Well      04/02/2019

Loading rules and overall dimensions for the machine. Transportation of oversized cargo

Exist standard requirements and the rules according to which the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo is carried out. Traffic regulations clearly regulate the specifics of their transportation along roads located in the territory of Russian Federation.

What is oversized cargo?

Any object to be transported with parameters exceeding the dimensions established by traffic regulations is called oversized (heavy) cargo. It does not have a clear definition and consists of a number of requirements that apply to the loading platform and the condition of the road surface.

The main parameters of cargo include height, length, width and weight. If an object exceeds the permissible values ​​for one of these indicators, it is considered to be oversized cargo.

The difficulties of transporting oversized cargo are primarily related to the characteristics of the roads and the presence of tunnels and bridges along the route, which have restrictions on the height of arches and passages, as well as carrying capacity. This also includes road intersections with railway crossings, as well as the availability of communication and power lines. Transportation may also be limited by weather conditions and type of road surface.

Examples of oversized cargo include some types of agricultural machinery, boats and yachts, drilling rigs, turbines, concrete products and other objects of various shapes, sizes and heavy weight. Thus, any object can be considered oversized if, due to the characteristics of its shape, size, weight and other parameters, it cannot be transported in a closed vehicle (for example, using containers of standard sizes).

Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo

According to paragraph 23.3 of the traffic rules, transportation of oversized and heavy cargo, if they do not affect the quality of the driver’s view, do not impair the stability of the vehicle, and do not obscure the visibility of reflectors, identification marks and lighting devices.

Oversized cargo should not create noise, impair visibility on the roadway for other road users by raising dust, cause mechanical damage to the road surface, or have a negative impact on the environment.

Clause 23.4 of the traffic rules states that if the transported object exceeds the transport platform in size by more than 1 m in front and behind, as well as by 0.4 m on one or each of its sides, the cargo must be equipped with a special reflective sign “ Large cargo."

Important: Transportation of oversized items in low light conditions or at night is permitted only if the following conditions are met: a white reflector or lantern must be attached to the front of the object, and a red reflector to the rear. In addition, the vehicle must be equipped with orange and yellow flashing lights.

When transporting oversized cargo by road, the speed of the vehicle should not exceed 60 km/h (when driving on bridges - 15 km/h). At the same time, the driver does not have the right to independently change the route, which is agreed in advance with government agencies. This is due to the load that highways, roads and structures located on a certain route can withstand.

Loads, depending on their weight and dimensions, are conventionally divided into 2 categories (taking into account the vehicle) - with a load on each axle and permissible dimensions (length, width, height). Thus, a vehicle platform is considered a heavy load if its mass or axle load exceeds the established values. Oversized cargo is considered to be such transport (regardless of whether it is loaded or not), the dimensions of which exceed the permissible dimensions.

The instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation today regulate the transportation of oversized cargo and are the main regulatory document that allows their transportation by road. At the same time, any objects belonging to the category of heavy and oversized cargo are allowed for transportation subject to strict compliance with the Russian Federation traffic rules, transportation rules, as well as special requirements that are specified in the relevant permit.

An important regulatory document regulating the procedure for compensation for damage caused to roads and various structures by cargo vehicles is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 962 of September 29, 1995. Its provisions apply to transport companies and drivers transporting heavy and oversized cargo on roads, located on the territory of Russia.

Important: To transport oversized items, owners of transport companies must obtain a special permit. This can be done by submitting an application to the relevant road authorities, which are located in the region from which the truck route is planned. To obtain permission to transport oversized cargo of all categories outside the Russian Federation, an application must be submitted to the Ministry of Transport of Russia or any of its divisions. If the route passes through the roads federal significance, a corresponding application should be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration service. To obtain permission to transport heavy and oversized objects along a route that runs along roads belonging to constituent entities of the Russian Federation, you must contact the territorial highway authorities (at the location of the carrier company’s vehicles).

According to the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo, applications from carriers are submitted in a strictly prescribed form. It must contain the following information:

  • data on organizations coordinating the transportation of oversized items;
  • the exact dimensions, category and nature of the cargo being transported;
  • weight and size indicators of the vehicle;
  • terms of transportation of oversized items of certain categories;
  • detailed itinerary;
  • type, name, purpose and throughput of highways.

Permission for the transportation of oversized cargo can be issued by government authorities one-time or for a certain period. This depends on the category to which the objects to be transported belong, as well as on the type and characteristics of their transportation. The received one-time permit indicates the exact route of the transport with the cargo and the deadlines agreed in advance. It is valid only once.

As for documents issued for a specific period, they allow the transportation of oversized cargo of the first category and can be valid for 1-3 months. To obtain permission to transport heavy and oversized cargo of the second category, a motor transport company is required to submit diagrams:

  • road trains with depicted vehicles taking part in transportation;
  • location of axles and wheels on vehicles;
  • distribution of axial loads.

The carrier company receives permission in government agencies highway management, which also coordinate the transportation of oversized cargo along the route with balance holders of communications and various structures (overpasses, subways, underground pipelines, power lines, etc.), authorized bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as regional departments of railways.

After obtaining the appropriate permit, transportation must be coordinated with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Requirements for the transportation of oversized items must be agreed upon to ensure traffic safety. The carrier must obtain from the road inspection a special-type pass giving the right to carry out transportation, which should be placed on the windshield of the truck.

It is mandatory that representatives of the road inspection determine the need to accompany oversized and heavy cargo. For this the following can be used:

  • traffic police patrol cars;
  • tractors;
  • cover cars.

Please note that cover vehicles are used to escort cargo if the vehicle width exceeds 3.5 m, and also if the road train used to transport oversized cargo is more than 24 m in length. Tractors and cover vehicles must be allocated for the transportation of oversized cargo by the carrier company or the sender of the cargo.

A traffic police patrol car takes part in the transportation of cargo if the vehicle is wider than 4 m, the length of the road train is more than 30 m, and the object being transported belongs to the second category. This should also include cases when the vehicle loading platform in use is forced to occupy part of the road in the oncoming traffic lane.

Oversized cargo is accompanied by patrol cars on a contractual basis. When using cover vehicles, the latter must be equipped with flashing lights. Such vehicles move at a distance of 15-20 m to the left in relation to the escorted vehicle that is carrying cargo, so that the width of its overall dimensions extends beyond the width of the accompanied vehicle.

If you have to move across the bridge, the position of the vehicles and the distance must also be agreed upon with the traffic police, drawing up a specific route map.

Important: if due to a number of circumstances there is a need to change the route when transporting oversized cargo, the carrier company is required to obtain the appropriate permission.

Owners of motor transport enterprises, officials and drivers for violation of the rules for the transportation of goods and operation of vehicles, which are established by manufacturers, are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Permissible cargo dimensions for transportation by road

Transportation of heavy and non-standard-sized cargo in accordance with traffic regulations is carried out by special vehicles. The weight of oversized items should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​set by manufacturers various types TS. As for the dimensions of the cargo being transported, they must not limit the driver’s visibility and not interfere with driving.

So, if the cargo extends beyond the boundaries of the vehicle, it must be marked with a special sign “Large cargo”, and in the absence of the latter - with scraps of red or white fabric, lanterns or reflectors.

For trucks

Transportation of extraordinary cargo exceeding any of the established standard parameters, is carried out according to the rules with the help of oversized transport. So, for objects transported by trucks, the following allowable dimensions:

  • length – 22 m;
  • height – 4 m;
  • width – 2.65 m;
  • weight - 40 tons.

If necessary, the length of the transported cargo on the rear side of the vehicle can be increased to 2 m, while the presence of identification marks is a mandatory condition for transportation.

For passenger cars

If the load exceeds the length passenger car 1 m and 0.4 m wide, it must also be marked with a special sign or a piece of red material. When transporting in the dark, an additional lamp or sign made of reflective material should be installed. It is prohibited to transport cargo whose height (from the road level) exceeds 4 m, and whose weight exceeds the values ​​​​established by the vehicle manufacturer.

Sign "Oversized cargo" - dimensions

An identification sign indicating the transportation of oversized cargo by vehicles is called “Oversized cargo”. The traffic rules determine the dimensions of this sign, which looks like a square with a side length of 0.4 m. Inside it there are white and red stripes alternating at a certain angle, the width of which is 50 mm (GOST R12.4.026-2001).
This sign must be applied to oversized cargo. It can be purchased or made independently in the form of a sticker or pattern made from reflective materials.

Fine for oversize

According to Art. 12.21 of the Traffic Regulations, in case of violation of the rules for transporting goods, the driver may be punished with a warning or fined 500 rubles. This can happen if there is no special sign, the object being transported is not securely fixed on the vehicle, or the cargo makes a lot of noise or generates dust. These penalties apply to owners of vehicles transporting goods that do not require special permission.

If a vehicle carrying an unusual load exceeds the permissible dimensions by no more than 10 cm in the absence of a special permit, or if the dimensions do not exceed by 10 cm the parameters specified in the permit, or if the load on the vehicle axle exceeds the parameters specified in the permit from 2 to 10%, this entails the imposition of an administrative fine. For drivers, its size is 1-1.5 thousand rubles, for officials - 10-15 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 100-150 thousand rubles. If the above violations are recorded technical means photography and video shooting, the owner of a trucking company can be fined 150 thousand rubles.

If the dimensions of the vehicle exceed established dimensions by 0.1 m (but not more than 0.2 m), and also if its weight or axle load exceeds the permissible value by 10% (but not more than 20%) without the appropriate permission, the following fines are provided: for drivers - 3-4 thousand rubles, for officials - 25-30 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 250-300 thousand rubles. In case of photo or video recording, the owner of the vehicle will be fined 300 thousand rubles.

If the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded by 20 to 50 cm, as well as if the weight or axle load exceeds the permissible by 20-50% without special permission, the following fines are imposed. Drivers – 5-10 thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 to 4 months. Officials responsible for the transportation of oversized items can be fined 35-40 thousand rubles, legal entities - from 350 to 400 thousand rubles. In case of photo or video recording of violations, the fine will be 400 thousand for legal entities.

If the dimensions of the vehicle exceed the permissible values ​​by 50 cm, and also if its mass or axial load is more than 50% of the designated norm, with the appropriate permit, the driver will be fined 7-10 thousand rubles or deprived of his license for a period of 4 to 6 months . For officials, a fine of 45-50 thousand rubles is provided, and for legal entities - 400-500 thousand rubles (for photo or video recording of a violation - 500 thousand).

If the shipper provides inaccurate information about the dimensions, weight, transportation route of the cargo, and also does not indicate the number and date of the special permit, penalties for drivers will amount to 1-1.5 thousand rubles. The fine for officials is 15-20 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 200-300 thousand rubles.

If the permissible weight, axle load of the vehicle, and dimensions exceed the values ​​​​specified in the permit, individual entrepreneurs or legal entities will be punished in the form of penalties. For individual entrepreneurs, their size will be 80-100 thousand rubles, for carrier companies - 250-400 thousand rubles.

If you fail to comply with the requirements of mandatory road signs that prohibit the movement of vehicles whose mass or axle load does not correspond to those specified, the administrative fine will be 5 thousand rubles.

When is it not allowed to transport oversized goods by road?

There are certain situations in which transportation of heavy and oversized cargo is not permitted. The rules for the transportation of oversized cargo prohibit:

  • exceed the established speed of movement of vehicles;
  • independently change the established route;
  • transport cargo in icy conditions;
  • transport oversized items without permits and passes;
  • to move along the road shoulders without a special permit;
  • stop vehicles on roads in violation of traffic rules;
  • carry out the transportation of goods on a faulty vehicle.

Carriers are required to strictly comply with the rules for transporting oversized and heavy cargo. This will avoid paying significant fines, ensure the safety of road users and the quality of delivery.



Moscow, 1999

(FDS of Russia)



On approval of the standards “Maximum masses and dimensions of vehicles operated on highways” common use»

In order to ensure road safety, reliability and safety of public roads and road structures, taking into account their bearing capacity and carrying capacity I ORDER: 1 . Approve the attached standards “Maximum weights and dimensions of vehicles operated on public roads”, agreed with the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2. The Department for Ensuring the Safety of Roads of the FDS of Russia (Sorokin S.F.) together with the Legal Department of the FDS of Russia (Enikeev Sh.S.) to agree on in the prescribed manner with interested ministries and departments and submit before June 1, 1999 for approval to the leadership of the FDS of Russia “Rules for the passage of heavy and (or) large vehicles on public roads” and “Instructions on the procedure for compensation for damage caused by heavy vehicles when driving on public roads." 3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the deputy head of the FDS of Russia I.A. Urmanov. Head V.G. Artyukhov



Moscow, 1999

1 . General provisions

1.1. The provisions set out in these standards relate to the weight and dimensions of vehicles permitted for use in the Russian Federation on public roads, established on the basis of the requirements for ensuring road safety, reliability and safety of highways and road structures, taking into account their load-bearing capacity and load capacity. The restrictions on the weight and dimensions of vehicles set out below do not apply to the production of vehicles, the requirements for which are established by other standards and regulations. 1.2. Vehicles or parts thereof, forming part of combined vehicles, the dimensions, as well as the total weight and axle load of which do not exceed the values ​​​​established by sections 3, 4 and 5 of these standards, are allowed to travel on federal and territorial public roads. For other highways designed and built for loads lower than those specified in sections 3, 4 and 5, highway owners may set other (smaller) vehicle weight limits; for federal highways - by the Federal Road Service of Russia; for territorial highways roads - by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for municipal roads - by local government bodies. Decisions to reduce the dimensions and weights of vehicles listed below are made based on the results of a road survey and may be permanent or temporary. In this case, the body that made such a decision is obliged, in accordance with the established procedure, to install the appropriate road signs on the highway or its section on which additional restrictions on the weight and size of vehicles have been introduced and to inform road users about this. 1.3. A vehicle and its part forming a combined vehicle, the mass and/or axle load of which and/or the size of which exceed the maximum values ​​​​established by these standards, may be driven on roads only with special permits issued in the prescribed manner by the competent authorities. The movement of such vehicles on roads is carried out in accordance with the “Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia 27. 05.96 1.4. In addition to the maximum values ​​of the total mass and axle loads established by these requirements, the mass of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for a specific vehicle. 1.5. For the purposes of these standards, the following concepts and definitions are used: Vehicle - a device intended for transporting goods and passengers along roads; Truck - a vehicle designed and built exclusively or primarily for the transport of goods; Tractor means a vehicle designed and constructed solely or primarily for towing a trailer or semi-trailer; Trailer - a vehicle intended for the transportation of goods by towing by a tractor or truck; Semi-trailer - specially equipped for the transportation of goods, designed to be connected to a tractor in such a way that part of this vehicle is located directly on the tractor and transfers a significant portion of its weight to it; Road train is a combined vehicle consisting of a truck and a trailer; Articulated vehicle - a combination vehicle consisting of a tractor unit articulated with a semi-trailer; Bus - a vehicle designed to transport passengers and their luggage, having more than nine seats, including a seat for the driver; Articulated bus- a bus consisting of two or more rigid sections connected to each other and having a passenger compartment in each section, allowing passengers to move freely from one compartment to another; Combined vehicle- a combination of a truck consisting of a truck connected to a semi-trailer; Maximum length, width and height of the vehicle - length, width and height of the vehicle with or without cargo, not exceeding the values ​​specified in Section 3 of these standards; Maximum linear parameters of the vehicle - linear parameters not exceeding the values ​​specified in section 3 of these standards; Maximum vehicle weight- the weight of the vehicle with or without cargo, which does not exceed the values ​​specified in Section 4 of these standards; - mass transmitted through the vehicle axle to the surface of the road, not exceeding the standard value; Indivisible cargo- cargo which, when transported by road, cannot be divided into two or more parts without excessive cost or risk of damage and which, when loaded onto a vehicle, will exceed its maximum dimensions and weight; Air suspension- a suspension system in which the shock-absorbing element is air; Cart- two or more axles having a common suspension to the vehicle; Single axis- the axle of a vehicle located at a distance of more than 1.8 m from the nearest axle of this vehicle; Closed axes- axles (two or more) of a vehicle located at a distance between them of less than 1.8 m.

2. Measuring the weight and dimensions of vehicles

2.1. The length of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.1. However, when measuring length in accordance with the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle are not taken into account: window cleaning device and mud flaps; front and side marking plates; devices for sealing and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; equipment for electric lighting; rear view mirrors; devices for viewing the space behind the car; air tubes; length of valves and connectors for connection to trailers or swap bodies; steps for access to the body; tire lift; lifting platforms, access steps and similar equipment not exceeding 200 mm in operating position and designed in such a way that they do not increase the vehicle's loading weight limit; coupling devices for towing vehicles or trailers. 2.2. Vehicle height is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.3. Moreover, when measuring height, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: antennas; pantograph in raised position. For vehicles equipped with a device for lifting an axle, the effect of this device is taken into account. 2.3. The width of the vehicle is measured in accordance with ISO 612-1978 clause 6.2. When measuring the width of a vehicle, taking into account the provisions of this standard, the following devices mounted on the vehicle should not be taken into account: devices for seals and seals and protective devices for them; devices for securing tarpaulins and protective devices for them; devices for identifying tire damage ; protruding flexible parts of mudguards; Lightning equipment; steps in the operative position, suspended platforms and similar equipment which, in the operative position, do not exceed 10 mm on each side of the vehicle and face forward or rearward, the corners of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 5 mm, and the edges of which are rounded with a radius of not less than 2 .5 mm; rearview mirrors; tire pressure indicators; retractable or retractable steps; the curved portion of a tire's surface that extends beyond its point of contact with the ground. 2.4. The axial mass of a vehicle is measured with a dynamic vertical load transmitted through a single axle to the surface of the road from a loaded vehicle. The measurement is carried out with special vehicle scales that have been certified in the prescribed manner. The axial mass of a trolley located on one suspension, taking into account the design of the vehicle, is determined as the sum of the measurements of the mass of each of the axles included in the trolley. 2.5. The gross mass of a vehicle or part thereof forming part of a combination vehicle is determined as the sum of the measured masses of all axles of the vehicle or part thereof.

3 . Maximum dimensions and other vehicle parameters

The maximum dimensions of vehicles, taking into account the dimensions of swap bodies and cargo containers, including containers, must not exceed the values ​​given below. 3.1. Maximum length: truck - 12.00 m trailer - 12.00 m articulated vehicle - 16.5 m articulated bus - 18.00 m road train - 20.00 m 3.2. Maximum width: all vehicles - 2.50 m 3.3. Maximum height - 4.00 m 3.4. The maximum distance between the axle of the coupling device and the rear of the semi-trailer must not exceed 12.00 m. 3.5. The maximum distance measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train from the outer front point of the body or the cargo stowage area behind the cab to the rear outer point of the trailer, minus the distance between the rear of the tractor and the front of the trailer, shall not exceed 15.65 m. 3.6. The maximum distance, measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the road train, from the outer front point of the body or platform for loading cargo behind the cab to the rear outer point of the semi-trailer must not exceed 16.40 m. 3.7. The load installed in the body of the vehicle must not protrude beyond the rear outer point of the vehicle or trailer by more than 2.00 m. 3.8. The distance between the rear axle of the truck and the front axle of the trailer must be at least 3.00 m. 3.9. The horizontally measured distance between the semi-trailer's hinge axis and any point on the front of the semi-trailer must not exceed 2.04 m. 3.10. When moving, any vehicle must be able to turn within a space limited by an outer radius of 12.50 m and an inner radius of 5.30 m. 3.11. The maximum distance between the coupling locking axis and the rear of the combination vehicle must not exceed 12.00 m.

4 . Standard total weight of vehicles*

* The standard total mass of vehicles is not allowed to be exceeded by more than 20%.

Table 4.1

Vehicle type

Standard total weight of the vehicle, t

Trucks a) two-axle vehicle
b) three-axle car
d) a four-axle vehicle with two driven axles, each of which consists of two pairs of wheels and has air or equivalent suspension
Vehicles forming part of a combination vehicle a) two-axle trailer
b) three-axle trailer
Combined vehicles Articulated vehicles
a) a two-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.2 m or more
b) a two-axle tractor with a three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
c) a three-axle tractor with a two-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 11.7 m or more
d) three-axle tractor with three-axle semi-trailer with a total base of 12.1 or more
e) a vehicle consisting of an 18-ton truck and a 20-ton semi-trailer if the vehicle has a drive axle consisting of twin wheels and is equipped with an air or equivalent suspension with a total base of 13.3 m or more
Road trains a) two-axle truck with two-axle trailer with a total base of 12.1 m or more
b) a two-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
c) a two-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 16.5 m or more
d) a three-axle truck with a two-axle trailer with a total base of 14.6 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a three-axle trailer with a total base of 15.9 m or more
e) a three-axle truck with a four-axle trailer with a total base of 18 m or more
Buses a) two-axle bus
b) three-axle bus
c) three-axle articulated bus
d) four-axle articulated bus

5 . Standard axle loads of vehicles

Table 5.1.

Standard axle loads of vehicles *

* Axle loads of vehicles should not exceed standard axle loads by more than 40%.

Types of vehicle axles

Estimated axial load for which the road pavement is designed, tf



Single axes
Twin trailer axles, semi-trailers, drive axles of trucks and buses at distances between axles:
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
Triple axles of trailers and semi-trailers with distances between axles:
a) more than 0.5 m, but less than 1.0 m
b) equal to or more than 1.0 m, but less than 1.3 m
c) equal to or more than 1.3 m, but less than 1.8 m
d) equal to or more than 1.8 m
- the same when mounted on an air suspension or an equivalent suspension
5.8. The weight transmitted to the drive axles or drive axles of the vehicle or combination vehicle must not be less than 25% of the total weight of the vehicle or combination vehicle.
1. General Provisions. 2 2. Measuring the mass and dimensions of vehicles. 3 3. Maximum dimensions and other parameters of vehicles. 4 4. Standard total weight of vehicles. 5 5. Standard axle loads of vehicles. 6

The maximum width of the transported cargo, height and weight must not only correspond to the dimensions of the vehicle, but also comply with the transportation rules approved by regulatory documents. For most cargo transportation, approval is not required, since the products fit comfortably in the back of a vehicle of the appropriate size and carrying capacity. When transporting bulky and heavy products, established rules must be observed.

Traffic regulations regarding the transportation of goods

The traffic rules in force in the Russian Federation clearly define the maximum permissible dimensions of goods transported by road, as well as the weight and purpose of products. The owner of a truck, when performing a commercial flight or when using the equipment personally, must comply with the following requirements:

  • Each vehicle has a maximum permissible load on each axle set by the manufacturer. These parameters must be observed under all conditions.
  • The dimensions of the width of the transported cargo, its length and height are not significant if the product is poorly installed and secured in the car body. The driver is responsible for placing and securing the goods.
  • Transportation of cargo must be carried out without limiting the driver’s visibility or creating interference with traffic, including other vehicles.
  • The maximum length of the transported cargo must correspond to the size of the body. If the product protrudes more than a meter, it requires a special designation. If the excess is greater, the products fall under the category of large-sized and are designated with special signs.
  • The permitted dimensions of the transported cargo in terms of width and height are also strictly regulated.
  • Transportation of products that pose a danger to the population, or with dimensional parameters of width, height or length of 2.55 meters, 4 meters and 20 meters, respectively, falls under the oversized category. In such cases, the rules provide for the issuance of a special permit.

The Gazelkin cargo taxi will transport any products, including large ones. Our equipment fully complies with the requirements of the traffic police regulations, and transportation is carried out with the necessary precautions.

Responsibility for exceeding the dimensions of the transported cargo or transportation conditions

Compliance with restrictions on the height of the transported cargo, the maximum permitted width and length is a mandatory condition for each carrier. Freight taxi "Gazelkin" bears full responsibility for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and does not undertake work that does not comply with traffic rules.

Cargo safety and road safety are the main criteria for this type of work. The tolerance of the dimensions of transported goods is checked by police officers, and if the conditions are not met, penalties are imposed:

  • If there is no marking on the load protruding beyond the body.
  • If transportation of large or oversized products is carried out without special permission or for some reason does not comply with the information in the document.
  • Penalties apply if the maximum permissible axle load is exceeded.
  • Not allowed traffic violation drivers transporting products or items.
  • If the shipper provided incorrect information about the composition, weight and dimensions of the goods, sanctions are also imposed on him.
  • Out-of-dimensional cargo transported by motor transport, transported in excess of the permissible weight of the vehicle, leads to the removal of the vehicle from the route.

When accepting an order, loading and securing it in the back, it is necessary to take into account that a fine is imposed on the driver, officials and owner of the transport company.

Basic rules for transporting oversized cargo

Maximum permissible height of the transported cargo from the ground or the permitted width of the transported cargo on the trailer, as well as the weight of the product are not the only criteria for high-quality and safe transportation. Freight taxi "Gazelkin" takes into account when accepting orders a large number of factors that allow you to perform work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Qualified employees know exactly how much length can be transported according to the rules, how to stack and secure various objects in the body, and under what parameters a permit will be required. To ensure that the customer does not have problems, the following requirements are met:

  • Heavier objects are placed in the lower part of the body. This arrangement makes it possible to achieve greater stability of the vehicle and, accordingly, safety when driving.
  • Products are placed evenly in the body, and the gaps between items are filled with soft pads, foam and other similar materials.
  • All products in the body are carefully secured, and during movement, deviations from standard places are monitored. In case of any suspicions, the products are reattached.
  • To inform other road users, a “Large Load” sign is posted on the outermost protruding part. Available additional installation reflective elements.
  • When transporting special cargo, an appropriate permit is issued.

Vehicles with an external and internal turning radius of no more than 12.5 and 5.3 meters, respectively, are allowed to be used.

In accordance with the accepted rules, the cargo is suitable for large-sized cargo if the total weight of the loaded equipment does not exceed 38 tons, and also if its length and width do not exceed 24 and 2.55 meters, respectively, and its height is 2.5 meters. In case of any deviation, the products are classified as oversized and require a special permit.

Contacting the Gazelkin cargo taxi is an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively resolve the issue of transporting any cargo, regardless of the transportation distance. The presence of technically trained and serviceable machines of various lifting capacities, as well as professional employees, guarantees the impeccable execution of the application. The car will arrive at exactly the specified time at the desired address, and all related issues can be discussed with the manager, available by phone or email.

Often during transportation it is necessary to transport various oversized cargo. There is no clear definition in the traffic rules for this.

It is generally accepted that a load is oversized if it does not meet the requirements and exceeds the size of the vehicle itself, as a result of which the risk of accidents increases. Therefore, oversized vehicles must be identified in such a way that other road users can notice them from a great distance and take measures to ensure safety.

There are two main types of this type of cargo:

  • large - exceeds the size of the vehicle and may block part of the roadway;
  • heavy - its weight is greater than the maximum permissible weight which this vehicle can transport.

When it comes to freight transportation, oversized cargo exceeds the following parameters:

  • its height is more than 2.5 m;
  • weighs from 38 tons;
  • length starts from 24 m;
  • width - from 2.55 m.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

It should also be recalled that the administrative code provides for punishment for improperly organizing the transportation of oversized items without the appropriate permission.

  • In particular, Article 12.12.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the driver will have to pay a fine of 2,500 rubles.
  • The official who authorized such transportation will be required to pay 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • And for a legal entity, liability is imposed in the form of 400-500 thousand rubles.

Under the same article, a driver can be deprived of his driver’s license for up to six months.

Based on all these factors, the driver and the responsible person may receive not only a fine for oversized cargo, but also lose their license. Therefore, it is necessary to study and strictly adhere to the rules for transporting oversized items, which are described in the traffic rules.

Large cargo sign

First of all, the vehicle is marked with a special sign “Large cargo”. It is a metal plate with diagonal white and red lines on it. The size of the shield is 40x40 cm. It is also possible to use stickers of a similar size.

The surface of the sign must be reflective so that it is visible both during the day and at night.

In addition to this plate, any truck must be marked with the following signs:

  • road train;
  • large size;
  • Long Vehicle.

This sign must be installed on those parts of the load that protrude above the roadway. Reflectors are also used. They should be in the front white, in the back - red or orange.

Oversized cargo - transportation by passenger transport

You can often see how passenger cars similar to cargo trucks, they transport oversized cargo that protrudes above the roadway. Drivers of passenger cars are also subject to liability for violating transportation rules, so they should be considered.

The following cargo is considered oversized:

  • protrudes more than one meter from the back or front;
  • from the side - 40 or more centimeters.

If you are dealing with this type of transportation, then you must use the above plate (sign) and attach it directly to the protruding parts of the oversized cargo. At night, in addition to the sign for oversized cargo, use reflectors - white in front, red in back.

The load must be placed in such a way that it does not block the driver’s view, there is no risk of it slipping, and does not cause damage to the road surface or auxiliary structures.

Please note that if the load protrudes from the rear or front by more than 2 meters, and the total width exceeds 2.55 meters, then its transportation in passenger vehicles without special permission is prohibited. If you are stopped by an inspector, there is a high probability that a corresponding report will be issued and you will be deprived of your rights for up to six months.

Organization of transportation of large cargo

If you are planning to deliver massive objects by road, for example, heavy equipment or large agricultural machinery, you must take care in advance to obtain permission from the regional office of the Ministry of Transport.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • metric parameters of transported equipment;
  • the route along which the convoy will move;
  • quality certificates and additional documents confirming the characteristics of the cargo: dangerous, large, non-hazardous, and so on.

It may take up to 30 days to coordinate routes and obtain permission. The Ministry of Transport will analyze the route, and if it turns out that there are any communications along this route that impede travel (low bridges, overpasses, overhanging power lines, narrow areas roads), then the route may be revised. It is possible that you will need to use another mode of transport, such as rail or sea.

In special cases, they may provide escort in the form of several patrol cars with flashing lights. orange color. They will not give any priority in traffic, but will warn other car owners of a potential threat.

If a convoy consisting of several long vehicles is moving, the following requirements must be met:

  • accompanying vehicles with flashing lights in front and behind the column;
  • the distance between each unit of transport must ensure safety;
  • if dangerous goods are transported, the presence of another additional heavy-duty vehicle will be required in order to transfer the cargo to it in case of unforeseen situations.

In poor visibility conditions, all vehicles must be equipped with warning lights.

There are also cases when transportation of oversized items may be refused:

  • it is possible to transport it by other means - railway, air or sea transportation;
  • the cargo is divisible, that is, it can be disassembled without damage;
  • 100% safety cannot be ensured, for example, if the route runs through populated areas or near dangerous sections of the road.

Well, the most important point- only technically sound vehicles are allowed for such work. Therefore, before starting, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis and eliminate any faults. Drivers also undergo a mandatory medical examination and adhere to work and rest schedules.

Russian legislation clearly regulates the permissible dimensions of trailers and semi-trailers.

According to Russian legislation, the length of a trailer should be no more than 12 m, width - 2.55 m, and height - 4 m. This also applies to the dimensions of containers transported on trailers. The maximum permissible trailer body dimensions depend on the body type. Thus, the width of refrigerators and isothermal bodies is allowed no more than 2.60 m, for all other types - 2.55 m. The length and height are the same for all types.

The total length of the road train is allowed to be no more than 18.75 m. In this case, the distance between the rear axle of the van and the front part of the trailer must be 3 m or more.

The length of the semi-trailer is not specified separately and is calculated together with the length of the tractor. The total length of an articulated vehicle is permitted to be no more than 16.5 m. In this case, the distance between the locking axis and the rear of the semi-trailer must be no more than 12 m, and the distance from the fifth wheel to the front of the semi-trailer must be no more than 2.04 m. Thus , the semi-trailer has permissible length about 13.6 m, the exact figure depends on the length of the tractor.

Trawls used for transporting large equipment have big sizes compared to trailers and semi-trailers. The trawl can have a working platform up to 20 m long, but the driver must have a special permit.

Maximum weights of trailed vehicles

According to the law, the permissible weight of a trailer depends on the number of axles. Two-axle trailers must be no heavier than 18 tons, three-axle trailers - 24 tons.

The mass of articulated vehicles is also determined by the number of axles.

  • A two-axle tractor articulated with a semi-trailer on 2 axles must have a mass not exceeding 36 tons.
  • Two-axle tractor with semi-trailer on 3 axles - 38 tons.
  • The permissible weight of a three-axle tractor with a semi-trailer on 2 axles is 37 tons.
  • The maximum weight of a three-axle tractor with a trailer on 3 axles is 38 tons.

The permissible weight of a road train depends on the number of axles of the truck and trailer, the length of the common base and varies from 36 to 44 tons.

Dimensions of cargo transported on trailers

Legislation determines not only the dimensions of trucks, but also the size of the cargo transported on them.

Loads transported in open bodies must have a height of no more than 4 m, taking into account the height of the wheels and platform. Thus, low-bed trailers allow you to transport higher loads.

The length of the load must be equal to the length of the body. The permissible overhang of cargo from a trailer is 2 m. If this indicator is violated, it is necessary to obtain a special permit for the transportation of large cargo. If the overhang is from 1 to 2 m, no special permit is required; it is enough to mark the overhanging part of the load with a red tape.

Purchasing trailers

You can buy new semi-trailers, trailers and trawls of various carrying capacities, as well as spare parts for them at the Spare Parts and Trailers Center. Products of the Chelyabinsk Machine-Building Plant car trailers distinguished by high quality and competitive prices, and wide choose trailers allows you to choose a model for any need.