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Spaghetti with shrimp in creamy sauce: cooking recipes. How to cook shrimp pasta in creamy sauce Shrimp pasta in creamy sauce

Delicious pasta with shrimp and a minimum of other additives - extremely simple and tasty dish, the preparation of which boils down to boiling the pasta and quickly frying the shrimp meat in olive oil. After mixing the ingredients, the shrimp paste can be served immediately for breakfast.

Pasta is a fairly versatile food product and certainly one of the most common in Italy. An abundance of different sauces for pasta, among which the main place is occupied by the classic one tomato sauce and meat-based sauces (bolognese, etc.), especially stand out, rather than sauces, they are tasty additions to pasta. With such additives, which can be combined and let your imagination run wild, pasta can resemble a warm salad. As, for example, with olives.

Shrimp, which are sold already boiled, is quite a convenient product for cooking, in addition, it is an excellent snack for beer, which many appreciate. Shrimp with aioli sauce is a great appetizer that is loved by many. It is worth saying that shrimp is a “delicate” product and their heat treatment should be minimal, otherwise there is a risk of getting a rubber product. Many dishes are prepared from shrimp - in combination with Italian rice, you get a surprisingly tasty risotto with shrimp, you can make delicious fish soups with shrimp.

In stores, most often, shrimp are sold already boiled. They are boiled directly at the place of fishing in sea water and instantly frozen. Therefore, the gray shrimp comes to us already “red”. To eat these shrimp, simply pour boiling water over them and they will thaw. All that remains is to cook. Frankly, I don’t like packaged shelled shrimp; I prefer to buy dry-frozen shrimp in bulk - then you can get a good look at them. Or, which is convenient for cooking, I buy the so-called “shrimp meat”, the tails peeled from the shell.

When preparing pasta with shrimp, or any other dish with seafood, for example, it is important not to overdo it with heat treatment. By and large, shrimp are ready to eat and do not require additional cooking. Therefore, most often, it is enough to simply defrost them in hot water or hot oil.

Shrimp pasta, prepared simply and without complications, a good option delicious breakfast. Everyone knows how difficult it is to prepare a full breakfast in the morning. I was always surprised how the people of England manage to cook, and the people of Scotland, their favorite food. However, pasta with shrimp, or any other simple sauce and additives, is prepared no longer than the water boils and the pasta is cooked. Half an hour and a wonderful good breakfast is ready. Bon appétit!

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Short pasta (penne, fusilli) 200 g
  • Shrimp meat 100 g
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley 2-3 sprigs
  • Parmesan (grated) 2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley, lemon, sun-dried tomato For decoration
  • Salt, black pepper Spices

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Shrimp pasta. Step by step recipe

  1. Prawn pasta is not difficult to prepare. For the dish, it is preferable to choose short pasta - penne, fusilli. These types of pasta are the most common and go well with fairly liquid sauces or additives, approximately the same size as the pasta.

    A variety of fusilli pasta for the dish - great

  2. The pasta must be boiled while the shrimp and other additions to the dish are being prepared. High-quality Italian pasta has a cooking time indicated on the packaging, during which the manufacturer guarantees al dente readiness. Pour 2-2.5 liters into a saucepan cold water and add salt to it. Typically, the amount of salt is 5-7 grams per liter of water. Boil the pasta until tender and drain in a colander. The cooked pasta is ready to be mixed with sauce or additions.

    Shrimp meat does not need to be thawed before frying.

  3. While the water is boiling, heat the olive oil in a frying pan or small saucepan and let it sit on heat for 2-3 minutes. The specific odor characteristic of natural olive oil should disappear. Turn off the heat and immediately add the shrimp meat, stir and cover the pan with a lid. The shrimp meat does not need to be defrosted beforehand; in hot oil, the shrimp will quickly defrost and fry very easily - that’s enough.

    In hot oil, shrimp will defrost quickly and fry very easily.

  4. If you use raw fresh shrimp, they must be boiled until tender and peeled. You also need to carefully remove the “thread” - the remains of the intestines, otherwise the shrimp paste will not have a very pleasant appearance. Pre-boiled shrimp simply need to be thoroughly cleaned before preparing the dish.
  5. Parmesan, or similar hard Italian cheese - grano padano, pecorino, grate. Remove all the leaves from the parsley sprigs and roughly chop them with a knife. Place the parmesan and herbs in a chopper and grind until they form grains, colored pleasantly with parsley. green color. There is no need to add salt, spices, garlic and olive oil. If you really want, you can do it separately, although this is much more difficult to do. But, as they say, your choice is your choice. Pasta with pesto is a separate amazing dish, albeit seasonal.

    Grind parmesan with parsley

  6. Place the cooked pasta in a large bowl and add Parmesan and parsley. It is good to pepper the pasta with black pepper, preferably freshly ground. Then shrimp pasta will be the best. Mix the pasta and cheese thoroughly, being careful not to leave a lump of cheese behind.

    Mix boiled pasta with parmesan and herbs, pepper well

  7. Divide pasta with parmesan and parsley onto plates. Place the fried shrimp meat on top, without stirring, and pour over the remaining shrimp after frying. olive oil.
  8. Garnish the shrimp pasta with a sprig of parsley, a thin slice of lemon and, if desired, 1-2 slices of sun-dried tomato - an amazing addition to pasta or pizza. Sun-dried tomato is included in the recipe for imambayalda - eggplant stuffed with vegetables, which makes this dish truly delicious.

To prepare shrimp pasta in creamy sauce, you need to choose the “right” pasta. In the classic version, it should be long pasta, spaghetti, of any thickness, flat or round. But if instead of these you take, for example, farfalle (bows), tubes, shells or something else, the dish will not turn out less tasty - this has been verified)) Simply appearance his will be different. It is believed that shrimp in sauce look most harmonious with spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine, pechutelle - that is, long pasta. And also with tagliatelle type nests (where the filling is poured directly into the cavity).

The five most commonly used ingredients in creamy shrimp pasta recipes are:

Any shrimp is suitable for this dish, be it small, large, king or tiger. The most important thing is to clear them of their shell. They are available for sale fresh-frozen, boiled-frozen, heavily frozen and soft, chilled. You can also safely use canned shrimp. Almost all recipes for shrimp pasta in creamy sauce require the seafood to be fried or simmered with spices in a liquid.

For a creamy sauce, it is not necessary to use cream. Milk with added butter may be suitable. Or just butter mixed into the broth. The technology for preparing this dish is, say, garlic sauce that's how it is. To start with vegetable oil chopped garlic is fried. When it gives all the flavor to the fat, it can be removed (or you can leave it). Afterwards it is sautéed onion, to which peeled shrimp are then added. Everything is cooked over the fire with stirring for three minutes. Add salt, pepper and other dry spices. At the very end - cream, milk, broth plus butter - depending on the composition of the products.

Five of the fastest shrimp pasta recipes in creamy sauce:

Place boiled pasta on a plate and pour hot sauce on top.

Although pasta is considered an Italian dish, it was first prepared in China. Gradually, pasta spread throughout Europe and the world - the first country was Italy, where the traveler Marco Polo brought pasta.

The Italians have come up with many variations of pasta, but pasta in a creamy sauce with shrimp is especially popular. You can prepare the dish with vegetables, mushrooms and seafood.

This classic version a dish for which any pasta is suitable. The recipe takes 40 minutes to prepare.


  • shrimp – 300 gr;
  • cream 25% – 200 ml;
  • 300 gr. pasta;
  • two tbsp. spoons of olives oils;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • 1 teaspoon oregano;
  • Parmesan;
  • one teaspoon of black pepper.


  1. Rinse the seafood and pour boiling water over it for five minutes.
  2. Heat the oil, add turmeric and oregano, stir and heat for 2 minutes.
  3. Fry some shrimp, add some spices, salt, add cream, cook for a few minutes until it thickens a little.
  4. Pour the sauce over the pasta, place the shrimp on top and sprinkle with cheese.

Pasta with creamy sauce with mushrooms

Cooking time – 30 minutes. The dish is suitable for a variety of everyday menus.


  • pasta – 230 gr;
  • mushrooms – 70 gr;
  • shrimp – 150 gr;
  • cream – 120 ml;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • two tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • two tbsp. spoons of oil drain;
  • rosemary, marjoram.


  1. Chop the mushrooms and fry in the oil mixture for a few minutes. Add cream and flour with spices. Do not remove from heat until it thickens.
  2. Add boiled seafood to the sauce.
  3. Serve the pasta with the sauce and sprinkled with cheese.

Pasta in creamy tomato sauce with king prawns

Vary the pasta recipe by adding tomatoes to the creamy sauce.


  • 270 gr. pasta;
  • seafood – 230 gr;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • 1 stack white wine;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • half a lemon;
  • Parmesan.


  1. Lightly fry the shrimp with lemon zest and chopped garlic.
  2. Add chopped and peeled tomatoes. Simmer for 7 minutes.
  3. Pour in the wine and heat for 4 minutes, add cream. Cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Place the prepared pasta into the pan with the sauce.
  5. Sprinkle pasta with tomatoes and king prawns with cheese.

Pasta in creamy garlic sauce with shrimp

Cooking pasta with garlic and shrimp in a creamy sauce takes 1 hour.


  • pasta – 240 gr;
  • a pinch of dried basil;
  • shrimp – 260 gr;
  • cream – 160 ml;
  • fresh greens;
  • garlic - two cloves.


  1. Chop and fry the garlic. Add shrimp to garlic oil and fry for 2 minutes.
  2. Add basil and pour cream. Add some salt. Cook until thickened.
  3. Add shrimp to the sauce and heat for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle the pasta with herbs and pour garlic sauce over it.

If you want the sauce to become thicker, dilute 2 tablespoons of flour in the cream before cooking.

Pasta in creamy sauce with salmon and shrimp

This is a successful experiment in a dish with salmon fillet. Prepares in 35 minutes.

The simplest, fastest and most common side dish for meat/fish products is, of course, pasta. Preparing this dish is not a difficult task, you just need to follow a few simple culinary steps. However, pasta becomes much tastier, more attractive and interesting when combined with a delicate sauce. Today we offer you just such a dish based on Italian cuisine.

Shrimp pasta in creamy garlic sauce is delicious! Taste ready-made dish tender, soft and at the same time slightly piquant due to garlic. We recommend this recipe to all lovers of Italian cuisine in general.


  • pasta - 200 g;
  • shrimp - 250 g;
  • cream (preferably 30% and above) - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt pepper, spices- taste.

Shrimp pasta in creamy garlic sauce recipe with photos

  1. First of all, boil the pasta, since cream sauce ready in minutes. Place the pasta in boiling water and cook according to the instructions on the package.
  2. At the same time, peel and finely chop the onion and garlic cloves. In a large, thick-bottomed frying pan, melt a stick of butter. Add onion and garlic. Stirring, sauté for 1-2 minutes.
  3. We clean the shrimp - remove the heads and tails, remove the shell. Add seafood to oil soaked in the aroma of garlic. Fry for 2-3 minutes (until the shrimp are lightly browned).
  4. The next step is to pour the milk cream into the pan. Bring the creamy mixture to a boil, let it sit for exactly a minute, then remove from the heat. Season the sauce with salt/pepper to taste, and add a mixture of herbs if desired.
  5. Place the boiled pasta in a colander and drain the liquid. Without wasting time, transfer the pasta into the pan with the still hot sauce.
  6. Mix everything quickly, soaking the pasta in the creamy sauce.
  7. Shrimp pasta in creamy garlic sauce is completely ready! When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with finely grated Parmesan cheese and/or fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

The popular Italian dish of pasta with shrimp is prepared with or without sauce. The sauce, in turn, can be white, creamy, red, tomato, or green, spinach and/or other greens.

The classic shrimp pasta recipe is prepared like this. You will need: any pasta of your choice, cream, butter, garlic, onion, salt, pepper and herbs to your taste (shrimp are the default). Finely chopped onion and garlic are fried in melted butter. Add peeled shrimp to them and fry for another three minutes, stirring. Salt and pepper. Pour in the cream and keep the mixture on the fire until it boils. As soon as it boils, add chopped herbs (parsley, say). Immediately turn it off, cover with a lid and let stand for three to five minutes. Cook the pasta separately. Serve on a plate with hot sauce poured on top.

The five most commonly used ingredients in shrimp pasta recipes are:

Of course, your shrimp pasta recipe may be very different from the one described above. This, as they say, is a matter of personal taste and preference. The sauce may be thick or thin, or it may not exist at all. And vegetables for it can be cut finely or larger. Add to them tomato paste or tomatoes. Shrimp goes great with almost anything. You can also add wheat or any other flour to the sauce for thickness. You can also serve shrimp separately from the sauce, after boiling or frying them.

Pasta with pesto sauce and guacamole turns out well. Or your own homemade green sauce/paste. For it, you can take any products: spinach, parsley, green onions, artichokes, green pea or beans. It is advisable to grind them into a homogeneous mass, but you can also finely chop them.