Well      07/02/2020

Which men are the most faithful? The most loyal zodiac signs among men. Rating of the most faithful

In the ranking of the best future wives and husbands, or maybe just life partners, they are present as typical representatives suitable for general description signs, and controversial zodiac characters, to know the nuances of the nature of which is not given to everyone.

a lion

If Leo's flirting for the sake of self-affirmation does not count, then it is undoubtedly true

Representatives of this sign truly know their worth. They rarely waste time on trifles; they are looking for exclusively serious relationships. This applies mostly to men, but women are not far behind. Short-term affairs are definitely not Leo's choice. Therefore, if he is in a long-term relationship, then cheating is out of the question. Leos remain faithful to their partner, completely respecting him. This is especially true for legalized relationships. Official marriage becomes more than an empty phrase for Leo.

They can only be pushed into cheating by a lack of confidence that the relationship is really serious and that this is the person they want as their life partner. But even in this case, Leo would rather initiate a breakup first, and then look for a new partner, than start an affair on the side. During the search process, they often flirt with many people, so it may seem that this zodiac sign is prone to cheating, but in fact this is far from the case.


Capricorn men are the most faithful of the zodiac signs

One of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Its representatives can choose a life partner for a long time, while being alone, and without changing partners. But if Capricorn falls in love, then this happens once and for all. The most faithful are men born under this sign. Women are also faithful, but they are less pragmatic and more emotional, which can sometimes negatively affect the situation. If Capricorn has already entered into marriage, then nothing will force him to take the slippery path of betrayal. The representative of the sign will do his best to equip the family nest and earn money. He will definitely have no time for betrayal in this process.

It is unlikely that anything can push Capricorn to cheat. Representatives of this sign attach great importance to family values. Even under the influence of alcohol, Capricorns remain calm and reasonable. Therefore, random drunken affairs are also excluded. Capricorn is capable of cheating only if he is completely disappointed in his partner. Sometimes this happens as revenge, but this is more true for women. Capricorn men almost never cheat.


Virgos are truly devoted to their family and try to do everything possible for it, and even more!

Virgo is a zodiac sign that is characterized by a romantic approach to relationships. These are peculiar big children, in whose heads a fairy-tale idea of ​​love is brewing. Therefore, they are waiting for their ship with scarlet sails to create relationships based on real feelings. Naturally, when this happens, there can be no talk of any betrayal. This is especially true for women. Representatives of this sign are as romantic and sublime as possible; the very thought of breaking fidelity to a loved one is disgusting to them. As for men, the issue is controversial. If a Virgo man is not too confident in his partner, then he can calmly flirt with other women and even have affairs. But if the representative of the sign has already entered into marriage, then he will definitely remain faithful.

Virgos are usually driven to cheat by the realization that they have a less than worthy partner next to them.. Disappointed in their ideas about him, representatives of the sign can begin to search for a new life partner. I must say that many Virgos are looking for love quite actively, for this they can use everyone available tools. Often representatives of the sign actively communicate with a bunch of people at the same time, without choosing anyone in particular. Should this be considered a kind of lack of fidelity? It is up to the person who chose Virgo for the relationship to decide.


Taurus will not cheat if he is confident in his choice

Taurus are very sensual and pleasant people. They like to be in a relationship and have an understanding partner nearby. This is especially true for women; young ladies born under this sign are, perhaps, the most faithful. Taurus adore home comfort, do a lot to ensure that life in the family nest is established. Most often, they try to get married quickly in order to legitimize the relationship and bind their partner. Naturally, there can be no talk of betrayal. Taurus devote a lot of time to their family and partner, pay attention, and try to please pleasant little things. They don’t even think about having affairs on the side if everything in the relationship suits them.

Taurus is usually driven to cheating by a lack of mutual understanding with their partner. Usually, representatives of the sign are not ready to leave immediately, they try to maintain relationships for a long time, especially when it comes to official marriage. But if the partner does not meet halfway, then Taurus can cheat. Usually this happens spontaneously, without any clear plan of action. The right person just turns up, and Taurus loses his head. However, then representatives of the sign usually very much regret what they did.


The Cancer Woman will commit adultery only if she is completely sure that the partner has cooled off to her and the couple will not be

Cancer is the most family-friendly sign of the zodiac. Since childhood, he dreams of a strong and friendly family, and therefore loyalty is at the top of his principles. Entering into a long relationship, and even more so in marriage, Cancers believe that partners cannot change each other in any way. Representatives of the sign are gentle and kind, do a lot for their chosen one, surround him with care and affection. They love high-quality sex and try to get the most of it from their life partner. Cancer women are more faithful than men.

The coldness of a partner can push Cancer to cheat. If a representative of the sign tries for the family, but does not see any return in return, then he may try to get attention on the side. Also, betrayals among Cancers often occur due to physical dissatisfaction, which concerns men more than women.

Of course, not only the zodiac sign allows you to judge the intentions of your partner, you need to take into account a whole range of data: the specific date of birth, the decade in which the sign was born, data eastern horoscope, natal chart... Sometimes it happens that, for example, the most unfaithful zodiac sign Sagittarius gets along with the most faithful Cancer! Learn more details about a partner, so as not to regret later about “pointlessly spent best years life."


Loyalty is one of the essential conditions for a happy marriage, but finding a partner with such a valuable quality is not at all easy. Men especially often commit adultery, citing for various reasons, but in reality everything is much simpler - representatives of the stronger sex either have a tendency towards adultery or not, and it is better to find out this detail long before the wedding. The stars can help a girl understand her lover - astrologers say that the tendency to adultery largely depends on a person’s date of birth. What is the most faithful zodiac sign for men, and with whom from the zodiac circle is it better to build a permanent relationship?

Taurus is an Earth sign who stands firmly on his feet and knows well what he wants from a woman. Representatives of this sign choose a life partner once and for all; they are not prone to divorce or going to the left. Among Taurus men, there is a widespread phenomenon that in love stories is called swan fidelity - they can wait a long time and patiently for an answer from their chosen one, and, even if they receive a refusal, they still continue to live in the hope that the beauty will change her mind, not paying attention to other women.

Taurus is an Earth sign who stands firmly on his feet and knows well what he wants from a woman.

In marriage, Taurus men are distinguished by patience and calmness - they steadfastly endure the whims and emotional outbursts of their spouse, and always try to settle family conflicts peacefully. Even if a homewrecker appears on the horizon and wants to take his partner away from the family, his significant other need not worry. Guys born in May always keep a cool head, so the rival will most likely suffer a fiasco - the matter most likely will not reach either bed or divorce.

If, by some miracle, a married Taurus has a mistress, it’s time for the legal wife to sound the alarm. Such a man does not even think about working “on two fronts”, so in any case he will try to choose one woman out of two. And here the wife should think carefully - did she give enough care and love to her man for the choice to fall on her?


Virgo men are in second place in terms of fidelity after Taurus. At first glance, they seem dry and boring, not prone to manifestations of feelings and romantic gestures, but this fact should be more encouraging than alarming - if the life partner does not receive such privileges, then everyone else, even less so. In addition, representatives of this sign are extremely clean and fastidious, and do not accept casual relationships for fear of contracting some disease.

Virgo men are in second place in terms of fidelity after Taurus

They are also not prone to crazy actions and a whirlpool of feelings, and they choose their spouse no less carefully than Taurus, carefully weighing all the arguments, starting with the woman’s ability to cook soup, ending with her financial situation. For this reason, Virgos divorce quite rarely, preferring to endure the whims of their wife (unless, of course, they are associated with an unwillingness to run the household and clean the house), just to avoid the division of property and other similar troubles.

The difference between Virgos and Taurus is that even if they take a mistress, then family well-being there is practically no threat. Moreover, most wives deceived by Virgo husbands cannot even think about adultery - there is still money in the house, and the husband appears for dinner without delay. The secret of representatives of this sign is scrupulous attention to detail and the ability to calculate their actions three steps ahead.

a lion

Oddly enough, Leo is also included in the ranking of the most faithful men in the entire zodiac circle. Despite the fact that the “sunny” representatives of the stronger sex are extremely proud, selfish and love to be in the center of attention of others, they rarely decide to cheat. They are of the opinion that next to a real lion there should be a majestic lioness, and running after cats and other representatives of the animal world is absolutely not a royal thing.

Having found a potential life partner, Leo will look closely at her for a long time, deciding whether she is worthy of taking a place on the throne. If the decision is made in her favor, there is no need to worry about betrayal - the king never makes mistakes, and always makes right choice. A bright and well-groomed husband can show signs of attention to other women, give compliments and even flirt slightly, but things will not go further than this. This is not done in order to cheat on his wife, but in order to support the royal self-esteem - to make sure that he is still interesting to other representatives of the fair sex.

Leos decide to commit adultery only in one case - if they do not receive enough attention and admiration from their legal wife. It is quite difficult to say whether he will decide to divorce - everything will depend on the behavior and cunning of both women.


Representatives of the stronger sex who were born under the sign of Libra may seem indecisive and out of touch. real life, they are also not prone to regular betrayal. Their sign is ruled by the patroness of all lovers, Venus, so they are romantic, hate routine, and always need approval and support. He will surround a woman who manages to conquer a Libra man with affection, attention and will often arrange romantic evenings and walks under the moon.

Representatives of the stronger sex who were born under the sign of Libra may seem indecisive and disconnected from real life; they are also not prone to regular betrayal

The advantages of Libra are that they are not prone to petty lies and cunning, have lofty ideals and are always in search of harmony. If a girl likes you, a representative of this sign will not make ambiguous hints or immediately admit his feelings - on the contrary, he will be a little on the sidelines, assessing his chosen one from all sides. Having made sure that she is beautiful both outside and inside, the man will begin a beautiful and sophisticated courtship, which will certainly end with a marriage proposal.

A Libra husband will cheat only if the home environment causes serious discomfort to his delicate and sensitive soul. This can happen in cases where he is required to play the role of a passionate macho or is not provided with sufficient moral support. True, representatives of this sign get divorced quite rarely (especially after crossing the thirty-year mark) - they, like no one else, need constant stability and a quiet life.


Capricorn can hardly be called the most pleasant man to talk to, but in terms of loyalty and devotion to the family, he can give odds to all other signs of the Zodiac. Representatives of this sign are conservatives to the core, especially when it comes to love relationships. They fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply and for a long time, they are not very good at showing their feelings, but they more than compensate for this deficiency, providing their wife and children with everything necessary for a carefree life.

Capricorn can hardly be called the most pleasant man to talk to, but in terms of loyalty and devotion to the family, he can give odds to all other signs of the Zodiac

Capricorn approaches any business extremely responsibly, including the choice of a life partner - he does not pay attention to bright clothes and makeup, but, on the contrary, looks for calm and thrifty women who are able to provide a strong rear. Before asking his chosen one to marry, he will definitely weigh the pros and cons, so his decision will not be hasty. If conflicts occur in the family, the representative of this sign will not seek solace in the arms of another woman - he will plunge headlong into work, which is the best medicine for him.

Capricorns decide to cheat only in the most extreme cases, if the existing relationship does not suit him at all, and dissatisfaction accumulates over time. As a rule, adventures are one-time in nature, but if a man born in January, who is tired of an unsettled family life, comes across a worthy woman, he may lose his head and leave the family.

Of course, you shouldn’t get married based solely on the recommendations of astrologers, but perhaps the stars will help you better help your chosen one and do everything possible to prevent betrayal.

We bet ten to one that most women, when looking through descriptions of zodiac signs, first of all pay attention to how faithful people born under a particular sign are considered to be. What does it mean to be faithful?

Personally, we like the statement that loyalty by default involves complete trust and confidence that the person you consider closest will not betray you. We found the topic of fidelity in the “zodiac sign environment” interesting, and we bring to your attention a rating of the most faithful zodiac signs. Our conclusions are based on a small astrological study we conducted.

Twelfth place. Aries

According to astrologers, Aries is one of the most temperamental and dual signs. An Aries man can delight you with his passion and immediately freeze you with his arrogant coldness. Aries are hunters, the hunting process itself is important to them, which is why they take last place in the loyalty rating. These men have the unique ability to leave women instantly without looking back.

So, if you decide to connect your life with a representative of this sign, you need to be flexible and resourceful like a circus gymnast - not to bring him too quickly and close to you, and at the same time not to move him too far away. His interest needs to be “warmed up” constantly, and then it may turn out that there is no one more faithful than your Aries in the astrological herd of signs.

Eleventh place. Twins

Changeable Geminis can quickly and easily change not only their clothing style, favorite job, city, decision, but also women. This is the type of man who almost never knows what they want. The Gemini man is a child who stubbornly refuses to grow up, and most of all in life he does not accept monotony. In his desire to avoid this monotony and due to his tendency to quickly change decisions, he often acts dishonestly towards women. The novels of Gemini men are enchanting and fleeting. Being an air sign, Geminis are initially somewhat immoral, therefore, having chosen one woman, such a guy will always look for another as a pleasant change and addition. Women choosing twins should take this into account from the beginning.

Tenth place. Cancers

Cancer men almost always easily flirt, but in order for things to go beyond flirting, the woman herself will have to make an effort, because Cancers are leisurely in choosing a permanent partner. They need an ideal woman, and they will look for her for a long time, especially since the ideal for cancer will always be his mother. This will have to be taken into account. In relationships with Cancer men, you will always have one invincible rival - his mother. You need to either come to terms with this, or take on and defeat your opponent.

Cancer men take tenth place in our ranking, because their love for variety still pushes them to cheat, but, unlike previous signs, Cancers are slow and secretive. And here there is hope: either you will have time to capture his attention and amaze him so much with your versatility that he will no longer need anyone else, or, due to the secrecy of his character, you will never find out that your man is cheating on you.

Ninth place. Scorpion

The Scorpio man knows his worth well, and there is nothing in the world that could change his opinion about himself. It is almost impossible to determine from his face whether he was offended or happy. “Another person's soul is darkness” - this is said specifically about him. Falling in love with a Scorpio is like playing with matches next to an open gas burner. Passionate lovers and terrible owners, Scorpios take ninth place in our ranking because they tend to divide women into those with whom they want sex and those with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives together. In a word, Scorpio will marry someone with whom he will feel good and comfortable, even if sex with this woman seems somewhat insipid to him. He will receive the missing emotions from his mistress.

Eighth place. Fish

The Pisces man is a dreamer, and that says it all. He is unlikely to pursue a woman with the passion inherent in Scorpios, or to conquer her with his charm, like Geminis, but if the woman herself shows active interest, and even makes some efforts, then the fish will allow itself to be conquered. Pisces occupy eighth place in our ranking because they are never in a hurry to tie the knot. If you still managed to catch this “fish”, then you need to remember that she constantly needs to prove and demonstrate her love. Perhaps then your “fish” will not rush into someone else’s pond.

Seventh place. Aquarius

Aquarius takes seventh place in our ranking of zodiac signs. And he is the most loyal sign in our current six “windy and frivolous gentlemen”. Although Aquarius men themselves are eccentric, in relationships with the woman they love, they are the most stable of all the above signs. Men of this sign cheat on their women only if the relationship has cooled down and become obsolete.

Sixth place. Sagittarius

Sagittarius men, in addition to being very sociable and friendly, are also very truthful and too straightforward in their statements and actions (although, at the same time, they are all convinced of their colossal diplomacy). Therefore, when entering into a relationship with a Sagittarius man, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will “cut the truth from the shoulder,” and regularly. But this is the most childishly sincere and truthful sign of the zodiac. And also, with all their craving for diversity (and, by the way, the intimate sphere is no exception to this rule), Sagittarius are devoted to their partners and will never intentionally hurt them. In a word, you can rely on Sagittarius, and therefore they occupy an honorable sixth place in our ranking.

Fifth place. Scales

The symbol of the astrological sign “Libra” is the golden scales, that is, men of this sign always strive for harmony and ideal balance in everything. That is why Libra man will always give you a million pieces of advice, because he always has an ideal and harmonious solution to all problems. Most big problem Living together with such a man can lead to his pathological passion for order, that is, a woman must first be an excellent housewife, and then an equally ideal lover. Libra men often dream of relationships on the side and even actively flirt with women, but that’s where it all ends. Libra is in almost fifth place in our fidelity rating also because all their adventures, as a rule, remain unrealized fantasies, and thank God.

Fourth place. Virgo

The Virgo man is a born analyst. He analyzes everything and everyone. Sometimes it may seem that apart from the analytical process itself, he no longer needs anything else. He will study the woman he likes for a very long time and thoughtfully, literally “putting her into pieces.” Then, just as long and thoughtfully, he will analyze his attitude towards her, and while he decides that he needs this woman, it may turn out that she is already married to someone else. But if you wait for him, and a Virgo man chooses you, you have a chance to be the lucky one who was lucky enough to be chosen by one of the most faithful and devoted signs of the zodiac. Virgo men rarely cheat on their wives also because they are extremely squeamish about any manifestations of lies and untruths in relationships. Taking into account all the merits, Virgo men are awarded an honorable fourth place in the ranking.

Third place. Capricorn

One of the most faithful signs of the zodiac among men is Capricorn. Capricorn men are the most disciplined and ambitious among all zodiac signs. And they are also the most stable. If Capricorn has chosen a lady of his heart, he will never compare her with others and is unlikely to ever cheat on his chosen one. And by the way, for Capricorn men What’s more important, just like for a Libra man, is what kind of housewife you are, and not how you comb your hair or whether you’re dressed in the latest fashion. The main thing for a Capricorn man is loyalty and understanding from the woman he loves. Even a hint of cheating can end your relationship. He is devoted himself and will not tolerate violation of obligations on the part of his soul mate. In a word, the prized third place in our ranking rightfully belongs to the Capricorn man.

Second place. a lion

An almost ideally devoted man is a man born under fire sign lion We will not once again to remind you that the lion is the king of animals, and the male lion not only craves power, but sometimes reigns over many people. This is understandable even without reminders, right? Leos are dignified and courageous, but at the same time they easily fall for flattery. If you want to captivate a lion, become an “appreciative audience” for him. Leo longs to be the only one for his beloved and will never cheat on her. The only reason that can push a Leo to betrayal can only be your inattention to him and the desire to become the main one in your union. Thus, the Leo man takes a stellar second place in our ranking.

First place. Taurus

And now, finally, we have reached the most loyal sign among the twelve signs of the zodiac - Taurus. If your man is a Taurus, you are truly a lucky woman. Life with him will be full of tenderness, care and romance, and you should not be afraid of any threat from long-legged and busty (well, if you are suddenly a little different) beauties. The Taurus man is an ideal family man, a caring husband and a natural father. We don't seem to have enough superlatives to fully express how lucky you are, so we'll simply and humbly announce the winner. So, Taurus rightfully takes the first place.

Girls and boys who are looking for a partner or are already in a relationship often ask what is the most faithful zodiac sign for men and women. It's time to talk about this exciting topic. Who is faithful according to the horoscope and who is prone to betrayal?

First, let's look at the zodiac signs in general, and then we'll talk separately about men and women.

Cancers are the most family-oriented people in the zodiac. They love the comfort of home. And in order to gain strength and energy for business, Cancer simply needs to relax on his favorite sofa and soak in a hot bubble bath.

The ideal family for Cancer is a large family with several children, where everyone gathers in the evenings for dinner, eats delicious home-cooked food and shares news.

Both men and women of this sign are prone to fidelity in marriage. Cheating for them is betrayal. Someone may be trying to attract Cancer into an affair. And Cancer may not refuse right away. But as soon as the conversation turns to intimacy, he will immediately remember his beloved family and children, and will run as fast as he can to his home. Then he will remember this unpleasant event for a long time.

The most faithful wives according to zodiac signs

It's time to talk separately about men and women. Let's consider the ranking of the most faithful wives by zodiac sign.

  • Taurus ladies take first place on this list. They are very seductive and charming. They love to flirt and have affairs. But after getting married, the Taurus girl calms down and spends a lot of energy on household. She is a wonderful housewife, whose house is always cozy and the interior is tastefully decorated.
  • In second place in the ranking are Capricorns. These women are idealists. They strive to create a healthy atmosphere in the home. They are strict with children, but fair. They know how to support their husband and inspire him to achieve career achievements for the benefit of the family. In marriage they remain faithful.
  • In third place are Sagittarius. Having had enough fun before the wedding, the Sagittarius girl settles down and becomes a faithful, devoted wife. The Sagittarius has a lot of friends and communication; other men may try to seduce her, but she will not succumb to their persuasion, because she values ​​family ties.

The most faithful husbands according to zodiac signs

Great, we've dealt with the women. Well, now the rating of the most faithful zodiac signs among men.

  • Capricorn rightfully takes first place. This man is so attached to his family that he does not allow the thought of betrayal. He works hard to provide a comfortable life for his wife and children. And when he comes home in the evening, he needs family comfort and care, which help relieve stress.
  • Second place goes to Virgos. Men of this zodiac sign are good husbands and practical owners. Maybe a Virgo guy won't be as bright and enthusiastic as an Aries or Sagittarius, but he really appreciates and respects his chosen one. He can also easily nail a shelf in the garage or paint a wall.
  • Well, the honorable third place remains with the Lions. It was not in vain that they chose the best of the best as their wife. So should we look for someone else now? What stupidity! Leo is proud of the achievements of his family, but even more proud of the beauty and charm of his chosen one. He will be fascinated by his wife for many years, if, of course, she behaves like a queen.

These are the most faithful signs of the zodiac. However, fidelity depends not only on the horoscope. The internal qualities of a person and his level of development also have a great influence. Therefore, even reliable rating signs can sometimes turn out to be unreliable. And those who are called potential cheaters must remain faithful all their lives.

The possibility of betrayal on the part of Aries is 50/50. On the one hand, they do not waste words and always fulfill their promises. On the other hand, they easily take risks and adventures in order to simply dispel boredom. If the energetic Aries is going to cheat, then most likely he lacks bright emotions and dynamics in the relationship. They are very active, and if their partner fails to maintain their rhythm, they easily continue moving forward without him. In addition, Aries are the owners of a solid ego, which requires constant attention. Show him physical affection regularly and do everything possible to maintain the WOW effect in the relationship.


One of the most faithful companions in life. If such a man falls in love, then it is forever. They seriously believe in “love until the grave” and “marital vows.” One gets the feeling that the handsome princes from fairy tales, every single one of them, are Taurus. The only reason they might cheat is if they suddenly seriously suspect that their partner is cheating on them. This will be a kind of revenge or act of revenge, which they would never dare to do under other circumstances. Show Taurus how much you care about him on a physical and emotional level, and you can be sure of his devotion.


Keep your ears open - these partners are very fickle and quite calculating. Both qualities constantly introduce them into temptation, which Gemini is unable to resist. Representatives of this sign often require “intellectual stimulation” - they should be interested in talking to you. In most cases, they realize their need for flirting through dating sites, social networks and email, but rarely move from virtual space to reality. Regularly stimulate Gemini's interest sexually and mentally - you can be sure that it will not go away from you.

Another zodiac sign with a fairly low level of trust. The reasons for infidelity are pickiness and daydreaming. They themselves do not know what they want from life, but they require endless attention. Cancers are extremely insecure, and sometimes cheating is a desperate way for them to increase their own self-esteem. Moreover, they manage to blame their inattentive partner for these infidelities, but never admit their guilt. Let Cancer feel most desirable, and he will not escape from you.

At first glance, imposing and self-confident Leos are alpha males who are ready to change women like gloves. In reality, this is not at all the case. They are really “led” by the attractive bright appearance of the opposite sex, but at the same time they will be infinitely loyal to their “queen”. They are so principled that it seems that nothing can make them commit treason. This quality makes Leo lovers very reliable partners. With one caveat! Under no circumstances should you be better, richer, more successful or more talented than him. Otherwise, they will run to assert themselves in someone else’s bed. Another lion’s weakness is age: if they commit betrayal, it is with a much younger passion.


Breathe out - you can definitely trust him. Such men are distinguished by a complex character, a desire for loneliness, constant reflection and a rather measured life. They like it when they are loved not for their merits, but just like that. Rest assured, if Virgo chose you as his companion, he came to this decision consciously, after weighing everything well. Another feature of this sign is that it is very squeamish, including regarding casual sexual partners. Therefore, if he ever decides to take a fatal step and commits treason, it will be far from a frivolous relationship.


After all, this is a balanced and fairly fair zodiac sign. Libra men love stability and take on any obligations seriously, so they usually do not cheat. On the other hand, they are no strangers to flirting, so they can (even unintentionally) be drawn into a situation where this very flirting goes too far. If you can become not only a lover for your partner, but also a friend, this will benefit your relationship. Libras do not know how to hide their feelings, so if cheating happens, rest assured, he will admit everything himself.


One of the most passionate, but completely unreliable lovers. This is exactly the case when people commit treason solely out of physiological needs. Therefore one of the best ways to tie Scorpio to you, no matter how trivial it may sound, sex: frequent, varied, inventive... An insatiable partner will be incredibly devoted and will linger in your bed for a long time.


Just like Aries and Leo, fiery Sagittarius is constantly in need of action and adventure, including in the bedroom. If you share Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and don't restrict his freedom too much, he can be a very loyal partner. He is ready to give you his attention, but at the same time he categorically does not believe in love, rarely becomes attached to someone with all his heart, and if he enters into an alliance, it is with the amendment “the time has come.” If a Sagittarius flirts too much, it could end up accidentally leading to trouble.