Toilet      04/19/2019

High beds: how and from what to make. Smart beds framed from flat building slate: harm to the use of material, construction rules

In order to create a garden bed, the gardener needs to work hard. For this there are various options. One of the most inexpensive and effective is to use slate for this purpose. Its main varieties are flat and wavy slate.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the gardener wants to decide how exactly to make them, then he must weigh the existing positive and negative properties of such a choice.

First, let's mention the advantages of this kind of beds:

  • Material for them can be easily obtained and it is inexpensive.
  • The beds made of such material look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • Carrying out such work is not particularly difficult and is available to almost any gardener.
  • Such roofing material as slate is very durable and reliable. One of its most attractive features is that it is almost completely rot-proof.
  • Probably, due to the presence of asbestos cement in the composition of this material, it almost completely protects plants from bears and other harmful insects.

Now we will tell about the shortcomings that also occur in this case:

  • It is known that asbestos cement is included in its composition.

    There is an opinion among gardeners (not confirmed, but not refuted at the same time) that asbestos cement contained in slate can have a negative effect on the growth and maturation of plants growing on such beds.

  • This material conducts heat well. When heated under the rays of the sun, it will warm up strongly and heat the surrounding soil. This, in turn, will lead to increased evaporation of water in warm weather.


If you decide to equip yourself with beds of this type, then you need to decide which varieties of them will suit us the most.

First of all, they can be divided according to the type of slate used:

  • With the use of wavy slate.
  • Those that are made using the flat variety.

It also makes sense to distinguish by their depth:

General rules

The crop, which is removed from this kind of beds, grows and ripens during the warm season. They are not intended for use during the winter period, as during frosts they freeze through to their entire depth.

When planning, you need to take into account that their most convenient width is up to 160 cm. This is due to the convenience when carrying out agricultural work on it.

Usually they plan their place and size in such a way that they are located along the east-west line in length.

In fact, the configuration can be very different. Some gardeners set them for themselves with a width of 20 cm or more, others do not make them rectangular, but give them a more complex shape.

Planning should be done in such a way as to make the most efficient use of the available free space.

Preparatory work

Slate cutting

You must first do the following operations:

  • Carry out land marking. Usually the beds are located from east to west, their length is not limited. The width, as a rule, can be different, but not wider than 160 cm. The limitation is due to the convenience of working on the beds.
  • Carry out cutting of slate sheets to be the required height. Usually the width of slate sheets is from one to one and a half meters, and the length is from 2-4 m. Cutting must be done taking into account the amount of penetration into the ground and the required height of the edge of the slate from the surface of the earth. When cutting, there will be a lot of dust, so you need to do this work in a respirator. If corrugated slate is used, cut it across the waves.

How to make a bed of slate?

Here is a description of creating a regular garden bed. If you need to make it deep, then you need to remember that in this case the depth is 30-40 centimeters, the height above the ground is 70-80 cm. The soil inside the garden bed will be 30-40 cm higher than the surrounding surface.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider how to properly equip such a bed:

Necessary materials

Before starting work, it will be necessary to prepare everything that is required to carry out work on their equipment.

Ribbed slate beds

Here we list what exactly will need to be prepared in advance:

  • slate sheets in sufficient quantity. You can use both wavy slate and flat.
  • Saw grinder with the corresponding circle, which is necessary for cutting individual sheets in accordance with the required dimensions.
  • Roulette, pegs And twine for marking the ground.
  • Building level.
  • Crushed stone, mulch, fertilizer, paper waste, compost and fertile soil to fill the beds.

Garden care

One of their essential features is enhanced heating. This is due to the fact that this material conducts heat well and in sunny weather contributes to a stronger heating of the surrounding soil.

In connection with this circumstance the beds need to be watered additionally to compensate for moisture loss.

You will not surprise anyone with roofing slate - this is the most common roofing material throughout the vast territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, what and how to cut flat or wave slate - rather fragile products - often remains a mystery for the younger generation. We will try to bring clarity to this issue.

How to cut slate without dust - dangerous dust

Today, on the wave of obsession with everything environmentally friendly, slate is considered perhaps the most dangerous roofing material. How - it contains asbestos, a dangerous mineral! True, the majority have absolutely no idea how exactly this substance affects, and in what quantity different objects and things that surround us contain it. Remember, if you decide to get rid of everything that contains asbestos, immediately throw away the money! In their manufacture, asbestos is used to increase the life and durability of banknotes.

However, seriously, asbestos for a person in the bound state in which it resides in products is completely harmless. The slate on the roof of a house or barn does not create any dust, and if you are so worried about it, just paint it. Fortunately, today slate paints have been developed specifically for these purposes, which have high adhesion to such surfaces.

The danger is asbestos dust, which occurs in the process of active actions - sawing products, dismantling structures, grinding.

That is, asbestos-containing slate itself is no more dangerous than the same one, since asbestos is bound by cement, but if you start sawing or grinding it, then the dust that appears, penetrating into our lungs, can really cause chronic bronchitis and other troubles that are treated with great difficulty. Starting repairs in order to get rid of all asbestos-cement structures, you just provoke the spread of such dust. Not for nothing in the United States at the peak of the asbestos campaign on state level quite a sensible decision was made - it is much safer to get along with asbestos than to fight it.

Therefore, do not rush to get rid of everything containing asbestos - use it as you used it before. However, when performing any tasks, try to protect yourself. The easiest way to avoid getting dust into your lungs and eyes is to wear a respirator and goggles, and stand upwind before cutting through the slate. If you have to work indoors, before cutting the slate, wet it properly. Much less dust is released from wet products during cutting. In addition, it is much easier to cut products after soaking - therefore experienced craftsmen wet rags are applied to the cutting site before cutting.

At the time of cutting, send those present in the room to get some air - even street smog is not as harmful as asbestos-cement dust. First of all, children should leave the room - because of their short stature, they inhale the air just at the level where the dust is the most. And one more important security measure, as they say, for the future - never throw the remains of building materials or construction debris on the road. Over time, machines will crush pieces of the same slate, and the air in hot weather will be filled with dust containing asbestos.

Trimming slate - how to cut flat slate?

cutting flat slate the fastest way is with the help of a grinder and a disk for a stone. If you need to cut on a hard surface that is highly undesirable to damage, place it under a slate sheet wooden lath, near the place where the cut will take place. However, this option will help you out when you need to cut close to the edge. If you need to cut the sheet in the middle, then it is best to put the slate on flat surface, which will not be afraid to damage, for example, to the ground.

It is best to work with an assistant - while one person cuts, the second will constantly moisten the cut with a thin stream of water from a hose or bottle. If there is no assistant, then try to bring a hose to the cut point so that the water spreads over the plane of the slate in the place where you will cut. In this case, you can avoid spraying asbestos dust, which will drain to the ground in the form of dirt. Its residues must be washed off the tools and the surface, as the dirt will harden when it dries. Using the same grinder and a diamond wheel, you can not only cut, but also grind the edges of the slate. Cutting slate with a grinder is a very noisy event, so protective headphones will not interfere with you at all.

What else can cut slate from power tools? Indeed, the grinder is not the only solution to the problem, a jigsaw or even a hacksaw with small tooth. However, in this case, get ready for a long marathon - these tools are only suitable for small amounts of work. To make it easier to cut with an electric jigsaw, and even more so with a hacksaw, throw a wet rag over the cut and let it stand for at least a couple of hours. Just do not get carried away - remember that the sheets from moisture will become not only elastic, but also more fragile, so you should not press hard. When working with a jigsaw, set the spindle speed to low.

Without dust and noise - how to cut wave slate quietly?

If slate trimming has to be done indoors, where it is important not only to avoid dust, but also to do the job as quietly as possible, then in the case of even slate sheets, you will need a cutter made of good steel. The slate sheet is laid on a flat place and a line is drawn under the ruler with a cutter. Then, removing the ruler, the line is deepened and expanded by pressing harder on the cutter.

It remains the case for small things - put a rail or pipe under the sheet, placing them parallel to the cut line, and press lightly. If you tried at the previous stage, then there should be no problems here either. Wavy slate with a cutter can only be cut along the wave - having stuffed your hand, you can cut even very narrow strips of about 10 cm, and notice, completely without dust and with minimal noise.

How to cut slate if there is only a hammer from the tools? Then you will need a method that belongs to the category of "grandfather things". Indeed, when there were no grinders and electric jigsaws, and for using a good hacksaw for other purposes, the grandfather could slap his grandson with a savory slap on the back of the head, this is the only way they cut slate. Although the word "cut" this method is somehow wrong to call it. Rather, it is broken. However, they break without dust and unnecessary noise, so the method will always be relevant.

So, you will need not just any, but a slate nail. Pre-mark the cut line, it is important that it runs along the bottom of the wave. That is, if the line runs along the top, just turn the sheet over. Holes are punched along the line with a nail - the more often they are located, the better. Then a pipe is placed under the sheet or wooden block and gently press on the edge of the sheet to break the slate along the line with the holes. The evenness of the line depends on the number of holes and accuracy. Sometimes, in order for the desired piece to separate, it is enough to tap along the cut line with the side of the hammer.

With the onset of the next spring-summer season, the priority task of gardeners is the arrangement of beds. From proper organization the available land resource will largely depend not only on the convenience of growing crops, but also on the whole crop of a particular year. Now slate beds are gaining more and more popularity. This design of the garden landscape looks neat and gives some order to the plantings.

Many are interested in how to make slate beds with their own hands in their country house. To do this, you need to study the recommendations, stock up on desire and necessary quantity time. Also prepare in advance necessary material- wavy or sheet flat slate for beds in the country.

By choosing this option for organizing the soil, there is a great chance to reduce your efforts and significantly bring the ripening time of the crop closer. It is known that the fence for beds made of flat slate allows the soil to warm up faster, which in turn accelerates the growth and development of plants. More information on how to make slate beds is described below.

The whole secret of creating comfortable, beautiful and durable beds lies in optimal choice material used. In this case, these are specially produced slate strips for beds. Their main advantages are associated with the properties of asbestos cement. After all, it is from him that something similar is done.

But the main advantage of such products is the minimum financial costs for them. Since the economical price of flat slate for garden beds only adds to the attractiveness of this type of building material for gardeners. Asbestos-cement flat strips can have the following dimensions: thickness - 16 - 40 mm, length - up to 3 meters.

Note to the gardener: asbestos cement sheet is a combination of Portland cement and fine-fibred chrysolite asbestos. Sheet slate is often purchased for roofing construction, construction of fence structures, ceilings and other structures. Wavy and flat slate sheets can have a different structure, colors, and weight. The latter is determined by the dimensions and thickness of the sheets.

Slate ridges have the following advantages, thanks to operational properties material:

  • the light weight of the strips ensures the ease and speed of erected structures;
  • high fire resistance of barriers, due to the content of asbestos;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations, climatic changes;
  • not susceptibility to putrefactive processes;
  • long service life - about 10 seasons (whereas a tree on the ridges can withstand only 4 seasons);
  • ease of strip processing;
  • aesthetic appeal.

However, despite these advantages, the bands do not tolerate point loads well, since the material is quite fragile.

The use of flat slate in the beds: benefit or harm

In addition to the fact that plants begin to grow faster, gardeners name several more factors that characterize flat slate beds on the positive side. In particular, fencing the beds with slate creates protection for the root of the plants from earthen pests, for example, from the bear. And also from the penetration of the roots of weed plants.

However, flat slate for beds can also bring harm. For example, as a result of heating the strips, increased evaporation of soil moisture occurs. Therefore, you will have to water such beds much more often than ordinary ones. There is also an opinion that asbestos-cement strips negatively affect the valuable nutritional qualities of the future crop, adding toxicity to them. However, this detrimental property of asbestos is easily leveled by ordinary staining of slate sheets.

In addition, a layer of paint increases the period of operation of the material, endowing it with increased properties of frost and moisture resistance. It is only important not to make a mistake with the choice of coloring agent. For asbestos-cement products, quick-drying acrylic compounds are usually used either liquid plastic.

Before you make beds from flat slate, you need to read the recommendations. Basically, they boil down to the following important points:

  1. making the walls of a slate bed with your own hands from prepared strips, their installation and strengthening;
  2. filling the walls with fertile contents;
  3. arrangement of aisles.

Exists optimal size beds with sides of flat slate. Side walls deepen into the ground by 40 cm. In this case, the height of the walls should be up to 0.7 m, and the width of the beds - 1 m 50 cm. The direction is east-west. The length can reach up to 10 - 11 meters. The first layer is laid out a pillow - compost, sawdust, etc. organic matter. Fertile soil is poured over the pillow.

Row spacing is a separate topic for discussion. Processing row spacing allows you to make the garden more tidy, as well as strengthen the main structure. First of all, the soil near the rows is rammed. Row spacing is made different - from lawn to gravel and concrete. It makes sense to form a lawn only when there is sufficient distance between the structures. So it will be easier to cut the growing greenery.

It is more expedient to use slate garden structures for growing annual plants.

For example, a spicy garden bed would be appropriate here. Perennials are not recommended to be planted in them. Since, similarly to ordinary ridges, the earth in them also freezes in winter.

Step-by-step instructions for arranging a bed of slate strips

The whole set of actions depends on the prepared type of material. To begin with, the sheets are cut into the necessary parts. Further on the surface of the earth mark the perimeter of the future beds. According to this landmark, a trench is torn off. Cuts of a wavy slate sheet are installed vertically in it. On each side, the slate sheet is sprinkled with soil and thoroughly rammed. For greater stability, the sheets are supported with metal stakes from several sides.

Building a bed of flat slate with your own hands also does not present any particular difficulties. The standard length of a flat slate sheet is 1m 75cm. To avoid the formation of scraps, sawing is carried out into two parts (75 and 100 cm long). The connection of the obtained parts is carried out by means of metal corners. They are prepared in advance (cut, drill holes for bolts in them, treated with anti-corrosion coatings).

It is not recommended to hammer slate sheets into the soil. They should be dug in with earth in dug trenches. Naturally, such a responsible approach will require a lot of time. However, it is he who guarantees the safety and integrity of the slate, the durability of its use. Fenced in a similar way the beds will rise above the rest of the territory by personal plot about 10-15 cm.

Safety measures when working with slate strips

An important procedure is cutting slate strips into desired length segments. At this stage, it is important to provide for safety precautions. It will not be superfluous to wear a respirator, since sawing slate is accompanied by the formation a large number dust. The choice of tool will depend on the presence / absence of electricity on the site. If it is available, then it is wiser to use the grinder. And in its absence, they manage with an ordinary saw.

In the situation of choosing a corrugated slate, the sheets are cut perpendicular to the direction of the waves. In order not to be mistaken, the cut line is marked in advance with chalk. When sawing, the cutting site is recommended to be moistened with water. The sawing procedure can also be accelerated and facilitated if several punch holes are made along the line marked with chalk with a nail. However, each action here must be as accurate as possible so as not to spoil the material.

High slate beds

It is much easier to process beds with high sides. They make planting and harvesting easier. In what case and why can you equip such structures on your site? There are several reasons for this. For example, if the terrain is complex. Either required:

  • prepare a unique soil composition for planting agricultural crops;
  • good drainage;
  • adjustment of the fertile soil layer according to the type of root planting system;
  • early planting of seedlings in spring;
  • free growth of plants without tying (for example, cucumbers and tomatoes grow excellently, hanging down their shoots);
  • giving the fence shapes other than a rectangle (to create a creative country design).

Note to the gardener: if the finished slate beds have walls more than 40 cm above ground level, then they are recommended to be additionally tightened with wire.

For which purpose, holes are drilled in oppositely installed strips of slate, into which steel wire is pulled, the ends of which are twisted. Wherein important point is the correct calculation of the applied efforts. And the main thing here is not to overdo it, since slate sheets are easily damaged if you press a little harder on the wire.

Mittlider's high beds

Our compatriots also know such structures as high slate strawberry beds, proposed by the American vegetable grower Mittlider. However, the foreign scientist does not reduce the choice of material for the sides of the structure only to slate sheets - they can be boards and others suitable for these purposes. Construction Materials. At the same time, the sizes of the beds here are somewhat different from the classic ones. high beds. The width of the Mittlider beds for strawberries is only 45 cm.

Mittlider gives specific justifications for this parameter:

  1. minimal effort is required to remove weeds;
  2. freely growing berry bushes do not interfere with each other, which improves their fruiting;
  3. strawberry roots are less susceptible to decay.

The beds are surrounded by a solid fence made of slate or boards. A layer of 20 cm is placed inside sawdust, shavings or wood chips. Fertile or composite soil is laid on top of the previous pillow. The row spacing in this case is 90 cm. They are covered with agrofibre to prevent weeds from overgrowing the trails.

Note to the gardener-gardener: sawdust, which is one of the layers of a high slate bed, ensures the safety of moisture and they also act as fertilizer. Also, sawdust prevents the appearance of cracks in upper layers soil.

Many gardeners shy away from the nondescript gray tint of slate stripes, preferring wood over them. However, one should not neglect the material so suitable for high ridges, because there is always the opportunity to make it more attractive. appearance. For example, paint (as mentioned above) or decorate with a fence made of willow twigs. Such a design idea will appeal to both the owners of the site and its guests.

High beds, equipped with the proposed method, give much bigger harvest than a garden in an unlimited space. Thanks to favorable temperature regime soils in them accelerated the absorption of fertilizers by plants, and the flow of nutrients to the latter. This topic was discussed in the article.

It becomes clear that it is not difficult to equip these structures for growing vegetable and berry crops on your own. In addition, the result of this work will remind of itself for a whole decade.

Gardeners and gardeners annually ask themselves the question of what is the best way to make strips for beds. So, today the most practical and economical material is strips of flat slate, you can buy such strips in our online store at the most favorable price. It is worth noting that with the proper arrangement of your backyard territory with the help of this material, you can protect your crop from pests, and also accelerate the growth of plants.


The period of operation of this material reaches 50 years, which can be considered a huge advantage.

· Acceptable price.

· Pleasant appearance of the backyard territory.

Installation of strips does not require any knowledge and experience, that is, you can make a fence with your own hands. IN special care does not need.

What you need to know about the use of the studied material in the beds?

Despite the fact that the use of flat slate in the garden is considered only on the positive side, there are some features here, without taking into account which the material can be dangerous.

So, let's start with the fact that plants in flat slate beds grow faster and are protected from some pests. Also, weeds do not grow on such a backyard territory, which is very important for every gardener and summer resident.

However, with a frivolous approach to organizing your own garden, you can miss the point that if the material is used incorrectly, it can reduce the amount useful substances in grown plants. So, let's start with the fact that in case of overheating, slate increases the evaporation of moisture, for this reason it is recommended to water the garden more often. There is also an opinion that asbestos cement strips evaporate negative elements that enter your body through a grown crop, but this problem easily solved by painting the sheet before installation.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that by coloring it is possible to increase the period of operation of the material in conditions of severe frost and high levels of humidity. In this case, it is recommended to use liquid plastic or acrylic mixtures that dry quickly.

How to arrange a personal area?

1. The width of the aisles between the lanes should allow for trouble-free movement with necessary tools in hands, it is at least 45 cm with a height of not more than 20 cm. In this matter, the height of the stripes should be taken into account. Remember that this distance should allow you to freely water the plants, handle them, cut them, and so on. Only in this way at the end of the season will you be able to harvest the best harvest.

2. The most popular height is 15-20 cm. However, it is equally important to enjoy the process of caring for planted plants, which means it is better to buy

strips of slate, the height of which will reach 30-40 cm, so you can process the beds while sitting on a chair.

3. The length of the beds depends on the backyard area, the relief throughout its territory and other factors. The most common are beds with a length of 4 to 8 meters. It is recommended to install the bed from south to north, so Sun rays will evenly fall on the garden.