Well      03/29/2019

Is microwave harmful to human health? Microwave oven: harmful. Microwave ovens: reviews, specifications

A microwave oven is a handy and compact device, thanks to which we heat up food quickly and easily, as well as cook food even without using oil.

For some reason, people have always been wary of all innovations, and since its inception, the microwave has been overgrown with speculation about the dangers to human health. Next, we will figure out whether the negative impact of our kitchen assistant on the body is so dangerous.

Myths and fiction around the microwave oven

Reference: in a microwave oven, heating occurs much faster, which means that less nutrients are lost.

Expert opinion: “You can heat it up!”

To the question: is a microwave oven harmful to human health, Oleg Dronisky, director of the TEST-BET test center, reacted with humor. He joked that this device is very dangerous if you stick your hand into it. And he immediately made a reservation that it would not work to get burned even in such an absurd case - modern technology is equipped with blocking protection against children even when the electrical appliance is turned off.

Oleg Dronitsky explains that food cooked or heated in the microwave, according to the degree harmful substances no different from food from a regular frying pan or saucepan. The radiation of waves is really harmful for the body, however, if a person stands idle for 8 hours at a distance of 5 cm from the microwave. And then, harmful microwaves have only a partial effect.

On a note: according to current sanitary standards in Russia, the density of emitted energy should not exceed 10 μW per 1 sq. cm at a distance of 50 cm from the microwave when heating 1 liter of water. All manufactured models fully comply with the required regulations with a large margin.

The opinions of scientists are divided - some trumpet the unacceptability of the use of microwaves, others, on the contrary, about its exceptional benefits. For example, American researchers believe that thanks to a gentle cooking method without oil, the percentage of cancer cases has decreased in the United States.

In contrast, in Sweden, biologist Hertel and Professor Bernard Blank tried to prove an increase in white blood cells through the use of microwaves. But their experience was incompetent, since due to the lack of money for research, scientists limited themselves to only one experimental subject.

The WHO has now issued an official verdict based on scientific evidence: microwave ovens do not provide harmful influence on the human body and the food consumed.

Important: the only exception is people with pacemakers, since the flow of intense microwaves negatively affects the functioning of heart rhythm drivers.

What do nutritionists and doctors say?

Many experts in dietary nutrition are confident that it is impossible to prepare healthy food in a microwave oven. But nutritionists also consider it unacceptable to cook in a frying pan or in a saucepan. The best option healthy food preparation for nutritionists is using a multicooker or steamer.

Let's compare microwave radiation with other household appliances

A microwave oven, of course, produces a certain percentage of harmful effects on humans, but is it so dangerous compared to other irreplaceable technical attributes in the house? Let's look at a few examples:

  • Fridge with NO FROST system. Compressor at a distance of 10 cm produces a magnetic field intensity that far exceeds the permissible level. Safety is ensured only at a distance of a meter from the door.
  • Electric stove. At a distance of 25 cm from the front panel - already high magnetic field intensity(1–3 µT). It is recommended to cook at least 50 cm away from the stove.
  • Electric kettles. Also publish high radiation within a radius of 20 cm – 0.6 µT.
  • Irons. It is impossible not to succumb to the negative influence of radiation when ironing - devices emit magnetic fields exceeding 0.2 µT if the hand is less than 25 cm from the iron.
  • Washing machine. You should not approach such working equipment at all - (10 µT).
  • Vacuum cleaner. This the most powerful harmful emitter. During operation, the intensity of magnetic fields exceeds 100 μT.

When using a microwave oven, harmful radiation is emitted (about 0.3 - 0.8 µT), comparable to the negative impact of a Wi-Fi router or TV. But microwaves are equipped with a special protective barrier, through which it is impossible for radioactive waves to penetrate in amounts exceeding permissible standards.

Harm or benefit

In using a microwave oven There are many more pros than cons:

  • deep heating in the oven - up to 2.5 cm from the surface;
  • heating occurs significantly faster;
  • uniform heating products;
  • cooking food at lower temperature(below 100 degrees);
  • convenience and comfort.

The only disadvantages include the loss of some substances necessary for the treatment of oncology. In particular, it is better to add garlic after removing the dish from the microwave, as it loses its beneficial properties.

Problems with microwave leakage were observed in older models of microwaves. Modern designs have undergone improved modernization and are absolutely safe for health. The only exceptions are damaged devices Therefore, you should carefully consider the technical condition of the microwave oven. If the door is not sufficiently insulated, the percentage of radiation may increase several times, so it is recommended to exclude such devices from use.

Must be adhered to following rules to minimize possible harm from microwave:

  1. Install the device in a strictly horizontal position at a distance of a meter from the floor surface.
  2. enjoy ventilation system.
  3. Do not use the microwave oven to cook raw eggs in the shell.
  4. Do not use utensils or containers containing metal.
  5. Do not turn on without products.
  6. Dispose of the faulty microwave oven.

A microwave oven has a large list of advantages. Of the shortcomings, only the unproven effect of radiation can be identified, as well as the loss of some useful vitamins. The main advantage is time saving will allow the microwave to remain at the peak of popularity among household appliances for heating and cooking for a long time.

Microwave cooking and heating is one of the most important health hazards. And this reason is almost always ignored!

Harm from a microwave oven

Microwave oven - a sure way to shorten your life

The girl conducted an experiment for school. She took filtered water and divided it into two parts. I boiled one part in a saucepan on the stove and the other in the microwave. Then I cooled the water and two identical plants to see if there would be a difference in the growth of plants if they were watered with ordinary boiled water or water boiled in a microwave oven? She thought that a microwave oven could change the structure and energy of water. The result amazed her!

Harm of a microwave oven - experiment.

The author writes that he always knew that the harm of a microwave oven has nothing to do with electromagnetic radiation, which everyone is worried about. Microwave radiation damages DNA in such a way that the body is unable to recognize it. As a result, the body tries to protect itself from dead food: food processed in a microwave oven is enveloped in fat cells and quickly eliminated.

Think of all the mothers heating milk for their babies in microwave ovens. What about the story of the Canadian nurse who heated blood for a transfusion in the microwave and accidentally killed him because the blood was dead?

Manufacturers say microwave ovens are safe. And the plants die.

Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A.R.E.C. Research Operations

Harmful microwave oven - 10 reasons to throw away your microwave oven.

Based on the results of Swiss, Russian and German research and clinical trials, we cannot continue to ignore the dangers of microwave ovens. Based on these studies, we draw the following conclusions:

  1. Harm to the brain. The constant consumption of microwaved food causes permanent brain damage. Electrical impulses in the brain are shortened. Brain tissues are demagnetized/depolarized.
  2. Harmful to digestion. The body cannot assimilate unknown foods resulting from cooking in a microwave oven.
  3. Harmful to hormonal balance. Frequent consumption of microwaved food inhibits or alters the production of male and female sex hormones.
  4. The damage is irreversible. The harmful effects of frequent consumption of microwaved foods are irreversible.
  5. Harm to the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. Microwave heating destroys or alters minerals, vitamins, and other useful material in such a way that the body is unable to absorb them. Many compounds, once in the body, are not broken down.
  6. Harm - carcinogenic free radicals. The minerals in vegetables are converted into carcinogenic free radicals when heated in the microwave.
  7. Harm - cancer of the stomach and intestines. Microwaved foods promote the growth of cancerous tumors in the stomach and intestines. This may explain the rapid increase in the incidence of cancer in America.
  8. Harm - blood cancer. Prolonged consumption of such food causes the growth of cancerous blood cells.
  9. Harm to the immune system. Prolonged consumption of food processed in a microwave oven causes changes in the lymph glands and blood serum. As a result, it leads to malfunctions in the immune system.
  10. Harm to memory, attention, etc. Eating foods from a microwave oven leads to a deterioration in memory and concentration, emotional instability and a decrease in intelligence.

Microwave Oven Harm - Have you thrown out your microwave oven yet?

After you throw away your microwave oven, you can replace it with a toaster oven. For most foods, a toaster is as suitable as a microwave oven and works almost as quickly.

Video about the dangers of a microwave oven.

In conclusion, watch a short video about the dangers of using a microwave oven:

Source - article "Microwave oven - the right way shortening your life (tested by experiment)"

Is a microwave harmful and how does it affect food? You’ve probably asked this question more than once. Did you know that food cooked in a microwave oven retains more vitamins and minerals than food cooked conventionally? Thus, during laboratory studies, vegetables retained about 85% of vitamin C when cooked in a microwave oven, while no more than 30% of the vitamin remains in boiled vegetables. Of course, there is harm from a microwave oven, but how does it manifest itself? Is a microwave oven harmful to human health? Let’s look at it in this article.

How it all began

The dangers and benefits of microwave ovens have been the subject of discussion among scientists for decades. In order to understand exactly how a microwave oven works, let’s figure out how and where it was invented. The microwave was invented in Germany during World War II. Device for instant cooking and reheating was intended to optimize the army's work so that the least amount of time was spent preparing food.

Over time, the Nazis discovered that microwave ovens did not have the best effect on health, and they had to abandon its use. In 1943, research on the construction of a microwave oven fell into the hands of the Americans and Russians. The Americans classified the materials, and Russian scientists at several research institutes in the Urals, as well as at the Radio Technology Institute in Belarus, carefully studied the outlandish invention. In particular, scientists devoted their work specifically to the effect of microwave ovens on human health.

Research by Russian scientists resulted in the USSR passing a law prohibiting the use of this type of stove, due to the fact that they posed a biological hazard. Also in the Soviet Union, a warning was issued, which was sent to all major countries, that devices made in a manner similar to microwave ovens are dangerous not only to the health of living beings, but also to environment generally.

Scientists did not stop there and studied several thousand people who worked near radar installations that also emitted waves. The results obtained during the study were so serious that the Soviet Union established special restrictions on the number of microwatts per person. We will find out the myth or reality of harm from microwaves a little further.

Principle of operation

A microwave oven emits energy. So, it emits electromagnetic radiation at ultrafrequencies. These emissions consist of both millimeter and centimeter radio waves, the length of which is from 1 mm to 30 cm.

Microwaves have similar effects on humans to light waves, as well as radio waves. Microwaves travel at approximately 300 km/sec. So, if we talk about modern technologies, then microwaves are used not only for microwave ovens, but also for telephone communications, television and radio broadcasting, as well as for the Internet via satellites.

A microwave consists of some dangerous elements, the main one being the magnetron, a device that converts electricity into microwave radiation that affects food molecules. Thus, microwaves literally “throw” at the water molecules in the food and the water begins to rotate so quickly that the food itself heats up due to the friction created.

The friction between the water molecules and the other molecules in the food tears and deforms the food from the inside. In scientific language, this process is called structural isometry. If to speak plain language, That microwave causes changes in food at the molecular level, which has been scientifically confirmed in many laboratory tests.

Why is a microwave oven harmful?

Surely you have heard about the effect of a mobile phone on the human brain. Just like a microwave oven, it operates at micro frequencies. So, why is a microwave so dangerous and is it harmful to warm up food in it?

Information component of microwave ovens

The information component is scientifically called a torsion field. Thus, the main factor due to which scientists came to the conclusion that microwave ovens are dangerous to human health is the torsion component of the radiation. According to experts from France, Russia and Switzerland, it is because of this component that many people begin to have headaches, insomnia, and a tendency to irritability.

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Among other things, do not forget that the microwave emits extremely high frequencies. Frequent and prolonged influence of these frequencies has a detrimental effect on those human organs that lack blood vessels. So, if the body heats up, then the blood helps reduce the heat by spreading heat throughout the body and cooling it. In some organs, for example, in the lens, there are no blood vessels, and such heating helps to reduce the functioning of these parts of the body. For example, the lens darkens, and this process cannot be reversed.

Effect on food

We have already mentioned that the structure of food molecules changes under the influence of microwave radiation. Atoms gain or lose electrons, due to which they become ionized, and this completely changes structural composition food.

A microwave oven can easily be called the “creator” of new food, since it completely destroys food into cellular level. A microwave oven creates so-called radiolytic compounds, which contribute to the occurrence of molecular rot. Yes, yes, the same molecular rot that occurs due to increased radiation.

Let's look at a few examples of the effects of microwave exposure on food:

  • meat acquires several new carcinogens;
  • milk and cereals (for example, rolled oats) are also saturated with carcinogens;
  • if you defrost vegetables and fruits in the microwave, then be prepared for the fact that instead of useful elements you will get glucosides and galactosides, precisely those particles that contain carcinogenic elements;
  • When plants defrost, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides disintegrate;

Even simple cow's or even human milk is affected negatively by the microwave. Thus, amino acids useful for feeding a child are converted into isomers that cause irreparable harm to the nervous system, as well as some organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Microwave oven creates new compounds unknown to science, i.e. it has the same effect as radiation.

Why is a microwave oven harmful to humans?

It's time to look at the dangers of microwave ovens for human health. Just imagine: all your headaches, nervousness, low or high blood pressure and even oncology can be a consequence of the operation of a conventional microwave! What else could this invention cause?

  • Vision problems. We have already found out that the microwave emits “hot” waves, which have a detrimental effect on those organs that lack blood vessels. Thus, radiation affects the lens of the eye: it becomes cloudy, and a person develops cataracts. Accordingly, microwave radiation has an extremely negative effect on humans.
  • Nervous disorders, insomnia, irritability.
  • Hair loss, deterioration of nails and other “hardships” associated with the loss of the natural beauty of the body. All these problems are the consequences of radiation.
  • Appendicitis, gastritis, ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract are only due to the fact that we eat food, the structure of which simply does not exist in natural, non-radioactive nature.
  • Reproductive problems due to radiation exposure.
  • Foods with altered structure increase the risk of cancer cell formation.

Of course, the harmfulness of a microwave depends entirely on how often you eat food cooked in it and how often you are near it during operation. According to scientists, a person begins to notice the negative impact of this technique only 12-15 years after daily use. Thus, you can use the microwave without harm for up to 10 years. Accordingly, the harm of a microwave oven for a person who is 20 years old today will only appear when he is 32-35.

Let's give a few more examples to demonstrate the harm of microwave ovens.

Radiation and hemoglobin

Several years ago, an extensive study was conducted that showed that people who prefer to eat vegetables and fruits that have been processed in the microwave have a slightly different blood composition than those who do not have a microwave oven at home.

So, first of all, microwave radiation affects the hemoglobin content in the blood: in the experimental group it was significantly lower than in those people who prefer not to deal with a microwave oven. Microwave radiation also increases cholesterol, which can lead to the formation of plaques and blood clots.

Proteins and microwave radiation

We all know that proteins are the basis of all living things. Without protein there was nothing in the world. As we have already found out, microwaves change atoms, including atoms in amino acids, which are literally built into proteins when food is consumed. Thus, microwaves indirectly affect every protein found in our body.

Weakening of the body

Genetics in its development has already reached quite a high level. To make it easier for the substance to penetrate the cell membrane, it is first irradiated with wave radiation. The membrane weakens and in some cases even breaks, and the substance we need calmly penetrates inside the cell. Just imagine that all the cells in your body are weakened due to microwave radiation. Thus, they more easily allow viruses and bacteria, as well as other microorganisms that cause many unpleasant diseases, to enter.

How to check a microwave oven for radiation

There are several ways to help you determine how much harm you are causing to your body by using a microwave oven. Of course, the effectiveness of some methods is questionable, but you can use several methods sequentially for the purity of the experiment:

  1. For the first method you will need two regular mobile phones. Place one of them inside the microwave, and use the second to call the first phone. If it rings, it means that the microwave perfectly transmits waves both in and out, i.e. the risk of harm from this device is quite high.
  2. Take a glass of cold water. Set the power to around 700-800 W and heat the water for 2 minutes. In theory, the water should boil during this time. If this happens, then everything is in order: the microwave does not transmit radiation to the outside and you can be near it while it is working. If the water is not warm enough to boil, this means that waves are breaking out, thereby harming people nearby.
  3. Turn off the lights in the kitchen. Turn on the empty microwave and bring it to it fluorescent lamp. If it lights up, your microwave is emitting too many waves.
  4. If the microwave door gets very hot while it is operating, this may indicate that waves are leaking out.

The most in an effective way to check whether there is a radiation leak is to check using a microwave wave detector. You need to put a glass of cold water in the microwave and turn it on. Carefully move the detector around the perimeter of the device, paying special attention to the corners. So, if there is no leak, the detector needle will not move from the green mark. If there is radiation and it spreads strongly enough beyond the microwave oven, then the detector needle will move to its red half. This method is the most reliable, but the most difficult to implement.

Using the microwave correctly

What to do if you are used to a microwave oven and cannot imagine life without it? There are several rules, following which you, even if you cannot completely eliminate the harm caused to you by a microwave oven, will reduce it to an acceptable minimum.

Scientists have officially confirmed that a low dose of radiation is quite safe for humans. Harm to human health will be minimal if the microwave oven radiation does not exceed 5 milliwatts 2-3 cm from its front wall. Of course, as you move away from the microwave oven, the radiation should weaken.

Never open the door of a microwave oven while it is running, as this will release radiation and put you in danger. once again. Read the instructions carefully before using this device for the first time, and never break its seal for no apparent reason.

  1. You should not place the device near the place where you are used to having lunch or spending a lot of time preparing food. It is best to place the microwave oven in a place where you do not appear unless absolutely necessary.
  2. Do not place in the oven under any circumstances. metal utensils. Even paint that contains metal elements can harm the operation of the magnetron, and the microwave oven will begin to work incorrectly, emitting more and more waves harmful to the human body.
  3. Do not use the oven to cook food. The main function of a microwave should be to heat food and defrost food.
  4. If you have implanted stimulants (for example, a pacemaker) in your body, then you should refrain from using this device.
  5. Keep your microwave clean.

So, if you follow all the above rules, then you significantly reduce the risk negative influence microwave radiation to your body. Try to use this device only in extremely rare cases, or better yet, avoid the microwave altogether. Even if it does not transmit radiation to the outside, microwaves penetrate your food, disrupting its structure, and it, in turn, can cause irreversible diseases in your body.

“Don’t stand near a running microwave! It emits radiation!”, “Don’t you know that it destroys food molecules?”, “We won’t buy it, do you want to die?” - Probably each of us has heard something like this at least once in our lives from relatives, friends or colleagues. There are many legends surrounding the issue of the dangers of microwave ovens, but we decided to put an end to them and look into this issue, or rather several: why can it be dangerous or not dangerous for humans? how is it structured? what does it emit and where? how does it affect the structure of food molecules? Experts say.

Daniil Kaganovich

sanitary doctor of the LavkaLavka farmer cooperative

From a physics point of view The microwave is safe for humans. From the point of view of a nutritionist, it spoils food: cells are damaged and water is lost. As for radiation, the microwave is shielded and therefore cannot act outside, but only inside itself, and therefore does not pose a danger.

The operating principle of a microwave oven is based on on the ability of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic waves (2,450 MHz) to affect the product, causing it to heat up due to increased thermal vibrations of the molecules of the substance. Any food product contains a fairly large amount of water. Each water molecule has a characteristic molecular structure, which, due to the mutual orientation of the positive hydrogen ions and the negative oxygen ion, is similar to an electric dipole - a particle that has two electric poles: plus and minus.

food quality

The influence of electromagnetic oscillations (electromagnetic waves) leads to a constant shift of dipoles, aligning them according to the lines of force of the electromagnetic field. Since the field is variable, and even of high frequency, the molecules periodically change direction at approximately the same frequency. Molecules shift, swing, collide, hit each other, transferring energy to neighboring molecules. This causes selection large quantity heat. Due to this, food is heated, since water is contained in any of the food products.

No significant changes occur in the product itself, since exposure to microwave radiation only affects the heating of the product, so food cooked in the microwave is not harmful. The product can only go bad if you overdo it and overheat it beyond normal. The same thing - heating the product - occurs when cooking food on the stove, but, unlike it, heating in the microwave occurs not only from the surface of the heated product, but also in its volume, since microwaves penetrate into the food to a depth of about 2. 5 centimeters. In a microwave oven, microwave radiation is created using a special generator - a magnetron.

The magnetron antenna emits microwaves, which, through a waveguide through a special window covered with a radio-transparent screen, enter a metal chamber where the product being prepared is located.


Microwave radiation is non-radioactive radiation. The radiation that is harmful to humans has a much higher frequency than that used in microwave ovens. To prevent the radiation of microwaves outside the microwave oven, it is structurally provided different types protection. Furnaces are made in such a way that when the door is closed, the waves do not penetrate beyond the furnace chamber; The door glass must be screened with a fine metal mesh. The metal chamber of the oven is closed at the front by a door, inside of which there is a metal screen with fine perforations, the size of the holes does not allow microwaves with a working wavelength of the decimeter range to penetrate outside. Microwaves do not pass through metal, but tend to be reflected from metal objects. For this reason, microwaves do not leave the interior of the chamber if the door is closed.

The furnace automation has several special protection circuits that prevent the microwave generator from operating when open door. Additionally, the top of the device body is covered with a metal casing, which also serves as a means of protection against leakage of microwaves from the electronic compartment of the oven. All manufactured microwave ovens are tested for compliance with the required safety standards, which are determined by mandatory sanitary and technical regulations in force in Russia.


People have long been rumored about the harm microwaves cause to the human body. Sellers household appliances They claim that they are harmless, some claim that only expensive stoves can cook oud without negative effects. Where is the truth we decided to tell in today’s article.

Due to a lack of information, all electronics, including microwave ovens, have acquired dozens of myths about whether a microwave oven is harmful. Fortunately, scientists have taken up this issue quite responsibly and we can know the whole truth and scientific evidence about the negative qualities of this device.

Negative Impact

Back in Soviet times, scientists were forced to answer the looming question about whether microwave ovens were harmful, myth or reality. Back in 1976, researchers firmly stated that such technology was extremely harmful. The authorities of the Soviet Union did not even give permission for the sale of such devices in the country.

Since the creation of this technology to this day, the problem of devices catching fire for unknown reasons has not disappeared. Thus, the technology can be dangerous to humans. It is not safe to be near a working device, but at the same time, its operation must be observed.

Does food spoil?

Inside the microwave oven, all dishes are susceptible to microwave radiation. It has been proven that after such exposure, carcinogens were identified in most products. The nutritional value food is reduced by 55-65%, in simple words, after processing any healthy vegetable becomes a dummy.

Microwave food can lead to the following consequences for a person who consumes it too often:

  • Metabolic disorders and disorders of the digestive system are possible.
  • The functioning of the immune system is disrupted.
  • The risk of cancer increases.

Microwave rays affect food so that its structure simply disintegrates. Incorrect chemical processes begin to occur in food. The benefit of cooking food in a microwave oven is only from its practicality, but in fact it is extremely harmful for the dishes you have prepared.

For the human body

If you use microwave ovens too often, then think about the fact that your headaches, jumps in blood pressure, depression, nervousness and even oncology can arise precisely from this external factor. The damage from a microwave to food is instantaneous, but according to scientists, for such an impact on a person, it will take about 10 years to use the equipment regularly. let's consider possible consequences Frequent use of a microwave oven for human health:

  1. The rays affect the lens of the eye, thereby causing vision problems. The risk of cataracts increases, of course the microwave is dangerous under such circumstances.
  2. Insomnia, depression, nervousness, irritability - the negative effect of the stove on nervous system person.
  3. Radiation can damage skin, hair and nails. True or fiction, we cannot say with accuracy, there is no official confirmation of this information. There are only reviews on the forums ordinary users and doctors.
  4. Whether food from the microwave is harmful, we have already told above, but we did not say that such food can provoke gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  5. Through excessive exposure to radiation, reproductive problems can occur.
  6. Changing the structure of food can trigger the occurrence of cancer.

Of course, it all depends on the frequency of microwave exposure, think about how often you heat up food and stand next to the microwave. Scientists say that a microwave can be used without harm for up to 10 years. Food from the microwave is not as harmful as useless, the body may not receive enough useful elements.

Some sources report that the harm of microwave ovens is that it is able to change the composition of the blood. People who often use this technique have noticed an underestimated amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Plus, food from microwave devices increases the amount of cholesterol, which threatens the occurrence of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

Scientific evidence of negative effects

Back in 1989, Swiss scientists conducted research on whether a microwave oven is harmful to health, is it a myth or reality. The funds for the experiments were not enough to conduct full-scale studies, they were able to find only one volunteer to study the dangers of heating food in a microwave oven.

The volunteer had to take food alternately: on the 1st day cooked on a conventional stove, on the 2nd day in a microwave oven. Scientists conducted analyzes at every stage of the test subject's life. The conclusion shocked scientists: food from the microwave was not only harmful but also dangerous to health. The test subject's blood structure began to change, which could lead to cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) immediately denied such data. WHO experts declared the harmlessness of microwave rays on the human body and food prepared with their help. Then the speakers only stated about the danger of such radiation for people taking pacemakers, for the same reasons, such people were recommended to refuse cell phones.

American scientists in 1992 conducted separate studies on whether it is harmful to heat food in the microwave. Experts were able to provide scientific evidence of the harmfulness. They stated that food from microwave ovens retains microwaves, which naturally enter the digestive system of the body, thus irradiating a person from the inside is possible. No such changes were observed in products prepared in the classical way: scientific evidence proves the words that it is impossible to use a microwave.

How it works

A microwave oven emits electromagnetic energy at high frequencies. The length of such waves is from 1 mm to 30 cm. The speed of such waves reaches 300 km / h, similar waves are used for cell phones, television and radio stations, as well as the Internet.

The radiation frequency is 2540 MHz, the waves are able to penetrate food to a depth of 3 cm. Food in the microwave becomes dry very quickly.

We check our equipment for safety

There are many ways to measure the benefits and harms of a microwave oven. A few of them do not inspire confidence, so for greater certainty, we advise you to do a few experiments, so you can follow the trend. Here are a few ways to check your microwave oven for harmfulness:

  1. Wait for the evening, or turn on the microwave in a dark room and place a fluorescent lamp next to it. If the lamp starts flashing or shows some signs of “life”, your microwave emits too much radiation. There is little benefit from this - the harm is obvious.
  2. The strong heating of the doors of the device is a sign that microwave waves run away, giving your health a danger.
  3. For the next experiment, you need to turn off the microwave! Take two mobile phones, put one of them in the oven chamber, from the second try to get through to the first phone. If you were able to get through, then your equipment does not sufficiently protect you from hazardous radiation, the risk of getting harmful effects increases.
  4. Try boiling a regular glass of water in your microwave. The harm will be proven if after 3 minutes the water does not begin to boil. You will prove that most of the rays leak somewhere, most likely exposing you to their harm.

A microwave detector will help prove the leakage of radiation from the microwave to the outside. For correct measurements, place a glass in the chamber cold water and turn on the oven. Use the detector to examine the cracks around the door of the device, as well as Special attention need to be attached to the corners and ventilation grille. If everything is in order with the equipment, the indicator will remain green, but if there is a leak and potential harm, then the indicator will be red.

How to reduce risks

If you are very accustomed to using a microwave oven or simply circumstances force you to use it regularly, then it is worth knowing how to use such equipment without harm. Using the following recommendations, you can reduce harm to a minimum. There is scientific evidence that the health harm of microwaves is minimal if the dose of radiation received is low.

Scientists say that it is quite safe for a person to be within 2-3 centimeters from the body of the device, the main thing is that the radiation does not exceed 5 milliwatts. Logically, the further you are from the device, the lower the risk of harm from the microwave.

Don't play with fire. It is strictly prohibited to open the chamber door during operation. In this way, you release all waves of radiation into free floating, including onto yourself. Before opening the appliance door after heating food, wait 3-5 seconds.

Manufacturers of household appliances, taking care of the health and safety of their customers, usually give the following recommendations:

  1. The device is best used for heating and defrosting food. Cooking food in it is not its main function, although it is not prohibited.
  2. In the kitchen, it is best to place the oven away from your permanent place stay. Place it where you spend little time.
  3. It is prohibited to use metal utensils and utensils that contain metals in their paint. In addition to the fact that the equipment may fail, the radiation in the furnace begins to move chaotically, increasing the risk of being thrown out.
  4. The use of this technique is not recommended for people who use pacemakers.
  5. Microwaves do not destroy bacteria; keep the device chamber hygienically clean.

If you follow these basic rules, the harm from the microwave oven will be minimal and the body will cope with it just fine.

Komarovsky destroys myths

Dr. Komarovsky in his television program proves a different reality. The doctor's review was criticized by many of his colleagues, but Evgeny Olegovich insists: the harm from the microwave is a myth, not a reality. See the program for more details: