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The use of asbestos-cement sheets in construction. Asbestos cement sheet: advantages and disadvantages, scope of application. Composition and types of asbestos-cement sheets

General construction Finishing work: Practical guide for the builder Kostenko E. M.

14. Facing with asbestos-cement tiles and sheets

Asbestos cement tiles and sheets of ordinary gray, except for those used as roofing material, are not always pleasant to look at and sometimes give the impression of temporary decoration. As external cladding, they are used mainly to protect walls in areas where strong winds and frequent rains dampen the walls, causing them to lose their thermal insulation properties. These sheets increase the frost resistance of structures in winter, and in summer - resistance to elevated temperatures and sunlight. Their thermal insulation capacity is further enhanced by the air cavity between inside cladding and the surface of the lined wall.

Asbestos-cement sheets and tiles are made from a mixture of asbestos and cement, sometimes with an admixture of fused basalt fibers. They have a smooth surface, are weather resistant and can be cut with a saw. Square sheets can be of the following sizes: 300×300 and 400×400 mm and thickness up to 4 mm, respectively. Large, even slabs with dimensions of 1200×2500, 1200×1250 and 1200×1220 mm and a thickness of 4-10 mm are also used for cladding.

Sheets with a wavy surface are produced in widths of 930 mm and lengths of 620, 900, 1250, 1600 and 2500 mm. The most commonly used sheets are 1250 and 2500 mm long, 6 mm thick, and wave height 57 mm. Corrugated cladding sheets for finishing large surfaces have dimensions of 2500x1500 mm, thickness 4 mm, wave height 21 mm and wave width 75 mm.

Facing with asbestos-cement tiles. Asbestos tiles small sizes They are used primarily for cladding the gables of buildings, especially those exposed to atmospheric influences. In appearance, they resemble roofing rather than cladding. They are produced in light gray, red and less often green colors. Small-format asbestos-cement slabs are nailed to a frame made of 30×50 mm bars; their distance from one another is determined by the size of the slabs (Fig. 138). The cladding can be simple, double or diagonal. best foundation is a frame made of dry boards 80-160 mm wide and 20–26 mm thick. In some cases, roofing felt, roofing felt are nailed to the frame, which increase the moisture resistance of the cladding.

Profiled sheets, in turn, are produced in wavy, ordinary (VO) or reinforced (RU) profiles. VO sheets have dimensions of 1200×686×5.5 mm, and VU sheets have dimensions of 2800×1000×8 mm.

They also produce corrugated sheets of a unified profile (UP) with increased wave heights in sizes 1750–2500 x 1125 x 6 and 7.5 mm.

Each square tile is nailed to the base with two nails, and the butt and end caps are nailed with three. Holes and cutouts in the tiles are made with a hammer with a sharp tip or drilled with a metal drill. You can also drill along the intended contour big hole a series of small ones, then cut a hole with a sharp chisel. To prevent the wind from tearing the tiles off the wall, they have a hole or slot for connecting with special fasteners. Such tiles are nailed with galvanized nails, and the nails cannot be driven deep into the tile until they stop. It is necessary to leave a gap for volumetric changes in slabs and wooden structure grounds caused by fluctuations in temperature and air humidity. If the slabs are nailed rigidly to wooden base, they may subsequently crack.

Tiling work is carried out from the bottom up. The nails used to nail the tiles must be covered by the next tiles. If the tiles are laid on a frame, then, first of all, the outer tiles-onlays are nailed, and in such a way that the seams between them are covered by the top tiles. The seams of the top layer of tiles should be located in the middle of the lower tiles. The first row of tiles should be slightly raised, so a 10 mm thick lath is placed under it.

If the cladding is simple, then after a series of outer overlays, butt overlays are laid, which are nailed one next to the other so that with their longitudinal side they overlap the lower outer overlays by 70 mm. Then rows of facing tiles are nailed one after another along a stretched cord. In tiles that have a hole at the top of the bottom corner, a pin or rivet is inserted with the rod up between two butt plates nailed one next to the other. Then the tile is put on the rivet rod with a hole and installed in correct position so that the edges of the chamfered corners coincide with the corners of the butt plates. After this, the edges are nailed with two nails passed through specially prepared holes, and the protruding part of the rivet is bent down. The tiles should be laid so that the top corners of the top row extend beyond the edge of the tile by at least 10 mm; then the water from the top row will flow into the middle of the underlying tile.

If there is a cutout in the tile, then a special pin is inserted into it, and in such a way that its bend covers the tile. Then the tiles are installed on the frame or sheathing and nailed on the right side. The bottom top of the tile will rest against the stop bar of the pin inserted into the bottom tile. Once the bottom left side is pressed, the tile will rest against the stud strip itself. The bar needs to be bent over the edge of the tile, lightly hitting it with a hammer. Only after this the tile is nailed with another nail on the left side. The upper part of the cladding ends with joint plates turned downwards. The finish of the cladding may vary. If the top side of the butt plates is horizontal, then the row ends with a horizontal cover strip, which is nailed or screwed to the base sheathing or to the formwork.

Facing with large-sized asbestos-cement sheets.

The advantage of large-sized sheets is ease of installation using the “dry” method, relatively low cost and durability. It is advisable to use such sheets for external cladding of individual residential buildings (Fig. 139).

Slabs that have been stored for a long time are stronger, therefore, cutting them into pieces will not be easy. It is easier to cut into pieces slabs that have just been manufactured at the factory. If their thickness does not exceed 7 mm, you can use a sharp metal cutter or the corner of a sharpened chisel to apply marks on both sides of the sheet, if possible exactly one opposite the other, and then break the slab at this point on the sharp edge of a wooden block or table (Fig. 140). If you need to break off a narrow strip, then first you need to gradually break off large pieces of material up to the mark, from which pieces with a smooth edge will then break off. In this case, you need to move from the edge of the sheet to the center.

Uneven edges of the cut edge are cleaned with a file or rasp. It is recommended to cut sheets with a thickness of more than 7 mm using an electric circular saw With fine teeth or carborundum disc. Cut hand saw It's tedious and the cut is uneven.

Holes are drilled twist drill for steel. Sawdust and debris that accumulate around the drill should be removed immediately, otherwise the slab may crack. Holes for threaded connection drill 1 mm larger diameter bolt shaft, i.e. taking into account the volumetric expansion of the metal. For countersunk screws, a conical recess is made in the surface of the plate using a large-diameter drill. If you need to make a hole of a large diameter in the slab, drill around the perimeter of the circle required amount small holes at a distance of approximately 5 mm from one another, then the middle is removed, and the irregularities are smoothed out with a file or rasp. Asbestos-cement slabs can be attached, for example, to a smoothly plastered or unplastered wall using dowels on the sides and corners of the slab. Holes are drilled at a distance of approximately 50 mm from the edge. If the slab is wide at the top, drill an additional hole.

Holes at the top edge of the slab are made at a distance of 400–600 mm. Fastening the slab in the middle of its surface is unaesthetic. At the bottom of the floor, the gap is covered with a plinth, at the top with a figured strip, and the vertical seams between individual slabs are covered with rectangular strips. If the base is uneven or it is necessary to cover the surface to be covered with thermal insulation, the slabs are mounted on wooden frame. If the wall masonry is wet, it is necessary to impregnate the frame bars with antiseptics and place strips of rolled waterproofing under them (Fig. 141).

To fasten the plates to the slats, screws with a countersunk or semi-countersunk head are used. The slabs are secured with screws at a distance of 20–25 mm from the edge of the slab. The distance between the screws should be approximately 600 mm.

Plates for cladding walls located near heating equipment that heats up to high temperatures must have a thickness of at least 8 mm, and they should not be installed on wooden blocks, and on linings made of pieces of asbestos-cement slabs or on porcelain mugs, and in such a way that there is an air gap between the non-face side of the slab and the base.

When using slabs for internal lining applied to ordinary gray asbestos-cement slabs decorative finishing. You can also use ready-made decorative facing tiles with a colored front layer. These slabs are produced in dimensions of 320×200 cm and a thickness of 5.5 mm. The tiles are attached to a wooden or metal frame attached to pre-driven wooden plugs, or using dowels. The seams are covered with simple strips (Fig. 142).

Cladding with corrugated boards. Corrugated slabs are used for facing temporary structures and for various building utility rooms. Usually they are attached to more massive bars with large galvanized screws with a seal (Fig. 143).

Facing with plasterboard sheets. Gypsum plasterboards are most often used when modernizing interiors in old houses, where the plastered surface is uneven, has many cracks and lagging places. Instead of chipping off the old plaster and applying a new one, it is easier, and sometimes more expedient, to use large sheets, the surface of which is pasted over with wallpaper. The best material for claddings of this type are plasterboard sheets.

Plasterboard sheets of large sizes with fibrous fillers of organic and inorganic origin with a thickness of 8-12 mm are attached to the base of the rails with screws or mounted on mortar cakes (Fig. 144).

These sheets are suitable not only for facing main walls, but also for partitions. They are attached dry to a frame made of thin steel profiles or to a frame made of wooden blocks. Soundproof drywall partitions have excellent soundproofing and fire resistance. The weight of 1 m2 of such a partition is approximately 1/5 less than a brick one.

Plasterboard sheets are also suitable for cladding ceilings. Brackets are driven into the ceiling structure, to which adjustable suspension brackets are then hung, allowing them to be trimmed to a horizontal position.

Plasterboard sheets are also fastened to a metal frame made of thin-sheet galvanized steel using self-drilling, self-tapping screws.

A sharp knife is required to cut drywall sheets. The sheet must be placed on a flat and smooth base, such as a table. On the front side, the upper part (cardboard) is cut with a knife, and the gypsum core is broken, placing the cut on the sharp edge of the table. Then the slab is turned over, and the cardboard is cut on the non-face side (Fig. 145).

Cladding with large sheets and slabs of colored glass. The procedure for tiling with glass tiles is described in the corresponding chapter. Compared to ceramic tiles, the decorative qualities of glass tiles are lower. If the glass is not at risk of mechanical damage and cracks due to thermal volumetric expansion, such cladding is durable. When using large-sized sheets and slabs, the labor intensity of facing work is reduced. Large sheets of colored glass that are usually installed on metal frame, attached to the wall, used for internal and exterior finish. When attaching sheets to the frame, putties, elastic polymer-based mastics or special springs are used as a gasket.

Facing with thermal insulation materials. Sufficiently reliable thermal insulation that prevents heat loss is now becoming one of the main requirements for the design of buildings. Due to poor thermal insulation, up to 40% of the heat generated by heating devices is lost.

In individual houses, the causes of heat loss, in most cases, can be: cold walls in the above-ground floors, cold and damp walls in the basements, and possibly on the first floor, insufficient thermal insulation of the places where window sills are installed, ceilings of the top floor or basement, floors of the first floor, under which there is no basement, etc.

You can insulate living quarters gradually. First of all, it is enough to increase the thermal insulation of the ceilings of the top floor and external walls facing north, then windows and balcony doors. If radiators are installed in recessed niches without thermal insulation, this omission must be corrected.

The thermal characteristics of a residential building as a whole or an individual apartment depend on the location of the building and orientation relative to the prevailing direction of snow and wind, as well as on the thickness and material of the walls, the size and design of windows and doors, and, finally, on the quality of workmanship construction work. The low thermal conductivity of the vast majority of thermal insulation materials is due to the presence of air enclosed in small-volume voids thermal insulation material. In fibrous materials, such voids are formed by intersecting fibers.

The thermal insulation layer should, as a rule, be located on the outside of the wall structure (Fig. 146). If this is not possible and the thermal insulation is located on the inner surface of the wall, a vapor barrier layer must be installed in front of it.

If it is necessary to remove moisture from a structure with a vapor-proof layer on the outside, then it is best to proceed as follows. Simultaneously with the installation of a vapor-impermeable layer on the outside, a vapor-impermeable layer is installed on the inside; in addition, a ventilated air gap is also left in front of the outer vapor-proof layer.

If you decide to arrange additional thermal insulation of the enclosing structures from the inside, perform the work in the following sequence: remove the baseboards; if the plaster has electrical sockets or switches, please note that they will be located higher by the thickness of the thermal insulation layer; You can glue the thermal insulation to the base or attach individual slabs to slats and cover them with plaster or treat them in some other way. Thermal insulation can also be laid between the slats, to which wooden cladding, plasterboard sheets, etc. will then be attached (Fig. 147). The distance between the slats must correspond to the width of the insulating boards.

A large amount of heat escapes through the flat roof and also through the attic space. The insufficiency of roof insulation can be easily determined by the snow that has fallen: it melts quickly. On a roof with good thermal insulation, snow lies for a long time because heat does not reach it from the inside. If above the last floor there is attic floor which will not be equipped for housing, it is necessary to put mats of mineral wool 50-100 mm thick or heat-insulating boards made of various materials (Fig. 148).

Additional thermal insulation of a horizontal surface is not as difficult as the insulation of inclined surfaces under the roof, which is necessary in cases where the attic room is equipped for habitation. Thermal insulation boards or mats in the attic are most often placed between the rafters (Fig. 149). Such thermal insulation is threatened by two dangers: moisture coming from inside, and water flowing through the roof from above. For processing internal surfaces It is also advisable to use plasterboard sheets nailed to the rafters, wood, and particle boards.

For thermal insulation cladding they use various materials, which are fixed in a way depending on the nature of the base, specific features structure and premises. When driving nails into soft and semi-hard boards, it is necessary to use shims, because otherwise the nail head may pierce the board and break the fastening.

Expanded polystyrene is a synthetic material, 6–8 times lighter than balsa wood, characterized by good heat and sound insulation properties. Able to withstand temperatures up to +70 °C. It is used primarily as a heat-insulating material. Produced in the form of plates or blocks. Expanded polystyrene is easily cut with any saw. It can also be cut with a sharp knife or a metal string through which electricity heating metal up to +150 °C. For gluing polystyrene foam, polyvinyl acetate emulsion and other adhesives are used.

If you need to stick polystyrene foam on a wall with lime whitewash or adhesive paint, the latter must be completely removed. It is not recommended to strengthen whitewashing or painting with diluted wallpaper glue, because as a result of internal stresses, the connection of the material with the base is broken and the glued polystyrene foam is separated from the wall.

Surface finishing should not be based on materials containing organic solvents as they destroy the styrofoam. The surface of polystyrene foam can be coated with latex, tempera or adhesive paint, or rubbed with liquid plaster.

Construction fiberboard boards with dimensions of 2000×500 mm and thicknesses of 25, 35, 50, 75 mm have a coarse fiber structure, thanks to which, after strengthening the surface with a metal mesh, they can be plastered. These slabs are used for thermal insulation of walls and ceilings, flat roofs, as well as for installing lightweight partitions. In terms of fire safety, they are considered flammable. The density of the plates depends on their thickness. The greater the thickness, the lower the density: 25 mm thick slabs have a density of 460 kg/m2, and 75 mm thick slabs have a density of 375 kg/m2.

Mineral wool boards are mineral fibers bonded with formaldehyde resin. They are the most common, most effective and at the same time one of the cheapest thermal insulation materials. They are produced in the form of slabs with a density of 80-100 kg/m2 or in the form of strips with a density of 60–80 kg/m2. Due to their low density, the strips are compressible. Mats made from mineral felt are sewn on corrugated or smooth cardboard (paper), and they can also be inserted between two sheets of smooth paper. They are suitable for insulating steam-water pipelines and water heating pipelines, insulating floors (from footstep noise). If such mats will be used at temperatures above +80 °C, a protective layer of gypsum, cement, aluminum or zinc must be applied to their surface sheet metal etc.

Heat and sound insulating plaster mixtures. To improve heat and sound insulation properties and at the same time to increase fire resistance, mineral fiber (glass or asbestos), as well as light aggregates - expanded perlite, pumice - are added to the mortar mixture. The grains of expanded perlite are not very stable, so it is necessary that the mixture is stirred in a mortar mixer for no more than 2–3 minutes.

The advantage of plaster mixtures based on expanded perlite is also the reduction in the consumption of necessary building materials. Compared to traditional materials, 10 mm of perlite plaster has approximately the same thermal insulation capacity as 40 mm of concrete with chips and pumice, 50 mm of brick or 150 mm of masonry.

Window insulation. Insufficient thermal insulation manifests itself in the form of heat leaks, which increase the operating costs of heating and reduce the comfort of the home. The method of performing thermal insulation depends on the size of the glazed surface, as well as on the design of the frames, which are single or double (sometimes there are also triple frames that have the best thermal insulation properties). An important factor is the density of adjoining the window frame to the walls and window glass to the frame.

At low outside temperatures warm air from inside the room tends to the outside, and penetrates inside cold air. The intensity of such natural ventilation increases with the increase in the difference between the internal and external temperatures and depends on the direction of the wind. Heat loss caused by leaky windows can reach 80% of total heat loss.

Single glazing is not always sufficient. With double glazing, the optimal distance between the panes is approximately 40 mm. However, if this value is reduced by 10 mm or increased by 10 mm, the difference will be insignificant.

If you need to further enhance the thermal insulation of a single-frame window, you can replace the second glass with a double-glazed unit or supplement the single sash with a second single sash. Double-glazed windows have a total thickness of 20 mm or more, while a quarter window frame has a width of 16–18 mm, so fixing the double-glazed window presents certain difficulties. They are made standard, their cost is quite high. A more affordable solution is to add another sash, which can be made from bars about 35 mm thick. Window hinges are attached to the old sash so that the newly added sash can open easily. Such an additional sash in windows that open inward is located on the outside, but a tin gutter must be installed on top to prevent water from flowing into the window. In windows that open outward, an additional sash is placed on the inside. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the gap is tight and that warm and moist moisture does not penetrate into the space between the doors. room air, otherwise the window will fog up and ice up.

Sun protection devices in the apartment. In the summer months, fabrics - curtains and drapes - are most often used to protect against overheating and too bright sunlight. On windows with double glazing, the curtain can be replaced by blinds (metal, plastic or laminated plastic with paper filling) located between the panes. Such blinds are produced by the industry and are commercially available.

Curtains are placed on the inside. During the day, it is enough to cover the windows with rare mesh curtains, which at the same time perform decorative functions. They are hung on metal or wooden rods or in closed cases on metal threads, preferably with a large number of folds. When bright sunlight, as well as in evening and night lighting, windows are covered with denser and opaque curtain fabrics.

Wooden blinds are made from narrow oak, spruce or pine slats connected to each other with wire connecting links. They are used for curtains. Blinds are relatively expensive. Natural ventilation is ensured by raising the lower edge of the blinds, as well as with the help of holes provided in the slats of the blinds. author

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1. Facing internal surfaces with glazed ceramic tiles Among modern facing materials ceramic tiles are the most common due to their qualities that distinguish them from other facing materials. They

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From the book General Construction Finishing Works: A Practical Guide for the Builder author Kostenko E. M.

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From the book General Construction Finishing Works: A Practical Guide for the Builder author Kostenko E. M.

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From the book General Construction Finishing Works: A Practical Guide for the Builder author Kostenko E. M.

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For the most part, and this is over 51%, individual houses, cottages and garages are covered with slate sheets. In agricultural buildings, the use of this material reaches 80%. Such popularity was achieved due to the reasonable cost of asbestos-cement roofing, performance characteristics and easy installation. Of course, many consumers will say that slate is harmful and what damage it causes to human health. However, not everyone can specifically substantiate the negativity of the material. The article will discuss in detail everything related to asbestos-cement roofing.

Are asbestos-cement sheets so destructive?

The classic recipe includes the following components: Portland cement, water and asbestos. This means that when talking about danger, the last element is implied.

Asbestos cement roofing photo

Asbestos mainly occurs in two types, differing in mineral groups:

  • chrysotiles, the microscopic shape of which is the thinnest tubes. The mineral is resistant to caustic chemical compounds (alkalis), but is unstable to acids. The half-life of the fibers occurs in a couple of weeks, then is excreted from the human body. A dose hazardous to health does not accumulate even in enterprises engaged in the production of asbestos-cement sheets, should we talk about harmfulness roofing on open air?
  • Amphibole with fragile needle-shaped fibers. This group of heavy metal minerals is highly resistant to neutral and acidic environments, but is soluble in alkali. Inhalation of particles produces carcinogenic effects. The half-life is 1.5 years.

So where did the prejudice about the harmfulness of asbestos-cement roofing come from? The fact is that chrysotile asbestos is practically not found in Europe, and the production was built on amphibole. Accordingly, when scientists identified the harm caused by amphibole asbestos, all asbestos-containing building materials were banned. In addition, there is another significant factor - banal competition, because Russia occupies more than 50% of the world market for the production and supply of this product.

Despite the fact that asbestos-cement sheets are harmless to health, safety precautions should not be neglected when working with them. So, when drilling or sawing material, goggles and a respirator are used.

Types of roofing made from asbestos-cement sheets

This artificial material It is produced mainly by casting the mixture with further hardening. Asbestos fibers play a reinforcing role, increasing the strength of the finished product. In this way, flat and wavy sheets are formed.

Roofs from asbestos-cement corrugated sheets are used in the arrangement of industrial, residential and agricultural buildings. They have the following modification:

  • IN(ordinary wave) is produced in a regular rectangular shape with 7 or 8 waves. Standard sizes according to GOST are 1 750x1 130x5.8 mm, pitch - 150 mm, wave height - 40 mm, average weight- 26 kg. Particularly popular among consumers is a sheet of 1200x680x5.5 mm weighing 8.5 kg.
  • VU(wave reinforced) used for roofing industrial buildings. Distinctive Features are the dimensions of the sheet - length can be 2,300-2,800 mm, width - 994 mm, thickness - 8 mm, pitch - 167 mm, wave height - 50 mm and weight 36-44 kg.

  • UV(unified wave) has, as a rule, a 6-wave profile. Product width 1125 mm, length - 1750-2500 mm, thickness 6-7.5 mm. The characteristics determine the purpose of the sheets, for example, UV-6-1,750 is used for residential and public buildings, and UV-7.5-2,000 is used for industrial buildings.

Application area flat sheets pretty wide. They are used for device internal partitions, as cladding of buildings (internal and external), as well as for covering roofs.

  • Release of sheets is carried out in the pressed and not pressed form. Pressed molding implies greater weight of the product and higher strength properties. For example, the bending strength is 23 MPa, versus 18 MPa for non-pressed products. The last sheets are used mainly for interior work.

In addition to sheets, manufacturers offer elements designed to cover valleys, ridges and for the intersection of vertical parts with the roof, such as pipes, parapets, and exhaust systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

The widespread use of asbestos-cement sheets is due to many positive qualities:

  • the price of asbestos-cement roofing for many consumers is a fundamental factor when choosing a roofing material;
  • long service life of 50 years or more;
  • the strength of slate, since a dry sheet can withstand the weight of a person;
  • does not heat up and does not fade under the influence of direct sunlight;

  • fire resistance is the main advantage of the material; it also has good electrical insulating properties;
  • not afraid of corrosion;
  • it has high soundproofing properties, so the sound from rain or hail is minimal;
  • can be repaired or replaced with individual damaged sheets;
  • it is not worth mentioning a low decorative look; today a wide range of slate is produced.

However, like any building material, slate also has disadvantages:

  • the presence of asbestos in the composition, although not fatal, still affects human health;
  • treatment with primers or similar solutions is necessary; in the absence of protection, moss appears on the sheets;
  • low impact resistance requires careful handling during transportation, storage, installation;
  • does not allow the installation of roofs of complex shapes, for example, domed ones.

How and how to cut slate sheets

At the stages of construction, it becomes necessary to cut the material to a certain size. Work can be carried out with various tools and methods.

  • An even cut will be obtained when using a grinder and a cutting disc for diamond-coated stone. With this method, a large accumulation of dust and small particles is formed, so the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory.

  • A hacksaw for wood, but you must keep in mind that you will have to change the saw blades often. In addition, for large volumes this tool is not advisable to use. To facilitate the work, the cut line should be moistened with plenty of water and left for a while.
  • You can perforate along the intended line with a nail or sharp chisel, and then break. The only drawback is that the material ends up with a rough edge.
  • A cut is made on both sides of the wave with a grinder or a hacksaw, after which the sheet is broken.

Basic provisions

  • The slope of the roof should be in the range of 25°-45°. It should be remembered that the steeper the slope, the higher its water resistance, since snow and melt water do not accumulate on the roof surface. However, the device will need more material.
  • In addition to sheets, you will need additional elements: outer and inner corners (trays), ridge part. They will close all corner joints, thereby providing protection from moisture.
  • Nails with a large head or dowel-nails equipped with a washer and a rubber gasket that prevent the penetration of moisture at the fixation points are used as fastening elements. Special wire nails for asbestos-cement roofing are also popular.

  • To prevent the slate from splitting, it is necessary to pre-drill holes, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the nail.
  • The length of the hardware is calculated as follows: wave height + thickness of the board or sheathing bar.
  • The fasteners should not be driven in flush with the roofing material, but it is not recommended to leave a large gap. It is necessary to find a middle ground where the head of the nail will only come into contact with the asbestos-cement sheets.
  • All cut edges are treated with acrylic paint.

Slate protection

I would like to immediately note that painting sheets is necessary not so much to improve aesthetic perception, but to increase the service life of this roofing material.

  • Like any painting, the work begins with priming the surface. When selecting a mixture, attention is paid to its alkali resistance. The packaging also indicates what materials the product is intended for; in this case, the item “for slate” should be present.
  • If the choice is limited, then you can take a deep penetration acrylate primer. The paint purchased for painting the roof will also serve well as a base. Only it needs to be diluted approximately 1:10.
  • After the primer layer has dried, you can proceed to the painting itself. The paint and varnish material can be either foreign or domestic. In principle, there are no special differences in properties, but there is a significant difference in cost.

  • Well suited for these purposes acrylic paint, you should check with the seller whether it is intended for slate. You can also use special rubber paint. Its main differences are heat resistance and high resistance to any weather conditions. When applied, it forms an elastic film that protects the roofing material.
  • The coating is carried out in two stages: the first layer, made on the finished surface, is easily absorbed, and therefore the roof appears unevenly colored. The second application is called finishing. It should be carried out more carefully and thoroughly.
  • For work, a brush, roller or spray gun is used. The latter tool will undoubtedly increase productivity, but at the same time increase paint consumption.
  • Painting is done in clear, warm weather. Do not work in wet or hot (heated) sun rays) surfaces. In these cases, the paint will soon begin to peel off.
  • Improvement appearance old slate is carried out in the same way, only before this the material is cleaned of moss, dust and other foreign particles. Used for cleaning metal brush However, this process is quite laborious and will take a fairly large amount of time. Here you can use an electric drill with the appropriate attachment. Another effective tool is a washing machine, which almost any car owner has.
  • If necessary, local repairs or complete replacement of some sheets are carried out.

  • If the roofing material does not have significant defects, but the smallest cracks are present, then they can be repaired with the following mixture:
    • cement is diluted with water to the state of liquid sour cream, with the addition of 1 cup of PVA glue per bucket of the mixture.
    • The resulting solution coats asbestos-cement sheets. You can then paint it for a decorative look.

Roofing from asbestos-cement sheets

  • The weight of asbestos-cement sheets determines the presence of a solid roofing device using an increased thickness of lumber. For example, diagonal rafter legs(beams 100x150 mm) of great length must be reinforced with braces.
  • The rafters are laid on the upper wall trim or Mauerlat (beam with a section of 100-150 mm) with an overhang of at least 300 mm. The beams are fixed in pre-made sockets-notches. On at this stage a drainage system is installed.

Asbestos-cement roof knots

  • If used as waterproofing rolled materials, then solid wood flooring is needed. Ruberoid, film, roofing felt or membrane are attached in accordance with the instructions. The material should be placed vertically, cutting off the length with a margin of at least 50-60 cm, half of which will go to another roof slope, the other - to attach to the eaves with a kind of inversion.
  • The following strips overlap 50-60 mm. The ridge is protected by a tape of waterproofing material.
  • The crate is made of unedged boards 50x100 mm, the distance between them should be such that the asbestos-cement sheet rests on them in three places. So, for a VO sheet (GOST), the pitch will be 540 mm, respectively, for a sheet 1,200 mm long - 600 mm.

  • A continuous crate must be made along the cornice, ridge, at dormer windows or pipes.


Sheets are laid from right to left and from bottom to top, thus preventing moisture from entering the butt joints. Wave material of this kind is fixed only in the crest of the wave.

There are two main types of mounting.


  • This method involves laying sheets overlapping and is suitable for long spans with a small distance between the ridge and the cornice. Work begins from the bottom of the front overhang. The sheet is fixed at 5-6 points, the next one is mounted with a shift of one wave of the previous slate strip. Similarly, the laying of the 1st row is completed.

  • The top sheets are also mounted with an overlap on the bottom row by about 10-15 cm.
  • When working, the sheets must be horizontal and vertical. Otherwise, all subsequent material will be distorted. Cutting and fitting of slate is carried out in advance on the ground. This will greatly simplify the lifting of the sheets onto the roof and their installation.
  • This method has one drawback - a joint of 4 sheets is formed, through which melted and rainwater. You can avoid such consequences if you cut off the corner diagonally on all the outer sheets, “looking” inward. In subsequent rows, two opposite corners of the sheets are cut off.


  • This method is advisable to use on wide slopes of short length. For this, it is better to use slate with 8 waves, since its use will reduce waste and, accordingly, costs.
  • A certain number of sheets must be cut in half (lengthwise). The halves are laid alternately with whole strips. So, for example, if the first row began with a fragmentary element, then a solid sheet is mounted above it. The third one is again from half a slate.

Material calculation

A correctly calculated number of asbestos-cement sheets will save time and, undoubtedly, nerves, since you won’t have to give up roofing work and go headlong to the construction market for a single sheet.

The calculation is performed as follows:

  • number of sheets per row = the length of the roof is divided by the width of the sheet, a spare 10% is added to the result;
  • number of rows = distance from roof ridge to eaves, including overhang, divided by length of sheet, plus 13%;
  • total amount of slate = number of rows multiplied by number of strips for 1st row.

If the roof is gable and forms an isosceles triangle on the gable side, then the result is doubled. If the roof has an asymmetrical shape, then each element is calculated separately. When making calculations, all fractional results are rounded up.

In an example it looks like this:

  • Let us assume that the slope has the following dimensions - 6,000x3,100 mm (the calculation is performed for asbestos-cement sheets made in accordance with GOST 1,750x1,130x5.8 mm);
  • This means that you will need whole sheets for 1 row - 6,000/1,130 = 5 pieces, adding a margin for overlap of 10% - 0.5. A total of 6 sheets are obtained;
  • Next is the number of rows: 3,100/1,750 + 0.2 (13%) = 2 sheets, respectively 2 rows;
  • the total amount of material is (6+2)ˣ2=16 sheets.

As for flat sheets, the installation principle is no different from traditional slate. The only difference is the pitch of the sheathing; here it should not exceed 40-50 cm. You can also create a continuous sheathing, in this case the strength characteristics increase, and the price of the work increases.

As you can see, new technologies make it possible to install roofs for various purposes at an affordable price and with good quality. decorative look material. After all, the unpresentable, gray and dull color is a thing of the distant past. Over the course of a century, asbestos cement sheets have been able to prove their excellent operational properties, in contrast to new modern roofing coverings that have not been thoroughly studied and tested by time.

Asbestos cement- a building material made from an aqueous mixture of cement and asbestos. Thin asbestos fibers in asbestos cement act as reinforcement, and cement mixed with water acts as an adhesive. Asbestos cement can be considered as a thinly reinforced cement stone, in which asbestos fibers, which have high tensile strength, perceive tensile stresses, and the cement stone - compressive stresses.

Asbestos is a collective name for fibrous minerals, white, yellow, greenish or gray colors, which, thanks to the optimal combination of quality and price, has been used in construction for more than 100 years. Asbestos is not susceptible to heat, therefore it is used for the manufacture of fireproof fabrics, paper, gaskets, cords, and is used for the manufacture of fire-resistant paints, etc. Also, asbestos fibers have exceptionally high strength, tensile elasticity, chemical and physical resistance. This allows (before the cement sets) form products from a sheet 5-10 mm thick various shapes. It should be noted that asbestos has a unique property - its radiation comfort. Houses built using asbestos-containing materials building structures, have radiation protection.


Accordingly, products made from asbestos cement have a number of advantages: great reliability and resistance to aggressive environments, their service life is several times longer than metal ones. They are not subject to electrochemical corrosion, are fireproof, durable in the ground, and are also easy to install. The disadvantages of asbestos cement include susceptibility to brittle fracture and deformability when humidity changes. But the disadvantages can be reduced by additional reinforcement and hydrophobization - the addition of special additives. Any asbestos-cement product is nothing more than a strong stone in which asbestos fibers are monolithically bound with cement.


Asbestos-cement pipes are a promising type of wide-purpose product with a set of unique properties:

  • not subject to corrosion and rotting
  • not prone to "overgrowth"
  • have high strength and low thermal conductivity
  • durable, cold hardy
  • several times cheaper than similar products made from other materials

Asbestos-cement pipes are still in great demand among builders. Free-flow pipes are used: for laying communication and electrical cables, for installing free-flow sewerage pipelines, for drainage collectors, for chimneys and air ducts, for drainage through roads and crossings, instead of metal and wooden posts for fences, for replacing bricks when constructing cellars, for ceilings roofs of garages and industrial buildings, for the construction of foundations. Free-pressure pipes are equipped with polyethylene and asbestos-cement couplings. This allows you to eliminate the weakest sections of the heat pipe. Pressure pipes are used: for laying pressure water supply, reclamation and irrigation systems, for laying pressure networks of drinking and industrial water, for pressure sewerage, heating mains, ventilation, for thermal insulation in heating units, for drainage collectors, chimneys, air ducts, gas ducts, for foundations in wetlands, for the installation of drainage systems through roads and crossings, for fence posts, as casing pipes for wells, for the manufacture of durable feeders for livestock, trays, for the manufacture of garage floors, gutters. For example, asbestos-cement pipes have proven themselves to be excellent when used in heat supply systems. In countries such as Germany, Belgium, Austria, gas pipeline networks made of asbestos-cement pipes have been in operation for over 30 years. IN Russian Federation The pilot 40-kilometer section has been in operation for 18 years.

The low thermal conductivity coefficient of asbestos cement makes it possible to reduce thermal insulation costs to a minimum. The pipeline made from it does not require protection from the effects of stray currents and groundwater.

Asbestos cord general purpose consists of chrysotile asbestos fibers mixed with cotton and other chemical fibers. According to its structure, it is divided into two groups: without a core and with a core. Without a core, cords are produced ranging in size from 0.7 to 8 mm in diameter, which are a cylindrical body consisting of several folds of single-strand yarn twisted together. In this case, the direction of twist is opposite to the direction of twist of single-strand yarn. Cords with a diameter of 10-25 mm are produced with a core. As the core, asbestos threads, yarn, roving in several folds or asbestos down cord of the ShAP brand, entwined on the outside with asbestos thread, or yarn in several folds, are used. Available in reels or coils. It is used for thermal insulation of hot pipelines, as a seal in various thermal units. Working medium: gas, steam, water, working medium temperature up to + 400 degrees C, vibration-resistant.

Asbestos and non-asbestos stuffing box packings are used to fill stuffing box chambers to seal moving joints of various machines and devices. These materials are used in the chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering, metallurgy and metalworking, electrical engineering and power engineering.

Sheet materials include profiled, flat and special-purpose. Flat cladding sheets are produced: pressed (high strength) and non-pressed in natural gray color, painted or textured. Apply to interior decoration auxiliary premises residential and public buildings, panel cladding, installation of sanitary cabins, as fencing for balconies, stairs, etc. The products are distinguished by durability, high strength properties, fire resistance, and biostability. They belong to the group of non-toxic and non-flammable materials. Not so long ago, facade slabs appeared, the basis of which are high-strength pressed asbestos-cement sheets. They are intended for cladding facades and internal cladding of residential, public and industrial buildings and structures, for the manufacture of wall panels, partitions, suspended ceilings and other structures for construction, except for ventilation shafts. A protective primer layer and a colored acrylic-polyurethane coating, resistant to atmospheric and mechanical influences, are applied to the base of the façade slabs. Can be additionally sprinkled with decorative crumbs, for example from natural stone. The unique application technology allows us to obtain coatings with high performance indicators.

Asbestos-cement roofing slate is inexpensive, easy to install and one of the most famous roofing materials. Asbestos-cement slate sheets are produced on sheet-forming machines by molding a mixture consisting of Portland cement (a hydraulic binder most often used in modern construction), asbestos and water, followed by hardening. Thin asbestos fibers, evenly distributed in cement, form a reinforcing mesh that significantly increases the tensile strength and impact strength of slate. A slate roof is several times cheaper than tiles and tin, and the simplicity of its design makes it easy to equip the roof of your home. Solutions to a number of environmental, architectural and economic problems are the use of special water-dispersion paints applied to the front surface of the sheet. In the production of colored slate, persistent dyes are used; they have high hiding power, weather and light resistance, and are used for industrial and household coloring of slate and other asbestos-cement products, which are not only protected from atmospheric influences, significantly extended in service life, but also aesthetically attractive. Asbestos-cement roofing is traditionally widely used in Russia. It is adapted for all climate zones. Other advantages include the comparative cheapness of materials (several times cheaper than tiles, metal, polymers), low maintenance costs. In addition, building materials made from substitutes are not always environmentally friendly.

Asbestos fabrics - a fabric made of interwoven asbestos threads containing from 5 to 18% binder fiber (viscose, cotton, lavsan) are used as a heat-resistant heat-insulating and cushioning material. They are used in the manufacture of industrial equipment products, asbestos textiles, for sewing heat-resistant clothing, as well as for the manufacture of rubberized fabrics. Supplied in rolls.

General purpose asbestos cardboard is used as a fire-retardant heat-insulating material, as well as for sealing connections of devices, equipment and communications. There are brands - for thermal insulation at temperatures of the insulated surface up to 500°C; and there are brands of cardboard for sealing connections of devices, equipment and communications operating at a maximum environmental pressure of 0.6 MPa and a maximum ambient temperature, oC: gases - 500; alkalis - 200; inorganic acids, except for fluorosilicic acid 120; solutions and melts of salts 400

BT asbestos paper (thermal insulation) is made on the basis of chrysotile asbestos (asbestos crumbs). Asbestos content 98-99%. It is used for thermal insulation of hot surfaces (boilers, pipelines, heating elements), in the production and heat treatment of metals, sheets, etc. Temperature of insulated surfaces: up to + 500 degrees. Fire and explosion proof. Resistant to aging, decay and other biological influences. Asbestos electrical insulating paper is made from asbestos fiber processed into an aqueous suspension with a small amount of binder.

Special purpose products

Special-purpose products include rectangular or round ventilation ducts, half-cylinders for protection against mechanical damage thermal insulation layer of pipes, sheets of double curvature for conveyor galleries, vaulted elements for the construction of summer pavilions of tourist bases, camps, etc. Waterproof umbrellas used in underground subway structures to ensure water resistance of load-bearing structures of vaults. Arc-resistant asbestos-cement electrical products (ACEID) are a good electrical material for wide application with increased arc resistance and electrical strength. They are used for the manufacture of electrical panels, parts and bases of electrical machines, arc chamber housings, gaskets and plates, induction furnaces, fencing of electric furnaces, etc., where protection and operation at high voltages are necessary. ATSEID is also widely used as a building material (floors, window sills), its distinguishing features are extremely high strength and fire safety. Irrigation canals are often covered with these boards. In addition to the above examples of the use of asbestos, there are a number of products that contain this natural material. Asbestos-cement products belong to those types of building materials, the development of which affects the scale of construction, its efficiency and technical level. Over the past twenty years, Russia has been a leader in the world in terms of asbestos production.

The construction market is constantly expanding the range of roofing materials, both new options are appearing and old ones are being modified. But there is one that remains unchanged for many years - slate, also known as asbestos-cement sheet.

The most common option is corrugated slate, but flat sheets of asbestos cement should not be discounted. In this article we will talk specifically about flat slate, we will understand its advantages, characteristics, scope of application, etc.

Types of flat slate

Flat asbestos-cement sheets are divided into two groups:

  1. pressed;
  2. without pressing.

Pressed ones are more popular in private housing construction. It is produced by pressing on it with a press. In this way, improved density characteristics are obtained - up to 1.8 g/cm³, and impact strength - up to 2.5 kJ/m².

The porosity of the material is low, so its service life is longer. It can also withstand a greater number of freezing and thawing cycles - up to 50, after which the strength of the sheet is reduced by 10%.

Slate produced without pressing is inferior to the previous one in many respects. It can withstand only 25 cycles of freezing and thawing, its density is 1.6 g/cm³, and its resistance to mechanical stress is 2 kJ/m². The bending strength is also weaker - 18 MPa, versus 23 MPa for the pressed one.

Video: Asbestos (asbestos cement) sheet / Flat slate

Scope of application

The main area where flat asbestos cement sheets are used:

  • roof;
  • house façade cladding;
  • production of fences.

In fact, the scope of use is much wider. Alternatively, sheets flat slate can be used to create flower beds or raised beds on garden plot. Flat sheets can be used to cover balconies and household items. construction, etc.

Also, cuttings of flat slate are used as formwork for the foundation of a small building. Sheets of high density and thickness are suitable for creating a garden path.

Flat slate roofing

Asbestos-cement sheet 8-10 mm thick is used as roofing material. You can use thicker products, but then you have to strengthen rafter system, since it will be subjected to a large load.

For rafters, take a board with a cross-section of 10 × 15 cm; they are strong enough and can withstand the weight of slate. The distance between them should not exceed 1 m. Then, a vapor barrier is laid on the rafters and the sheathing is installed. As a crate, it is better to use a beam 5 × 5 cm.

Advice! Treat all wooden parts with an antiseptic and fire-fighting agents (fire retardants) in advance.

Flat slate is nailed to the crate, this is done in a checkerboard pattern. Each next row overlaps the previous one. Fixation is not carried out like with wave nails, but special galvanized or stainless steel roofing screws are used.

Before screwing in the self-tapping screw, a hole is drilled in the sheet at a distance of at least 7 cm from the edge of the sheet. A rubber washer is placed under the screws to close the hole.

After installation, in order to protect the slate and extend its service life, it is advisable to additionally paint it with special paint. Before painting, priming is performed.

Characteristics of asbestos cement sheets

Below is a table with the technical characteristics of flat asbestos-cement sheets.

StructuralSmall size
Density, not less than specified, g/cm³1,8 1,6 1,75; 1,8 1,7
Bending strength MPa (kgf/cm²)23 (230) 18 (180) 22 (220); 20 (200)
Impact strength, kJ/m²2,5 2 2,2 2
Frost resistancefreeze and thaw cycles50 25 50 25
Residual strength, %90 90 90 90
Size, mmlength3000; 3600 1200
width1200; 1500 1500
thickness8; 10 6; 7

Advantages and disadvantages

Flat slate has a number of undeniable advantages. Its advantages include:

  • hard – withstands heavy loads;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • durable;
  • ease of processing;
  • resistant to chemical and biological influences;
  • Conclusion

    Of course, asbestos cement sheets are not a very attractive material from the point of view of designers. But they can be used to improve the roof or façade of any outbuildings. In this case, the cost of material will not be large. That is why the demand for flat slate is still high.

    Watch the video: How to sheathe a house CHEAP. Practice using flat slate.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Asbestos-cement sheet is one of the most traditional materials used for roofing. Such sheets are easy to install, they also have others interesting properties. The scope of application of asbestos cement sheet depends on its type.

Types of asbestos cement sheets

This material has two varieties:

  • flat;
  • wavy.

Flat sheets are produced in accordance with GOST 18124-95, they can be pressed/unpressed. They have no external differences; the types of asbestos-cement sheets differ solely according to technical characteristics (density, strength). These figures are higher for pressed ones.

Corrugated sheets must comply with GOST 30340-95. They also have several subspecies, which are distinguished depending on the nature of the profile:

  • ordinary;
  • reinforced;
  • unified;
  • average;
  • Central European.

The sheets are mainly produced in gray color (unpainted), there are also painted options; during their production, the initial mass is colored with pigments.


The wavy profile is mainly used for arranging the roofs of residential buildings, public buildings, industrial and agricultural buildings. Reinforced profile sheets can be used to create wall fences for industrial structures. Asbestos cement corrugated sheets of Central European profile are also suitable for roofs and walls. The photos and videos clearly show that wavy profile sheets look more attractive than flat ones, so it is better to choose this type for roofing.

Flat asbestos-cement sheet is also sometimes used for roofing works, however, it may only be suitable for small buildings. The main area of ​​application for the unpressed variety is simple structures; for example, in the past this material was often used for cladding balconies. Nowadays they line rooms with it, make sanitary cabins from this material, and flooring in cage blocks for laying hens.

Technical characteristics of asbestos cement sheets

Technical characteristics of flat asbestos cement sheets:

Technical characteristics of corrugated asbestos cement sheets:


Based on numerous reviews, all the advantages and disadvantages of this material are known. The undeniable “advantages” include the following properties of asbestos-cement sheet:

  • hardness, it can withstand loads quite well;
  • resistance to high temperatures (in the sun it maintains normal temperature);
  • durability (everyone has seen houses covered with sheets that lasted 50 years or more);
  • fire resistance, fire resistance (it does not perceive fire at all);
  • ease of processing (you can cut with the most common tools);
  • complete immunity to corrosion (this is its main advantage over metal roofs);
  • low cost (significantly cheaper than other blood materials);
  • decent sound insulation (hail and rain will not bother you);
  • alkali resistance;
  • ease of maintenance.


Asbestos-cement sheets have much fewer disadvantages. Firstly, in the absence of treatment with special means, the sheets are overgrown with an impressive layer of moss. Secondly, it is difficult to lift it upward, because this material has considerable weight. Thirdly, it breaks easily under mechanical stress. You can walk on a roof with such a coating without fear, but you can’t drop and hit these sheets. In case of inaccurate transportation, the goods can be decently damaged. So, you need to be careful while purchasing, loading and transporting these sheets, then it will fully meet your expectations.