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Marina Devyatova biography marital status children. Marina Devyatova: biography, personal life, husband, children. Discography of Marina Devyatova

Marina Devyatova's repertoire includes Russian folk songs, but this does not mean that only older listeners are her fans: you can often see many young people at her concerts. The audience first learned about the talented singer after her participation in the TV contest "People's Artist-3", where she was able to get into the final.

The path to success was thorny and difficult, however, now in the creative biography of Devyatova there are many victories on stage, as well as bright memorable events, such as a performance in front of the royal family of Great Britain. She has always been impatient and built her career under the motto: "do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today."

Over the years, the 35-year-old artist has learned not only to rejoice simple things but also say thank you to the people around you. Her personal life brings her only joy and happiness, because next to her is her beloved husband and little daughter. Having become a mother, Marina tries not to leave home for a long time in order to spend as much time as possible with her family.

little songbird

The future performer of folk songs was born in 1983 in Moscow. Her parents are creative people: her father is a singer and performer of folk songs Vladimir Devyatov; Mom taught future dancers. Her elder sister Ekaterina also grew up in the family. Her father was already a well-known artist who sang in the Kremlin, the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall and other major concert venues. As a 3-year-old girl, Marina first appeared on stage. Then her older sister played the piano, and the presenter held a huge microphone, as the little one was afraid to take it herself.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo https://www.instagram.com/marinadevyatova/

Already at a young age, she accompanied her father on tour, and when she grew up, she was enrolled in a music school named after Shostakovich, where the future singer received knowledge in choral conducting.


Thanks to the efforts of her mother, Devyatova had an excellent sense of rhythm and acquired the skills of vocal singing. During her school years, she devoted herself entirely to her studies and rarely went out for a walk with her friends.


In 1988, her parents divorced, and her mother had to work in three places at once to support the children, so the girls were raised by grandparents. After leaving school, Marina began to study at the Schnittke College of Music, where she chose the department of solo folk singing. Even then, she had to perform in front of the audience, but the future artist easily coped with the excitement.

Successful performances and tours

As a student, Devyatova competed in various competitions and even won a victory more than once. After meeting Artem Vorobyov, she joined his Indrik-Zver ensemble, performing folk songs on stage in a modern way. At that time, she managed not only to perform, but also to study, and also to collaborate with her father, working as a teacher at a vocal school.


Often the singer heard criticism addressed to her, which hurt her very much. Soon Marina decided to prove that her work could be interesting and in demand among listeners; she went to the TV project "People's Artist" and sang her songs there. Not only the audience, but also the jury members were delighted with her performance, thanks to which she reached the final of the competition.


Having received recognition and fame, the artist took up the development of her career. She recorded new songs, performed with the Yar-Dance show ballet and children's musical groups, toured a lot in Russian cities and foreign countries.


The audience took with a bang and her singing with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov, Varvara, Nikolai Baskov, Albano, and also noted her appearance on stage with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, and musician Peter Dranga. Devyatova began her solo career in 2013, and during this time her repertoire was replenished with such songs as:

  • "Ah, it is not yet evening";
  • "Through the wild steppes of Transbaikalia";
  • "Don't wake me up young";
  • "Blue scarf";
  • “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”;
  • "In the upper room";
  • “A nightingale sang in the grove” (with Peter Dranga);
  • “Unharness the boys”, and “Oh, snow, snowball” (with “Bayan Mix”) and others.

2019 will be a very important year for her, as in April the owner of a wonderful voice celebrates her 20th birthday on stage. Her concert will take place in the Kremlin Palace, where she will perform accompanied by the show-ballet "ЯR-dance". The creative profession brings Marina pleasure and a lot of joyful emotions, thanks to which she conveys her positive feelings to the auditorium.

The role of a beloved wife and happy mother

Even before marriage, the artist had relationships with men in her personal life, but her first lover died of oncology, and with another, the romance quickly faded away. With her future husband, Alexei Pigurenko, she had known each other for a long time. Having met for the first time in the company of mutual friends, the young people did not continue communication, since at that time both were not free.


Only three years later they met again, and then decided to live as one family, bypassing the candy-bouquet period, which usually happens to many lovers. But after three years they got tired of domestic problems, besides, the dream of becoming parents did not want to come true. The lovers could not cope with the imminent crisis, so they decided to leave. Alexei's mother was very upset about this, but she was sure that not a full stop was put in their relationship, but only a fat comma.


A year and a half later, her prophetic words came true. After breaking up with her lover, the artist continued to communicate with him, but already as a close friend. Soon, a misfortune happened in the Devyatov family: the singer's stepfather died suddenly. At that time, she had to support her mother and deal with burial issues. After the funeral, Marina felt bad, and it was during this difficult time that Alexei supported her.

In the photo Marina Devyatova with her husband and daughter https://www.instagram.com/marinadevyatova/

Since then, the lovers no longer parted, and in 2016 they learned that they would have a child. They did not get married, but simply signed at the registry office. Despite the pregnancy, the singer continued to perform and even rode around the country with a concert program. In February 2017, their daughter Ulyana was born; childbirth happened a little ahead of time but the baby was born healthy. For Pigurenko, this is the second child, since this is his second marriage, but Devyatova became a mother for the first time. She did not linger on maternity leave and after three months she again performed on stage with a solo concert, however, she was calm for her daughter, since her mother remained with her.


The artist's husband works in the field of advertising, and also has his own clothing business. There are sometimes disagreements in the family: she is a perfectionist by nature, and Alexey is endowed with considerable stubbornness. Despite the fact that the spouses do not always manage to come to a common opinion, they are both quick-witted natures. If the quarrel drags on, they always use their catchphrase: “I love you, but you infuriate me,” which means that it's time to go to the world.


Marina and her husband are city dwellers, but after the birth of their daughter, they decided to acquire a dacha. At first they only rested there, but soon life in nature captured them so much that the couple decided to settle outside the city. In their spacious two-story house there is a living room, bedrooms, dressing room, kitchen, husband's office and even a guest room. On summer days, friends can be received on the large veranda. In connection with the move to the countryside, the artist has to leave for work early, but she has already adapted to this regime.

family photo..

Devyatova continues to communicate closely with her father, despite the fact that he has a different family for a long time and children are growing up. She shares many interests with her father, besides, both cannot imagine their lives without music and the stage. He is also often on tour, so their communication continues on social networks.

Interesting facts from the life of Marina Devyatova

  1. Her first solo albums took place in early childhood, when the girl and her sister left for the village. In order for local residents to come to the performance, they hung an announcement on the well, indicating when and in which house the concert would take place. The sisters included folk songs in their repertoire, as well as hits by Natalya Gulkina, in addition, they read poetry.
  2. Despite the fact that folk songs were present in Marina's life from early childhood, she did not think of becoming a folklore performer and wanted to become a lawyer. Her grandfather was a military prosecutor, so she intended to become a law student. One fine day, the father showed the girl the stage of a large concert hall, with which she instantly fell in love and changed her fate.
  3. Being a student of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Marina decided to pass the final exams very in an unusual way. She rented a hall in the House of Culture and turned to her colleague Prokhor Chaliapin for help, and then invited teachers there, who soon saw a vivid performance.
  4. Devyatova leads a healthy lifestyle; she does not drink alcohol and does not smoke, she devotes a lot of time to training, practicing yoga and meditation. At one time, she discovered Krishnaism for herself, thanks to which she found inner peace and revealed her creative spirit. For many years, the artist has not eaten meat and fish, becoming a vegetarian. Her husband shares these views and also prefers plant foods.
  5. The stage costumes of the singer are always chosen in accordance with the repertoire, and each time they delight the eyes of the audience with their sophistication. When she goes on stage, she has a slight superstition and never wears jewelry.
  6. Spectators go to her concerts to listen to their favorite songs, as well as share their sore problems with their favorite. Often, from the bottom of their hearts, they give her simple gifts: someone brings dried mushrooms, someone brings their own jam and twists. Marina brings scarves and knitted socks among the gifts. And when her fans found out that she would become a mother, they began to give vests and booties.
  7. The artist often comes to Far East where she is very warmly received by the locals. It was for them that she wrote the song "Far Eastern", which became a kind of anthem. She does not perform this song anywhere else, except for the Far Eastern audience.

I recently became a village dweller: I left Moscow, where I was born and lived for more than thirty years, in Vacation home. This was primarily due to the replenishment in our family. When Ulyana was born, I realized that we need to unite all generations in one big house. Since my profession is connected with constant traveling, and I can only leave such a tiny girl with my mother, I can’t even think of any nanny. But there is very little space in my Moscow apartment with my husband: it was designed for the two of us and is an ideal place for two adult selfish people who live for themselves. The child does not fit in there. Therefore, we decided to move out of town, to a house that could accommodate all family members.

- Have you already experienced all the delights of life in the countryside?

It's still hard for me to get used to it. And by the way, it's good that I listened to the advice of my wise dad (singer Vladimir Devyatov. - Approx. "TN"). When my daughter was born and the question of expanding the living space arose, my husband and I began to think: should we buy an apartment or a house? Live in the city or on the ground? And dad said: rent a house for a few months, see how you feel there, and then decide.

- My husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. Even insects. With husband Alexei. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now we have been living in wooden house, we have our own garden, veranda, there is where to put the stroller. I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, in an apartment on the 16th floor, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. For example, when some insects with large wings suddenly appear in the bathroom and start waving them. I must say that my husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. None. Even insects. Therefore, when I see them in my bathroom, I immediately start shouting: “Lesha, if you don’t want me to kill this mosquito now, run quickly and save his life!” I'm not that principled. If a mosquito bites my daughter, then, of course, I will slap him instantly. But in general we are vegetarians and try not to harm anyone living. Lesha, for example, takes mosquitoes in his palm and releases them outside the house. They probably shout "thank you" to him in their own language. In general, our new life turned out to be full of surprises. But gradually we got used to it. Pluses were found instantly. First of all, silence. You fall asleep, and around the forest, nightingales - just some kind of fairy tale. Neither the rumble of cars, nor neighbors swearing behind the wall.

- Are you on maternity leave now?

My decree lasted three months. I left the stage a month before the birth, the last time I went out to the audience under New Year. In principle, I could have continued to jump and dance quite calmly, but my fans cautiously began to hint: “Marinochka, you should lie down and relax. Save yourself!" And I listened to their opinion - I went to prepare for the birth of Ulyana. And three months later she was again on stage and gave a solo concert. But it was preceded by more rehearsals, so I probably spent a month and a half on a clean decree. To be honest, I didn't even want to go outside. When I just returned from the hospital, my mother cooked food, my husband brought it to me, and I only did what I fed Ulyana, improved our relationship with her, and it took all my time.

But even when my daughter was very tiny, I thought not only about her, but also about work - about a new concert program, which will be released on September 28 at the Helikon Opera Theater. This is a serious academic platform, and the program will not be quite usual for me, a real theatrical production in which the line of women's fate is the leitmotif. I have long wanted to do something on this topic, but while I was still unmarried and childless, it would look somehow strange if I suddenly started talking about the female share. And now it's natural.

- I can leave such a tiny girl only with my mother, I don’t even want to think about any nanny. With mother Natalya, husband and daughter Ulyana. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- And yet you spend more time at home?

All autumn I have already painted by day, right up to the New Year. And now I try not to part with Ulyana, kiss her in all places, carry her in my arms, sleep next to me, I can’t breathe. Like many artists, I lead a seasonal lifestyle. After the New Year, there is a lull, and then I can stay with my family. In the summer, too, people are not very interested in concerts, rather in garden beds and outdoor recreation, and I have a vacation. But in spring and autumn - suffering. Therefore, while I am catching a buzz, especially since it is more comfortable to do it in nature.

- Have you been accustomed to such a schedule since childhood?

Yes, when I was born, my dad was already a fairly well-known artist, he gave solo concerts in the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, he sang Russian folk songs and romances. I often went on tour with him. She first appeared on stage at the age of three. The older sister Katerina (she was nine at the time) sat down at the piano, and I stood next to me. My uncle comes out and gives me a microphone. And it was in the 1980s, then microphones were made in frightening sizes. “No,” I say, “uncle, I won’t keep it, keep it yourself.” And here Katya plays, I sing, my uncle holds the microphone - that was my debut.

Hall I was not afraid. Moreover, while studying music school at the conductor-choir department, I stood with my back to this very hall for seven years and did not understand at all what to be afraid of there - I did not see the audience. It was only later, when they turned me around to face the audience, I realized that there was a certain excitement, but I easily coped with it.

- Do young people go to your concerts too? After all, this genre can not be called trendy.

- I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- Give jam?

I'm returning from a tour - as if I went to my grandmother in the village: I carry mushrooms, jam, twists in bags. Those people who know that I am a vegetarian are especially trying to feed them: for some reason it seems to everyone that vegetarians are always hungry, emaciated people who constantly want to eat. They give scarves and knitted socks so that I don’t freeze on my diet. And recently they began to give vests and booties. People know that I have become a mother, and they want to help in any way they can.

- Is it easy for you to be a mother?

At first it was scary, I categorically did not understand how I should take care of my daughter so as not to harm her - she is so small.
When Ulyana was just born and they gave her to me in my arms, I looked at her and thought: “Is this mine, or what?” Couldn't believe it. I had zero experience with babies, I didn’t prepare for childbirth at all, I didn’t go to courses, and therefore I was confused. “Lay on the breast, feed,” the midwife said. It's easy to say, "Feed!" There is milk, but how to pour it into a child? And I came up with an idea: I got up, hanging over the crib in which Ulyana was lying, and in this position I fed her. “And you, baby, are you going to stand like that for a long time?” - asks the entered doctor. I say: "Well, she eats, it's still normal." - “Yes, everything is clear. Will learn". She swaddled the girl, showed her arms and legs. I learned how to wash her, clean her nose, cut her nails. I also learned to feed normally, and not in the way that I myself came up with on the first day. I am very grateful for science, I would not have mastered it myself for a long time.

And, of course, life in the house has changed a lot. Now we have a little Lord in our house, her name is Ulyana. Therefore, everything and everyone around is subject to it. The whole space is organized so that it is convenient to communicate with the child - cribs, strollers, baby monitors, bottles. But we must pay tribute: Ulya does not bother us over trifles. The first month turned out to be somewhat heavy - gaziki, colic and all other "joys of life". But Lesha helped me a lot. Husband Ulyana has a second child, he is a more experienced parent. As soon as my daughter began to worry, he immediately put her on his stomach, and she calmed down. So we realized that dad's belly is a salvation from all troubles. I could keep her like that for four hours. True, the father himself then had to be scraped off the sofa and brought to his senses, but the child was pleased.

- I do not plan to take my daughter to work with me. Behind the scenes, she will have time to jump. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now there are no problems with Ulyana. She is a gift. I call her "Soldier Jane" - she doesn't cry just like that. Dissatisfaction is expressed on a specific occasion: he wants to eat, or sleep, or it's time to change diapers. The rest of the time he is silent and is keenly interested in the world around him. We are friends with her. And with dad Ulya is generally a single whole, do not spill water. He is very kind and patient. You can sit on his head and try to pull out all his hair, and he will be happy and satisfied and shout: come on!

Yesterday we got out among the people, went for a walk on the Arbat, and my daughter spent the whole day in the "kangaroo", never uttering a word at all. Lesha says: “What is wrong with her? She doesn't scream. Everything is fine?" - “Yes, the child just likes it, everything around is interesting, why shout?” Ulyana charmed the whole Arbat. Even important uncles who invited their beautiful aunts to dinner and were not inclined to any sentimentality, seeing this little sausage with eyes, which turned its muzzle and looked at the lights around, involuntarily smiled at her.

- Do you often travel like this?

I am not a big supporter of such walks, Ulyana is still small. Grandma saves us. Now I can say with confidence that grandmothers are our everything. My job doesn't mean that I can be stuck on maternity leave for three years. I'm afraid to leave the baby with the nanny. So there is only one way out - grandmother.

- But you have to argue with your grandmother about the methods of education?

Well, you can't do without it, of course. We even call her: "grandmother, so as not to blow." Because she worries all the time whether Ulyana is blowing, whether she will freeze in such a light blouse. But you can understand it. Her last child (that is, me) was born in 1983. Can you imagine how far the children's industry has come in this time? Diapers, for example, appeared. In general, I think that it is high time to erect a monument to the person who invented them. Recently I told my mother: “Listen, Ulya peed twenty times today. And how did we cope if there were no diapers? “And like this,” says my mother, “twenty times they would have washed it all. Handles."

So all mom's advice is from her rich and difficult experience. And everything she does is purely out of love. Dr. Komarovsky says that the baby's feet should be cool, because this is normal. But my mother would argue with Dr. Komarovsky, because she raised two and also knows something! What is my way out? Either come to terms with the fact that mom knows best, or live in constant conflict with her. So we are learning to build relationships so that everyone in the new family is comfortable: both mom and us, and above all the child. So far it seems to work.

Marina Devyatova

father - Vladimir Devyatov, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, mother - Natalya, choreographer; husband - Alexey Pigurenko, works in the advertising field; daughter - Ulyana (5 months)

Graduated from the Faculty of Folk Singing of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins

sang in the folklore ensemble "Indrik the Beast", then began a solo career, recorded three albums. Finalist of the project "People's Artist-3". The repertoire includes duets with Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and other artists. Performed at the reception of Queen Elizabeth II

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian performer of folk songs, a finalist of the television competition "People's Artist-3".

Childhood and youth

Marina Devyatova was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the Choreographic Ensemble. Seeds of Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalia married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

The grandparents of the future artist (on the maternal side) are natives of Ryazan who once settled in Moscow. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolleybus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather's work that her vocal career: a man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus was traveling along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to a music school early (piano class). In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the Music College. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduating, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - students studied song folklore in the Russian outback.

Graduation performance by Marina Devyatova in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she failed to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find a new home.


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the competition for young pop song performers "Slavianski Bazaar".

In the senior years of the Academy, the girl was invited to the Indrik-Beast musical group, the main repertoire of which was old Russian and Slavic songs in modern processing. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the Wings rock festival in Tushino.

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting of the TV project "People's Artist". The permanent judges of the competition were actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunayevsky and producer Yevgeny Fridlyand. The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013 - the lead singer of the Prime Minister group). Marina took second place, but there was no reason for frustration: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

"People's Artist": Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Friedland offered Devyatova to sign a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony of choosing the capital of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games 2014 - during the event, the singer sang "Katyusha" several times for an encore.

Marina Devyatova - "Katyusha", 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”, after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater. Following is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family. She also had occasion to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In 2011, Marina released the album "I'm happy." Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and went on a free voyage - already six months later, in November 2013, the third acoustic album of the singer "In the Moonlight" was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse - Cossack (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts on her account, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexei Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldavian opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexei Pigurenko, the founder of the YogaBoga brand.

The difficult relationship of the young lasted about five years. Young people either dispersed or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

The girl's father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna - practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of the child, Devyatova returned to the shooting of the program “It is allowed to laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

"Laughing is allowed": Marina Devyatova - "Quadrille"

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the Mood program on the TV Center channel, and then went on with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choir projects and build a country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Recently, the singer lives in her own apartment. WomanHit congratulated the star on a housewarming, and she spoke about the difficulties of repair and family.

Marina Devyatova.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

Marina, can I finally congratulate you on your housewarming?
- Can. Of course, the repair is not completely finished, there are some interior details that the hands do not reach. I chose the area for the apartment for a very long time. All my childhood was spent in the east of Moscow, and therefore I did not want to leave my relatives, my mother, my grandmother. But, unfortunately, nothing new was being built in my area, and I could only afford a purchase at the zero stage of construction. For many years I gave a loan, and even repairs - this is half the cost of an apartment. Last year I paid off all my debts, plus I managed to do my solo concert. Many friends even asked me: “Where are you lost?” And I, like a damned one, went on tour, did not refuse any work. I really dislike living in debt, they hung over me like a sword of Damocles, and I needed to get rid of them. Thank God, got rid of it.

— What difficulties did you encounter during the renovation process?
- The biggest difficulty, probably, was to agree with management company, which demanded money for each use of the elevator by my repairmen. I had to pay for every little thing, while there were all permits and contracts. But I had an amazing team of workers, an amazing foreman, who made an estimate for me and met it. The apartment is small, but there was a lot to fit into it. And my suits are a separate song: they should not be wrinkled, they should be aired. Fortunately, this apartment has many balconies, so I made a dressing room on one of them. Well, the funniest thing is when you were asked, they say, what color do you like better: white, milky or creamy. And the brain explosion began.

- Due to the nature of your work at home, you are at home infrequently. What is a home for you?
- Of course, if you look at housing, taking into account my lifestyle, you may get the impression that this is a kind of transit point. Indeed, there are rarely days when you can just stay at home. But in addition to being an artist, I am also a woman who keeps clean, cooks food and takes care of the house. I have a complex of excellent students, so everything should shine. A woman comes to me to help me clean up, but I cook exclusively by myself, I don’t trust anyone. Of course, there is nothing dearer than your parents' house. I love visiting my mother. But I rarely invite guests myself. There are restaurants, cafes where you can meet with girlfriends, but the house is still a place where you want to be an ordinary woman.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

- I understand that you see your mother from time to time. And how are relations with father Vladimir Devyatov developing?
My dad will soon become a dad for the fifth time. He should have a girl. They promised to call her Masha. So it turns out that the older you get, the less often you manage to come to your parents. Moreover, my parents are divorced, and you must first go to one, then to another. With dad, we probably see each other more often - this is both the stage and backstage. Plus there are all kinds of sites where we actively communicate. But he is also a guest performer, and it is not always possible to combine schedules. It unites the older generation - these are my grandparents. The head of the family is our grandfather and God forbid, if you don’t get to your grandfather’s birthday, you will need to report where you were and why!

Your parents separated when you were very young. Which of them insisted on getting a musical education?
- Mom did not have time to think about this topic: she worked three jobs, so my grandmother was engaged in education. Baba Raya was a real hooligan who, with her sick legs, managed to climb into the attic with me, ride the elevator, get stuck in it, cover up the minus of the four in the diary. In general, we were one combat team with her. Mom did all the dirty work, when you need to raise your child every day and make her sit down at the piano and so on. Then my father quietly turned on, but by that time I was fifteen years old. Of course, dad played a huge role, he just changed my taste in music. Subsequently, when I started going to performances at the Novaya Opera, where he sang the arias of the Demon, Sinodal from the opera The Demon, the part of Shuisky from Boris Godunov, I clearly realized that he was an insanely talented person.

- When did it become clear that you would pursue a solo career?
- I didn’t think at all that I would be professionally engaged in music, because the music school kills this desire. When I finished the ninth grade, I thought I would be a lawyer. My grandfather is a military prosecutor. But my father played great on my ego when he brought me to the professional big stage, and I was no longer thirty-third in the choir. I wanted a solo career.

- Now envious people will exclaim: “Well, dad helped her!”
- And why if dad helped, then it's bad? What is wrong with parents wanting to help their child? Besides, sometimes people ask me who is Vladimir Devyatov? And I am very bitter about this, because I understand that he is talented. And if the father did not get into show business at one time, this does not mean that he is a bad artist. Dad didn't give me a lot of money, he doesn't have any, he's not my producer. Dad helped me with advice, directed me on this path. And what is so bad here?

Lilia Sharlovskaya

- I heard that you still managed to work as a teacher ...
- At some point, I wanted to tell something to the children, and in the Center for Russian Culture of my father, I opened a children's vocal school. But the touring activity took its toll, and now I am exclusively engaged in supervising children. I have graduates who went to college and continue to practice folk singing.

- They say that you performed in the UK in front of Queen Elizabeth II herself. And we know our president...
— I managed to get acquainted with many presidents. I met Vladimir Vladimirovich in Guatemala, when it was announced that the Olympic Games would be held in Sochi. There Putin visited the Russian House. I remember his first handshake well. I felt like I was being scanned from head to toe. I was so scared, it seemed that he would scold me for some reason. (Laughs.) And when we all won, we became like one big family. It didn't matter anymore: a minister, a president or a singer. Inexpressible impressions.

- Let's return from Guatemala to your apartment in the capital. Does it have room for a man?
- I am very careful about everything related to my personal life. I grew up in a family in which my parents divorced, so I don’t want to raise a child alone. I don't want to get married and then get divorced. My grandparents have been together for 61 years. I do not understand how you can live together for so many years. He still calls her Katenka, and she calls him Serezhenka. Of course, I have a young man. He is very kind and decent. Accepts me for who I am, understands me. We have been together for three years, and he knows my family.

Your father will have a fifth child. Have you thought about motherhood?
- I fearfully imagine the moment when I realize that I am in a position and I will need to understand what is in priority: motherhood or creativity. Naturally, I will not jump around the stage with a belly. But when you have a team and you are responsible for those with whom you work, everything is much more complicated. I want to become a mother, but I understand that everything has its time.

- If you have a free minute, what do you prefer to do?
- I'm definitely going somewhere, traveling, trying to go abroad. I traveled a lot this summer. But now we have returned and are preparing with might and main a solo program dedicated to the fifteenth anniversary of creative activity. I have been singing professionally since the age of fifteen. This is a serious date, and I am carefully, seriously preparing for the concert at the Variety Theater. But I'm not complaining, I'm getting high. I love when there are problems. (Laughs.)

Marina Devyatova (b. 1983) is a Russian singer who performs folk songs.

Happy childhood

Marina was born in Moscow on December 13, 1983. The family in which the girl was born was creative. Dad, Devyatov Vladimir Sergeevich, People's Artist of Russia, performed Russian folk songs. Mom, Natalya Nikolaevna, worked as a choreographer. By that time, the eldest daughter was already growing up in the family.

Dad instilled in Marina a love of music from birth. Moreover, he not only sang Russian folk songs to her, but also set to listen to the music of such groups as The Beatles and Deep Purple, works of the classics. By the age of three, the baby could sing and had a sense of rhythm, and dad loved to record her performances on a tape recorder. Marina's sister was already studying at a music school and knew how to play the piano quite well. At family holidays, they arranged concerts at which the eldest girl accompanied the musical instrument and the little one sang songs.

Despite her passion for singing, in early childhood, Marina dreamed of becoming a salesman, she liked to play in the store. On the typewriter in the house, she deftly tapped the keys, issuing receipts for the purchase of everything that was at hand: lipstick, perfume and nail polish from my mother’s nightstand, sweets and cookies, jars and bottles of kitchen table. So, along with the musical, the talent of an entrepreneur woke up in the child.

When the girl was five years old, her parents divorced, and now her mother was mainly engaged in raising her daughter. Dad had another family, and Marina saw him very rarely. Despite this, Devyatova considers her childhood very happy, because it was Soviet, sincere and real, with trips to children's camps and vacations with her grandmother in the village.

Mom, seeing her daughter's singing talent, enrolled her in a music school.
Since 1990, Marina began her studies at the Shostakovich Music School in the department of choral conducting. Opponent that the girl will tie her future life with creativity, was only her grandfather. He worked for a long time as a military prosecutor and dreamed of seeing an accomplished lawyer in his granddaughter.


At first, the girl herself did not show any particular attraction to musical training, even at some point she called the piano plywood and threatened to break it into firewood. But after many years, she is grateful to her mother that she still insisted on her daughter's music lessons.

After graduating from school in 1999 and having received the specialty of an academic conductor, Marina became a student at the Schnittke College of Music. Her further training took place at the Department of Folk Solo Singing.

For the first time, Marina entered the real stage when she was 14 years old. In the huge concert hall "Russia" was the performance of her father. Together with her dad, the girl sang the song "River-River". It is her small appearance on stage later played a fateful role in Devyatova's life. Almost two thousand spectators looked at the girl from the audience, she literally words charged with their energy. It was at that moment that Marina realized that she wanted to connect her life only with the stage.

In 2001, the All-Russian competition of folk song performers was held in Voronezh, Marina Devyatova became its laureate.

"Indrik the Beast"

When the girl was in her fourth year, she met Artyom Vorobyov, who by that time had founded and was the head of the Indrik-Zver musical group. They were engaged in the performance of old Slavic and Russian songs, while giving them modern processing in the direction of rock. Artyom invited Marina to try her hand at his ensemble as a soloist, to which the young girl gave a positive answer.

The musicians of the Indrik-Zver group traveled to villages and villages, where they collected material for their work, then gave the collected folklore a fatal arrangement with the help of ethnic wind instruments. Having traveled with the team through the primordially Russian lands, Marina was so saturated with the national spirit and color that she could no longer imagine her future life without performing Russian songs.

Speaking in a team, Devyatova managed to graduate from Schnittke College and enter the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music in 2003. The faculty chose the same as in college - folk solo singing. Among studies and performances, Marina found time to take part in the International Song Festival "Slavianski Bazaar". She graduated from the Devyatova Academy in 2008.

Project "People's Artist-3"

On the creative path of the aspiring singer, there were many opponents of the folk genre who openly declared that her songs were not a format. Marina really wanted to prove that this was not so, and she decided to participate in the People's Artist-3 project. In this show, she not only proved to everyone that folk songs have the right to exist, Marina revealed to the audience all the beauty and depth of such music, but she herself gained popularity, fame and love of millions, taking second place in the project. Particularly impressive was the composition "It could be love", which Devyatova performed in a duet with Alexei Goman. Even strict critics agreed that this song showed how well folk music combines with pop music.

After the project, Devyatova began a stormy touring life. They wanted to see and listen to the singer in many cities of Russia.

During the filming of "People's Artist-3", Marina met her current producer Yevgeny Fridlyand, who offered the girl a contract with his production center. Especially for Devyatova, composer Kim Breitburg and poet Karen Kavaleryan composed the composition "I am fire, you are water." This song performed by her has become so popular and successful that, in fact, it is now the singer's hallmark.

Recognition, love and glory

In addition to her country, Marina has become a coveted performer abroad. With the show ballet "YAR-Dance", which works on stage during her performances, Devyatova traveled to Estonia and Bulgaria, France and Latvia, South Korea and Laos, Vietnam and Mongolia, Italy and China, in the USA, several times went to the German-Russian festival in Berlin. The Evening Moscow newspaper even called Marina an "ambassador of Russian culture."

In addition to solo performances, Devyatova often sings in a duet, her partners were such eminent singers as:

  • Nikolay Baskov;
  • Barbara;
  • Peter Dranga;
  • Dato;
  • Alexander Buynov;
  • Pyatnitsky Choir;
  • Italian artist Albano.

With the famous humorist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, Marina performed several comic folk songs.

Devyatova became not only an ambassador, but also the face of Russia at many significant events.

Year An event in the creative life of the singer
2007 When the ceremony of choosing the capital for the 2014 Winter Olympics was held in Guatemala, Devyatova took part in the presentation of the country of Russia. The song "Katyusha" she was asked to perform an encore eight times.
2008 In Moscow, the first solo concert of the singer was held with a full house, which was dedicated to Russian folklore and traditions, and was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
2009 In the spring, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church in London, they arranged a secular reception for the royal family, where Marina presented Russian songs.

During the ceremony of choosing the capital of the Olympic Games, Marina Devyatova was lucky to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For herself, she called him a X-ray man, Vladimir Vladimirovich had a very difficult and piercing look, the impression was that he knew everything and everyone. At the same time, one could feel how deeply patriotic he was. Marina remembered these three days spent in Guatemala for the rest of her life, and when the Russian city of Sochi was declared the capital of future games, there was an indescribable joy and feeling that Russia had already won this Olympics.

Her program "I'll go, I'll go out" was presented to the audience in the fall of 2009 on the stage of the Moscow State Variety Theater.

In 2013, the singer turned 30 years old and she timed her solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" to this event, the program was called "On my birthday with love."

2014 in the creative life of Marina Devyatova was marked by another small anniversary: ​​15 years on stage, which was marked by the concert “Symphony of my soul”.

Marina loves to host friends and cook all sorts of goodies for them, but only infrequently she manages to arrange such gatherings.

Devyatova was repeatedly invited to act in films, but so far she has refused such offers, as she cannot afford to drop out of concert activity for a long time.

Marina maintains her excellent physical shape with the help of regular fitness classes. He prefers to rest in Asian countries.

Another hobby, one might even say passion, in Devyatova's life is driving a car. She manages the car perfectly and has a fairly long driving experience.

Marina is not yet married, she had romantic relationships with young people, but, unfortunately, they have not yet ended with a wedding. The main goal and dream of the singer is an ordinary, human, female one: to create a family and give birth to children.

The girl sees the secret of her success in the fact that she does her business honestly and with great love. Marina is sure that people will never stop listening to Russian songs:

“After all, they contain all the salt of the Russian land, all the traditions accumulated over the centuries, in these songs the incomprehensible and mysterious soul of the Russian people. Russian songs are kind, noble and sincerely patriotic”.