Well      06/20/2020

Bathhouse and barn in one complex. A bathhouse and a barn under one roof – combining business with pleasure. Bathhouse with utility block or utility block with bathhouse

What could be more beautiful than a bath? Bathhouse with utility room and toilet! These additions take a wellness building to the next level by adding many useful features.

Such a project of a bathhouse with a utility block can be implemented by adding a small building and the necessary communications to an already finished building, or by adding an additional room to the layout initially, building everything on a single foundation.

General provisions

A bathhouse combined with a utility block has a much larger number of requirements that must be met for the successful implementation of the plan.

These include:

  • The presence of comfortable unobstructed entrances and exits, both inside and outside the building.

Tip: provide separate entrances for bath room and economic block.
This will allow you to use them separately, which is more convenient.

  • Connecting a water supply or water pumping station for independent water supply. The water tank of the steam room is not enough to fulfill all household needs.
  • Heat exchange networks. Heating will be necessary to be able to use the premises in winter.
  • Common roof. In order to prevent water formations and control runoff, a common roof structure should be made for the entire building.

  • Safe conditions for simultaneous use of all premises. This primarily concerns fire safety due to the use of the stove in the steam room.
  • Separate.

If all of the above can be reproduced, the following advantages will be obtained:


  • Possibility to prepare food. An indispensable addition to a dacha without a residential building and the ability to unload the main kitchen if there is one.
  • Built-in toilet. Which is incredibly important when using a bathhouse in winter, especially with children.

  • Full conditions for receiving guests. Thanks to the presence of a utility block, the recreation room can be used as a living room.

Bathhouse with utility block or utility block with bathhouse

This difference seems insignificant at first glance, but it is not:

  • A utility block with a bathhouse is acceptable for use on a summer cottage without other buildings and in the event that you arrive without an overnight stay.

  • It is recommended to carry out bathhouse projects with a utility block in the private sector with a residential building. This will allow you to transfer some of your daily activities and things there, which, in turn, will free up a lot of space in the house for other needs.

Self-construction or ready-made project

Freestanding buildings without a plan always have many disadvantages. In this case, this is fraught not only with a violation of the aesthetic beauty and geometry of the building, but also with violations of fire safety rules.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are going to do everything yourself or hire professionals, it is recommended to use a ready-made project.

Then you will be:

  • confidence in the reliability of the structure;
  • the ability to calculate costs;
  • a graphical representation of what you are building;
  • work progress instructions.


Designs of a bathhouse with a utility block come in a wide variety.

They are distinguished from each other:

  • dimensions;
  • price;
  • complexity;
  • number of rooms and much more.

For a general understanding, let's look at one of them.

The area of ​​the entire building is 4 m by 8 m.


  • The foundation is columnar made of concrete blocks with a height of 40 cm and a section of 20 cm by 20 cm. Quantity - 15 pieces.
  • For external walls And internal partitions profiled timber with a section of 14 cm by 9 cm is used.
  • Ceilings are 2 m high.
  • The rough base is made of unsanded boards 2.5 cm thick.
  • The vapor barrier is formed by a membrane film.
  • The finishing base is made of tongue-and-groove boards 3.6 cm thick.
  • The interior decoration of the steam room is made of aspen.

  • Inside the steam room there are two-tier shelves also made of aspen.
  • The gable roof is covered with ondulin.
  • The windows are made of wood and double glass in the shower and toilet measuring 40 cm by 40 cm, and in the utility room and guest room - 80 cm by 80 cm.
  • Three frame doors 1.8 m high and 0.8 m wide.
  • B made of wood measuring 1.9 m by 0.6 m.
  • Brick stove with a water tank in the steam room.

Advice: if you plan to use the room as a sauna, then you need to move the tank into the next room, because the sauna involves the use of a dry steam room.

  • Stainless steel chimney pipe.


The presence of a utility block in the bathhouse adds many useful features, which include preparing food and receiving guests, which allows you to transfer some of the functions of a residential building there.

It should be taken into account that the economic block also requires additional measures for arrangement: independent water supply, sewerage, fire safety, and so on.

A huge range of projects for such buildings will help you choose the best option for your site.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information on this material.

Good luck with your construction work!

If you are the happy owner of a summer house or a private house with a small plot, then you can set up a bathhouse in an old barn. It will give the whole family good health and wonderful relaxation after a hard day at work. Also, if the need and desire arise, you can make good money by setting an hourly wage and letting your neighbors, acquaintances and other people steam there.

We will equip an old barn, which we do not use, with a concrete floor as a steam room. The barn can be built from wood, brick, foam block or shell.

Are planning

We will allocate a considerable area of ​​the barn for the steam room, approximately 6 square meters. m, this will be a small steam room; when calculating, take into account that there should be at least 2 sq. m per visitor. m. If you have a small family, then 6 sq. m will be enough for you, but if you plan to make money in the future using a steam room, then the area will accordingly be needed more.

Don’t forget to plan in advance the location and number of shelves, and determine the most advantageous place for it. The convenience of staying in your bathhouse from an old barn, which you will make with your own hands, depends on the layout.

It is worth laying structural tiles on a concrete floor in a barn; the surface of such tiles is a little rough, as if a little abrasive. And it is almost impossible to slip on such tiles. It is also worth making grates from boards, which we will lay on top of the tiles for comfortable movement around the bathhouse, because wood does not heat up as much as tiles and will not burn your feet when walking.

Be sure to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to install a water drain in the floor. If you want to take a steam bath with a park, then your DIY barn sauna will need to be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth and ventilated.

Steam room materials

We construct the frame of our bathhouse from beams, it is not a complicated work at all, and then it is difficult to attach the frame to the floor. But this can be done with a little effort. We will carry out fastening by drilling aligned holes in the floor and beams, into which we will insert long screws, and do not forget to lay waterproofing between the floor and beams.

It is very important to install steam and waterproofing boards on the walls, which should be sheathed with boards. For these works, it is better to use aspen boards, having previously made grooves along the boards, which will serve for better adhesion of the boards to each other.

When driving nails, you should drive them as deep as possible into the wood, because the temperature in the steam room is high, and you can get burned by touching the hot head of an iron nail.


We install the ceiling in the bathhouse from the barn with our own hands from the boards with which the walls are covered. But to do this, we saw them in half, and we get 2, 3 cm each. We attach them directly to the frame of the bathhouse.

Shelves for lying

It is worth making wide ones, their width should be approximately 70 cm. It is worth treating the surface of each bed very well so as not to get injured and not to drive splinters into the skin.

Furnace and ventilation installation

The stove should be placed near the door, on refractory bricks. We also lay the brick in the space between the stove and the wall, and take the pipe outside. Take care to enclose the stove with wooden structures and avoid getting burned.

Minimizing heat loss through doors

In order for as little heat as possible to be lost through the doors, we make it narrow, 50-60 cm, and attach a rubber seal to it. Door handles should be made of wood.

We provide electricity to the bathhouse

To illuminate your bath you will need a special double-insulated lamp that is resistant to high temperatures. The switch should not be ordinary, but moisture-resistant, it should be located at the entrance to the steam room, as required by fire safety rules.

The wiring should be deepened into the walls so that the cable does not interfere, and then the bathhouse will look better and neater.


  • all boards used for lining the bath must be made from hardwood trees;
  • do not skimp on wiring materials, cables, lamps, switches and sockets. Buy high-quality and moisture-resistant ones, because the life and health of your family and guests who will visit your steam room depend on it;
  • lamps must be made of heat-resistant glass, since the temperature in the bathhouse sometimes rises above 100 °C;
  • Many people like to plunge into a cool pool after a hot bathhouse. But if you can’t afford such luxury, build a small pond in the yard, or place containers with cool water, for example, barrels, into which you can happily plunge after warm and pleasant bath procedures.

And in winter water procedures can be replaced by snow rubbing:

  • Be sure to ensure that the water in the barrels, pool or pond does not stagnate. Disinfect containers with water. Especially if other people are bothering you;
  • Over time, you will be able to expand the bathhouse, add a relaxation room, and use it to earn money. After all, this is a good idea for business.


Now you know how to make a bathhouse from a barn with your own hands, it is not such a difficult task. By taking a steam bath, you get a lot of positive emotions, while seriously improving your health.

Yes, building a bathhouse is quite a labor-intensive process, and if you complete the job you started, you and your family will be happy, and if you approach this business with creativity, use your ingenuity and imagination, you can make good money.

Every person who loves bath procedures dreams of having a room at home in which they can steam to their heart's content. First, you need to order a design for a bathhouse with a utility block, and only then do the actual construction.

It is worth noting that bathhouses, which are built from timber and at the same time have a utility block, are more popular. This is understandable, because any person strives to ensure that any room in which he spends a lot of time is both cozy and multifunctional. It also needs to be said that a bathhouse with a utility unit under one roof is very popular among owners of small plots or, for example, dachas, especially since projects for such buildings are very easy to order.

If we talk about the advantages of the above structures, then the most important thing is high functionality.

After all, such a design does not take up much space and at the same time combines the functions of a bathhouse, pantry, kitchen and room with any other purpose. By the way, as for the cost of such structures, it will also save money for bathhouse owners. After all, it is much cheaper to build one room than to erect several separate buildings. The main thing, of course, is to think through this process to the smallest detail. So as not to miss any important details. And then the resulting result will delight not only the owner of the premises, but also all his guests.

Reasons for the popularity of structures

As you know, progress does not stand still, and a bathhouse combined with a utility room began to be in demand just recently; 2-3 years ago, few people ordered such projects. The thing is that now there is a fashion in the world for functionality and economy. And in absolutely all manifestations.

It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about, the main thing is that it’s all multifunctional and allows the user to save money and other resources. The same applies to construction. The design of a bathhouse with a utility room under one roof has the following advantages:

  1. Now it’s much more comfortable to relax and steam in a bathhouse, because you can immediately go from the steam room to the kitchen or other room. In this case, you do not need to go outside.
  2. The construction is of high quality and is durable.
  3. Ideal for small areas where construction space is limited.
  4. If there is such a need, then such a structure can also be used as a place to sleep. Of course, if such a room was initially thought out in the project.

As you can see, the above advantages are confirmation that initially you need to make a competent bathhouse design, and only then proceed to allocating a site and direct construction. By the way, during the preparation of the project, the interior decoration of the room is also thought through, as well as the possibility of building something next to or directly above the building in the future.

How is the project prepared?

The development of the project will include several stages. It’s worth saying right away that preparing a project for this structure is much more difficult than an ordinary house or a separate bathhouse. It is clear that the reason for this is that specialists will have to work hard to ensure that the building turns out to be both multifunctional and comfortable.

First of all, the designer must think through the following nuances:

  • where exactly the entrances and exits to the building will be located;
  • how to install communications that will ensure heating of the room;
  • correct installation of the water supply and sewerage system;
  • think over correct form roof and choose the material from which it will be made;
  • and, of course, do not forget about the safety of the structure.

By the way, the last point is especially relevant considering that the bathhouse is a fire hazard.

These are the main points that you need to think about before construction begins. But there are other equally important questions.

Let's say you need to choose the material from which the building will be constructed. IN Lately Timber is becoming increasingly popular. Baths, utility blocks and even houses are built from this material. There are several simple explanations for this:

  • the entire work process does not take much time;
  • the cost of such a structure is much less than similar buildings built from other materials.

For example, the cost can be reduced due to the fact that there is no need to make a separate foundation. And, as you know, it doesn’t come cheap. And if you mean modern projects If a bathhouse and a garage are combined together, it is clear that one foundation is sufficient here. The same applies to the roof, you can also save money on it.

All about corner structures

As you know, a bathhouse can be not only of the usual shape, but also built at an angle. Often such examples can be found in areas of uneven shape or where there is not a lot of free space for construction. Quite often, such structures are used when you need to build a small bathhouse. If we talk about its location on the site, then it is usually placed in the very corner. Such buildings have dimensions of approximately 3x4 m. They consist of several rooms: a steam room, a relaxation room and a washing room.

Any specialist who draws up a project for a corner bathhouse with a utility unit takes into account not only its functionality, but also its appearance. It should fit harmoniously into the overall landscape design site and make it even more comfortable and multifunctional. Usually the client is offered several options so that he can choose exactly the project and design. modern baths which suits him best. Here it is important to take into account all the nuances, because, as you know, the bathhouse is best place for relaxation and rest. Therefore, it must be beautiful and of high quality. In order to understand what exactly a particular client wants, he needs to be offered several options, and among them he will choose the one that will definitely satisfy him.

How to calculate the cost?

If we talk about calculating the cost of such a structure, then many factors are taken into account, starting from the materials from which the building will be constructed, and ending with its size. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the interior decoration. It may cost more than the entire structure.

Of course, many craftsmen recommend using wood as the main building material. It is natural material and has a number of advantages, namely:

  • it breathes and thus is not susceptible to dampness and fungus formation;
  • There will always be fresh air inside the room due to its proper circulation;
  • the tree also gives a pleasant aroma, which will be further enhanced by steam exposure;
  • if used coniferous varieties, then they will subsequently have healing properties on the health of everyone who steams in the bathhouse.

It is equally important to take into account complex structures when calculating the cost of a building. Let’s say that projects for two-story frame baths with a utility block will cost more than similar premises on one floor. Well, don’t forget that the price includes interior decoration. And, as mentioned above, it can be more expensive than all other stages of construction.

Where should I start?

It has already been written many times above that, first of all, it is necessary to prepare a building design, and only then begin its actual construction. But I would like to clarify that in addition to a properly prepared project, due attention should also be paid to the choice of the place where the building will be installed. It is necessary to correctly measure the area and choose exactly the place that will be most convenient. For example, if we mean projects of modern bathhouses with barbecues and a swimming pool, then you should understand that such a structure will take up a lot of space on the site. A swimming pool needs good drains and a constant supply of water.

Today, modern designs of bathhouses with a terrace are very popular, but you need to understand that it is advisable to allocate a place for the terrace with beautiful view. This could be an area near a garden or flower bed. In any case, you should not build such a bathhouse near outdoor toilet or directly next to the fence and road.

As we can see, to make a bathhouse project in modern style, you should take into account all the seemingly insignificant details. As a result, they will play a significant role and can cause a number of inconveniences in the future, which will affect the quality of rest and significantly spoil your mood.

All about the foundation

As for the foundation, it all depends on what material is used for construction. For example, if the bathhouse is built of timber, then you can use strip foundation. It can easily withstand a not very heavy building. At the same time, it will be possible to reduce the costs of the construction itself. By the way, if the owner of the site knows a little about construction, then he can lay the strip foundation himself. It's quite easy to do. But if there is no such knowledge or a person simply does not want to do such work, then you can turn to specialists for help.

It is best to choose the company that will subsequently build the building itself. If you involve different contractors in the construction process, you can spoil the quality of the structure. After all, as you know, every master does the job in his own way. There is also the possibility that in the future, if any problems arise, it will be difficult to prove that the fault was a poor-quality foundation or, conversely, a poorly constructed building. Therefore, it is better to immediately hire one company that does the entire amount of work, from project preparation to internal work.

If you choose a project for a utility block with a bathhouse made of aerated concrete, then you need to give preference to a support-column foundation. But in any case, you should listen to the opinion of the specialist who will directly erect the building. Indeed, in this case he takes full responsibility for the quality of the work performed.

Turnkey construction

As mentioned above, it is best to choose an offer from companies that offer turnkey construction. Then there is more guarantee that the work will be performed by real craftsmen who provide their client with a guarantee of quality and reliability.

Moreover, such performers will be able to make a design of any complexity. For example, projects of modern baths with a summer kitchen are now very popular. This structure is perfect for both country house, and for premises located within the city. A summer kitchen is the dream of any housewife who is interested in preparing food for the winter or simply loves to cook deliciously in nature. And if you also take into account the fact that such a kitchen is combined with a bathhouse, then this room will be popular with all family members and guests.

Typically, turnkey construction consists of the following stages:

  1. Project preparation.
  2. Pouring the foundation.
  3. Construction of external walls.
  4. Installation of partitions between walls.
  5. Roof decking.
  6. Pouring floors.
  7. Ceiling padding.
  8. Interior work - wall cladding, arrangement of the steam room and all other rooms;
  9. Installation of windows and doors;
  10. Installation of the necessary plumbing and furniture;
  11. External insulation works (if provided for by the project).

Even at the stage of project preparation, the contractor negotiates with the customer what material the building will be built from, what to use for interior work. Of course, at this moment there is a discussion about what kind of plumbing fixtures and furniture the client wants to see in his room.

What to choose for interior decoration?

When it comes to walls, there are several options. The most popular is wood or clapboard paneling. Almost all projects of modern baths include interior lining walls coniferous wood, photos of the finishing can be viewed on specialized construction sites.

It is this material that, when in contact with moisture and high temperature, emits a very pleasant medicinal aroma. Among the wood coniferous species the most inexpensive material considered pine. At the same time, pine has a very beautiful structure and is easy to process. Although here one should also take into account the fact that pine is best used in the dressing room, since in the steam room itself it can release resin. But experts recommend upholstering the steam room with linden. By the way, it is also not very expensive and at the same time also has a wonderful aroma and a variety of healing properties. Canadian cedar is considered a more expensive material. Many luxury modern bath projects include interior upholstery walls with this particular material.

If we are talking about floor covering, then here it is also best to give preference to wood. Do not use linoleum or any other non-natural covering. It's under the influence high temperatures and constant moisture will begin to deteriorate and release toxic substances. But on tiles or granite you can easily slip and fall. As a result, you can get seriously injured.

You should also remember that the entire space should be as free as possible. The walls should not be cluttered with various shelves and cabinets; it is better to leave them empty. In general, for the bathhouse to look stylish and cozy, it is enough good table, shops, in as a last resort, soft ottoman.

In order to get more original design premises, you can first look at the photos on the Internet, there you can find interesting modern bathhouse designs with or without a utility unit. And based on them, choose something suitable for yourself. Although, in general, the specialists who prepare the bathhouse project always give good advice about how he will arrange it from the inside.

What is in demand now?

If we talk about which designs are now the most popular, then it all depends on what financial capabilities the owner of the building has and what exactly he wants to get as a result.

Let’s say, if we talk about budget buildings, then most often they choose a bathhouse design with a utility block and a toilet.

They are practical and convenient, they can be erected in a country house or in a country house.

But, again, if we are talking about country estate, then you need to take into account that you will have to heat the bathhouse with wood or other materials. Therefore, it is best to choose a bathhouse project with a utility block and a woodshed. Then during your vacation you won’t have to run outside and look for firewood. It is enough to go to the next room and take the required amount of fuel.

Very often, the owners of the site where the bathhouse will be built try to build it near a body of water. Then after a good steam room you can immediately dive into a refreshing pond. For these purposes, you can use any natural reservoir or build an artificial one. If this is not possible, then it is enough to install a special shower in which there will always be cool water. As you can see, there are quite a lot of options, and they all depend on the personal needs of the person and his financial capabilities.

But in any case, in order for the built bathhouse to be multifunctional and cozy, not only the client’s desires, but also real possibilities should be taken into account. For example, the size of the plot, the presence of communications or any other nearby structures. That is why, before anyone starts construction, you should draw up a correct and high-quality project. And this, as you know, can only be done by a true professional. Based on this, we can conclude that the main task- find an experienced and competent specialist who has good experience in building baths. Then the success of the planned business is guaranteed.

Bathhouse and barn under one roof - combining business with pleasure

This is not to say that you will definitely strive for this - to combine two premises such as a bathhouse and a barn under one roof. Even if you convince yourself that from Persian “barn” is nothing more than a “palace”. We have this place to store all sorts of things, more tools and trash “just in case.”

But situations can be different - the barn is already standing, but there is not enough space anyway, or a successful bathhouse design with a “utility room” already appeals to you. One way or another, such a combination is possible, it all depends on how the “palace” for hoes and shovels will be maintained in the future.

Solving the problem of lack of space on the site

The main, as it is fashionable to say today, pilot option for combining a bathhouse and a utility room could be the following, tested in more than a dozen implementations:

  • A – hallway – dressing room, note that the stove is controlled from the steam room, but the wall of the stove opens into the hallway, which ensures its reliable heating;
  • B – washing room, there is a small window - there are either no windows at all in the working areas of the baths or small size(in the proposed version 50 by 40 cm), which allows better control of heat transfer;
  • C – steam room – traditional floor and stove, there is everything for a true connoisseur of relaxation “with a park”, please note that in the proposed implementation there is no window in the steam room, this is the unspoken rule of all steam rooms for all designers;
  • D – a barn, or, well, a utility room with an area of ​​4 sq.m., in such an area you can place a small machine; appreciate the thoughtful and forward-thinking approach of the proposed solution - the barn with its pile of metal has no contact with moisture-rich rooms; of course, thermal insulation and vapor permeability must be ensured high level, however, such a division speaks of a subtle understanding of the situation by the developers;

  • E – porch, and this is another plus of the proposed project.

Helpful advice!
But the main positive feature of the proposal is the installation of the entire structure on piles.
Here, a more expensive and reliable option was chosen - square-section concrete piles.
Although for such a structure as a one-story bathhouse, it is quite possible to use metal pipes, they are more convenient to install, and the load capacity will fully meet the objectives of the structure.
The main thing is that piles are an ideal way to deal with unreliable, heaving soils and main way reliable ventilation of the structure, which is very important for baths.

Design Features

The technology for constructing the proposed bathhouse with a barn is so well developed that usually a team of 2-3 people undertakes to build it in no more than a working week. And the price for all this pleasure will disappear after putting the barn in order - no more than 300 thousand rubles.

Here are some more useful ones technical characteristics such a combination of a bathhouse with a barn:

  • for external walls, planed timber measuring (mm) 95 by 145 is used;
  • for the steam room - aspen lining;
  • size of concrete piles – 200 x 200 x 400 mm;
  • distance between pedestals – 200 mm;
  • number of pedestals – 9 (8 around the perimeter and one in the middle of the building);
  • roofing material must be used on top of the piles as waterproofing;
  • means of insulation between the beams - jute;
  • vapor barrier in the steam room is provided by special bath foil;
  • 50 mm insulation is used both on the floor and on the ceiling of the bathhouse;
  • all joints, bottom and top, are covered with skirting boards;
  • on the outside the roof is sheathed with pine clapboard;
  • ceiling height inside – 225 cm;

  • wall thickness – 95 mm;
  • the height of the ridge of the bathhouse is 150 cm;
  • for the roof, ondulin is used in three colors - green, red or brown;
  • floor characteristics:
    • roughing thickness - 20 mm;
    • steam and waterproofing material – glassine;
    • insulation material - URSA 50 mm;
    • floorboard - 27 mm tongue and groove;
  • ceiling characteristics:
    • material – European standard “B” grade lining;
    • insulation material for baths – URSA, 50 mm;
  • window sizes:
    800 x 800 mm – double glazing, two windows;
    600 x 600 mm – one.
  • The washing room has a shower and drainage system.

Helpful advice!
Please note. The proposed sauna option does not include a stove in the standard mandatory delivery.
Its selection and installation is made upon separate order.
We advise you not to forget about this condition and be sure to inquire about how to install the stove in the bathhouse when searching for a contractor.
The decision to install must be made in advance.
Some contractors are ready to install any stove proposed by the customer, but this usually requires approval.


The proposed option of combining a bath and utility room far from the only one. Therefore, the instructions for action here will be traditional for the construction market - first, be sure to conduct research and choose the most suitable option, satisfying all your wishes and accommodation conditions.

If it were not for the increased demands, not even on the strength, but on the quality of the bathhouse foundation, perhaps it would be recommended to try to do everything yourself. But since the specifics of building baths require experience and qualifications, we advise you to contact professionals who work with already proven project samples.

The video in this article may still be able to convince you, in order to save space, to combine a bathhouse with a utility room, if you were unable to solve the placement problem in another way.

Installation and repair

Increasingly, happy owners of their own plots prefer brick bath. In this article we will reveal the main secrets and talk in detail about how to build a brick bathhouse with your own hands.

Since building a solid bathhouse from scratch requires not only financial resources, but also certain skills, this may not always be available depending on the circumstances. In this case, non-standard, but very practical solutions will come to the rescue.

A terrace is a convenient extension to a building in the form of a platform placed on a pre-created foundation. The article will discuss what a project for a bathhouse with a terrace is and how to correctly combine these two architectural objects.

Quite often recently, instead of wood when constructing various buildings, people choose this modern material like foam concrete blocks. IN this material we will describe the technology phased construction do-it-yourself baths made of foam blocks, indicating the subtleties and features of this process.

Not everyone wants to install wooden baths, since the process of their construction is quite painstaking, and maintaining the finished structure in proper condition is not so easy. Therefore, recently consumers are increasingly paying attention to options for bathhouses made of foam blocks - more convenient to use and construct.

Currently, more and more owners prefer relaxing in their own bathhouse over the services of public or private institutions. Moreover, even the rather complex at first glance construction of a bathhouse from rounded logs is quite possible to carry out independently if you follow a number of recommendations from experienced builders.

At the bathhouse design stage, it is very important to provide all the details so that the finished building is not only beautiful in appearance and functional, but also comfortable for visitors. Particular attention should be paid to optimal sizes baths that allow a certain number of people to be in it at the same time.

As a rule, baths are built from wood, but nowadays it is not so easy to find a sufficiently skilled carpenter who could cope with the task perfectly, and besides, his services will not be cheap. In this regard, building bathhouses from blocks is becoming increasingly popular.

Log buildings have recently become increasingly popular and fashionable among owners of private baths. This is not surprising - after all, in such a structure you can create optimal conditions, taken for a traditional Russian bath with thick steam and brooms.

Sometimes limited free space on plot of land becomes the reason for refusing to build a bathhouse. Some limit themselves to building a small box, which has a small steam room and a dressing room. The best option in this situation is to build a bathhouse with an attic.

Today, almost every resident of Russia dreams of building a bathhouse complex in their dacha. But this does not mean that they are all carbon copies and correspond to stereotypes. It can be either a Russian, Turkish or Finnish bath.

A home steam room is always good, but if it is located in basement- better. Is it really? Today we will discuss in detail all the pros and cons of a bathhouse in the house, as well as technological stages construction.

For any construction you need high-quality and durable materials. Aerated concrete, which appeared not so long ago, meets all these requirements and is suitable for the construction of baths. Gaso concrete blocks They are large in size and light in weight, so building a bathhouse from aerated concrete with your own hands will not be difficult.

Although summer cottages Mostly small, if everything is well thought out and calculated, then everything you need can be placed in such an area. You can even build a bathhouse with your own hands at your dacha; it will be a refreshment for the whole family, support your health, or just relax after a hard day.

A great addition to suburban area There will be a private bathhouse, allowing you to spend time after work or other energy-consuming activities with benefit for your soul and body. The article will talk about how to make a bathhouse yourself so that it is effective, reliable and safe for visitors.

Today, most often for the construction of private baths, block building materials are used, which have a number of advantages over more expensive lumber or brick. The article will talk about how to build a bathhouse from blocks with your own hands, so that the end result is a comfortable, reliable and safe structure.

Since ancient times, the bathhouse had a limited set of tasks: a person came, took a steam bath, washed himself and went home. Today, bathhouses are built on two floors, and the upper level is made residential, but this is how they are carried out construction works and the further operation of such buildings will be discussed in this article.

Many people like to visit the bathhouse and come to the conclusion that the best option is the construction of your own bathhouse on a private plot. The article will discuss what projects exist for a bathhouse with a utility unit under one roof and the nuances of their construction.

Building your own bathhouse is an activity that needs to be approached with all responsibility. As practice shows, most often timber is used to make baths, which makes it possible to create an environmentally friendly, reliable and durable building. This article will discuss how to properly build a bathhouse from timber.

Many steam lovers would like to have their own sauna, but not everyone has the opportunity to build one. Possible Solution this problem - to arrange a bathhouse in the garage with your own hands; how to do this and what questions you will have to face will be discussed in this article.

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Project of a bathhouse with a garage - making life outside the city more convenient

Currently a large number of people are building a bathhouse in their dacha. And many of them are considering the project of a bathhouse with a garage due to its particular popularity.

Material selection

When choosing a project of this kind, you first need to decide on the material that will be used for the construction of the bathhouse and garage itself. The material can be almost anything, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The tree belongs to the best materials, with the help of which garage projects with a bathhouse can be implemented. But still, it is not entirely suitable for building a garage, due to the fact that wooden structures are flammable.

Surface wooden walls in the garage requires additional processing using special tools. On the other hand, wooden buildings do not need a particularly strong foundation.


This is a reliable and practical material, primarily for the construction of garage walls. Such a capital structure will last a very long time. But in turn, the cost of building such a structure increases significantly. The point is that a solid foundation is required, and it will take additional insulation and interior decoration consistent with the principles of relaxation.

Foam concrete and gas silicate blocks

Lightweight, durable, practical material that does not require a special foundation, with good heat and sound insulation characteristics. Bathhouse projects with a garage made using this material will be relatively inexpensive. The disadvantages include mandatory waterproofing measures, since these blocks easily and quickly absorb moisture, which leads to damage to the material.

Please note

If you are interested in projects for a garage with a bathhouse and are about to build such a facility, then you should consider the following points:

  • High-quality waterproofing must be performed, which will significantly extend the life of such a structure. This is especially true for a garage, because there may be a significant impact of aggressive liquids, exhaust gases, temperature changes and humidity.
  • It is necessary to insulate the walls between the bathhouse and the garage; in particular, if a wall seam breaks, air will freely penetrate from one room to another.

Tip: It is best if two walls are built between the garage and the bathhouse, and a storm drain between them.
This is an additional air gap and an obstacle to air movement.

Advantages of combining a bathhouse and a garage

Bathhouse projects with a garage, implemented in practice, have serious advantages:

  • By making a door that leads directly from the garage into the main area, you can avoid going outside, which is especially good if the weather outside is inclement.
  • A properly designed stove will allow you to heat two rooms at once without using an additional heat source.
  • More convenient delivery of firewood, and garage storage of firewood can also be organized.
  • In some cases, a garage project with a bathhouse and an attic may be considered, which will allow this building to be used as a guest house or when the site is small.

An example of a bathhouse project with a garage

Currently, there are various projects for a garage with a bathhouse and our portal is ready to provide them in sufficient quantities. Let's consider a specific project of a utility block with a garage and a bathhouse. You can implement this project with your own hands, by one person with the assistance of one assistant.

Material for construction

The building has a common gable roof. The material for the walls is timber, simple, profiled or glued, it does not play a big role. Everything is determined by specific financial capabilities.

The wood that is used to make the walls is an environmentally friendly material, so being inside not only brings pleasure, but also health benefits.

It is good to use aspen paneling for lining a bathhouse; for other rooms, softwood paneling is usually used. To decorate the walls of the garage, you can also use lining with the following impregnation with an antiseptic and coating with repulsive materials.

Principles of constructing a garage with a bathhouse

For a timber structure, a columnar foundation is most suitable, perfect for houses that do not create a large load. The disadvantages of such foundations include the fact that they are undesirable for heavy buildings and if there are waterlogged sandy soils in the area.

The instructions for installing a columnar foundation do not seem complicated. At a certain distance from each other, most often 1.5 m, columns are made: concrete brick or block, buried in the ground.

Attention: Before making a foundation, you should talk to specialists or look for information elsewhere.
In order for the depth of the columns to be such that any of their movements would be excluded: in particular, seasonal ones.

Please note that the level of all columns must be in the same horizontal plane.

Installation of walls made of timber is also simple and can be carried out in one stage. At the same time, attention is paid to the verticality of the walls, which is controlled using building level or plumb line.

Roofing system

As already mentioned, the roof is gable, that is, the simplest, so the installation of the roofing system does not differ from similar systems of buildings of other types. Almost any roofing material available on the market can be used; everything is determined by the construction budget.

Finishing work

The most practical and beautiful thing would be to install lining throughout all interior rooms and, depending on what kind of room it is, use one or another wood. To prevent the lining from becoming deformed during operation, it must be kept inside for a couple of days.

Attention: Do not coat the sauna lining with liquids such as drying oil or paint.
When heated, these liquids release substances harmful to humans.
The lining should be protected using products specifically designed for baths that do not cause harm to humans and allow the wood to breathe.


A bathhouse under one roof with a garage is a very practical option suburban construction. You can find various projects of such objects on our website and, of course, you will get acquainted with additional information on this issue by watching the video in this article.

A summer kitchen and utility block are irreplaceable buildings on the territory of a private house or cottage. Kitchen on outdoors saves you from overheating in a stuffy room, and the utility unit allows you to store things, tools and other household supplies. Very often these two premises are combined, built under one roof, side by side, which is convenient on the one hand and economical on the other. We will review the projects of such kitchens in this article and talk about how to choose a suitable project.

Types of buildings

A summer kitchen is a closed or semi-open space designed for cooking. A summer kitchen is very often erected even before the construction of the main house as a change house, adding other rooms to it, for example,

  • rest room;
  • utility block;
  • bathroom;
  • bath;
  • garage.

The role of the change house during construction is irreplaceable; it will depend on the attached room and its functional purpose. Very often such temporary shelters are needed for the accommodation of a construction team. After the construction of the house, the cabins with a summer kitchen will be converted into a kitchen with a utility room and a terrace for relaxing in the fresh air.

In addition, change houses with a kitchen are necessary in the countryside, since they can replace the construction of a full-fledged house. Country cabins have no more than one or two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a utility room - this is all the essentials for spending the night in the countryside in the summer.

When a summer kitchen is built after the house has been built, much more attention is paid to its design. They immediately try to attach a garage and a bathhouse to it, and only then change houses and other utility rooms. Therefore, projects for summer kitchens with a utility room can be divided into simple and complex, which will be discussed further.

Selecting a project

The choice of a summer kitchen project combined with a utility room should not be spontaneous, as you need to take into account a lot of nuances:

  • The overall size of the building and its location on the site.
  • Budget for construction.
  • Functional purpose.
  • What extensions need to be made, a garage, a bathhouse or change houses.
  • What style will it be in? summer cuisine, and whether it will fit into the design of the site as a whole.

    Important! The choice of building material will largely depend on the style of construction. After all, a kitchen made of timber will clearly not harmonize with brick buildings.

  • When drawing up and choosing a particular summer kitchen project, you need to take into account all the standards of construction, fire safety and sanitation. This will make it easier for you to register the site and save you from legal disputes.

Review of simple summer kitchens

Under simple project in this context, we mean a summer kitchen with one extension, be it a utility unit, a bathroom or a garage. Such buildings are small in area and are easier to build independently without the involvement of specialists. However, it is better to entrust the preparation of the project and drawing to a professional. In a special program he will not only do 3- D drawing of the future kitchen or change house, but will also calculate the entire required material, taking into account the load and other parameters. And now the projects themselves.

This project involves the construction of a facility with a total area of ​​29 square meters. m. At the same time most occupies an open summer kitchen, consisting of two zones: cooking and eating. To prepare dishes in such a kitchen, you can install a stove, grill or barbecue, since there is no stove planned in the project.

The second part of the building, the utility block, can be accessed from the opposite side. The extension has two windows, so it can be equipped as a utility room for storage gardening tools, tools and other things, and arrange a summer recreation room.

The premises of the building are under common gable roof, a little more than 3 m high. It is planned to use timber as a material. A summer temporary shelter like this is a great way to accommodate workers at a construction site. The non-insulated option for building this kitchen to order will cost approximately 250 thousand rubles.

The second project is a closed summer kitchen with a large utility block, a separate toilet, but without a garage. It is noteworthy that this project involves the construction of a closed summer kitchen with two relatively small windows. In spring and autumn, it will be comfortable to prepare food in such a kitchen, but in summer it is better to look for another place, since it will be hot there, even if you build the kitchen in the shade of trees.

The utility block is very spacious; if desired, it can accommodate not only a warehouse for all kinds of things, but also a full-fledged home carpentry workshop. The building is being erected and pitched roof covered with corrugated sheet.

Another summer kitchen project without a garage, quite simple, but at the same time stunningly beautiful. The summer kitchen with utility room and toilet in general terms resembles the previous project (both buildings are two-room), but in appearance the difference is cardinal, since the building was erected and decorated in the Russian style. The summer kitchen area is open and blown by all winds. There is a wood-burning stove in the kitchen. There is nothing furnished except a dining table and two benches - space does not allow it.

Unlike a summer kitchen, the utility block, located under the same roof, is completely closed on all sides. There is a toilet inside the utility unit; if necessary, you can use it without going outside, where bad weather may prevail.

For your information! By making small changes to the project, you can make a rest room instead of a utility room, you will get a summer kitchen with a living room, where you can rest after a hearty meal.


Now let's look at projects for a summer kitchen combined with several extensions. This not only complicates the construction process, but also makes it more expensive. The project presented below is an enclosed space with a usable area of ​​35 square meters. m. plus a terrace of 18.6 sq. m. m.

In this case with spacious kitchen, which has two windows and access to the terrace, borders the dressing room and shower. From the locker room you can access the shower and the adjacent sauna. Behind the sauna there is a utility room, the entrance to which is from the terrace. Everything is well thought out, the room will fulfill the role of a change house one hundred percent. Here you can cook lunch, wash, and relax.

A relaxation area can be organized outdoors on the terrace, as well as in the kitchen by placing a sofa in the opposite corner from the cooking area.

Construction on this project, the usable area of ​​which is 36 sq. m. m, includes a summer kitchen, garage and utility room. The kitchen is closed, so bad weather doesn't matter. According to this project, you can build small country houses. After all, there is a place to store garden tools, and there is also a place to shelter the car from the sun or rain. And the kitchen is the room where you can have a snack and make preparations for the winter.

Note that from the kitchen you can get into both the utility room and the garage, which is very convenient.

And this project is an entire home complex designed for work and leisure; all that is missing is a garage and a shed, but there is a barn, a bathhouse, a recreation room with a kitchen and a large terrace. The benefit is that country houses this type can be used even without having country house. Let's say more, many country houses In terms of convenience, they are inferior to this economic building.

Studio or recreation room divided into two functional areas: cooking area and living area. If installed in the living room dinner table, then you will also get a dining room - there is enough space for this. In the summer, the dining table can be easily moved to the terrace, since it is under the roof. In addition, you can put sun loungers or a sofa on the terrace and sleep right in the fresh air. If you feel like it, you can take a steam bath in the bathhouse. Although it is small, it has everything you need: steam room, shower, toilet.

To summarize, we note that country summer kitchens with outbuildings can be conditionally two-room, three-room and multi-room. In addition to the two main premises of the utility block and kitchen, such buildings can combine under one roof a garage, a bathhouse, a shower with toilet, and a rest room. In general, when we talk about projects for two rooms, a kitchen and a utility room, we can mean that the building will be even more functional due to the additional rooms.

Today, combined projects consisting of a utility block of additional departments, for example, rest rooms, open terrace, billiard room, guest bedroom, gym.

Very often, especially at the dacha, a bathhouse is built under the same roof with a utility block, which is an additional room (or several) used for various economic purposes.

Advantages of a utility room with a bathhouse

The standard design of a bathhouse must include the following required premises:

  • dressing room (dressing room);
  • washing room;
  • couples department.

In most cases, a country bath/sauna is combined with a storage compartment solid fuel, tools - room for containment various instruments and performing minor plumbing/carpentry work.

How to build country toilet will tell.

How to combine or attach: project

Today there are many finished projects country saunas/baths combined with a utility block. They differ overall dimensions, quantity interior spaces, the materials used and, as a consequence, the complexity of implementation and the final cost. But it’s quite possible, with some skills, to create your own.

When designing such structures, some construction nuances should be taken into account:

  • materials used for the construction of walls and decoration of premises must ensure safe operation of both the bathhouse and the utility room;
  • Separate entrances to the premises must be provided for various purposes, which will allow for both their simultaneous and separate operation;
  • Depending on the purpose of the sauna extension, additional points must also be taken into account. For example, if there is a shower compartment, it is necessary to provide a supply cold water and her withdrawal. And the sewer system, when equipping a room with a toilet, must discharge wastewater into a septic tank.

Under the same roof

The utility unit can act as utility room, workshop, woodshed, summer kitchen - this department has many purposes. The roof in the combined structure must be common to prevent the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the premises and, as a result, the occurrence of dampness and the appearance of mold colonies.

Mold not only spoils the appearance interior decoration, promotes accelerated destruction building structures, but is a source of allergens and toxins that are very harmful to health, which can negate the healing effect of the steam procedure.

With toilet

Such a building is one of the most successful and functional building structures.

There are two options for organizing a toilet under the same roof as a sauna room:

  1. Dry toilet. Most in a simple way installation of a dry toilet is considered, requiring regular emptying of the storage tank. Instructions on how to use a dry toilet for your home are outlined.
  2. Sewer system . This method is more labor-intensive, but removes many of the limitations associated with the use of a dry closet.

A prerequisite for the construction of a bathhouse with toilet room is the need to organize a reliable heating system capable of maintaining temperature regime indoors at a positive level.

With a woodcutter

The simplest of the combined structures. Provides for presence under a single roof additional room used for storing solid fuel - firewood, coal, necessary for the operation of heating boilers. Such a utility room can be added if necessary. Or use a barn located near the bathhouse.

Selection of materials

Existing projects of combined building structures provide many options for the materials used. Modern bathhouses with utility departments are built from:

  1. Brick. This building material is considered one of the most durable. But since such a structure is quite heavy, it requires the organization of a reliable foundation.
  2. Log. A classic Russian bathhouse is built from natural wood- log house. This sauna has the maximum beneficial effect on the human body. But in addition to the high cost of this building material, highly qualified builders are required so as not to negate all the advantages of log construction.
  3. Processed wooden beam . The same effect is achieved as in the previous case, but the total cost of a set of building materials in this case is much lower and the construction technology is much simpler. You may also be interested in construction technology.


The process is shown in this video:

Foundation arrangement

First, you need to make markings according to the project. If as wall material wood is chosen, a columnar foundation will be sufficient.

To do this, holes 1 meter deep are drilled across the area of ​​the site using a hand-held gas drill, into which ready-made concrete blocks or asbestos-cement pipes are mounted and then filled with concrete. At this stage, the main condition is to maintain a single level above the ground surface - about half a meter.


If you purchased a sauna with a utility block made of wooden beams, it is enough, following the instructions, to assemble the already fitted bars in the correct order.

In the case of erecting a frame-panel building, first a frame is built from timber, which is subsequently sheathed on the outside and inside with OSB slabs with thermal insulation placed between them - foam plastic or mineral wool.


First, a frame is made from a wooden beam on which it is attached. roofing material– ondulin, metal tiles or any selected analogue.

When installing roofing it is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing that prevents the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the room and a vapor barrier that prevents dampness wooden structures roofs from the inside.

You will find all the information about wooden cabins for your dacha.

It is also necessary at this stage to lay a chimney pipe from the heater stove. It is better to organize a chimney on the basis of a stainless pipe, since classic asbestos-cement pipes today do not meet fire safety and sanitary standards. When overheated, they can easily collapse and during operation they release many harmful carcinogenic substances.

If the attic room is planned to be used, for example, as a guest room, then the roof must be additionally insulated from the inside and decorated with decorative finishing.

Interior decoration

It consists of arranging the floor base and ceiling. First, a supporting frame is made from untreated timber, on which a tongue-and-groove floor board with a thickness of three to four centimeters is laid.

The ceiling is made either on the basis wooden planks or sheathed with OSV panels.

You will learn how to properly build a chicken coop.

Steam room

Aspen is traditionally considered the best material for interior decoration of a steam room. The walls and ceiling of the room are sheathed with treated aspen boards, and two to three rows of shelves are made from it. The door to the steam room should also be wooden or made of translucent heat-resistant glass.

It is better to use a ready-made metal oven, since independent arrangement using a heater in a bath/sauna requires specific skills and experience.