Mixer      03/05/2020

DIY wooden crate coffee table. How to make a coffee table with your own hands. Advantages and disadvantages

It's hard to be a fan design solutions For home furniture, while not having enough free funds to buy them. The point is not only in the level of your income, but also in the price tags that are characteristic of such furniture, because they are often several times higher than for traditional options.

You can solve this problem by making a coffee table with your own hands. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn how easy and fun it can be.

low table

Most often, this option is found among coffee tables. They are not new, just Lately began to receive more attention from the public.

They gained popularity two centuries ago, when tea lovers, the British, began to use them. A hundred years later, this trend has spread to other countries of the world, including ours. Now this is not a very popular option, however, having the right to life.

Chipboard table

simple and enough practical option maybe a coffee table made of chipboard, which you can easily make yourself. Now in the furniture market, chipboard is one of the most available materials, which can be used to create a traditional table. Why traditional, we will talk later.

The price tag of this option will be significantly lower than if your choice falls on a wooden coffee table. It is best to take sheets coated with laminate or varnish. Nevertheless, you will put such a table in your house, and therefore you need to pay attention to the aesthetic component.

Further, everything depends on the design you choose. Simple, at the same time, a small table can be made from several parts. This option will be small and with several shelves. Perfect for the living room, and will stand near the sofa or armchair.

Shelves are well suited for magazines and remotes for controlling equipment. This reduces the chance of them getting lost.

glass table

Drawings of such coffee tables can be easily found on the Internet. Only one feature needs to be taken into account - in almost any case, you will need to buy a glass part of the table. You can also solve this issue with the help of old glass, which can be in your barn or garage.

The main part of the table can be made from the material that suits you, and cover it with a sheet of glass on top. To do this, you need to cut it in shape, then process the edges and fix it on the main structure.

Even if you do not make such a table entirely of glass, with the exception of the frame, you can get a very attractive and interesting result that will look good both in modern interior, and in the usual design of apartments without any features.

Wooden table

Enough detailed instructions how to make a coffee table out of wood can be found on the pages of thematic magazines. This option will be more expensive than in the case of chipboard, but at the same time appearance everything pays off. This material is best suited for tables large sizes, for which, if necessary, you can work or use them to store documents that you view while sitting in front of the TV in the evening.

The design can be tritely simple: four bars for legs, which are complemented by a tabletop desired shape. Depending on the latter, you can take three legs, which will look even more interesting.

On top of this, you can add various decorative and functional details - whether it be shelves or some kind of decoration. Here you can give freedom to your creative nature.

Unusual table options

You could often see photos of coffee tables that are made of unusual materials. These can be safely attributed to a table made from an old suitcase.

The most interesting thing about this is that you will practically not have to do anything to create such an item. It will be enough for you to do the restoration of a pleasant appearance, if necessary, and the installation of such a table.

A huge advantage of this solution will be the reasonable use of space in the room. Well, this will be in front of the sofa, while the space inside the suitcase would also be good to use. There you can put some kind of blanket, or boxes of shoes. In general, here the matter is already behind a personal choice, in any case it is very convenient and practical.

Table from improvised materials

Separately, I would like to consider a coffee table made by hand from improvised materials. There are several options that I really liked, and I want to share them with you.

The first is a pallet table. They can be found in any supermarket or warehouse, and therefore it will not be difficult to get them. They are made of wood, which is very good for the interior. This tree can be varnished, which will greatly change its appearance.

Take two such pallets, or pallets, as you prefer, put the first with the legs up, put the second on top so that the legs converge. They can be additionally connected with self-tapping screws, and put a sheet of glass on top of them. The option is very beautiful and easy to implement.

As you already understood, I prefer the options when you do not need to do work. furniture companies, and cut out all the details, after which they are customized. I'm more interested in creative and fresh solutions.

For the second option, you will need only four old boxes, which, when placed on their side, must be connected to each other in a clockwise direction. We cover them with varnish beforehand, connect them and that's it - the table is ready. The empty space inside can be closed with a tree and a flower placed on top. Good luck with your choice.

DIY coffee table photo

Buying new expensive furniture is a financially costly option. As alternative for those who love exclusive and unusual interior details, the hand-made method is suitable.

Minimal experience with tools, imagination and creative thinking - that's all that is needed.

You can start with the manufacture of a coffee table, which uses a variety of and unusual improvised materials.

The finished product will decorate and diversify any room, living room or nursery. Often unusual furniture install in country houses and on summer verandas, where she emphasizes the style and brings the desired atmosphere.

Tools and materials

The basis of the future table is the material from which it is planned to make the countertop. There are many options for imagination, we will consider them below.

In addition, the following tools will be required for work:

  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • fasteners (nails, screws, etc.);
  • carpentry table with a set of knives (if any) or a hacksaw.

Work on joinery table requires additional skills. If they are available, then you can use a chisel, cutter and planer. When working with a tree with their help, it will be possible to perform more delicate work.

With the help of a sharp cutter or a set of special knives, it is possible to skillfully decorate a coffee table.

Need to stock up additional materials, such as:

  • glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint (preferably in the form of a spray);
  • primer;
  • decor (fabric, multi-colored plastic, lace, glass details, etc.).

Wooden coffee table

The most common material in the manufacture of furniture structures is wood. Even in the case of choosing it as the basis, the creator has several options.

The product can be made from:

  • pallets;
  • whole stump;
  • logs.

A beautiful and practical coffee table made of pallets is carried out in several stages:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the future table, and make markings on pallets.
  • Cut out the core of the pallet. It is important to consider that the outer side should be smooth, and the reverse side should be embossed.
  • Treat the legs with a primer and let them dry.
  • Paint the countertop on all sides. Toning can be done in several layers. In this case, each layer must be treated with a fine-grained sandpaper.
  • After drying all the parts, fix the elements with metal fasteners: nails, screws, etc.

Making your own table from a solid stump is even easier. The difficulty lies in choosing a piece of wood that is suitable in size and shape. From the point of view of aesthetics, a pine, birch or poplar stump is suitable for such a table. The choice should be stopped on an even and wide copy with unusual rings.

You can apply the material in different ways depending on the size of the table:

  • low with thin metal legs;
  • medium, where the base of the stump serves as a support;
  • low on wheels.

According to the artist's idea, the stump can be subjected to minimal changes, limited to painting or varnishing. Grinding and installing wheels will help to give a classic look to the product.


Another option for fans natural style, magazine or coffee table from logs. Its production does not differ significantly from the previous versions.

View finished product almost entirely dependent on the appearance of the prepared wooden frame. Variants may differ in the width and expressiveness of the ring pattern.

First you need to process the logs with a piece of skin. To maintain the most natural look, the bark should be left on the sides and bottom. A more rigorous look will be given by metal legs or from an old table. If desired, supports can also be made of wood.

Making a coffee table out of wood is not a difficult task. Such a product brings a certain amount of originality and natural comfort to the home environment.

Chipboard coffee table

Exclusive furniture based on chipboard is a cost-effective option for those who want to work on the product themselves. This photo of the coffee table shows that such furniture outwardly is in no way inferior to a wooden product.


You need to start work with the development of a drawing of the future table. Ready patterns bases and legs are applied on chipboard sheet and circled with a pencil, and then scratched along the contour with a nail.

Thus, you need to cut out two countertops, one of which will be the surface of the table, and the other - the bottom shelf. You need to attach flanges to them, and fix the wheels with bolts.

It is preferable to use rubber wheels because of their reliability. To diversify the appearance will allow a glass shelf between the tabletop and the base. Lacquering will protect the thing from premature destruction.

You can make such a table with your own hands from old unnecessary furniture. Decor elements will help to renew and inspire new life into an old interior element.

There are many interesting options coffee tables made of: glass, radiator, windows and books, front door, a cabinet or drawers from a chest of drawers, a suitcase, a coil (cable), etc. Additional options can be invented by anyone who has imagination and a sense of style.


The decor of the coffee table is the final and very important stage of work. Any ideas that fit into the interior of the room are suitable here.


Consider the most correct and harmonious options:

A table made of pallets, a stump or logs will decorate the applied carved figure. The tabletop may not be made of solid glass, but of many glued pieces.

The use of fabric in decor should be neat. For this purpose, a material with a thin pile is suitable. Use your old coat as a base and secure with small nails and rivets.

Vintage notes will give lace and fringed ribbons, fixed around the perimeter of the object. It seems as if a tablecloth is covered on the coffee table.

A fashionable trend in recent years has been the use of twine and coarse hemp rope. Attaching it is pretty easy. It is necessary to lubricate the surface of the table with glue, and tightly wrap the base and legs of the table.

The decor in the form of a mosaic looks bright and unusual. Additional gloss will be given by varnishing the surface.

Decoupage decoration. This type of decor allows you to apply any image to the surface of the countertop. This will require special napkins for decoupage. The quality of the result depends on the availability of the necessary technical skills.

In any finish, it is important to take into account the practicality of the finished coffee table and its stability. Apply for this additional fasteners, stain treatment and varnishing.

Putting ideas into practice is not difficult if you approach the process with intelligence, imagination and great enthusiasm.

DIY coffee table photo

Selection of ready-made tables furniture store huge, and it will not be difficult to choose the model that fits perfectly into the interior. But it is even easier and cheaper to make a coffee table with your own hands. This does not require any expensive materials or special tools. And all the work even for a beginner in carpentry It will take a maximum of two to three hours.

DIY coffee table

Since there is a wide variety of wood coffee tables, drawings of several models will be given below. They differ not only in appearance, but also in the complexity of execution.

Rustic style

For the manufacture of such a piece of furniture, it is undesirable to take glued wood. A truly chic table will look if you make it from solid oak, hornbeam, boxwood. But since these types of wood are very expensive, they can be replaced with birch, spruce or ash. A big plus will be the use of old boards that bear the imprint of time, or artificially aged. Such material should not be painted or varnished, it looks harmonious in itself.


This model does not require strict adherence to schemes and instructions. It is easy to make, changing all sizes at will. The initial settings are listed below.

All values ​​are in inches. If it is not possible to get a ruler or square, with markings in this metric system, you need to convert them to centimeters. To do this, just multiply the amount by 2.54.


For manufacturing you will need:

  • Boards at least 3 cm thick.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Wood for carving thorns.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Paint, stain and varnish (optional).


In the process of work, you can not do without:

  • Fraser.
  • Knife saw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric drills.
  • Chisels.
  • Sander or sandpaper.

Step-by-step instruction

In the process of work, you will have to sequentially perform the following operations:

  1. Preparation. It consists of three stages:
    1. Draw the boards, outlining the location of all the details.
    2. Cut out the details along the drawn outline.
    3. Sand each saw with sandpaper or grind with a grinder. If the surface of the wood is rough, it should also be brought to full smoothness.
  2. Creation of technological openings. The task is to drill them in places where the parts will be fastened with wooden spikes. These are the connection points of the legs with horizontally laid transverse side planks in the lower and upper parts, as well as the connection of the boards that make up the tabletop. To facilitate the work, the tabletop can be assembled not on spikes, but with the help of several rails attached from the inside with self-tapping screws and glue.
  3. Spike cutting. Focusing on the diameter and length of the resulting holes, wooden spikes are prepared.
  4. Product assembly. It is carried out in several stages:
    1. First, the boards of the countertop are mounted to each other. Regardless of which connection is used, on wooden spikes or on battens nailed across, it does not hurt to use glue at the joints. The main thing is to make sure that drops of glue do not leak onto the front side.
    2. After that, the legs and side strips are assembled, the lower shelf and decorative crossbars are mounted on the sides.
    3. The tabletop is screwed to the upper side strips with self-tapping screws.


This table will really appeal to those who have purchased a sofa without armrests. You can put a laptop or a cup of coffee on it, and put things that you want to keep at hand. Since the lower part goes under the sofa, it does not take up extra space, and if necessary, you can turn it upside down, and it will turn into a regular coffee or children's table.


Dimensions are in inches. To convert them to centimeters, you need to multiply by 2.54. You can change the width and length of the elements according to individual needs.

Parameters of the main parts:

Internal vertical bar that serves as additional support:


To create such a convenient and useful piece of furniture, you only need:

  • Boards.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Paint, varnish, stain are used as desired. If the interior is made in boring colors (gray or beige), it is recommended to make the table bright and add a few more accent things of the same color to the room. It can be curtains, pillows, a flower pot.


There are tools at home for any person who likes to make something out of wood with their own hands:

  • Saw-hacksaw.
  • A grinder, which will successfully replace sandpaper.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Glue brush.

Description of work

There is nothing difficult in making such an unusual coffee table. The work will take little time and require almost no special skills:

  1. Cut out the material. Details are drawn on the boards, guided by the drawings. You need two identical elements for the top and bottom, a longer vertical element, a vertical inner bar and four small planks to create a "leg".
  2. Sawing. Cut out all the details with a hacksaw.
  3. Grinding. Remove all splinters and roughness on cuts and other parts of the parts using grinder.
  4. Decorative processing. Details are covered with stain, paint and / or varnish.
  5. Assembly. All elements are interconnected according to the scheme. Since large loads on this table are not provided for by its design, you can only use wood glue. For reliability, it is worth screwing screws in several places.

If you need a colored table, but there is no way to use varnish and paint, and then wait for them to dry, it is better to use a self-adhesive film.

Making a transforming table

Coffee table-transformer easily turns into dinner table or work surface. Making one with your own hands is no more difficult than a regular one, but using it is much more convenient.

When folded, the table looks like a rectangular cabinet, and when unfolded, its tabletop becomes higher and doubles in size.


The drawings are only for wooden elements table. It makes no sense to make a transformation mechanism with your own hands, since buying a ready-made one will cost less and significantly reduce time costs.

Tools and materials

To make a transforming coffee table, you will need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Knife saw.
  • Electric drill.
  • Sander.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Square or ruler.
  • Simple pencil.

From Supplies should be prepared:

  • Boards from natural wood or MDF, chipboard, OSB panels.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Metal furniture corners.
  • Loops.
  • Optional - varnish, paint and stain.
  • Tassels.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Sandpaper (in the absence of a grinder).
  • If glued wood panels are used, a special thermal tape is also needed to decorate the edges.

Completing of the work

Before you get to work, you should find a transformation mechanism that is suitable in size for sale. To make the finished table convenient to use, even in the store you need to check the smoothness of the move, make sure that there are no squeaks and jams.

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can start making the table. This process consists of several stages:

  1. Wood marking. Using a pencil and a square, lines are drawn on the boards indicating the edges of the parts. You can immediately number each element, so that later you do not get confused during assembly.
  2. Cutting details. Using a hacksaw and a jigsaw, cut out the parts along the marked lines. This work should be done carefully, as one awkward movement can ruin the material.
  3. Grinding. grinder every detail is processed until it acquires absolute smoothness. Not a single splinter should remain on the boards, for which it will then be possible to catch on clothes or injure yourself.
  4. Impregnation with stain. This is done in one or several layers, depending on the desired color of the wood. Before applying each subsequent layer, you need to wait for the previous one to dry.
  5. Painting or varnishing. After staining, the parts are varnished. If it was not used, you can paint them in any desired color.
  6. Product assembly. Guided by the above scheme, the table is assembled using self-tapping screws, for reliability, gluing all wood joints with carpentry glue. The load-bearing sidewalls are also reinforced from the inside with furniture corners. The two parts of the tabletop are fastened together with loops so that the protruding part of the loops is with wrong side and did not spoil the appearance of the unfolded table.

Table top decoration

To give the table more personality and make it unique, you can decorate the table top. The most popular options are aquarium, decoupage, mosaic and craquelure.


The backing tabletop is made with small sides on the sides, various shells, sea stones and other decor are laid on it, and then filled with epoxy. By the way, it is not necessary to decorate the countertop in nautical style, you can create any composition that fits the interior.


Decoupage allows you to decorate the countertop with any pattern you like. Ready-made pictures can be bought at the store, they will only have to be glued to the surface and varnished. They also use paper napkins with images and even print pictures on a printer.

The decoupage technique is performed as follows:

  1. The napkin is stratified and the part that will be used for decoration is cut out with nail scissors.
  2. The cut piece is placed face down on a plastic bag or on cling film.
  3. Swipe over the napkin with a damp brush (not dry and not so wet that water drips from it).
  4. The part of the countertop where the drawing will be located is smeared with glue, then a napkin is placed over the adhesive layer with the wet part down and the paper is slowly peeled off from the polyethylene using a brush with glue.
  5. When the drawing is completely transferred to the table, it is covered with another layer of glue.
  6. If wrinkles appear, they are eliminated by ironing them through tracing paper.
  7. Paints can draw contours, add shadows.
  8. After finishing work, the countertop is varnished.


Decoration looks very original and expensive mosaic tiles. You can buy everything you need to work with a mosaic in a needlework store, but you should come up with a pattern yourself.


A beautiful cobweb of randomly located cracks is formed on the surface of the countertop if it is covered with a special craquelure varnish, which is sold in construction hypermarkets and large stores with needlework goods. This method can be used on its own or in combination with mosaic or decoupage.

A coffee table made by hand will not only be a wonderful addition to the interior, but also a reason for pride. After all, not every home has such unique and inimitable furniture.

Even a novice master can make a table from improvised materials. But before assembling a coffee table with your own hands, it is better to view the drawings and diagrams in advance. This will allow you to decide on the shape of future furniture and cut off too complex options.

Do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams of coffee tables

It is comfortable, lightweight and versatile. For the rigidity of the frame, the underframe is assembled from legs and a drawer - a rectangle connecting the legs and supporting the tabletop. Otherwise, the legs will move apart and the table will lose its stability.

At the same time, the complexity of the assembly does not increase much, but now you can store books, notebooks or other trinkets in the coffee table.

A feature of this design is the absence of legs - they are replaced by four sidewalls, to which a ready-made folding mechanism is attached from the inside. It is fixed to it on a short pair of supports wide board- an underframe, and a double tabletop is attached to the high supports, which, in the unfolded version, rests on the underframe.

PVC pipe magazine table

The simplest and most economical, but very original version coffee table - make it out of plastic pipes. The shape and height depend only on the wild imagination. It may be small round table, performing the function bedside table or a full-fledged coffee table with a glass top.

To create it you will need:

  • pipes of two diameters - thicker for the legs and narrower for the underframe, for example, 16 and 9 mm;
  • glue gun or a tube of transparent superglue;
  • medium grit sandpaper;
  • hacksaw for cutting plastic pipes (can be replaced with a saw for wood);
  • acrylic paint to hide the printed markings on the pipes.

The process itself is simple to disgrace:

  1. Cylinders of the selected length are cut. 4 legs are made from a thick pipe - their length will be equal to the height of the future table (40-50 cm). 30 short cylinders are cut from a narrow pipe, on average 10-15 cm (depending on the shape of the table, the number can be changed).
  2. You need to start assembling the base from the center - so there will definitely not be large gaps between the cylinders. Glue is applied to the entire surface of the adjacent pipes. A little trick - to accurately glue the cylinders, liquid superglue is poured from the end of the pipes so that it stacks down the entire length of the joint. glue gun but the joints are simply processed from the outside - after painting they will become invisible.
  3. When the desired shape is reached, the legs are glued - you need to make sure that the diagonal distance between them is equal. Otherwise, the table will fall on one side.
  4. The final step is painting. The easiest way to do this is with an aerosol method, although you can also use a simple paint brush.

When laying a glass top on your table, you should choose strained glass 10 mm thick. To prevent the removable tabletop from sliding on the base, use silicone shock absorbers for furniture.

If a non-removable countertop is planned, it is fixed with transparent silicone glue.

Assembling a wooden coffee table with your own hands

For admirers classical style there is nothing better wooden table. For him, you need to stock up:

  • planed bar 40x40 mm - for legs;
  • planed board 50x20 mm - for the side;
  • finished table top furniture board 800x400 mm (but MDF or plywood is also suitable);
  • putty for wood - overwrite holes from self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper or a grinding nozzle on a drill - process wood;
  • varnish or paint - for finishing table.

Of the tools you will need a screwdriver (or screwdriver), a saw for wood and a drill. After cutting the bar into legs, and the boards into the drawer side, the assembly of the table itself begins:

  1. The underframe is assembled first. For convenience and ease of assembly, everything is done upside down. The sidewalls to the legs are attached obliquely with self-tapping screws through a pre- drilled holes. But you can also use metal corners if aesthetics are not so important.

Wooden tables are not only made from planed wood. With minimal woodworking skills, you can create original furniture even from firewood. For example, picking up a wooden block of suitable height and a pair of U-shaped thick branches, working a little with a grinding nozzle and varnishing everything, you get an excellent massive coffee table for a summer residence.

And if after the construction of the house there are several euro pallets left, there is no need to rush to dispose of them. It's almost a finished table!

It is enough to grind and stain the surface, put them one on top of the other and securely connect them together. And to make the table mobile, 4 wheels are screwed from below, 2 of which are with brakes.

Decorating a coffee table with epoxy resin

If there is a sawmill nearby and there you can get a sawn board with a lot of defects for a pittance - just great! It is from such materials that the most beautiful tables decorated with epoxy resin are obtained.

The process is time consuming but not overly complicated:

  1. The cut board is glued with wood glue into the countertop. Flat boards must be placed under the clamps - for uniform fixation.
  2. After the glue has completely dried, the tabletop is polished, all cracks and holes from knots are cleaned. Before application epoxy resin the surface must be cleaned of dust and small chips.
  3. To make the table glow effectively, use luminescent paint in powder. About 100 g of paint is needed for 2 liters of the finished resin solution. Resin and hardener are mixed 1:1, the dose should be measured accurately and so that the hand does not flinch. Too much hardener will cause the resin to crack, while a lack of hardener will delay the curing period.

Such a tabletop is suitable for a coffee table in the living room of a cottage, and in the bedroom of a city apartment.

If there are several meters of wooden bars left at home, you can even make a table out of them! The video shows in detail and clearly how to make unusual designer furniture from building debris:

For starters, amateur self-manufacturing furniture, it is worth learning how to create a stool, because this is the easiest. And then comes the time to study the issue of creating a table.

Table designs vary, however, the simple version is very similar to the process of making a stool.

A simple table for use in the country or during a picnic can be assembled in just a few hours. To do this, you need a hacksaw, hammer or drill.

However, a table based on a similar approach can also be made for living quarters. Since it is able to perfectly replace the current very great option, purchased at a retail outlet or furniture store.

The process of self-creation of the table is also interesting from the other side, since with the help of it there is freedom of the author's creative expression. It can be imagined as a noticeable element of the interior of the room.

The creators of handmade amateur furniture are called carpenters for a reason. They do not apply the usual definition like: sofas or bedside tables, or maybe cabinets.

Having gained experience in this area, over time it will be possible to create exclusive types of tables with advanced characteristics.

Now consider the issue of self-creation of tables based on wood.

Wood is distinguished by its purity and availability, in addition, it is not as difficult to process as other materials. She transmits maximum energy aesthetic filling of the style of the living room.

Due to its properties, it is condescending to the mistakes of beginners in the field of self-creation of furniture. However, thinner versions of the tables will require an advanced level of skill.

To begin with, having learned how to work with wooden things, then it will be easier to use as a material: glass, plastic or even metal.

Selection of tools and premises for work

To engage in the independent creation of tables or other wooden furniture elements, it is necessary to use only non-residential premises.

This is due to the specifics of working with wood. It leads to the formation a large number dust, shavings and other waste.

And the process of toning or creating protection for a stain-based material can form dangerous emissions into the air. Actually, nitro-varnishes can also be dangerous.

Because of this, for a personal carpentry workshop, you will have to take care of airing the room. Experts advise creating artificial ventilation of the room.

Many people use the garage for this, however, production waste can pollute or damage the car because of this, this is not the best option.

Carpentry tools belong to modern and traditional types

For the most part, you can start with a simple carpentry tool, however, later modern versions may be required in the form of:

  • A rotary version of the miter box, which helps to create saw cuts based on two planes, adhering to the required size.

  • This tool will open all your beneficial features, primarily with a bow saw. This couple is considered universal, it can be useful for many jobs.

  • Manual version of the universal electric jigsaw, which features a tilt shoe that helps create a cut based on the desired angle in relation to the vertical plane.

  • Disc version of the grinder. It will help beginners complete the surface treatment of wood in about 5-15 minutes. An experienced carpenter, along with sandpaper, can do the same job in about an hour.

And there is also a conventional belt grinder for grooves with recessed places, which is distinguished by a protruding version of the working part.

Such tools are distinguished by the price and narrow specialization of the work performed, experienced craftsmen recommend to take them for a short rental period.

Most the best specialists using various sanding machines can even create the effect artificial aging wood, however, it is very hard work like for beginners.

Which tree is the best?

For creating wooden table Any wood that has an average resistance to decay will work well, however, you should refrain from softer versions like: poplar, willow, ailanthus, aspen, and even alder.

From domestic types of wood it is best to use:

  • soft options in the form of pine, fir, cedar, horse chestnut, plane tree, juniper or spruce.

  • solid in the form of an ideal oak, suitable for many works beech, maple, walnut or ash, larch, as well as fruit species represented by apples, plums, pears, apricots and quince. And also here it is worth including elm and mountain ash.

  • rather hard species based on acacia, yew, stone birch, dogwood and boxwood.


You want to decorate the table and probably all types of furniture created by yourself with an artistic version of the painting, and not with ordinary stripes.

However, over time, the pattern may deteriorate, so that this does not happen, it is necessary to rub the paint into the depth of the tree before the varnishing process. This can be done on the basis of technology - glazing. We are talking about layer-by-layer rubbing of the paints used.

DIY table photo