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Why do you need network storage? We choose inexpensive network storage for the home and more. Professional network storage

Hello! Due to my busy schedule, I constantly have to deal with network storage systems. Let's consider one of their varieties right now.

NAS - what is it?

NAS is short for Network Attached Storage. Translated from English as network storage. In this article I will try to explain in simple words what it is and why it is needed.

Network attached storage NAS is a network system for storing and processing data. For example, imagine a small “box” smaller than the system unit of a regular computer (PC). Using a special cable, it connects to the PC directly, or through a switch or router. After setting up the connection, this “box” can be used to store information and remote access To her.

Let me give you another suitable definition. NAS is a computer adapted for working with large amounts of information in a network mode.

Modern storage facilities have from 1 to several compartments for inserting hard drives on which information is stored, as well as a central processor (the “brain” of the device) and RAM.

NAS Features

For clarity, I will demonstrate the working interface of Western Digital My Cloud EX2 Ultra.

This is administrator mode. Users can see and use the resource in a similar way to regular network folders.

At the time of writing, the cost of a device without hard drives (HDD) in one of the online stores is 11,799 rubles. It can install up to 16 Terabytes (16384 Gigabytes) of memory for data storage. This special case. If you wish, you can find more information on the Internet. Let's move on to the general situation.

In general, repositories, depending on the type of assembly, allow you to perform several or all of the following actions.

  • Storage and processing of large volumes of data.
  • Work with files from one or more devices (computers, tablets, phones).
  • Access via local network and Internet (personal cloud service).
  • Delineation of resources and user access rights.
  • File backup.
  • Installing additional programs on the NAS. For example, an antivirus or content management system.
  • Connecting a video surveillance system.

The list is not limited to this. Much depends on the specific modification of the equipment.

And then a simpler solution appeared! Meet NAS, also known as network attached storage.

What is NAS?

In appearance, such storage seems to be a simple box with hard drives and an RJ-45 connector, but in essence it is a highly specialized computer. His the main task– saving the data of all users connected to it, as well as ensuring uninterrupted access to this information.

In addition, unlike hard drives, network storage provides a number of other useful services. For example, regular backup of data from all devices connected to it. After all, few people want to lose all the data acquired over the years due to a ridiculous computer failure.

How can this be useful?

Everything is clear with organizations; they have long learned to separate the information storage subsystem into a special structure, separate from both workstations and computing servers. How can network storage be useful at home? Below we have outlined the reasons why it is convenient, safe and practical.

1. NAS ensures the safety of data on all your family’s gadgets without exception.

Nowadays, almost everyone actively uses a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Nobody argues, they cope with their tasks, help with work and entertain, but at any moment something can go wrong with each of the devices. It is not uncommon to encounter such cases when you have to reinstall the system, mourning irretrievably lost data.

Network storage is designed to make life as simple as possible in such crisis situations. It is configured to regularly save images of the software environments of all devices in the house. Images are programs, documents, settings in one word - everything you use every day. By the way, the storage most often runs on Linux, and you can connect devices to it on any operating system - Windows, Android or MacOS.

2. NAS allows you to create your own media server

In this case, it means creating a network infrastructure that will connect all devices at home into a single network. The network data storage places photo, video, audio and other files into directories for further access to them from any authorized device. Such repositories can be not only family archives, but also, for example, a home film library.

Yes, in our time, when Internet access is cheap and fast, which allows you to watch movies directly online, collecting films on a local drive seems like a relic of the past. But do not forget that the quality of communication across our country is uneven, and residents of cottage villages located near the city, where the Internet often suffers from failures and slow speeds, especially suffer from this. In this case, a NAS is simply necessary - to watch your favorite movie in high quality, without being distracted by anything.

3. NAS is a help for freelance professionals

Another option for using NAS at home is creating a large archive-portfolio. This is especially important for photographers, videographers, editors or composers. After all, the amount of “raw” material at an incredible speed fills up space on all available local data storages. For photographers, these are raw materials in RAW format, for people working with video, they have terabytes of footage in 4K, and for musicians, they have a music library with many arrangement options.


We will not describe options for corporate solutions related to data encryption and increased security. This has long been understood and widely used by everyone.

The trick is that the device is designed to make life easier both at work and at home. The versatility of NAS is that it can be supplemented at the software level with any functions, depending on the user’s needs. In MOYO stores you can choose network storage that will help you make your life easier and more convenient.

With the increase in megapixels of photo and video cameras, the problem of storing home media content increasingly arises for a large number of PC users. Of course, hard drives today are not that expensive, and their volume is measured in terabytes, but this is not enough.

There are several options for expanding the capacity of available disk space. If you have an ordinary “large” computer, then the easiest way is to install new hard drives into it. A more universal way is to use external drives. However, the most convenient (and expensive) would be to install a network drive on your home local network.

It will allow you to have constant access from any PC or player to the entire media library, store backup copies of documents and system partitions of computers, exchange files via the Internet without the participation of a PC, and much more. In addition, these devices are distinguished by their small size (compared to a PC) and low power consumption and noise. So if you don't have a cottage with a couple utility rooms, then a compact network storage device can be a very good choice. By the way, there are even models for 2.5-inch hard drives.

Since our network already includes a router, we just need to select the desired NAS model and connect it to the network. For novice users who are not sure about the need for tens of terabytes, it is best to look at devices with one or two hard drives installed. Today they are the most optimal for home use. And if there is not enough space, you can connect external USB or eSATA drives to them. If you already understand in advance that a couple of disks are definitely not enough, there are models with 4, 5, 6 or more disks. True, their cost is relatively high. Most devices are sold without hard drives, so you will need to purchase them separately. For reference, it is best to refer to manufacturers' compatibility lists. In this case, there is no point in chasing the fastest hard drives. It's better to select them according low level power consumption, heating and noise.

It is also worth mentioning the possibility of using a separate dedicated regular PC as a NAS. But in this material we will talk specifically about ready-made network drives.

Almost all devices are connected to the network via a gigabit connection, since the 10-12 MB/s that FastEthernet provides is already within the capabilities of the most simple models and today they look completely frivolous.

Linux is usually used as the embedded operating system, but there are also options with Windows Home Server. In the second case, the server is practically no different from a home PC, only communication with it occurs exclusively over the network. WHS is equipped with high-quality documentation and numerous “helpers”, so it won’t be difficult to figure it out. Most of the information later in this article does not apply to this option.

If you are afraid of communicating with Linux, then in fact there is nothing complicated in this case - the user has access to a convenient web interface through which you can configure all the necessary parameters and functions. But if you get to the command line, you can work with the device almost like a regular computer.

In addition to the operating system, it also makes sense to pay attention to the capabilities of the device. Currently, in addition to regular file storage, network drives provide media server services, file downloading, remote access, and others.

As for the hardware platform and performance, models on x86-compatible processors belong to the most productive (and expensive) segment; ARM processors with a frequency of 1000-1600 MHz are in the center, and low-end ARMs usually close the line. In reality, it is worth looking not at the platform itself, but at the results of its specific implementation, since much can be achieved by optimizing the software shell.

The efficiency of additional services depends on the amount of RAM, so we would recommend choosing devices with 256 MB or higher if you plan to use more than just network file access. Although for the first acquaintance, 64 or 128 MB is quite enough. Just don't expect too much from them.

This time we are using the DS210+ model from one of the most popular manufacturers in this market segment - Synolog. This two-disk device, in addition to implementing network file storage services, also has many additional functions and can be very useful for both home and office use.

It should be noted that usually all manufacturers have almost the same firmware capabilities for all models in the line and are updated simultaneously. For a more complete look at Synology devices, check out our recent review of the DS710+.


Most often, network drives are sold without hard drives and the user needs to purchase and install them themselves. There is nothing complicated here - you open the case or take out the frames, screw the disks into place and assemble the structure.

The only note here is that it is advisable to first make sure that there is no information on the hard drives and that the partition table is empty. Otherwise, there may be errors when installing the firmware. Also, do not forget that all models of network drives necessarily require reformatting for their internal drives and simply installing existing drives and saving data will not work.

Firmware installation

After this, you usually need to go through the process of installing the firmware on the NAS. This is done using the bundled utility, in our case Synology Assistant. It is best to download both the firmware and the program from the manufacturer’s website. This will ensure that you are using the latest versions. But you can simply insert the supplied optical disc into the PC drive - all the necessary information is recorded on it. If the drive came with hard drives, then the firmware is already installed in it and this step can be skipped.

Network settings

In most cases, no special network settings are required on the drive. It receives addresses from the router via DHCP; the name suggested by the manufacturer is often suitable. But if necessary (for example, if you want to specify a new name or deny the drive access to the Internet by removing the default router address from the settings), you can use the “Control Panel - Network” page. You can also enable support for Jumbo Frames here.

Selecting disk configurations

After installing the firmware, you must select the hard drive configuration (in some cases, it is created simultaneously with the installation of the firmware). If there is more than one, then you can choose one of the RAID array options. Brief comparative characteristics the main ones are listed in the table. In the volume formula, N is the number of disks, S is the volume of one of them (it is assumed that the disks are the same, in most cases this is necessary for optimal operation).

ModeNumber of disksOverall volumeprosMinuses
Individual disks (Basic)1 SMaximum independenceNo fault tolerance, no possibility of combining disks
JBOD2 or moreS×NSingle array of maximum volume
RAID02 or moreS×NMaximum speedIf one disk fails, all information is lost
RAID12 SSmall usable volume
RAID53 or moreS×(N−1)Fault tolerance to single disk lossRequires 3 or more disks, low write speed on weak systems

Some manufacturers, in particular Synology, reviewed here, provide their own RAID implementations with a simplified configuration - when to expand the array you just need to add disks or change it to a more capacious one.

Most models allow you to create several arrays at once, and the only limitation is the number of disks. For example, if there are four of them, then you can make a RAID1 mirror out of two, and assemble the second pair into RAID0.

Please note that the firmware itself is installed on each of the disks, this allows you to increase fault tolerance and implement the ability to migrate and expand arrays without losing data by sequentially replacing disks in RAID1/RAID5.

In addition to the system partition, there is usually also a swap partition, so the total volume useful to the user is somewhat smaller. But a loss of 2-4 GB on 1 TB disks is not very significant.

To format hard drives, you must first go to the device’s web interface. This can be done from Synology Assistant or simply by opening the drive's address/name in the browser. After entering your name and password, you will have access to the settings.

Next we move on to setting up disk volumes. If you have one hard drive, then there is also only one option - “Basic”; more precisely, there is also “Synology Hybrid Raid”, which automatically selects the most convenient disk configuration and allows you to easily add new disks without losing information. For the two-disc model under consideration, it is somewhat redundant. So if you install two disks, then it is better to choose classic JBOD - combining two disks into one big volume, RAID0 - a striped array for combining into one volume and increasing performance, or RAID1 - two disks are mirror copies of each other, providing fault tolerance to the failure of one of them, although the useful volume in this case is equal to one disk. Sometimes it’s even better to simply make two independent “Basic” volumes, and for important data set up automatic backup from one disk to the second.

IN latest versions Synology firmware makes it possible to divide each disk into several parts and organize arrays from them. This significantly increases configuration flexibility. Since other manufacturers do not have this option (yet?), we will do everything the old fashioned way - one disk per volume.

In the last step, the device will offer to completely scan the array for bad blocks after creation. Despite the fact that modern hard drives are exceptionally reliable, it is better not to give up on this.

Creating Shares and Defining Rights

The next step after creating the disk volume will be programming system users. Of course, you can try to work exclusively under the administrator account, but this is not very convenient. The second extreme would be to allow guest access, so no verification will be performed at all. But we would still recommend using “ full version» - with names and access control.

The most convenient option logins and passwords will be used that are completely identical to Windows accounts. This will eliminate unnecessary requests when accessing network resources. It would also be useful to create users for example for media players, so that they could be given read-only rights to some resources to avoid the risk of data loss. And don't forget to change the NAS administrator password.

If there are many users, you can also use group organization for more simple controls rights. This is usually overkill for a home.

User rights are not granted entirely to the created disk volume, but to the shared folders located on it. So they also need to be programmed. In some cases, they automatically appear after creating a volume or turning on certain services (for example, a media player).

In our case, we will make a public folder and assign rights to it to our users.

Accessing the drive from a PC

After the operations described above, the main scenario of a network drive - reading and writing files over the network - can already be used.

Let's remember a little practical features Windows networks. The main modern network protocol - TCP/IP - allows participants only to exchange packets. So, to implement various services on top of it, you need to use protocols more high level. Without going into detail - "Network"/"Network Neighborhood" in Windows, CIFS, SMB, SAMBA - all this means the ability to share files between network devices and network printing. The implementation of this protocol is possible not only on Windows PCs, but also, for example, media players, televisions, satellite receivers, IP video cameras and, of course, other operating systems, such as Linux or Mac OS (a similar “standard/common” protocol for this OS is called AFP ). In most cases, these protocols only work on the local segment of your home network.

To access a resource, you need to know the name of the server and the name of the shared folder on it. In Windows Explorer, just write “\ServerFolder” in the address bar and you will be taken to the Folder folder located on the Server server. In our case, you need to write “\DiskStationpublic”. If your user name and password in Windows are recorded in the NAS and you have rights to this folder (or guest access is enabled), then you will see its contents; if not, the server will ask for a name and password. Please note that in a Windows network, different resources on the same server can only be accessed with one username and password at one time.

It is often convenient to have local "letters" always connected to access network resources. This is also easy to do - open “\DiskStation” in Explorer, click the left mouse button on the “public” icon and select “Connect”. If there is a checkmark in the “Restore at logon” window, you will always have access to this shared folder at the selected letter (if the drive is, of course, turned on). By the way, you can also use Synology Assistant for this operation.

Advanced NAS Settings

We will briefly describe what other actions should be taken after the first start of the network drive.

It may turn out that your home network uses a workgroup name other than the classic “WORKGROUP”. Then it is advisable to change it on the network drive as well. This is done in the Windows protocol settings - “Control Panel - Win/Mac/NFS”. If the network storage device is the only constantly working device, then you can activate the “Local Master Browser” function on it, which will increase the stability of the Windows network environment. You can always find a device by name or IP address, but the actual list of them in the “Network” window can sometimes be incomplete.

If you plan to provide access to the NAS from the Internet, then it is advisable to enable automatic locking when you try to guess the password. This will allow you not to be afraid of attacks from novice hackers.

It is also necessary to enable access to the web interface via the encrypted HTTPS protocol, and it is advisable to even indicate that its use is mandatory. This is done on the “Control Panel - DSM Settings” tab.

Please note that most modern browsers will most likely complain about the network storage when working with HTTPS. The fact is that the SSL certificate it uses is “self-signed”, that is, it is impossible to verify its origin through global certificate authorities. Typically, in this case, the browser will prompt you to include this server in the “trusted” list on its own. To work in the commercial segment, you can install a certificate officially received from a trusted authority into your network storage device.

Like a router, the NAS can send email messages if problems arise. This option can be used with many public email services that support SMTP.

Most devices have options for power management - for example, turning off hard drives in case of inactivity or even programming an operating schedule. The debate about which operating mode - constant or with shutdowns - is more “useful” for a hard drive still continues to this day. It is impossible to give definite advice here. We would recommend looking at the situation - if the drive is used more than a couple of times a day, it is better to leave the drives turned on. In reality, modern disks are very reliable and if they are not dropped while they are on, they last a very long time both in time and in on/off cycles.

By the way, to increase reliability, we highly recommend connecting the network storage device (and other equipment too) through a source uninterruptible power supply. You can select its model using the NAS compatibility lists, then when connecting devices via USB, the UPS will be able to report problems to the drive and, if necessary, safely turn it off.

Accessing files from the Internet

As an exercise in using a router and NAS together, we will describe one of the options for organizing full and secure access to your files from the Internet.

Synology has a very convenient option for this - the built-in file manager FileStation. It requires HTTPS to be enabled. The port can be left at the default 7001, but in the case when the router cannot work with different external and internal ports, it is better to change it to something less “usual”.

Synology's user rights controls also apply to additional services, so you need to make sure that FileStation is authorized for the right people.

The next two steps are carried out on the router. First, we assign a hard-bind MAC address of the NAS to one of the IP addresses in the LAN range on the DHCP server properties page. This will allow us to be sure that the IP address will not change after reboots.

Well, the final touch is the purpose of broadcasting the external port to FileStation. In our example, we selected external port 39456 and transferred it to internal 7001 to the address of the network storage device.

This completes the setup. Now, from anywhere on the Internet, you can access your files through a browser by typing the link “https://myhost.homedns.org:39456” in the address bar (the address is taken as an example from the previous article) and specifying the user name and password

IN next material We will look at working with additional network storage services.

Which must be stored on a hard drive, grows at an amazing speed for any user. Those memory volumes that seemed unrealistically large just a year ago are now filled in a few weeks. And if for home use you can solve the problem for some time by purchasing another hard drive, then for organizations and enterprises, for those who have large

Since large amounts of memory are needed for professional activities, the only solution can be network storage. This system also ensures its security, which is also quite important.

In practice, network storage is a specialized one that is selected in such a way as to optimally solve the assigned tasks: storage and This system also provides quick and convenient access to the necessary data. It is quite possible to convert an old computer for home use, but this option has only one advantage: a relatively low price. But there are many more disadvantages: problems may arise

with installation of new disks, their cooling, administration. Often the motherboard of a regular computer does not allow connecting two Ethernet inputs or a second power source. All this does not make it possible to industrially use such homemade storage facilities.

Large corporations specializing in the production of computer equipment have developed special computers - network storage. They differ mainly in the number of disk installation locations (slots). It is traditionally believed that the more drives you can install, the higher the class of the device, but this is not always true. There is also such a criterion as a list of capabilities, software and design.

The convenience of using network storage is determined by the way the disk is installed: the more high class has a device, the more comfortable and easier it is to insert/remove the element. When choosing network storage, pay attention to the presence of a cooling system and the quality of its performance. The comfort of use mainly depends on these two parameters. Of course, you also need to take an interest in the software. Today, NAS is mostly Linux-based. Microsoft lags behind its main competitors: its products place quite high demands on the hardware with which it will work. The mistake made by the developers, which can lead to the loss of stored information, does not add to the popularity of Microsoft's creations. But Linux can also bring surprises: sometimes mysterious symbols appear in unexpected places that can frighten the average user. In general, choose what you like best. Sometimes additional features may influence your choice: an NAS may have several additional communication options. As a rule, these are USB ports through which you can connect flash drives, additional drives, printers, and other devices. Usually there are two Ethernet ports, but there are also more exotic options.

Ilya 15193

Network data storage is a system for storing large volumes of information with independent software, storage means (drives) and communication means, designed as a separate block. Network storage is an element of a local network at home or office, designed for constant access to confidential (personal or business) information.

The software is used to organize the recording, storage and distribution of information. The program includes the following programs:
internal operating system (GAS, NAS);
data protection (antivirus);
data exchange (protocols such as Fiber Channel and/or encryption);
organizing RAID arrays to increase system reliability;
other service programs.

Storage devices are large-capacity hard drives (drives) (3…5 pcs.), placed in one block. The storage operating system does not allow creating logical disks, i.e. The system installed on one of the hard drives turns off this drive from the list of storage drives. The solution to the problem is to use a bootable flash card or another solid-state drive (SSD-class drives).

Communication means determine the way the storage communicates with the user. Communication options:
Wired - LAN (WAN) connection via TCP/IP protocol. File requests are processed by the internal processor to the NAS command level. Allows a distance of up to 10 km from the user.
Wireless network storage WiFi is built using standard technologies, but is limited by the power of transceiver devices and is overloaded with information security measures during transmission.

The scope of application is practically unlimited - from storing multimedia files to collecting information from controllers of continuous-wave devices technological process or images from CCTV cameras. The important thing is that information enters the storage without going through user processors. This is achieved by processing it by an internal processor.

Device selection

Like all computer equipment, this sector of the market does not stand still. Offers and opportunities will drive any inexperienced user crazy. First of all you need:
1. Determine the need for such a device, based on the assigned tasks or needs;
2. Determine the required device options based on the number and characteristics of connected users;
3.Set the technical architecture of the system (number and volume of disks, depending on the type of information and its significance);
4.Set a price range;
5. Provide for the possibility of expanding the system or upgrading it.

Undoubtedly, network storage (in the basic configuration: disk drive, 2..3 USB ports, network port) is a serious and prestigious thing. But on simple example you can see how the price changes depending on the options, all other things being equal, in the lowest price range. WD My Book Live 2 TB (NAS): type - external HDD 2 TB; interface - Ethernet, DLNA; price - 5950 rub. Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 2 TB (NAS): type - network storage; interface -Ethernet, DLNA, print server, USB; price 8490 rub. Adding two options increases the cost by 30%, and this is a reason for analysis.

Advantages and alternative

Network-attached storage has a number of advantages. The most important of them is unloading the hardware capacity of the user's computer from routine operations: reading and writing large amounts of information, managing the progress and monitoring of network operations on the Internet or local networks, recording and playing multimedia information.

The development of high-speed data transmission systems over Internet networks and the creation of high-capacity information storage systems has led to the emergence of specialized storage facilities - file hosting. On a paid basis, they provide services for secure storage of information, services for structuring and retrieving information. Individual hosting companies act as intermediaries in the sale/purchase of information belonging to the user, if there is demand. Hosting can be used to store information that is not vital or to drown the most important information in a sea of ​​data, leaving the key for yourself.

Of course, both directions will receive further development, each in its own market segment.

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