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Useful little things in GTA V. Useful little things in GTA V GTA 5 online description

What are the benefits of open world games? You can get lost in them and run away to adventure. What awaits us around the next corner - a saving oasis, a cunning robber, a majestic castle? Unexplored corners intrigue, beckon, and call you on your way. This is exactly what attracts people in open world games - complete freedom. You set your own goals. Want to explore the nearest hill? Go ahead, what are you waiting for! Interested in a rock-cut cave? Grab the torch and go down!

However, GTA, unlike fantasy RPGs, offers a different kind of freedom. Here you choose exactly how to spend your leisure time. Yes, no one forbids you to go conquer wastelands and explore the mansions of Vinewood in the same way, but, you see, this is not as exciting as the opportunity to crash into a strip club with your own cousin. To paraphrase the heroes of the series, the USA is the land of opportunities, and Rockstar does not skimp on developing these same opportunities in their games. Los Santos and the surrounding areas are a huge testing ground for a wide variety of entertainment. Largely because of their abundance, the simulation of life turns out to be so reliable: what is life without sweet fun and self-indulgence? The editors of “Gaming Mania” present their top ways to have fun in the new Grand Theft Auto.

Strip club, prostitutes, bars

What do they usually do with prostitutes and strippers in the GTA? If we asked Jack Thompson, the answer would be clear: first they fuck, then they kill. But let's not listen to old Jack.

In GTA 5, everything is strict with this: if you have ordered a private dance, be so kind as to behave appropriately. Of course we understand bare chest is capable of driving any man crazy, but you still shouldn’t give up - a security guard will be watching you and your “chosen one”. So everything here is like in real strip clubs: look, but don’t touch. Although, of course, you can touch it - the main thing is that security does not notice it. Be gentle (your arsenal includes affection, ostentatious throwing of banknotes and, of course, compliments), and the girl will voluntarily invite you to her home. For tea and watching movies, of course. But not everything is so simple, first you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on dancing in the VIP area (it is very, very difficult to seduce the enchantress at one time), and the guards are not to be trifled with - they almost throw you out into the street.

If you are one of those who prefer to skip courtship, you always have the opportunity to “buy” a little love. You drive up to a night butterfly, honk your horn... and it’s done, all you have to do is choose what exactly you need. There are three types of sexual caresses, and the more intimate the process, the more money they will demand from you. And if in the case of an acquaintance from a strip club they show you absolutely nothing, then during orgies with courtesans, on the contrary, through the car windows you will see all the details.

Well, if nothing works out with women, and you don’t want to contact an escort service, there is always an alternative way out - get drunk. True, if you feel sadness with someone, and not alone, for some reason the drinking process will be skipped. But no one will certainly be able to stop you from enjoying one of the main entertainments of GTA - drunk driving.

Going to the cinema and watching TV

Just as many people associate Morrowind with beautiful sunsets, GTA after the fourth part is inextricably linked with the simple joys of life. Stop pretending to be a progressive and purposeful rebel! Put on your old family boots, put on an alcoholic T-shirt and uncork a bottle of beer - isn’t it great to just lounge on the couch and, with your head turned off, watch the characters of your favorite TV show? Attention, important feature- now you can smoke a joint or two while watching. However, this will not happen without consequences; you will have to listen to the characteristic urges caused by Datura weed: “I’m so cool,” “I need to call my mom,” and so on.

But why sit at home if you can go outside and go to the cinema? This time, Rockstar has prepared even more hell for both the small and big screens: a racist show about a private detective fighting communists and other enemies of the United States, a local equivalent of COPS and, of course, advertising during which they play election videos gubernatorial candidates. Full-length films are one better than the other - cruel, mocking and at the same time hilarious. A striking example is “The Loneliest Robot in Britain,” a film in which the protagonist’s beloved was programmed to please male representatives. There is only one downside: once you turn on the TV or pay for a movie session, that’s all, consider that you have fallen out of reality for many, many hours.

Internet and social networks

As such, the Internet was present in GTA 4, but virtual reality began to shine in all its colors only in the sequel. Now the main characters not only surf the World Wide Web and clear out mail trash, but also actively use social networks. Many popular services received their computer counterparts: Facebook became Lifeinvader, and Twitter became Bleeter. The sites are well designed and will take you a huge amount of time to read. There are news resources, dating sites, and even home pages of famous TV shows and video games.

Rockstar would not be Rockstar if they had not once again tried to ridicule society in a satirical form. It turned out terribly funny. For example, in Bleeter you can read something like this: “I am a former gangster, but I have a vulnerable soul. I write poetry, wear dresses, go to ballet and cry like a real artist. I'm making vodka. Just like a real artist. #be yourself". And also Bleeter, like radio in Fallout, reflects people's reactions to the events taking place in Los Santos. So look here often, you will probably see something about yourself.

Integration social networks helped revitalize the city. In GTA 5, it’s quite normal, while walking along the beach, to stumble upon a granny taking a photo of herself or a passerby buried in his phone. Yes, you yourself can take out your mobile phone, take a photo of some landmark, and then post it on the Rockstar Social Club. Why not Instagram?

Sport is the key to health

By the way, Rockstar promotes violent behavior and drugs in their games. In GTA 5 they open for you the broadest opportunities for sports. The most obvious are tennis and golf. There are many specialized courts throughout the city (Michael even has his own court), and there will always be people who want to play. Inventory in hand - and go ahead, conquer the peaks. Although golf and tennis are only a small part of GTA 5, sports entertainment the work here is no worse than in many thematic simulators. The controls in the mini-games are simplified as much as possible, which, however, does not make them completely simple or unrealistic.

But that's not all. What about triathlon? Rockstar spared no effort or money: the competition, as in life, includes three stages - swimming, cycling and road running. And victory, believe me, will not come easy to you, it’s in literally You'll have to pull it out with your teeth.

In GTA 5 you can finally try what you were afraid to do in real life, - do base jumping, scuba diving, ride cross-country on a motorcycle, climb a mountain, hunt animals with a rifle. Regarding the last point, Rockstar even took into account such little things as which side, downwind or not, you are approaching the victim. Well, of course, they will also give you a decoy.

Don't forget about less exotic sports, such as cycling: in particular, BMX (you'll have to work hard before you learn to perform some tricks correctly), ATV and jet ski. Why, if you want, you can even sign up for yoga! In short, GTA 5, like FIFA, - perfect option for lazy sports fans.

Meeting strangers

At one point, you may get tired of a wild lifestyle and go to the streets of Los Santos - breathe fresh air, admire the girls in bikinis. But you won’t find peace here either: sooner or later, Michael, Trevor and Franklin will begin to stumble upon crazy strangers whom this city attracts like a magnet. If you watched Californication, then you roughly understand what we are talking about: journalists eager to capture the sexual act of a young pop diva, an elderly couple collecting personal belongings of stars, supporters of the legalization of marijuana handing out “samples” left and right... And to everyone I need your, yes, exactly your, help!

These tasks are in no way related to the main quests and are given out by random passers-by, but you are guaranteed not to miss them. The city of angels remains the city of angels even in virtual reality - madmen will overtake you wherever you hide. There is no need to look for adventures in Los Santos, just go outside and look around.

"Slaughterhouse" and real estate

And now about the rest. Did you miss "Slaughterhouse"? The favorite mode of all sadists is finally back. Switch to Trevor, find the desired icon and begin to temporarily chop up everyone and everything. Do you like flying? Enroll in a flight school and you will be trained in this difficult task in no time.

And for dessert - buying up real estate. By acquiring an additional business, you unlock side missions. By paying for the McKinsey hangar, you can engage in illegal activities, namely the transportation of weapons. Golf clubs, houses, shops selling medicinal marijuana, and much, much more - all this is at your service. The acquired property will take a considerable amount of money from you, and at first, before the establishments begin to generate any income, you may even drive yourself into a financial crisis. There are different ways to solve a money problem. You won't be satisfied with robberies alone, so we would advise you to play on the stock exchange. But be careful - it’s important not to make a mistake here.

One of the main advantages of GTA 5 and GTA Online is its support for multiplayer mode. GTA Online first became available to users on October 1, 2013. The game is considered standalone, although you will need the original GTA 5 disc to launch the game world.
GTA 5 was released for PS4 and Xbox One in mid-November 2014. GTA 5 for PC was released on April 14, 2015.

GTA Online is based on the cartography of Grand Theft Auto 5. Players are free to travel around the world, interact with it and other users from different countries. Each player tries to make their character unique. To do this, purchase real estate, cars, clothes, airplanes, weapons and other props available in the game.

Teams and individual players can take part in dozens of different events: attacks on criminal organizations, truck robberies, impromptu street racing and other events. Some missions are available exclusively in multiplayer.

Game zones can be divided into 2 worlds: “open world” and “local world”. In the first case, a common virtual environment is organized without observing pre-agreed rules and behavioral tactics. In the second case, the game world is localized for participants in Verifed Jobs missions.

Participants in one of the localized missions play in separate sessions and do not interact with players from the “open world”. Verified Jobs can be organized within one of the modes, including races, mortal combat, survival missions, etc. The maximum number of participants and some other parameters will depend on the selected mode and the organizer’s settings.

The number of Verified Jobs missions available depends on the rating of individual teams and players. The higher the status, the more opportunities. Users can create their own missions using the developer tools available in the game.

Game modes in GTA Online

  • Free Mode (free mode) refers to multi-user functionality. It is present in the fourth and later versions of GTA.
  • Deathmatch (mortal contractions). Main principle- “kill or be killed.” The mode refers to a multiplayer game aimed at at least 2 people. The user who earns the maximum amount wins. Money is paid for every kill. There are also "Team Deathmatch", in which teams fight against each other, and "Last Team Stading", whose rules are almost identical to the rules of "Team Deathmatch", except that killed players do not revive.
  • Race (race). Each user can play alone or with friends. Participants have the opportunity to earn additional RP bonuses and cash. Races are divided into 4 subtypes: classic, air, water and bicycle.
  • Rally (rally). The mode first appeared in GTA Online. Unlike regular racing, a co-driver rides with the driver and acts as a coordinator on the road.
  • Capture (capture). The idea is simple: 2 teams, 2 bases and 2 valuable objects that need to be captured. The team that is the first to capture and deliver to its base a valuable object belonging to its opponents wins.
  • Survival (survival). Players must successfully complete 10 stages. Winners receive $30,000. Players who die before reaching the end will have to remain spectators for the rest of the game.
  • Hold (retention). A team mode in which players must collect and save the maximum number of valuable objects. They can be found in the area and taken from the enemy team.
  • Contend (capture and hold). Game mode is similar to Capture. The main difference is that there are not 2 valuable objects on the map, but 1. It must be found in the center of the area and delivered to your base. After which he disappears and reappears in the area.
  • Raid (raid). In a team confrontation, you need to infiltrate your opponents' base, steal a valuable object and deliver it to your territory. The game is counting. The maximum number of points is awarded to the team that collects more valuable objects than its opponents.
  • Parachuting (parachuting). Up to 8 users can participate in the game mode. They parachute over scenic locations and must pass several checkpoints as they fall.
  • Adversary Modes (Adversary Modes). These are various missions given out by Martin Madrazo, in which two teams of players compete in challenges, according to completely different rules. These modes were added with the Heists Update. There are many Adversary Modes and Rockstar Games periodically adds new ones as updates are released.
  • Heists (Robberies). These are special missions added with the release of the Heists Update, in which a group of players will have to complete complex and varied missions: from robbing banks to organizing a prison escape.

General description of gameplay in GTA Online

Let us outline the main features of the GTA Online gaming environment. The information will be useful for beginners and partly for experienced gamers.

Player activity is rewarded with reputation points (RP) and cash (GTA$) needed to make purchases. As your character increases in rank, new weapons, hairstyles, vehicles, and additional missions become available. The higher the rank you need to gain access to a specific mission, the more cash and bonuses you can get during its completion. Authoritative characters with a high rating can use additional gameplay features, which include the use of mobile phone, lowering the wanted level, calling air reinforcements and other privileged features.

You can find jobs and tasks in GTA Online in the “open world” using markers that mark the desired addresses. The task can be simplified by using the corresponding list of tasks in the pause menu. Players have the right to independently create jobs, join friends before and during the gaming session, and also accept invitations from friends to their phones. To increase your income, you can bet on yourself or other players.

The gameplay in GTA 5 and GTA Online is largely similar, although there are significant differences. They lie in the “mechanics” of game events. For example, the police do not try to arrest players online, and the wanted levels increase very quickly. Three stars are awarded for killing a policeman, 4 for illegally entering Fort Zancudo.
Certain characters featured in GTA 5 will also appear in GTA Online. Notable character exceptions are the absence of Mikhail and Franklin. You will get to see Trevor and the new crime boss - Gerald.

The chronological chain of events in GTA Online is set before the start of the single-player mode. Martin Madrazo, who encountered Michael in GTA 5, is still encountered in luxury home at Vinewood Hills.

Each player can be subject to a kind of “ban”, which will lower the character’s rating in the eyes of other players and will not allow him to participate in certain tasks. The “ban” is temporary and can be imposed if other participants in the game consider that the user is having a negative impact on the “open world” or is behaving inappropriately.

Character Customization

GTA Online does not provide the ability to completely change the appearance of the main character. It is inherited from “parent” characters. Their choice is available to the user. For example, Niko Bellic from GTA 4, Claude and Misty from GTA 3 can be taken as the “parent”. Having chosen one of the characters as the main one, it will be very difficult for the player to replace him in the future.
Players can continuously and seamlessly work on their character image. You can change your clothes, choose new tattoos, hairstyles and masks, which are sold in stores throughout Los Santos. Along with the image, there is a choice of daily actions that will affect the initial skills of the character.

Players can have access to up to 2 characters with unique settings. After selecting them, the remaining characters will be blocked.

An interesting feature of the game is the character's response to the current player. When the player starts talking through the microphone, the character's lips begin to move.

Money and activities in GTA Online

The basis of economic well-being in GTA Online is RP and money. Their number directly affects the player’s ability to purchase almost any object in the game, including apartments, cars, airplanes, wardrobe items and much more. Money can also be useful for launching individual missions and tasks.

The game's internal currency can be earned by completing tasks, winning competitions, and other activities. You can exchange real money for virtual currency through internal Rockstar stores.

“Money” players can quickly purchase apartments and garages to be able to store personal vehicles. It can be used in free mode, races and individual missions.

The cost of garages is in the average range of $25-100 thousand, low-level apartments - $80-120 thousand. Mid-level apartments will cost from 125 to 150 thousand $, high-level - up to 400 thousand. All apartments from 205 to 400 thousand have the same designer finishing. Housing from $400 to $500 thousand is considered pure exclusive with a unique interior.

How to make a lot of money in Grand Theft Auto Online? Unfortunately (or fortunately), there are no cheats for GTA Online. However, this does not mean that you cannot get rich quickly. The inquisitive mind of the player will sooner or later decompose any game into its component parts and find a way. Actually, this is what we do - we share our gaming experience with you, so that you feel like a fish in water online. On our website there is a website where all the ways we have found to make quick money, as well as any kind of income in general, are clearly and simply described. And believe me, we play GTA a lot.

GTA Online Gangs

There are two main types of teams - private and public. The number of private teams (gangs) does not exceed 1000 people, while public associations can have an unlimited number of participants.

Playing in a team brings additional benefits to its participants. In particular, they additionally receive a 10-20% bonus to the regular RP bonus. Cash rewards for racing competitions are increasing. The size of the bonus directly depends on the number of players in the team. In addition, only teams can take part in certain missions; single players are not allowed.

GTA Online provides additional functionality for team players. It is possible to create your own color schemes and emblems. Emblems can be applied to personal vehicles.

GTA Online missions and tasks

There are about 500 jobs in GTA Online at any one time. Their list is constantly updated. You can receive a new task by walking through the virtual world, calling or answering a call from an NPC, making a choice in the appropriate menu item.

Car mods that improve them are allowed for racing appearance And specifications. Players can create their own racing tracks and Deathmatches using the developer tools - Content Creator.

By selecting one of the available missions, the user can view the list of participants, invite friends and join the game. While watching the participants, you can learn their basic driving, shooting, flying, and endurance skills.

The main types of tasks include:

  • Race. Players must overcome a series of checkpoints. How better result, the higher the reward and reputation of the character.
  • Deadly fights. It's simple and cruel: a player or team with maximum number kills counted wins.
  • Survival. The player will have to survive under the onslaught of enemies who attack again and again with increasing force. The longer you manage to hold out, the higher the reward will be.
  • Capture. The classic goal for team competition is to capture the flag before your enemies do. To win, you will need to work out a strategy and coordinate friendly players.
  • Joint missions. A common goal is achieved only through team efforts. Depending on the selected vacancy, participants may be assigned various roles (snipers, carriers, etc.).
  • Competitive missions. Several teams are asked to complete the same task (steal a car, eliminate a target, etc.) or different ones. The team with the best result wins.
  • When will GTA V be released?
  • Who will we play for?

GTA V has three main characters with different stories. Each hero has his own circle of interests, friends and certain skills. Players will be able to switch between these characters at any time, completing tasks together with them. According to the developers, Michael was the first hero invented, after Trevor was created, Franklin was the last.

  • Michael- a former robber, over 40 years old. Married, is in a hostile relationship with his wife, has two children. He is in . Michael wants to get away from his criminal past, become a family man, raise children and completely change, and moves to Los Santos. But his money runs out and he returns to a life of crime.
  • Trevor - old friend Michael, who used to rob banks with Michael. A former military man, addicted to drugs, mentally unstable. Has a tense relationship with Franklin.
  • Franklin- A 25-year-old aspiring thief who previously worked at a car dealership.
  • In which city (country, region) will the GTA V game take place?

The game will take place in the city of Los Santos and its surrounding areas, such as Vinewood. It was initially assumed, and this was evidenced by a number of indications, that we would once again find ourselves in San Andreas. However, as Sarcastic Gamer reports, Rockstar sent a team of specialists to various cities world to compile a list of cities, one of which will be selected for GTA V. This list includes: Paris, Venice, Beijing, Havana and Cancun. There was information that Moscow was also on the list. Most experts and fans of the GTA game were confident that the new version would amaze us with its geography.

  • Where can I go?

The GTA V map is approximately 3 times larger than the GTA IV map. So there is a lot of travel to choose from. You can watch sunsets from Mount Chiliad, skydive from the roof of Maze Bank, visit vineyards, bike through Blaine County, hunt wild animals and much more.

    Will planes return to the game?

Yes, and not only airplanes. GTA V will have a huge selection of ground, surface, surface and even underwater vehicles.

  • Are there activities (basketball, golf, etc.)?

In GTA V there will be the opportunity to play sports, all types: skating, exercise in and on large fields. Each character has their own. The game will also feature heists.

    Is there multiplayer in the game?

Definitely yes, and this will become one of the main features in the game. A number of developers refer to this.

  • What kind of communications will there be?

Like previous games in the series, GTA V will have a , but it will be used for some kind of action. The phone can also be used to access . significantly changed compared to the phone in GTA IV. It will be possible to see where the different ones will go.

  • What weapons will be in the game?

List of confirmed GTA V weapons:

Steel arms


Submachine guns


Slot machines

Throwing weapons


  • Will animals appear in GTA V?

Yes. Rockstar had never included animals in any of their games before Red Dead Redemption (except for seagulls and pigeons). According to rumors, police dogs were supposed to appear in San Andreas, but never appeared. Some associated this with Rockstar’s position, or rather, a lack of desire to get involved with animal rights activists. However, knowing what a high tradition there is for hunting in the wild west, there is a high probability that animals not only should, but simply must appear in the next GTA series. In addition to dogs, there will also be sharks.

  • Will there be a replay of missions in GTA V?

Remember in latest version GTA: "The Ballad of Gay Tony", as well as the portable GTA: "Chinatown Wars", a new technical feature was added, namely mission replay. This feature has appeared in all new games from Rockstar, including Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire.

This feature gives the player an incentive to complete the mission again and again to earn best rating and to unlock trophies or achievements. Through Rockstar Games' Social Club, users can also be ranked on online leaderboards.

It's very likely that GTA V will also include this feature.

Besides. If the player fails the mission, he can repeat it (without starting over), the game has its own save points added, so to speak.

  • Will there be downloadable content in the game?

Yes. The DLC will be both free and paid.

  • What songs will be played in the game?

As in previous games in the series, in GTA V the radio stations will be filled with a variety of music. Thus, a German magazine reported that the game will feature music from such genres as

Already on April 14, we will be able to play GTA 5 on PC. I hope that the PC version will be complete and polished in all aspects. Let's take a step back and look at the game from an independent perspective. Why is the game so addictive? Who will we play? How does the online mode work? What's new in the PC version? I will try to answer all these questions, especially for you.


After the game begins with a bank robbery gone wrong in North Yankton, the story jumps forward nine years to San Andreas. All 3 main characters have their own own goals, but their fate is intertwined due to a series of events. Not only do they have to fight multiple gangs, but they also have to deal with the government.

Main characters

After the prologue, the first character you will play for will be Franklin Clinton. A pickpocket working for a local car dealer, Franklin is looking for ways to make money. good money, but turns out to be inexperienced when it comes to committing a crime. Then there's Michael de Santa, a former career criminal suffering from a midlife crisis. In an attempt to forget the past, Michael came to Los Santos, but he was unable to avoid problems. And finally, the mentally unstable Trevor Phillips, trying to build an empire of weapons and drugs in the remote countryside, but the return of an old acquaintance changes all his plans.

Switch between characters

As the story progresses, you can switch between available characters. When switching from one to another, a stylish cut scene is shown as the camera rises high above the map and scales back. Each character has special abilities that are useful in various situations. Franklin can slow down time while driving to perform complex maneuvers.

Michael also activates the slowdown effect, but not on the car, but in battle, to make it easier to hit the heads of enemies. Well, Trevor can enter a state of rage, receiving a double attack bonus and suffering more damage.

Missions and heists

Main objectives are marked on the map with the character's initials, and you will need to go to the appropriate hero to complete them. In addition, you will commit robberies. Before you start, you can decide what style you will do it in, stealth or gunplay. You can also take on an additional accomplice, but if you take on a newbie, so as not to pay him a lot, you risk losing your money, and the specialist takes a large percentage.

GTA 5 world

The world of GTA 5 is located in the fictional state of San Andreas, which is divided into several regions. You start in Los Santos, a large and wealthy city in the south with similarities to Los Angeles. The center is full of skyscrapers and pathos, but look closer and you will discover another side of the city, which is impoverished. Head north through the Los Santos hills, or along one of the freeways, to Blaine County, which has scattered villages and farms, as well as deserts, forests and mountain ranges.

GTA online

When you first log into GTA online, you will find yourself at the police station. Here you start choosing your character's parents, including characters we've seen in previous Rockstar Games games. Directly for your hero, you will have access to a wide range of sliders to give him the look you want.

Once your character is created, you will be taken to a tutorial mission that will show you the basics of the game. The capacity for one online session allows up to 30 players, and with the help of Rockstar Social Club you can meet friends and complete tasks together.

Reputation points and money

In order to level up in GTA online you need to earn reputation points. The hero level is your rank, as well as new weapons and additional features. Most quick way earning points is completing various missions, which are divided into two main categories. The first includes traditional tasks such as racing, deathmatches, capture the flag and horde mode.

In them you compete with other players and your place in the ranking determines how many points you get. The second category is text messages that you receive from various NPCs that you have met before. You will earn points by completing different tasks with them.

Of course, there is another factor in GTA online - money. You can spend them on clothes, a hairdresser, tattoos, new weapons and everything in the same spirit. You can even buy an apartment, and if it comes with a garage, leave your cars in it.


Robbery is most of GTA 5. To take part in the heist you will need a team of 4 players (all level 12 or higher). Plus one game should have expensive apartments with a special room in which players choose a leader and different roles for the robbery.

New for PC

GTA 5 on PC will look better than anywhere else. If you have a good computer, it will support 4k resolution, good visual effects and support for up to 3 monitors. The game has 15 radio stations, and the PC version will add another one called Lab. Another new feature added to the PC version is the Rockstar video editor, although little is known about it, it will definitely allow you to record and edit the videos you shoot.