Well      03/31/2019

Spring feeding of plants: suitable fertilizers, norms, special cases. Proper soil fertilization

In the spring, along with the awakening of nature, summer residents also become more active, because the hot season is coming. To obtain good harvest autumn, must in early spring prepare the soil for future beds by choosing the right fertilizers in required quantities. At the same time, the needs of the crops with which they plan to plant the beds are taken into account. Experienced gardeners know how to fertilize the garden in the spring and how to do it correctly. A similar question arises, as a rule, for beginners who decide to master the science of growing vegetables and flowers on their site. The need to fertilize the land is dictated by the annual depletion of resources. If you do not enrich the soil with useful nutrients, then the yield will decrease every year.

Timing of fertilization in the spring

Experts consider the spring season the most favorable time for introducing all types of fertilizers into the soil: organic, necessarily pre-prepared, mineral, taken in strictly defined doses, as well as their mixtures. They begin the procedure for fertilizing garden soil after the completion of the melting of the snow cover. Some amateur gardeners practice spreading fertilizer over the snow, but with this method, the applied substances can “float away” from the site along with melt water.

Fruit trees can be fertilized without waiting for the near-stem soil to completely thaw. Vegetable and flower crops are recommended to be fed immediately before planting. In order not to forget what fertilizers, where and when to apply, you need to make a plan in advance. In this case, all plants are guaranteed to receive the necessary trace elements in the optimal amount for their development. When fertilizing, you can not act on the principle: the more the better. Because organic and mineral substances introduced in excess can adversely affect the condition of the crops grown. Special care is required mineral fertilizers and mixed fertilizers. When working with these types of fertilizers, you must follow the doses indicated on the label.

What are fertilizers

Fertilizers are organic, mineral and organomineral.

  • organic

Organic fertilizers are divided into two groups: plant residues and fertilizers of animal origin. Vegetables include: peat, composts. For animals: manure and droppings. When organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, its structure improves significantly. This contributes to the reproduction of living organisms, which are of great benefit, both for the soil itself and for plants. To date, it is recommended to make organic fertilizers using compost. It is very easy to prepare. Spread straw 15 centimeters thick over an area of ​​10 square meters. Then a layer of manure 20 centimeters. Then a layer of peat is also 15-20 centimeters. On top of this, sprinkle lime and phosphate rock, mixing them one by one. For each square meter pour 50-60 grams. From above, add another layer of manure 15-20 centimeters. Cover all this with a thin layer of earth. This compost must be aged for 7-8 months and only then it can be used. The advantages of organic fertilizer: the first - it increases the fertility of the soil, the second - improves its structure, the third - ensures the presence of living microorganisms. But there are also disadvantages. The first one is nutritional imbalance. The second - its concentration is still unknown. Third - content a large number weed seeds. Fourth, there is a great danger of contracting diseases. Fifth, organic matter inherently absorbs and attracts toxic substances. And the sixth is the most dangerous, these fertilizers absorb radionuclides.

  • mineral

Mineral fertilizers, compared to organic fertilizers, contain a higher concentration of nutrients, but are simpler in chemical composition. The formulas of mineral fertilizers do not always accurately reflect the true composition, in addition to the active substance, there are always minor impurities and additives.

Mineral fertilizers are of two types:

  • Simple
  • Complex

The concept of simple fertilizer is conditional, as a rule, chemical formula such a fertilizer suggests the presence in it of additional chemical elements, which are in very small quantities compared to the main one.

As part of complex fertilizers, not one, but two or three main chemical elements in high concentrations, as well as a lot of additional ones in small quantities.

Industrial mineral fertilizers are produced in special packaging, which indicates the name, chemical formula and nutrient content in it. As a rule, instructions for use for various crops are printed directly on the packaging.

Mineral fertilizers differ not only in composition, but also in other characteristics: solubility in water, hygroscopicity. If fertilizers absorb moisture from the air too quickly, soon the powder or granules will cake, stick together into a lump. To prevent this from happening, you need to store mineral fertilizers in a closed container. Plastic bottles are ideal for storing fertilizers. Be sure to stick the name of the fertilizer and the label on the bottle (you can put it in a file and stick it with tape).

By composition, mineral fertilizers can be classified as follows:

  • nitrogen fertilizers
  • Phosphate fertilizers
  • potash fertilizers
  • Complex fertilizers
  • Microfertilizers

  • Organo-mineral

Such dressings, as the name already suggests, are a complex mixture consisting of two types of components. Humus or manure (chicken, horse, cow) is usually used as their organic component. All these elements are able not only to fill the deficiency of nutrients in the soil, but also to improve its structure. However, unfortunately, such dressings contain far from the entire complex of macro- and microelements. Therefore, they are supplemented with various mineral components. These can be potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. All these substances are absorbed by plants very well and in a short time, and therefore, they have a quick effect in terms of gaining green mass by crops, development of ovaries and fruits. View needed by plants macro-, microelements depends on their age, type of soil on the site, etc. Thus, organo-mineral fertilizers simultaneously improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with all the necessary crops, moreover, with quickly digestible nutrients.

Varieties of organomineral compositions There are several types of such fertilizers: granular; liquid; complex mixtures; humic mixtures. Liquid organomineral fertilizers are used for top dressing cultivated plants foliar method, that is, abundantly sprayed green mass. This method allows you to get an almost instant effect. All other varieties of organomineral dressings are mostly embedded in the soil. If you plan to combine organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers, then the proportion of the latter should be reduced.

In the absence of organic fertilizers, use mineral fertilizers. Don't be afraid that your vegetables will have elevated levels of nitrates. If you do not abuse, but use the recommendations printed on the package, then nothing terrible will happen. An increase in nitrates can also be obtained by using organic matter too diligently. If you are an ardent opponent of mineral fertilizers, then you can use sod land during planting.

Only this work is very laborious. The essence of this method lies in the fact that it is necessary to dig a layer of turf to a depth of a shovel bayonet and beat the ground on the shovel handle directly onto the garden bed (or into a prepared container), and then dig shallowly. Of course, you can’t plant a large area in this way, but it’s quite possible to prepare a couple of beds. In the spring, you can bury last year's grass and leaves right into the garden (but not from city streets) - gradually rotting in the ground, they will provide the plants, albeit incomplete, but with some kind of nutrition. Ash should also be added there. Compost will be the best substitute for manure, but the process of preparing a full-fledged compost is very long - two or three seasons, and therefore, if you have trouble with manure in the future, take care of its preparation now.

Autumn is the time to lay the crop for next year, so you need to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. The fertility of the land largely depends on the introduction of nutrients into it in the fall.

The amount and type of fertilizer depends on the type of soil and vegetation on it. The most optimal feeding time is September or October. If there are no organic fertilizers, chemistry helps out.

Mineral fertilizers are applied on the plots:

  • containing nitrogen - urea, ammonium sulfate, saltpeter different types;
  • phosphorus - phosphate rock, superphosphate, tomasslag and others;
  • potash supplements - potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, wood ash, potassium salts in the range;
  • complex, consisting of several of the most popular trace elements.

Nitrogenous fertilizers are used in autumn period when growing vegetables with a late ripening period.

Organic waste - sawdust can be used to loosen both heavy clay soils and light sandy ones. Although sawdust rots extremely slowly, they help retain moisture, serve as an excellent mulch, and contribute to the creation of friability of the fertile layer. When using sawdust, it should be borne in mind that they oxidize the soil layer.

How to feed garden plantings

Trees in the garden require additional nutrition after the end of fruiting. Top dressing, which is applied before winter, should help the plant develop as much as possible and not be washed out by precipitation until spring. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the growth of plantings, which is not required at all for winter time, therefore it is not recommended to add nitrogen to the soil layer in autumn.

But calcium in the form of liming or dolomite flour, resistant to ordinary water, is necessary for plants - it regulates the acidity of the soil. Also, the mineral contributes to the reproduction of microorganisms living in the earth, which create a fertile layer. Clay is especially useful, as its structure improves and oxygen is supplied to plants.

Stone fruit crops require a normal or slightly acidic soil reaction, in which they develop better and form a bountiful harvest.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


The need of plantings for magnesium can also be satisfied by feeding plants with dolomite flour before winter. The fertilizer contains 9-20% magnesium carbonate, which is quite enough for garden trees and shrubs with the correct calculation of the required amount of funds. feed fruit trees follows with the help of excavated grooves along the perimeter of the crown. For an adult apple tree, it is enough to apply 700-1100 g of dolomite flour to a depth of 10-15 cm. The groove must be covered and compacted upper layer. Do not mix fertilizer with manure or compost, as nitrogen is formed, which evaporates in the form of ammonia vapors.

Fertilizer can also be applied in a trench dug along the planting row if the plants are planted too close together. The depth of the ditch should be at least 25 cm, the bottom of which should be well moistened for better action nutrients to plants.

The trunk circles of young trees can be overlaid with a thick layer of peat, which at the same time will protect the roots of plantings from the effects of cold weather and provide the plant with useful substances.

It is useful to add 100 g of superphosphate for each fruit-bearing tree, dropping it into trunk circle to a depth of no more than 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system.

Phosphate fertilizers help perennials survive the winter due to the formation of a powerful root system and increased frost resistance. From potassium supplements to winter time chlorine is washed out, which negatively affects many plants.

How to increase the fertility of clay soils

To make clay soil more permeable to air and fertile, fertilizing from manure introduced in the fall will help. Acidic soil requires liming at the rate of 300-600 g of lime per square meter of land. It is recommended to restore normal acidity once every 3 years by digging the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet.

Organics should be applied the next year, in spring or autumn, so as not to lose nitrogen. Poor clay soils are recommended to be fertilized with fresh manure, scattering it over the surface. Per square meter of area requires 3 kg of organic matter. Heavy soils require the introduction of horse, sheep or rabbit manure, they loosen the soil better. Also in the fall, bird droppings are brought into the clay, scattering it over the ground.

If there is no fresh manure, green manure can be sown immediately after harvest. Plants grow voluminous green mass in a short period. In the phase of milky ripeness of seeds, vegetable fertilizer should be mowed and dug into the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. During the winter, green manure can loosen the clay area, giving food to soil microorganisms.

How to improve the fertility of clay soil?

Mainly used annual plants in order to provide the soil layer with organic matter as much as possible. For clay soils, it is optimal to use rapeseed plantings, the root system of which is able to loosen heavy soils.

What to do to increase fertility on sandy soils

Sandy soil practically does not hold the applied fertilizers. To improve its structure, cow or pig manure is introduced in autumn, green manure crops are sown, and lupine is considered the best for sandy soil. Its root system draws from the depths of the earth useful material: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements that accumulate in the green mass. When digging mowed plants, the substances gradually pass into the ground, increasing its fertility.

Effectively enrich the soil with useful substances contained in soddy soil, the layers of which lie on the surface of the site with grass down. From above they are covered with manure, droppings, straw, sawdust or other types of organic matter. In the spring, the soil is dug up, and the planted plants are supplied with nutrients.

If mineral fertilizers are applied in autumn, then precipitation dissolves granular minerals, contributing to a better supply of soil with nutrition. The most common use of phosphate rock, superphosphate, sulfate and ammonium chloride, sulfate and potassium chloride.

It is recommended to apply 60-120 g of mineral fertilizers per square meter of surface. If organic matter is included, the dose should be reduced by a third. Depending on the amount of fertilizers applied and crop rotation, the frequency of necessary top dressing changes. If you add a lot of organic matter, then the next time you can feed the soil in a year or two. Manure for fertilizer requires 300-400 kg per hundred square meters, then next year in the fall you can skip feeding.

What is the benefit of plant fertilizer

When it is not possible to get organic matter, you can purchase a special complex of mineral fertilizers in the distribution network, designed for a certain type of plant. The packaging should be marked when the plants should be fed.

Mineral fertilizers help perennials:

  • more successfully resist frost and cold in winter;
  • the formation of the root system;
  • earlier flowering and fruiting;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

In order for the complex of microelements to be assimilated by the plant as much as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly water the soil layer before introducing micronutrients.

Each gardener-gardener himself chooses when and how to restore fertility, so that the plants respond with an increase in yield for the care shown.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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Spring is the most responsible and hot time for fertilizing the soil. This period is the base for obtaining a high and high-quality harvest in the fall. The abundance of fruit-bearing crops cannot be ensured without proper plant nutrition. Any, even the most fertile soil, is depleted over time, which directly affects the condition of the plants. To fertilize in the spring means to create the maximum favorable conditions for plant nutrition throughout the growing season. Active growth and development of plant crops provide different types of fertilizers. How to balance spring top dressing, which fertilizer to choose and how to optimally combine it with other types of agrochemicals - will be detailed in the article.

Importance of spring fertilization

In spring, plants begin an active growing season. The plant wakes up after a deep winter state of dormancy, when metabolic processes and active growth were inhibited. In this difficult period of recuperation, help is needed in the form of additional feeding of the plant organism. It is spring fertilizer that starts the process of active interaction between the plant and soil microorganisms. This symbiosis allows for efficient growth and development of plants.

The main thing is to choose the right spring top dressing, which the plant badly needs. Fertilizers applied to the soil in spring enrich it with useful nutrients. Receiving a full and balanced diet in full, the plant will surely please with an abundance of high-quality crops.

In spring, both organic and mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil. Gardeners independently choose a certain type of top dressing, taking into account the type of soil, the characteristics of growing a particular crop, and other factors. Most often, a competent combination of different types of fertilizers is practiced.

Spring fertilization timing

  • Agricultural chemists determine spring period optimal time for additional feeding. Organic fertilizers are usually prepared in advance; mineral - carefully calculate the required dosage. The procedure for fertilizing the land is started in early spring, after the final melting of the snow. It is not advisable to distribute fertilizers over the snow cover, since during melting most of top dressing can "wash off" from the site.
  • The most optimal time for applying fertilizers to the soil is before spring plowing. Apply those types of dressings that are especially necessary for plants "at the start".
  • Feeding fruit trees, you can not wait until the near-stem soil has completely thawed. But vegetable and flower crops are recommended to be fertilized just before planting.
  • Experienced gardeners plan in advance a plan for applying the fertilizers needed in the spring so that all plants receive important trace elements in the optimal amount for their development.
  • In this case, in no case, you can not use the axiom: "the more, the better." An excess of organic and mineral substances adversely affects the state of grown crops. Therefore, it is important to know the main features of the use of all types of fertilizers.

Types of fertilizers.organic fertilizer in spring

The group of organic fertilizers is represented by substances of natural origin. These include: manure, bird droppings, compost, sawdust, straw, peat, ash, etc. Organics is a cheap, affordable and very effective raw material for plant nutrition. Participating in the additional loosening of the soil, organic components enrich it with essential microelements and nutrients. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc. provides a balanced plant nutrition. Harvest them in advance - in the fall, and apply organic fertilizers in early spring.


The constituent unit of manure is the excrement of farm animals. It has a characteristic smell and texture. One of the oldest varieties of fertilizers. Fresh manure is one of the valuable fertilizers, although it also has significant drawbacks. Apply fresh manure with caution for most crops. It is able to inhibit the plant organism and even (with an overabundance) lead to its death. This is due to the presence of aggressive substances and urea in it. In addition, it contains weed seeds, spores of bacteria and fungi.

  • It is better to use already rotted manure as a valuable top dressing for plants and restoring soil fertility. Everything in this form harmful substances disappear. For proper storage manure provide a special place. Manure is constantly compacted during storage to remove excess air and create favorable conditions for the development of the appropriate microflora. There are 4 stages of manure decomposition, the final stage of which is humus (after 1-2 years). In my own way appearance, it resembles a loose earth mass.
  • In autumn, manure can be applied at the 2nd-3rd stage of decomposition, in spring it is better in the form of humus. It is scattered over the site and dug up along with the ground. Sometimes they do without digging, evenly distributing the substrate over the surface of the earth and breaking up large particles. For example, lawn grass fertilize until seedlings emerge. If manure is not enough to fertilize the entire land, it is covered directly in the holes with the plant.
  • On average, the amount of fertilizer applied is determined from the calculation: 1 bucket per 1 square meter of soil. fruit trees and berry bushes especially well perceive such top dressing.
  • Slurry is a valuable nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. The low content of phosphorus makes it possible to combine it with superphosphate (10-15 g per liter of slurry). Use slurry as liquid feed diluted with water 1:5.
  • The introduction of manure favorably affects the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, so it is indispensable for soil mulching. Also, thanks to this organic component, plants absorb mineral fertilizers better. Thus, this type of organic fertilizer is a universal spring top dressing.

bird droppings

Chemical composition bird droppings defines it as one of the most valuable types among organic fertilizers. Chicken and pigeon droppings are considered especially valuable. In its pure form, bird droppings are practically not used. Apply its aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:2, which is infused for about 4 days. Then the resulting concentrated solution is again diluted with water, already 1:10.

This top dressing surpasses manure in its nutritional qualities. And the speed of action of the constituent components is not inferior to mineral fertilizers. Among the shortcomings - during storage it loses its valuable properties.


They cook it with their own hands, making a special compost pit. To use fertilizer in the spring, you must first fill it all summer with any biological mass (manure, peat, bird droppings, mowed grass, tops, fallen leaves, food peelings of vegetables and fruits, weeds, etc.). All of this content is subject to high temperature, gradually decomposes and a valuable organic top dressing is obtained. The resulting compost is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms, rich in many useful trace elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Use it for all plant crops by direct spreading over the site, directly into the holes or for digging.

There are varieties of compost, depending on the filling of the compost pit.

  • Peat-dung.

Manure is stored with peat in a ratio of 1:1. It is better to cover the composter with something. In the process of compost formation, nitrogen-containing substances are converted into a form accessible to the plant. The composition can be improved by adding phosphorite flour (25 kg per ton of compost). This fertilizer is often used when growing strawberries, thus increasing the number of berry ovaries.

  • Made.

The name of the compost corresponds to its constituents. Food leftovers, cleanings, tops, grass, foliage and other waste are placed and compacted in a special box (usually wooden). During the summer, all this content is periodically watered with slurry. Do not cover with anything to avoid the accumulation of an excess of nitrogen in the heap. For improvement quality composition compost substrate, add mineral fertilizers. As a rule, this is phosphorus (5 kg per 1 ton) or lime (10 kg per 1 ton).

  • Vermicultured.

This highly nutritious type of compost is obtained with the help of earthworms. Make a box with a good ventilation system and fill it with fiber material for the worms. This is paper, dry grass, straw. Fall asleep on top with a small amount of earth, water abundantly. A day later, you can "inhabit" the worms. From time to time, food scraps, peelings, egg shells, tea leaves, etc. should be added to the composter. The spring application of vermicultivated compost provides for the start of its preparation as early as February / March.

For proper compost maturation, it is recommended to alternate dry and wet layers. And if, at the same time, each layer is sprinkled with earth, the decomposition process will accelerate. Also make sure that the composter has a humid environment and if it dries out excessively, pour water over it.


As a rule, sawdust is used as mulch or for warming crops. Wood itself is not a fertilizer. But with prolonged lying on it, a number of microorganisms appear that saturate the sawdust with useful substances. Such rotted sawdust is added to the compost, obtaining excellent organic fertilizer.

Green mixes

They are used as an independent fertilizer or as a raw material for the preparation of compost. The optimal combination for the preparation of green manure: a mixture of legumes and cereals. Plants are grown until the moment of optimal development of green mass, after which they are mowed or completely (with a root) embedded in the soil. There, all parts of the plants rot, saturating it with nitrogen and organic matter. Under the influence of microorganisms, the remains of plants turn into the most fertile soil layer - humus.


This organic top dressing, of marsh origin, is used for many herbaceous and fruit plants. The use of peat in the spring is popular for laying a lawn. To do this, remove the top layer of soil, lay a layer of peat, sprinkle with earth and lightly compact. Grass seeds can be sown the very next day. Such highly nutritious organic matter contributes to the active and uniform growth of grass. Peat dressing is also useful for fruit trees older than 3 years.


Contains a large amount of potassium, as well as boron, phosphorus and manganese. Used to reduce the acidity of the soil and as an additional top dressing. Ash is added to manure, manure and compost. Especially useful this top dressing for tomatoes, potatoes and sweet peppers. The most valuable source of nutrients is the ash from the combustion of straw. Wood ash is also effective, and its composition will be richer after young branches than old ones.

Disadvantages of organic fertilizers

  • When fertilizing the ground with organic fertilizing in the spring, it is also worth remembering that there are certain restrictions on their use.
  • So, not observing the dosage when introducing fresh manure or bird droppings, you can simply “burn” the cultivated crops.
  • In addition, an excess of organic fertilizers (humus, manure) can provoke plant infection with a fungus.
  • Experts advise to make organic matter once every 2-3 years, providing land plot necessary set of nutrients.
  • A full-fledged spring top dressing involves the introduction of not only organics, but also minerals. If only organic fertilizers are used, plants will not receive enough potassium and phosphorus, which will negatively affect the growth and yield of crops.

Types of fertilizers.Mineral fertilizers in spring

With the help of mineral fertilizers, soil characteristics are successfully corrected: they neutralize acidic soils and oxidize alkaline soils. They are also rich in nutrients inorganic substances necessary for plant nutrition: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. In addition to micro and macro elements, they contain substances that protect plants from fungal diseases. The use of mineral fertilizers in the spring will provide high yield autumn. It is convenient and easy to work with them: they are sold ready-made concentrated mixtures with detailed instructions on the package. Mineral fertilizers are applied annually and are considered less labor-intensive to use than organic fertilizers.

nitrogen fertilizers

They have a number of representatives: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and carbamide (urea). These top dressings are not able to accumulate in the soil, so they need to be applied in not very large doses (250-300 g / m²), systematically. Nitrogen top dressing is carried out only if the soil has not received organic matter before. Such additives accelerate the vegetative growth of plants, stimulate the flowering process and guarantee high yields. Nitrogen fertilizers in the spring are recommended by specialists without fail, since most soils need this element.

potash fertilizers

Form the resistance of plants to frost. Potassium-based preparations contribute to faster fruit ripening and active growth of the root system. The dosage is about 200 g/m² of primer.

Phosphorus top dressing

Especially important in the spring, as a powerful stimulator of growth and development of plants. The most common phosphorus-containing fertilizers are superphosphate, phosphate rock, double superphosphate. The average application rate is 250 g / m² of land.

Depending on the composition, mineral dressings are single-component and complex. Complex fertilizers in spring are the most effective, as they represent an enriched and balanced complex of nutrients and mineral salts.

When working with mineral fertilizers, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for their use and dosage. It is also necessary to take into account the types of fertilized soils and the characteristics of cultivated crops.

Main disadvantage spring feeding soil with mineral fertilizers - their possible leaching with groundwater during the rains.

Types of fertilizer in the spring.Bacterial fertilizers

This type of fertilizer is a bacterial preparation that improves plant nutrition. They themselves do not contain nutrients, but when they are used, biochemical processes and root nutrition of plants are improved. Therefore, this type of fertilizer is considered as an additional means of increasing productivity. Most famous representatives this type of fertilizer: rhizotorfin, nitragin, azotobacterin and phosphorobacterin.

As a rule, bacterial preparations are applied in the spring, together with seeds or planting material. Fertilizer is considered environmentally friendly and promising for agriculture. The shelf life of such dressings is limited, due to the presence of live bacteria in their composition.

Types of fertilizers worldwide.Organo-mineral fertilizers

They are produced in granular form and represent a mixture of organic components with mineral compounds (OMU). This type of fertilizer is recognized as one of the best in terms of its efficiency in agriculture. The mineral salts included in its composition ensure the rapid absorption of nutrients, and the organic matter supplies the plant body with a number of nutrients. Such top dressing is not yet very popular in our country, as it is quite expensive and not always available in stores.

Conditions for fertilizing

In spring, fertilization plays a fundamental role for the seasonal development of plant organisms, while autumn is the period responsible for preparing plants for cold weather and wintering. At the same time, it is important to know the main features and conditions for fertilizing.

Fertilizer field work begins early, just after the snow melts. Granular types of dressings are introduced already in March, as they dissolve for a long time. Liquid solutions of agrochemicals are used a little later - in April / May.

If fruit trees are fertilized, they process the near-stem circle, where the maximum roots are concentrated.

Fertilizers make different ways: under plowing, separately in a hole or beds, evenly scattering on the surface of the earth. For the application of one or another type of top dressing, the type of soil and which crop is fertilized matters.

Organic fertilizer - compost, can be used annually, while manure or litter - once every 2-3 years. Mineral complexes are used annually.

Thus, the choice of top dressing in the spring is individual in each case. This takes into account the type climate zone, characteristics of cultivated crops and soil conditions. Properly conducted spring agronomy will achieve the desired yield and enrich the soil with useful substances. And, on the contrary, improper and irrational use of fertilizing can significantly reduce soil fertility, worsen its structure and cause irreparable harm to growing plants. Therefore, before starting field work For fertilizing plants in the spring, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the types of fertilizers, their effect on specific crops, and only after that make a choice.

Video: Spring fertilizer garden plants

In the spring, it's time to prepare the land for planting, and one of milestones work - fertilizing the soil. And how to fertilize the land in the spring, if there is no manure - a question that gardeners often ask at this time.

Optimal timing of fertilization in the soil in the spring

Many summer residents begin to fertilize the land in the fall, before the snow has fallen yet. Often there are questions about what fertilizers should be applied in the spring, at what time it is better to add them.

Interestingly, many experts believe that early spring is the best time to apply most of the known fertilizers. It is especially important at this time to apply nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium, ammonium nitrate) and superphosphates. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account following rules:

  1. You should focus not on calendar dates, but on specific signs, since in different years the spring season may be delayed or, on the contrary, come earlier than usual. First of all, half-melted snow and melt water should completely leave the garden (usually this happens in the 2nd half of April). If you start applying before this moment, the result will be ineffective - since many fertilizers dissolve well in water, then they will leave with it, and when everything dries out in the country, the soil will lose useful substances.
  2. Of great importance is the type of crops for which fertilizing is applied. So, in the case of fruit trees, fertilizers can be applied a little earlier than for other crops - their powerful root system will be able to receive nutrients even at a time when the soil in the lower part of the trunk has not yet completely melted.
  3. In the case of vegetables and flowers, fertilizers are applied to the beds right before they are planted (per day).

Advantages and rules of spring application of manure as a fertilizer

It is often believed that feeding the earth with manure better in autumn, because during the autumn and winter it will have time to decompose well and give all the useful substances to the ground. But there are advantages to using it in early spring.

The fact is that overripe manure (humus), decomposing in the ground, will retain heat, which is very necessary for seedlings just placed on the beds. Another important detail is that manure can lose its value from frost. For this reason, it is even required to store it in a barn and wrap it carefully.

At the same time, the introduction of manure requires compliance with several important rules:

  1. It is better to apply manure only in a mature, rotted form - because it is in this state that it retains maximum amount valuable components.
  2. It is necessary to fertilize with manure no more than once every 3 years.
  3. Fertilizer should be applied to the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm, and not scattered over its surface.
  4. Do not rely on the principle: the more, the better. Even on non-chernozem soils, manure is applied in the amount of 5-6 kg per square meter of the earth's surface.

How to fertilize trees in spring (video)

How to fertilize the land in spring if there is no manure

If spring has come, but there is no manure at hand, this is not a reason to abandon the sowing campaign. There are many different types of fertilizers (phosphate, nitrogen, universal, etc.) that significantly increase yields and at the same time are affordable.

We use green manure

This is the name of plants that are specially grown for subsequent grinding and placement in the ground to enrich it with nitrogen, suppress the growth of weeds. These top dressings are also called green manures.

These include:

  1. Legumes (alfalfa, soybeans, peas and many others). Special bacteria settle on their roots, which bring a significant amount of nitrogen into the soil.
  2. Cruciferous ( various varieties mustard, rapeseed, radish, colza).
  3. Cereals (wheat, sorghum, rye, oats, etc.).
  4. Buckwheat, phacelia, etc.

The beneficial effect of these plants is explained the following reasons:

  1. During their flowering, plants attract pollinating insects, which often eat flies, aphids, etc., harmful to the garden.
  2. Their roots often grow strongly, penetrate deep into the earth, loosen it, due to which it becomes more saturated with air.
  3. Some of these plants suppress plant diseases (eg wilt).

Green manure can be used not only in spring, but also at the end of summer or during a break in planting for a year.

Mineral fertilizers for the garden

Mineral refers to inorganic supplements (i.e. those that do not contain organic matter). Most often, they differ in the predominance of a single chemical element (potassium, nitrogen, etc.), but they can also be complex (mixtures of fertilizers).

Each of their species has its own benefits for plants:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers are easily absorbed by both the earth and crops, since they dissolve very well even in cold water. They contain in their composition easily digestible forms of nitrogen, thanks to which plants quickly gain weight, grow efficiently and without delay.
  2. Phosphate top dressings are presented in the form of phosphate rock, precipitate, superphosphates. They contain phosphorus, which is also an important element and has a beneficial effect on plant growth. At the same time, they dissolve in water much worse than nitrogen ones. For example, phosphorite flour is used more often on acidic soils, because in these cases phosphorus passes into a form that is easier to assimilate.
  3. Potassium nitrate It has the chemical name potassium nitrate. It dissolves very well in water. It has a good effect on the growth of plants, as well as on the taste and juiciness of their fruits.

In general, plants on unfertilized soil not only grow worse, but also have a greater risk of suffering from infectious diseases or acquire other deviations (poor formation of the ovary and fruit, falling flowers, small fruits, etc.).

What fertilizer to apply in the spring (video)

Universal top dressing

Universal fertilizers have different chemical composition and have a complex effect on plant organisms. Here are some examples of such supplements:

  1. organomineral fertilizer "Universal" consists of half organic, half inorganic components. It contains many substances necessary for the growth of the plant and maintaining its health. At the same time, it also regulates the level of nitrates in the soil, preventing them from accumulating in excess. Accordingly, it has a positive effect on cultures.
  2. Ammophos contains up to half the mass of phosphorus and about 10-15% nitrogen in an easily digestible form. Accordingly, provides the plant useful action both of these elements.
  3. Ammophoska contains not only nitrogen and phosphorus, but also potassium in approximately the same ratio.

In addition, universal dressings do not have to be bought at the store. They can be found among quite affordable home remedies. Here are some examples:

  1. Ash It has been used to fertilize the soil since ancient times. It is valuable because it contains potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It is universal not only in action, but also in crop coverage - it can be used on almost any beds, as well as in garden flower garden.
  2. Herbal infusions used on mowed weeds. They are placed in large containers, poured with boiling water and infused for several days (up to 2 weeks). Then the mixture is filtered, the solid components are discarded, and the liquid is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10. Any crops can also be watered with this solution. It is better to do evening watering sessions.

What organic fertilizers to apply to the soil before planting

The most common organic fertilizers other than manure include:

  • peat;
  • straw;
  • sapropel;
  • composts.

Waste is also often used Food Industry and household waste.

Unlike mineral substances, organic substances are more specific, and they must be applied taking into account the characteristics of a particular culture.

For example, perennial vegetable crops(horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus, rhubarb) like to have organic matter applied immediately before planting.

At the same time, annual carrots, radishes, tomatoes, beets and others require very small amounts of these top dressings. Sometimes it is even better to fertilize them with inorganics.

It is especially important to apply organic fertilizers before planting fruit trees. If the fruits are pome fruits, then more fertilizers need to be applied, if the fruits with a stone - less. In this case, you need to regularly feed the trees and during growth.

How to feed indoor plants in spring

With the advent of spring, do not forget about top dressing indoor plants. Potted soil should be fertilized more often than in the garden., since it is deprived of natural conditions and does not actually participate in the cycle of elements, which ensures the balance of the content of various useful components.

In the spring, indoor pets especially need to be fed. because the increase in daylight stimulates their growth. Nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are mainly used; you can also use pet feces mixed with straw or sawdust as organic matter. In this case, you need to follow some rules:

  • if the plant has just been transplanted, then in 1 month it is undesirable to fertilize it;
  • do not fertilize cacti with organic matter;
  • during the dormant period it is better not to apply any fertilizers;
  • if the roots of the plant rot, fertilizing is not recommended.

How to fertilize strawberries (video)

The main condition in the use of any fertilizer is the exact following of the instructions. Over-fertilizing is sometimes even more dangerous than not having them. Try to play by the rules and take good care of your green friends!

Reviews and comments

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Vladimir 28.09.2017

I adhere to the rule that it is necessary to feed the plants during the most active growth and immediately after fruit set. That is, in fact, in the first half of the growing season. And then I wait for the harvest. The number of top dressings depends on the plant, and what it needs - you need to be able to recognize and correct. Now it's easier - the Internet will tell you everything.

Khalil 12.10.2017

Yes, Vladimir the Internet will tell you, but many people write without realizing what a garden is. I believe more in the comments and tips of those who have been gardening and gardening for a number of years. And sometimes they write such a bluff on the Internet.

Alena 05/28/2018

Of course, manure and humus are the best natural fertilizers. When it is not possible to use them, we introduce into the soil wood ash, water with a solution of potassium permanganate, buy biohumus.

Aglaya 08.06.2018

I have not used manure for several years, it was not possible to get it. As fertilizer, I used ash, fish waste, which, when rotting, produces a large amount of nitrogen. Another excellent fertilizer is an infusion of herbs, especially nettle.

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Organic fertilizers are divided into two groups: plant residues and fertilizers of animal origin. Vegetables include: peat, composts. For animals: manure and droppings. When organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, its structure improves significantly. This contributes to the reproduction of living organisms, which are of great benefit, both for the soil itself and for plants. To date, it is recommended to make organic fertilizers using compost. It is very easy to prepare. Spread straw 15 centimeters thick over an area of ​​10 square meters. Then a layer of manure 20 centimeters. Then a layer of peat is also 15-20 centimeters. On top of this, sprinkle lime and phosphate rock, mixing them one by one. Sprinkle 50-60 grams per square meter. From above, add another layer of manure 15-20 centimeters. Cover all this with a thin layer of earth. This compost must be aged for 7-8 months and only then it can be used. The advantages of organic fertilizer: the first - it increases the fertility of the soil, the second - improves its structure, the third - ensures the presence of living microorganisms. But there is also. The first one is nutritional imbalance. The second - its concentration is still unknown. The third is the content of a large number of weeds. Fourth, there is a great danger of contracting diseases. Fifth, organic matter inherently absorbs and attracts toxic substances. And the sixth is the most dangerous, these fertilizers absorb radionuclides.

Mineral fertilizers - chemical substances that require careful handling. They must be applied strictly according to the norm. Noble gardeners usually use the following: nitrogen, lime, manganese, potash and other fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers include: saltpeter, urea, ammonia and ammonia water. For good plant nutrition, it is necessary that there is always an abundance of nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied to the soil twice a year. Under them make twice a year. The first half of the fertilizer is around the second half of April, and the second half in mid-November. The method of applying such fertilizers is the same. The fertilizer is spread by hand, after which the soil is cultivated. To achieve the best effect, the earth must be moist. Potash fertilizers significantly increase. Potassium in the soil is mainly in forms that are difficult for plants to access, so the need for such fertilizers in agriculture is very high. Almost all of them contain chloride, sodium and magnesium ions, which affect plant growth. It is recommended to apply potash fertilizers in the fall along with manure for the main tillage. Without phosphorus, the formation of chlorophyll and the absorption of carbon dioxide by plants is impossible. The addition of phosphate fertilizers to the soil not only increases yields, but also improves the quality of products. These fertilizers need to be applied in the fall. First scatter them over the surface, then dig earth to a depth of twenty centimeters. Digging near trees should be parallel to the roots.

Organo-mineral fertilizers are humic fertilizers, which consist of organic substances and mineral compounds. Each drug has its own instructions. But there is basic ways making. For open soil is a spraying method, and for closed soil, these are drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, surface irrigation and manual foliar spraying methods. The basic consumption for seed treatment is 300-700 milliliters per ton of seeds. For foliar feeding - 200-400 milliliters of fertilizer per hectare of crops. For - at drip irrigation 20-40 milliliters per thousand liters of irrigation water, and when spraying 5-10 milliliters of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.


  • how to fertilize the soil

fruit trees the garden needs to be fertilized. Then in the spring they will delight you with their bright flowering, and closer to autumn you will reap a bountiful harvest. Before planting seedlings, the soil is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. The next application of nutrients is done in a couple of years, it all depends on the fertility of the soil.

You will need

  • - shovel
  • - mineral fertilizers
  • - organic fertilizers


Fertilizers are laid under several methods. Fertilizing around the circumference.
Spread the plastic film on flat surface. Dig a groove around the tree. Its depth should be at least 35 cm, and in width at least half a meter. Place the excavated earth on the film. Mix it with mineral or organic fertilizers. Fill the groove with rich soil and level

Pit fertilization.
Make 7 - 10 holes at a small distance from the trunk. When digging, place the shovel with the beam to the trunk so as not to cut the roots. The depth of the hole is at least 50 cm. Fill the hole with fertilizer and cover it with earth.

Provide the need for trees in potassium. With potassium deficiency, the fruits will be of poor quality. Under trees apply mineral fertilizers with potassium or wood ash. Feed with ash at any time of the year.

In autumn, fertilize trees with phosphate fertilizers. Phosphorus affects taste qualities fruits and their subsequent preservation. Most phosphorus is required trees m in early spring and early autumn. Bury phosphate fertilizers deeper.

Apply organic fertilizers (manure, humus, slurry) under trees. Manure or humus must be rotted. Can't fertilize trees fresh . Fertilize with slurry after watering or rain. Make sure that fertilizers do not fall on the leaves and.

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Helpful advice

Fruiting trees require enhanced feeding, nutrient mixtures will not only provide a high yield this year, but will also help the tree in laying fresh shoots and buds.

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  • http://www.gardenia.ru/quests/quest_619.htm
  • how to fertilize the garden in 2019

If you are on personal plot grow fruit trees and shrubs, and also have a garden, the question arises before you every year - how to fertilize soil. On the one hand, we all want our crops to be organically grown. without adding any fertilizer industrial production. On the other hand, we expect high yields. How to reduce these two desires to one denominator?

You will need

  • - the soil;
  • - mineral fertilizers;
  • - organic fertilizers;
  • - lime;
  • - shovel.


Add clay if you have sandy soil. Add river sand if clayey. This must be done so that nutrients do not go deep into the earth and are not washed out by rains. Another rule that must be followed is the observance of crop rotation. It is extremely important that representatives of the same family do not grow in the garden for two years in a row. By and large, they can be returned to their place only after 3-4 years. Exceptions -