Well      06/26/2020

How to make a flower bed with petals from a wheel. We decorate the cottage with flowerbeds from tires: interesting ideas and options. How to paint a flower bed from tires: photo, instruction

There are few summer residents who are only interested in material interest - a house, outbuildings, crops. Most love and appreciate the beauty in their land, which does not promise commercial benefits. But the number of rich people who are able to pay for expensive materials and the work of professional gardeners for the sake of a spectacular open-air is also not calculated in gigantic numbers. From here, a simple conclusion: you can make excellent ones in your summer cottage from waste, in fact, material, such as old wheel tires, by doing all the work with your own hands.

Old tires - new design

Walk through the city courtyards and appreciate their design. Car tires have long been an almost indispensable component. modern design. They are dug halfway into the ground, laid out in the form of a lower frame of trees and other vegetation, children's paths are made of them, hung as a swing, painted in different colors.

Ask your friends - they will not only tell you how to make flowers out of tires with their own hands, but also show photos confirming the unconditional veracity of these stories.

If the urban environment, significantly limited by public interests and tastes, has adopted such design tricks, then God himself ordered summer residents who have a personal space for fantasy, as they say.

Tire selection

When choosing tires for a future flower garden, you need to take into account not only their size (weight, by the way, too - there are such giants that you can’t budge), but also other features, of which the most important, in terms of facilitating subsequent processing, are the following:

  • winter tires are preferable to summer ones;
  • foreign tires are softer and thinner than domestic ones.

Important! Another important point -the presence of a disc that will perfectly serve as the bottom of the "tire" flower vase. Without this element, we can only talk about tires taken off the wheels and equipped with our own hands.

Plant selection

Starting planning and, which will be done with our own hands in the country, we hope so that later we will not only admire them ourselves, but also show our friends photos of these spectacular structures made of tires, inviting guests to our place and satisfying our little vanity.
As for plants, the choice is rich:

  • flowers different varieties, including those replacing each other in terms of flowering;
  • small (although this is optional) trees.

Important! There is only one general rule: the flower bed should be beautiful and correspond to the general style of your site. It is possible that the style itself can be built on the basis of the flower and plant layout.

Making a flower bed with your own hands: the easiest option

Now the most important thing is to create beautiful (if you decide that one is not enough) of tires with your own hands in the country: the result should be such that the photo is not ashamed to be shown to people, acquaintances and strangers.
The processing of the selected (this was the first step) tire begins with marking it for subsequent cuts (this will be the second step). There are unpretentious landowners who use tires without pre-treatment, but it is still recommended to combine the beauty of living plants with a purely technical aesthetic.
The intended cut should be like this:

  • the upper tire part is removed (not completely) and the lower part is left (completely);
  • having shown imagination and ingenuity, the cut line can be made wavy, broken, with teeth, with fringe, etc.
Finely apply our idea on the rubber and proceed to the third step.
They will be the cutting process itself:

1. The tire is divided into two parts along the drawn line.

Important! If the disk is available, then during the procedure it is not necessary to remove the tire from it.

2. The lower part is turned inside out - this part of the process is the most time consuming, since it requires physical stress. The mechanism is as follows: with a cut, this conditional half of the tire is placed on the ground (or on the coating), its edges are pressed by the legs (and, accordingly, by the whole body weight), and then turned inside out, starting from one place (this is the most difficult) and, gradually accelerating, making full circle.
It turned out either a vase (if there was a disk), or a future one.
The zealous owner will not disregard the upper part of the cut tire. He will cut it across with it several times. inside(10 centimeters) and make another flower bed, digging the resulting cuts into the soil.

Finally, the fourth step in creating a country flower garden will be the transformation of a car tire, albeit already processed quite skillfully with a cutting tool, into a beautiful decoration for garden flora.
This final step involves:

  1. Painting (who prefers enamel, and who prefers oil paints).
  2. Adding additional decorative elements(glasses, pebbles, etc.).

Did you know? In African Kenya, local shoemakers got the hang of making excellent slippers from end-of-life tires, the demand for which spread throughout the continent.

A little imagination, favorite colors and colors - and the old tire is no longer garbage, but an important part of the decor or an artistic image. If desired, with the help of flower beds made of tires with your own hands, you can change the whole look of the garden.

The dream to make your garden beautiful and cozy leads its owner from the beds to the design of flower beds and various flower beds.

Flowers are planted:

  • in a cache-pot;
  • to the flower bed;
  • into a container;
  • in hanging baskets.

Simple plastic containers or planters look rather uninteresting and monotonous. The flower bed seems unfinished without borders and borders. Creativity must be realized, because the gardener wants to express his fantasies in interesting forms.

Sometimes a money issue arises, and the owner of the garden has to make a choice between buying interesting specimens of plants for a collection, a rose garden, a flower garden, and acquiring ready-made forms for planting them.

In this case, ideas about creating will come to the rescue. Even if there are no such materials on or near the site, at any tire change station or service station, workers will be happy to get rid of unnecessary and used old tires of any size.

Old tires become soft over time and can be processed quite easily. The sides of such a flower bed look better if you turn the tire inside out. In this case, they resemble flower petals or carved edges of leaves. Difficulty may arise at this stage, but fantasy or male power will help to cope with it.

Let's sum up all the advantages:

  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • the opportunity to show creativity;
  • a large number of manufacturing options.

And one drawback in the form of small physical efforts is unlikely to outweigh them.

Turning an old car tire

Each garden, whether it is a summer cottage or a manor, is designed in the same style.

The artistic preferences of the gardener will tell you which style direction to choose when making a flower bed.

Planters in the form of animals filled with flowers will decorate the garden in country style.

A multi-tiered flowerbed of tires, in which an ampelous petunia or surfinia of the same color is planted, will become a wonderful flower cloud and complement any color composition giving it lightness.

Hanging planters made of tires filled with bacopa and calibrachoa will add zest to the Provence style.

What tires are better to take

Any work in the garden, especially creative, should bring pleasure. It depends on the degree of preparation for it. To create an exquisite item landscape design you need to understand in detail how to make a flowerbed of tires with your own hands, choose wheels and prepare them for work.

The softest for cutting curly parts and creating shapes is considered to be old imported rubber, intended for use in winter time. How older tire the easier it will be to deal with it.

The treads on such a tire are almost worn out. When stained, they will be completely painted over, and a smooth surface will be obtained, according to which it will be difficult to determine the source of inspiration.

There are a lot of ways to implement fantasy ideas:

  • just a flower bed from an old tire;
  • ladybug;
  • cup with saucer;
  • dog;
  • a donkey made of tires harnessed to a cart with a tire-bed;
  • a multi-level flowerbed of tires of different diameters.

Preparatory process

Before you make such a flower bed with your own hands, you need to go through several stages. Role visual aid the similar sculptural composition of the neighbors plays best. But!

Every gardener dreams of creating his own garden. To do this, it makes sense to watch a video about creating a flower bed from old tires, and make adjustments to the individual taste and style of the garden.

There are several options for flower beds, photos of which are desirable to see before starting work:

  • just a flower bed from a tire without turning inside out and any decorative experiments;

  • a very complex design, for which it is necessary to dissolve the tire into narrow strips.

The artistic intention of the gardener has already been denounced in words, an approximate plan of the masterpiece has been drawn. The next stage is preparation for the fulfillment of desires.

Successful implementation is guaranteed if you have:

  1. Old car tire.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Gloves.
  4. Paints.
  5. Wish.

There are other variations of this formula. Instead of a knife, you can use a jigsaw. This tool will facilitate the process of cutting out a picture and help you create more intricate curls that are quite difficult to make with a knife.

To all the above terms, you can add the electric grinder. With its help, the old tire will acquire the new kind, bumps and scuffs will disappear.

Purchased tires must be washed from dirt, dust and stones stuck in the treads. This is necessary for better application of paint and decorative elements for a future work of landscape art.

In some photos showing how to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands, sometimes the used tire is not cleaned of dirt and dust. This kind of stuff is annoying to work with.

Having decided on the appearance of the future masterpiece, a drawing of future flowers or petals that need to be cut out is applied to a clean surface with chalk. A clear markup in the future will save you from flaws, and it will be much easier to work.

How to make a flowerbed of tires with your own hands and fill it beautiful plants, you need to think long snowy evenings. It is in winter that petunia and viola are sown on seedlings. Phlox Drummond for seedlings should be sown in March. Having landed it in May in the ground, all summer you can admire the blooming oasis.

For the design of such a flower garden, almost any plant is suitable. General rules flower beds are also suitable for a rubber miracle:

  • the composition should be attractive from any point of view;
  • taller plants are planted in the background or in the case of a round flower bed in the middle;
  • at the feet of a tall and beautiful, but ankle-length flower, it is necessary to plant ground covers that will disguise an ugly bare stem;
  • the number of species should correspond to the size of the flower bed;
  • three different plants are enough for a small flower garden;
  • harmonious color combinations plants of the same species look more interesting than a hodgepodge of different plants of different colors.

For a large flower bed, you can even pick up a coniferous set of dwarf forms of juniper and spruce.

We plant in a flower bed

After all the preparatory and decoration work, plants are planted in the flower bed. For planting, a mixture of fertile soil, sand and humus is prepared in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. At the bottom of the flower bed, if any, drainage is poured with a layer of about 5 cm.

If the flower bed lies directly on the ground, then drainage is not needed. In this case, excess liquid will be absorbed into the ground.

A small flowerbed of tires requires a more careful approach. A small amount of earth is easier to gain moisture and quickly part with it. Plants suffer from such changes in humidity. This can be avoided by adding vermiculite to the potting mix.

Do wonders for your garden!

Today it has become fashionable from the old ones, no one necessary items do useful and practical things. But flowerbeds from tires with their own hands were made and made by many summer residents, regardless of any fashion trends. Sometimes this is reduced to a minimum - put a tire, or lightly dug it into the soil, filled the soil inside and planted flowers.

However, it takes quite a bit to turn on the imagination, and an ordinary tire will turn into a swan, a parrot, a carriage, a flower vase and hundreds of other incarnations!

The most important thing to understand is that tires can fit into almost any landscape, any composition, any style! Country, modern, close to nature English style or exquisite Japanese - everywhere there is a use for a tire! Of course, it will require a balanced approach from you in order to correctly assess the arrangement of elements in the garden, but the tires are not so difficult to "fit" into the environment.

Even if you don't have old car tires, ask your neighbors, especially those who own a car - they usually have plenty of such goodness, it only takes up space. Try working with one tire first before making big plans to turn trash into garden art.

DIY car tire flower beds - ways to transform

The easiest way to transform an old tire and at the same time make an original move is to hang it on a rope on the wall, and put a pot with a petunia or other falling plant in the inner cavity. For country style perfect solution! And if you also wrap the tire with a rope, then you will get a cheap and spectacular flowerpot. Now let's complicate the task a little - let's experiment with paints! And not just any, but the brightest and juiciest.

Think in advance what flowers will fill the flower beds from car tires that you make with your own hands - it will be very successful to combine the color of the tire with the color of the petals. If there are several plants, and they are all multi-colored, then you do not lag behind, paint the tire in several colors, experimenting with patterns and shapes. It is best to plant - annuals, because it will allow you to change the soil in the flower bed every year, and undersized because the tire already creates a certain elevation, so tall flowers will look a little ridiculous.

Complicate the task a little more - try to make a composition out of tires. The simplest, but very effective - a pyramid of tires! You can also fold them with a ladder. By planting different plants on such a base, you will get a real hanging garden! Of course, one of the sides of the tires will need to be covered with a piece of film or tin so that the earth does not spill out, but these are very small labor and material costs.

How to make a flower bed from a tire - cut and shred!

When you are done with simple options, and you want to delve into experiments, you will need a hacksaw or jigsaw. With this simple toolkit, the possibilities for converting tires become many times greater! First you need to cut the tire lengthwise, separating a small upper strip of rubber that wrapped inside. If you also have an unnecessary disc in addition to the tire, it will become an excellent “leg” for a flower pot! Only in this case, before you make a flower bed out of the tire, you will need to turn it out, so the tire will hold on to the disk more firmly, and the shape will become more like a vase bowl.

If there is no disk, make an easier option. Work on the edging - the edge of the cut can be decorated with curly cutouts of various shapes or fringe. When you've finished cutting out the fringe or geometric pattern, paint the tire, let it dry, and then find a place for it on the site. Such flower beds can also be dug in, leaving only a patterned edge above the ground - By the way, this is an excellent container for plants that needs to be brought indoors for the winter.

To make a tire parrot, you will need a perpendicular cut, then stretch two strips of rubber in different directions - from one you will make a tail, and from the other - a head. It is important not to overdo it, you only need to cut the tire in this way in half. The second, untouched half, will be the belly of the bird, and the remaining semicircles will be the wings, by which, by the way, this sculpture can be hung. Play with colors to make your parrot play with all the colors of the rainbow! Do not forget to decorate it with flowers that can be placed in flowerpots inside the sculpture.

To ennoble your site with beautiful flower arrangements, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive outdoor flowerpots. A unique frame for flowers of various shades and shapes can be made by hand. We decorate the cottage with flowerbeds from tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help to make garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

Making a flower bed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. To make such a budget option framing flowers on the site is quite simple - just show a little imagination and make a little effort. Tire beds have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature extremes well;
  • almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on material: almost everyone can find an old tire;
  • improvised items can be used as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a variety of shapes. You can paint the product in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, in such flower beds you can plant small seedlings.


You can make a flower garden ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. You can supplement the finished design with any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. A product of complex shape in the form of an intricate figure must be supplemented with decorative elements. When making a flower garden, you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. A combination of multi-level flower beds looks more impressive various forms . A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the form of cups and a teapot. For its design, you do not have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In the children's play area, flower beds in the form of animals or fairy-tale characters will be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the protector must be cut into four equal parts;
  • in the tire you need to make 4 cuts under the paws of the turtle;
  • pieces of the protector are inserted into the holes and fixed with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, fastened with wire staples;
  • the turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • a crumpled paper head is attached to the neck with adhesive tape.
  • all structural elements are painted in the appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws, and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the head of the turtle, and glasses on the nose).


Near the house, flower beds that look like a flower will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the form of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

On the outer surface of the tire outline the contour of the petals. For marking, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and as cutting tool a knife will be used, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water during the cutting process.

Grasping the edges of the cuts, you must carefully turn the tire inside out. Ready product need to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades color palette.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with a disk) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with a cutting tool, cut out the petals desired shape;
  • then the upper and lower parts of the tire are turned out (the disk does not need to be removed - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • the upper part is painted in saturated colors, the lower part will be a kind of stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for flowerbeds from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flower bed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The difference will only be more complex cutting. You can use the ready-made scheme, which shows the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan for applying to the tire.

After marking the tire, the very shape of the swan is cut out. Next, you need to unscrew the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber, or any other comfortable material, paint with orange paint and attach to the head with self-tapping screws. The eyes of a swan can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted in White color, but no one forbids the use of other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

A master class on making a swan from tires, see below.

Required Tools

To start making flower beds from tires, you need to prepare necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that cutting thick rubber with a knife is quite problematic. To make your job easier, the blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool electric jigsaw will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires ideal option there will be a blade made of high-quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will be melted, the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor.

If for the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to cut the protector, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you should decide on the type of paint for the flower bed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • enamel on oil based;
  • nitro enamel;
  • car enamel.

If necessary, prepare a brush to paint the tire. You will need gloves to work, they will protect your hands from paint or other possible pollution . To apply the markup, you will need chalk, marker or soap. In the manufacture of complex figures, some elements will have to be made from improvised materials. To fasten additional parts to the main figure from the tire, you will need staples, self-tapping screws.

How to do?

Making complex figured flower beds from tires is a laborious process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give a flower bed of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here step-by-step instruction, according to which you can independently make a figured flower bed from tires:

  • We choose a tire. So that working with rubber does not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to take tires that can be easily cut (old, badly worn, winter thin or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Decide on the form. It is necessary to mark the cut line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be done as carefully as possible in order to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, and then take out the upper part. You can use a high power jigsaw.
  • We turn the tire inside out (you need to take hold of the cut edge with your hands, having previously stepped on the middle of the tire and pull the rubber towards you with force).
  • We grind the cut edges and process them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flower bed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. by the most simple option flowerbeds of tires is a tire in its original form. Ennoble appearance such a flowerpot is possible using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or made up of a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. A hanging flower garden can be placed along a wall or a blank fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

The inner space of the tire must be filled with soil. As a drainage, you can use a mixture of small stones and sand. When making a hanging flower bed, several small holes must be made in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flowerbeds in the form of plants, animals or mythical creatures are more laborious, but they look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any author's idea.

In addition to dividing into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots from tires. Flower beds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • high;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of manufacture of the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features:

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are more amenable to cutting;
  • winter tires are more flexible than summer tires;
  • tires with a metal cord are more difficult to cut;
  • if in the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn out tread.

flower bed can be made from rims or solid (rims with tires) wheels of the machine. Such material is used much less frequently than the usual tires, but flowerpots made of disks look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly rinsed from dirt. This can be done with a garden hose.

Clean material will facilitate the process of making a flowerpot and will not spoil the cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making flower beds from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place a flower bed on a well-lit and relatively flat area. In large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the placement, under the base of the flower bed it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. The soil mixture should not be too oily so that moisture can easily pass to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made of expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and facilitate plant care, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

Paint the wheels better in light colors: this will avoid overheating of the soil in the summer. When painting, also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber from fatty contaminants with a solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to cover the tire with paint in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly wear off or crack. Applying many layers is not worth it, this will lead to a quick peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in a flower bed, it is better to paint the tire in delicate colors. bright hues. In flowerpots of bright colors, it is better to plant light, small flowers.
  • It is acceptable that the shade of flowers echoes the color of the flower bed.
  • Painting a flower bed is not only from the outside. If you grab the paint inner edges, the flower bed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in one color at all; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made stencils made of cardboard.

Most summer residents strive to decorate the site so that it looks stylish, modern and neat. However, not everyone can afford to allocate enough funds to purchase finishing materials. An excellent solution would be to use car tires as decoration for flower beds. Products that have served their time have a chance to live a second life.

Having old tires, you can make many options for flower beds and flower beds for a garden or suburban area

Car tires allow you to create flower beds to give a variety of shapes and colors. Such compositions near the house will serve as a decoration for the site, as well as a good way to recycle old tires. The only condition for successful work with them is the availability of a set of tools and auxiliary materials. So, you will need:

  • old tires;
  • tape measure, ruler (metal);
  • marker;
  • jigsaw, grinder, hacksaw;
  • primer;
  • outdoor paint;
  • mesh (metal);
  • decor: stones, wooden elements, shells, colorful glasses, etc.

Brightly colored tires - an easy way to organize a flower garden

Selection of tires

Despite the fact that in any case, wheel tires for flower beds are used only those that have served their time, some of them are easier to work with, others are not. In this regard, it is better to choose:

  • those that are rather worn out - they are softer, if necessary, they are easier to turn inside out;
  • for the same reason, it is better to use imported rather than domestic products;
  • if you can choose between summer and winter tires, it is better to take the latter.

Before starting work, the tires must be washed so that the dirt does not impede the work process. Regardless of the softness of the rubber and the wear of the tires, it is more convenient to cut them with a grinder or a jigsaw. If there is no such tool, you can use a knife. It must first be sharpened well and dipped in soap solution.

The best tool for cutting tires - this is an electric jigsaw

Tire color rules

After the final arrangement of the flower bed and decorating it with tires, it is recommended to paint them without fail. This procedure will allow you to create a picture saturated with color, and give the flower bed a neat, well-groomed look.

In order for the paint to adhere well and remain bright for a long time, it is advisable to treat the tire with a primer layer before painting. You can start painting only after the primer is completely dry. Do not neglect this procedure, because after it the paint will not crack, bubble and lag behind the rubber surface.

The choice of paint is quite wide: you can choose any weather-resistant coatings. Looks great nitro enamels, oil, car paints. Very popular acrylic enamel- It is odorless and can be diluted with water. In addition, this paint is commercially available in the form of a spray, so it is easy to apply. In addition, this method of staining is quite economical - as much material is consumed as needed.

Some summer residents paint the tire curb only on the outside, believing that inner part will not be visible. This is a mistake, since individual unpainted parts of the tires will certainly be visible at a certain angle and simply spoil the appearance of the flower bed.

The most successful and uncomplicated flower beds from tires

simple tire curbs

If there is no time and special skills for decorating a flower bed, you should try to create a couple of simple compositions. The simplest version of a flower bed from a wheel tire is separate flower beds, inside which sand with rubble, earth is covered, and planted flowering plants. A more complicated option is a tire with “legs” attached to the bottom, which allow you to install a portable flower bed anywhere in your yard. The legs should be securely fastened to the flower bed from the old wheel so that the entire structure does not collapse at the most unexpected moment.

The next type of simplified flower beds are several flower beds-tires installed on top of each other in a certain order. Compositions look good in which tires painted in different colors stand in a checkerboard pattern, forming a kind of wall. Such a flower structure can be used as a separator, which will allow you to zone the garden.

Having at your disposal tires from wheels of different diameters, you can build a pyramid out of them near the house. In each "step" compositions can be planted climbing plants, which over time will turn the pyramid into a garden decoration entwined with leaves and flowers. The pyramid looks spectacular, the components of which are painted in different colors.

Tires can be laid in any convenient way, but it is important to make a bottom in the wheel, otherwise the earth will simply spill out

Chamomile flower garden

Such a flower bed is suitable for those owners of private houses who have a fairly spacious plot. It will take only 4 old tires and paints of different colors. One tire should be placed in the center of the composition, and the remaining three should be cut in half so that crescents are obtained. Six semicircles need to be installed around the uncut tire so that a flower is obtained.

Pre-painted tires must be dug into the ground to a depth of about 5 centimeters. Then fill them with drainage and soil, plant plants. It is recommended to plant flowers of the same color in the center of the chamomile, and fill the semicircles with plants with petals of contrasting shades.

Bunk flower bed - chamomile from tires

Hanging flower bed

Our master class step by step manufacturing flower beds-pots will help to cope with the task even for a beginner. First you need to find a strong tree or a canopy on the site that can hold the structure filled with earth. The tire from the wheel must be hung on chains or a strong rope, having previously made holes in it. The bottom of such a planter can be drowned out with plywood, or a flower pot can be fixed in the tire.

Tire figures can serve not only as flower pots, but also as independent garden decorations.

A hanging flower bed can be made in the form of any cartoon character or animal. For example, a parrot, a dolphin can be cut out of a tire, then the planter is hung vertically. If it is decided to make a bird, the beak for it is cut separately from wooden board. The tire is cut according to the template, the parts are fastened with a stapler, nails. Draw eyes, paint the tail, feathers in bright colors. To make cutting rubber easier, the tire can be heated in the sun for two hours. Before attaching a planter to a branch or roof, it should be painted. Various options hanging figures can be estimated from the photo.


Pair of tire swans

A noticeable and graceful figure of a swan on a flower plot makes a good impression, children like it. Several figurines of noble birds look especially stylish. Flowerbed "Swan" is easy to make with your own hands, you only need good knife, template and our instruction for beginners:

  1. First you need to put on the tire the lines along which you want to cut.
  2. Then cut out the head, wings. Turn product inside out.
  3. The neck will have to be reinforced with wire, which will help the rubber keep its shape.
  4. The bird is covered with white paint, the beak and eyes are distinguished.

Approximate markup for making a swan

funny turtle

To make a turtle, you need two tires. One of them needs to be cut - to separate the round side parts with a knife, you only need a protector. It needs to be cut into 4 pieces of the same size - these are the legs of the turtle. If you wish, you can make the edges of the paws with teeth to indicate the fingers. In the second tire, 4 holes are made on the sides, into which the paws are inserted, they must be fixed with wire. The tail must also be made of rubber, and the neck - of corrugated pipe, fasten these parts to the body. The head is made of tightly crumpled newsprint, fixed on the neck. Having painted the turtle, you can dress it up in a suitable hat. The paper must be securely coated with several layers of ink to ensure moisture protection.

Flower garden "Turtle" will be an excellent decoration of the garden

To create a frog with your own hands, you need to take three whole tires, you will need additional tire trimmings and an unnecessary hose. Put two tires next to each other, the third - in the center between them, it will depict the head of a frog. From rubber scraps, you need to make paws and attach them to pieces of hose. Arms and legs are attached with wire to the "body". Further, the entire composition can simply be covered with green paint. You can dream up and go further - make the frog eyes, mouth and even attach a crown.

You can plant such a frog next to the pond, where it will look most impressive.

Cup with coffee

This composition is perfect for small dacha, it is obtained from two tires from wheels different size. First you need to put on the ground the one that is smaller, on it - the one that has larger diameter. At the top tire, you can slightly expand the planting area by cutting the rubber from the inner ring. From these scraps of rubber, you can build a handle by securing it with wire. It is desirable to paint the cup with bright colors.

Tire cup can be painted in different ways

Vase with Flowers

A flower bed imitating a vase in which there are flowers looks very impressive. If you take a tire with a disk, you can make a flowerpot on a leg, if without, you get a simpler vase. The edge of the vase can be cut to your liking - made scalloped, wavy or cut in the form of a fringe. In order to decorate the edge of the flowerpot, you need to draw the desired pattern on the rubber with chalk or a marker, cut out the outline with a jigsaw or knife, and then turn the tire inside out. If we chose the rim option, the trimmed part of the tire remains on the base of the structure.

After this procedure, you get a pretty pretty flowerpot that can be painted. It makes sense to decorate such flowerpots: on smooth surface it is easy to apply a drawing, glue the decor of stones, glass.

Beautiful structures are obtained from several flowerpots of different sizes. One of the options involves the installation of flowerpots on top of each other, from largest to smallest, like a pyramid. It turns out the original flower bed, which saves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

Despite simple design flowerpot, this decoration can be made original due to the bright unique color

General principles of planting

After making the base of the flower bed, it is useful to fill it with sand and gravel to about 1/3 of the depth. This filler will serve as drainage, which will keep the roots of the flowers from waterlogging. The soil is poured from above, and only then the plants are planted.

Climbing plants or those that bloom with a thick “cap” are usually planted in simple flower beds. If there is a desire to get a multi-level flowering ensemble, it is worth planting petunias, marigolds, pansies. In the middle of the flower bed, it is desirable to plant plants with tall flowers: iris, dahlias, phlox.

Bright and unusual flower beds, decorated with tires, are destined to become a stylish feature of any garden. Near such a flower garden it is nice to relax on a summer evening, chat with friends and family. A photo gallery of the most unusual and easy-to-arrange flowerbeds will inspire you to create your own composition. Try to build one of them with your own hands to appreciate the attractiveness of a budget design.