Mixer      06/26/2020

How to cover a hipped roof with ondulin. Ondulin pros, cons and characteristics of roofing How to cover the roof with ondulin

Roofing is last step construction own house before the beginning interior decoration and connection of communications. To reduce the time for roofing work, you can install ondulin with your own hands. Ondulin - modern coating based on bitumen, the laying technology of which allows you to mount the material both on a new roof and on an old one without disassembling the structure. It is suitable for roofing of any complexity, area and slope, therefore it is considered universal option used in private and industrial low-rise construction. In this article, we will tell you how to properly cover the roof with ondulin in order to get a durable, airtight coating that can withstand winter frosts and summer rains.

Ondulin is an inexpensive, technologically advanced roofing material that was invented in the post-war period in France for quick repair or reconstruction of shell-damaged, dilapidated roofs made of traditional ceramic tiles, slate, metal. The production technology of this coating consists in obtaining purified cellulose fibers, making sheets with a wavy surface from them, dyeing and impregnating them with petroleum bitumen. Covering the roof with ondulin makes the structure waterproof, resistant to temperature changes, shockproof, but at the same time light. Installation of ondulin due to the low weight of each sheet can be performed on the old roofing material without dismantling the structure. This material has the following advantages:

  1. A light weight. Each leaf of ondulin standard size weighs only 6 kg, so the device of blood from this material does not require the establishment of a massive frame or strengthening of the foundation.
  2. Ease of installation. Do-it-yourself ondulin roofing is done in 1-2 days without the involvement of hired workers, since such a coating can be installed without special tools and experience.
  3. Flexibility. Sheets of this bitumen-based material have a certain flexibility, which simplifies the installation of ondulin on roofs of complex shape, which include valleys, slopes, ribs and dormer windows.
  4. Affordable price. The installation of an ondulin roof does not require large expenses from the homeowner due to saving the lumber used to build the frame and doing the installation on their own.

Important! Since ondulin still thought about how repair material, it has a service life of 15-20 years and a relatively small colors. It comes in just 4 colors: red, black, brown and green. Before covering the roof with ondulin, it must be taken into account that this material fades in the sun due to the destruction of the pigment by ultraviolet rays.

Roof device

Before you cover the roof with ondulin, you need to understand the composition of the roofing cake, which is made for this type roofing material. The construction of a roof with molded cellulose impregnated with bitumen is not difficult due to its light weight. It consists of the following elements:

  • Rafter frame. The roofing material is fastened to rafters made of natural wood with a section of 50xx150 mm, the step between which is 50-80 cm. Since the material is light in weight, the frame is usually not weighted with additional elements.
  • Insulation. Before laying ondulin, they lay between the rafters thermal insulation material. The most commonly used mineral-type heaters (basalt wool, glass wool, slag wool).
  • Vapor barrier. The insulation laying technology involves the use of a vapor barrier membrane, which protects the thermal insulation material from below from the penetration of steam and getting wet.
  • Waterproofing. To protect wooden elements frame and insulation from possible leaks or condensate, a waterproofing film is laid. The waterproofing is fastened to the rafter legs using a construction stapler.
  • Control grid. Before laying the ondulin, counter-lattices are nailed over the waterproofing along the rafters, which organize the ventilation gap necessary for air circulation inside the structure.
  • Crate. The type of crate specifies step-by-step instruction for installation. Ondulin must be nailed to a continuous crate made of moisture-resistant plywood or a lattice of unedged boards laid in 10-15 cm increments so that the roofing material does not deform during operation.
  • Ondulin. Roofing material must be nailed directly to the crate with special nails, overlapping the sheets on top of each other by 10-15 cm.

Please note that before covering the roof with ondulin, most professional craftsmen treat the wooden frame elements with antiseptic impregnations and fire-retardant compounds to protect them from fire and decay.

Necessary materials and tools

Many inexperienced craftsmen are wondering how to properly cover the roof with ondulin, and what is needed for this. The fastening of this roofing material is carried out without the use of special tools or expensive equipment, so installation is often done by hand. For the construction of a roof from ondulin use:

  1. Ondulin sheets 0.95x2.05 m in size, necessary to cover the entire roof area with a margin of 10-15% for cutting and overlapping.
  2. Ridge profile for the entire length of the ridge, taking into account overlaps between elements of 10-25 cm.
  3. Fasteners. Special nails for ondulin with a rubber head are made of carbon steel and painted to match the material.
  4. A bar with a section of 40x40 mm or 60x40 mm for the construction of a crate, treated with an antiseptic.
  5. Waterproofing membrane or film.
  6. Sharp hacksaw for cutting sheets.
  7. Lightweight nail hammer.
  8. Screwdriver for fixing the crate.
  9. Ruler, tape measure and construction pencil for measuring and marking.

Note! Before you cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands, you need to adjust scaffolding around the house or a high staircase that allows you to get to every corner of the ramp.

Producer's step-by-step instructions

Mounting technology

Even without knowing how to fix ondulin, an inexperienced master can easily cope with this task alone, since sheets of material are easily processed. However, do not forget that the reliability and service life of the roof depends on the quality of installation. For ondulin flooring, the following step-by-step instructions are used:

  • First of all, you need to put and fix a waterproofing film on the finished rafters. To do this, it is rolled out, cut into strips of the required length, which are mounted along the slope perpendicular to the rafter legs with an overlap of 10-15 cm. The film is fixed construction stapler to the rafters, and the joints are glued with adhesive tape.
  • over waterproofing material along rafter legs nail the rails of the counter-lattice. To do this, use long nails or screws.
  • A crate of bars 4x4 cm, 5x5 cm in increments of 10 cm or solid - from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood is nailed over the crate.
  • Next, start laying ondulin. Sheets of material must be laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm, starting from the bottom edge of the slope. The rows are mounted with an offset of half the sheet, observing a vertical overlap of 15-20 cm.
  • Sheets are nailed with special nails with wide rubber heads to the crate. It takes about 20 fasteners to fix each sheet.

Not knowing how to lay ondulin correctly, inexperienced craftsmen make mistakes when installing the roof. The main thing is to lay this material in dry, but not hot weather, since elevated temperatures lead to deformation of the sheets. It is forbidden to stand on the ondulin during installation, as it may break or change shape.

Video instruction

Ondulin is a relatively new roofing material, which, nevertheless, has managed to firmly enter our lives. The optimal ratio of performance and price makes it very popular among private developers. However, in order for the onduline roof to really please the owners of the house with its durability and strength, it is necessary to correctly lay the material on the roof. So, we put ondulin, observing all the subtleties of the installation technology.

When building private houses, many developers opt for an onduline roof. This material is sufficiently durable and is able to adequately perform the protective functions assigned to it, but at the same time, ondulin has a small weight and an affordable price.

In addition, the installation process is simple, anyone can master it. House master who knows how to handle a hammer and a hacksaw. Consider how to lay ondulin so that the roof can last as long as possible without requiring repairs.

About roofing and materials

Ondulin - the material is quite versatile, they can cover the roof of a residential building, garage, gazebo or any other building. Moreover, ondulin can be used not only to create the roof of a new building, but also to repair the roof.

Advice! A big plus of the material is that it can be laid on the old coating without wasting time and effort on dismantling the old roof.

Ondulin sheets are light, the weight of one is about 6 kilograms. Therefore, theoretically, one person can cope with roofing work. However, practice shows that it is more convenient to work together, the assistant will feed the sheets, so the master does not have to constantly interrupt the laying process in order to take a new portion of the material.

Ondulin is a material that is produced by a single manufacturer, so all standards for it are the same. In addition to the ondulin sheets themselves, the manufacturer offers other parts necessary for the installation of the roof - special nails, insulating tape, ridge elements, parts for arranging valleys, etc.

In addition, the set of materials for laying the roof necessarily includes an installation manual, which describes in detail the nuances of the technology. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products for 15 years, but it will be possible to exercise the right to replace low-quality material only if no errors and deviations from the instructions were made during the installation process.

Advice! It is necessary to purchase materials and components for onduline roofing from companies that are official representatives of the manufacturer, otherwise the buyer will lose the right to a warranty replacement of the material.

Roof installation

Thus, planning self-laying ondulin or hiring a team of roofing workers, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements of the installation instructions this material. This will help the home owner or developer to control the process.

Basic laying rules

Here are the basic rules to follow when laying ondulin:

  • Work must be carried out under certain weather conditions. The recommended temperature range for installation is +1 - +30 degrees.

Advice! If there is an urgent need to roofing, then it is allowed to lay ondulin at temperatures up to -5 degrees, but in this case, you will have to act with extreme caution, as the material becomes more brittle. At lower temperatures, laying is prohibited.

  • Since in the process of performing work it may be necessary to move along the roof with ondulin sheets already laid on it, you need to master the “technique” of moving on this material in advance. It is important to step only on the convex parts of the sheet - “waves”, and avoid getting your foot into the recesses between the waves.

  • Ondulin is fastened with special nails, which often come with roofing material. 20 nails must be used to fasten each sheet. This requirement is written in the instructions and is mandatory for obtaining a guarantee.
  • Before laying ondulin, it will be necessary to carry out a row preparatory work. On the rafters it is necessary to spread a special substrate - Ondutis vapor barrier film. Then you will need to properly build a crate of boards or timber. The type of lathing depends on the steepness of the roof slopes. So, if the angle of inclination is more than 15 degrees, it is necessary to build a crate with a distance between the bars of 60 cm. If the angle of inclination is less (10-15 degrees), make a more frequent crate with a distance between separate elements 45 cm. For flat roofs (with an angle of inclination of less than 10 degrees), a continuous crate is made by laying boards with a gap of 1 mm or using sheets of moisture-resistant plywood.
  • Ondulin sheets are overlapped. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that four sheets are not overlapped in one corner at the same time. To avoid this, it is necessary to correctly stack the sheets in rows in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Despite the fact that ondulin is a fairly elastic material, it cannot be stretched during installation. Otherwise, the coating will go in waves over time, and the stretched sheets will begin to crack.
  • Before you start nailing a sheet of ondulin to the crate, you need to make sure that it lies flat, that is, the linearity of vertical and horizontal joints will need to be constantly monitored.
  • It is very important to correctly arrange the overhang of the roof. According to the instructions, it should be equal to 5-7 cm. If you make it too long, the ondulin will sag over time, and an excessively short cut will not be able to perform its protective function properly.

Mounting technique

  • Installation begins from the bottom of the slope from the side opposite to the direction of the winds prevailing in the area.
  • Sheets are laid with an overlap. The width of the overlap on the side should be 1 wave (per flat roofs– 2 waves). The material is laid along the length of the sheet with an overlap of 20 cm (on flat roofs - 30 cm).
  • Before starting installation, you will need to mark the sheets for cutting. To perform the markup, it is recommended to use a colored pencil, and instead of a ruler, it is more convenient to use an evenly cut off strip of ondulin.
  • In order for the slices of the sheets to be correctly staggered, you need to start every second row with half of the sheet.
  • For the installation of valleys, it is necessary to use special elements; for their installation, an additional continuous crate is made.
  • Additional elements manufactured by Ondulin will also be required for the installation of pipes, the design of junctions with walls, the design of the ridge and the frontal surfaces of roofs. It is important to use branded parts and a special Onduflash-super insulating tape.

So, ondulin is strong, durable enough and reliable material for roofing. Thanks to the simple technology of ondulin installation, it is possible to build or repair a roof on your own. However, before you start work, you must carefully study the instructions for laying ondulin, since only if all the rules are followed, you can count on a good result.

final and very milestone construction of the building box is the arrangement of its roof with roofing material. At present, due to its attractive performance, ondulin, otherwise called euroslate, is gaining more and more popularity among professional builders and home craftsmen.

Asbestos, harmful to health, is not used in its production, and the material is environmentally friendly. In addition, it has a low price and a long service life. It is quite possible to do the work of laying the coating yourself, you just need to know how to do it correctly. Let's evaluate the properties of euroslate together and learn how to properly cover the roof with ondulin.

Ondulin roofing can be very attractive

Properties and choice of ondulin

Ondulin as a roofing has a number of undeniable advantages. Produced by the latest technologies based on bituminous resin mixed with cellulose and other additives, the material prevents the development of pathogenic microflora and is of no interest to rodents. The soft coating perfectly absorbs sound and noise from raindrops drumming on the roof, which will not be transmitted to living quarters. Its advantages are environmental friendliness, low weight and ease of installation. Comparative characteristics ondulin and other popular material - metal tiles are summarized in the following table:

Comparative characteristics of ondulin and metal tiles
Comparative characteristicsOndulinmetal tile
Useful width, cm83 110 - 112
Sheet length, cm200 50 - 1000
Coating thickness, mm2,4 - 3,2 0,45 - 0,5
Assortment of colorsno more than 5 optionsover 40 options
Base for roofing materialpreferably a solid basestep crate with a step equal to the wavelength of the coating
Moving is not recommendedLimited movement allowed, preferably with rubber-soled shoes
fire resistancecombustibleDoes not burn
Raw materials for productionFiberglass impregnated with bitumen and additives of curing resin and paintThin sheet hot-dip galvanized steel with polymer coating
Density, kg/m23,1 - 3,4 4,0 - 4,5
Color fastnessColor fades and fadesSlight discoloration due to sun exposure

From comparison specifications It can be seen that the materials differ slightly. Unlike metal tiles, ondulin is a combustible material, since its components are flammable. This makes it impossible to use it in kindergartens, clinics and other similar institutions.

Many people have to decide which roof is better: metal or ondulin? The answer depends on the specific conditions in which the operation will take place, design features buildings and many other factors.

Ondulin offer in the store

A roof made of metal tiles will last more than twice as long as a roof made of euroslate. However, working with ondulin is much easier, it is easy to cut and stack, it is impossible for them to cut themselves. The material consists of the following components:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • pure bituminous resin;
  • polymeric impregnating materials;
  • fillers and coloring components.

To give strength to the dried base of cellulose under high pressure and temperature are treated with a purified bituminous composition. It is applied on both sides, which gives the product good elasticity and hardness. The material has a number of undoubted advantages, it can be put on the old roof with your own hands.

There is also a variety of ondulin called onduvilla. Sheets of this material are made in the form of transverse strips and in appearance successfully imitate a roof made of natural tiles. You can see one of the examples in the photo.

Onduvilla roof installation

Calculation of the amount of material per roof

It is not difficult to calculate how much to lay ondulin on the roof. Calculation required amount The material is simplified if the roof was previously covered with gray slate. Standard sheets of ondulin correspond to it in geometric dimensions, that is, they should be taken in the same amount as ordinary slate.

IN general case, to determine the material needed to perform the work, it is necessary to divide the roof area by the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bone sheet of euroslate, which is determined by multiplying its length by the width, with the exception of the overlap. It is better to cover the old roof from ordinary slate with ondulin, and the calculation here is the same.

The calculation of the roof area of ​​\u200b\u200ba complex shape can be performed by remembering the school geometry course. To do this, the surface is divided into trapezoids, triangles, squares and others. geometric figures, their area is determined by the formulas and summarized. Having determined the required number of euroslate sheets, it should be increased by approximately fifteen percent to ensure compensation for the inevitable trimmings. Fastening of ondulin sheets is carried out using special nails with wide rubberized caps, which are included in the delivery of the coating.

What additional elements are required

When laying the material remain open spaces where possible adverse effects environment. In order to finishing acquired an attractive appearance and to prevent the occurrence of leaks, the installation of so-called additional elements, such as wind slats, cornices, valleys, will be required. They also perform decorative functions. highest point building structure is a skate that also needs to be protected with a specially designed element.

Installation of additional elements on the roof of ondulin

For its arrangement, ridge elements from ondulin are wound up with an overlap of at least twelve centimeters and fixed with nails at the points of contact with the euroslate waves. A special adhesive tape should be laid here to prevent snow blowing.

The ends of the roof along the gable overhangs (tongs) can be closed with the same ridge profile or special elements can be used. They are mounted from the bottom up with an overlap of about 150 mm. A sealing tape is installed under the cornice and wind bar. It is also laid under the overhangs of sheets of material. This prevents snow drift and the penetration of small birds and flying insects into the attic.

Variants of additional elements for ondulin and onduvilla

The details of the valley are a mirror image of the ridge bar. Unlike other additional elements, the food is installed before the installation of the main flooring sheets. Under it, the base of the crate is pre-arranged from two boards located along the line of the valley. It will also not be superfluous to lay a special waterproofing gasket under the valley.

Mounting elements for ondulin roofing

Additional elements give the roof surface a complete appearance, they are made using the same technology as the base material and have the same service life. Their color does not fade over time from direct sunlight.

How to properly cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands

In order to properly cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands, you must carefully observe all the technological subtleties of this work. This roofing material is flexible, so it is easy to mount it in difficult places with bends and transitions. Laying is carried out according to the scheme on a pre-made crate.

Work should be done in the absence of precipitation, but not in extreme heat, as at elevated ambient temperatures the material is deformed. In addition, when laying ondulin, you can’t walk, as it can be damaged under the weight of a person.

The resulting surface has high noise and sound insulating qualities. The light weight of euroslate allows you to transport it to the place of work using passenger car, and installation can be carried out independently without the involvement of assistants.

Installation of the roof lathing

Before laying the sheets, the crate is equipped. It is a structure made of wood for fixing roofing material. In addition, the problem of ensuring the uniformity of the load on the base from the weight of the snow is solved. This is a very important step in the work process.

The crate for mounting ondulin is ready

The material for the manufacture of the structure is conifers wood, as they contain a large percentage of resin, which prevents the development of decay processes. The wood must be well dried, and the moisture level cannot exceed twenty percent.

Installation of the roof lathing is carried out taking into account the slope of the slope. If its value does not exceed ten degrees, then from wooden planks, chipboard or plywood sheets, a continuous crate is made, since the structure in this case experiences heavy loads during snowfall and other atmospheric precipitation.

With a slope angle of more than ten, but less than fifteen degrees, the crate step frequency is allowed up to forty-five centimeters. The placement of boards in increments of sixty centimeters is performed if the angle of inclination of the slope exceeds fifteen degrees.

Lathing can be made on the old roof

To speed up and facilitate this work, a special template is made that allows you to install structural elements at the same distance and strictly parallel. The quality of the lathing, in the end, determines the duration of the service life. roofing.

The scheme of laying ondulin on the roof

Laying ondulin on the roof is carried out according to a certain scheme. Installation always begins from below with overlapping of sheets by one wave-like bend of the coating. The first element is strengthened in such a way that its edge extends beyond the eaves by an amount sufficient to remove atmospheric moisture.

The sequence of installation of ondulin sheets

Fastening is carried out with the help of special nails, twenty of them are required per sheet of euroslate. Manufactured fixing material made of steel with carbon additives and is supplied with a rubber head. Starting from the second, all even rows are shifted and stacked from half the sheet. According to this scheme, the installation of the roofing is carried out (up to the ridge connection of the slopes).

Fragments of installation of a roof made of ondulin and onduvilla

An additional profile of the same company that made the Euroslate is mounted on top of the ridge. Similar profiles are installed on the valley, which is the joints of different coating planes. To provide reliable waterproofing roof overhangs, curved sheets of ondulin are nailed to the roofing board, or special gable elements are installed there. To complete the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • measuring tape, meter ruler and pencil for marking;
  • hammer and hacksaw for cutting sheets;
  • wooden beams treated with an antiseptic;
  • waterproofing material;
  • drill and screwdriver for fastening the crate.

Mounting the universal filler

Finished roof care

Caring for a roof covered with ondulin is not particularly difficult. To prolong its service life, the coating should be regularly cleaned of dirt and debris. Over time, the original color of the surface may change. To restore an attractive appearance, the coating is painted. Compliance with the following simple rules of care will achieve long term services without loss of performance:

  • in spring and autumn, a visual inspection of the coating is carried out;
  • overgrown tree branches that can cause damage are cut off;
  • it is necessary to clean the roof of leaves that have fallen in autumn, so they can begin to rot;
  • must be kept in good order drainage system, as it does not allow moisture to accumulate on the elements of the roof.

Onduvilla roofing imitates natural tiles well

In conclusion, we note that the name "ondulin", somewhat unusual for a Russian person, is the name of a French company that launched the production of this material immediately after the end of World War II. The building boom after the devastation provided a phenomenal success for low-cost roofing, and the company greatly expanded its production capacity.

In 1994, a line for the production of ondulin was launched in Nizhny Novgorod, the products manufactured there are no different in quality from the original. The high performance characteristics of this material have been tested by time, and it is a great success in the domestic construction market.

Ondulin (English onduline) - one of the most popular coverings for a roof. The demand is determined by its strength, aesthetic appearance and durability of operation. If you want to ennoble your own home, we will tell you how to cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands as efficiently and quickly as possible.

What is the material

Initially, before proceeding with the installation, you need to study the properties of the material. Ondulin is similar to slate, however, it has a flexible base. Such a roof consists of the following layers:

  • the main plate is cellulose-fiber;
  • mineral additives and filler, which are responsible for strength;
  • bituminous resin, which guarantees resistance to moisture;
  • pigment - is responsible for the aesthetics of slate.

The price of 1 m 2 of ondulin starts from 200 rubles, so the cost of a sheet with a width of 0.95 m, a length of 2 m, a thickness of 3 mm, a wave width of 9.5 m and a weight of 6.3 kg is 395 rubles. You can buy material in any hardware store, many also provide home delivery.

Advantages of ondulin

Modern material onduline is produced on the basis of bitumen. Among the advantages, the following points can be distinguished:

  • lightness - because of this, the construction of a reinforced rafter system will not be required before laying the roof;
  • the budget cost is ensured by the method of manufacture and the available constituent materials;
  • elementary care - just pour it with a hose or wait for rain;
  • the material is resistant to acidic and alkaline irritants;
  • on the surface and inside the layers, the risk of mold is excluded;
  • ondulin roofing is environmentally friendly due to the characteristics of the components;
  • resistant to precipitation in the form of snow and rain;
  • the manufacturer determines the period of operation of 15-20 years;
  • installation of ondulin is possible on top of the old roof, which will save on dismantling.

Disadvantages of operation

It is necessary to note the shortcomings of the material in order to ensure the possibility of an objective choice of roofing:

  • sun and rain can cause the roof to burn out, which will negatively affect appearance coatings;
  • resistance to water is ensured only during the service life specified by the manufacturer;
  • if it is planned to purchase a large amount of slate, then it may turn out that some sheets differ in shade;
  • fragility - the surface should not be walked on, as most likely dents or other damage will remain on it, the same criterion should be taken into account during transportation;
  • as you can see in the photo, the limited range of colors so far has only 4 colors: brown, green, red and black.

The technology of laying ondulin is similar to fastening slate, however, before starting work, you should prepare a little.

Features of working with ondulin

In order to correctly mount ondulin on the roof, you should study some of the subtleties of working with fashionable material. After studying them, you will be able to lay sheets on the roof of any design on your own.

  • If you still need to walk on the laid material, then step on the crest of the wave.
  • To update the roof for a long time, everything is better installation work carry out at ambient temperature in the range from -5C to +30C. If the temperature exceeds the norm or, conversely, below -5C, reschedule the work for another time.
  • Approximately 20 nails are used to fasten one sheet. That is how many nails can hold the sheet in gusts of wind.

  • Due to the nature of the composition, the coating may stretch. This leads to the appearance of waves over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof, which will only have to be removed by dismantling. To prevent stretching, the ondulin fastening scheme involves the use of sheets that are perfectly even in shape.
  • Check that the overhang is long enough. Too long will look ugly, and too short will lead to the collection of debris and dust under the roof. The most dangerous thing is that precipitation will constantly fall under a short overhang.

What you need to prepare first

Note that a wise choice the right tools and materials are much more responsible than direct installation.

Make an accurate calculation of the required amount of coverage. The dimensions of a standard onduline sheet are 200 x 95 cm. Be sure to include overlap allowances in your calculations. For overlap, you will need to leave 9.5 cm wide and 10-15 cm long. It turns out that the useful area from one sheet will be 1.6 m 2. If you know the total area of ​​the roof, you can simply divide it by 1.6. This will give you an almost exact number. required sheets. Keep in mind that the result may vary depending on the angle of the roof and the shape of the roof.

Preparation involves the following tools:

  • hand saw for wood;
  • hammer;
  • nail puller;
  • ladder;
  • roof ladder.

In addition, you should purchase auxiliary parts, without which the work will not be of high quality:

  • tong elements (protective shields) for the edge;
  • cornice filler (foamed polyethylene, which prevents debris from getting between the sheets and the crate);
  • skate (flexible);
  • rubber aprons-droppers;
  • specialist. fasteners-studs with a rubber cap.

The manufacture of the crate and its features

  • Laying ondulin on the roof involves the arrangement of a continuous crate. It is extremely necessary so that subsequently the material does not sag. For installation, waterproof plywood or OSB boards, and the step should be 40-45 cm.
  • If the slope of the roof is more than 15 percent, then the pitch of the crate can be increased to 60 cm. And for areas with a lot of snow in winter, the pitch of the crate should be minimal. To build the frame, bars with dimensions of 4 x 5 cm, 5 x 6 cm or 5 x 5 cm are used.
  • Install an additional crate under the tong and ridge. The crate under the ridge is installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from its axis. This distance varies from the degree of inclination of the roof slopes.
  • The eaves are formed using a rubber apron, which is able to bend, enveloping the eaves crate at any angle. The apron is attached to the crate with ordinary self-tapping screws, and the overlap between the elements is 5 cm.

Important! Immediately before the construction of the crate, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing work.

  • The wind board is installed last, which should protrude 3 cm from the crate frame.
  • After the frame is erected, be sure to check the entire structure for compliance with the geometry. To do this, measure the diagonal of each roof slope. If the values ​​differ, all errors should be eliminated.

Ondulin installation instructions

In order to properly cover the roof with ondulin, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm.

Important! First of all, you should take care of your own safety.

To your attention, instructions for laying ondulin with your own hands:

  • The fastening of the first sheet must be started from the side farthest from the wind, and always from the bottom of the ramp. To align the sheets, pull the cord along the bottom edge, taking into account that the sheet overhang should end at a distance of about 5 cm from the drip apron. The extreme wave of the sheet should go to the wind board. Place the filler in the wave space between the sheet and the crate, freeing it with a screwdriver ventilation holes. If this is not done, then birds can fly into the holes under the waves, and even hornets can settle.

  • Special nails are equipped with special caps, so fastening is carried out as follows: with a hammer, you punch a nail with an open cap at an angle of 90 degrees, and after driving it in, put on a decorative cap.
  • Remember that on each sheet you will have three lines of fasteners. To get a nail into the crate, either mark the sheet or pull the rope along the crate line. It is important to remember that the indentation of the lines along which the nails are driven in will depend on the step of your crate, however, there cannot be less than 3 lines of nails on the sheet. Further fastening is carried out according to the scheme below.

  • Lay the second sheet overlapping on 1 wave, and you will already be nailing its first wave together with the overlap, that is, immediately into the crate through two sheets. In the process, make sure that the second sheet does not protrude beyond the borders of the lace that regulates the horizontality of the bottom of the roof. In any other situation, the sheets will lie askew. If you need to cut off the tip of the sheet, you can use a hacksaw.

  • The second - the next row relative to the first lies in the order of a chessboard. To do this, take and cut the sheet lengthwise in the middle. Install an overlap between rows of 10-15 cm. If the slope of the roof allows, then the overlap can be reduced, thereby achieving savings in material consumption.

  • After finishing the installation of the last segment, you can move on to fixing roof accessories that perform the functions of protection and decoration.
  • Gable elements are installed on the wind board, which is pressed against the ondulin. The overlap of the tongs is about 15 cm. It is nailed to the end with the same nails.
  • The ridge for ondulin is attached from the edge of the roof, opposite to the predominant direction of the wind, like sheets. A skate is nailed into each underlying wave, alternately on both sides. The overlap of the ridge elements is also 15 cm.

Important! Pay close attention to the quality of fastening nails. Their hats will be very visible on the surface, so initially take care of their correct geometry.

Now that you know the step-by-step instructions for laying ondulin, your attention is a video instruction for a more detailed acquaintance with the installation process.

Now you can easily cover the roof with ondulin. Perhaps you already have experience with this material? Share your impressions with readers below.