Well      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself jet stove or potbelly stove from a gas cylinder. How to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder? Make a potbelly stove from gas

Modification of a gas cylinder – one of the most simple ways making a potbelly stove with your own hands. In addition, an empty propane container can be found in many private homes or cottages. If you have a welding machine, you can easily give it a second life.



Horizontal stove: instructions

It's easy to make a potbelly stove yourself. It takes up little space, is fuel-efficient, and you can cook with it. But it is important to remember that such a stove often causes fires. Therefore, it must be installed in a safe place and surrounded by non-combustible materials.


Before you start work, you need to stock up necessary tools and materials:

  • Empty gas cylinder.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Metal sheets (from 3 mm).
  • Iron rods (rebar).
  • Metal corners or trims water pipe.
  • Pipe branch.
  • Hinges, door handles.
  • Hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Pliers.
  • Welding.
  • Grinding apparatus.
  • Drill with a set of drills.
  • Marker.

Choosing a cylinder

For efficient heating need to choose the right size.

A 5 liter cylinder is not enough even for the smallest room. 12 and 27-liter vessels can be used for heating, but in winter the heat capacity of such a stove will not be enough even for a garage. The most optimal capacity is considered to be 50 liters. Most often, propane is transported in these. Him standard sizes: 30 cm in diameter, 85 cm in height.

If a 40-liter vessel is used as the basis for the furnace, it is important to remember that it has thicker walls and a smaller diameter. This is important because these indicators affect the heating rate and heat retention.

Preparatory work

There are a number of preparatory activities necessary, to prevent gas residues from exploding during processing. The procedure for eliminating gas is as follows:

  1. Open the valve and leave the vessel outside overnight to allow gas to escape.
  2. Turn the open container over a special container to allow the condensate to drain there. It has a strong, unpleasant odor, so the container with the liquid should be sealed and thrown away.
  3. Fill the vessel with water to the top and then let it drain.
  4. The cylinder is now safe to use.

Read also: The most efficient stove

Making a potbelly stove

For horizontal orientation oven the bottom of the cylinder serves back wall, and from the lid they make combustion door. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  • Using a grinder, cut many small holes on the side surface (or you can simply cut a strip of iron). This is necessary so that unburned fuel residues are poured into the ash chamber.
  • According to the drawings, make a box for collecting ash from an iron sheet. Its length should be at least 80 cm. Weld a small door to the front. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.
  • Weld the ash pan to the stove body.
  • Cut a hole in the end of the cylinder for the firebox. Make a door from the cut piece (or buy a ready-made one), secure it with hinges.
  • Cut a hole for the chimney (diameter should be from 100 to 150 mm). Twist the pipe itself from a metal sheet. Connect it to the furnace body using a special pipe. This element will help change the direction of the chimney, thereby reducing heat loss.
  • Make grate bars from reinforcement. To avoid having to weld the grate, the iron rods can be bent like a snake - then pieces of fuel will not slip through the cracks. In addition, when making grate bars, it is important to take into account the type of future fuel. Firing with coal or wood chips requires narrower intervals than heating with wood.
  • Attach the grate bars inside the cylinder.
  • Make legs from metal corners or scraps of water pipe, and then weld them to the main part. The main rule is stability. A wobbly stove can tip over and cause a fire.

Making doors

A few additional words about making doors.

  1. The most convenient way to make a door from a cut piece of metal. This way it will fit tightly to the body, which will prevent smoke leakage.
  2. The door must be hung on small hinges. You can also make them yourself from several links of a thick metal chain.
  3. Attach a rotating handle or valve at the opposite end.
  4. It is recommended to attach an asbestos cement cord along the edge of the door for sealing.

Read also: Why does a potbelly stove smoke when the door is opened?

Optional Details

There are several ways to increase the coefficient useful action potbelly stoves. They are presented in the table.

A method for increasing efficiency.Method
Insulate the chimney.The chimney pipe does not need to be directed vertically upward, but can be made curved. This way, hot air will stay in the room longer, which will have a positive effect on heat transfer.
Increase the area of ​​contact between metal and air.To do this, so-called “wings” are welded to the furnace - metal strips on both sides of the firebox.
Build tiles.Weld additional a metal sheet above the combustion chamber. You can place a kettle or saucepan on it. And if you improve the design with a lid consisting of several circles, you can control the degree of heating.
Make a brick “coat”Brickwork around the stove will increase the heat transfer time and help heat the room more efficiently. The downside is that the potbelly stove will lose its nominal mobility. But moving a heavy structure with a pipe to another place is not easy enough.
Workout.If you moisten firewood with waste oil, it will increase their combustion time by 30%. In this way, unprecedented heat capacity can be achieved.

Water circuit

Another way to increase heat transfer is to install it on the chimney water sleeve. It's easy to make:

  • Install a water circuit with two pipes in the chimney section.
  • One of them will receive cold water. It will heat up from the chimney, and then flow back through the second hole.
  • If you run the pipe further and install a couple of radiators, then with the help of one potbelly stove you can heat the entire room.
  • In this case, it is better to ensure water exchange using a circulation pump.

Additional heat exchanger

An additional one can be attached to the main body. It should be installed as vertical pipe. This design will increase draft, ensure even, long-term combustion, and also save the room from smoke and significantly improve heat transfer.

When using a second cylinder, the chimney pipe should be welded to the top of the structure.

Grate bars

Grate – required element potbelly stove designs. It helps reduce the area of ​​contact of burning fuel with the walls of the furnace. In addition, it helps to more thoroughly filter out unburned residues from coals.

A potbelly stove is a small homemade metal stove that became widespread in the first half of the 20th century. Later, with the advent of centralized heating, its popularity fell. The second wave of its mass use occurred during the Great Patriotic War, and the third - in the 90s of the same century, for heating country houses. Today, potbelly stoves are more often used in garages or utility rooms. In their pure form, without modifications, they are uneconomical: they “eat” fuel like bourgeois, and if you stop “feeding” them, they quickly cool down. The easiest option to make is a potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder. The body is already ready, you just need to cut holes for filling the fuel and ash pan, attach doors to them, weld the legs and the chimney (diameter 150 mm and no less).

The cylinder in such a stove can be placed vertically or horizontally. It heats up quickly, but also cools down immediately after the fuel stops burning. However, in order to quickly remove the garage or cottage from subzero temperature or heating in autumn/spring bad weather is a great option.

Which cylinder should I take for the stove?

It is clear that a gas cylinder will be used for the body. But they are different sizes. The smallest 5-liter ones should not be used for making stoves: the volumes are too small and they won’t be able to heat anything. There are also 12 and 27 liter cylinders. They will make a low-power unit for a very small room: you cannot get more than 3 or 7 kilowatts of heat from them. Basically it could be hiking option, but the weight will be considerable.

The best option for a stationary stove in a garage or country house is a 50-liter gas cylinder. Height 850 mm, diameter - 300 mm. The volume and wall thickness are large enough for any fuel to burn. At the same time, it is not very heavy, you can work with it alone. A potbelly stove made from a 50 liter propane cylinder is the best option.

Industrial 40-liter gas tanks have approximately the same volume, the diameter is smaller - 250 mm, the height is larger, and the walls are thicker. It will be more difficult to make a stove from a freon cylinder, with the same power that can be obtained from it: the mass is large, and it is long. By shortening the height to about 700 mm, you can make a small thick-walled potbelly stove, which will take a little longer to warm up, but will also “keep” the heat a little better.

Important! When working with gas cylinders, follow safety precautions!

How to safely disassemble a gas cylinder: watch safety precautions in this video.

What and how to make doors from

Doors for potbelly stoves can be purchased cast. You will need a small height for the blower and bigger size- for loading fuel. Eat ready-made blocks- flow door with blower in one design. In this case, a frame made from corners welded to size is welded into a hole cut to size, and the casting is already bolted to it. To prevent air from blowing in from the cracks, a small edge is welded around the perimeter of the cutout under the door - a 1-2 cm strip of metal.

You can not buy doors, but use a cut piece of a balloon wall. Then you will need some kind of hinges or replacement parts. It’s clear with the hinges: mark the places, weld them. There is an interesting version of homemade loops: several links of a thick chain.

A latch will need to be welded to such a door.

With grates or without?

In the very simple option no grate is provided. If the cylinder is small or stands horizontally, then selecting a part inside is problematic. In this case, the design of a potbelly stove made from a cylinder is quite simple: the body is placed on legs, one door, and a pipe for connecting the chimney is welded in the upper part. All. The whole stove.

In the photo above are examples of such simple ovens. In order to improve heat transfer, metal strips are welded to the outside of the body. In the upper part, in addition to the smoke pipe, there is another outlet - a lid is installed on it, and this outlet is used as a stove for cooking food and heating tea.

If you still want to make grates in a potbelly stove from a horizontally installed cylinder, you will have to weld a tray for collecting ash from below. Below there is a drawing and photo of the practical implementation.

IN vertical options potbelly stoves are most often installed from a cylinder. In this case, it is easier to allocate space. Usually, thick reinforcement bars are welded inside: a cast iron grate of a suitable size is difficult to find. But this option is bad because the reinforcement quickly burns out, and repairs are complicated: remove old fittings, weld a new one. You can weld pieces of thick corners or reinforcement inside (as in the photo), separately weld grate bars from the reinforcement and lay them on the corners.

This video talks about how to make a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands - the grates are made of fittings.

We improve heat transfer

The most a big problem potbelly stove: inefficient use of heat. Most of it literally flies into the chimney with flue gases. This disadvantage is effectively combated in top combustion furnaces with afterburning of flue gases according to the type (also, by the way, can be made from a gas cylinder) and.

A variant of a potbelly stove made from propane cylinders with secondary combustion - the efficiency is higher than that of “conventional” models.

Another way to improve heat transfer is to make the chimney longer, thereby increasing the amount of heat that will remain in the room. When designing such a broken chimney, it is better to avoid horizontal sections, and even more so areas with a negative slope.

This gas cylinder stove runs on wood. We increased heat transfer by making a long broken chimney

Another option to use the heat of flue gases is to weld a vertical cylinder-smoke pipe to a horizontally located cylinder-housing. Due to the larger area, heat transfer will be higher. You just need to create good draft so that the smoke does not go into the room.

You can do it the way they do it in sauna stoves: Place a net around a metal pipe and pour stones into it. They will take heat from the pipe and then release it into the room. But. Firstly, until the stones heat up, the air will warm up slowly. Secondly, not all stones are suitable, but only the round ones that are along the rivers. Moreover, they are uniformly colored without inclusions. Others cannot be put to sleep: they can high temperatures explode no worse than a fragmentation shell, or emit radon, which is very harmful in significant concentrations.

But this solution also has advantages: firstly, the pipe will not burn. The stones produce even heat. Secondly, after the furnace goes out, they will maintain the temperature in the room.

Often you need to quickly heat a room. To do this, you can use a regular fan that will blow through the body and/or pipe of the furnace. But the same idea can be implemented with a stationary version: weld through pipes into the potbelly stove cylinder in the upper part. On one side, attach a fan to them (heat-resistant, preferably with several speeds, so that you can regulate the temperature).

Another option that allows you to achieve active air movement along the walls of the case and not use a fan: make a casing around the case at a distance of 2-3 cm, but not solid, but with holes at the bottom and top. They work on this principle or metal stoves for the sauna.

One of the options for such a casing around a horizontally located cylinder is visible in the photo below. Through the gaps that exist below, it is sucked in cold air located near the floor. Passing along the hot body, it heats up and comes out from above.

The principle is not new, but it is no less effective. Look at the photo below to see what the finished stove looks like with such a casing.

Here is another implemented casing, around a potbelly stove made from a horizontally located cylinder. Please note the non-standard door fastening.

A homemade boiler from a gas cylinder for water heating can be made using the same principle: weld a water jacket around the cylinder and connect it to the radiators. Just don’t forget that the system must have expansion tank volume 10% of the total displacement.

You now know how to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder and how to improve it. Watch another video about interesting option a combined stove for a cottage or garage made of brick and a gas cylinder.

It is clear that a gas cylinder will be used for the housing. But they come in different sizes. The smallest 5-liter ones should not be used for making stoves: the volumes are too small and they won’t be able to heat anything. There are also 12 and 27 liter cylinders. They will make a low-power unit for a very small room: you cannot get more than 3 or 7 Kilowatts of heat from them. In principle, this can be a hiking option, but the weight will be considerable.

The best option for a stationary stove in a garage or country house is a 50-liter gas cylinder. Height 850 mm, diameter - 300 mm. The volume and wall thickness are large enough for any fuel to burn. At the same time, it is not very heavy, you can work with it alone. A potbelly stove made from a 50 liter propane cylinder is the best option.

Industrial 40-liter gas tanks have approximately the same volume, the diameter is smaller - 250 mm, the height is larger, and the walls are thicker. It will be more difficult to make a stove from a freon cylinder, with the same power that can be obtained from it: the mass is large, and it is long. By shortening the height to about 700 mm, you can make a small thick-walled potbelly stove, which will take a little longer to warm up, but will also “keep” the heat a little better.

How to safely disassemble a gas cylinder: watch safety precautions in this video.

Made from a gas (mainly propane) cylinder, the potbelly stove has two main features: different types: vertical and horizontal. Although the manufacturing process does not limit the designer’s imagination. Options of a combined type are not excluded.

Horizontal version Vertical version Combined version

This potbelly stove uses solid fuels: firewood, coal, fuel briquettes.

The advantages of such a stove include the following:

  • good thermal conductivity due to the thickness of the metal wall of the cylinder (4 mm);
  • optimal size/efficiency ratio;
  • when used vertically, it takes up very little space in the room;
  • ease of manufacture and availability of necessary materials;
  • the possibility of equipping such a stove with a sheet of metal for heating and cooking food.

Disadvantages of such a potbelly stove:

  • use only solid fuel;
  • with a vertical design, it is necessary to adjust the firewood to the optimal size;

As you can see, such a stove definitely has more advantages.

After preparing the tools and materials, you can begin making the furnace.

Making a potbelly stove vertical type includes the following steps:

  1. On the prepared cylinder, future openings of the firebox chambers and ash pan are marked. The distance between these cutouts should be 80–100 mm;

    Marking the cylinder

  2. Using a grinder, holes are cut according to the markings. The cut segments do not need to be thrown away; doors will be made from them.

    Make cuts, but do not throw away the remaining parts after work.

    The cut segments are attached to the cylinder on hinges using welding. A grate made from a reinforcement rod is welded inside the cylinder.

    Potbelly stove door mounting option

    The final stage. A chimney pipe is welded into the upper part of the cylinder. The chimney pipe is connected to this pipe at the location where the stove is installed.

    Carry out welding work carefully or entrust it to a professional

  3. Potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder, assembled.

    The finished product must be checked for correct functioning!

The process of making a potbelly stove from the container described above begins with preliminary preparation corresponding cylinder:

  1. First you need to get rid of the remaining gas. Just open the valve completely.
  2. After the hissing has finished (to be completely sure), the gas cylinder can be slightly heated on a fire or stove.
  3. To eliminate a specific “fragrant” additive to propane - mercaptan fragrance (odorant), it is necessary to completely (up to the shoulders) fill the container with bleach, which contains acids. It could even be "Persol".
  4. Then wait a little and pour it out.
  5. After this, soak the insides with a solution of table soda (10%).

How to make a potbelly stove: device and diagrams

Such a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder using wood or mining can be made in a short time. After all, for construction you can use almost any of the gas cylinders you or your neighbors have. A potbelly stove for a garage or apartment can be made from almost any cylindrical metal object. For example, from a can, pan, barrel, bucket, pipe or wartime shell.

But the most best thing for its manufacture - an ordinary gas cylinder. This is the most common and easily accessible container today, made of thick, high-quality metal. Thickness is important, because a thin wall will quickly burn out and the oven will have to be thrown out.

To make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, you don’t need to spend a lot of money An economical stove made from a propane tank won't cost too much. The main thing is to make the right drawings. And the materials for work will be available materials. So old cylinder, metal sheets, fittings and pipes - this is the whole set of necessary products.

    • Efficiency of using a stove from a gas cylinder in a garage
    • The principle of operation of a potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder using wood
    • Types of wood-burning gas cylinder stoves
    • Do-it-yourself stove from a gas cylinder: preparatory work
    • Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder: installation technology
    • Chimney equipment for a gas cylinder boiler
    • How to make a stove from a gas cylinder (video)
    • Examples of potbelly stoves from gas cylinders(photo)

A potbelly stove made from a gas boiler allows you to burn heat more slowly, processing all the fuel. In this case, you can control the air supply and the combustion process using a special damper. This increases the efficiency and combustion duration. That is why homemade stoves used in garages, greenhouses, baths, workshops.

Using a gas cylinder stove you can easily heat a small garage

Advantages of the oven:

  1. Easy assembly. Construction can be completed quickly and easily.
  2. Independent fuel. The boiler does not require electricity, only solid fuel. At the same time, the view solid fuel does not matter.
  3. Small dimensions allow the structure to be placed in any corner of the house.
  4. Easy to use. The mechanism is simple, wood burns for a long time and does not require constant monitoring.

But for the furnace to work you will need good ventilation, otherwise the necessary traction will not arise. The heat capacity of the structure is also not encouraging. This is due small area boiler

You can increase the heat capacity by equipping a jacket.

Only dry logs should be used for the stove. The disadvantages include the difficulty of cleaning the structure from soot and ash. But the disadvantages are less than the advantages. At the same time, the equipment of the furnace will not be expensive.

The principle of operation of a potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder using wood

The gas cylinder design is a system long burning. It consists of three main elements: a firebox, a chimney and a blower. The latter is a special channel, which is located at the bottom of the stove. The blower supplies air to the firebox, controlling combustion. This part is equipped with a door to control the oxygen supply. In addition, soot accumulates in the ash pit.

There is a firebox above the ash pit. This element is used to burn fuel. Air enters the chamber through a grille, which is connected to the blower. The firebox is equipped with a door. This is how firewood is loaded into a potbelly stove.

The furnace is ignited when open doors fireboxes and closed blowers. Unburned parts fall through the grate or fly out through the chimney.

The chimney is exhaust pipe, through which combustion residues escape. A special view is installed in the chimney - a damper. It is used to block the chimney. Thanks to it, you can slow down the combustion process and increase efficiency.

The main principles of operation of a potbelly stove:

  1. The blower transports air into the firebox;
  2. Firewood or coal is burned in the loading chamber;
  3. Combustion products are eliminated through the chimney;
  4. You can control the intensity of combustion using a damper;
  5. Firewood is placed into the firebox through a special door in the body of the stove.

You can cut the necessary holes in the gas cylinder using a grinder

The blower and firebox are considered the main elements and are mounted directly in the body of the gas cylinder. The chimney can be placed separately. The principle of operation is quite simple, all that remains is to figure out how to correctly design a potbelly stove.

Types of wood-burning gas cylinder stoves

Potbelly stoves are divided according to the installation method into vertical and horizontal. Each type has its own installation features, advantages and disadvantages. It is important to study each option in detail.

The nuances of installing a horizontal furnace:

  1. The construction of such a potbelly stove requires less time;
  2. The stove is installed on a metal sheet to avoid fire hazards.

The vertical design is compact. It can be placed in a corner and will not take up much space. The cylinder is installed with the tap down, so the design has its own differences. The door of a vertical potbelly stove is located at the bottom. Less steel will be required for the substrate equipment.

Do-it-yourself stove from a gas cylinder: preparatory work

To create a wood-burning stove from a metal cylinder, you will need to use welding. That is why you should choose a room for work in advance. This should be a well-ventilated room with reliable wiring and constant access to electricity.

You should immediately prepare all the tools for work. You will need a welding machine and a grinder.

The gas cylinder stove should be installed in such a way that it does not come into contact with the lining of the room

The process of making a potbelly stove can last several days. It will be better if the room has a roof. Good sound insulation is welcome, because during work it can be noisy, and this will not please the neighbors.

Materials for creating a potbelly stove:

  1. Frame. Can be made from an old propane boiler. It is best to choose a large 50 liter cylinder.
  2. In some cases, the stove may be equipped with legs. Sections of pipe, fittings, and metal profiles are suitable for this.
  3. You can use scraps of rebar to make potbelly stove handles. A similar handle will be located on the firebox lid.
  4. You can make the door yourself or buy a ready-made one from cast material. The stove will require 2 doors: for the firebox and for the vent. The first one should be bigger.

Separately, it is worth taking time to prepare the cylinder. First, you will need to bleed the propane from the tank. The operation is performed on outdoors. Open the supply tap and wait until the hissing stops.

Next you will need to rinse the bottle. The main thing is to get rid of unpleasant odor, which is used by the supplier to determine leakage. Bleach is used for washing, and then the structure is washed with water.

Do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a gas cylinder: installation technology

First, prepare the container for the oven. You should take a 50 liter cylinder. After this, you will need to decide on the design of the potbelly stove: vertical and horizontal.

How to make a horizontal oven:

  1. First, the top part with the tap is cut off from the cylinder.
  2. 4 legs are welded onto the container. The housing must be placed horizontally.
  3. A chimney opening is equipped in the upper part of the cylinder. A bent collar made of steel braid measuring 5 cm is welded onto the round hole.
  4. A grate is installed in the internal space at a distance of a fourth of its diameter. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall of the cylinder.
  5. Next, a hole is made for the door and a nut with a ball valve is welded.

The finished stove is mounted in a garage or other room on a special steel sheet. There should be enough material to occupy a space 50 cm more from the door. The vertical design has its own characteristics, but the preparatory work is the same.

Before installing a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, you should watch the training video

The hole for the valve in vertical ovens is made 10 cm larger. Next, a collar is installed on the chimney. The blower is installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the bottom. A firebox is installed above. Grates are installed between the loading hopper and the blower. Finally, install the handles on the doors.

Chimney equipment for a gas cylinder boiler

To operate the stove you will need to have good draft. To do this, the chimney is mounted at a certain height. This place is located above the edge of the grate. You will also need to equip a place to collect moisture. You will also need to remove heat from the chimney.

Heat removal methods:

  1. Carrying out installation horizontal section, maintaining a slope of 35 degrees. Next, the chimney will need to be turned up and brought out into the street. A heat exchanger is installed on the channel.
  2. Warm air can be carried by a pipe that exits the oven at an angle. This increases the efficiency indicator and combustion duration.

By equipping a water jacket on the stove, you can significantly increase beneficial features designs. All features and nuances of installation can be seen in special drawings. In this case, the heat exchanger can be equipped on the housing.

Water circulation in the jacket occurs in a forced manner using a pump.

In this case, the diameter of the heat exchanger should be larger diameter chimney. The open ends of the pipes will have to be welded. When water passes through the shirt, it heats up and transfers heat to the room.

How to make a stove from a gas cylinder (video)

A stove made from an oxygen or gas cylinder is quite simple design. You can assemble such a potbelly stove on your own. The main thing is to stock up welding machine and Bulgarian. Installation should be carried out based on calculations and drawings.

Examples of a potbelly stove made from gas cylinders (photo)

Potbelly stove from a gas cylinder drawings.

A potbelly stove is the simplest and most effective stove, used for heating small rooms, cottages, garages, change houses, greenhouses, sheds. The peculiarity of how a potbelly stove works is that it quickly gives off heat and heats up the room; you load wood into the firebox, light a fire, and the heat comes right away; you don’t need to wait until the stove itself warms up and gives off heat like in ordinary brick stoves.

But when the firewood burns out in the firebox, the potbelly stove quickly cools down, so to maintain a constant temperature in the room, it is necessary to constantly add it as the wood burns in the potbelly stove.

For a horizontal potbelly stove, one common door located at the end of the cylinder is sufficient, through which firewood will be loaded and then the ash will be removed.

You can weld a box underneath to collect ash.

A chimney is used to remove smoke metal pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm, which is welded to the cylinder in the place where the valve was.

It is more practical to make a chimney with an elbow, this will allow you to direct some of the heat into the room, and not into the pipe outside. To make it easier to clean the chimney from soot, it is recommended to make it collapsible. This will allow you to periodically clean the soot that accumulates in the chimney and impairs draft.

Before you start working with the cylinder, you must make sure that there are no gas or gasoline residues in it. To do this, you need to unscrew the valve of the cylinder and release the remaining gas; the procedure can take quite a long time.

To make sure that the gas has come out, you need to coat the outlet hole on the valve with water. soap solution, if the solution does not bubble, it means that the gas has come out of the cylinder.

But even when there is no more gas in the cylinder, it still contains residues in the form of liquid gasoline, which is explosive. You can remove remaining gasoline using the following method. You can fix the cylinder with any in an accessible way, take the gas key and unscrew the valve.

If you cannot unscrew the valve, you can cut it off with a metal file. But you need to saw correctly; when using a saw, you need to constantly water the cut area with a small stream of water to avoid the appearance of an accidental spark. Having sawed off the valve through the resulting hole, you need to fill the cylinder completely with water, then drain the water. It is better to drain the water from the cylinder away from the house, in a landfill. Now the cylinder is completely ready for processing with a grinder and welding machine.

IMPORTANT!!! Under no circumstances should you close the chimney with various dampers, even when the fire in the stove is no longer burning and the coals have burned out. There may be smoldering coals left in the stove, and if the chimney is closed, carbon monoxide will flow from the stove directly into the room. Since carbon monoxide is odorless, its presence in a room is difficult to recognize, and the consequences of gas poisoning can be extremely dangerous for humans.