Well      04/19/2019

Storing apples at home in winter. How to keep apples fresh all winter

Apples. So familiar that they are almost unnoticed. But when there are a lot of apples, the question immediately arises - what to do with the harvest? Compotes, jams, marshmallows - these are familiar. If only they were fresh, in winter! How to store apples at home? Yes, very simple.

Choosing apples for storage

Early ripening (summer) ones will not lie. Mid-season (autumn) varieties are stored for 2-3 months. Late-ripening (winter) ones last until March. Of course, if you collect and store them correctly. You also need to know how to choose apples for a bookmark. Situation one: a neighbor, pulling up his sweatpants and typing more air, comes up to the tree and bravely shakes it. The fruits fall on the floor, on the neighbor’s head, and scatter in all directions. In the evening, with his head bandaged, he complains through the fence that the apples are not stored, they immediately begin to rot. How else? They are broken, with burst skin, scratched.

Apples must be picked carefully. Carefully twist each fruit from the branch with your hands, preferably wearing gloves. This will allow the natural wax coating to remain intact. Be sure to leave the stem. A slightly unripe fruit is correct. In order not to shake the tree, harvesting begins from the lower branches, going up. The collected apples are carefully placed in containers rather than thrown into baskets from a height.

Bookmark according to all the rules

Situation two. A man sits on the veranda in the evening, drinks fragrant tea with strawberry jam and watches a most delightful picture. The notorious neighbor, who suffered from an apple fall during the day, with his whole family drags the harvest to the barn. There, grunting and heckling, they lower huge baskets full of freshly picked fruits into the cellar. Then they close the cellar lid tightly and, satisfied, leave.

They return only after a month. The picture is repeated, only in reverse order: apples are dragged out of the cellar into the light. Or rather, what was left of them was an acidic mass covered with mold. Ambre is indescribable! And again there are complaints about the poor preservation of the harvest, with an indescribable play on words. We, he says, washed and rubbed every apple...

Correct actions:

  1. Quarantine. Essential like air! The apples should sit for at least two weeks. For example, in a barn or on a balcony. This is how hidden damage and diseases are revealed.
  2. Fruits cannot be stored in large quantities. Lay out the apples in 2-3 layers, no more. Then the upper ones do not put pressure on the lower ones, there is free access for ventilation.
  3. Wrapper. You can’t just take an apple and send it to the cellar. If the harvest is small, then it is advisable to wrap each fruit in plain paper. If there is a lot of fruit, then the layers in boxes or baskets are sprinkled with peat, moss, sunflower husks, sand, onion peels, and sawdust.
  4. Sorting. Recommended. At least in size and degree of maturity. Large apples will ripen quickly, while small ones will already be overripe by then.
  5. Ventilation. Definitely needed. All apple varieties emit ethylene. This gas causes fruit to ripen faster. Therefore, thoroughly ventilate every 5-7 days or in advance good system ventilation.
  6. Temperature. From 0 to +5°С. Strictly! It goes down - the fruit freezes. It increases - bacteria and microbes become more active. Apples begin to “bloom and smell” at incredible speed, and far from being like violets.
  7. Wax coating. You should try to damage the matte coating on the fruit as little as possible. This is a natural defense against pathogens. What a wash! You can’t even wipe it with a soft cloth.

The tips are simple, and they extend the life of the fruit for quite a significant period.

Storing apples in a trench

Third situation. The neighbor did a great job, and there is still plenty of fruit. Having heard somewhere about underground storage, he cheerfully begins to dig a hole. Having somehow picked out two bayonets of a shovel, he pours a pile of apples into the resulting “trench”. He places the same two bayonets of earth on top. Thoroughly stomps around the grave (there is no other way to call it), and leaves satisfied. He worked hard.

In winter, it wanders around the site for a long time, looking for the site of the supposed exhumation. Even if he finds it, what will he dig up there? Semi-finished compost with a bunch of earthworms.

Proper storage of apples in trenches is a complex of measures. The depth of the pit should be at least 50-60 cm. Place boards or sawdust in a thick layer at the bottom. Fruits are packed in plastic bags of 4-5 kg. Tie, leaving as little air inside as possible. Carefully place the bags in the trench. Cover the top with spruce branches or a thick layer of peat.

The entire structure is covered with a layer of earth at least 20 cm thick. The ropes from the ties are made long and pulled up. The last layer is a thick film. This is protection from precipitation.

In winter they come and see their beacon (stick, flag, piece of iron, rod, branch). Carefully remove the cover and pull out a bag with beautiful fragrant apples from your garden by the string.


The fourth and final situation. By hook or by crook, unfortunate Michurin destroyed most harvest. But there are still some remaining apples hanging here and there. They await their fate with trembling. And the neighbor did not keep himself waiting. I beat the last fruits with a stick, collected them from the ground and poured them out on a rag in the garden or right on the roof of the barn. After 2 days, dancing with a tambourine begins on the neighbor’s property. Moreover, the whole family is running around, desperately kicking their legs and shouting something inarticulate.

  • September
  • warm
  • apples on the roof
  • smell

Yes, the most common wasps. But how much!

After a while, everything behind the fence calms down. We just have to wait a little longer and we can go out. It is recommended to take a sip of valerian beforehand. For it is impossible to recognize what will come towards you without fear. It will begin to complain about the dominance of creepy insects. And through the sorrowful groans of the lisping mouth, you can finally hear where it all began. It turns out that the neighbor dried his apples this way!

To prevent the face from looking like a Pancake week pancake, you need to dry the fruits correctly. Ripe apples are sorted and washed. Wormholes, damage and sore spots are cut out. Cut into slices or circles, removing the core. Place on an oven tray or electric dryer tray. And the process begins. At a temperature of 55-70°C, apples dry out in 7-10 hours.

These fruit chips are stored for about 7 months in fabric or paper bags. Glass, metal or plastic are not suitable as containers. Dried apples quickly become musty, change their smell, and become moldy.

  1. It is recommended to check your fruit stock regularly. The slightest sign of spoilage and the apple is removed so as not to infect the rest.
  2. If there is no cellar, the fruits can be stored on an insulated balcony or in a cool pantry. Cleaning and preparation conditions remain identical.
  3. Before storage, boxes and baskets are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chlorine. The cellar is treated with a solution of lime with copper sulfate or a sulfur smoke bomb.
  4. Despite increased ventilation, the humidity level in the room or storage should not fall below 80%. You can maintain the norm by spraying water on the walls or floor. Or put open filled containers.
  5. It is not recommended to store apples at home if they were purchased in a store. Industrial processing almost completely kills the taste and aroma of fruits. What's the point of saving them if you then have to eat cotton wool that smells like synthetics?
  6. Before harvesting, they try to water the trees to a minimum. Or refuse altogether. This way the apples will not be saturated with excess moisture.
  7. Sometimes your own fruits are far from ideal in appearance, but they contain much more useful and nutritious substances than store-bought ones.
  8. If the stalk is too long and interferes with the storage of fruits, it can be shortened. The main thing is to leave at least a small tail.
  9. It happens that a person does not have a balcony or a cellar. Then the apples are stored front door or under the bed. Can be in the refrigerator. True, then the period is reduced to 2 months. Not enough, but better than nothing.
  10. In order not to rack your brains about which box to take fruit for food from first, you can simply label them. For example, the name of the variety and the date of planting.

Straw is a poor bedding material, but a good flavoring agent. Few people like the smell of apples from under it.

There is no need to become like your neighbor’s “gardener.” With a little effort, delicious, aromatic, home-produced apples will be on the table all winter.

Video: how to store apples for the winter

Many novice gardeners are faced with the question after harvesting a rich harvest of apples, how to keep them fresh for the winter, and longer, in order to feast on the juicy and aromatic gifts of nature, if not until the next season, then at least until spring. By following certain rules for collecting fruits and storing them, this is quite possible.

Not all varieties of apples are well suited for long-term storage. For example, autumn ones last only up to 2 months, while summer ones often don’t last even 2 weeks. And winter varieties are suitable for storage long term, for which they select strong apples without wounds, dents and other damage, not wormy, and torn from the stem. The size of the fruit also matters - medium ones last much longer than large ones, and small ones are better processed or eaten immediately.

  • collect fruits in dry, not rainy, cool weather;
  • pluck them from the stalk, without tearing them off, but as if twisting the fruits;
  • When picking, do not crush, crush, or throw apples, but fold them carefully to avoid damage;
  • try not to destroy the protective wax coating on the fruits; to do this, you can collect them using cloth gloves;
  • It is better to pick apples from the tree slightly underripe than overripe.

Before storing apples for permanent storage, it is advisable to first keep them for 2-3 weeks in a cool room, then discard unsuitable fruits.

Where and how can you store apples for the winter?

An excellent place to store crops is a cellar, if one is available. Another cool room with a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees and an optimal humidity for apples, about 80-85 percent, will do. At lower humidity, the fruits begin to dry out.

A common way is to store apples in wooden boxes, specially equipped racks or ordinary cardboard boxes. Place a layer of clean sand (it can be mixed with ash), sawdust or shavings at the bottom of the prepared container hardwood trees or replace with something else, free-flowing and neutral, lay the apples with the stem up, cover them with the selected filler, including the spaces between the fruits. This way you can lay them in several layers, the main thing is that they do not touch each other, and the stalk of one fruit cannot damage the neighboring one.

Another quite popular method is to wrap each fruit in a separate piece of paper, suitable if the harvest is not too large. It is necessary to wrap all the apples individually in clean paper, a napkin or a paper towel and place them in rows in boxes or cardboard boxes, then placing them in a place of permanent storage.

Another way to preserve apples is in plastic bags. Pack the prepared fruits, 2-3 kilograms each, into bags, put a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol or vinegar in each of them, then tie the bag tightly so that air does not penetrate there, put it in any container and take it out for storage in a room with a suitable temperature.

But how can you preserve fresh apples for the winter if you really have collected a lot of them? For these purposes, you can equip a separate pit for them in the cellar. At the bottom of it you need to pour a layer of shavings, sawdust or other filler, then lay the apples, sprinkling each row with the selected bulk material.

How to store apples in an apartment in winter?

If the apartment has glass balcony or a loggia, where the temperature is winter time more or less suitable for apples, then you can store the harvest there by equipping a special box for this. You need to take two boxes or boxes, so that one is larger in size than the other, and put the smaller one in the larger one, filling the gap (it is better to have about a 15 cm gap) between them with some kind of insulation: shavings, rags, sawdust or something else. Next, put foam plastic on the bottom of the smaller box, spread the apples on it in an even layer, covering it with foam plastic on top. Fill the entire box with such layers, cover it with a lid, throwing some old blanket over this entire structure to protect against frost, just in case.

You have now read only some of the ways to store apples in winter, but we hope that you will find them useful. To let your friends know about them, share the article with them by clicking on the social media buttons located just below.

Having had your fill of fresh apples, you definitely want to save them for a longer period. In winter, it’s so nice to treat yourself to a crunchy fruit! Unfortunately, not everyone has a cellar, and many do not know how to properly store apples. This article provides the basic rules, optimal temperature, storage methods in an apartment on the balcony. The information is also useful for those who will store apples in the cellar. In addition, you need to know which varieties are best to prepare, and which of them will have to be eaten first.

Basic rules for storing apples

First, decide how long you want to store the apples for. The variety that needs to be prepared depends on this. For example, late apple varieties will become loose by the beginning of winter, losing their density. The latest autumn varieties they will lie for a very long time, maybe even until spring, but over time they will lose their juiciness and remain just as tough.

Advice. The Antonovka and Senate varieties are optimal for harvesting.

  • To harvest crops for storage, you need to choose suitable weather - no precipitation, normal air humidity, coolness.
  • Do not take early varieties for storage; they have thin skin and abundant juiciness; such fruits are susceptible to damage and will not be stored for a long time.
  • Choose fruits without damage (no scratches, “soft barrels,” bumps, cracks).
  • Pick apples with stems.
  • Do not wipe off the natural waxy coating. It protects apples from external damage.
  • Do not expose fruits to temperature changes. Condensation that appears will cause damage.

Late varieties of apples are suitable for storage

  • Do not store apples together with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. With such a “neighborhood”, vegetables will begin to rot faster, and apples will take on a putrid smell.
  • Store fruit in wooden boxes with slits for ventilation.
  • Do not stack apples in a mound or mound. Maximum of two layers, stem side up and very carefully.
  • It is impossible to keep collected in one container different time varieties.
  • Observe temperature regime. A favorable temperature is +3 – +5°C, in the absence of excessive humidity.
  • At least once a month you need to sort through the apples, removing even slightly spoiled ones. If this is not done in a timely manner, the damage will lead to other fruits.

Methods for storing apples in an apartment or on the balcony

Don’t be upset if you don’t have a basement; apples can be stored very successfully in an apartment. If there is no balcony or loggia, then you can store it on the windowsill, periodically opening the window for ventilation, or in the hallway-hallway on the floor. We offer several methods for storing apples:

Preparing apples for storage

  1. Thermal box It's easy to do. This requires two boxes. different sizes and insulation material (foam, polyurethane foam, sawdust). Place the smaller box in the larger one and fill the difference between them with insulation. It is desirable that there be at least 15 cm between the boxes. The bottom and top are also lined with insulation material.
  2. On paper. To prepare apples, you need to choose a box made of plastic, cardboard or wood. Before placing the fruits, wrap each one in thin paper. Suitable for this newspaper, paper towels or plain printing paper.
  3. IN plastic bags. You can store it this way by wrapping each fruit individually and placing it in a convenient container, or by packing the apples in one plastic bag. In the latter case, you need to put a piece of cotton wool soaked in vinegar on top of the bag. After this, seal the bag tightly.

Rules for storing apples in the cellar

Before filling the cellar with supplies, it is necessary to prepare it: insulate it, ventilate it, remove mold if any, whitewash the walls, treat the corners with a disinfectant solution.

Storing apples in the basement

Apples tend to release ethylene during storage and ripening. This is a plant hormone that accelerates the process of growth and ripening of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, if potatoes, carrots or other vegetables are stored next to apples, they will quickly begin to sprout and rot. It is advisable to make a separate compartment for apples in the cellar.

Attention! When placing fruit in containers, try to stick to the same size. Because large apples will ripen faster and, accordingly, will begin to spoil earlier.

Apples are capable of absorbing odors during long-term storage. If you don’t initially take care to cover them or keep them away from vegetables, then eventually the taste will become earthy, and even worse, putrid.
To prevent apples from shriveling, maintain the cellar level at 90%. Forced ventilation will reduce ethylene levels.

If you follow the instructions and do everything correctly, then in winter you will be able to please yourself and your family with your own hand-picked, juicy and sweet apples without chemical additives.

How to properly store apples: video

Of course, to collect a rich harvest of apples at own dacha- this is one of the primary tasks for every gardener. However, it is important not only to pick the fruits from the tree, but also to provide them proper storage. I especially crave a fresh apple when cold weather sets in. Well, who among the summer residents does not dream that the collected apples retain their natural properties for as long as possible? taste qualities? At the same time, not everyone knows how to store apples for the winter.

It should be noted that an apple picked from a tree does not “die”; it continues to live, inhaling oxygen and evaporating moisture. How to create optimal conditions for the above processes?

Studying the question of how to store apples for the winter and applying this knowledge in practice will help with this. It is very important to remember that these fruits are classified as perishable, so it should be emphasized once again: the main component of success is the creation of the necessary conditions for storage.

Decide on storage location

Naturally, considering the question of how to store apples for the winter is meaningless without deciding another: “Where should the fruits be stored?” If you ignore it, you may simply lose your harvest, and all your efforts to grow the fruit will be reduced to zero.

Experienced gardeners know that apples for the winter are usually stored in the basement and on the balcony.

The type of apple also matters

The shelf life of the fruit in question depends on the variety. Those who want to know how to store apples for the winter must learn to understand their species diversity.

There are summer varieties that have a thin and delicate skin, there are autumn varieties that have a skin of medium thickness, and there are also winter varieties that are characterized by a rough shell and a specific waxy coating.

Pay attention to the skin of apples

When deciding how to properly store apples for the winter, the thickness of the fruit peel is of fundamental importance, since it is this that prevents the fruit from drying out and shriveling, and also does not allow harmful insects to penetrate it.

It is the varieties with rough skin that can remain fresh and juicy for the longest possible time. For this reason, winter varieties of apples are considered the most suitable for storage, while autumn and summer varieties begin to deteriorate within a few days after harvest.

How to pick apples

Don't know how to preserve apples for the winter? It is very important not only to learn how to choose a variety of fruits, but also to collect them correctly. This should be done at the end of September or at the beginning of October, and there is no need to wait until the fruits are fully ripened. They must be carefully removed from the apple tree along with the stalk to preserve the waxy coating on the peel. Naturally, the fruits need to be collected, first armed with a basket.

Apple sorting

When considering the question of how to preserve apples for the winter, one of the key points is the stage of their sorting. What does it mean? After harvesting, you need to sort through the fruits, separating those that are beaten and spoiled by pests. Remember that only whole apples are suitable for storage.

Storage containers

Surely many are interested in the question: “What should I store fruit in?” Boxes made of moisture-resistant cardboard or soft wood are ideal. Make sure they are stable and free of dirt particles. Also, they should not have large gaps.

Each fruit must be packaged

It’s good if you can package each fruit separately. Wrap the apple in paper, then sprinkle with one of the following ingredients: maple leaves, buckwheat hulls, moss, sand or husks. In some cases, straw is added to the fruit to increase shelf life, but this technique has one significant drawback: if at least one apple begins to rot, or the process of moisture condensation is activated, then the rot also deteriorates.

If you place fruits in boxes, they should be placed diagonally or in a row.

Storing apples for the winter is a rather troublesome task that requires a lot of effort and time. To increase the shelf life of fruits, they must be treated with an alcoholic infusion of propolis or a 2% solution of calcium chloride before laying.

Storage in sand

Many experienced gardeners When asked how to store apples in winter, they will answer without hesitation: “In the sand.” To do this, you will need fine, clean sand, which must first be dried in the oven. The bottom of the container is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, on which the fruits are placed, and then another layer of sand is placed on them, the thickness of which should be at least three centimeters. Next, a second batch of apples is placed in the same box, and the procedure is repeated. If you have to move boxes from one place to another, try to stack the apples as closely as possible to each other to minimize the risk of damage.

Storage in paper

A huge number of summer residents do not have the slightest idea how to ensure the storage of apples in the basement in winter. Shelving is ideal for this space.

Fruits should be wrapped in paper pre-treated with petroleum jelly. Experts also recommend sprinkling apples with shavings soaked in mineral oil.

Storage in plastic film

Fruits placed in plastic wrap will also be perfectly preserved until spring. Two layers of film are placed crosswise in the container, and apples are placed on them in even rows. On final stage A plastic film is placed on top of the box in the same way as on the bottom of the container.

Storage in a plastic bag

Some gardeners store apples in plastic bags. Each fruit is pre-cooled and then placed in the above material, which is tied tightly. The fruit is then placed in boxes or on racks.

When apples “inhale” oxygen, they release carbon dioxide into the external environment. It is a kind of preservative, which increases the shelf life of fruits. That is why this storage method allows you to keep apples fresh even on the balcony of a city apartment. The main thing is to observe the temperature regime - from +5 to +7 degrees Celsius.

Places to store apples

As already emphasized above, the most appropriate place for storing apples - this is a cellar, a basement or, with the exception of the best, an apartment balcony. The lower drawers and shelves must be placed at least 20 centimeters from the floor, and the upper ones - at least 30 centimeters from the ceiling.

In the upper part of the room for storing vegetables and fruits, the temperature is slightly higher, so products with a maximum shelf life should be placed at the bottom.

Optimal storage conditions for apple varieties grown in middle lane Russia, are such that after harvesting, fruits must be placed as quickly as possible in a room where there is high humidity and low temperature. To normalize the first parameter, experts recommend watering the floors with water, and to lower the temperature, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often at night and when it gets cold.