Shower      06/15/2019

Air conditioning supply ventilation mode. Split systems with forced ventilation mode - prices. Air conditioner that takes air from outside

Air conditioner with mode supply ventilation supplies purified air from the street, while maintaining the required temperature.

Duct air conditioners

For supply ventilation - this is the most effective method serve large areas or several rooms at the same time. The device sucks in air from outside, filters it, cools (or warms) and delivers it through the air ducts to the rooms. A big advantage of ducted air conditioners with forced ventilation mode is the ability to serve a number of rooms at once. Thus, saving money on the installation of expensive equipment.

The disadvantage of a powerful channel climate system is noise, so they are usually installed on industrial enterprises, in warehouses. The noise level can be somewhat reduced by special installation methods. But only professionals own them.

The power of duct supply and exhaust air conditioners is up to 30 kilowatts. There are inverter controlled systems.

Split systems

Among the luxury split systems, there are also air conditioners equipped with a supply ventilation mode. These are Daikin Ururu Sarara, Astro, R and U, Hitachi Air Exchanger. All models are energy class A and A+. Possess very low level noise at the level of 23 - 26 decibels.

The intensity of air exchange depends on the power of a particular model.

The models also differ in that you can only turn on the air exchange mode. An air conditioner for supply ventilation will supply filtered air from the street into the room without changing its temperature. There is an automatic mode of air exchange, when the state of the air in the room is monitored by electronics. As soon as the level of carbon dioxide rises, the inflow from the street starts.

For a dwelling it is best choice supply and exhaust air conditioner.

Central air conditioners

Air conditioners equipped with forced ventilation mode are installed in large shopping malls, supermarkets, public buildings, sports complexes. As a rule, central air conditioners are assembled from modules. The design and materials of supply central air conditioners allow them to be installed in humid and even aggressive environments. Special resistance to water and chemistry of supply central air conditioners is used by equipping them with harmful production, swimming pools.

An air conditioner is an air conditioning unit that maintains the set temperature parameters of the air in the room. However, despite the seeming simplicity of the question, very often the facts related to the capabilities and limitations of technology become a surprise (not always pleasant).

  • For example, it is a common misconception that an air conditioner draws air from outside to cool a room. ("- after all, he also has an external unit, and he is with a fan!").

In fact, when talking about air conditioning, as a rule, they mean cooling or heating the air inside the room without adding fresh air. At the same time, the "ventilation" mode in most air conditioners implies only the recirculation of the air masses inside the room, provided by the fan section of the indoor unit of the equipment. Therefore, it is important to know what you get by purchasing this or that model, and consciously choose an air conditioner.

However, like other air conditioning problems, the problem of mixing in fresh air from the street or throwing it outside can be solved! One should only think about the choice of more serious ventilation systems or the use of semi-industrial or industrial air conditioners, which can partially cope with the task. There is always a choice and you need to present possible alternatives.

Air cooling in air conditioners

Any air conditioner must first of all ensure the correct operation of this particular function. If the choice of device was based on an accurate calculation required power cooling, it will be able to constantly maintain comfortable air parameters. At the same time, the power consumption will be several times lower than its refrigeration capacity due to a specially organized process of transferring thermal energy between the indoor and outdoor units.

Use of fresh air conditioners

If we consider standard air conditioning and ventilation systems, fresh air can be mixed with ducted air conditioners. Devices are sutured into dropped ceilings and with the help of air ducts provide fresh air inflow with subsequent processing in the amount of up to 20% of the total air capacity.

Air heating in air conditioners

The function of air heating, as well as cooling, can be performed using the same freon heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser) and a compressor located in the air conditioner. The heating system is the opposite of cooling, where the evaporator and condenser are actually reversed. To ensure air heating, it is only necessary to start the refrigeration circuit in reverse (reversible circuit) and it will turn into a heat pump. Alternatively, an additional electric heat exchanger can be used to heat the air masses, which, without a reversible circuit, can heat the required air to a predetermined temperature, but such systems are Russian market now almost non-existent.

Ventilation mode in air conditioners

The ventilation mode is present in all air conditioners without exception. It is designed to “drive” stale air around the room with the help of a fan in the indoor unit, thereby contributing to its uniform distribution in all zones, working for recirculation. For example, when a dwelling is heated by a central heating system, all warm air accumulates under the ceiling, and in order to disperse it evenly throughout the room, the ventilation mode in the equipment is very useful.

Nowadays, many people install air conditioners in their homes. Behind last years the presence of an air conditioner at home has become an indicator of the quality of life: after all, in the summer season without it in most apartments it is hot, stuffy and you want to go to the sea :-). We do not aim to denigrate air conditioners. This useful devices, perfectly coping with the main task assigned to them - cooling the air in the room. In the summer, the benefits of air conditioning can hardly be overestimated, it really makes life easier for many people.

The reaction of some of our friends and relatives, whom we told about the ventilators, was the question “why do we need a ventilator if we already have an air conditioner installed?”. Let's take a look at the most common misconceptions about air conditioners and ventilators.

Myth #1. The air conditioner brings fresh air into the room

Like most devices that combine several functions, supply air conditioners are rather weak in the “additional” functionality, which for them is the supply of fresh air. Observe: when they write about air conditioners, as a rule, they always describe in detail about filters, innovations and other "gadgets". But as soon as it comes to the function of the inflow - silence. Specific figures are meant, because without numbers it resembles Ostap's statement "Whoever says that this is a girl, let him first throw a stone at me" (c). That is, it, the function itself, is there, you won’t find fault with it. And who said that it would be a) effective and b) comfortable? No one wants to indicate in the description of the supply air conditioner that even at the lowest speed it makes a lot of noise (after all, no one has repealed the laws of physics, and in order to supply the same volume through a narrower channel, the supply rate must be higher, which inevitably follows: EITHER the fan performance should be higher, and this automatically means more noise, OR the flow rate should be LESS). Now to the numbers:

The diameter of the hole when installing the air duct for an air conditioner with an inflow function is 4 cm, which gives a cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 13 cm 2. The diameter of the hole when installing the air duct for the ventilator is from 8 to 12.5 cm, this gives a cross-sectional area of ​​​​50-123 cm 2. The formula for the area of ​​a circle Pi-R-square was used in the calculations: S = π*R*R, π=3.14159...

Thus, the cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilator duct is 4-10 times larger. It follows that:

with the same fan performance and other equal conditions, the ventilator will supply 4-10 times more fresh air into the room.

The question arises: maybe so much air is not needed? Let's turn to building codes: the norm for providing one person with fresh air in a room is 30 m 3 per hour. The maximum capacity of modern ventilators is from 100 to 180 m 3 per hour, which is equivalent to sufficient fresh air supply for 3 to 6 people who are constantly in the room.

We take into account the fact that this is the maximum performance of household air handling units on the market and therefore the noisiest mode of operation. In practice, the noise performance is 2-3 times less than the maximum value. As a result, we get a range of 33-90 m 3 per hour. That is, 1-3 people can comfortably sleep in the same room with a working ventilator, while having sufficient air exchange.

Now we apply our theory to air conditioners with fresh air function. According to our conclusion, it should turn out that the volume of inflow with a comfortable noise level for an air conditioner should be 4-10 times less than for a ventilator, that is, from 3.3 to 22.5 cubic meters at one o'clock.

We compare these findings with technical specifications air conditioners with a supply function.

For example, let's take the popular model Hitachi RAS-10JH4 worth about 50 thousand rubles. and another Japanese novelty with a unique humidity control function Daikin Ururu Sarara worth about 130 thousand rubles.

The maximum volume of inflow is:

For Hitachi - there is no exact information, according to the seller - about 20 m 3 / hour

For Daikin - 32 m 3 / hour.

The point is that the inflow function in the air conditioner is indicated mainly for “tick”, but in fact this inflow is only 20 “cubes” per hour - it’s somehow undignified to write about this.

In addition, in such models of air conditioners, limitations related to air temperature are applied - for example, the air supply function works at an outdoor air temperature of at least +3 degrees, or when the difference between the outdoor and indoor air is not more than 7 degrees. It can be concluded that in the cool season, supply air conditioners are idle, just like standard recirculation air conditioners. Of course, there are expensive models in which these disadvantages are minimized. But the cost of such models is several times higher than the cost of a ventilator and a typical air conditioner taken together (for example, Daikin air conditioners cost around 100-250 thousand rubles).

As for inexpensive ones like the Hitachi model, supply air conditioners, then here are excerpts from reviews about them (taken from Yandex.Market, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved) about the supply ventilation mode:

  • “The supply / exhaust is noisy (the pump motor buzzes, the air hisses in the corrugation), it does not distract from work at a minimum and average speed, but I won’t put such an air conditioner in the bedroom for anything.”
  • “The manufacturer does not write anywhere how many cubic meters. m. per hour pumps in / pumps out the inflow and exhaust from this air conditioner. such a marketing ploy. It is understandable why, through an inch tube, these values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be "shameful" and will not reach the standards for submarines and places of detention.
  • “In principle, I was warned that the inflow would be weak, but I did not expect it to be so weak. In addition, it will not work to use it in winter - there are restrictions, automatics are watching. It is possible only in summer and autumn - the temperature difference between outside and inside is no more than 7 degrees. In principle, it is needed mainly in the summer, but these are not all of its shortcomings. It is very noisy, including the weakest mode, in which it hardly blows at all, but you can fall asleep. :) It is much noisier than the main fan, and the flow is worse. It is inconvenient to manage it. ”
  • “The supply mode is not used - too noisy and weak. »
  • “The supply ventilation function does not work if it is more than +30 degrees outside the window. »
  • “Inlet ventilation, for which it was bought, is by and large nonsense. This function exists separately from the air conditioner itself, pumping a separate fan through a separate duct. Even at the maximum speed of this fan, the flow of incoming air is very modest, and it buzzes a lot. Plus a lot of conditions under which the inflow will not work.”

Myth #2. Air conditioning purifies the air

In fact. The air conditioner undoubtedly purifies the air, but typical models are equipped only with coarse air filters, which, if you look at it, are most often a metal mesh that traps large and medium dust of indoor origin. Such a filter cannot effectively prevent the neutralization of microorganisms, pollen, fine dust particles, bacteria and allergens that have entered the room.

Of course, expensive (more expensive than 40-50 thousand) models of air conditioners are equipped with fine air filters and the function of deactivating microorganisms and bacteria. But even inexpensive, costing up to 30,000 rubles, models of ventilators are equipped with fine air filters that prevent small particles of dust, allergens, odors, impurities, the smallest contaminants (dust mites, mold, fungus, bacteria and viruses, etc.) from entering the ventilated room .). After all, it is easier (and usually cheaper) to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. In addition, on filters and in drainage system the indoor unit of the air conditioner due to moisture condensate accumulate (and often, with untimely maintenance, multiply) pathogenic microorganisms, carcinogens and spores of pathogenic fungi that infect residents. Since contact with water is excluded in the ventilator, its filters do not pose such a danger. Of course, as in the case of an air conditioner, the condition of observing the timely (recommended by the manufacturer) cleaning and replacement of filters is the main guarantee healthy air and trouble-free operation of equipment - any equipment needs to be monitored. The only difference is that the ventilator is a household appliance and it is quite easy to maintain it yourself, while cleaning the air conditioner, as a rule, requires the departure of a qualified employee service department and specialized equipment (especially cleaning and diagnostics of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which is strongly not recommended and even prohibited without proper qualifications).

Myth #3. Air conditioners and ventilators are installed in the same way

In fact. A domestic air conditioner has both an outdoor and an indoor unit (or several units). Installing the air conditioner outer wall buildings is not always possible: this is interpreted as redevelopment, which requires coordination - that is, bureaucratic red tape with an unpredictable result.

Many tenants install air conditioners without permission, without going through the redevelopment approval process. However, this is fraught with problems: such tenants can be sued by both neighbors and Management Company or city governments. With a high probability, the claim will be satisfied - there are already such precedents - and the air conditioner will have to be dismantled.

As for the ventilator, its installation inside the room does not affect appearance building, redevelopment is not considered, and therefore is not subject to agreement. From the outside of the building, the opening is closed with a grate. In Moscow, there are no special regulations governing this aspect, so installing a grate without approval is legal.

Since the ventilator does not have an outdoor unit, its installation does not require special climbing equipment, which reduces the cost of installation. Installation is carried out from the inside of the room: first, a hole is cut using diamond drilling equipment, then it is installed from the outside (possibly with a rain cap), and with inside- the device itself. diamond drilling so neat that the effect of a “torn wall” is impossible, thanks to which the ventilator can also be installed in a renovated room. As for the air conditioner, a puncher is most often used to install it, which, if not used very skillfully or in the event of a problematic wall (getting into the armature), can greatly "break" it.

Installation of the ventilator does not provide for laying extended air ducts - in 90% of cases, the length of the air duct is equal to the thickness of the wall (the exception is the case of laying the air duct through a balcony or loggia). The air coming from the ventilator is distributed throughout the room without the help of pipes.

Myth #4. The air conditioner heats up the air

In fact. This is partly true - an air conditioner, made in the form of a split system, can heat the air. However, there are a number of restrictions, the main of which is the impossibility of heating in winter. You can turn on the split system for heating only at a positive street temperature (more expensive models - up to -10C). When you try to heat the room with an air conditioner in cold weather, the compressor may break in an inexpensive air conditioner, and in an expensive one, the electronics will not allow you to turn on the heating. In autumn and spring, at positive temperatures, turning on the air conditioner in heating mode should be done with caution, since the radiator of the outdoor unit cools down and forms on it a large number of condensate and to prevent damage to the air conditioner, it must be regularly removed.

In the descriptions of some air conditioners, you can see the "winter set" function. Some consumers, without understanding, believe that this function of the air conditioner will provide optimum temperature indoor air in winter time. In fact, this function implies cooling in the winter of rooms with intense heat release (for example, rooms where a large amount of equipment is placed). This has nothing to do with air heating, which is relevant for most consumers.

Now about the ventilators. Their modification, called "breather", which has a climate control function, heats the air in the room to the temperature set by the user, regardless of the temperature outside the window. How more difference temperature, the more efficient the heating. Most ventilators without climate control function also heat the air, but without the ability to set a specific degree - the device has several heating capacities, and the higher this power, the warmer the fresh air temperature in the room. Recuperators heat the air by transferring heat to the supply air from the exhaust air. If you have a ventilator that heats the air, you do not need to spend money on a heater. In the case of a heat exchanger, heating does not even require additional energy costs.


Thus, we can conclude that a household air conditioner and a household ventilator are different devices designed to solve different problems, and ideally complement each other. If there is a ventilator in the room, a simple, inexpensive air conditioner is enough to cool the air in the summer (when calculating the power of the air conditioner in tandem with the ventilator, it is necessary to install an air conditioner more powerful than if it was installed without a ventilator, since in the summer airing warm air will require additional power from the air conditioner) since the functions of supplying fresh air, filtering it from all kinds of impurities and, if necessary, heating, are decided by the ventilator.

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Supply ventilation provides fresh air to the building, and at the same time cleans it from dust and heats it. characteristic feature of this whole system is the injection of air into the building, while the displaced air is removed through special ducts and outlets. The advantage of such a device is the ability to thoroughly clean the air, the humidity and temperature of which can be controlled.

Conventional ventilation systems are air ducts, which are mainly located in bathrooms and kitchens. Polluted air naturally escapes through them, and the cracks in the windows and doors act as a pump, supplying fresh air from the street. This simple scheme is called forced natural ventilation.

But such ventilation has certain disadvantages - its capacity depends on wind speed, temperature and other factors. And with the advent plastic windows she became ineffective.

Supply ventilation characteristic

To increase air exchange, they began to use a special supply ventilation device. These devices come in a variety of configurations. by the most simple method is setting supply fan through a hole in a wall or through a window. The disadvantage of this method is the entry of very cold air in winter.

The supplied air must be at least +16 ºС. Otherwise, a temperature drop can contribute to people getting sick or damaging furniture and peeling wallpaper. Based on this, a normal system for such ventilation should include a multi-level overheating protection system and a heater. In addition, there must be air filter so that a lot of dust does not get in with the air, and good sound insulation.

The supply ventilation system has three modes of operation:

  • winter mode, air heating using a water heater;
  • summer mode, cooling it with a water cooler;
  • standby mode, there is a control against freezing of the water heater and air temperature when the mode is off.

Supply ventilation modes

Summer ventilation mode It can be with or without heating. Heating occurs when the fresh air temperature is 5 degrees lower than the set temperature. Such a device operates in ventilation mode, but when the temperature drops relative to the limit, heating is turned on to the set temperature. After the required temperature has been reached, the regulation ends after 30 minutes.

Summer mode without air heating is presented as follows. The system also operates in ventilation mode. If the temperature drops below +5 ºС, then the device switches to standby mode.

By the way, if the operating mode of the system does not correspond to the season, that is, the air temperature outside, the device will emit sound signals.

Winter mode has a heating function. Supply ventilation with heating heats the outside air up to set temperature. It can be set within +15 ºС to +30 ºС. If you turn on this mode at a temperature of more than +5 ºС, then the system will beep and switch to summer mode.

In addition, there is also a mode of operation in high humidity, for example, during rain. The supply air is warmed up to the set temperature from +15 ºС to +30 ºС, and the fan speed remains minimal and does not change.

One of the popular devices is a split system with forced ventilation. This is an excellent replacement for air conditioning and ventilation, so it successfully solves the problem of ventilation.

In addition, it is better to use filters for supply ventilation with any device. They purify the air that enters the building. They also carry out medium and fine cleaning, their use guarantees a longer life of ventilation and no need to repair it.

Modern climatic conditions force mankind to look for new sources of air purification. apartment buildings practically sealed and do not have effective ventilation. In this regard, the concentration of oxygen in the room decreases and, accordingly, the mental and physical activity of the inhabitants decreases.

The only solution for today is the creation of forced ventilation. The premises are equipped special devices with supply air valves. Such air conditioners with air flow from the street usually deliver no more than 40% of the air into the room.

Need for fresh air

It's no secret that fresh air is vital to maintaining health. Therefore, manufacturers in the field of climate technology began to pay more attention to ventilation problems. Every living being needs oxygen, but due to the pace of modern life, people forget to take care of themselves, which leads to feeling unwell and sickness. Purchasing an air conditioner with a fresh air intake mode will make it possible to work effectively throughout the day in a closed room.

Why you need constant micro-ventilation:

  • Constant air changes increase the level of oxygen in the room.
  • Oxygen has a positive effect on metabolism and the functioning of the respiratory and immune systems.
  • There is a stabilization of pressure and the work of the heart improves.
  • Thanks to oxygen, stress levels are reduced and the brain works more efficiently.

Consequences of lack of oxygen:

  • General well-being worsens, malaise appears.
  • The pressure rises and the headache increases.
  • There is irritability and constant fatigue.

A modern air conditioner performs not only a function. It simultaneously serves as a cleaning system, a heating device, and can supply air to the room.

The main task of a split system is to provide comfortable conditions life.

Types of split systems with admixture

The air conditioner with air flow from the street differs from the classic split system by the presence of a separate air duct. Models of this type differ from each other in the structure of this channel.

Consider the types of air conditioners:

  1. With membrane. Such an air conditioner is equipped with a membrane, it is she who is responsible for the operation of the channel. Feature: uneven throughput. The membrane is designed so that oxygen passes through it better than other gases. Such devices are quite expensive and rarely found on the market.
  2. Modular system. This is an addition to existing system in the form of a heat exchanger with an air duct. It is equipped with an outdoor unit and is installed outside the room next to the air conditioner. The module has two tubes through which air exchange and thermoregulation take place. Minus: overall outdoor unit and low air exchange. The modern market almost does not sell such designs, since they are significantly inferior to their counterparts.
  3. Modified outdoor unit. This solution is the most logical and is a combination of cooling and ventilation units. between external and internal parts air conditioner, an air duct channel is installed to supply oxygen. Minus: high cost and average air exchange (the amount of ventilated oxygen is calculated for the presence of only one person in the room).

The price of air conditioners with air flow from the street starts from 30 thousand rubles. and depends on the required functionality.

Also on sale you can find modifications of these types of systems. But all of them have a drawback - a low rate of air exchange. Channel systems give a better result, but their installation is difficult for an ordinary apartment.

Duct split systems

Hitachi outdoor air conditioner

The most popular among the products of this manufacturer is the Air Exchanger series. These air conditioners are also distinguished by the presence of a modern Nano Titanium filter, which is able to capture, in addition to dust, formaldehyde and bacteria, as well as purify the air from odors.

When the night mode is on, the air conditioner independently regulates the temperature and humidity in the room. The system has a built-in pollution analyzer that provides information about the freshness and purity of the air.

Principle of operation: when laying a freon route, a hose is additionally installed to supply air masses. External and indoor blocks equipped with fans for oxygen supply. Due to this design, additional noise is created in the room.

Such air conditioners have an inverter type of control. This ensures the economy of the models and the smooth operation of the device.

Features of air conditioners Hitachi:

  • High work efficiency.
  • Inverter power control.
  • Nanoparticle filter.
  • Ozone-safe 410 freon.
  • Ability to work in a wide range of temperatures.
  • Micromesh fine filter.
  • Air quality sensor.

Air conditioners Daikin with air admixture

Among Daikin products, the Ururu Sarara series is popular. This modern models equipped with the latest technology. Air conditioners are quite expensive, but one such device can replace several. These are not just air conditioners, but at the same time effective cleaners and humidifiers.

Feature of the models: the system that is responsible for the air supply is located in outdoor unit, which minimizes the noise of the operating device.

Principle of work: air masses from the street pass through the filter located in the external block. Then they enter the blades of the cassette made of zeolite (a hygroscopic material that ensures the transfer of moisture), which direct the air into the heating zone.


  • In automatic mode, the split system independently regulates the humidity in the room.
  • The kit includes an 8-meter reinforced hose, which is made of antibacterial material.
  • The air passes through the finest filters.
  • Timer management.
  • 3D airflow.
  • Turbo mode and wide-angle blinds.