Water pipes      06/23/2020

I want to demolish the wall in the apartment that is necessary. How to demolish interior partitions according to all the rules? How to remove walls and partitions in the apartment. The sequence of dismantling brick walls

Houses and walls help. Truly! Therefore, the removal of any of them must be treated thoughtfully and competently. Demolition of the walls in the apartment is usually required for redevelopment. The expansion of space gives new horizons. The main thing is that changing the configuration of the premises is safe and legal.

Changing the structure of the room, associated with the removal of supporting elements, requires a thoughtful approach. Especially in apartment building. Let's talk about it today.

Can a load bearing wall be demolished?

Our clients often ask if permission is needed to demolish a wall. There can be no doubt - yes.

This is especially true for load-bearing structures. To remove them, it is necessary to coordinate with the authorities responsible for this.

How to legalize the demolition of the wall and more, read here.

What indicators are taken into account when obtaining a permit, brief information

  1. House type and construction material:
    - brick: such houses are strong, durable, but you need to take into account the type of brick;
    - panel: mounted from ready-made reinforced concrete slabs according to the principle of the designer, strength can be significantly affected during such work;
    - monolithic: structurally, the wall consists of special beams into which cement mortar;
    - wooden.
  2. Carrier floor construction:
    - reinforced concrete slab- hollow or full-bodied;
    - wooden construction.
  3. Determine the purpose of the wall for demolition in the house structure.
  4. Make a plan for changing the apartment.
  5. Coordinate the work plan with the architects to take into account all the important nuances.
  6. They call employees of professional organizations that keep records of housing facilities. For example, the Bureau of Technical Inventory, briefly BTI.

    - develop a plan for a specific redevelopment;
    - draw up a technical report on the demolition of walls;
    - in the Housing Inspectorate, related to the place of registration, they receive a positive conclusion on the demolition of the wall, permission to carry out work.

  7. A full calculation of the redistribution of loads on new structures is made.
  8. The power supply scheme is verified. Changes are made as necessary.

What are these difficulties?

Bearing supports and floor beams are perpendicular. The main load of all upper structures falls on them. Most often they are located on:

    outer perimeter;

    internal - they divide the residential building into apartments and functional blocks.

But they are also found inside the same dwelling.

Ill-considered demolition of a load-bearing wall can lead to catastrophic events:

    cracks will go through the house;

    the floors will be left without support, there will be a risk that due to the increased load they will shift or even collapse;

    the premises of this apartment and all that are located above may collapse.

It is strictly forbidden to violate the prohibition or points of the dismantling plan.

But you shouldn't get upset. There are special engineering solutions for such a case. The situation will be saved by the installation of special columns or fortifications that can withstand the load after the carrier is dismantled.

Even if permission is obtained, you should not think about how to demolish the wall in the apartment yourself. These are works of increased complexity. Only professionals can do it here.

For especially hot heads the following information.

Penalties for the demolition of a bearing support in 2019 in Russia

    The fact of dismantling was established: a period of 1–3 months is given to eliminate the changes + a fine of 2–2.5 thousand rubles. If the conditions are not met, the inspection housing services takes the case to court. Consequences for the owner of the apartment - the withdrawal of housing with subsequent putting up for sale.

    The redevelopment was declared illegal: the apartment cannot be privatized until it is restored to its original form. Such an apartment cannot be taken on a mortgage.

    If the demolition of the wall affected the living conditions of neighbors, they can also go to court.

    Buying a home with illegal redevelopment. The new owner will have to pay for major repairs. After all, it will be necessary to "bring the room into proper condition", that is, to its original form.

Advice in case you are still going to make repairs and have planned the demolition of walls, partitions between rooms or other rooms:

Make sure the walls are not load bearing

Basic moments:

    The thickness of the bearing walls< 140 мм.

    IN panel houses:
    - dividing blocks inside the apartment from 80–120 mm. They can be attributed to partitions;
    - external - usually from 200 mm.

    IN brick buildings:
    - >380 mm outer perimeter;
    - 250 mm between living quarters;
    - 80–120 mm internal partitions.

    According to the material from which they were made. About partitions, that is, non-load-bearing structures, read below.

    According to BTI. This is the most accurate way. On the detailed floor plan, the main supports, that is, the bearing walls, are shown in thick lines, the partitions are thinner.

Permission is also required to dismantle the partition.

A few words about the demolition of the so-called "unloading partitions". Such architectural solutions first appeared in "Stalin's houses". They partially take on the load from the overlap. They serve as a kind of stiffeners. This reduces the risk of deformation of the load-bearing walls and increases the stability of the entire building. Unloading partitions are found in buildings before 1960. If you decide to get rid of one of them, you need to consider that this is a redevelopment of increased complexity. An engineering project is required to take into account special functions and installation features. This is the only way builders can choose the right technology repair.

Most of our customers are tormented by the question of how to demolish a wall without dust. Unfortunately, this is only possible if the material is drywall.

After the demolition of the wall and the completion of redevelopment work, all changes are recorded in the BTI. Issued in the Housing Inspectorate. This must be done in all cases.

Demolition of walls in a brick house

Before you start demolishing a brick wall, you need to evaluate:

    type and thickness. The choice of tool will depend on this:
    - massive, reinforced masonry- brick reinforced reinforcing mesh. You will need equipment with sharp diamond tips or diamond coating;
    - thin partitions - puncher or jackhammer.

    Condition and quality of masonry. If technological standards were violated during the construction or the masonry was old, then there will be visible defects. These include: cracks, chips, shedding. The cement between the bricks crumbles with minor impacts. In this case, dismantling can be carried out using scrap.
    If the masonry is strong, see point 3.

    Additional reinforcement individual elements building. If a load-bearing wall is to be demolished in brick house, it is necessary. The exterior structures of the house are reinforced with beams. This will keep the building from collapsing. Carrying out such work will affect the cost.

    Scope of related activities. In the event that it is necessary to partially demolish partitions and create openings or arches.

    The volume of construction waste and how it will be removed. On your own or not.

    Location, height and normal access to the building during work.

    Obtaining a demolition permit.

    Calculation of each stage and entering the cost into the preliminary estimate.

The sequence of dismantling brick walls

Preparatory stage

  • freeing the premises from everything that interferes with free access to the work site: skirting boards, window and door openings are dismantled, furniture is removed;
  • dismantling of internal wiring, in a place preparing for demolition;
  • power off, to avoid short circuit;
  • removal of finishing materials and plaster;
  • moistening the cleaned surfaces with water;
  • protection floor covering located in the dismantling zone or adjacent to it: thick cardboard, burlap, plywood, chipboard will do;

Demolition of walls

Dismantling is carried out in rows.

Start from the top. At the same time, no more than 3 rows are demolished. Capture length of one section - up to 1.5 m.

Bricks are knocked out with a sledgehammer or perforator. If it is not possible to remove the bricks individually, use a grinder or an air gun.

The work is done with the utmost care. It is impossible to allow the simultaneous destruction of most of the masonry.

If there is an opening - window or door, then first remove the bricks that are above the lintels, and then the rest. If a heating radiator is located at the dismantling site, use the services of specialists. They will competently transfer it to other parts of the room.

If it is intended to reuse bricks, then special tongs are used. They clamp adjacent bricks and then use a lever to break them out of the masonry.

Disassemble the brick wall to the level of the ceiling.

Demolition of walls in a panel house

A panel house is a structure with a close relationship between all elements. Therefore, it is here that bearing and even non-bearing partitions are especially dangerous to destroy. With a slight violation of integrity, such a house can simply develop.

After obtaining permission from the BTI, be sure to invite professionals. Compared to a brick object, the process of removing partitions will be more laborious and dangerous.

Demolition of a wall in a monolithic house

Apartments in a monolith usually come with an open plan. That is, there are no barriers. In fact, they are only visibly absent. On the plan, they are still there and this is an additional complexity. So if you are thinking of remodeling in such a house, carefully study the documents for the apartment.

It may still be necessary to demolish the walls, because they separate the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet from the living space. And also you can’t do without the destruction of partitions if you have conceived a combined bathroom. These partitions are internal, they are called non-bearing. They can be made of drywall, aerated concrete, brick and cement blocks. The approval process is simple.

Read about the features of such redevelopment options below.

Redevelopment. Demolition of walls between functional areas

Usually a configuration change interior spaces affects interior partitions. In this part of the article we will talk about them. Preparatory stages The same.

The type and technology of work depends on the material from which they are made:

    Drywall. The easiest, fastest and "non-dirty" dismantling. Remove the screws that hold the sheets to the frame. Drywall is removed. That's all.

    Brick. We have already covered in detail.

    Concrete. The choice of dismantling method and tool depends on individual characteristics premises. For demolition concrete wall the standard grinder is most often used. It is equipped with a special circle. Destroy neatly. Pre-make a markup to divide into sections. Saw off gradually separate fragments. If in the future there will be overhaul then use the good old jackhammer. It's dirty, but fast. If during the repair people will live in the apartment, then it is better to use a puncher with a special chisel. This is how the required power is achieved. Also, the puncher is able to punch in the planned places. through holes. The remaining pieces are removed with a jackhammer or sledgehammer.

    If there is a wall, it is also removed gradually, in parts, and not entirely in one go.

    Gypsum concrete. At first glance, the partition seems to be cardboard, but it is not. It is made of rebar, filled with plaster. It needs to be cut and broken. It is technologically better to divide into small fragments, since the plate is quite heavy. There is a risk that it will fall on the worker.

    - outline the initial section, which will be separated;
    - a perforator outlines its contour;
    - beat pieces of gypsum with a hammer from the reinforcement, otherwise they will interfere with the process;
    - cut metal rods and wire. To do this, use a disc for cutting metal;
    - remove a piece of the plate;
    - dismantle the remaining parts of the partition in the same way;

    Tree. Such options are found in old Khrushchevs and Stalinkas, and not only in huts and log cabins. They are knocked together from boards and covered with plaster: lime or cement.

    Wood is no different long term operation. After a few decades, it is better to dismantle such partitions and replace them with drywall. To demolish a wooden wall, small sections are removed with a chainsaw or a puncher. Start disassembling from the top. When halfway through, you can try to break the bottom manually.

Demolish the wall in the apartment in whole or in part one of interesting topics when developing an individual design project. So they create a single space or change the functionality of the room.

Arched ceilings, a studio apartment, turning one room into two, this is just what comes to mind right away.

Changes can be simple or complex. With simple ones, only non-load-bearing structures are affected. With complex ones, they make a change in the design of the supporting supporting elements or remove them altogether.

Let's consider in more detail.

Demolition of the wall between the bathroom and toilet

It is important to know that it is impossible to transfer plumbing beyond the boundaries of the "wet zone" in order to expand the bathroom. Rather, it is possible, but for this you need to develop a project and approve it.

We described in detail the process of dismantling tiles before demolishing the walls of a bathroom or toilet. The rest depends on the main material of the structures.

Separately about ventilation. Before starting work, it must be thoroughly cleaned.

It is impossible to change the size of ventilation ducts and other communications. At the end of the work, they must remain unchanged.

Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and the living room

This is an option for turning the space into a studio apartment.

In addition to the usual studies and approvals, there is another feature.

It is strictly forbidden to combine a gasified kitchen and a room. Such alteration is permissible only in houses with electric stoves. If you want to leave gasification, then you need to build an opening that closes sliding doors or a partition. To create the illusion of a single space, they can be made of glass. Good option- doors with an accordion or swinging open to one wall, or based on other design solutions. Now they are produced in a large assortment. The main thing is that the opening tightly overlaps when closed.

If you want to tear down the wall between the kitchen and the living room, here's what to keep in mind. Such options are more suitable for vegetarians, fast food lovers or raw foodists. If you like to cook tobacco chicken, complex grilled dishes, with fried onions, aromatic sauces and all sorts of other goodies, then this option is not the most suitable. Or get a powerful hood. This will prevent the spread of unwanted odors. And from one more danger - particles of hot oil. They stick to all surfaces, including upholstered furniture and floor coverings.

When it may be necessary to demolish the wall between the balcony and the room

Or between the loggia and the kitchen.

This combination has the following advantages:

Possible technology of work:

    Leave part of the structure between the balcony and the room, or kitchen.

    The partition is completely dismantled if it is not load-bearing.

Helpful Hints

    We'll have to insulate the former balcony room. Especially the floor and outer perimeter.

    In order for the design to be harmonious, it is better to use the same materials for decoration.

    If the threshold was not removed, it is necessary to lay the second tier of flooring on the balcony.

    Use the additional space that has appeared to create a secluded workplace. Design a partition with shelves. Separate with its help the necessary part of the room.

    You can organize a place of rest, on the border of the room and the balcony. For example, install a bar counter, plants in tubs, an original countertop.

When combining a loggia with a kitchen or a room, it is strictly prohibited:

    demolish load-bearing partitions and frame elements;

    take out the heating batteries outside the premises;

    destroy the blind walls between window openings and the edge of the loggia (balcony);

    use heavy building and finishing materials for insulation.

All this is no coincidence. Additional finishing and insulation can lead to weakening of some structures. There were cases of collapse of balconies and excess load on heating and other systems.

A few safety tips for self-dismantling walls and partitions

The demolition of a main wall or partition must be carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

    For the period of dismantling, there should be no outsiders in areas dangerous for people to find. If work is underway to combine apartments, be sure to put up fences and warning signs for residents of neighboring residential premises.

    It is impossible to overload ceilings, rooms of a balcony or loggia with construction debris. In any case, do not dump everything in one heap. The load should be distributed evenly, no more than 150 kg / sq.m.

    It is forbidden to leave overhanging, unstable structures. We need to complete the demolition. Otherwise, such fragments may collapse spontaneously.

    It is necessary to periodically moisten, that is, spray construction debris with water. This will reduce the amount of dust.

    During work, be sure to protect yourself. Wear special goggles with safety glasses, overalls or other protective clothing, closed thick shoes, thick gloves or mittens, a respirator or gauze bandage, and a headgear.

Comply with the law construction work when doing repairs. Be vigilant when buying new property. Check whether the redevelopment was done according to the rules.

Better yet, contact a professional. Mayhom will help to avoid problems with the law and unbearable financial expenses for their elimination.

Before proceeding directly to the demolition of the wall, you need to go through several instances and obtain permission for redevelopment. The first step is to invite a specialist architect to consult on which walls can be demolished and help to make a sketch. Already with a sketch made on the plan of the house, you can go to the BTI. If serious changes are started, then a sketch is indispensable. Here you already need to contact the construction organization to obtain a project for future redevelopment.

In the case of a positive response from the Housing Inspectorate, you can proceed to the execution of work.

You need to act strictly according to the submitted project or sketch, since at the end of the work, it will be necessary to call a commission from the Inspectorate to check and issue an act.

When permission is received, work can begin. But before that, you need to take out and tightly cover all the furniture with film and tape and take care of built-in communications, such as electrical wiring and water pipes passing in the wall for demolition.

The first step is to decide which tool will be used to perform the work. They are mostly done with one of these tools:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. Powerful perforator;
  3. Jackhammer.

Whatever tool is chosen, work should begin with marking the wall. Since in no case can you cut out the entire partition entirely. You need to do this piecemeal.

This method is acceptable only if no one lives in the apartment at the moment. This is due to the fact that when a concrete or brick partition is demolished with a jackhammer, a lot of dust is generated, which settles on all surfaces and penetrates through the smallest cracks.

To break the wall with a grinder, the tool must be equipped with a “on concrete” disc. And then start, according to the pre-applied markings, cut off pieces of material. The advantage of using such a tool will be a minimum of noise and accuracy. And the main disadvantage is a large number of dust.

The perforator can be hollowed out, or it can be cut off. chiselling very effective method but not the most accurate. In addition, using it in this way, you can accidentally touch something and demolish the excess.

Cutting a concrete or brick partition with a perforator is the most suitable way demolition of a wall in an inhabited apartment. Since this is the least dusty method. To cut the partition with a puncher, it is necessary to drill through holes according to the marking, and then use a hammer and a chisel to knock out the “cut out” parts.

Break the wall in the apartment: the cost

After the work is completed, you need to collect all construction debris in bags and take it out of the apartment.

If there is no desire to do all this on your own, then you can call specialists who will do this work, but it will not be cheap. The average price for the demolition of one square meter of a concrete or brick partition is over 500 rubles. This figure may vary depending on the material from which the partition is made and its thickness. You will also have to pay extra for the removal of construction waste.

IN last years In the process of repair work, many decide to redevelop their homes. For some, this is an opportunity to rationally use the resulting space or give the room more space. modern look. In any case, regardless of the reasons for redevelopment, this process affects important and at the same time dangerous procedures. We are talking about the demolition of the walls in the apartment. This is what many resort to, creating a new look for the apartment. Accordingly, the demolition of a wall in an apartment is a rather scrupulous matter.

Apartment redevelopment! What is needed for this?

All work related to redevelopment concerns two important aspects:

  1. Obtaining relevant documents and permits.
  2. Demolition of walls.

At first glance, everything is quite simple and consistent. Moreover, many people know the principle, to break not to build. But as for the demolition of load-bearing walls or partitions, the whole thing is different here. Demolition work is very exhausting and difficult.

Before you start work, you need to think about what the project of the future apartment will be like.

In the planning process, consider whether it is possible to demolish this or that wall! Not every wall can be demolished.

Each apartment has two types of walls:

  1. Partition.
  2. Carrier.

As for the latter, these are the walls, which are an integral part of the entire building. For the ceiling, it is the wall that is the support. You can't touch these walls! As for the other walls, these are partitions that divide the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment into functional areas. They are built from lightweight materials. When they are removed, the redistribution of the load from the floor does not occur, so they can be safely demolished, but only after appropriate permission. So, partitions are divided into the following categories:

  1. Concrete.
  2. Brick.
  3. Stone.
  4. Wooden.

In each case, the wall demolition technique will differ, but not much. When demolishing a wooden wall, you will need to attach less strength and time than when demolishing a concrete partition.

If you do not know which wall can be demolished and which cannot, then seek guidance from professionals. They will draw up a detailed project of your apartment and indicate exactly the partitions that are allowed for demolition.

Break not build! Starting the process

Immediately before work, you must make sure that all important communication networks are disconnected or cut off. For example, it could be:

  • Gas pipeline.
  • Television.
  • Internet.
  • Electricity.
  • Radio and the like.

The tool may be required very different, depending on the material of the wall, for example:

  • Scrap/pick.
  • Jackhammer.
  • Steel wedges.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Hammer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Hacksaw.

From this list, it follows that wooden walls a chainsaw or a simple hacksaw will suffice, but for concrete you will need a more serious tool. For example, a bonding material such as reinforcement is usually located inside a concrete wall. In the process of dismantling the walls, it will need to be cut with a grinder. As you can see, when demolishing walls, you may need not one, but several construction tools at once.

When everything is ready, and you have decided on the choice of tool, you can begin the long-awaited changes - the demolition of the walls!

The process of tearing down a wall should always start from the top down so that the top of the wall doesn't come crashing down on your head.

First you need to remove from the wall finishing material, it can be plaster, drywall, etc. As for the drywall walls, the frame that was the basis for the drywall should also be removed. If the wall is brick, then one brick is knocked out from above, and so on.

If there is a door in the brick partition to be demolished, then the wall should be demolished from it.

During the demolition process, it may be tempting to keep the material that is being dismantled, such as bricks. But this should not be done. Why? The thing is that this material lay under different loads not a decade. Accordingly, this has led to the fact that it will no longer have sufficient strength and quality.

If you have concrete partitions, you will have to work with a grinder, a chipper and even a puncher. With the help of a puncher and a grinder in the wall, you can make successive strobes. This is necessary in order to immediately divide the wall into several pieces. With a grinder, you can cut through the reinforcement passing through the body of the wall. With the help of a chipper, you can speed up the process of work, since its impact force is much greater than the force of the perforator.

Sometimes you have to deal with high-strength concrete that a chipper, grinder and puncher cannot handle. What to do in such cases? In such a situation, you will need the help of a specialist who will remove the wall to small pieces using diamond equipment.

Although you may have a desire to demolish walls using diamond equipment yourself, it’s better not to take risks, but entrust the work to professionals.

What is achieved by the demolition of walls

In most cases, redevelopment is carried out in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Although there are cases, but rarely, when redevelopment occurs in residential premises. The demolition of walls and the installation of new ones allows you to redistribute work areas and recreation areas in your apartment. You can also save space. For example, a bathroom will be combined with a bathroom, so that one room will perform several functional tasks at once. But, despite all this, it will not be possible to solve the problem of the lack of living space in this way. After all, if the apartment has forty square meters, it will no longer be after the demolition and installation of new walls.

So, as you can see, the redevelopment is directly related to the demolition of the walls and their movement. In some cases, you can use the services of designers who will tell you how to perform these works most efficiently.

Do not rush to demolish the walls. You can always break at any time. First of all, carefully plan everything and calculate all your expenses so that you can complete the repair. If, however, you decide to cardinal changes then you need to be well prepared. For example, think about where and how you will dispose of all construction waste. Remember that you cannot throw garbage into containers, you will have to hire a car.

We hope that this article will help you cope with such a difficult job as demolition of walls and partitions in your apartment. If you already have such experience, then write to us about it in the comments to the article.


A noiseless and dust-free way to demolish a non-capital partition in an old house:

Many people, especially those living in Khrushchev apartments, are trying to remake their small and uncomfortable apartments using redevelopment. But it is one thing to complete it in an individual building, and quite another to change the doorway or move the partition in a high-rise building, where almost every wall is load-bearing. All this ensures the safety of residents in combination with all technical design Houses.

What is rescheduling? According to the housing code, this concept includes all changes in the configuration of the apartment that require them to be included in the technical passport. This:

  • changing the location of load-bearing walls and partitions,
  • moving window and door openings,
  • re-equipment of vestibules and dark closets,
  • arrangement of internal
  • bathroom refurbishment,
  • division of large rooms,
  • expansion of living space due to household premises,
  • glazing of a balcony or loggia,
  • replacement gas stoves for electric,
  • relocation of a bathroom, kitchen or toilet.

All these types of changes in the apartment are related to redevelopment and in the relevant authorities.

What can not be demolished: load-bearing wall

Most often, redevelopment is associated with the demolition of interior partitions. But which walls can be touched, and which not - not everyone knows. The reckless demolition of structures leads to a change in the action of forces on the remaining surfaces and rooms located below. In addition, ceilings left without support may not withstand the load and collapse at any time. Since, in addition to separating different rooms, wall elements serve as ceiling supports for all similar structural elements located above.

The main (bearing) walls in practice are perpendicular to the floor beams. If it is made from concrete slabs, then their ends rest on the surface of the supporting structure. Usually these are walls between apartments and blocks, or external. As a rule, only partitions are equipped inside the apartment.

How do you know which wall is load bearing?

Is it possible to determine the purpose of the wall yourself? Certainly. According to its thickness or the material from which it was built. In panel-type houses, indoor units are up to 120 mm thick. Therefore, they can be considered partitions (their thickness ranges from 80-120 mm). The bearing surface must be at least 140 mm thick. Most often, in such houses, the outer walls are made with a thickness of 200 mm or more. In brick houses - external, load-bearing structures have a thickness of 380 mm or more, inter-apartment - 250 mm, and partitions 120 or 80 mm.

As a material for load-bearing walls in prefabricated houses, wall or inter-apartment blocks made of reinforced concrete with various additives are most often used to facilitate construction and increase thermal protection. Internal partitions in 90% panel houses made of gypsum concrete panels. In brick buildings, the main material for all walls is red and silicate brick, differing in size. Gypsum concrete panels can also be used as partitions in them.

Of course, no one is going to demolish the outer walls, but the partitions can be removed after obtaining the appropriate permission. To accurately determine which of the walls is the carrier, it is best to use the BTI data - a detailed floor plan. There, thicker lines mark all the main walls, and partitions that do not have such functions are marked with thinner lines.

What is required for demolition?

In any case, before proceeding with the demolition of a particular wall and its transfer, you need to consult a qualified specialist. As well as a complete calculation, taking into account the distribution of loads that must be transferred from old structures to newly built ones. In addition, you may have to change the power supply scheme. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the uncoordinated demolition of the walls of the premises may put it on sale or execution of donation documents, etc. But that's not all. Such actions are considered illegal and entail penalties, subpoenas, and may even lead to the confiscation of the apartment.

Therefore, the coordination of the redevelopment project is necessary in any case. What is needed for that?

  1. A plan developed by the BTI service specifically for this type of redevelopment.
  2. Drawing up a technical report on the demolition of the wall.
  3. Obtaining a positive conclusion from the housing inspection at the place of registration.

Recently, apartment residents have been striving to change the layout of the rooms. Soviet "Khrushchev" often have an inconvenient location of the bedroom, kitchen, creating uncomfortable living conditions. Being engaged in the dismantling of walls, it is worth remembering the complexity of the process. Concrete structures have impressive parameters - you need to stock up the right tools and carefully study the scheme of the house. Sometimes the management of the house requires special certificates for permission to demolish the walls and a certain consent from the neighbors. Demolition of a wall in an apartment is a costly and lengthy process.


General characteristics of the dismantling of the wall in the apartment

The demolition of the wall structure has the main goal - to increase the space of the apartment, to free the premises from unnecessary buildings. Starting the "reconstruction" of the room, it is important to create a scheme for the future layout of the living space, make an accurate calculation and determine the quality of the demolished wall. When drawing up an apartment plan, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. It will help to calculate the weak points of the structure and prevent future destruction, collapses.

After completing the scheme, you must contact the specialized housing committee and obtain permission for redevelopment. Each demolished structure must be regulated by the highest municipal authority. This will help you avoid problems in the future.

According to the classification scale, two types of walls are considered:

  • Carriers;
  • Partitions.

The first version of the supporting building is the main component of the house. Thanks to the load-bearing wall, the roofing system acquires a reliable support. When it is dismantled, there is a possibility of an oval roof. Without knowing the location of such a structure, it will be useful to call a competent builder who can determine the type of erection separating the room.

The second option is simple partitions. Common are brick partitions. The dismantling of partitions does not entail the complete or partial destruction of the house. Often, demolition can be done without additional qualified assistance.

Material as the building basis of the walls

When deciding to remove the fences of rooms, it is worth remembering the categories of structures that are subject to dismantling:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • Based on concrete;
  • woody;
  • Foam block;
  • Plasterboard.

The listed types have their own characteristics. The quality of the material affects the complexity of the repair work. Finding out the "composition" of a wall is often a difficult process. Great option will involve a professional capable of identifying the material and advising on its compositional properties.

The classic wall has a thickness of 38 centimeters - a building standard.

Where to start dismantling the wall?

Starting the demolition of the partition, it is important to clear the room of furniture and interfering parts. A prerequisite is to turn off the power supply and other networks:

  • Heating communications;
  • Plumbing and drain system;
  • Internet;
  • satellite signals.

It is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail - up to the purchase of capacious bags for excess garbage. According to the norms public utilities repair work you can spend in the apartment at certain hours - in the morning from 9:00 and in the evening until 19:00 (from Monday to Friday). Repair work is not allowed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Note: The start of dismantling should be accompanied by the collection of all necessary documentation. It is important to take into account the consent of the neighbors. They must sign the relevant papers. This eliminates conflicts in the future.

Basic construction tools

The following tools will come in handy:

  • Pick;
  • Jackhammer;
  • Chisel;
  • wedges;
  • Massive hammer, you can use a sledgehammer.

The above list is more suitable for the dismantling of bathroom walls. They are often made dense, difficult to demolish. Relatively simple buildings based on wood. They can be removed using a chainsaw. Cluttering on a concrete basis requires special efforts - to “break” it with the help of a grinder, a perforator. An additional tool can be a jackhammer. According to building codes, the construction of a concrete base implies the use of metal frame in indoor unit. It can be demolished using a grinder.

Mandatory actions when demolishing a wall: the main rules

Having the necessary permits for the dismantling of the structure, it is worth once again taking care of the structure of the entire building. It is important to understand the load of the wall and the main roof supports. This will help the scheme of the house and drawing up an independent clear plan. At the slightest opportunity to save part of the partition of the rooms - it is better to leave it untouched.

We list the main tips for dismantling a classic brick wall:

  1. It is necessary to break down gradually - brick by brick.
  2. Liquidation with doorway requires the elimination of loot first. Move away from the door.
  3. A sledgehammer is a must. Under its weight, it is easier to break the wall. The direction of dismantling is from top to bottom.
  4. Experts do not recommend demolishing the structure in large areas. Dismantling should occur gradually, in small parts.

Destruction of partitions

Partitions have a special structure. Their "liquidation" must be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Getting started, will facilitate the process of marking in parts. You can use a construction pencil for this. Cut out the parts with a grinder. Demolished elements can be of impressive size. They should not be lifted by one person (to avoid breaking the back). It's better to wear a mask. The process often becomes dusty. You can get respiratory poisoning.
  2. The use of a perforator. Represents a process rich in sounds. When performing it, it is worth monitoring the adjacent buildings and trying not to damage them.
  3. point method. Holes are made in the surface with a drill (closely spaced). The wall is broken into pieces with a jackhammer.

Note: It is important to be careful to avoid the collapse of the brick on the person. Initially, it is necessary to tap places for future strikes.

Remodeling an apartment is noisy and dusty. Before starting, it is recommended to moisten the surface of the wall and floor with water. This will eliminate further dust formation. It is important to hang the door and try to protect other rooms as much as possible from dust getting into them.

How to demolish a wall from a foam block?

Recently, the use of foam blocks in construction has become popular. It is easy to install, does not let in noise and does an excellent job of keeping the heat in the room. It is used in construction internal walls and external.

The breakdown of foam block partitions is not difficult. You can make it with a drill. The main snag is represented by iron fittings. You will need:

  1. Hammer
  2. Drill
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Saw.

Demolition must begin with the removal of the top layer - plaster. Gradually, the components of the foam block are removed with a jackhammer. Collected garbage is not advised to be taken out to common place for garbage collection. It should be transported to a special landfill for construction waste.

Drywall: from simple to complex

Drywall enjoys well-deserved respect. It is easy to use, economical, suitable for all types of buildings. Removing a building from such material will not be a colossal effort.
Getting started with demolition:

  1. Clear the room of all things, furniture. Tightly fix the passage to other rooms.
  2. Lay on the floor protective covering. Dust or dirt can clog into the parquet.
  3. Take out everything electric wires. Turn off mains power. Remove lamps and other lighting, decor elements.

Several methods are recommended. Their choice is determined by the type of wall, the presence of an iron frame in it. Plasterboards are often built into plasterboard walls.

Let's consider three ways.