Well      07/02/2020

Surrounding world wintering birds middle group. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Wintering Birds. Logic of educational activity

Sevinch Mammadova
Synopsis of GCD in middle group on the theme "Wintering Birds"

Educational area: cognitive development

Integration of educational areas: physical development, speech development

Target: expanding knowledge and understanding of wintering birds and the role of humans in their lives.



to form the knowledge of preschoolers about the wintering birds of their native land; show children the correct feeding of birds.


enrich the children's vocabulary with new concepts on the topic "wintering birds" and expand children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter; activate in speech the phrase: “wintering birds”; the ability to speak "loudly - quietly", to develop the power of the voice; replenish the active dictionary on the topic with the words: food, feeder, cold, hungry; enter a description of winter into the passive dictionary: blizzard, severe, frosty.


to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds in the winter, to arouse a desire to help the birds of their native land survive in the winter.

Demonstration material: pictures of birds of the native land, pictures of bird food for comparison in warm and cold seasons, feeder, bags with samples of bird food.

Equipment: mp3 player, an audio CD with bird voices, a musical excerpt from P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Snow Flake Waltz", the song "Bird" (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by D. Tukhmanov) on a flash drive.

Preliminary work: organization of observations of birds arriving at the site (crow, dove, tit, sparrow, bullfinch); p / and "Sparrow", "Bullfinches", "Sparrow"; conducting finger gymnastics"Feeder"; contemplation plot pictures on the topic, albums with the image of wintering birds; guessing riddles about birds; conversations about wintering birds of the native land; d / and “Flies away - does not fly away”, “Find out by description”.

Methodical methods:

game (use of surprise moments);

visual (using illustrations, presentations);

verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children);


lesson analysis, reflection.

Logics educational activities:

Motivational-reflex part:

(greeting children in a circle)

My dear friends, run around in a circle

And do not hesitate to take each other's hands.

Boredom, laziness you drive away -

Give me a smile.

Introductory part:


Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

Her snowy embrace

And trees in white dresses.

It's freezing weather.

Who guesses the season?

Children's answer: It's winter.

Educator: Zimushka-winter has come ... (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the musical work by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Snow Flakes” for listening)

A blizzard sweeps,

And the snow is falling on the ground

The blizzard sings a song to us,

And thought-thought evokes ...

It was cold outside, cold. Not only animals, but also birds felt the approach of frost. Some of them flew to warmer climes. What are these birds called?

Children's answer: Migratory.

Educator: That's right, these birds fly from one end to another. Looking for somewhere warmer. But today I will tell you about completely different birds, we will get acquainted with birds that do not fly away with the advent of winter. They stay and live next to us. Such birds are called - wintering.

Main part:

Educator: What are these birds, do you want to know? I will help you to recognize them by guessing riddles:

This little bird

Saikoy lives friendly

Picks up crumbs quickly

"Chik-chirik" she sings.

Children's answer: This is a sparrow bird. (After the correct answer, the teacher hangs a picture with the image of the named bird on the magnetic board)

Educator: Sparrow is a small bird with a brown back and a gray breast. Sparrows live in a flock. Sparrows are very useful birds. In summer, they save us from harmful insects: butterflies, caterpillars, beetles. But in winter time years they are hungry. They fly to people's homes in search of bread crumbs, seeds, grains. (The teacher turns on an audio recording of the sounds of a sparrow).

And here is the next bird, and I have a riddle about it:

Though less than a sparrow,

I'm not afraid of frost

You all know the bird.

And they call me.

Children's answer: Titmouse. (The teacher hangs a picture of the named bird on the magnetic board)

Educator: Guys and I see this bird every day on the street. Titmouse are very mobile and agile birds. Their head, neck, strip along the chest are black, their wings and tail are bluish, the back is yellow-green, the abdomen is yellow, and the cheeks and spot on the back of the head are white. Like sparrows, tits feed on insects in summer. And in winter they gather in small flocks and look for food near people's houses. Tits love lard, seeds, bread crumbs. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the sounds of a titmouse)

And these birds have a secret, I will reveal it to you if you guess the riddle:

What kind of birds have arrived?

They sat together on the mountain ash.

You can see them from afar

Scarlet breast, sides.

Oh how good the birds are

These are ours.

Children's answer: Bullfinches. (The teacher hangs a picture of a bird on a magnetic board)

Educator: Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, but they live with us only in winter, you will not meet them in summer. Try to describe their appearance: the color of the head, breast and wings.

Children's answer: The head is black, the breast is red, the wings are gray.

Educator: Well done. In summer, bullfinches eat berries, buds, and seeds. But they don't eat insects! In summer, bullfinches live in flocks in the forest. But in the harsh cold winter, they also fly to people's homes to feast on seeds and nuts. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the sounds of the bullfinch)

Without our help, these birds will not be able to survive the winter. I invite you guys to help the birds and prepare a tasty and healthy treat for them.

D / y "Feed the birds in winter"

The teacher brings a feeder into the group and lays out options for bird food on the table: sweets, sunflower seeds, millet, wheat bread, chocolate, potatoes, carrots.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, what kind of food the birds will be happy to accept and will be very grateful, please help me choose it for the birds. (Children choose plates with the right food, jointly check the correctness of the choice and pour the food into the feeder)


We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

You will have lunch in the winter.

Visit on the first day of the week

The tits have come to us.

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

(Z. Alexandrova "New dining room")

Teacher: You did a good job! During the walk, we will hang a feeder on a tree branch in the area and watch the birds, and see who will fly to the bird canteen on the street. And now I suggest you play, the game is called "Birds on a walk."

Mobile game "Birds on a walk"

The teacher lays out circles on the floor large diameter grey, yellow and red colors. The gray circle will define the feeder for sparrows, the yellow one for tits, the red one for bullfinches. The teacher orally tells the name of the bird to each child. The audio recording of the song "Bird" is turned on. Children, depicting birds, move around the group. At the command "Dining room is open!" birds flock to the appropriate feeder. The teacher and children determine the fastest and most friendly bird flock.

Final part:

Educator: I invite everyone to our circle to remember what we talked about today. (Children prepare for reflection, sit on the carpet in a circle and hold hands)

Children answer: We talked about birds in winter.

Educator: Lera, what birds are called migratory?

Child's answer.

Educator: Kolya, what birds are called wintering? Why?

Child's answer.

Educator: Cyril, please name the wintering birds that you remember.

Child's answer.

Educator: Guys, what do sparrows eat in winter? What about in the summer? Guys, what do bullfinches eat in winter? The same goes for tits. (Children based on the pictures on the magnetic board answer the question)

Educator: Kira, what did you learn interesting in class? What could surprise you?

Child's answer.

Educator: But we have not done everything with you yet, we have a very important task left. I suggest going outside and hanging a bird feeder in our group's area.

Open educational activity to get acquainted with the outside world in the middle group "Our feathered friends"

Tasks of the priority educational area.
Ecological education with elements of speech development.
Tasks of OO in integration.
Cognitive development:
To teach children to distinguish and name wintering birds; introduce characteristic features appearance, behavior, lifestyle of wintering birds.
Speech development:
To teach to understand the content of poems and songs, to repeat the words after the teacher, to sing along the phrases in the song; to promote the activation of speech, to teach to pronounce onomatopoeic words, to answer the questions of the educator.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
Develop dance skills and musical ear; develop the ability to perform movements to the rhythm of music in accompaniment of the artistic word.
Continue to learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, carefully lay finished goods on the board.
Physical Culture:
To improve the motor skills and abilities of children; develop speed, dexterity, interest in outdoor games; to learn to run freely, without bumping into each other, to respond to the verbal signals of the teacher, to return to the place.
The course of educational activities.
- Look at our group tree. It's cold outside. And here a bird flew to us to bask on our tree. (Showing "Magpie - white-sided" model of a bird)
- What is the name of this bird?
- Who knows the nursery rhyme about the white-sided magpie?
Finger game.
Magpie-white-sided, where was it?
He heated the stove, cooked porridge,
She jumped on the threshold, called guests.
The guests arrived and sat on the porch.
I gave it (4 times).
But she didn't give it:
He did not walk on water, did not chop wood,
I didn’t heat the stove, I didn’t cook porridge.
Another bird flew to us (showing the layout of the bird "Bullfinch").
The snowman came to us.
The snowman sat on a branch,
It rained - he got wet.
Wind blow a little
Discuss the snowman for us.
A sparrow flew to us, sang a song merrily (a model of a bird is hung on a tree branch).
A sparrow jumps and spins in a puddle.
He ruffled his feather, fluffed his tail.
The weather is good!.Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!
Mystery. Listening to the voices (singing) of birds.
Another tit bird flew to us (a model of a bird is hung on a tree branch).
Guess! What bird?
Lively, perky, agile, agile.
Loudly shadows: Shadow! Shadow!"
What a nice cold day.
- Children, let's hear how they sing.
5. Onomatopoeia of bird voices.
- Crows flew to us, and let's scream!
How do crows cry? (Children - "Kar! Kar!")
Finger game (Massage of the flanks of the fingers)
Let's see who came to us.
So-ro-ka - little finger
Vo-ro-bey - nameless.
Si-ni-tsa - average.
In-ro-on - index.
Bird - big
And snow-gi-rivers - clap your hands!
Mobile game "Birds in the nest".
Purpose: to teach to run freely without bumping into each other, to respond to the verbal signals of the teacher, to return to the place.
Birds jump, fly, birds sing merrily.
Birds collect crumbs, birds peck grains.
Feathers cleaned, beaks cleaned,
Then they flew off and sat down.
Finger game: "What do birds eat?"
- Our birds are cold, there is no food outside. What do our birds like to eat? Now we will find out: (we alternately connect all fingers with the thumb)
Looking for a bird in the grass
And on the branches, and in the foliage, (change of hands)
And among the big meadows
Flies, worms, grain, beetles.
Modeling "Grains for birds".
Goal: Continue to learn to pinch off small lumps of plasticine, carefully lay the finished products on the board.
- And let's now blind the grains for the birds and feed them.
- Here we are now feeding our birds. Well done, our guys, they all made grains. They fed the birds.
- And there are still a lot of hungry birds on the street. My parents and I made feeders at home. When we go for a walk, we will hang feeders and give the birds real grains.
On the walk we continue to watch the birds. We feed the birds with the teacher. OD on "Artistic and aesthetic development" in the middle group. Drawing "Polar Bear" using

(Children guess riddles and show the birds on the poster)

Educator: Guys, how can you call these birds in one word?


Educator: Right. And then tell me, what is the name of our city, where we live?

— Okhotsk.

- What do you think, do we have these birds in Okhotsk? (Yes)

Teacher: Okay, well done! I agree with you. And you know, guys, it is very difficult for birds in winter, there are severe frosts and it is difficult for birds to find food.

Now I want to tell you one history. Do you want to listen? (Yes)

In winter, Masha and Vitya walked in the park. In the snow, the guys saw a freezing sparrow. Masha picked up the bird and began to warm it with her breath. The guys decided to save the sparrow. They put the bird in their mittens and hurried home. At home, the sparrow warmed up, began to peck at the seeds. In the evening, Vitya made a feeder. The next day, the guys released the sparrow into the wild, and hung the bird feeder in the park on a birch. Every day the children brought bread crumbs and seeds to the feeder. So the guys helped the birds survive the fierce winter.

- Did you like the story? (Yes)

What were the names of the girl and the boy? (Masha and Vitya)

Who did they find? (sparrow)

How did they help the sparrow? (put in a mitten and carried home)

- What did Vitya do? (feeder)

Why do birds need a feeder? (for birds to eat)

- And tell me, what is actually the most terrible thing for birds - hunger or cold? (hunger)

Of course, guys, hunger is terrible, because birds are warmed by feathers, and under the snow it is difficult for birds to find food.

- What do you think, the guys did a good deed? (Yes)

Educator: Do you want me to read the story to you again? (Yes)

(Takes a piece of paper) But the trouble is, I put a piece of paper on the table, and there was water and some words turned out to be blurry, and I really wanted to read the story to you again, can you help me, and we will read it together? (Yes)

(The teacher reads, and the children complete)

Educator: Well done, thanks guys, maybe someone wants to retell our story? (children retell)

Teacher: Thanks guys. What a frost it is on the street, even our hands are frozen. Let's warm them up. (self-massage of the hands)

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five (bend fingers)

We went for a walk in the yard (walk fingers along palm)

They sculpted a snow woman (roll a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed with crumbs (crumble bread)

We then rode down the hill (swipe fingers across palm)

And also rolled in the snow (they put their palm on the palm of one,then the other side)

Everyone came home in the snow (wipe palms off)

Eat soup and go to sleep (movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheek) 2 times

Educator: While we were playing, heavy snow began to fall and real snowflakes flew to us. See what they are?

Do you want the snowflakes to spin? (Yes)

- Then you need to blow on them (slowly draw air through your nose. Do not puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips with a “tube” and blow on snowflakes.

(children do exercise "Snowflakes" 3-5 times)

Educator: And now I propose to play again. The game is called: “Pass the snowball - name the words of action”

In winter, the weather is different on the street, then a blizzard breaks out, then a strong frost, then a snowfall. I will ask you questions and you answer.

- Frost (what does it do?) - freezes, pinches, bites

Blizzard (what does it do?) - howls, rages, sweeps

- Snow (what does it do?) - goes, circles, flies, falls

Children (what are they doing?) - play, ride, rejoice, have fun

- The sun (what does it do?) - shines, but does not heat

Educator: Well done guys, they did the job. Now come to me and look at our diagram. Let's we honor those we already know poems in various ways.

(Children look at the diagram and explain how to read - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly, cheerfully, sadly)

Children play and read poems in pairs:

The bear was very ill, the bear ate a lot of honey

The bear cries and growls. My stomach hurts.

Educator: I really liked how you read the poems correctly according to the scheme. And I also prepared for you a picture about winter (because we have winter now). Your task, guys, is to resettle the animals correctly where they should live.

Children: - This is a wolf, he lives in the forest.

This is a bear, he lives in the forest.

- This is a cat, she lives with a man.

- This is a dog, she lives with a man and. etc.

Educator: Guys, while we were studying, our snowflakes that flew to us melted, because it’s warm in our group (and the snow, remember our experiments, melts in the heat), I suggest you draw snowflakes yourself, take felt-tip pens and draw.

Children draw to the music on their own.

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group

"Wintering Birds"

Program content:

  • To give children an idea about the types of food wintering birds.
  • To consolidate the concept of "wintering birds"
  • Develop imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.
  • Activate generalizing words in speech: “wild animals”, “wintering birds”; enrich lexicon by introducing words: food, feeder, cold, hungry; enter a description of winter into the passive dictionary: blizzard, severe, frosty.
  • Cultivate a caring and friendly attitude towards birds.

Demo Material: illustrations depicting a hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, sparrow, crow, bullfinch, titmouse; models with types of food "wintering birds"; envelope; millet, a piece of lard, rowan berries, sweets, sunflower seeds.

Handout:half a sheet of paper with food models; images of birds - a sparrow, a crow, a bullfinch, a tit, cut into pieces (head, body, tail).

Equipment: a tape recorder, an audio recording with the voices of birds, models of trees, a magnetic board, a hat with the image of a magpie.

Course progress.

Children enter a group into a group, at this time Magpie flies in, cracking:

Magpie: I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

Educator: Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, do you know who this is?

Children: Magpie.

Magpie : Oh, hello guys!

Children : Hello, Magpie!

caregiver : What happened, Magpie?

Magpie : So I say, I was in the forest today, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything.

Educator: Let's go to the forest together and help Magpie figure it out.

Children: Come on!

Educator: One, two, three turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

Children turn around themselves and find themselves at the edge of the forest. The voices of birds are heard.

Educator: Look, guys, how beautiful it is around, what air! Do you hear voices? This is us forest dwellers meet. Who is it that greets us so affectionately?

On the table are pictures of animals and birds. Children name them.

Educator: Well done, right. How can you call a squirrel, a wolf, a hare and a fox in one word?

Children : Wild animals.

caregiver : How can a sparrow, a tit, a bullfinch, a crow be called in one word?

Children: Wintering birds.

caregiver : Put animals on one side and birds on the other. Well done boys! Do you like to solve riddles? Guess what bird it is.

Someone jumps along the path,

Seeds are pecking and crumbs.

“It’s not scary here, don’t be shy!” -

Shouted to a friend ... (sparrow).

Who looks at the pavement

And shouts to us from the branch: "Carr!"?

Crumble a piece of loaf -

Arrives to eat ... (crow).

Arrived in a flock of booming

Birds with a bright red breast.

Look outside the window -

There on the branches ... (bullfinches)

Who flaunts on a branch

In a yellow holiday vest?

It's a little bird

And her name is ... (titmouse)

Children find hidden birds and attach them to the board.

Educator: What are these birds?

Children: Wintering.

caregiver Q: Why are they called that?

Children : Because they stay for the winter.

Educator: Guys, do you remember what winter was like? Harsh, blizzard, frosty. Is it easy for birds in the winter in the forest? Why?

The children are thinking.

Educator: Yes, that's right guys. It is difficult for birds to find food under the snow. They fly closer to people for help. Adults make bird feeders and fill them with food. Do you want me to tell you which bird eats what?

Sparrows feed on crumbs, grains. Let's agree to designate them (puts up a card with a model on the board).

Tits feed on grains, crumbs, their favorite delicacy is lard, we will denote it (model).

Bullfinches eat plant seeds, like to peck rowan berries, we will denote them (model).

Ravens feed on cleanings, leftover food, they love sweets, we will denote them (model).

Teacher: Let's play now. Magpie, let's play with us!

Sedentary game "Birds Have Arrived"

The teacher calls only the birds, but if he is mistaken, then you can stomp or clap your hands.

Educator: Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

Children stomp.

Educator: What is wrong?

Children: Flies.

Educator: And who are the flies?

Children: Insects.

Educator: Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Children stomp.

Educator: Birds flew in: pigeons, martens.

Children stomp.

Educator: The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are squishy

Swans, starlings.

All of you are great!

Magpie: Oh, while you were playing here, I found something under a tree!

Magpie brings an envelope.

Magpie: Who is this, I do not understand?

Educator: Do not fuss, Magpie, the guys and I will now figure out who owns the head, who owns the body, who owns the tail. If you put the parts of a bird together, you get a whole bird. Guys, let's collect the birds.

Children put together parts of birds.

Magpie: Now I recognize the birds. How clever are you.

Educator: Let's put the birds on the feeders.

Children attach a piece of paper with food models to birds.

Educator: You fed the birds, let's treat the Magpie, it is also not easy for her in winter.

Children treat Soroka with seeds.

Magpie : Thanks guys for the treat. Now I’ll tell everyone why not all the birds flew away and what they eat. Goodbye, guys!

Children say goodbye to Magpie.

Educator: Well, guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. One, two, three, turn around, return to the kindergarten!

Outcome: What birds did you meet in the forest?

How can you call them in one word?

We will now go for a walk and feed the birds.

  • Whom shall we treat with fat?
  • grains?
  • Rowan?
  • Candy, seeds?

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group "Wintering Birds".


Integrated educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Labor".

Activities : communicative, cognitive, productive, playful, labor.

Program tasks:

Educational: To reveal the concepts of "wintering birds", "migratory birds";

Expand knowledge about the role of birds in nature and human life;

To acquaint children with wintering birds: tits, magpies, sparrows and bullfinches, crows are folk signs associated with the habits of birds.

To learn to sculpt a bird in a constructive way, observing the location and ratio of body parts, to connect the parts, pressing against each other;

Developing: Develop thinking, observation;

Development of visual and verbal-logical memory;

Contribute to the enrichment and deepening of ideas about birds (habitats, needs and ways to meet them)

To promote the development in children of the ability to make up stories about birds, highlighting bright features their appearance.

Educational: Raise an interest in the life of birds, a caring and friendly attitude towards birds, and a desire to help them survive the harsh winter.

Vocabulary work: Feed, feeder, cold, hungry, blizzard, severe, frosty;

Material and equipment: Illustrations depicting birds - a titmouse, a sparrow, a bullfinch, a crow, a magpie; winter pictures illustration; split pictures of birds; plasticine; sunflower seed, beads.

Problem questions: What do birds eat in winter?

Do birds sing in winter?

Where do birds winter?

Description of the IOS scenario

Q: Children, what season is it now?

Q: What changes have taken place in nature, and with animals and birds?

D: The trees are bare and it's getting colder; animals hibernate, some animals change their fur coat to a warmer one; Birds fly south to warmer climes.

Q: What can you say about the birds that fly south?

D: Migratory

Q: List migratory birds.

D: Swift, crane, cuckoo, swan, duck.

Q: And which birds leave us first.

D: Birds that feed on insects fly away after the first frost, as insects disappear - wagtails, larks, starlings, and when lakes and rivers freeze, waterfowl (geese, ducks, swans) fly away.

Q: Guys, what season comes after autumn (children's answer). The teacher shows a picture of winter and bird feeders. Teacher questions:

What season?

And what winter?

What are people doing?

Who did they make the feeders for?

D: For birds.

Q: But, they just said that in autumn the birds fly away from us to warmer climes. It turns out that not all birds have flown away, but only migratory birds. But many birds do not fly away, but remain to spend the winter in our area. What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

D: Wintering.

Q: Where do winter birds live?

D: In the forest (high in the trees, in nests and hollows) and in the village.

B: Yes, that's right, kids. We will talk about wintering birds, but what kind of wintering birds do you know? (children's answers) Well done.

Listen to riddles about birds.

1. Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

2. In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is. (Bullfinches)

3. Small bird

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

4. Coloring - grayish,

Habit - furtive,

hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

Who is she?. (crow)

5. Who flies, who chirps?

Want to tell everyone the news? (Magpie)

Well done, right. And now let's play, choose a hat with the image of a bird, imagine that you are a bird, I will read a poem, the bird that hears about itself “flies” to the “feeder”.

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us,

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday

We did not expect them to dinner, but on Thursday from all over

A flock of yellow tits.

On Friday in our dining room

Pigeon ate porridge

And on Saturday, Sunday there was general fun.

Q: Guys, is it easy for wintering birds in winter. Why? (children's answers)

D: No, it is not easy for them to be cold and hungry.

B: That's right, they have a very hard time in winter and food is scarce and cold in winter. Who comes to their aid? (children's answers) What will happen if all the birds die from cold and hunger?

D: Birds will die - there will be no one to destroy harmful insects, trees, bushes, grasses will get sick and die. The animals will have nothing to eat and they will leave the forest. Without birds, without animals, without a forest, a person cannot live. Therefore, birds must be protected and helped. They are of great benefit.

B: Well done guys, all right. And now we will play the game "Collect and tell about the bird."

To do this, we will divide into five subgroups, I will give each of the subgroups an envelope with parts of the picture, you must put together a whole picture from the parts and tell who or what is depicted on it.

The first subgroup of children adds up a picture with an image.

D: This is a tit bird. The breast of the titmouse is yellow, and in the middle there is a black tie, on the head there is a black cap, etc. The tit utters sounds: blue-blue-blue. Tits bring very great benefits to forests, parks and gardens.

Q: How much and interesting you told me, and I recently read in a book that the titmouse, namely the males, are among the first to sing in the spring, so they say that the song of the tit brings spring with it. folk omen says that the first mass appearance of tits near houses is a sign of the onset of great cold weather. Titmouse starts squeaking in the morning - wait for frost.

The second subgroup of children collects the image of a sparrow.

D: This is a sparrow bird.

Q: What can you tell about him?

D: He has a gray-brown plumage, a short tail, thin legs, he is small, but nimble. They sit on hedges, branches of shrubs and fervently chirp: “Chick-chirp-chirp-chirp.”

Q: Guys, I know that a sparrow does not change its place of residence during its life, unless the need forces it. For example: the nest will be ruined or some misfortune will happen. And all his life the sparrow repairs his nest, insulates and keeps it clean. And there is also a sign that if sparrows sit quietly on trees or buildings in winter, it will snow without wind. And they chirp together - to warming. Sparrows climb into hiding places, under roofs or piles of brushwood - by frost or before a blizzard.

The third subgroup of children adds up a picture with the image of a bullfinch.

D: This is a bullfinch bird.

Q: Tell us how this bird differs from others?

D: The bullfinch has a red chest, a gray back, a cap on its head, wings and a black tail.

Q: And you know a lot about the bullfinch. And I will share with you interesting facts. The stronger the frost, the calmer the flock sits, occasionally moving to pick a berry, break off a bud, and then sit down again motionless for a while. And so the whole day. With the approach of darkness, the whole flock flies into the bushes or trees, where it spends the night, hidden in the branches. With the onset of spring, bullfinches disappear from the village, but it turns out that they do not fly away to the north, but settle in coniferous forests, hatch chicks there and wait for winter. The sign says, if a bullfinch sang - to be a blizzard. The bullfinch under the window sings in winter - to the thaw.

The fourth subgroup of children.

Q: Let's see what kind of bird they have collected.

D: It's a magpie. The magpie has a nickname - white-sided. She has white feathers on the sides, and her head, wings and tail are black, like a raven's. The magpie's tail is very beautiful - long, straight, like an arrow. Feathers on it are not just black, but with a beautiful greenish tint.

Q: The magpie cannot be confused with any other bird. Everyone knows her habit of stealing and hiding shiny objects. Magpie usually settles in open space with many trees and bushes. She avoids the dense forest. Belief says - magpie climbs under the eaves (roof) - to a blizzard.

Q: Let's see who the fifth subgroup has gathered from us.

D: It's a crow. By color, two groups of crows are distinguished: gray and black. The hooded crow has a black head, neck, tail, beak and legs, and everything else is grey. Black Crow - All black with a metallic blue and purple sheen. For nesting, crows choose the edges of forests and copses among fields and meadows. They also settle in large numbers in the center of large cities, which is especially characteristic of the gray crow. People say that if, in winter, crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost. If the crows arrange round dances in the sky - there will be a snowfall.

Well done, smart girls all coped with this game. And now we will play another very interesting game "Sparrows and a cat".

"Sparrows and a cat".

Children stand on a bench or on chairs on one side of the playground - this is the roof of the house. A cat is sitting nearby - a teacher or one of the adult children. The cat falls asleep. - Sparrows arrive, - the teacher commands. Sparrows jump from the roof and scatter in different directions. But then the cat woke up. Shouts: - Meow-meow, - and runs around catching sparrows that are trying to hide on the roof. All who are caught by the cat are taken to their house.

These nimble birds, without fear, jump near the feet of a person, pick up crumbs under the very nose of a well-fed cat.

Guys, do you know what birds eat in winter. (children's answers)

1. The titmouse feeds on sunflower seeds, pumpkins, and will not refuse buckwheat grains, loves unsalted lard. She lives in parks and gardens. For the winter, these birds do not fly to warm countries, but flocks fly from place to place in search of food. Where there is a lot of food, tits linger. By feeding, they can be kept in your garden.

2. Sparrow eats bread crumbs, berries, sunflower seeds.

3. With a thick beak, he gnaws the seeds of berries or small nuts. The bullfinch feeds on the buds and seeds of trees and shrubs, berries, from which he chooses the seeds, and throws out the pulp. Having tasted rowan, the bullfinch cleans its beak: rowan seeds stick to it. During the cleaning of the beak, they fall to the ground, and in the spring they germinate.

4. Magpie and crow are omnivores. In winter, it feeds on the remains of human cuisine. They love grains of cereals, sunflower, watermelon, melon, seeds various plants, pests and small rodents.

Well done guys, you're right. We received a parcel here with a letter from wintering birds. Are you wondering what's in the bag? Now you will try to guess what is in them. I suggest you play the game "Wonderful Pouch" and determine by touch what is hidden in them.

Children determine the food of birds by touch. (The bag contains: seeds, pumpkin seed, millet, bread, plant seeds).

Q: Well done guys, you already know which bird, what it eats, look guys at the picture and say what you see. (children's answers)

Q: What is the feeder for? (Children's answers) That's right, now we will put the food in the feeder for our birds.

Where are our birds? Guys, what can you make birds from? (Answers of children). I wonder if you can make birds? Let's blind the birds and put them in our feeder. Imagine a bird that you would like to mold. First, we take a piece of plasticine of the color that you will sculpt the bird.

Then we divide the lump into three pieces (one large and two smaller ones). From big piece we sculpt the body in the shape of an egg, pull the tail back (flatten with fingers).

We have two identical pieces left. From one we will make a head (we roll a ball between the palms, from the second we will make wings (we flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half in a stack). We connect the details. We decorate the head (we make a beak from a seed, eyes from beads.

Well done guys, everyone got wonderful birds. Today, when we go for a walk, we will take bird food with us (I will ask the attendants of the natural corner to take bird food) and feed the birds that will fly to the feeders.

Summary of the lesson:

Q: Guys, what are we talking about today?

D: About wintering birds, about how difficult it is for birds in winter, and about the need to treat birds with care and kindness and the desire to help them.

Read 717 once

Date of birth: 03/06/1978

Education: higher, ASU 2002

Specialty: "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"

Place of work: "Kindergarten No. 12"

Work experience: 15 years

My motto: "If you want to be heard by a child, first know how to love, then teach..."

My pedagogical credo: "We meet and see off every year, and look into children's souls every day. Every hour we feel unity with them, and become cleaner, better."

Business card

That's the way nature is

Year after year, century after century.

In the world every minute

A new person enters the world.

And like a sprout, appearing in the spring,

He knows this world for the first time.

It grows and develops, it breathes,

And appreciates every moment in this life!

Dear colleagues! Hello dear jury.

I, Rita Askarbievna Shetova, teacher kindergarten No. 12 "Dzhenet" A. Khodz, graduated from the Adygei Pedagogical College named after Kh.B. Andrukhaev in 1997, Adygei State University graduated in 2002.

“A new day is coming, I rush to work and think about my pupils, about meeting with their parents, about upcoming events. I am an educator. For 16 years I have been working with young children - preschool children and I have never had a desire to change my profession. Indeed, to some extent, we, teachers - preschoolers, are also the creators of children's souls. After all, the seed of kindness that we sow will surely germinate in the future. And what a pleasure and honor to be a creator!
The most important reward for me as an educator is the love and recognition of pupils, their parents and my colleagues. My task is to take care of the health and life of the child. To create conditions under which every kid gets the opportunity to develop, learn, create, make friends, take care of our smaller brothers and, of course, of each other. In my work, I use health-saving, gaming technologies, design technologies.
Over the years of my work, I have developed my own view of the profession

To educate a child, educating a personality in him.

To be able to notice the success of the child in time, to help him open up.

Give your child a piece of your soul.

To become for their pupils the same dear and dear person as a mother, children should be in a world of love, understanding and so that they are sure that they will be helped

In the process of diagnosis, I use methods of observation, games, and conversations that are accessible to the age of children.
In the group, she created a subject-developing environment in which each child has the opportunity to penetrate the circle of social relations and model them in his own way.
One of the main areas of my work is interaction with parents. The use of modern pedagogical technologies, cooperation with the family allows me to intensify relationships based on mutual understanding and trust. Parents are my biggest helpers in working with children.
Today I am concerned about the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Therefore, in my work, I use health-saving technologies that help children develop a correct, careful attitude to their health and the environment.

In the process of direct educational activities, I use modern educational technologies:

Game technologies (I create game situations)

Exploratory teaching method (experimenting with paint colors)

Information and communication technologies (I use multimedia presentations).

Our profession is so "alive" that it does not allow us to stand still, but requires us to constantly be aware of all events, from global world events to children's problems. There were moments when the next pedagogical success or the success of children gave strength and I wanted to work even more actively.

I am a happy man. I love my job, I realize all its importance and necessity. People entrusted me with the most precious thing they have - their children.
How a child will grow up, whether he will become a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person, it depends on everyday work.
What can I give children? First of all - love. And I love them the way they are. An educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches, helps to learn the world. And how effective this process will be depends on the interest of my little trainees. And so, day after day, we walk together along the path of knowledge, along which they learn to distinguish between good and evil, get to know themselves and the world around them, and I constantly learn devotion, openness and love from them. Children are our future!”

Of all professions
I chose one.
What could be more beautiful in the world
What to instill in children
love for good
And be responsible for them
A. Dementiev