Well      06/29/2020

The longest suspension bridges in the world. The longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world. Rongyang North Bridge

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Skypark in Sochi is a complex of amazing extreme high-altitude entertainment. It is located in the Adler region, near the village of Cossack Ford, above the Akhshtyr Gorge, at a dizzying height...

That's where we went on the second day of exploring Sochi.

There are Skyparks in a few countries in the world: Australia, Singapore, China, Germany and France. And Russia is also lucky!

This is what the bridge looks like from the entrance

The Skypark Aj Hacket Sochi complex (named after its creator and location) is completely new, opened in June 2014. It has not yet embodied everything that its creator, New Zealander AJ Hackett, wants to see. But the main thing, in my opinion, is already there: this is the skybridge ( suspension bridge) and bungee jumping (jumping platforms).

At the very beginning, the bridge is rigidly mounted and does not sway at all

None of us (neither me, nor my husband, nor especially our children) was going to jump. We were interested in the bridge itself. The longest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world. And at such a height! In the very high place- more than two hundred meters! More precisely - 207 meters.

Bungy's first 69 m jumping platform

And to make it even more scary and interesting for those who walk on the bridge, its floor is transparent! It is made of lattice plastic (a polymer, especially durable material), that is, you walk on it and you can see everything that is under your feet, somewhere there, hundreds of meters below. Impressive?

For the especially impressionable... :)

And below - the Mzymta River flows, microscopic cars drive along the old Krasnopolyansk highway...

View from the bridge to the Mzymta River

I admit honestly (why lie?), I am terribly, simply incredibly terribly afraid of heights! And although I had already ridden on various cable cars (including open, chairlifts, such as ), climbed a 100-meter cable car, and been to high-altitude observation platforms, such as ), I was still a little afraid to go here. And at the same time I really wanted to see this miracle.

The views from the bridge are worth overcoming your fear of heights

Just the thought that I would be walking at such a height on a plastic grate made my knees shake. I don’t know why, but walking on a metal grate would not be so scary for me... Or, even more so, on a solid surface. And these grilles give it an extreme feel.

I managed to overcome my fear of heights. I'm with youngest son on Skybridge

I apologize that there are so many exclamation marks and emotions in my story. But how else can you describe your impressions of a walk along the longest suspension bridge in the world?

However, first things first...

Skybridge - sky bridge

Before climbing the SkyBridge, we decided to drive past and look at it from below.

There's a suspension bridge over there, see?

As soon as I saw from afar, somewhere up there, in the sky, a thin thread of a bridge, on which even no people were visible, I immediately felt a little uneasy. And we’ll go there?!..

The longest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world

Skybridge. Bottom view

Then we drove for a long time up the mountain, up to the Akhshtyrskoye Gorge.

View of the bridge on the road to the Akhshtyr Gorge

As I already said, now there are two high-altitude activities: walking along the bridge and jumping from it.

The length of the bridge is 439 meters. And with such a length, the Skybridge Bridge is only 70 centimeters wide. Two people can pass each other, but not too freely (however, this depends on the build of the people). The railing is somewhere at the level of the middle of human height.

The length of the suspended part of the bridge is 439 meters, width is 70 centimeters

The bridge hangs on metal cables thicker than a human hand. Looks impressive.

The cable is very thick

The security issue has been resolved very well here. high level(literally 🙂). The bridge looks secure. They say he doesn't care about any wind. And even an earthquake of magnitude 9 should not harm the bridge.

True, Skybridge trembles and sways slightly when people walk on it. And at such moments it becomes not very pleasant.

There are warning signs everywhere that you should not throw or drop anything. Such a warning is a concern for others.

Below is a fairly busy road, there may be people on foot, and in the summer there are kayakers rafting down the river. And if you drop your cell phone or camera on someone’s head, the consequences can be tragic. At the entrance to the park there is a sign with rules of behavior on the bridge. So, it says that even a coin falling down can harm those below.

Rules of conduct in Skypark

In case someone does drop something (you never know, the wind or due to inattention), part of the bridge above the highway is covered with a net from below.

The bridge over the road is covered with netting from below

The rules also say that it is forbidden to enter the bridge in high heels (I would like to see those who would walk in heels on such a bridge with lattice floors), jump and run along the bridge, and carry bottles and backpacks with them.

The last thing really puzzled me: what kind of traveler is without a backpack? I often walk around the city with a backpack - well, what the heck with all these handbags, I can’t fit anything in them, and it’s uncomfortable to carry on my shoulder.

Personally, I had a small backpack on my back, and there was a bottle of water in it. Where would we be without her? No one stopped me, and no one said anything to me at all. By the way, many were with backpacks (though not with huge tourist ones). And one company (it looked like a wedding) even drank champagne on the bridge, pouring it... from glass bottle. I hope they didn't throw the bottle down...

Smoking is also prohibited on the bridge. But we don’t smoke at all, such a ban doesn’t bother us.

Throughout the bridge there are small observation platforms. You can stand quietly without disturbing anyone. Admire the surroundings, take pictures and be photographed.

Me and my youngest son on the Skybridge observation deck

You can walk along the bridge as much as you like. At least walk back and forth all day.

You can walk along the bridge as much as you like

On the other side of the bridge there is an observation deck. From there it looks completely different than from the entrance.

View from the observation deck on the other side of the bridge

And here you can appreciate the height of the rock to which the Skybridge is attached.

I can’t imagine how they built a bridge at such a height...

View down from the cliff to which the Skybridge is attached

This is all very impressive. But the most powerful impression for me was jumping from the bridge... No, I didn’t jump myself! It was enough for me that I saw others jumping.

You can not only walk on the bridge, but also jump from it

Since this is also very interesting and cannot be described in a few words, we will talk about this another time. In the meantime, take a breather after a walk around Skybridge.

Skypark, impressions of the bridge

Personally, my impressions: super, super and super again! Despite all my fear, I walked back and forth across the bridge without clinging to the railings or trembling with fear. I looked and filmed how people were jumping. I photographed the bridge itself and took a photo as a souvenir. We walked along the bridge more than an hour. At first I was terribly cold, but when I climbed the stairs at the opposite end of the bridge, I was exhausted. Rise after rise...

At the other end of the bridge there is also a ladder

And here is ours youngest daughter, who, as we always thought, was not at all afraid of heights, walked along the bridge, holding my hand and wailing. She asked us to leave there and return to the car. And then she reluctantly agreed to sit in the second platform cradle while we walked to the end of the bridge. Leaving an 8-year-old child there, surrounded by many adults watching the jump, was not scary. I just told her not to get up from her seat, sit and watch others jump.

Bungy platform 207 m

When we returned, our child became somewhat bolder. My daughter even walked the remaining 30 meters to the end of the bridge on her own, and I was already glad that she liked the bridge so much. But when we reached the end of the bridge, my daughter exhaled and said: “Finally, this nightmare is over! I will never go there again!” This was said with such feeling that I understood that the child still did not like the bridge...

View from the bridge to the White Rocks

But she always makes fun of me when I slow down in the mountains on slopes, descents, am afraid to approach the edge of the abyss, and generally show my fear of heights in every possible way. She herself was on top more than once and was never afraid. Therefore, such panic came as a complete surprise to us.

Could you jump from such a height?

And yet I am not ashamed of our child. I saw grown women moaning with fear, clinging to the railings and saying that they would not go further... And some simply walked along the bridge, holding tightly with their hands to both handrails on both sides of the bridge, with obvious reluctance unhooking their hands so that someone skip…

I'm scared to even look down, let alone jump there...

Personally, I (I repeat) am terribly afraid of heights, but if possible, I will definitely walk along Skybridge! Moreover, they are also planning to make trolls, high-altitude swings and many other extreme entertainments here. So I think we'll have to come back here.

What is the price: entrance – 700 rubles for an adult and 350 for a child under 12 years old. Children under 5 years old are admitted free of charge. People over 75 years old too. Thanks to the park administration: although our youngest child It’s already 5 years old, they still let him in for free. At the same time, no one knew that I was a journalist and a blogger; they simply didn’t follow the principle.

Tickets to Skypark, adults and children

Attention! Don't throw away your ticket! If you bring a friend to Skypark within a week after purchasing a ticket, you can visit the park again using your previous ticket, that is, the second visit will be free for you.

On back side tickets - rules of conduct in Skypark

Just in case, keep in mind: if you feel very scared and do not dare to cross the bridge, the money for the ticket will not be refunded. These are the rules.

A bungee jump costs 5 thousand rubles. If you decide to jump a second time on the same day, then a second jump will cost you 1,700 rubles. And after that you will be able to jump in Skypark Sochi any day for 3 thousand rubles.

Start of flight

But there is a surprise here: if within two weeks after the jump you bring a friend to the jump, then not only will you be allowed into Skypark for free, but you can also jump for only 1,900 rubles. Therefore, if you are going to jump, take your passport (or other identification document, for example, a driver’s license) with you.

I didn’t make it to the river for a little while...

However, the conditions of all these promotions may change, so keep an eye on them on the official website of Skypark Sochi www.ajhackett.com.

Skypark has its own website where you can find out all the news

Howget to Skypark Sochi. By public transport: bus No. 131 (stops at Adler railway station at 9:40, 11:30, 12:50, 13:50, 15:20).

The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, also known as the Pearl Bridge, links the city of Kobe on the Honshu-Shikoku mainland with Iwaya on Awaji Island in Japan. Crosses the busy Akashi Strait.

It carries part of the Honshu-Shikoku Highway. Since its completion in 1998, the bridge has had the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world at 1,991 metres. The total cost is estimated at 500 billion yen.

2. Xihoumen Bridge, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, China

Built in the Zhoushan Archipelago, this bridge was completed in December 2007 but opened to the public in December 2009. Its unsupported length is 1650 meters, and its cost is up to $363 million.

It connects the islands of Jintang and Cezi. It was built by Dorman Long Technology Limited.

3. Great Belt Bridge

Located between the islands of Funen and Zealand, This magnificent suspension bridge has an unsupported length of 1624 meters. It was designed according to the Danish architectural practice Dissing + Weitling.

The parcel replaces the ferry service that was the main means of crossing the Great Belt. It was built between 1991-1998 and E. Pihl & Søn AS was the general contractor on this bridge.

4. Osman Ghazi Bridge

The Osman Ghazi Bridge crosses the Bay of Izmit, part of the expanded highway system connecting Izmir and Istanbul. Which reduces the time accordingly the journey is approximately 6 hours.

The suspension bridge has 1,550 meters between bridges and a total length of about three kilometers. The bridge was built in one of the most seismically active areas in the world, which places additional demands on the bridge design.

5. Li Sunxin Bridge

Li Sunxin Bridge is a suspension bridge on the coast South Korea. The bridge is part of the Yeosu Industrial Complex Access Road.

Since its opening in 2012, it is the fifth longest suspension bridge in the world, according to along the length of the main span of 1545 m. The bridge connects Gwangyang to Myododong, a small island that is part of the city of Yeosu.

6. Rongyang North Bridge

This bridge carries people across the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China. It consists of two main bridges that connect Zhenjiang in the south of the river and Yangzhou in the north. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. Its the longest the span has 1490 meters between columns.

The towers are located at a height of 215 meters above water level, and the main span of the bridge consists of a beam with an orthotropic steel box, the depth of which is 3 meters, and the width of the deck reached 40 meters. The contractors for this project were China Road and Bridge Co. and Dorman Long Technology Limited.

7. Nanjing Bridge

The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, which was built between 1960 and 1968, is the third bridge to cross the Yangtze River after the Wuhan-Yangtze River Bridge and the Baisha To Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing City.

Being the longest bridge with dual highway function and by rail, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the first bridge in China designed and built exclusively by the Chinese.

8. Humber Bridge

Located near Kingston upon Hull in England, it stretches between Barton upon Humber on the south bank and Hessle on the north bank, connecting the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. The consulting engineers on the project were Freeman Fox and Partners and the contractor was Sir William Arrol and Co.

Its length is 1410 meters. The towers are hollow vertical concrete columns, each 155 meters high, and the bridge is designed to withstand constant traffic and bends more than 3 meters in the wind at a speed of 80 miles per hour.

There are almost enough wires in overhead cables to circle the Earth twice. It was considered the longest suspension bridge from 1981 to 1997.

9. Jiangyin Bridge

Cleveland Bridge was the main contractor for the construction of the suspension system and main deck of this 1385 m long suspension bridge - the longest bridge in China.

The Jiangyin Bridge is the fastest maritime crossing of the Yangtze River, carrying a three-lane river. Movement across this river occurs using a 50-meter navigation clearance.

10. Qingma Bridge

Impressive by day and twinkling lights at night, the Tsingma Bridge is an engineering marvel linking Lantau Island to the rest of Hong Kong. Bridge length 2.16 km was opened to traffic in 1997 as part of key infrastructure serving the new airport on Lantau Island, and has since become popular with local tourists.

As the longest suspension bridge carrying rail and road traffic in the world, the Qing Ma Bridge takes its name from the districts at both ends: Qing Yi and Ma Wan.

In the case of especially strong typhoon, which hit Hong Kong and blocked six lanes of traffic, the bridge, two railway lines and two road lanes enclosed underneath it are still able to operate and transport passengers and their luggage to and from the airport.

I've heard and read a lot about Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi, now I've watched it and formed my own opinion.

Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi is a complex of extreme entertainment at altitude, located in the Adler district of Sochi.
The park opened recently, in June 2014. They have already recruited both stars and bloggers.
So I won't show anything new.

The main part of the AJ Hackett Sochi skypark complex is a suspension bridge with observation platforms from where the sea and mountains are visible. This is the longest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world with the largest rope jumping system. The project, unique in its size and architectural forms, is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

2. First stop - inspection of the suspension bridge from the bottom of the canyon.

3. The SkyBridge, according to its creators, is so reliable that it can withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake (the bridge project was previously tested in a wind tunnel with a seismic load of magnitude 9).

4. An international team led by New Zealander A. J. Hackett (A.J. Hackett Company) worked on the creation of the bridge - it was he who, together with his friend, invented an elastic rope for making safe jumps from heights in the 1970s. The design work took three years, the bridge itself was built over two years.

5. Prices for entertainment.

6. Contraindications! Be attentive to such signs and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

7. The ticket gives you the right to be on the bridge all day without leaving it.

8. Gallery leading to the bridge.

9. Unfinished.

10. SkyBridge has two observation decks, one at the beginning, the other in the middle, and is intended both for walking through a mountain gorge and for extreme entertainment. The BUNGY 69 m attraction is already operating on the first site: the length of its rubber rope, with which daredevils jump down, is 69 meters.

12. The cables appear to be reliable.

13. On one side of the bridge there is a view of the Caucasus Mountains.

14. Trout hatchery.

15. There are only a few such attractions in the world.
In the future, the number of extreme entertainment in the park will increase. The organizers plan to launch jumps in tandem, on skis, bicycles, snowboards and even in a wheelchair.

16. For those who don't jump, walk across the bridge.

23. View of the Black Sea.

28. Autographs.

30. In the city of Sochi, dark nights.

Construction stages can be divided into the following stages:

1. Creation of supports for pylons

2. Creation of coastal supports

3. Construction of pylons

4. Pulling the supporting cables

5. Suspension of bridge trusses

Let's start with the first stage.

The bridge pylons are located in the sea strait, more than 60 meters deep. First of all, special vessels extracted bottom soil in the areas where the supports would be installed.

At the same time, huge floating hollow cylinders were built on the shore, which were transported by water and sunk in dug pits. The height of the cylinders exceeded sixty meters, so that they rose above the water. Moreover, such colossuses had to be installed in the required positions with centimeter precision, which was successfully accomplished by Japanese engineers.

After installing the forms of future supports, special water-insoluble concrete began to be poured inside them.

At the same time, the construction of foundations for coastal supports - anchors for securing cables - took place on the shore. They differ slightly in design depending on the coast. For the western support, a very deep seventy-meter pit was dug, the walls of which, as they walked, were encased in concrete. This depth, if my memory serves me correctly, is due to the desire to go through sedimentary rocks to solid layers. By the way, on the other side, the depth of the pit was only twenty-three and a half meters.

After excavation, a metal frame-foundation was built in the shaft and filled with concrete. Then the already assembled future cable-stay fastening unit was installed at the top, tightly connecting it to the foundation.

And immediately they began to build walls around it.

At the same time, pylons were built. They were not cast from concrete, but assembled from metal elements. Inside there are elevators, stairs, and vibration compensation pendulums. The latter is an important element of almost all modern Japanese high-rise structures, due to high seismicity. By moving a massive load, such a device allows you to eliminate dangerous deviations from the vertical, maintaining the strength and integrity of the structure.

After completing the installation of both pylons, workers began pulling the cables. The very first thing, the primary cable was transferred by helicopter - essentially a strong centimeter plastic rope, on which, in the future, they began to gradually hang all the others, increasing the number of threads. To do this, the cable being pulled was attached to the primary cable and began to be pulled. Unwinding from the reel, he pulled the attached cable along with him. After pulling several parallel threads, a temporary fabric was laid on them, along which the workers could walk. After installing the walkways, they began to stretch the threads of the supporting cables and so, gradually, the main cables were assembled, holding the entire weight of the canvas. They have a diameter of 1122 mm and consist of many hexagonal elements, each of which, in turn, consists of 127 steel threads, each with a diameter of 5.23 mm. The total length of all threads (on two cables) is one light second.

The outside of the cables is wrapped with several layers of insulation. At ground supports, the threads are separated, attaching their ends to the attachment points.

The final stage was the suspension of the roadway trusses. Farms are very complex, because inside them there is a place for the prospect of a railway line. The truss elements were transported by sea, then lifted up by cranes, where they were assembled and mounted to the suspension points.

Today, the bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world: its total length is 3911 meters, the central span is 1991 meters long, and the side spans are 960 meters long. The height of the pylons is 298 meters, which is higher than a 90-story building. Due to its size, the Pearl Bridge was twice included in the Guinness Book of Records. The bridge design has a system of double-hinged stiffening beams, which allows it to withstand wind speeds of up to 80 m/s, earthquakes of magnitude up to 8.5 and resist strong sea currents. Special pendulum systems are also used that operate at the resonant frequency of the bridge structure.

Photo 6.

Currently, only the upper part of the span structures is used to move cars, but there is also a lower technical floor, where, in the future, a railway track can be laid. From the lower level you can get inside the pylons, and then go out to their tops, from where you can see a beautiful view of Kobe and the sea. On the Kobe side there is a specially built concrete promenade 317 meters long so that you can admire the views from the bridge and the bridge itself. In Japan, when something huge is built, a museum of this structure appears nearby. The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Museum also appeared, in which the Japanese reproduced in models the entire history of construction from the beginning of digging pits to tensioning the cables. The operation of this miracle bridge is designed for at least 200 years.

The world's longest pedestrian bridge will allow you to admire the Swiss Alps. Traveling across the Charles Kuonen Bridge will take at least 10 minutes, during which you will enjoy magnificent views of snow-capped mountain peaks. This attraction is definitely not for the faint of heart, but for lovers of heights and thrills, this bridge will come in handy.

While there are already many ways to enjoy the beauty of the Swiss Alps, the discovery of the world's longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Switzerland takes this adventure to a whole new level! Stretching almost 500 meters, the suspension bridge opened in Rand near the city of Zermatt, becoming one of the most beautiful pedestrian bridges in the world.

The Charles Kuonen suspension bridge stretches across the valley, which connects Grächen with the popular ski resort Zermatt. The bridge has already become the most exciting tourist destination in the region. If you're brave enough to take the 10-minute walk across the bridge, you'll also get breathtaking views of the mountains, including the world-famous Matterhorn.

It took Swissrope about 10 weeks to build the longest suspension bridge in the world. Construction began after a landslide damaged a previous bridge in the region. Before the Charles Kuonen Bridge, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world was the Dragon Cliff Skywalk in China with a length of 430 meters and a glass bottom.

And while it's not the tallest bridge in the world, it's definitely a technological masterpiece overlooking a deep valley where you can admire the breathtaking Swiss landscape. If you love adrenaline, thrills and edge treks, then the Charles Kuonen Bridge in the Swiss Alps is a place you should definitely add to your Switzerland itinerary. We hope your trip will be exciting and memorable for a lifetime!