Toilet      04/06/2019

Collection and storage of autumn varieties of apples: when to collect and what fruits to leave for the winter? When to Harvest Apples for Best Storage and Best Varieties

The Antonovka apple tree is the most common variety in domestic areas. Wanting to purchase environmentally friendly, non-waxed fruit, buyers give preference to this particular variety. Choosing an unpretentious apple tree that is guaranteed to produce a rich harvest every year, gardeners plant Antonovka again. But in order for the fruits to be tasty, they do not lose their freshness and pleasant appearance during storage, it is very important to know the exact dates of apple ripening and The right way their collection.

When can you start collecting?

To correctly determine the time of harvesting fruits, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between consumer and removable ripeness. Consumer readiness implies the state of the fruit when it is fully ripe and softer. Having collected them, you can immediately begin canning. In the case of Antonovka, such maturity occurs in the middle and end of October.

And removable ripeness is the state of fruits in which they are not yet fully ripe, have a hard texture, and contain a large number of acids and a small amount of sugars. At this time, the apples are ready for picking and transportation. As a rule, the harvesting period for storage occurs at the end of September - beginning of October. The readiness of the fruit for picking is indicated by its appearance: the apple in some places acquires a yellowish color.

You should not wait until yellowness appears over the entire area of ​​the fruit. This means that it is completely ripe and will be preserved quite poorly. Apples collected for storage should gradually ripen in the container. Also, you should not pick apples that are still green, the amount of useful vitamins and minerals in them will be minimal, and when separated from the tree, the fruit will no longer be able to replenish the composition of useful elements, especially since the fruits of Antonovka never fall off, wait the required level maturity is possible without fear of crop loss.

Proper collection and storage of Antonovka apples

Before picking apples, you must first prepare baskets or boxes. They must be completely dry. It is recommended to wrap their middle with cloth or polyethylene and line it with hay. In this case, the fruits always remain dry, are not exposed to dampness, and their appearance will not be damaged due to imprints from the hard surface of the container. The storage room is also prepared the day before collection. It must be thoroughly removed, cleaned of dust, and the floor washed with a disinfectant solution. Apples will be edible for the longest time in a cold, dry room.

Antonovka apple picking begins in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, but the sun has not yet come out to warm the fruit. The weather must be dry so that the fruits are never placed wet in the box. They pick fruits from the lower branches, gradually approaching the fruits located at the top of the tree. Index finger press carefully on the upper part of the stalk, trying not to break it or fruit branch. If apples fall out of a tree on their own during picking, they should not be placed with the picked ones. with my own hands fruits. These fruits are usually of poorer quality and may not store well.

The question “When to harvest apples?” not as simple as it seems. The degree of ripeness largely determines the keeping quality of fruits in storage. Harvesting unripe apples leads to a decrease in yield, while the size, color and taste typical for the variety are not achieved. But you can’t be late with filming. The fruits will fall off the tree en masse and will not store well. And the tree itself will be weakened, which will lead to a decrease in winter hardiness and yield in the next season.

There are removable and consumer degrees of fruit ripeness. The removable stage occurs when the main growth processes are completed, and the fruits have acquired the color and aroma characteristic of the variety. The consumer degree of maturity of the fruits is already in storage. As a result of the biochemical and physical processes occurring, apples acquire juiciness, softness and taste.

It is impossible to indicate the exact time of harvesting, since it varies depending on the variety, season and region. The ripeness of an apple can be determined as follows: lift it in the palm of your hand; if it easily separates from the fruit along with the stalk, then the harvest time has come. Another sign of maturity is the first carrion. Fruits thrown by strong gusts of wind or fallen as a result of moth activity are not taken into account.

An indicator of the state of maturity is the color of the seeds, which turn from white to light brown and then brown. In most varieties, as the seeds begin to color, the skin becomes brighter in color. Varieties early date They begin to pick slightly unripe, when the seeds are still completely white or the tip is just beginning to turn light brown. Delay in cleaning will result in most of will fall off, and apples picked late will quickly become limp. The first to reach removable ripeness are the fruits located on the outside of the crown and well illuminated by the sun, and those located in the depths of the crown are the last. The apples are not picked all in a row, but already colored ones. Carefully removed fruits are carefully placed in a basket or box with a soft lining, since damaged ones are poorly stored. Then the harvested crop is carefully transferred to a storage box.

Autumn varieties are harvested when the seeds in the apples are half light brown in color, and the fruits acquire a color characteristic of the variety. Varieties intended for winter storage are harvested after all the seeds turn brown. Autumn and winter varieties ripen after harvesting.

The fruits are picked by hand, and on the upper branches of the tree they are removed with a fruit picker. Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, as high humidity promotes the development of fungal diseases. Only undamaged fruits are left for storage. Even through microdamages, fungal spores penetrate into the pulp and spoil it.

As you begin harvesting, remember that harvested apples function like living organisms and undergo ripening and aging processes. And the faster they are placed in storage, the faster these processes will be stopped. The permissible duration between harvesting and storage should not exceed, depending on the variety, from 12 to 36 hours. And the sooner harvested will be placed in a refrigerated room, the better it will be stored.

Candidate of agricultural sciences Sciences
Ivanovich A.A.

The question of when to harvest apples confuses many gardeners. And not because the question is complicated, but because everything seems to be clear. In fact, especially for winter varieties, not everyone can pick the fruits on time. Firstly, few people know what signs determine the ripeness of apples. Secondly, the harvesting time by day and by month is also a mystery to some. What many people don't know?

How to determine the ripeness of apples

First, information for the uninitiated. Determining when to put apples away for storage only makes sense for summer and autumn varieties. This is because early and mid-early varieties can be eaten immediately, late varieties only after some time. The latter, even collected on time, still remain green; they need time to ripen. The ripeness of the first two can be determined with an accuracy of several days. By what signs?

Sign 1. The color of fully ripened fruits will never be green, unless this is due to selection characteristics. Autumn apples the color may still be somewhat greenish, summer ones - never, they are either yellow, or red, or almost white, or several colors at once.

Sign 2. Brown or dark brown seed color.

Sign 3. The fruits break off with a slight force; there is no need to pull them so that the branch bends.

Sign 4. A carrion of a color corresponding to the variety appeared on the ground, good quality, that is, not rotten or damaged by disease.

Sign 5. If you press on an apple and release it, but the dent remains, the fruit is ripe. If it disappears immediately, the fruit is still green, the skin is torn - it is overripe.

Apart from external signs, you can determine whether a fruit is ripe or not using a “laboratory” method in your kitchen. The apple is cut in half, dipped for a minute or two in a solution of water (1 liter) and potassium iodide with iodine (1 gram each). If the pulp has turned bluish throughout its entire thickness, it is too early to harvest. If blueness appears only near the skin, it’s time. More about harvest time.

When to pick apples depending on the variety

This does not mean the varietal name itself, for example, Antonovka or White filling, but the seasonality of the fruit: summer apple, autumn or winter. In this regard, the questions of when to harvest apples in principle and when to remove apples for storage are two different mutually exclusive questions.

Summer varieties no one puts it in storage, because even in the most favorable conditions Apples from the summer harvest last for a maximum of a month, and that’s only if you’re lucky. They are collected in late July - early August only for immediate consumption. The most popular of early varieties, This:
- "White filling"
- "Papering"
- "Candy"
- "Anise"
- “Grushovka Moskovskaya”
- “Red Early”
- "Melba"

Autumn varieties are removed from the tree towards the end of summer. They are more “universal”, suitable both for eating and for storing for not very long-term storage, for approximately up to 3 months. When kept for a long time, the dense pulp becomes loose and is more suitable for puree. At the beginning of autumn you can already try apples:
- "Streifling"
- “Autumn Joy”
- "Champion"
- “Glory to the winners”
- "Mac"
- “Zhigulevskoe”
- “Oryol striped”

Winter varieties for storing in storage are ideal varieties, and the question of when to pick apples for the winter is more than relevant. In this category external signs maturity does not “work”. To store them in a cellar or other place, apples are removed approximately in the first half of October, but before a significant cold snap begins and before carrion appears under the trees. Of the winter varieties that store well:
- "Antonovka"
- “Winter Lungwort”
- "Orlik"
- "Jonathan"
- "Simirenko"
- "Welsey"
- "Antey"
- "Aport"

In addition, winter varieties of apples are divided into 2 categories: those that are harvested a little earlier and those that are harvested last. Last of all, “Minskoe”, “Boyken”, “Zaslavskoe”, “Belarusian Senap” and “Idared” are removed. Regarding harvesting fruits for storage, it should be remembered that even if it is clear from day to day when to pick apples for the winter, one should not forget about the weather. Autumn harvesting work is carried out only in dry weather. In summer it is possible some time after the rain.

But these are all the “correct” rules. For winter varieties they are immutable. For autumn ones, they are desirable, if you have experience, they can be adjusted. For summer, this is more of a recommendation, since at the beginning of the season, when something is just appearing in the gardens, most people check the ripeness of the fruit by taste. And what is most correct, everyone decides for himself.

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Gardeners experience satisfaction and joy when contemplating the harvest they have grown. How much work was invested to achieve the result. Worries due to natural disasters are a thing of the past. Here they are: yellow, green, red, striped. The household has already enjoyed the fruits of the new harvest. But how to preserve apples until spring?

In a good year, housewives solve a difficult problem: how to preserve a rich harvest of ripe, aromatic fruits from minimal losses? Already done and. The harvest of autumn and winter apples is approaching. To keep fruits fresh and aromatic, you must follow certain rules.

What you need to consider to preserve the harvest

Step #1: Choose the right variety

The time during which the fruit remains unspoiled, or keeping quality, is determined by the variety.

Summer apples rot quickly and are not suitable for saving in winter. Autumn ones remain fresh for 2-3 months. Typically, gardeners pay attention to winter varieties that are stored until spring.

Top 5 most popular winter apple varieties in Russia:

  1. Antonovka. This is not even a variety, but a variety type, including several varieties. Described back in 1848. Residents middle zone Antonovka is appreciated for its amazing aroma, taste, and ease of care. True, the fruits are stored only for 2-3 months.
  2. Bogatyr. Ripens in September. The harvest is harvested when the apple reaches full harvest ripeness. The fruit is well stored for 6 months and acquires an excellent taste for the New Year.
  3. Star. The apple tree gives good harvests small (weighing up to 85 g), but very tasty sweet and sour fruits, which are successfully stored until March.
  4. Renet Simirenko. The variety is excellent for the southern regions of the Russian Federation. Very high yield. Record holder in fruit keeping quality. Juicy apples with a spicy aroma and wine-sweet taste are stored until June.
  5. Northern Sinap. Apples ripen in October and hang on the branches after leaf fall. They are stored for 6-7 months. Their skin becomes oily over time, which is a varietal feature and not a sign of spoilage.

In addition to these varieties, for most regions of Russia we can also recommend:

  • Pepin saffron;
  • Renet Chernenko;
  • Sinap Orlovsky;
  • Welsey;
  • Veteran.

Suitable for southern latitudes:

  • Delicious;
  • Memory of Michurin;
  • Idared;
  • Migints;
  • Rossoshansky striped;
  • Jonathan;
  • Golden Delicious;
  • Amazing;
  • Korea.

For Siberia:

  • Krasnoyarsk sweet;
  • Cherished;
  • Altai Phoenix;
  • Zhivinka;
  • Girlfriend;
  • Lada;
  • A swan song.

These winter varieties are time-tested. The fruits are stored until at least February, and some (Idared, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Amazing, Korey) until May.

Step No. 2: Properly remove apples from the tree

Storing apples in winter directly depends on compliance with harvesting technology. There are some subtleties here:

  • select to collect good weather: no rain or wind;
  • do not squeeze or scratch the fruits so as not to damage the peel;
  • The stem is important for an apple, so take the fruit in your palm and twist it along with the tail;
  • wear cloth gloves, this will protect the matte film on the skin from damage;
  • handle the fruit carefully to avoid dents;
  • Free the lower branches from the fruits first, gradually moving towards the top.

Various devices are used to remove apples from tall trees.

Do you know that…

To harvest, apples must reach removable ripeness. Each variety has its own: initial, medium or complete. You can definitely determine ripeness only by the color of the seeds. The darker the color, the riper the fruit.

Step #3: Divide by variety and size

The apple harvest is here. But don’t rush to put it away for long-term storage. Keep the harvested fruits in a cool place for 2-3 weeks to allow them to develop. After this, carry out the following activities:

  • For storage, select only undamaged fruits;
  • sort, put each variety in a separate box;
  • divide the fruits by size and place them in different containers;
  • Leave the apples with the stems on, this way they will last longer.

Do you know that…

Fruits should not be washed before storing for long-term storage; this leads to damage to the natural wax layer and rapid spoilage.

How to pack apples

The question of when to collect apples for storage has already been clarified. The fruits are sorted. Now let's decide how to lay the grown crop. Every gardener finds an acceptable installation method for himself.

Easy way

In this case, the fruits are not transferred to anything.

  1. Arrange the apples in a container in several layers with the stem facing up.
  2. If the stalk is too long, shorten it. This way it will not damage neighboring fruits.
  3. Check the condition of the fruit often, because one rotten apple can infect the rest.

This method is simple but ineffective. To maximize shelf life, apples should be packaged or layered.

Packaging paper

Shows good results a method in which each apple is wrapped in paper and placed with the tail facing up. Use:

  • newspaper;
  • napkins;
  • paper towels.

Sprinkling and re-layering

You can try storing apples for the winter using a method in which the harvest is placed in cardboard boxes in layers and covered with improvised means:

  • dried leaves;
  • onion peel;
  • sawdust;
  • wood shavings;
  • buckwheat peeling waste;
  • husk.

It is important that the fruits of the container do not touch, and the filled material is dry, otherwise the formation of rot cannot be avoided

Plastic bags

This method is suitable for those who have many hooks for hanging:

  1. Fill the bags with 2-3 kg of selected fruits.
  2. Tie tightly.
  3. Make small holes (4-5) for ventilation.
  4. Place it on hooks in storage.

Cling film

Will need to prepare cardboard box and cling film:

  1. Line the box with cling film crosswise so that the edges hang over.
  2. Place the fruits in a checkerboard pattern and on their sides so that they do not touch and are not injured by the stem.
  3. Cover the top with the free ends of the film.
  4. Lay no more than 3 layers.

Do you know that…

Experienced gardeners advise using high-quality hay or straw for layering apples.

Improving keeping quality

To preserve apples at home throughout the winter, summer residents use folk remedies. To extend the shelf life of fruits, you need:

  • dip each apple in an alcohol solution of propolis;
  • lubricate with glycerin, petroleum jelly;
  • Apply a paraffin or wax coating.

5% salicylic acid and calcium chloride 2% saturation are also used.

Tip of the day

During storage, apples can be affected by fungal rot, so periodically sort the fruits and remove spoiled specimens.

Harvest storage conditions

To preserve the harvest, it is very important to observe the storage conditions for apples:

  • Maintain the room temperature at a level from -1 °C to +1 °C. But temperatures up to +4 °C are not yet critical.
  • Humidity between 90% and 95% is considered comfortable for fruits. Increasing this parameter will lead to rotting of the fruit, and decreasing it will lead to wilting.
  • It is important to ventilate the room because the concentration of ethylene accelerates the ripening of fruits. And this leads to premature damage.

Storage room

It is better to store winter apples in the winter in a cellar or basement. This is where the necessary temperature and humidity conditions are created.

To store apples in the cellar, it is prepared in advance. You need to do the following:

  • whitewash the walls with a solution of lime or copper sulfate;
  • Treat floors with 1% copper sulfate.

Store fruits:

  • in wooden, plastic boxes;
  • in boxes made of durable cardboard;
  • in baskets made of wicker or synthetic material;
  • on the racks.

Wash and disinfect containers and structures to prevent mold from forming.

To keep fruits as long as possible, use any of the considered methods of placing in containers.

The boxes should not touch each other, the floor or the wall, so as not to impede air circulation

Tip of the day

Place stickers on the container with information about the packaging date and variety. This way you will know which fruits to eat first and which ones to leave for later.

Preserving crops in the ground

Not every gardener has a cellar or basement. They approach the question of how to store apples at home from the other side - if there is no room, the earth is used:

  1. On summer cottage a long ditch half a meter deep is dug. The bottom is covered spruce branches for protection against rodents.
  2. The apples are packed in plastic bags, which are tied tightly with rope, leaving a long end.
  3. The packages are placed in the hole so that there is a space of 20 cm between them.
  4. The ditch is covered with earth, and the ends of the ropes remain outside. Sticks or dry branches are tied to the ropes and stuck into the ground.
  5. The top of the pit is insulated with dry leaves.

In winter, the bags are pulled out by pulling a rope.

We answer the question: Why do apples turn black inside when stored?

The enzymatic system is responsible for the longevity of fruit cell tissue. Enzymes gradually lose their activity and cease to maintain cell stability. In some varieties the process is faster, in others it is slower. Cells die, the organoleptic properties of the product change. When you cut an apple, you can see that it is dark inside. Moreover, not only the color changes, but also the smell, consistency, and taste.

Now apples are treated with special stabilizer substances that slow down enzymatic processes, but such a product is very dangerous.

Storing apples in an apartment

For city residents autumn period The question arises of how to store apples in winter. There is no need to despair; without a cellar, you can also stock up on fruit and save it with minimal losses.

Apples are stored in the apartment:

  • in a cool pantry;
  • on glassed balcony, loggias;
  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the freezer.

On the balcony and loggia

If the size of the balcony or loggia allows, install a thermal box. It is made by hand. You will need 2 boxes made of durable cardboard or plywood and insulation in the form of polystyrene foam, old warm clothes, construction foam, sawdust.

  1. Choose the size of the boxes so that there is a gap of 15 cm between their walls.
  2. Place the styrofoam at the bottom of the large box. Place a smaller fruit box on it.
  3. Fill the empty space between the boxes with insulation. Cover the top of the box with styrofoam.

Thermal box for storing vegetables and fruits on the balcony

Now you need to monitor the air temperature outside the window: in frosty weather, additionally cover the thermal box on top with something warm; when it’s warmer, remove everything unnecessary.

How to store apples on the balcony if there is no space for a box, racks:

  1. Place the fruits in polyethylene bags half full.
  2. Tie the bags tightly and make holes for ventilation.
  3. Bring it to the ceiling.

This method is good if the balcony does not freeze in severe frosts.

In the pantry, corridor, on the windowsill

For this:

  1. Use smaller bags.
  2. Fill them 1.5-2 kg each, tie them.
  3. Make holes for gas exchange.

Store the packages in the room on the windowsill, leaving the window open, or in the hallway, in the pantry.

In a refrigerator

  1. At the bottom of the refrigerator there are containers for vegetables and fruits; fill them with fruits without pre-packaging.
  2. Part of the fruit in plastic bags place on higher shelves.

In the freezer

Storing apples in the refrigerator is not always convenient. There is not enough space, but I want to prepare more vegetables and fruits. An alternative would be a spacious freezer.

Freeze fruits as follows:

  • entirely– remove the core and tail, use for baking with, in;
  • in slices– with or without peel, for strudel, charlotte, pies, compotes, use without defrosting;
  • in the form of puree- An excellent filling for pies.

The time spent preparing frozen semi-finished apple products in the fall will pay off in benefits for the whole family.

Frozen apples retain up to 90% useful substances and do not lose taste

We answer the question: how to store peeled apples?

Peeled and cut fruits are practically not stored, as they quickly oxidize and darken. If you can’t cook them right away, you can delay oxidation for 30 minutes by sprinkling the pieces with lemon juice or dipping them in a solution citric acid(1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Knowing how to store apples for the winter, choose the best one for yourself and convenient option. The information received will allow you to improve your skills and enjoy the results of your work.

Store correctly and be healthy!

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If you don’t know when to remove winter apples for storage, our blog will help you with this. Few novice gardeners know inside and out the signs of readiness of winter apples, which would indicate that the crop is ripe and can be harvested and stored.

Apple is the most popular fruit among fruits. A rich apple harvest harvested before winter will delight any gardener. At the same time, many people are wondering how to properly store winter varieties of apples until spring? How to keep them fresh and which varieties are best suited for this, what options for laying winter apples exist today and how to correctly determine when they are ripe, read in this article.

Important! Late varieties of autumn or winter apples are best suited for long-term storage. If you properly organize their storage, the fruits can remain fresh and sweet until April.

Procedure for removing apples from a tree

Important! Putting apples taken from the tree into a basket and then transferring them to permanent place storage, under no circumstances should you pour the fruits; do it manually in the same way as you removed them from the trees. This procedure is necessary in order not to beat the apples and not damage their peel. It is also worth noting that the waxy coating on apples does not need to be removed, because it will preserve your fruits for longer, preventing it from becoming moldy and rotten.

In the process of re-shifting the apples onto winter storage We recommend inspecting the fruits a second time. Undamaged fruits, clean and dry, will last much longer than beaten fruits and damaged by diseases and pests. When using a special tool (fruit picker) to remove apples from trees, be extremely careful with it, since although this tool is intended for removing fruits from trees, it can still damage the delicate skin of the apple. On our website you can also find varieties of winter apples, photos with names and detailed instructions on their cultivation.

Storage space for winter apple varieties

If you have a big Vacation home, then, as a rule, winter varieties of apples can be stored in basements and cellars. It is worth noting that the room where the fruits will be stored must be dry, free of odors and mold, and at least somehow ventilated.

It is best if the apples are stored in places where there are no vegetables, potatoes for the winter and various pickles. Most optimal temperature in a room for long-term storage it is considered from 0 to 2 degrees.

If you have a large storage room, then apples can be stacked on shelves in drawers or special racks. In this case, apples must be laid in rows in one layer. When laying out any cushioning material, the fruits do not require any; the only thing you can do is separate them from each other, for example, using tabs made of cardboard. If opportunities allow, you can wrap each fruit in special paper.

Factors influencing the shelf life of fruits
  • Autumn types of apples are removed from the trees when their skin begins to acquire a characteristic color for the variety or when the seeds turn dark brown (usually this occurs at the end of September, beginning of October). If the fruits are removed from the tree very early or, on the contrary, late, they will be stored worse and become more mealy.
  • Winter types of apples are usually picked at the end of October, mid-November. The harvest time coincides with their maturity. During this period of time, late varieties will be still tough and, one might say, tasteless (unedible). After storage time, the fruits will “reach” and become fully ripened; it is at this moment that the apples will acquire their characteristic taste for the variety. One of the signs of the onset of fruit removal of late varieties is when in the morning under the tree you find from 4 to 6 apples on the ground, without any damage - pest diseases.