Mixer      06/17/2019

What does the pear suffer from, diseases, treatment. What to do and how to treat it if the leaves on the pear turn black and curl. Why does the pear have a brown belt on the fruit?

In the southern regions and in the middle zone, the pear is one of the most favorite fruit trees among gardeners. The juicy ripe fruits of this tree are excellent fresh and are also suitable for canning and preparing delicious infusions. However, when growing a pear, sometimes you have to deal with some diseases: for example, it is especially common to see how the leaves, fruits, and even the trunk of the tree turn black. In this article we will find out what diseases cause these symptoms and how you can cope with the problem.

Why do leaves turn black, dry out and curl?

Of all possible types Blackening is the most common. Various factors can cause a symptom: to cope with the problem, you need to carefully study them. Let us consider further what causes blackness on the leaves and why they begin to dry out and curl up.

Nutritional deficiencies

This is one of the most common causes of darkening of pear leaves. For example, calcium deficiency causes the leaves to begin to darken from the edge of the plate, and gradually the process reaches the top of the leaf. This problem can be solved by adding calcium nitrate during every second watering.

Pear leaves and fruits turn black

A lack of boron manifests itself as darkening of the foliage with simultaneous deformation of young shoots. At the same time, the growth of seedlings is significantly inhibited. In this case, the problem must be solved by spraying the plant with a solution boric acid.


A pear tree at any age can be affected by some kind of pest: and if measures are not taken in time, this can lead to blackening of the tree’s foliage, and then to its falling off. Most often, the pear is affected by aphids. This insect sucks nutritious juices from the leaves, as a result of which the latter gradually dry out, darken, and curl into tubes.

In addition to aphids, the honeydew is also dangerous to the tree. This insect settles on leaves, and in the process of its life activity covers them with a black sticky coating. The insect prefers foliage that is still young; at the end of summer there is no need to be afraid of it.

Pear gall mite

This pest settles on young buds and is hardly noticeable until the leaves bloom. Appears as black marks on foliage.

To avoid damage to the tree by this pest, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying even before the buds bloom. Herbicides can also be used at this time.

Well, if the foliage has already blossomed, it is undesirable to use chemicals, so usually when affected by this pest, gardeners use a decoction of onion peels or garlic infusion.

The video shows the fight against blackening pear leaves:


Pear trees often suffer from this disease, and its symptoms are black spots and dots on the leaves. Scab can affect both leaves, flowers, shoots, and even fruits.

There are several reasons for this disease. Firstly, too much precipitation creates an important environment favorable for this fungus. In addition, there are pear varieties that have genetic instability to scab: these are, for example, “Marianna”, “Phelps”, “Forest Beauty”.

Pear scab

Therefore, when choosing another seedling in the nursery, pay attention Special attention on the characteristics of the variety. The high-risk zone also includes trees that are too young and too old: their immunity is the weakest.

It must be said that disease spores nest in fallen leaves, as well as in broken/cut branches. Therefore, it is advisable not to leave any bioresidues under the snow for the winter: in the spring the scab will come to life and will be able to infect your garden again. It is worth knowing that if the disease has already significantly affected the tree, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. If you let the scab go, it will destroy most harvest, and those fruits that still survive will be impossible to eat due to their unpleasant taste and very hard pulp.

In the video - treatment of pear scab:

To avoid this disease, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying of the pear in a timely manner. Moreover, the procedures must be carried out on a regular basis, and throughout the entire growing season. If the climate is humid, then in the spring it is advisable to spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture, and before flowering and the formation of ovaries it is better to use less “thermonuclear” preparations: for example, Topaz or Horus.

Bacterial burn

This cause of blackening of foliage is one of the most dangerous. Bacterial burn - infection, affects the vascular system of the plant.

Bacterial burn of pear

Symptoms of the disease are the following external signs:

  • blackening of leaves and shoots (black spots resemble burns);
  • tissue death (necrosis);
  • the tree gets rid of foliage, flowers, ovaries and fruits.

This disease can completely destroy a tree.

For treatment, watering and spraying the pear with antibiotics is most often used. Therapeutic procedures must be carried out every five days, using a solution of the following drugs:

  • penicillin;
  • agrimycin;
  • Thiomycin.

In the video there is a bacterial burn of a pear:

In addition, it is important to thoroughly disinfect everything gardening Tools, as well as carry out spring preventive spraying of pears with iron and copper sulfate.

If the fruits turn black

Let's find out why pear fruits turn black and how this pathology can be eliminated.


Most often, the problem also occurs due to scab. Because of this disease, all the fruits on the tree can turn black and rot, and those that do not rot greatly lose their taste. The disease develops due to severe and prolonged waterlogging of the pear at high temperatures.

Scab is a fungus. Initially, the disease appears as yellow spots on all external parts of the tree, including the fruit. Gradually, these spots darken, turn black, and tissue dies in these areas. The pulp of the affected fruits becomes lignified (especially directly under the spots), cracks appear on the skin, and some fruits rot entirely.

Video shows why pear fruits turn black:

The fight against scab is complex. Those parts of the tree that are already affected must be removed; in the fall, all leaves under the pear must be removed and burned; in addition, the soil under the tree must be dug up. If the pear crown is too thick, it needs to be thinned out to reduce humidity and provide more light.

But what kind of early columnar varieties there are, this will help you understand

Pear fruit rot disease

This disease is called moniliosis, and most often affects fruit trees - apple and pear. The first signs can be noticed when the fruits begin to fill: at this time small spots appear on them Brown. These spots grow quickly, and in a week they can “eat” the entire fruit. At the same time, the pear pulp becomes inedible: tasteless and loose in structure. Rot, in addition to fruits, can also spread to branches, causing them to dry out.

Fruit rot of pear

It must be said that fruit rot is very contagious and is easily transmitted from plant to plant, from fruit to fruit. If among harvested If there is at least one fruit with disease spores, the crop may rot completely during storage.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected fruits: not only those that have fallen to the ground, but also those hanging on the tree. In addition, it is necessary to combat pests, since it is the fruits affected by them that first become infected with rot.

What are the most the best varieties For middle zone, and you can see what they look like

The video shows the fight against a fruit pear:

The measures to treat a tree from fruit rot are the same as in the case of scab. In spring and autumn periods Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is effective, and during the growing season - with fungicides (Topsin, Fitosporin, Folicur). But what diseases exist in the columnar variety Forest Beauty, and how to treat it, is indicated

Sooty fungus

This disease affects the pear either at the end of flowering or during the ripening period of the fruit. The disease manifests itself dark coating on leaves and fruits, while greatly reducing taste qualities the latter. It is simple to distinguish sooty fungus from other diseases: its stains are easily erased from the affected parts, unlike the manifestations of scab or rot.

Sooty pear fungus

The reasons for pear infection with this disease are as follows:

  • the crown is too thick, poorly transmitting light and air;
  • location of the tree in the lowland;
  • lack of light;
  • harmful insects.

To cope with sooty fungus, you need to constantly fight pests: especially copperheads and aphids. In addition, spraying trees with fungicides containing copper helps prevent infection.

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If you have already treated the pear for other diseases, then there is no need to specifically spray the tree against sooty fungus.

If the trunk turns black

This type of blackening of the pear is less common than the others, and most often the cause is black cancer. This disease spreads to the bark of branches and trunk.

Initially, small black spots of depressed shape appear on the bark, some of which then begin to secrete liquid - gum. Wounds form, sometimes extensive, and the bark can soon turn completely brown. In addition to damaging the trunk, black cancer spreads to the leaves and fruits, covering them with reddish spots. If the disease spreads severely, the tree will die.

Blacker than the trunk of a pear

It must be said that black cancer has no cure, and the main measures to combat it are preventive measures. For this purpose, all affected parts of the plant are removed, and if the tree is significantly affected by cancer, it is cut down and burned.

Preventive measures

Let's find out what preventive measures will help avoid blackening of the pear.

Firstly, it is important to initially purchase high-quality and healthy planting material. It is not recommended to purchase seedlings at markets without certificates and documents - in this case, you may well end up with an infected specimen.

When pruning affected parts of a tree, thoroughly disinfect all tools after the procedure.

It is important to remove fallen leaves and fallen fruits in a timely manner. And if they came from a diseased tree, then they must be burned.

Loosen the soil under the pear regularly to provide the roots with more air. Avoid thickening the crown, cut off old, diseased branches.

Clean the trunk, whiten it, and treat it for damage in a timely manner.

What self-pollinating varieties exist for the northwestern region, what they are called, and what they look like, you can see

Video shows pear pest control:

Spray the pear with a solution in spring and autumn Bordeaux mixture, as well as fungicides during the growing season. Destroy harmful insects in a timely manner.

So, we found out why the pear leaves, fruits and trunk turn black, and we also found out what can be done about this scourge. As you can see, there can be many reasons for these phenomena - therefore, before starting treatment, you first need to accurately establish this cause. Our advice will help you decide on this issue, and also tell you how to eliminate the dangerous problem.

The main symptom of this disease is brown spots on the fruits of the tree. This disease is caused by a fungus that affects almost the entire pear crop within a week after its appearance. After brown spots are clearly visible on the fruits, white growths form on top of them. The flesh of affected pears becomes tasteless and crumbly. Rotten fruits fall to the ground, but some of them dry out and remain hanging on the tree for several more months. If treatment is not started in time, the fungus will begin to infect the branches and trunk of the tree. As a result, growths will appear on the bark.

Moniliosis of pear

Basically, the fungus begins to act in July-August, but the period of spread may vary depending on the climate of the region.

To cure a diseased tree, you first need to quickly cut off the affected fruits and branches. Don't forget to carry out regularly. This way you will remove unhealthy branches on which fungus is developing. To protect the tree, spray it with fungicides. It will be possible to increase the plant’s immunity with the help of root dressings and bio-cocktails. Among the latter, the most effective are considered Ecoberine, Baikal And Aktofit.

Rust on pear leaves

To combat rust from a tree, you need to cut off the affected fruits, leaves and branches. For treatment experienced gardeners spray the trees with concentrated solutions of urea, infusion of ash, and copper sulfate. You can also get rid of this pear disease with the help of infusions of horsetail and marigold. Another method of therapy is to treat the diseased tree in the spring with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Many gardeners are faced with such a problem as the formation of cracks in the bark of pears. At first, small cracks appear on the trunks, but after a couple of weeks they grow into wide grooves running along the entire trunk. There may be several reasons for this problem:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • sunburn;
  • planting seedlings too deep in the ground;
  • lack of timely pruning;
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

Cracks in the bark

The symptoms of the disease do not end with the appearance of large cracks alone. In addition, a diseased tree slows down its growth, and leaves and fruits fall prematurely from its crown. Moreover, with the appearance of cracks, the wounds formed on the trunk become vulnerable to various viruses and pests.

Like other pear diseases, cracks should never be ignored. For treatment, you will need to strip the dried bark to healthy tissue using wire brush. Then the crack area must be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture or ferrous sulfate solution. Immediately after treatment, cover the cracks with clay or mullein. To prevent the disease, do not forget to add a small amount of fertilizer and plant seedlings in a partially shaded area.

This disease most often affects young pear trees. Its appearance is caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The main symptoms of the disease include hard, woody growths of varying sizes on the roots, trunks and branches of trees. If you buy an infected tree and plant it in the soil, the bacterium begins to spread to other trees in the garden and beyond.

Pear root canker

When treating pear root cancer, treat the purchased seedling with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. Cut off the detected growths along with the roots, the same applies to the branches of the plant. If the bacterium has infected an already mature tree, it needs to be dug up and watered with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. After a couple of days, we repeat watering. Treat the branches with fungicides, cutting off cancerous growths first.

Why is black pear cancer dangerous?

This dangerous disease quickly affects the bark, fruits and skeletal branches of pears and apple trees. First, small wounds or cracks appear on the bark, which, as they grow, tear the bark of the tree. Bright brown spots appear on the affected areas. To treat this disease of apple trees and many varieties of pears, it is necessary to remove the affected fruits and branches.

Use pruning shears to trim away any torn pieces of bark. Treat the remaining wounds with a solution of copper sulfate, special lubricant or mullein. Burning prematurely fallen leaves will help prevent the disease.

To prevent black cancer, you need to trim the dried branches of pear and apple trees in a timely manner. As you know, the pear is very vulnerable to harmful bacteria; its diseases and pests spread very quickly throughout the tree. After this, they move on to other plants. Therefore, when treating trees, you need to spray other trees growing nearby. fruit trees. Not all varieties of pears are afraid of black cancer. So, increased immunity varieties have before the pathogenic bacterium Cathedral, January And Spiritual.

Among the diseases of fruit trees, there is one of not entirely clear origin, which gardeners struggle with, but often unsuccessfully, and therefore everyone who is faced with how the leaves on a pear turn black should know what to do in such a situation.

If you notice that the upper leaves of your pear have begun to curl and turn black, then most likely this is a disease called bacterial burn, which should not be confused with sunburn. The reason for this is bacteria that are carried with air currents on the paws of birds. long distances. In a short time, an outbreak occurs in the region where the disease is recorded and it is considered quarantine.

What does a bacterial burn look like?

Most often, the plant is affected during the period when sunny days come, it becomes hot outside and it rains regularly without a significant drop in temperature. In such a greenhouse climate, a harmful bacterium becomes active and attacks the most fragile thing - flower stalks. They begin to wither, dry out, and then completely fall off.

Second stage of development bacterial burn, when the apical leaves on the pear curl up and turn black. On each young branch, the outermost leaves suffer - first, brown spots appear along the periphery. This process is not clearly expressed, and therefore it can simply not be noticed.

Very soon the spots turn black and cover the entire leaf blade, causing it to dry out and curl into a tube. And this happens one by one with all branches in a fairly short period.

Why do the leaves on a young pear tree turn black, but not on an old one?

It can be noted that when pear plantings in the area are massively affected by fire blight, young trees up to ten years of age are the first to suffer, while old pears remain practically unharmed.

It's all about the tenderness of the young shoots of such trees and the active flow of sap. In addition, the immunity of a small tree is much weaker than that of an old one. But there are also some that are very resistant to any fruit trees, which even insidious disease, like a bacterial burn, they don’t care.

Methods for preventing and controlling the disease

Now you know why pear leaves turn black and curl. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to prevent bacterial burn, but it is possible to increase the resistance of trees. Every year, at the beginning of the growing season, pear plantings are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture - everything that contains copper.

If, however, it is noticed that some branches have signs of damage, then you need to immediately begin sanitary pruning. To do this, you will need a sterile instrument, a disinfectant and a metal bucket.

It is necessary to trim each branch at least 20 centimeters from the point of injury, because even healthy-looking tissues located in the immediate vicinity are also affected from the inside, and therefore gentle pruning will be a waste of time.

It must be remembered that after trimming each branch, the pruning shear blade must be treated with any disinfectant alcohol-based so as not to spread bacteria to other branches or trees. Cut leaves and branches affected by fire blight are not placed on the ground or in a bag for disposal, but in a metal container for further burning.

After pruning, the sections are also disinfected and therapeutic spraying begins. To do this, you will need Ofloxacin, which is available in the form of a solution in an injection bottle or in tablets. The medicine is an antibiotic, because it is the bacterium that is to blame for the development of the disease.

The product is diluted with boiled cool water and treated with a sprayer branch by branch, without missing a single leaf. There can be up to three such approaches, at regular intervals. Unfortunately, the disease cannot always be defeated and the tree has to be destroyed, and therefore the sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of survival for the pear.

When growing pears, a gardener may encounter various troubles. Pear trees need proper care and certain weather conditions, but sometimes, even if all the rules for growing plants are followed, they are still affected various diseases. Often the first signs of the disease are expressed in deformation of leaves, change in their color, and falling. Let's look at the most likely and frequently occurring diseases, and also look at which of them cause the leaves on the pear to turn black.

Fire burn or bacterial infection

The first reason is that this dangerous disease affects the pear tree the most. The disease begins to appear in the spring or early summer. First, young leaves develop blackness around the edges, later the ends of the fruits also turn black. Infection occurs through untreated cracks and wounds when pruning with an infected tool. This is one of the reasons why pear leaves turn black. In this case, the disease begins to develop quickly, bacteria are carried along with the sap through the vessels of the tree, causing tissue death. In this case, it is very difficult to cure the plant; they usually resort to cutting it down and burning it. However, you can try to save the pear by strictly adhering to the treatment rules. Leaves and flowers are sprayed generously with antibiotics every five days. In addition, for all subsequent tree trimmings, it is necessary to disinfect the tool in a boric acid solution. This way you can avoid the spread of bacteria.

Scab. Defeat and treatment of the disease

The second reason why pear leaves turn black is scab. This is a fungal type infection. Very often the whole pear tree is affected - flowers, leaves, fruits. After the defeat, the pear leaves turn black and dry out, and then fall off. The disease is dangerous because infection of neighboring trees occurs very quickly. Scab can be treated with antibiotics, following the instructions for their use. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the tree itself, but also the ground around it. It is recommended to collect and burn fallen leaves.

How does it affect?

Insufficient humidity can also be the reason why pear leaves turn black. The health of plants is very dependent on weather conditions, especially humidity. If the air is too dry, then even abundant watering of the tree will not prevent the leaves from drying out and falling off. Those varieties of pears that are sensitive to dryness and dust, in order to avoid falling leaves and fruits, must be sprayed special method- by drip.

Aphids and gall mites. Pests that destroy tree leaves

Diseases and main pests of pears occur quite often in home gardening, and the fight against them must be carried out in a timely manner and as correctly as possible. Damage to fruit trees not only reduces yield, but also in the most severe cases causes the death of the plant, which is why it is important to correctly identify the harmful factor and choose best option treatment.

Features of pear protection

Which are organized based on the needs and botanical characteristics of the fruit crop.

When choosing a method of protecting and treating fruit plants in the garden, preference should be given to the one that is safest for humans and environment methods, which can be agrotechnical, mechanical, biological and chemical. Reliable protection and treatment of an adult garden and seedlings can only be obtained as a result of a skillful combination of complex measures.

Pears: types of diseases (video)

Main types of pests

There are a significant number of pests that can cause significant damage to fruit plants and can even cause the death of the plant.

Pest name Damage caused Folk remedies struggle Chemicals
hawthorn Damage foliage, causing branches to dry out fruit tree Manual collection butterflies followed by spraying with garlic infusion In spring, spraying with Antio, Zolon, Karbofos or phosphamide
Brown fruit mite The foliage on the plant affected by the pest dries quite quickly Collecting and destroying fallen leaves, digging up the soil under plants In early spring the drugs “Acartan”, “Antio”, “Zolon”, “Karbofos”, “Metaphos” or “Phosfamide” are used
Flower beetle The beetles gnaw out narrow holes in the buds, and the larvae glue the buds together and the pear does not bloom At the stage of swelling and bud break, shake off pests onto the spread bedding Treatment with “Fufanon”, “Aktellik”, “Corsair”, “Karbofos” and “Vofatoks”
Gall mites Feeds on plant sap and produces swellings
Pear itch Feeds on plant sap and produces swellings, causing the leaves to curl Severely damaged branches and leaves should be cut out and burned At the stage of exposing the buds, spray with a solution of colloidal sulfur diluted at the rate of 100 g per bucket of water
Pear leaf gall midge Small pests feed on leaves, causing them to become brittle, yellow and curled. Destroy curled leaves, shake off larvae from the tree onto the litter
Pear fruit gall midge Damaged ovaries become deformed Regular collection and destruction of damaged ovaries Spring treatment"Antio", "Zolon", "Karbofos", "Metafos" or "Chlorofos"
Pear moth Pear fruits and seeds are damaged Digging the soil and burning fallen leaves Single treatment with “Benzophosphate” or double spraying with “Chlorophos” or “Rovikurt”

Pear sawfly

Collection and destruction of spider nests with pest larvae

Spring treatment with “Antio”, “Zolon”, “Karbofos”, “Metafos” or “Chlorofos”

Pear tube gun

Damaged foliage curls up and serves as food for larvae

Deep digging of soil in tree trunk circles

Crown treatment with Actellik, Ambush, Corsair or Karbofos

Diseases of pear trees

The location of pathogenic pathogenic microflora can be fruits, foliage, and also the bark of a fruit tree. When the first signs of a disease are detected, you should correctly determine the type of damaging factor and, based on this, develop the most effective treatment plan for garden plantings.

Disease Signs of defeat Treatment options Prevention
Bacterial burn Inflorescences and leaves fade and turn dark brown. Repeated treatment with Bordeaux mixture, removal and destruction of affected areas The cut sites are treated with antibiotics at the rate of a couple of tablets per liter of water.
Powdery mildew Formation of a powdery white coating that becomes reddish in color Removal and destruction of dried shoots by spraying the tree with “Fundazol” or “Sulfite” Treatment with a mixture based on 50 g soda ash, 10 g liquid soap and 10 liters of water or spraying with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate
Cortex cancer The appearance of abnormal thickenings, ulcers, trunks and branches rot and crack Cutting and destroying affected areas, lubricating the cuts with garden varnish or Bordeaux mixture at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and care of fruit plants
Septoria leaves The appearance of numerous grayish spots with a dark brown border on the leaves, after which the foliage dries out and falls off Spraying the soil and crown before dissolving the crops with a solution of Nitrafen, diluted at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters of water Removing fallen leaves and digging up soil in the tree trunk circle
The appearance of brown spots on foliage and fruits Spraying the soil and crown with Nitrafen, " inkstone», « Copper sulfate"or "Oleocuprite" Removing fallen leaves and digging up soil in the tree trunk circle, using the drug “Rayok” at the green cone stage
Cytosporosis or stem rot The appearance of a red-brown tint and dried areas on the bark Carefully cut off areas of bark damaged by the disease and cover them with clay. Regular removal of dry and damaged branches, whitewashing the trunk of the tree for the winter
Pear rust The appearance of first light, almost yellow, and then characteristic dark orange spots Late autumn processing trees and soil in the tree trunk circle with a solution based on “Urea” at the rate of 0.6-0.7 kg per bucket of water Timely removal of all fallen leaves and digging up soil in the tree trunk circle
Moniliosis The appearance of brown spots on the surface of the fruit Spring and autumn treatment with 1% Bordeaux mixture or HOM preparation Regular collection and destruction of diseased fruits

For preventive purposes, you can also treat the cultivated garden crop with a solution based on the drug "Ecoberin" or "Zircon", which will increase the resistance of pear plantings to diseases and adverse events. external factors. Such prevention should be done before the appearance of pronounced signs disease damage.

How to treat a pear from rust (video)

Prevention of fungal infections is carried out:

  • at the stage of bud break with Azofos, diluted at the rate of 100 ml per bucket of water;
  • “Penncozeb”, diluted at the rate of 20 g per bucket of water at the stage of bud break;
  • “Skorom”, diluted at the rate of 2 ml per bucket of water before flowering;
  • “Strobi”, diluted at the rate of 2 g per bucket of water during fruit growth.

Also, to maintain plant immunity, high level It is necessary to follow the pear cultivation technology.

Problems due to improper care

Quite often, a pear tree grows very poorly or withers prematurely, as well as practically does not bear fruit with the following errors in care:

  • non-compliance with irrigation regime;
  • Not right choice land for planting and growing fruit crops;
  • lack of correct and timely sanitary pruning;

  • It is very important not to neglect the preventive and protective measures that pear trees need at all stages of growth and development.

Quite often, pear fruits burst. This phenomenon is often not only a manifestation of fungal infection of a fruit crop, but also occurs as a result of physiological changes. Most often, cracks in fruits appear during a long dry period, which is replaced by heavy and prolonged rains. In this case, you need to provide the soil with humus and mulch. trunk circle grass clippings or compost.

Bacterial burn: control methods (video)

In home gardening, it is very important to make the right choice of variety, giving preference to varieties with high resistance to major diseases and pests. Carrying out competent and timely treatment, as well as the use of preventive measures, help protect fruit crop, and contribute to the restoration of fruiting in the shortest possible time.