage of the area of ​​the entire room and fits more easily into the floor plan.

Layout of a one-story house with an attic 9×12

It is very important to understand that the space required for the staircase also includes approaches to it from various rooms, which also take up space and should be organized as conveniently as possible. Unfortunately, analyzing many modern projects, pleasing to the eye with architectural forms, as a rule, you are convinced that it is the staircase assembly that is their weak point, negating many of their advantages.

Typical layout houses with attic 10×10

Layout of a two-story house with an attic

Plan two-story house with an attic may differ from a one-story staircase with a larger area. Two-storey house implies more frequent and intensive movement across floors, so the staircase should be made flatter and wider, the landings should be of sufficient area to allow those moving in the opposite direction to pass each other.

Read also

How to make a house plan

The attic, unlike the ordinary floor of the house, has specific features. First of all, this concerns roof slopes. They create additional usable space, but they also impose restrictions on the layout.

The roof slopes, supported by load-bearing walls, limit a significant part of the room in height, preventing the use of the entire area, as is done in a regular room. As a rule, attempts are made to adapt the low cavities formed by the rafters for storing things, arranging cabinets or storage rooms. Same property attic structure limits the location of the staircase space in the house plan, since the entrance to the staircase must have a normal height, which is usually only available in the area of ​​the ridge.

The organization of lighting, insolation, and attic spaces is of great difficulty. Traditional roofs have vertical walls suitable for installing windows along the gables. But being limited to only lighting from two sides does not allow access of daylight to the central part of the attic, for example, to the stairwell.

Large skylights on the roof of the house

Therefore, a common way out of this situation is to install separate roof windows on the roof slopes. These can be independent pitched structures facing the street with their own pediment or special window systems, embedded in the roof. However, these solutions significantly complicate the roof structure, although they give the roof and the entire building greater expressiveness.

The plan of a 9x9, 10x10 house with an attic will depend on how the light openings can be placed, since the dimensions imply the presence of several rooms, the lighting of which is difficult to organize through the gables. Supporting the partitions should be done on load-bearing wall, therefore, the layout of the underlying floors will also depend on the layout of the attic.

Plan of the 1st floor of a house with an attic 9×9
Plan of the 2nd floor of a house with an attic 9×9

In addition to the described difficulties with the placement of the staircase assembly and the organization of lighting of rooms separated from the gables by partitions, one should also take into account the complication engineering systems when constructing a usable attic. The arrangement of rooms for sleeping and rest in the attic involves equipping it heating system, sewerage, water supply, with the installation of appropriate networks and premises.

If the plan of a house with an attic of up to 100 sq.m may involve minimal equipment, taking into account a smaller number of users, then with an increase in the area of ​​the house there is a need to expand sanitary and household premises, as well as to increase their number.

Unlike a conventional roof on the floor attic room loads of the same intensity as on conventional floor slabs. Therefore, when constructing an attic, you should use beams or floor panels that can support them.

Modern layout of a house with an attic area of ​​more than 150 sq. m

The attic space can sometimes be insulated only at the floor level, which allows you to significantly simplify the roof structure, make it lighter and reduce cross-sections load-bearing elements. For the attic, this option is excluded, and insulation, as a rule, is carried out directly in the plane of the rafters, under the external roofing covering. At the same time, the roof structure becomes more complicated, the loads on rafter system, which must be taken into account when designing.

For those who build a home with their own hands, just choose suitable option, material, study the drawings, which are in sufficient quantity and freely available on Internet sites.

Drawing and layout of all floors of a house with an attic

The construction of a roof for the attic floor of a house differs from additional insulation, sound insulation, and the need to install windows. Architectural developments offer many designs for symmetrical and asymmetrical attics, located both above the entire house and over some part of it.

The most common ready-made drawings for constructing an attic with your own hands are found for the following types of roofs:

  • single slope;
  • ;

    Drawing with dimensions of the attic structure

  • hipped.
  • In some cases, drawings of shed and barrel-shaped roofs, as well as more complex types of roofs with canopies and additional slopes, are also used. Such diagrams are available for free download, and doing it yourself requires skill and considerable practice in the construction business.

    Shed roofs

    European designers and builders have long been developing this type of roof for both budget family houses and more luxurious villas and buildings.

    It is customary for us to use the single-pitched roofing option mainly for outbuildings or small seasonal ones, and it is completely in vain:

    The main elements of a pitched roof will be rafters, sheathing, insulating materials, roof. The diagram looks like this:

    Projects modern houses With pitched roof for every taste can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Here are some examples.

    Simple cute European house for an average family

    Country economy option

    Original projects in the spirit of modernity

    Option for a wealthy developer

    Gable roofs are a familiar classic

    Buildings with a simple or sloping gable roof are the most common choice for construction. Such projects are attracted by their familiar appearance, which can be of different sizes. It is noteworthy that it is possible to arrange cozy attic with your own hands.

    Simple gable roof- these are two inclined planes along the long sides of the house, which meet at the top with a ridge. The scheme is accessible and simple. The angle of inclination of the slopes of such a roof can be different, but the most practical angle for draining water and snow is considered to be 45°.

    Typical house with an attic under a gable roof with an original exterior

    For spacious placement of attic rooms, the height and width of the gable roof should be quite large. More convenient in this regard is a gable sloping roof.

    The space in the attic increases significantly. Building this type of roof with your own hands is more difficult than working on a simple gable or shed roof. And the consumption of materials, insulation and insulation also increases significantly. Despite all these difficulties, the choice design solutions for external and interior design there are much more such houses.

    Presentable hipped attics

    Envelope-shaped roofs, without gables, are successful precisely because of the rich and presentable appearance of the house. Attics with four slopes successfully crown both strictly square houses (tent houses) and rectangular houses (hip houses).

    Despite the detailed drawings posted on various sites, the construction of a roof of this type has certain difficulties. However, it is possible to build such an attic with your own hands, provided that all technologies and construction skills are available.

    Free schemes hip roofs A variety of options are available to everyone, but the overall construction process is complex and expensive. However, attics made using the hip method are popular, as they make it possible to create each project unique and original.

    Rafter diagram of a hipped hipped roof

    Technologies for constructing a rafter system can be of two types:

  1. Hanging - used in the simplest cases, easy to install with your own hands, but has a small margin of safety.
  2. Inclined – more a complex system installation of slings, but at the same time the most common and durable. The service life increases and the possibility of using additional loads increases.

The hip roof allows you to use the attic of the house rationally. The hip roofs of the houses give them solidity and originality.

Hip roof scheme

Half-hip mansard roof

The design of this roof looks like a “two in one”: a regular gable roof is located above a trapezoidal hip part, or the narrow parts of the hip roof are cut off significantly compared to the long sides of the hip.

A ready-made free calculation of such a design can be found on the Internet, or you can order it from a specialized office for your individual sizes.

Diagram of a half-hip mansard roof

Such attics are in demand for houses that are built in open, ventilated areas.

An attic under a half-hipped roof has many options for arrangement. If we add to this high protection and resistance to weather conditions, it becomes clear that the high cost of building houses pays off for a long time services.

Drawings of complex structures

A variety of multi-tongs and dome roofs refer to complex types of house designs with attics. Drawings and construction of such structures with your own hands are very difficult.

House with an attic: projects, photos: layout of an 8 by 8 house with an attic will become great solution for those who seek to build inexpensive and at the same time comfortable option housing. At first it may seem that an area of ​​8x8 m will not be enough, but this is only at first glance. This space allows you to arrange a spacious living room for receiving guests and relatives or several bedrooms at once small size. It all depends on how well the layout of the house is designed.

A successful layout allows you to place all the necessary premises on a limited area

Layout of a house with an attic: advantages and disadvantages

Projects of small houses with an attic, photos of which can be found in large numbers on the pages of magazines and on the Internet, are considered by many developers as the embodiment of ideal country life. In fact, this is so, since compact cottages provide ample opportunities in matters of choosing design, layouts and finishing materials.

3D model brick house with attic

Features of the layout of houses with an attic

Cottages with an attic floor have their own specificity, which cannot be ignored during the design and construction of the building. By virtue of design features the upper part of the building is exposed to temperature changes. Therefore, the arrangement of high-quality thermal insulation is the most important stage construction, without which it is impossible to create optimal conditions for accommodation.

Weather conditions also have a negative impact on the building. To protect premises from dampness and excess moisture It is recommended to install waterproofing materials.

Roof designs for houses with an attic must take into account the characteristics of this room. For finishing and roofing works It is worth choosing lightweight materials. The same applies to the interior furnishings of the attic floor. Due to the heavy overload of the foundation part and walls of the building, cracks often occur. To avoid this, it is recommended to lighten the weight of the rooms located in the attic as much as possible.

When drawing up an attic project, you should choose plasterboard partitions and lightweight finishing materials

Helpful advice! Most often, in photos of attic layouts in a private house, you can see that this zone is formed into a single space. However, this is far from the only option for distributing internal space. If you want to divide the attic into several rooms using partitions, use drywall. This type of material is characterized by its lightweight and simple installation system.

An important role is assigned to the attic floor window structures. Despite the fact that installation of windows on an inclined plane is accompanied by high costs, this technique is completely justified.

House plans with an attic and their advantages

IN Lately popularity of house projects with ground floor and the attic increases. Developers are increasingly paying attention to such cottages, thanks to a large number the advantages they have.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic

Advantages of buildings with an attic:

  • construction and installation work allow you to achieve significant savings;
  • given that rational use the attic space can almost double the usable area of ​​the building;
  • the attic does not cause difficulties with the installation of communication systems, since everything necessary elements can be accessed from the first floor;
  • heat loss through the roof is reduced;
  • during the construction of the attic floor, residents do not have to leave the building, since the first floor remains suitable for living;
  • non-residential premises can be organized on the floor. In the photo of house plans with an attic you can see workshops, gyms, billiard rooms and other types of rooms;
  • Wide possibilities of interior design allow you to show creativity and imagination in the process of finishing and arranging the attic.

Layout of the first floor and attic

Disadvantages of frame house projects with an attic

In addition to the beneficial advantages, cottages with an attic also have disadvantages:

  • the construction of cottages with an attic floor requires full compliance with technology. Any deviations from the rules and errors with the choice of materials can cause serious consequences, namely: increased heat losses, freezing of rooms, the formation of condensation on and inside the walls;
  • Dormer windows are much more expensive than regular ones. The cost of windows is influenced not only by the size and complexity of the structure, but also by the specificity of the installation work;

Note! Compared to conventional design, cost dormer window almost 2 times more.

Dormer window - a beautiful, but expensive design

  • Natural light in the attic is very important aspect comfort. But it can be violated if there is a snowy winter outside the windows. Natural lighting prevents the proliferation of microbes and has a beneficial effect on vision, so it is very important to ensure unobstructed access sunlight into the room.

Photos of roof projects for private houses with an attic and planning features

To get reliable and beautiful house, it is necessary to develop an optimal plan for a one-story house with an attic. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the features of this construction and make the appropriate calculations:

  • the attic floor is considered an extension to the main building, which has significant weight. Therefore, it is impossible to carry out arbitrary construction without strengthening the first floor, because this can provoke the appearance of cracks and destruction of the facade of the house. If it is planned to build an attic on finished walls, then they should be strengthened;

When designing an attic you should also think about the roof and roof insulation

  • The ceiling height of the attic floor has limitations. The minimum acceptable value is 2.5 m;
  • in the photo of the projects, the roofs of houses with an attic may have different design, but this is not due to design alone. During the design process, it is very important to choose the right type of roof. A roof with two slopes can only add 67% of the usable area to that already formed by the base of the house. Broken type design increases this figure to 90%. To achieve a 100% increase in space, it is enough to raise the rafter system of the attic roof by 150 cm;
  • it is worth foreseeing in advance the key points connecting the communication systems of the first floor with the attic;
  • plan in advance the placement of staircases, windows, doors and internal partitions.

Layout of the attic floor in a private house

Helpful advice! Use finished projects and a photo of stairs to the attic in a private house as a basis for calculations and inspiration. Since the staircase occupies a significant area, it is recommended to think through every detail and select the appropriate type of structure. The product must be compact, but we must not forget about reliability, functionality and safety.

  • When building a cottage, you must adhere to all requirements fire safety. This is especially true for buildings made of wood. Be sure to calculate an evacuation plan from the attic floor and create all the conditions for this plan to be effective.

Roof of a house with an attic: photos, types of designs

There are several types of roofs of private houses with an attic, photos of which probably attracted your attention. The final cost of the project, as well as the amount of usable space on the attic floor, depends on the type of roof chosen for construction.

Types of roofs, fig. 1: 1 - single slope; 2 - gable; 3 - hip; 4 - half-hip

In the photo of one-story houses with an attic you can see the following types of roofs:

  • shed - the walls of the building have different heights, so the roof plane is attached to the supporting structures at an angle. This option roofing is considered the simplest and does not require large expenses;
  • hip or half-hip - the roof consists of 4 slopes, thanks to which the owners of the cottage can make the most efficient use of the attic area for their needs;
  • gable - the roof is formed from two slopes diverging on opposite sides of each other;
  • broken - most often such a roof can be seen in the photo brick houses with an attic. This roof has two slopes, since this type of construction is considered the most a good option for small cottages;

Types of roofs, fig. 2: 5 - broken line; 6 - dome; 7 - conical; 8 - tent

Note! The construction of a sloping roof is accompanied by additional costs, as material consumption increases. Despite the complexity of installation, this type of roofing is very popular because it allows you to create a large area interior space attics.

  • domed, conical, pyramidal - these types of roofs are quite complex and very expensive. They are used in the construction of cottages with complex structural structures.

Photos of roofs of houses with an attic and types of spaces

There are several types of attic floor space. This depends on the type of roof being installed according to the design of an 8x8 house with an attic made of foam blocks, bricks or other materials.

Single-level attic type

Types of attic spaces:

  • single-level - combined with gable and sloping types of roofs, and can also be supplemented with external consoles;
  • two-level - are the result of the use of supports of various types.

When working with projects of small houses with an attic and a garage, it is very important to correctly calculate the loads. And not only for the construction process, but also for further operation.

On the one hand, the plan of a one-story house with an attic and a garage must take into account the weight loads that arise when a car moves over the foundation part of the building. On the other hand, the presence of an attic floor requires additional reinforcement of the walls, since the main load falls on them.

Interior of a two-level attic space

Features of developing 8 by 8 house plans with an attic

Brick houses with an attic, photos of which can be found on the Internet, are not as popular as cottages made of foam blocks or wood. This trend is due to the high cost of the material and lower construction speed.

Foam blocks are very popular today because they have optimal sizes and light weight. All this was made possible thanks to innovative technology manufacturing the material by mixing foam and filler under the influence high pressure. After this, the resulting mixture is poured into special molds.

Note! The uniqueness of the technology lies in the fact that during the solidification process, tiny air bubbles are formed inside the blocks. Thanks to this, foam blocks are porous. As a result, not only the installation process is facilitated, but also the transportation of materials to the construction site.

House plan 8 by 8 with a bedroom on the second floor

If development is planned one-story project, having an attached garage, it is worth remembering that such a decision will definitely affect the facade of the house; photos of houses with an attic clearly reflect this. In this case, it will not be possible to do without a significant roof slope in order to be able to cover the attached garage.

In order to somehow balance the structure and add a small part of the lost height, you can lower the base of the garage lower than the adjacent first floor.

Photos of country houses with an attic and veranda, project features

The veranda room can be attached to the house separately. This zone is provided with its own foundation part. One of the most fashionable and popular solutions today is full glazing of the veranda. By adding greenery to this room, you can create an excellent relaxation area. If you want to increase decorative properties veranda, it is worth glazing its dome.

Single storey country house with veranda and attic

Fully open type premises are usually installed in summer houses. This space can be used as a hallway, for which a small section of area is allocated.

House with overall dimensions 8x8 m, which has both a veranda and an attic, in the future creates a considerable amount of additional usable space. An ordinary cottage would not be enough to accommodate a family of two adults and two children. Thanks to the attic on the top floor, it becomes possible to accommodate 4 bedrooms, and the veranda can be considered as cozy area recreation.

Helpful advice! Construction one-story cottage with an attic it is much cheaper than building a two-story building with a similar area. Take advantage of this.

Plan wooden house with veranda and attic floor

Attic design: photo gallery of interiors in a private house

When creating an attic design in a private house, especially if we are talking about a cottage made of wood, it is worth considering exactly how this space will be used and what the interior style will be.

Examples of successful combinations:

  1. Country style will look best in a kitchen or bedroom located on the attic floor.
  2. The bathroom and bedroom can be decorated in vintage style.
  3. The restraint of minimalism will emphasize the advantages of a nursery, office, bedroom or billiard room.
  4. Provence is suitable exclusively for kitchens and bedrooms.
  5. Eco-style is truly universal; it has no restrictions on rooms.
  6. Oriental and ethno style are suitable for bedrooms or for decorating a hookah room.