In a private house      02/14/2021

Where is the best place to invest cash? Deposit or investment account: where is it more profitable to invest money? Bank deposit with interest

Alexander Ivanov

Hi all! Today we will look at the main investment methods available to Russians and talk about where to invest money in 2020.

Sooner or later, everyone whose income becomes greater than their expenses comes to this question. Drawing up a competent personal financial plan helps to do this much faster.

In fact, there are many working options. The only question is what is right for you.

Each method pursues two goals - preserving and increasing capital, although the first, of course, is more important.

Where can you invest based on this? So...

For those who are just accumulating funds for profitable investments or real estate, the best investment option is a deposit into a bank account.

A bank deposit has three indicators that make it the most convenient option:

  • In fact, you can withdraw funds from a bank deposit at any time without restrictions. This is convenient, especially when a suitable option arises to invest funds for other purposes.
  • Reliability. Every investor can be sure that his savings will be returned, because... they are insured. Of course, we do not consider banks that are not part of the insurance system.
  • Profitability. You receive an insignificant, but still an increase on your deposit. There is a high probability that such income will even cover inflation, but not significantly. This is not so much, but the funds will definitely be saved.

When considering the option of opening a deposit with a bank, it is important to remember: this will allow, first of all, to save, and not earn, funds in the medium or short term.

That is, you should not look for a bank with the highest interest rates and favorable conditions. It is better to pay attention not to the amount of interest, but to the level of reliability of the financial institution.

It makes sense to give preference to a bank that is recognized by the state as systemically important and use the deposit to accumulate funds for further investment in other instruments.

Real estate investing

The total amount of financial resources invested by individuals in real estate is much greater than in all other options combined. This situation is typical for Russian Federation and the world in general.

Neither in the long term nor in the near future, most likely, nothing will change in these statistics. For most people, buying real estate is the only long-term option for preserving their savings.

Like all other types of assets, real estate can be volatile in value.

However, according to average indicators, the price increase in this segment covers inflation, so it can easily serve as an additional source of income. For example, subject to the property being leased.

One of the most important features of this type of investment is that the property retains its value linked to geographical location. In a particular area, its price is adjusted based on current economic realities.

By real estate, it is customary, first of all, to understand residential-type objects. And, nevertheless, the main part of the conclusions also applies to commercial, or non-residential, real estate.

The main conditions under which objects save and even increase funds are:

  • maintaining a deficit scale of construction of new facilities;
  • constant positive increase in population in the region, the city in particular;

In cities where there is a constant negative dynamics in the growth of citizens, where citizens are actively leaving (it is dying out), real estate cannot increase in price, and are increasingly showing a declining trend.

In developing and growing cities, the situation is the opposite. The younger generation and migrants, with their demand, are constantly pushing the price higher and higher.

In such conditions, only excessive construction of objects can restrain the rise in prices for real estate, which is virtually unrealistic. After all, this is unprofitable for the developers themselves, as this will lead to a decrease in their income.

And the scale of available space is always limited, which creates a shortage of space in certain urban areas that are most suitable for development.

In such places there is often no place to build, so the increasing demand can be balanced by rising prices for real estate in previously built objects.

Among other things, we must not forget about the corruption factor, which often reduces the overall ability of developers to enter areas that are new to them. This fact also negatively affects the scale of real estate for rent, leads to a shortage of real estate for sale and, accordingly, to an increase in its price.

All Russians who experienced the crisis at the end of the last and beginning of this century have drawn their own conclusions. Now they don’t need to explain: why real estate - the best option long-term storage of capital.

In addition, over the past 30 years, real estate has remained the only type of asset that was available to the vast majority of the country's citizens.

Of course, investing in real estate also has its downsides. We are talking about a high minimum price for each individual object - it is difficult to purchase an apartment from your salary.

And, nevertheless, such a problem has its own solutions.

The main solution is a mortgage. It helps to fix the current price of housing for the buyer.

At the same time, mortgage interest, which seems to many to be sky-high, in fact always turns out to be lower than the long-term increase in the price of the property itself. Therefore, an apartment purchased for investment purposes is not only possible, but also necessary to rent out.

At first, of course, the rent will not be able to cover even the mortgage payments, but after 5-7 years there is a possibility that the rent will begin to cover the payments in full.

An alternative option is investing in liquid real estate with a low average price.

For example, we are talking about permanent garages, parking spaces, small plots of land, etc. After all, they can be rented out, they require minimal investment after purchase, but the demand for them is always high.

Also a good option to buy - studio apartment With small area in not the most expensive urban areas. Such objects are also characterized by a low average price, but they are actually easy to sell and rent out.

Another alternative to a mortgage is pooling. This option is not very common.

However, if you have friends whom you trust well, who you can rely on, and who, at the same time, are trying to find a reliable and long-term investment option, then you can buy real estate together with them.

This option has a whole list of advantages.

If all or most of the collaborators approach the issue wisely, then you can save a lot of money on home renovations before renting out, thanks to the use of shared labor.

This will also help you buy more properties at once, which means diversifying your investments across areas and property types.

And on all issues it will be possible to support and insure each other.

Of course, in this option there are some legal issues that must be taken into account in advance. Therefore, it is so important to initially understand how much you can trust each other.

For those who are conservative in their approaches and are not ready for something new, investing in real estate is the best option in the long term.

Investing money in your business

Investing in your business is, of course, a certain risk. And yet, the risk is often quite justified. He borders on the desire to do everything to achieve success.

Everything is in your hands here. Control of business processes and various risks associated with them is the main task of every entrepreneur.

Whether you are a simple hairdresser renting space in a salon, or the owner of a large-scale business project...

Basic properties of a personal business:

  • Business creates value;
  • A business keeps its finances in constant motion by creating cash flow.

The main part of business ideas is based on the fact that investments will be able to pay off after 1-2-3 years. But, in addition to immediate self-sufficiency, it is important to remember that the working business itself has value and can also be sold.

A personal business is not just about generating cash flow, but also about increasing the overall value of the business. The larger the project, the correspondingly higher its cost.

Everyone who has their own business is simply obliged to continue investing in its promotion and development. After all, the potential profitability of a working business is always higher than with any other investment options.

Of course, this is relevant provided that it can be scaled.

It also makes sense to invest in your own business if you have a sufficient amount of free time, energy and the desire to create something unique and inimitable.

This option is optimal for those who are ready to work and develop in a chosen direction that is familiar to them or close in spirit.

By and large, starting a business requires not only and not so much investment, but exceptional courage and comprehensive readiness to take the first step and move, no matter what.

Of course, there are risks here too, however, the effectiveness and results of investing in your business will depend solely on the entrepreneur himself, and not on a third-party guy.

When discussing the choice of type of activity, it is first necessary to pay attention to areas that have long been well developed, bypassing what is little known and poorly developed.

There is no point in “getting involved” in an area where there is no healthy competition, because this may indicate that the activity is not in demand. The importance of demand has not been denied.

You need to focus on in-demand, popular and potentially profitable areas.

The idea that core business areas are oversaturated is wrong. The Russian Federation is a place where essentially little is produced, and the service sector is still in its infancy, compared to some developed countries.

Any goods and services will definitely find their clients and buyers if you put in some effort.

Investing in exchange-traded financial instruments

Investments in bonds

Buy shares online

Unlike deposits, which allow, first of all, to save funds and not to increase them, bonds perform other functions.

For large corporations, pension and reserve funds around the world, this is a tool for long-term storage of capital with strict restrictions in terms of risks.

Active users of bonds are often wealthy people who have inherited wealth. The heirs of huge amounts of money are aware that they themselves cannot earn so much.

Therefore, they set themselves only one task - to preserve the inherited funds. And in this they are helped by bonds that can provide stable and regular profits.

Investing in shares

Investing through foreign brokers

It is obvious that the stock market is not limited only to the Russian Federation. The world is simply huge, and capitalism is legally enshrined in many countries and assumes that everyone has the right to dispose of personal funds at their own discretion.

We are also talking about the actual possibility of investing in shares of enterprises around the globe.

Previously, this seemed like something far away, but now it is part of real life. Every citizen of our country can invest savings in shares of foreign companies without much effort.

At the same time, deposits in foreign enterprises are possible both through Russian and foreign brokers.

The latter option provides citizens with a much larger selection of shares that can be purchased. After all, this opens dozens of exchanges in American, European and Asian markets and thousands of companies.

You just need to decide on the choice of a broker who will help you perform certain purchase/sale operations on foreign exchanges.

It is important here that the broker who will be selected for cooperation meets certain requirements:

  • the ability to open an account remotely;
  • minimum commission for transactions;
  • the maximum number of company shares that can be purchased;
  • reliability of the jurisdiction with deposit insurance from the regulator.

The demand for this type of investment in Russia is growing all the time, because everyone wants to have a larger selection of instruments, diversify risks by purchasing foreign shares in foreign currency and, ultimately, earn money.

IN last years The country’s market is unable to fully provide this, so we are actively looking for access to foreign stock markets through foreign brokers.

Disadvantages of investing through foreign brokers

  • Lack of support in Russian.

Opening an account with a foreign broker presupposes good knowledge English language by the investor himself. Otherwise, working with foreign brokers will be difficult.

  • Mandatory payment of taxes.

In case of depositing funds through a Russian broker, all work with taxes is assigned to him as a tax agent. The broker calculates and pays the bills himself.

If you choose a foreign broker, the investor decides and pays all tax issues independently.

Investments in financial instruments with intermediaries

Investing in specific bonds or stocks on your own requires some financial knowledge. Which bonds should I buy? Which stocks to choose?

Coupon profitability, primary and secondary placements, credit ratings and dividends, default... The world of finance is not simple enough; studying it is like receiving additional education.

And yet, for most people, due to their main activities, it is not possible to find time for this.

But there is a solution: there are specialized firms whose key work is related to collecting investor funds for the purpose of further investing them in various instruments.

Investing with the help of Management Companies

Management companies offer the opportunity to analyze and invest funds for you.

There is a whole list of similar companies that can be ranked by the amount of money attracted to their funds. The main part are companies that are part of large-scale financial holdings, although there are exceptions:

  • Sberbank Asset Management
  • Alfa Capital
  • VTB Capital Asset Management
  • Raiffeisen Capital
  • Pension savings
  • Gazprombank - Asset Management
  • Uralsib1
  • RSHB Asset Management
  • System Capital
  • Aton Management and others.

Each such company offers two different mechanisms for transferring money to management to choose from:

  1. By purchasing shares of one of your own (mutual investment funds).
  2. By transferring money for one or another investment strategy.

Contribution to mutual funds

UIF (Unit Investment Fund) is a fund created by the manager of an enterprise for the subsequent investment of the fund's funds in order to generate income and distribute it among all shareholders.

Fund capital is formed through the sale of shares to investors. The fund's losses and profits are reflected in changes in the price of the share itself.

The main feature of mutual funds for mass investors is their low entry threshold. For deposits in interval and open mutual funds, only a few thousand rubles are required.

Other investment options with the help of management companies require larger amounts.

Another one important feature Mutual funds - strict control of their work by government agencies. This allows us to talk about additional control over the work of the fund, incl. on the legality of all transactions with shareholders’ finances.

Mutual funds became popular in the mid-2000s during a time of rapid growth in the stock market of our country.

Mutual funds themselves were constantly being formed for an actively growing market, and the 2008 crisis demonstrated their shortcomings in all their glory.

The need to strictly follow a certain asset structure does not allow mutual funds to go into currency or ruble cash during crises, while recording serious losses.

The costs of maintaining the fund are constant and quite large. This, in the long and medium term, leads to a serious decline in their overall financial results.

After the financial crisis in 2008, all equity mutual funds, mixed mutual funds and most bond mutual funds suffered serious losses, demonstrating vulnerability to market crises. Their demand has dropped significantly.

Commissions for deposits in mutual funds are formed by fixed costs as a percentage of the total amount of funds in the fund for:

  • Depository remuneration.
  • Remuneration of the management company.
  • Other costs.

In total, depending on the fund, about 1-5 percent of all assets for 12 months are spent on expenses. All this is taken into account in the total cost of the mutual investment fund, and investors themselves usually simply do not notice them.

Additional commissions are also provided for investors when selling mutual funds if the total investment period is less than that specified in the agreement.

The shorter the total investment period, the higher the commission. In case of a deposit for a period of more than two years, commission for the sale of the Fund may not be charged.

Investing in trust management

Unlike mutual funds, trust management imposes much fewer restrictions on the management company.

In theory, a flexible management approach allows enterprise managers to take full advantage of market opportunities in order to make a profit.

But on the other hand, it is difficult to calculate the real results of their activities, because this information is not disclosed by companies.

Everything about the results of the Funds’ work is thoroughly and clearly known, because data on the profitability of mutual funds is open and accessible information to everyone.

And, unfortunately, it is difficult to find reliable information about the results of work for a certain period of the management company.

Therefore, trust management has become more popular than mutual funds. After all, if before investing in a Mutual Investment Fund you can look at its profitability dynamics, the desire to invest in it may disappear.

And in the situation with trust management companies, we are talking only about target and expected levels of income. The actual profit for previous periods will most likely not be disclosed.

The bulk of investment strategies from management firms are divided into several categories:

Offers for “regular” investors

  • Bond portfolio
  • Stock portfolio
  • Investments in rubles
  • Mixed portfolio of stocks and bonds

Offers for “qualified” investors

  • Investments in foreign currency
  • Investments in Russian Eurobonds
  • Investments in rubles
  • Active management of a portfolio of shares of Russian enterprises
  • Investments in foreign currency
  • Portfolio of Eurobonds of Russian enterprises
  • Portfolio of sovereign bonds from governments with developed and developing economies
  • Portfolio of corporate bonds of foreign enterprises
  • Portfolio of shares of foreign enterprises
  • Mixed portfolio of stocks, sovereign bonds, corporate bonds

A qualified investor is a legal entity or individual who meets certain requirements of current Russian legislation.

To obtain status, an individual must meet one of the criteria:

  1. Having certain trading experience on the stock exchange with a total turnover of at least 6,000,000 rubles. over the past 12 months.
  2. Availability individual 6,000,000 rub. in securities, on deposits or in trust.
  3. Having the necessary education.

Serious opportunities for investing in foreign currency are opening up for qualified investors, because investment options are supplemented by foreign securities: bonds and shares of foreign enterprises, sovereign bonds of countries with developing or developed economies.

By and large, there is no particular difference between investing through mutual funds or trust management. And yet, the latter’s investment plans look more “presentable” from the outside, and a larger minimum deposit amount in trust management seems to be a “guarantee” of greater reliability.

But this, of course, is not entirely true. The average level of profit of an investment trust management plan and a mutual fund are comparable, because funds are invested, as a rule, in the same securities.

The remuneration to the management company reaches, as in the situation with mutual funds, about 1-5 percent per annum of the total amount of managed assets.

Greetings! This year cannot be called boring and predictable: neither for Russia nor for global financial markets. Indices in both Russia and the United States grew beautifully; over the past 10 months, my portfolio has grown by 20 percent.

What's next? How to preserve capital in a situation of high uncertainty? What to invest in in 2019-2020? For convenience, I divided the instruments by goals: not to lose, to make money on the growth of an asset and/or and to receive income in foreign currency.

Here I included tools with almost 100% reliability. “Almost” - because . All three assets only partially compensate for losses from inflation!

Bank deposits

If your investment horizon is too short for risky assets, you don't have much choice. You will also have to abandon your ideas, so the only thing left for you is banal bank deposits.

If you need to try to save your capital primarily from yourself, your loved one, then it is better to open time deposits, without the right to replenish and withdraw (for example, the “Save” product from Sberbank). Such deposits always offer the maximum interest rate. And they are prohibited from withdrawing part of the deposit until it is closed.

The main thing is not to forget about the “limiter” in the form of 1.4 million rubles in one bank. This is exactly how much (and not a penny more) the Deposit Insurance Agency will return in the event of bank bankruptcy.

Reliable bonds

If you have a slightly longer horizon and a slightly higher financial IQ, you will probably be interested in these debt securities. Judge for yourself: the risks of bankruptcy of the state are much lower than the risks of bankruptcy of any one bank, even a large one. Plus, bond yields are almost always higher than bank deposits.

By the way, are you aware that with the money that you leave as a deposit, the bank almost immediately buys bonds and thereby earns the difference in interest without risking anything?

Federal loan bonds are considered the most reliable. Their repayment is guaranteed by the government of the Russian Federation. But it is better to form a bond portfolio from. Fortunately, the symbolic cost of the bond (only 1000 rubles) allows this.

You can only advise something specific if you know your specific investment plan, so below I will give a couple of papers that I think are interesting.

For example, OFZ-PK are bonds with a variable coupon. The coupon size is tied to the average RUONIA rate and is revised from time to time. OFZ-PD fixes the coupon size at a constant level (for example, 6-7% per annum) until maturity.

But most interesting option in 2019 I think. The face value of such bonds is constantly indexed to the inflation rate (calculated using the consumer price index for each day with a lag of three months). For OFZ-IN, the coupon is 2.5% per annum above inflation (CPI).



Unlike bonds, stocks are instruments with potentially high returns. Experts believe that in 2019 the MICEX index will further increase, the Central Bank will continue to lower the key rate, and oil prices will rise. Against this background, many Russian “giants” have good growth potential.

To make a profit in the future, today you can invest in securities of exporting companies: ALROSA (excellent company performance over the past year), Protek, NLMK (Rosneft is not on the list of recommended companies). Analysts advise paying attention to the shares of LUKOIL and Sberbank, which were undervalued last year (even though it grew very strongly, its p\e is still low).

Some are betting on the rise of electricity companies that have floundered in the past year. The shares of Rosseti and IDGC of the South are of particular interest.

The main idea and advice is to pay attention to companies with growth prospects and.

The sector looks more promising than others abroad high technology: Facebook, Alphabet, BYD Company, Google, Amazon, Netflix, NVIDIA and others.

Own business

Owning your own business is a profitable but very risky option. Initial capital is needed from the first day, and the return on investment can be obtained, at best, in six months to a year. Or not get it at all...

To avoid risking large amounts of money, start with an online project. Firstly, a lot of problems like renting an office, warehouse and logistics disappear. Secondly, the starting amounts here are much more modest than for opening your own.

To receive passive income

Real estate

Real estate generates passive income only when “ square meters» are for rent. But you shouldn’t count on millions in profits from renting out ordinary residential premises.

I provide data for 2016 from the SRG analytical center. The average return on residential real estate in St. Petersburg is 7.7% per year (return on investment is 14 years). In Moscow, the average yield is lower: 5.8% per annum with a payback period of 17 years.

Real estate abroad brings even less - up to 5-6% per annum. In some cases, it is better to delegate the decision of all organizational issues to a professional management company. She will look for tenants, resolve issues with current repairs and payment, etc. For this she will have to “donate” 15-20% of the rental price. But - real passive income!

On the other hand, if you have an apartment for rent, you can try to rent it out on a daily basis (via AirBNB, mainly to foreigners) and thereby increase your yield to 10-12% per annum with good occupancy.

To receive income in foreign currency

Of course, to receive income in foreign currency, you can simply buy shares or. This way you will partially eliminate the risk of being left with nothing if the ruble collapses again. But there are other ways.


Eurobonds boast all the advantages of ruble bonds. Plus they have additional protection from currency risks. After all, that’s why they are “euro”, because they are denominated in foreign currencies: dollars, euros, Swiss francs and British pounds sterling.

Today, Eurobonds of such companies as AHML, Alfa-Bank, VTB Bank, Gazprom, LUKOIL, MTS, NLMK, Novatek, Russian Railways, Rosneft, Sberbank, PhosAgro and Uralkali are presented on the Moscow Exchange.

The average yield on Eurobonds is 3-5% per annum (paid twice a year). The minimum denomination of a security starts at $1000. The main problem with such securities is liquidity. But more about this some other time.

Unit-linked programs

I have already discussed unit-linked programs. Let me remind you: a foreign product combines savings, life insurance and investments.

Moreover, you can invest in a bunch of foreign instruments that are not available to private investors from Russia. For example, in the same mutual funds, where entry thresholds through a broker often start at $50,000.

By the way, since 2013, the Moscow Exchange has been successfully trading, which covers quite most markets previously available only through foreign brokers.

For some of them, the average annual return from mid-2014 to mid-2016 (in ruble terms) was about 50%. For example, FinEx MSCI USA Information Technology UCITS ETF (shares of the US IT sector) grew by 49.8% per year.

But foreign currency deposits today bring mere pennies (up to 2% per annum). And no one is considered as a serious investment tool anymore.

In this article I have presented only some of the tools available to the average investor from Russia. Remember that only by collecting these kinds of assets can you be sure of achieving the challenges you face!

What assets do you plan to invest in in 2018-2019? Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

2015-2016 promise to be difficult for most Russians. The economic situation in the country has become extremely tense. And the general situation in the world suggests that a crisis is just around the corner. Many are already asking the question: “Where can I invest money so that it works and generates income? » . There will be many similar questions in this article. We will try to give answers to them, because the ruble is losing its position in the financial market every day. And the issue of preserving capital is becoming increasingly acute.

The crisis in Russia is near. How to make money on your savings?

Where to invest money to make it work? This is the main question that most Russian citizens pose to themselves. After all, it’s no secret that recently the political and economic situation in the world has worsened extremely. Instability in the financial market continually affects Everyday life many people. The ruble is falling at an incredible speed, this is due to many factors. First of all, the Russian economy was affected by the crisis situation in Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by the EU in connection with it. But to a greater extent, according to experts, the price of oil, which has dropped to its maximum level in the last year, is to blame. All these factors significantly influenced the ruble exchange rate. Ever since the national currency lost the trust of its citizens, Russians have been constantly asking themselves the question: “Where can I safely invest my money?” After all, many experts argue that the ruble may devalue. And this, in turn, will lead to many losing their savings. But that's not all. Analysts are confident that 2015 will see massive job losses and lower wages. Therefore, when talking about where it is profitable to invest money now, many still think about how to make money from it.

Investing money in a bank. Benefit of deposit

Where to invest money to make a profit? One of the most popular ways for Russians to save their savings is in a bank. Of course, many people use banks solely as a financial cushion with enough funds to live for a short period. But you can approach this option from the other side. Due to the fact that this year the Central Bank of Russia raised the key rate to 17%, it has become very profitable to put savings on deposit. After all, interest rates have become much higher, especially for deposits in national currency. Although deposits in foreign currencies can also be no less profitable. In addition, some changes have been made to the tax code. That is why, using a deposit, you can not only invest money profitably, but also protect your savings from risks associated with When choosing this method for saving your own funds, experts recommend contacting the most proven and reliable organizations. For example, Sberbank, Gazprom, VTB and others. Registration of a deposit will not take much time and, in turn, will bring a pleasant monthly income. If you invest a large amount, you can even live on the interest rates offered by state-owned banks today!

Real estate investing

Answering the question: “What to invest money in in 2015?”, many experts recommend turning to such a proven and safe type of investment as real estate. Everyone knows that it is she who ranks first in terms of trust among citizens. But often many people use square meters solely as a way to save their savings. Forgetting what such an investment instrument can bring to its owner considerable income. Of course, acquiring real estate will require considerable funds. But if you manage them skillfully, the profit from the purchased property will cover all costs. It is best to purchase an apartment at the initial stage of building a house. Such projects bring the highest income. This especially applies to luxury housing. In addition, it is not at all necessary to sell this property in the future; there is always the opportunity to rent out your square meters. But for this you need to carefully consider the infrastructure and location of the apartment when purchasing it. Carefully inspect everything that could negatively affect the client’s interest: number of floors, communications, view from the window. All these little things play a very important role when renting out an apartment. But at the same time, having concluded a profitable deal with a client, you can count on a good monthly income. What is as profitable to invest money in as real estate?

Forex market and PAMM accounts

Where to invest money to make it work? Often, when thinking about this issue, experts speak confidently about the Forex market. On the Russian investment market, a new form for investing funds has recently appeared called a PAMM account. Experienced players confidently claim that with the help of such accounts you can earn good money. This is especially beneficial to do today. After all, the principle of earning money is precisely that you need to play on currency races. And today we are seeing exactly this trend in the financial market. But experts warn that almost 90% of beginners, starting to work in the Forex market on their own, lose their savings. Firstly, there is a lack of experience and knowledge, and secondly, for many, Forex trading is just a side way of earning money, which is why they do not have enough time to delve into the intricacies of the foreign exchange market. Therefore, experienced players often advise beginners to use the services of a professional trader. Or, as a last resort, take a number of training courses, which are often offered free of charge by investment companies and exchanges.

Securities and shares

During past crises, many Russian citizens, at the risk of losing their savings, invested them in securities and shares. Those who at least somehow understood this business already had a good income after a few years. Well, those who had no experience with stocks lost their last savings. Answering the question: “Where should I invest my money to make it work?”, we can say that investing in stocks will bring a decent profit. But this can take years, and you also need to have a sufficient level of skill and knowledge to choose a worthy company. It is best to trust a professional manager with a good history of profitability. But even in this case, you cannot be one hundred percent sure that the shares will bring profit. After all, today's market is so volatile that it can devalue the shares of absolutely any company in just a couple of minutes. And experts advise: before choosing this type of investment, consult with experts or take advantage of special courses that will help you acquire some knowledge in this area.

Investing in gold and other metals

There is a category of citizens in Russia who, every time faced with a crisis problem in the country, absolutely do not ask the question: “Where to invest money to make money?” This category includes people who trust exclusively this type of investment such as gold. This is not surprising. After all, since ancient times, gold has been considered. In the modern market, the situation has changed somewhat, but the fact that gold is generally becoming more expensive is an indisputable fact. Of course, over time, the trends in such investment have changed somewhat, and today bank clients successfully invest not only in gold, but also in other metals. These include silver, platinum and palladium. There are several ways to invest your savings in precious metals: purchase a gold bar from a bank (but you will have to pay a 13% tax), buy gold coins (they can be found in Sberbank and other similar large organizations), buy securities (only those that are backed by gold through the stock exchange), as well as open a non-cash metal account. For those who have never used this type of investment, it is best to stick with the latter option.

New for the season! Investing in art

It is not surprising that, faced with the question “where is it profitable to invest money now,” many choose non-standard types of investments. Recently, investing in art has become fashionable. But this is not just a fashion trend, but really a very promising type of investment. After all, with some lots you can purchase benefits equal to 100 or even more percent of its value. But there are also several important points. In order to really make money in this market, you need to have at least some understanding of art. Or use the services of experts and appraisers. Yes and understand fashion trends, so to speak, try to predict what will be at the peak of fashion in the near future. This all sounds very strange and complicated. In fact, the profit from this type of investment is high exactly as much as the work in this area is difficult. It is for this reason that not everyone can handle this type of investment. But everyone wants to invest money profitably!

Investing on the Internet

Where it is really profitable to invest today is in the Internet. After all, the Internet is present in the life of every person. Every year this type of investment is gaining more and more popularity. There are a lot of investment options on the Internet, everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. suitable way earnings. The most important thing is not to stumble upon scammers. Indeed, with the growing popularity of this type of investment, the number of cases involving deception of clients has also increased. In order not to become one of the defrauded investors, you must carefully study all the documentation, and, if possible, any information about the selected company. Where to invest money to increase it? The choice is not just wide, but huge: HYIPs, cryptocurrencies, websites, MFA sites, etc. From creating your own website to profitable investing in promising projects, you can make very profitable money. It is difficult to say exactly how much you can earn from investing on the Internet. It all depends on how much money will be invested and what direction the investor will choose. But given that the Internet is becoming more popular every day, the risks of losing your investment are quite low.

Investments in your own business

Where to invest money to make money to the common man? After all, not everyone can decide to give their savings to the bank or buy unreliable shares with them. Experts advise that category of citizens who are distrustful of investing in other people's companies to consider the option of opening a private business. Moreover, now is quite the right moment for this. Foreign companies, due to sanctions and the unprofitability of doing business in Russia, will hastily leave the Russian Federation. This will lead to reduced competition in the trade market. And the commercial real estate market will most likely reduce the cost per square meter. All this will provide an excellent opportunity for a novice entrepreneur to successfully start his own business. Where to invest? It is best to turn to essential goods, clothing or food. The dollar will most likely continue to grow, so you can fill the assortment national goods and dilute with Chinese products. Experts also recommend taking a closer look at areas such as pharmacies and funeral services. No matter how strange it may sound, such organizations will always make a profit. Of course, the risks associated with starting your own business are quite high. But also economic situation in Russia today is not very stable. Therefore, this investment choice can be quite successful! In addition, to reduce risks or if there is a lack of funds, you can find a worthy companion.

Investing in your own development

Where to invest money to make it work? As you already understand, money can work in different ways. Many people, when thinking about investing their own funds, often choose self-development. What does it mean? You can, for example, use the accumulated funds to obtain additional education or attend expensive courses to learn something. To do this, it is enough to pay in full for the entire course for the entire duration. The funds will be invested quite profitably, right? The money can be spent on the education of your children or on long-needed medical care for your loved ones. In general, even experts believe that such investments are very profitable. After all, the cost of education and medical care increases every year. Moreover, such investments do not require additional knowledge. In general, leading experts insist that you should try to invest your savings in different areas, thus insuring yourself against possible failures. This means that the question of where an ordinary person can invest money is not so difficult!

We all save money. A schoolchild saves for a new smartphone, a student for a car, a young family for an apartment (or more often for a down payment for a mortgage), a worker for a vacation, and a pensioner for a funeral. And no matter how tense the economic situation is, money somehow accumulates. Otherwise, why are there so many iPhones and expensive cars around?

But what most people don't realize is that when you have accumulated money under your pillow, it quietly diminishes. Every night the “savings killer” comes and steals a small part of our savings. And this killer's name is Inflation.

The official inflation rate in Russia for 2015 is almost 13%. But we know that it is quite underestimated (those who remember the prices for products in 2014 understand this especially well). The real inflation rate for 2015 was definitely more than 20%.

Thus, all our savings depreciate at a rate of at least 20% per year or 1.65% per month. So, now most investment methods help not to increase your funds, but to at least slightly compensate for inflation.

In such a situation, it is very unwise to keep money under your pillow. Any spare money should be put to work. But how to invest them as reliably and profitably as possible?

Investing is not that difficult.

I think everyone has an idea of ​​what investing is. When investing, you put your money to work. That is, you invest money expecting to receive even more money in the future.

But we must not forget that investing entails risks. Instead of the expected profit, you may receive a loss or even lose all your money.

Therefore, the main rule of investing is risk diversification. According to this rule, you should split your savings into parts and invest them in different investment projects.

For example, let your investment portfolio be 100,000 rubles. Then you need to choose several investment instruments that are suitable for you. Let's assume you have chosen mutual funds, PAMM accounts and backing and HYIP projects. Now you will need to distribute your portfolio between instruments depending on how much risk you are willing to take.

Let’s say that you are committed to moderate risks and distribute your money like this: mutual funds – 40%, PAMM accounts – 40%, backing – 10% and HYIP projects – 10%. Now you need to apply the principle of diversification within each investment method you choose.

That is, you will need to select several different PAMM accounts and distribute your 40% of the portfolio between them. The same must be done with other chosen investment methods.

In order to comply with this rule, you need to use several tools that can multiply your money. I have selected 12 of the best ones for you.

Let's compare the 12 best ways to invest.

I have not only selected the 12 best investment methods for you, but also compared them with each other. For comparison, I selected several parameters, which I decided to evaluate using a 10-point system, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest.

Comparison of the best investment methods.

The following options were selected:

  • Simplicity. This parameter characterizes how easy it is to understand this method of investing, understand the principle, find a suitable company and make a contribution.
  • Profitability. Here the average return on investment will be assessed. Most often, this and the following points are interconnected: the higher the profitability, the higher the risks.
  • Reliability. This parameter characterizes the riskiness of the analyzed investment instrument.
  • Entry threshold. Shows the minimum amount you can invest.
  • Liquidity. Estimates how quickly you can withdraw your deposit, and what losses await you if you withdraw money prematurely.
  • Passivity/activity– this parameter shows how passive this type of income is. That is, 10 points means “put it in and forget it,” and 1 point means that in order to get maximum profit you will have to spend additional effort and time.

Of course, all my assessments will be subjective and I think that many readers will not agree with them.

1. Bank deposit.

A bank deposit is the most understandable and simple way of investing for an ordinary person. Even any grandmother understands how everything works. After all, even in the Soviet Union, in which there was no investment, people kept money in savings books. And one of the heroes of a popular Soviet film urged fellow citizens to keep money in savings banks.

All you need to do to make a deposit is to choose a bank and come there with your passport and money. What could be simpler? I bet 10 points.

At the same time, the profitability of a bank deposit is not high. At the moment, deposit rates range from 7% to 12.5%. I think this is one of the lowest returns of all investment methods. Deserves 1 point.

But you can be sure of the reliability of your deposit. Deposits are insured by the state. Even if you plan to invest a large amount, then in order to insure against the fact that your bank’s license will be taken away, you can break the amount into small parts and invest in several banks. In this case, even if the bank is deprived of its license, and your deposit was less than 600,000 rubles, you will be compensated for both the deposit and interest. 10 points for reliability.

You can start investing with an amount of 10,000 rubles. This is not much at all, so you can put it beyond the entry threshold 8 points.

In most cases, you can withdraw money from your deposit at any time. But if you withdraw money early, you will lose most of your profits. 7 points for liquidity.

This type of deposit falls into the “put it in and forget it” category. All you have to do at the end of the investment period is go to the bank and withdraw your money. Well, or extend the deposit. 10 points.


  • High reliability.
  • Availability.
  • Low taxes. You will have to pay 35% of taxable income, which is calculated using the formula: all income minus the refinancing rate.
  • Predictability of results.


  • Low profitability.

Conclusion. This type of investment serves not to increase your money, but to at least somehow compensate for inflation. In any case, if you do not want to take risks at all, then this method is better than just keeping money under your pillow.

2. Mutual investment funds (UIFs).

For an ordinary person, investing in mutual funds does not seem like a very clear idea. To understand this, try explaining to your grandmother at the entrance that you are buying shares in a fund of a management company that invests money in assets.

You also need to take the choice of mutual funds seriously, studying the statistics of different funds. After this, you need to go to the office of the company or its agent. I'll give it for simplicity 6 points.

The profitability here depends on the type of funds and on the approach to choosing a mutual fund. The riskier the investment the fund makes, the higher the potential return is expected, but in most cases it is not high. 3 points.

Reliability also greatly depends on the type of fund. While bond mutual funds are one of the least risky investments, investments in venture funds carry very high risks. On average, I would rate reliability at 7 points, because at least you won’t be able to lose a large part of your deposit, as in other investment methods.

The minimum cost of a share starts from 300-500 rubles per share, which is suitable for almost everyone. 10 points.

I think most people invest money in open mutual funds, so at this point we will only talk about them. You can withdraw money from open funds by selling your shares in 1-3 business days. I'll put it 10 points.

Still, with this method of investing, you will have to spend a little time managing your investments. Of course, the management company will manage the fund without your participation, but you will have to transfer money between mutual funds and decide when to sell shares and when to buy. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A large number of assets in which the fund can invest.
  • Low entry threshold.
  • Relatively low risks.


  • Possibility of incurring a loss if the fund choice is unsuccessful.
  • Relatively complex investment procedure.
  • An investor should be interested in the stock market.

Conclusion. With successful selection of funds and proper management of your investments, the profit from the deposit covers inflation and brings in a small income. But we must remember that many funds bring losses to their investors.

3. PAMM accounts.

Brokerage companies have invested so much money in advertising in recent years that only the deaf have not heard about Forex and the tempting prospects of becoming a successful trader. Therefore, it is not difficult for an ordinary person to understand the principle of PAMM investing - give money to a trader so that he can play with it on the stock exchange.

You can find a suitable broker on the Internet. At the moment the most popular is Alpari. So I'll put it 7 points for simplicity and clarity.

Some accounts can bring you more than 100% profit per year, while others can drain all your money. But, when using the principle of risk diversification, the income from this type of investment is slightly higher than in mutual funds and is estimated by me at 5 points.

As returns increase, risks also increase. When using the principle of diversification, you will not lose the entire investment amount, but you may receive a loss. For reliability I would put 6 points.

You can start investing in PAMM accounts with an amount of $10. At the moment this equals 700 - 800 rubles. The amount is small, so I bet 10 points.

You can withdraw money at any time within one or two business days. Therefore, for liquidity 10 points.

You will have to spend time managing investments. If you do not use automatic tools, you will have to log into your personal account almost every day. After all, the market situation can change very quickly and your managers can make critical mistakes. I bet 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Low entry threshold.
  • Opportunity to create your own investment portfolio.
  • Simple investment procedure.


  • It is possible not only to receive a loss, but also to lose the entire deposit amount.
  • An investor should be interested in trading on the foreign exchange market.

Conclusion. This is a very common method of investing, which has gained popularity due to advertising. This method of investing money is more suitable for those people who like the foreign exchange market or who have experience trading on the stock exchange.

4. HYIP projects.

This type of investment is often called quasi-investment. In simple terms, these are pyramids that accrue profits to participants from new deposits.

Investing in these projects is very easy. Many of them accept bank transfers and payments through the most popular payment systems. Most often, HYIPs have a legend that explains to gullible investors where the company gets the money to pay such high interest rates.

It is very easy to contribute to such a project via the Internet. But if you are new to the Internet, it will be more difficult. For convenience I would put 8 points.

HYIP projects promise cosmic profits. On average, long-term HYIPs offer to pay 20-30% per month. Short-term ones can promise to double the deposit amount in just a few days. 10 points for the promised profitability, but in fact it is, of course, lower.

There is no need to talk about any reliability of deposits. The project can collapse at any moment. Every day 1-2 HYIP projects are opened and the same number are scammed. Therefore, for reliability I would give everything 1 point.

I think at this point and the points below we should consider only long-term projects. The minimum entry amount starts from 1,500 thousand rubles. 9 points for a low entry threshold.

In most projects, the deposit cannot be returned. It will be returned to the investor throughout the investment period with each payment. Therefore only 1 point.

If you have already invested money in one of the HYIPs, then all you can do is sit and hope that the project will exist and pay. There is nothing you can do anymore. Completely passive investments deserve 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • High profitability.
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal of money.


  • Very high risks.

Conclusion. Make money onHYIP projects can only be carried out by those who are “in the know.” You need to be able to analyze projects and find those that can generate income. Most people who make money on HYIPs compensate for the loss when investing by attracting referrals.

5. Backing (investing in poker players).

Almost everyone knows about a game like poker. At the same time, many people understand that successful players receive big money for winning tournaments. But how many people know that most poker players do not play with their own money in major tournaments?

That is, if a strong player does not have enough money to participate in a tournament, he turns to an investor (sponsor), who receives a percentage of the prize money if he wins. A player may also have several sponsors who invest in the player and receive a profit from the winnings depending on the amount of investment.

You can buy a share from a player only by agreeing on this on specialized forums. For example, on the forum of this site: To purchase, you will need to personally contact the player. For convenience I would put 4 points.

The reliability of this type of investment highly depends on the choice of players. In addition, when purchasing a share, you do not sign any contracts and the player may “not want” to give you your share for winnings. 3 points for reliability.

You can buy a share from $10. But only novice players sell so cheaply; to buy a professional’s share you will need to invest 200-300 dollars. But it’s still better to start with small investments, so I bet 10 points for a low entry threshold.

There is no such thing as withdrawing money. You pay a share, and if a player gets into the prizes, you take the profit.

After you have made a deposit, all you have to do is wait for a positive outcome. You can no longer influence anything. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • The possibility of making a big profit if the player wins the tournament.


  • More suitable for people who understand poker.
  • The deal is based only on a verbal agreement with the player.
  • Typically, players earn more than sponsors.

Conclusion. Rather, backing is suitable for people who are well versed in poker. To an ordinary person It will be difficult to choose the "right" player.

6. Trust management in sports betting.

Most people view sports betting as gambling. But professional privateers earn a lot and consistently from betting on sporting events.

Many privateers create their own PAMM accounts, into which they actively attract investors. This type of investment is similar to PAMM accounts in the foreign exchange market.

In order to make a contribution, you need to register on the trust management platform and select several accounts for investment. 7 points for simplicity.

If you look at the profitability charts, you will see that top privateers increase the funds in their accounts by thousands of percent. Such income should be captivating. But on average, the returns from this investment method are much lower and deserve 6 points.

If you use the principle of diversification and invest in several PAMM accounts, then at least you will not lose the entire investment amount due to privateer’s mistakes. For reliability I would put 6 points.

You can start investing with very small amounts. For a low entry threshold 10 points.

You can withdraw money quickly and easily. 10 points.

After investing, you will need to monitor the selected PAMM accounts in order to transfer money between accounts in case they go into a loss or achieve maximum profitability. 6 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Short-term investment.
  • Independent portfolio development.
  • Low entry threshold and the ability to use a demo account.


  • Possibility of receiving a loss or losing the entire amount.

Conclusion. This investment method is very similar to investing in PAMM accounts in the Forex market. But it is not so famous due to the lack of advertising.

7. Startups (venture investments).

In recent years, stories of successful startups have been heard from everywhere. Everyone understands how profitable it would be to buy shares of young companies that in a few years would turn into large billion-dollar corporations.

The first way to invest in a startup is to enter into an investment agreement with the company directly. Some companies actively attract investors on their own by selling them future shares at reduced prices. An example of such a startup is Unitsky’s SkyWay.

You can also invest in a startup using crowdinvesting platforms and startup exchanges. Exchanges do not inspire confidence in me, since I consider them hype (read my review of ShareInStock). But many reputable sources call them real companies. When you go to the exchange, you will see audited and verified companies in which you can buy shares. All you have to do is choose a suitable startup and buy a share in it. For simplicity 7 points.

For purchasing shares on the stock exchange, the company will pay you dividends in the amount of 2% to 7% per month. In addition, an investor can sell his shares if the company develops and its shares increase in price. He can also sell shares if they lose value and he realizes that he has invested in a shell company. For profitability 6 points.

You need to understand that startups are a risky type of investment. According to statistics, 70% of them are unprofitable, and 20% of these 70% are simply scammers who embezzle investors' money. But even of those companies that are among the 30% of successful ones, half break up in the near future due to internal problems.

One of the ways to invest in startups is crowdinvesting platforms. Unfortunately, in Russia they are not very developed and the minimum amount of investment through them is quite high. But all companies represented on the site are subject to mandatory verification. There is also the opportunity to invest directly in startups. For reliability 6 points.

The barrier to entry into this type of investment is not high. 10 points.

If you decide to withdraw money or redistribute it within the share exchange by selling all or part of the purchased shares, then you will need to sell them on the exchange at a price below the market price. The lower the price you set, the faster your shares will be bought. 7 points.

To make the most profitable investment, you will have to devote your time. It will be necessary to track changes in the value of shares on the stock exchange, selling and buying them. There is no manager here, so you have to do everything yourself. 5 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Convenient and simple investment procedure.
  • Very low entry barrier.
  • High potential profitability.


  • High risks with passive investing.

Conclusion. If you decide to invest in startups, then it is better to use exchanges. You will pay about 5% for withdrawing money, but you will be protected from scammers.

8. Currencies and precious metals.

Surely, among your friends and acquaintances there is a person who, with a smart face, claims that money should be kept in gold (platinum, dollar, pound, yen, etc.). This approach says that the person does not understand investing, but simply uses popular “stereotypes”.

For example, if you look at the dynamics of gold prices, you will see that since 2012 it has depreciated against the dollar by almost one and a half times.

If you decide to do without the services of managers and buy precious metals or currency yourself to store money in, then this procedure will not be difficult.

You can buy currency at bank branches, or using the services of brokers (which will be more profitable than buying through a bank). You can also change currencies using online and offline exchange offices or payment systems.

Precious metals can also be bought in banks. And it became possible to purchase gold using the WebMoney payment system.

Also, do not forget about cryptocurrencies, for example, Bitcoin, which, according to all forecasts, will rise in price in the long term. Buying these assets will not be difficult, so I bet 8 points.

Buying precious metals or currencies for long-term investment primarily protects you from depreciation of the national currency. For many countries with weak currencies, this is a smart decision. But rates behave unpredictably, so there may not be any profitability. 2 points.

A beginner does not know which direction the exchange rate will go in the near future, so his investment is more like gambling. Even if people now prefer to keep money in dollars, what is the guarantee that oil will not rise in price in the near future along with the ruble?

You can probably protect yourself from the depreciation of the national currency by storing half of your money, for example, in dollars, and the other half in rubles. This way, if rates fluctuate, you won’t lose anything, but you won’t earn anything either.

Profitability depends on luck and I would bet everything 2 points.

The entry threshold depends on the type of asset and the method of purchase. On the exchange, 1 lot will cost at least $1,000, and through exchange offices or payment systems you can exchange amounts of several dollars. So anyone can buy currency or precious metals. 10 points.

You can sell currency as quickly as you can buy it. In exchange offices and stock exchanges this is done almost instantly. Gold is also a highly liquid asset. 10 points.

In general, trying to influence profits by tracking rates and then selling assets turns you into a trader. And I wouldn’t classify trading as investing. Therefore, I understand investing in currencies and precious metals as “invest and forget.” That's why 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • Can protect against depreciation of the national currency.


Conclusion. Buying precious metals and currencies is a very unpredictable way to invest money for a beginner. You can reduce risks and increase profitability either by entrusting money to a manager, or by independently studying trading in the foreign exchange market.

9. Securities.

I think most securities people are only familiar with stocks. The most financially literate will probably be able to name bonds. Only a few people know how to invest money in securities.

In fact, buying securities is no more difficult than buying currency. You also need to contact large bank or to a broker. 7 points for simplicity.

When a beginner buys securities, making a profit is a big question. And, if even a beginner can count on a small income when investing in bonds, then the stock market can bring a loss to a novice investor. 3 points for profitability.

In fact, usually low returns entail low risks, but not in this case. The risks are high in the stock market. 3 points for reliability.

You can start investing with a small amount. The entry threshold starts from approximately 1,000 rubles. 9 points.

Securities can be sold on the stock exchange in the same way you bought them. This asset is considered quite liquid. I bet 10 points.

Again, if a person begins to manage his securities on his own, then he already turns from an investor into a trader. Therefore, here we consider only passive investing. 10 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A simple investment procedure and a low entry threshold.


  • For a beginner, this is a risky and low-yield way of investing money.

Conclusion. If you have already decided to invest in securities, then it is better to contact a professional manager who will manage your funds for a small commission. As a newbie, investing in the stock market on your own is more like gambling than investing.

10. Real estate.

There is one stereotype among people: “ The safest investment is buying real estate" But do not forget that real estate includes not only apartments, but also various buildings, structures, water bodies, forests, etc.

In general, there is some truth in this, because many people want to save up for an extra apartment in their old age in order to rent it out and get a good increase in their pension. And if something happens, you can sell it and get good capital.

You can invest in residential or commercial real estate, under construction or already built, suburban or located within the city. The ease of investing also depends on the type of property you choose.

To invest in residential real estate, you will need to contact a realtor, look for suitable options, fill out a lot of documents and, possibly, make repairs. As for me, the procedure is quite dreary.

If you decide to buy commercial real estate, then the hassle becomes much greater. You will need to do accounting, pay taxes, manage facilities, and re-register energy supplies. On average I would give it for convenience 2 points.

As for profitability, from residential real estate you can receive no more than 1 percent per month for long-term rent. This is 7-10% per year. Renting residential properties on a daily basis turns into work and is not considered.

If you expect to sell it at a higher price after some time, then it is far from certain that prices will rise. In general, for profitability I would bet 3 points.

Real estate is indeed highly reliable. Unless, of course, this is a facility under construction.

Even if real estate prices fall, you will continue to receive a stable rental income. For reliability I put 9 points.

The entry threshold is high, even if it is a collective purchase of real estate. The minimum investment amount starts from several hundred thousand rubles. I'll put it 2 points.

It often happens that in order to sell real estate (especially commercial real estate) faster, you have to set a very low price. Sometimes properties cannot be sold for several months. I bet 3 points.

If we consider long-term rental of residential real estate, then we will not have to spend much time on management. You will need to find tenants once and then withdraw money once a month. 8 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A clear scheme for generating income.

Of course, here we will not talk about investing in creating a business from scratch, but about buying an existing company. Creating a business from scratch is hard work with unpredictable results. An investor is interested in an established business with streamlined processes that generates a stable income.

To find a company to buy, you can use newspapers or bulletin boards. But most often, the entrepreneur does not talk about the sale of his brainchild, so as not to raise doubts among employees and clients.

Therefore, they prefer to contact brokerage companies that will sell their business. They also distribute information about the sale among friends and acquaintances.

Once you have found a suitable business, you will need to audit it to ensure that business processes are in order. This whole procedure can turn into an insurmountable obstacle for a beginner. 1 point for simplicity and clarity.

Extremely profitable businesses are rarely sold, so you should count on average profitability. Of course, profitability greatly depends on the type of activity and quality of management. I'll put it 6 points.

Many people think that entrepreneurs only sell unprofitable businesses. But actually it is not. The reason for the sale may be: an urgent need for money, disagreements between owners, loss of interest, lack of time (especially if one entrepreneur has several types of business), etc.

The audit will help analyze the reliability, profitability and prospects of the business. Therefore, the chance of buying a loss-making asset is very small. I bet 7 points.

The barrier to entry into this type of investment is relatively high. Yes, there are very small companies, but they don’t cost a penny. Buying a profitable business with streamlined processes is similar in cost to buying real estate.

People often join together in groups to buy a business. For example, several friends and acquaintances buy a company together. But even in this case, the entry threshold remains high. I'll put it 2 points.

If you urgently need money, the company can be sold. If your business is unprofitable, then selling it will be difficult or almost impossible. It is easier to sell a profitable business, but most often this procedure takes a lot of time. That's why 3 points.

If you begin to independently manage the purchased company, you will turn from an investor into a businessman. Therefore, you will need to hire an executive director to manage your business. But even in this case, you will have to control it and analyze the company’s activities.

And you will need to select a manager yourself. That's why 2 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:

This method of investing is similar to investing in a business, but with a simpler purchasing and management process. Again, there is no need to create and promote a website. You can simply buy a ready-made project.

The website itself is more of a tool than an asset. The real asset is the audience that comes to this project every day. The site owner makes profit through advertising, affiliate programs and other sources of monetization.

To purchase a site, you can use the exchange. One of the most popular exchanges in RuNet is In the list of sites for sale, you can see all the information on the projects: audience size, profitability, development dynamics, payback period, etc.

The transaction is protected and takes place according to the rules of the auction, where the site goes to the buyer who offers the highest price. For simplicity we can put 4 points.

Typically, normal websites are sold at a price equal to the income from it for 12 months. That is, if a project brings in 20,000 rubles per month, then the fair price for it will be 240,000 rubles.

But in most cases, on such sites, monetization does not work 100%. Thus, after “tweaking” monetization, it will be possible to recoup the investment in 6-10 months. 7 points for profitability.

If the site is made with high quality and was promoted only by “white” methods, then such a contribution can be called reliable. Of course, if you want the project to bring you profit for many more years, then you need to do at least minimal work on it. But the project will be enough for a year or two without additional investments. 8 points for reliability.

In general, some sites are sold very cheaply. You can find it for 500 rubles. But such sites should not be of interest to investors.

You can buy one expensive and high-quality site, or several average ones. Therefore, I do not recommend starting with too small amounts. I'll put it at the entrance threshold 6 points.

If the project ceases to be of interest to you or you need money, you can always sell it on the same exchange. I bet for this 4 points.

When you buy a site that will bring you passive income, you can make a profit without working on it at all for a year or two. But, over time, without administration and updates, the project will lose its audience, bringing less and less income. I'll put it 4 points.

Pros and cons of this investment method:


  • A convenient investment amount for everyone.
  • High reliability of investments.
  • You can develop the project, increasing profits.


  • You need to have minimal knowledge about websites and how to monetize them, or seek help from an experienced specialist.

Conclusion. Investing in content, information and other similar sites is one of the best ways to invest. This type of investment can easily be turned into a business by working on purchased sites and increasing profits.

Which method do you like best?

    • Rules for experienced investors
    • Option No. 1. Bank deposit
    • Option No. 2. Investing in the stock market. Mutual funds
    • Option No. 3. Investing in the foreign exchange market
    • Option No. 4. Investing in real estate
    • Option No. 5. Investing in an apartment rental building
    • Option number 6. Investing in a business project
  • 5. Conclusion

Have you decided to make a fortune, but don’t know where to invest the money so that it works and is sure to generate income? Are you tormented by doubts or overcome by indecision? Believe me, this is normal. Every millionaire has gone through this.

Perhaps this article will help you find a foothold and get on the path to a new life. The experience of many wealthy people who have achieved success thanks to bold and wise investment decisions has been accumulated here. You will learn about time-tested methods of profitable investment and will be able to “try on” these methods for yourself, learning from other people’s examples, mistakes and achievements. We will analyze in detail in the article where to invest money so that it brings a high percentage of profitability.

Rules and ways of where you can invest money to make it work

1. Investing money to make a profit - rules and recommendations for investors

When setting out on this voyage, you need to choose the right course so as not to run into reefs and shoals. A novice investor also needs, at the very beginning of his journey, to decide on a direction that will provide him with maximum returns and minimum risks.

At the same time, one should not forget the common truth: Those who don't take risks have no chance to earn money. And one more golden rule for investors: big risks are proportional to big profits.

However, for the risks to be justified, the first investment must be made not in a bank, not in shares, not in precious metals, but... into yourself. This means that a novice capitalist needs to acquire the necessary knowledge about money and the tools for working with it. Only armed with theory can many risks in investment practice be prevented.

Rules for experienced investors

Rule 1. Creating a financial cushion is an indispensable condition for investing

One of the taboos of an experienced investor is to make investments without having a reliable financial base. In this case, we are not talking about bank deposits, which are not profitable, but rather a savings instrument.

Such a financial “rear” is created by monthly savings or the sale of expensive property.

Let's say, if you are used to living on the amount 100 thousand rubles per month, then before you start investing you must have a minimum 600 thousand rubles. Only those who have passive income can do without a financial cushion.

- financial flows that do not require daily effort (profit from business, rental of real estate, dividends on shares).

Rule 2. Diversification

For cash investments to work effectively, distribute them across various investment instruments and preferably across different sectors of the economy.

Remember the textbook example of a basket of eggs. If it tips over, all the eggs will break. Therefore, by dividing your money and investing it in different areas (companies), you will not be left hanging if one of these areas (companies) becomes unprofitable. The rest of your investments will “pull out” your funds, preventing your entire capital from “going to the bottom.”

For example, invest 30 % funds to the bank, 30 % in the oil and gas sector, 3 0 % into the production sector, and 10 % - to the food store. In this case, all the instruments in your investment portfolio are shares, rental property, profitable business, bank deposit– will be resistant to market metamorphoses.

Keep in mind that you can also buy real estate thanks to maternity capital - everything about maternity capital 2019-2020.

Rule 3. Keep all possible risks under control

If you don't lose, you can't make money - all investors have to put up with this condition. But at the same time, experienced financiers try to manage their funds in such a way as to lose as little as possible and earn as much as possible.

Beginners tend to overestimate their strength and become overzealous. They want a lightning-fast blitzkrieg - and often find themselves left behind. Money does not like haste and aggression.

The art of investing – this is, first of all, thoughtfulness, balance and gradual – STEP BY STEP – progress.

You need to act according to the principle: from simple to complex, from conservative to avant-garde. Start with, say, a thousand dollars and invest it in an area in which you are good (We recommend reading -). Swore off adventures with money borrowed at interest, investing it in one actively advertised, but rather vague “business”.

This could all end complete financial fiasco, burdened with an unbearable burden of credit.

We recommend! Take your time: It was not for nothing that Ostap Bender reminded his impatient partner that “cats will be born soon.” Remember how carefully the great strategist himself carefully scrutinized his strategy in order to achieve his cherished goal.

Rule 4. Look for co-investors: this will multiply your opportunities

By joining forces with other investors and creating a “common pot”, called a “pool” in the language of financiers, you will achieve maximum return on investment.

Let's say you come across a promising project or an attractive investment instrument. And you don’t have enough free money at the moment. The most reasonable thing in this case is to involve in this business those who will also like this investment idea, and together with them invest funds on an equal basis. (We recommend reading -)

Today, a popular topic for investors has become PAMM accounts. We are talking about transferring your assets to trust management to a professional manager (trader), who receives a percentage as a reward for successful financial transactions. If the trader’s management turns out to be ineffective, work with him is terminated.

If such a PAMM account is created by several investors and transfer their PAMM into trust management, then risks of losses are distributed among all- in proportion to the invested amounts.

I follow this investment scheme, investors sacrificing a small percentage of their funds (usually 10-20 % ), significantly increase their income and reduce risks.

Rule 5. Creating passive income is no less important than multiplying assets

According to the famous American entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki, passive income is a key condition for financial freedom. By his definition, assets are not only income generators (rent, investments, business), but also income sinks (houses, cars, liabilities).

Therefore, to get rich, you must not only have assets, but also master the lever that allows you to obtain these assets again and again. Passive income performs this function.

Let's look at this rule for clear example. Let's say you invested 50 thousand rubles and after a year received 75 thousand rubles. So your money generated 30% profit. But you have no guarantee that next time you will earn the same amount. After all, such a “profit” significantly exceeds banking, which means that the risks of this method of earning money are much higher. In the event of force majeure, you risk losing most of your capital or even losing the entire invested amount.

Now imagine that for the same 50 thousand rubles you first created your own passive income. It brings you a stable 1.5 thousand rubles per month, or 18 thousand rubles per year. You can now get a loan of 50 thousand rubles to use it as an investment. In this case, your passive income will be a reliable guarantee loan repayment.

2. How much can you start investing with?

If you want to start investing with a bank deposit or buying shares, then any amount will do. You can start with at least a hundred dollars.

If you have not yet accumulated starting capital, start saving monthly 10-15 % from your income. This is an easy way to create a financial reserve that will grow as your income grows. This way you will develop a very useful habit - to control your expenses without increasing them as you accumulate money.

A striking example of prudent handling of finances is Mark Zuckerberg. This millionaire has a Spartan lifestyle. The rich man sleeps on a mattress laid out on the floor. The only furniture I purchased was a table and a chair. The founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg does not have access to the Internet.

And this is not an isolated case of austerity among more than prosperous people. There are enough jokes in the gossip columns about “greedy” millionaires walking around in torn socks, hoarding used tea bags and being content with only carrots for breakfast.

However, what in layman’s language is called “greed” is called “smart saving” by millionaires and billionaires. The most successful of them have mastered the science of living within their means better than anyone else.

Strive to achieve a balance between your income and expenses - and you can become one of them.

3. Where to invest money to make it work: 5 profitable investment options

Today, novice investors have a lot of temptations. The Internet is replete with paid special courses that promise a miraculous transformation into a millionaire in a couple of days; you just need to follow their recommendations on where to invest money and when to expect profits.

However, often such “freaky” recipes are nothing more than a veiled scam, designed for naive people who are greedy for easy money.

You should become familiar with the classic ways of investing. They will allow you to invest your savings in understandable instruments, which will lead you to predictable income and eliminate excessive risks.

Option No. 1. Bank deposit

This method is the most popular, but its income is minimal. But it saves money from inflation, especially when it comes to small deposits. Typically, banks have significantly different deposit conditions. Moreover, each financial institution provides clients with a choice of several types of deposits.

The optimal interest rate on the deposit is not lower than the refinancing rate. In this case, nothing threatens the investor’s money. Today in Russia there are many banks whose interest rates reach 10-12 % . Sberbank is traditionally considered the most reliable financial institution, although it does not have a high interest rate on deposits

Many banks provide clients with the opportunity to open deposits in any currency: rubles, euros or dollars . In some you can even open metal deposits ( silver, platinum, gold). Such an account holder receives income when precious metal prices rise. True, it is not guaranteed, since prices for precious metals may decline.

For reliability, it is recommended to open a deposit not in one, but in several reputable banks at once. Unfortunately, no financial institution is immune from bankruptcy. But banks don't all go bankrupt at the same time. The most weak link In the banking system there are small banks.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, if a bank loses its license, the insurance payment on the deposit is equal to one million rubles, i.e. amount in 1,000,000 rubles you will definitely receive from the state. This guarantees clients of a bankrupt bank compensation for their funds if the deposit amount did not exceed the insurance amount.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in a bank deposit

Advantages of a bank deposit (+):

  • accessibility and simplicity;
  • low risks;
  • high liquidity (there is always the opportunity to withdraw money);
  • The investment threshold is minimal (a thousand rubles is enough).

Flaws (- ):

  • low profit level;
  • loss of income due to early withdrawal of funds.

Option number 2. Investing in the stock market. Mutual funds

Stock market is a place for buying and selling securities: stocks, futures, bonds, etc.

This is a vast field of activity for those who have free assets and expect large incomes, taking into account the multiple risks hidden in operations on the stock market.

Based on the duration of investing money in securities, investors are divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term (speculators).

The first type (long-term) are investors who make purchases for several years with a long-term perspective. The cohort of these investors includes the most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett.

Medium-term traders buy securities for several months or weeks, while short-term traders hold purchases from several weeks to a couple of minutes.

You can manage your investments yourself, or you can contact a reliable brokerage company or entrust the affairs to a trader. In addition, there are mutual investment funds (UIFs) where money is invested.

Let’s take a closer look at this new form of collective investment for Russians.

mutual fund - these are the funds of several investors who have combined their securities into one investment portfolio and transferred them to trust management of the management company.

Mutual funds are open, closed and interval.

With an open fund an investor (depositor) can sell or buy his share at any day, with interval- only at certain times (several times a year), and when closed– exclusively upon completion of the project.

The following investment instruments can be used in a mutual fund: cash, bonds, shares, real estate. The most popular are mixed investment funds.

The income of shareholders is determined by the increase in the value of their shares, which can either increase or decrease depending on fluctuations in the market value of securities. Therefore, shareholders bear the risk of losses, because the profitability of the fund is not ensured by either its management company or the state.

Each mutual fund investor receives income exclusively from the reverse sale of their shares. If the market value of shares or bonds held in the fund increases, the value of the shares also increases. At the same time, the activities of the management company are controlled by the Federal Securities Commission, thanks to which the funds of shareholders cannot “dissolve in the fog.” In the event of bankruptcy of the management company, the mutual fund does not “evaporate”, but is transferred to the disposal of another company.

To compensate for expenses associated with the issuance and redemption of shares, surcharges to the cost of shares when issuing them and discounts when redeeming them. The premium when purchasing shares practically reduces the number of shares recorded in the shareholder’s register. And the discount reduces the amount of money given to him in case of redemption of shares. This constitutes direct expenses of the shareholder. The maximum amount of the allowance does not exceed yes 1,5 % from calculation net value of the share. The maximum discount amount is not higher 3 % from the estimated value of the share.

Monetary remunerations are paid to the management company, depository, registrar, appraiser and auditor from the property of the mutual fund. Their total is no more than 10% from the annual value of mutual fund assets. In addition, investors pay taxes on their income earned in the fund. Residents of the Russian Federation pay tax at a rate of 13%, non-residents – 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual funds and the stock market

Advantages (+):

  • small initial investment (from a thousand rubles);
  • wide range of investment instruments;
  • a fairly high percentage for each reporting period;
  • receiving dividends;
  • independent compilation of an investment portfolio, allowing you to correlate risks with projected returns;
  • information transparency: the management company regularly publishes full reports on its activities.

Disadvantages of investing in the stock market and mutual funds (-):

  • complexity of the investment procedure;
  • high risks (there is no 100% guarantee of profitability);
  • the need to acquire special knowledge in case you have to manage the investment portfolio yourself

Option number 3. Investing in the foreign exchange market

The English word “FX-market”, or “Forex” (in Russian Forex), refers to the global foreign exchange market. All types of currencies are converted here. This is a real Klondike for speculative traders who carry out most of their trading operations throughout the day. This allows some of them to multiply their capital several times in just a few weeks. We recommend reading what Forex is and how it works. From the article you will find out whether it is possible to earn money and whether it is realistic to do it without investment.

However, on Forex you can either earn a lot quickly and a lot, or lose everything overnight. Huge risks always accompany crazy luck here. The field of foreign exchange deposits favors only professionals with deep knowledge in the field of finance. If you want to learn more about how to trade on the Forex market, then read.

Fortune also smiles on Forex for emotionally stable individuals. Therefore, newcomers are the first to lose their money here. They tend to squander quickly and rarely return after the first serious failure. Only those who believe in luck remain and are distinguished by diligence, iron discipline and vigilance.

We recommend! You need to be extremely careful about the numerous offers from Forex brokers. Among these companies there are many that, when concluding a contract with you, do not intend to bring your trading transactions to the real market. As a result, all your money will smoothly flow into their accounts, and you will be left in the cold.

To prevent this from happening, before making a responsible investment decision, “test the waters” well: start monitoring customer reviews, visit the office of the brokerage company, get to know the management - in a word, make sure that the assistant you choose really trustworthy.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in Forex

Advantages of investing money in Forex (+):

  • a small amount for entry (from a hundred dollars);
  • the opportunity to earn a lot and quickly;
  • a wide selection of currency pairs for trading transactions.

Flaws (- ):

  • the need for special knowledge and technical skills;
  • extremely high risks

Option number 4. Investing in real estate

Both commercial and residential real estate, as well as a body of water, a ship, a plot of land, an airplane and even a spacecraft (in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) can act as an investment instrument.

It is clear that the more expensive the property, the greater the profit it will give, but at the same time it will require greater literacy from the investor.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in real estate

Advantages (+):

  • the opportunity to have passive income by renting out real estate;
  • the opportunity to make good money when selling real estate;
  • the surest way to save money during inflation;
  • the possibility of targeted use of material assets (real estate is square kilometers on which you can locate your own business or use them for living).

Disadvantages of investing in real estate (-):

  • a fairly high entry bar (hundreds of thousands or more);
  • low level of liquidity (difficult to sell quickly without a noticeable loss of value);
  • exposure to damage and even loss (natural disasters, accidents, damage by unscrupulous tenants), which requires the allocation of additional funds for the insurance of tangible assets.

Option number 5. Investing in a multi-apartment rental building

In general, this is a type of investment in real estate, but it is worth highlighting separately due to the many features of this investment scheme. Unlike a regular investment in housing, which you can later resell, investing in an apartment rental building allows you to start making a profit within 2-3 months and achieve a cash flow of 100-300 thousand rubles per month.

The point of this investment scheme is that you buy or rent big house, divide it into apartments and start renting out all the housing separately. The scheme generates much more profit than renting out the entire house to one family. Of course, this type of investing requires preparation and careful planning. We encourage you to use our free business plan on how to set up an apartment building and start making money from it.

Download your free business plan

Business on apartment buildings from scratch

Watch a video from a successful investor who has already started making money on the created apartment building:

Option number 6. Investing in a business project

If you have commercial experience and are not devoid of entrepreneurial spirit, then investing money in a business - your own or someone else's - is one of the best solutions. True, there are pitfalls here too, but they can be easily avoided if you have the financial reins in your hands.

But you and only you will determine the directions of cash flows, which will ensure maximum return from them. It is not for nothing that many financiers believe that investing in your own business is the main condition for its rapid rise and prosperity.

Investing in your business is a profitable and correct investment

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in your business

Advantages (+):

  • the ability to effectively build business processes and regulate them through the ownership of monetary levers;
  • the ability to easily and quickly find co-investors and thus attract substantial capital to the business;
  • advantages in obtaining a loan compared to other investment ones.

Disadvantages of investing money in your business (-):

  • large risks in conditions of market competition, requiring business insurance;
  • low liquidity: many assets, such as equipment, are difficult to sell without significant loss of time and money;
  • the possibility of losing a stake in the business when co-investors are attracted to it.

4. Where not to invest money

You should not tempt fate by entrusting your savings to the authors of dubious projects (casinos, slot machines, all kinds of pyramids) and other adventurers from the high road. Getting involved with them is like robbing yourself.

Particular caution should be exercised towards businessmen who are in conflict with the Criminal Code: drug dealers, sellers of weapons and other contraband, organizers of brothels, owners of front companies.

It is also better not to have anything to do with schemers operating in the real estate industry. Otherwise, you will be involved in their corruption schemes or become accomplices in such morally unacceptable acts as, for example, the eviction of lonely elderly people.

It is unlikely that a normal person needs money at such a price. Moreover, there are many other - honest, socially acceptable, not contrary to human morality - ways to make money. Do them, you will not only gain financial well-being and independence, but also a reputation as a worthy person.

5. Conclusion

The expression “movement is life” suits not only a living organism, but also money. If they don't move, don't work - they weaken, become smaller and disappear. Losing their activity, they become dead capital, victims of inflation.

In this review, we talked about the main and popular ways to invest your money, and also reviewed the rules and recommendations of successful investors who have gained financial independence

In this article, you learned about the most popular methods of investing free money that allow you to increase your capital; reviewed the basic principles of investment; got acquainted with examples from the lives of the most successful millionaires on the planet.

Now that you have become a financially literate person, become rich