Shower      06/20/2020

We make curtains from plastic bottles: a master class. Curtain from plastic bottles Curtains from the bottoms of plastic bottles

Hello dear readers! Water in plastic bottles has become a part of life for many of us, but what if we find a use for these same bottles? For example, do interesting curtains, transparent interior partition Or a curtain for a street gazebo?!
In today's review, two types of curtains from plastic bottles!
A curtain made of plastic bottles will visually resemble large, floating, transparent flowers, with a shimmering sheen of the falling rays of the sun. Perhaps many will say: “Something, but I definitely don’t need such curtains!” But the designer Michelle Brand, who invented such curtains, thinks otherwise, because in this way she advocated the recycling of objects around us. Moreover, for her idea, Michelle received a lot of awards from environmentalists, and perhaps soon she will figure out how effectively the rest of the bottle can be used, and not just the bottom!

How to make a curtain from plastic bottles.
What will be needed?
✓ Plastic bottles with a volume of 0.5 ml (depending on the width and height of the cloth, the number of bottles will change);
✓ Scissors and knife;
✓ Sand in a metal bowl or pan;
✓ Strong fishing line.

So, let's get started, cut off the bottom of the bottle using a knife or scissors. Carefully trim the edges with scissors, giving the bottom a smooth outline of the flower, i.e. not just cut straight, but make small indentations. Then we immerse the bottom of the bottle in the sand preheated in the pan. Immerse literally for a few seconds, this time is quite enough for easy melting of sharp edges. By the way, at the moment the plastic bottom is immersed in the sand, the recesses of the future “flower” will melt at the same time.
According to the above scheme, we prepare required amount"flowers", which are then strung on a fishing line. Punctures in the bottom are best done with an awl. You can connect the “flower bottoms” by stringing them on a fishing line like beads or create a solid canvas by making punctures in different parts bottom, into which to pass the fishing line. By the way, such curtains can be supplemented with large colored beads or burlap bows.

Curtain from plastic bottles.
The next type of curtains can be made from the remaining parts of the bottles by cutting them into rings. After cutting, each ring should be melted on both sides in a pan with heated sand, then cut and connected with a stapler to each other, after passing the first plastic strip into the second, like children's paper garlands. The result is quite interesting curtains made of plastic bottles.

Over time, a monotonous interior becomes familiar and boring, which is why there are thoughts about how to diversify it and make it original. And why not use plastic bottles for this purpose? After all, they have been stored for years on loggias, in garages, they occupy the entire bucket for garbage. And the idea came to someone's mind that an empty plastic container can be given new life, creating with his own hand a real work of art, for example, a curtain. You will definitely not find such a curtain in manufacturers' magazines.

Original curtains from plastic bottles

  • Curtain made of plastic rings
  • The bottle curtain is a large plastic flower floating in the air that glistens in the sun. Surely many will say: “I certainly don’t need this.” But Michelle Brand, who is the author of this idea, thinks differently, because by this she advocated the reuse of already unnecessary items that pollute the world. In addition, for this idea, the eco-designer received numerous awards from environmentalists.

    Bottle Curtains - step by step instructions

    To make curtains from plastic bottles, professional skills and abilities are not required. Because the process itself is quite simple. First you need to prepare everything that is useful in the work. The design of such a curtain depends on the imagination, quantity plastic bottles and other decorative items.

    If you have free time and desire, then first determine the location of the future curtain, because the parameters and dynamism of pendants, decor and other details depend on this. For a window opening, short curtains made of plastic bottles are appropriate to protect from prying eyes. Instead of a door - a movable curtain to the floor. If all the details are thought out, we proceed directly to the process.

    For work we need:

    • plastic bottles of 0.5 l (the quantity may differ depending on the parameters of the canvas, it is worth stocking up for future use, since marriage is possible in the workflow);
    • scissors;
    • sand (lighter);
    • awl;
    • metal container or frying pan;
    • fishing line.

    We collect containers

    Do-it-yourself plastic bottle curtain requires a large number sources. Therefore, first of all, you need to collect a sufficient number of bottles. It is better to stock up on a plastic box, it is more convenient to store empty containers in it.

    Brown bottles are too dark for decorating apartments. But such curtains will be appropriate in summerhouse. They protect from sunlight and harmful ultraviolet radiation, as well as hide from prying eyes.

    Curtain bottles

    All bottles are collected, now they need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Then we move on to the main process - to create curtains from plastic bottles.

    Cutting bottles

    Cut off the bottom with scissors or a knife. We carefully equalize the edges so that the lower part of the container resembles the delicate outlines of a flower, we give the shape of a recess. Then we lower the bottom into a metal container, into preheated sand. A few seconds is enough to easily melt sharp edges. When immersed, the recesses of our “flower” also melt. Instead of sand, some use a lighter, but in this case, care must be taken, otherwise the fire will leave black marks on the "flowers".

    We form a pattern

    In accordance with the above scheme, we prepare the required number of blanks, which we later string on a strong thread. We make holes with an awl. "Flowers" can be connected in two ways:

    1. string on a fishing line like beads;
    2. make holes in different “petals” of the bottom and connect the pendants with fishing line, thereby creating a whole canvas. By the way, beads from plastic bottles or burlap bows act as decor for such curtains.

    So we looked at how to make a transparent curtain with our own hands. By the same type, not only interesting curtains are created, but also partitions that protrude for zoning the space. However, in this case, the plastic parts are attached more tightly, thus creating a single canvas. It is better to use a thick wire, it is fixed both on the ceiling and on the floor.

    To create DIY garland curtains, take Christmas garland on LEDs is perfect option For interesting crafts from bottles, since such a garland does not heat up, and the “lights” are at an equal distance. For this composition, it is recommended to use a transparent container, although the use of colored bottoms is also possible, this solution will achieve an interesting effect.

    Curtain made of plastic rings

    For the manufacture of curtains, not only bottoms are used, but also plastic rings for curtains.

    If fantasy allows, come up with a different decor from plastic bottles. For example, do-it-yourself plastic bottle blinds. Moreover, not only containers, but also lids are often used. To make curtains on the door from corks, you need to stock up on a significant number of caps, pierce each with an awl, and then string it on a fishing line.


    Like any other material plastic curtains from bottles have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Such curtains are durable, due to which they are used for long term. They can be dyed in all sorts of colors. They are easy to clean, just put the pendants under the shower or wipe them with a damp cloth. However, do not lose sight of the fact that plastic is toxic, which means that its use is not safe for health.

    What they don’t do now, even such an interesting device as curtains made of plastic bottles.

    In order to make curtains from plastic bottles you will need: plastic bottles are desirable, of course, so that they are all the same size and the same color. If there is a desire, then the curtains can be made different sizes, and create a beautiful drawing using a different color palette.

    Also, you will need scissors, sand, fishing line, needle, awl.

    At a plastic bottle, you need to carefully cut off the bottom, but it is advisable to cut it off so that there is a small indentation.

    The next step is to put the flower on the sand, then put a frying pan or a tin bowl on the fire. A flower from a plastic bottle should be about 1-2 minutes in the pan, no more. We take out the flower, let it cool a little and only then pierce it with an awl or a needle, pierce it through the fishing line while making punctures in different parts of the bottom.

    This is how we make curtains for our apartment, for the house. Curtains can be different sizes and having different pictures.

    You can make curtains by stringing on a fishing line, then a flower from a plastic bottle, and then stringing a bead.

    Curtains from plastic bottles can be made different ways, for example, take a plastic bottle, and then cut into small rings.

    The rings need to be cut, thanks to the hot sand, each part of the ring needs to be slightly melted, then carefully connected, putting on the second ring, such a garland is obtained.

    Can be connected with a stapler or glue. So we make several strips, you can do both in length and in width, then the last part of the strip must be carefully fixed on the eaves.

    It's rare when you see Vacation home similar to a shed. Construction Materials, pieces of furniture and accessories allow you to make any home cozy even during the summer season. Curtains have always been a sign of comfort and harmony, and they also give a certain completeness to the interior.

    IN country house the curtain can be made not only original, but also very appropriate, which will not become an obstacle to the passage of fresh air. It can be hung to divide the space into zones, like blinds on a window, a curtain in doorway or in the gazebo, on the veranda. The material used is CDs, wooden corks from wine bottles, shreds of bright fabric, plastic cocktail tubes or transparent balls, foam figures, ropes and much more.

    In the modern world, CDs are becoming a thing of the past, other storage media are coming to replace them, and they are safely stacked. When you look at it, you want to throw it away, but it becomes a pity and the disks begin to gather dust again. But what if you try to breathe a second life into them?

    Curtain for giving from disks

    Prepare discs, paper clips, a drill, a thin drill and gloves. Gloves should be worn so that there are as few marks left on the discs as possible.

    Start by laying out the discs on the floor according to the measured length and height. With a nail, mark the places where you will need to make holes for fastening. This step is important to do correctly so that there are no extra holes in the disks later. For example, there will be fewer holes in the lower and side discs than in the rest, and this must be taken into account. Put the disc on wooden block and drill holes with a thin drill. Wipe discs and secure with staples.

    Such a curtain made of CDs is made either flat or in the form of an oblique rain, i.e. each length differs from the previous line by 1-2 discs. They are hung from the cornice on unbent paper clips.

    Curtain made of wooden corks from wine bottles

    For this product, you need to collect the required number of wine corks or, as an option, arrange a service in some drinking establishment for a nominal fee.

    When the material is collected, we get to work. On a wooden plank the length of the opening, tie the threads of the fishing line desired length, thread the end of the fishing line into a large needle and string the corks. After each cork, make a knot, then they will not slide along the fishing line. Between wine corks for beauty, you can skip the beads, this will add decorativeness to the future curtain.

    Curtain out plastic caps from bottles

    In one of our articles, we talked about interesting material- but then they were used for patterns and creating garden path. Now you can make a curtain out of them. The principle of the previous version.

    We tie a fishing line on a wooden plank, thread the end of the fishing line into a large needle and string the caps. Under each we make a knot so that they are in one place and do not go up and down. Lids are used in the same or different colors and sizes. It is not necessary to observe a clear geometry.

    Curtain for giving from polyfoam

    It is easy to make figurines or just floats from polystyrene foam (as for fishing). The principle of operation is still the same, a wooden plank, but no longer a fishing line, but a thin rope. White foam gets dirty, it's not very beautiful and practical, so we advise you to paint each figure before assembling the curtains. Painted foam will last longer.

    Curtain of beads

    Beads are strung on a thick fishing line, alternating large with small ones. Even beads are used in stringing, which shimmers in the sun and gives a glare. Try to find transparent beads that let light through, glass beads are good in this regard. Although who needs to shade a corner or room, then use plastic opaque ones.

    According to the method described above, the curtain is made from plastic cocktail tubes, combining them with beads.

    Filament curtains for giving

    Such curtains are popular and in demand not only for country houses but also in apartments. At filament curtains there is a big drawback - they collect dust, midges and any small debris, so it is better not to hang such a creation in the doorway in the country. Threads can be replaced with bright ribbons. It is not necessary to buy a special satin, they are cut from any unnecessary fabric (sheet, tablecloth, skirt to the floor, which is no longer a pity). They are attached to the cornice (wooden plank) by gluing, tying, fastening.

    Needlewomen, curtains for giving can be crocheted or knitted. Of course, there will be no overflow and glare here, as well as a small chime in the wind, but color and comfort are undeniable.

    Curtains for giving can be made with your own hands from any material at hand, the main desire is a little time and patience.

    A very nice curtain and most importantly durable can be made from plastic bottle caps, the author is Tatyana Zakalina. This curtain will serve you for a very long time.

    Curtain manufacturing process:
    Approximately 2,000 covers are used per curtain. The most difficult thing in making curtains is to drill holes, says Tatyana. At first, she started drilling with a simple drill, but it turns out to be very long and difficult, because Tatyana did not have any special devices. And you need to hold the lid and drill, and even drill. I had to switch to electric drill. While Tatyana adapted, a certain number of covers were damaged and even her arm was drilled. Much less time has already been spent on the manufacture of the second curtain. You can pierce holes with an awl, but a drill will be much faster. Then we string the covers on a very thin wire and fix it on the rail.
    This is such a pretty curtain. I also suggest looking at an article on how to make a fence out of plastic bottle caps. We will be glad if you leave comments on this article.

    We thank the author for interesting article for manufacturing plastic bottle cap curtains.

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