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How to care for a sea tree. How to care for a guinea pig. Allowed herbs for Cavey

Guinea pigs are rather small animals and at first glance it may seem that caring for them is no more difficult than caring for a cat, but this is not so. In this article, you will learn how to properly care for these wonderful animals.

Guinea pig care

If you have a small hamster cage and you want to put your pig in it, don't do it. Pigs need a lot of space, a cage for one pig should have an area of ​​​​0.7 sq m2, and for two - 0.9 sq m2, and in general, the more the better.

The cage must be at least 350-300 mm high, and with a lid. The bottom in the cage should be solid, not slatted, because the pig can damage the foot.

Don't go overboard with multi-level cages, a fall of only 15 cm for an animal can cripple it, so it's best to have a cage with no more than 2 levels.

Cage bedding is needed, so stock up on sawdust or better paper. A few centimeters of paper will absorb odor and moisture, but such bedding should be changed every 3-4 days. You can also use sawdust, but you need to be careful here. Sawdust from many trees can lead to respiratory problems in gilts.

Place of residence of the pig

The pet needs communication, pigs cannot stand loneliness, therefore the best place for the residence of the pig there will be a room that the residents of the house often visit, whether it is a bedroom or a living room, the pig should honor itself comfortably among people. The cage should be in a safe place, on the edge of a table or bedside table, so that the cage does not fall.

The temperature in the room should be warm. It is worth noting that pigs are very sensitive to temperature changes. Don't leave them alone outside without a cage! Cats, dogs - do not treat pigs well, so if there is a cat or dog in the house, then always lock the cage so that the pig is safe.

In the wild, guinea pigs are used to living in colonies, so if you can't devote much time to a guinea pig, buy her a friend. You can keep both castrated males and a female and a male, but it is best to take them from the same litter.

If your guinea pig is afraid of you, just give it time to get used to you. Communicate with her, if at first she hides from you, then you should not grab her. Bring her food and feed from a bowl, and when the pig gets used to you, she will eat from your hands.

Pet food

Your pet should have water in a drinker or bowl. It is better to buy a drinker, because it is easier for both you and the pig. There may be problems with the bowl, the animal may pour water and get wet. Water must be changed every day and the drinking bowl cleaned.


Guinea pigs always need something to chew on, so put some hay or dry grass in their cage. Be careful with hay, because the sharp ends of hay can damage the pig's eyes, crush the hay before giving it to your pet.

The pig should not be limited to one hay or grass, give her vegetables and fruits. Approximately 20% of all food per day should be in the form of vegetables. But do not overdo it, an overabundance of vegetables can lead to diarrhea in the pig. It is best to first familiarize yourself with the list of allowed products. A pet should not sit all the time in a cage, he needs freedom. Sometimes let him go for a walk in the room, even better in nature, of course, with your supervision. The pig needs to move a lot.

In this article, we have described only the most important rules for caring for pigs, of course, this is not the whole list, only the most important information is collected here. The main thing is to love your pets, never offend and keep in good conditions and then they will love you for sure.

Guinea pigs are increasingly becoming, one might say, members of Russian families. Why are they so attractive?

In fact, this is one of the best pets for kids. They never bite and are not aggressive. However, in case of irritation, the maximum is able to hit the offender with his teeth. By the way, guinea pigs are very attached to humans and love to be petted. At the same time, they are very beautiful, so communication with them is a great pleasure.

However, as with any other domestic creature, guinea pig need care. These creatures do not need walks, unlike dogs, and take up little space at home.

How to bathe guinea pigs?

Meanwhile, guinea pigs, like cats, are very clean by nature. They can't stand being dirty. And this is despite the fact that the guinea pig has long hair or it does not exist at all. And the frequency of bathing must be determined based on the breed. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure no more than once a week. However, if a guinea pig has a spot on its body, then you should not immediately drag it into the bath.

Experts advise bathing animals in the sink, in a basin, well, or in the bathroom. Do not pour too much water, otherwise the pig may be scared. Or try washing the animal under the shower head. Put a piece of cloth on the bottom of the sink or basin so that the paws of the pig do not slip.

For bathing, buy special shampoos for guinea pigs or rabbits at the pet store. However, you can use hygiene products for cats. But shampoos for dogs are quite strong, so you should not use them without special need. You can also use baby shampoos.

Bathe your guinea pig in warm, never hot water. Wet the coat gently along the entire body with a small ladle or cup (or shower head). Do not pour water on the animal's head. Avoid getting into the nose and ears of the animal. And while wetting and lathering the hair around the head, press the ears with your fingers to the head. Thus, water and foam will not get into the ears.

It is worth noting that some pigs may stand during water procedures calmly. However, more often the animals try to jump out. So keep them in your hand at all times. Remember that soap pig is very slippery. And if you wash it in a deep bath, then it will not run far.

After you have massaged the animal with foam, rinse it with clean water.

Long-haired pigs after this procedure should be applied hair balm. After that, it will be easier to comb the wool and it will be pleasant for the pig itself. The balm, again, should be evenly distributed over the body of the animal with massaging movements. Then rinse again.

How to wash a guinea pig?

Bathing is over and you can wrap the guinea pig in a thick towel. It will absorb excess water. You can use a napkin made of a special fabric that absorbs much more liquid than a regular towel. When squeezing out, such a napkin is ready for use again.

How to dry guinea pigs?

After wiping, the pig must be prepared for drying. It must be dried quickly and thoroughly, otherwise the animal may catch a cold. Take a hair dryer and a comb with rare teeth. Some experts treat long-haired gilts with a special vitamin spray. This facilitates combing, prevents tangling of the hair and, in the future, protects the coat from sawdust and dirt.

The hair dryer should be kept at a distance so that the air flow is not concentrated in one place. Worth moving around warm air over the body. Particular attention should be paid to the stomach. Before finishing this procedure make sure that the coat is dry everywhere.

Guinea pig care

After this, the animal can be released home in a cage. And within a day after bathing, you should not take the guinea pig outside.

How to care for a guinea pig?

By the way, hygiene procedures do not end there. IN permanent care need guinea pig teeth. If the food is not hard enough, then the animal's teeth will grow quickly and will interfere with its eating. And too large incisors can accidentally damage the gums, lips or tongue of the rodent. As a result, the animal stops eating and begins to starve. This situation can be corrected by a veterinarian. But the owners can prevent it by giving various wooden objects to gnaw. You can put branches of fruit or coniferous trees, willows and lindens in a cage.

It is also necessary to take care of the claws of guinea pigs. Particular attention should be paid to the claws of old animals. They are not erased enough, as a result, the animal can see uneven and curved claws that interfere with walking. In this case, they must be cut using ordinary nail scissors.

In some individuals, the claws are poorly pigmented and blood vessels can be seen in their depth. Therefore, it is worth cutting them under the light table lamp. Only there you can cut off part of the claw without causing discomfort to the animal.

If the claw is dark brown or black, then the location of the blood vessels is extremely difficult to determine. Here you need to handle the paws with extreme caution. When cutting off part of the claw, try to leave the part slightly beveled inward. Then the claw will not lose its normal shape. It is better if the new cutting edge goes across the claw, as cracks may appear when oblique. If there is blood on the cut, gently blot it with a cotton swab dipped in water. And if the bleeding is severe, then drag the foot with a bandage. However, before letting the animal into the cage, carefully clean it there to prevent infection from entering the wound.

What to feed a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs need to be brushed between baths. Short-haired animals do not need combing, but if desired, you can comb the coat with a soft brush. But a long-haired animal needs to be combed at least every other day, paying special attention to the stomach and paws. It is here that felted wool accumulates, straws or excrement are confused. Rolled wool is best cut off. The spools need to be taken a little to the sides and cut off a piece of wool with nail scissors. It is worth noting that during the molting period, pigs need to be combed with any coat.

The editors of the site hope that your animal will be happy and satisfied and will delight you with its healthy and blooming view.
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Guinea pigs are commonly referred to as a domesticated type of rodent that belongs to the family of guinea pigs. In ancient times, the Inca tribes were the first to start breeding these small animals, and, at the beginning, guinea pigs were used exclusively for food, and after some time they began to be considered full-fledged pets. Caring for such a pet is quite simple and will not cause you any extra trouble. Details of all the rules and regulations of the content can be found in our article.

Useful information about the guinea pig

Guinea pigs have the following characteristics:

  • body length from 20 to 35 cm;
  • no ponytail;
  • the ears are hanging in shape, and the muzzle is wide and rounded to the chin;
  • the average weight of a female can be from 800 g to 1.3 kg, and males usually weigh from 1 kg to 1.5 kg;
  • the most common is brown, gray, white coat color;
  • The animals are very kind and easily make contact with a person.
it is advisable to purchase guinea pigs at the age of 1.5 months for successful adaptation in new housing

How to choose the right guinea pig in a pet store?

Before buying a guinea pig, you need to find out many different nuances. You need to do the following:

  • check how healthy the animal is - examine it, the coat should be smooth, shiny, the body is strong, the eyes are dark, without any discharge, and the nose is dry and pinkish;
  • find out from the seller the gender of the animal, for example, females can be put in one enclosure, but males may not divide the territory;
  • specify the age - it is best to purchase a 1.5-month-old guinea pig so that it is easier for her to get used to you and to a new place of residence;
  • transport the animal exclusively with the help of a special cage or carrier, in order to avoid severe stress and fear.

Necessary for care

Like any other pet, a guinea pig needs a wide variety of grooming accessories. These include:

  • cage or aquarium;
  • feeder;
  • drinker;
  • house;
  • filler;
  • mineral stone;
  • toys;
  • carrying;
  • hygiene products;
  • brush-comb and nail clipper.

cage or aquarium

Keeping a guinea pig is allowed both in an aquarium and in a cage. The main condition is size: the dwelling must be at least 50 cm long and 30 cm high so that the animal can move comfortably. If you opted for a cage, then it is best to take a closer look at the options that have a plastic bottom. Plastic is quite easy to care for, it is easy to wash, dry, etc. wooden base not suitable due to the fact that these animals drink a lot of fluid per day, which means they produce a large amount of urine. Wood will simply become unusable in a very short time. You can purchase an aquarium in the above dimensions. Just like a cage with a plastic bottom, it is easy to wash and clean. But you should be careful, since glass is a very fragile material and at the time of rearrangement, for example, to another room, you should follow the safety rules (the pet should not be in the aquarium, it must be transplanted into a carrier).



The feeder should be heavy enough so that the guinea pig cannot knock it over. Great option become bowls made of ceramics, of stainless steel etc. It is also recommended to buy 2-3 containers. For example, one will be used for vegetables or fruits, and the second for dry food.


For a guinea pig, a vertical ball cup is perfect. It is usually made of plastic with a metal tip. In such a drinker, there is no need to change the water daily, but this is done about 2-3 times a week.

small house

Be sure to install in a cage or aquarium small house. In it, your pet will sleep, relax, or just retire when he wants to be alone. Most often, such houses are made of wood with a round “door” carved in the middle. by the most optimal size considered 25 cm long and 15 cm high. This space is enough for the animal to hide and at the same time feel comfortable.



When arranging the cage, do not forget about the bedding. It will create coziness in the cage, will not let the animal freeze and to some extent will maintain cleanliness. As a filler, you can use sawdust or ground corn cobs. In no case do not put cotton, newspaper, paper, etc. in the cage as bedding, as this is not safe for your pet's health.

mineral stone

To maintain healthy teeth and calcium levels in the body of a guinea pig, a mineral stone is essential. After all, it serves not only as a vitamin complex, but also perfectly helps the animal grind down its teeth. Such a stone is sold in a pet store, and its price is quite democratic.



Guinea pigs in their behavior are somewhat similar to decorative rabbits. They are very fond of playing. Therefore, be sure to buy something interesting and interesting for your pet. funny toy, for example, a tunnel, a hammock, a mirror, a rolling wheel, etc. The game will not only bring joy and pleasure to the animal, but also strengthen the muscles, and will also be an excellent prophylactic against obesity.


In the event that your plans did not include joint travel or any trips with a guinea pig, then you will still need a carrier. It is strictly forbidden to transport an animal in your arms, in a box or in a blanket. For example, you must visit the veterinarian or transport the animal to another house or apartment, in such life situations carrying will definitely help you out. The pig will feel safe and the transportation process will go smoothly.

hygiene products

Guinea pigs are considered clean animals, but sometimes they are still allowed to bathe. For such cases, it is necessary to use special hygiene products that can be purchased at a pet store. The most popular of them:

  • "Biogance" - bio-perfume;
  • "Veda" - wheat shampoo.

Brush-comb and nail clipper

Grooming your guinea pig's coat and nails is extremely important. To do this, you need to purchase a special comb with soft bristles (combing is done daily), as well as a nail cutter for trimming the claws (the procedure is performed as they lengthen).

How to properly feed a pet?

To maintain the health and longevity of a guinea pig, proper and balanced nutrition is essential. Make your diet as varied as possible and rich in vitamins and minerals. It should include dry food, such as grain and hay, vegetables, fruits. As a treat or treat, you can give the pig boiled beets, carrots, an apple. Observe following rules feeding:

  • in the summer, it is recommended to collect various fresh herbs, such as clover (along with flowers), nettle, yarrow, dandelion leaves;
  • V winter time, just like people, animals need vitamins of the C group, so add 1 mg to drinking water daily ascorbic acid, and do not forget that such a liquid should be changed every day;
  • it is forbidden to feed the pig with frozen, dried fruits and vegetables, sweets, flour products, cottage cheese and dairy products, old, moldy feed;
  • pay attention to the diet: it should be two meals a day (morning and evening), but a pregnant pet may be an exception, in such a situation it must be transferred to a four-time meal.

guinea pigs need to be fed twice a day and periodically seen by the veterinarian

Despite the fact that guinea pigs are quite unpretentious in their care, but still certain rules for their maintenance must be followed in order to avoid problems with the health of the animal.

Basic care requirements

While in their natural habitat, guinea pigs are able to take care of themselves. In nature, absolutely all conditions have been created to maintain a healthy state of teeth, hair or claws. But, when the animal enters the house of a person, the responsibility for care falls on his shoulders. So, you need to do the following:

  • feed - 2 times a day;
  • wash the feeder - 2 times a day (after each meal);
  • ventilate the room with the cage (the animal must first be transferred to the carrier) - 1 time per day;
  • change the bedding - 1 time in 3 days;
  • conduct general cleaning cells - once a week;
  • combing the fur - every day;
  • cut claws - 1 time per month;
  • examination by a veterinarian - 1 time in 3 months.

sick animal

As soon as you have the first suspicions that your guinea pig is sick, immediately take it to a competent veterinarian. Then follow all the doctor's recommendations. Do the following:

  • if your pet has been prescribed medicines in liquid form, then they should be given with a syringe without a needle;
  • in the case of prescribing tablets, it must be crushed to a powder, put in a teaspoon, and then lightly poured with water and given to the animal;
  • eye drops must be instilled from above, holding a hand above the head of the animal, and it should be located with its back to the owner;
  • if you need to track changes in urine or stool, then instead of the usual filler, lay a soft towel in the cage;
  • with severe chills, the pig should be wrapped in warm cloth(a small blanket, towel, etc.), you can also put a heating pad in the far corner of the cage.

pregnant pig

The duration of pregnancy in guinea pigs is approximately 70 days. At this time, the animal's immunity is quite weak, so it is important to pay special attention to your pet. To do this, do the following:

  • provide peace and quiet;
  • remove bright light;
  • do not pick up the animal (only in extreme cases);
  • watch your diet;
  • change water and filler daily;
  • give special vitamins and minerals.

Reproduction of guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are capable all year round to bring offspring, but, of course, with high-quality maintenance and proper care. During estrus, the female is put in the same cage with the male for a couple of hours, then they are seated. This is done for "acquaintance". Then the procedure is repeated. If after a couple of weeks the female has not started another estrus, then this fact may indicate pregnancy. After 3-5 weeks interesting position» Mumps can be identified by probing the abdomen. It is important to know what a pregnant individual should contain in a separate cage. The female will be ready for the next mating 5-6 hours after giving birth. In one birth, up to 6 cubs can be born. It is not recommended to knit a female more than 2 times a year, since pregnancy greatly weakens the animal's body, it needs time to recover.

Guinea pigs are kind and intelligent pets. They quickly get used to the person, willingly make contact and easily become tame. These funny rodents are very fond of affection, attention, and also when they are stroked or combed. Provide for your new friend proper care, warmth and love. Believe me, he will answer you the same. The pig will be a great first pet for your child. She is easy to care for, and her coat is considered hypoallergenic.

Update: May 2018

Guinea pig (from Latin cavia porcellus - small pig) is a domesticated rodent of the pig family, which belongs to the genus of pigs. The animal is a small, usually up to one and a half kilograms, well-fed animal with hanging ears, bulging large eyes and a wide muzzle. The huge popularity of the rodent is due to its attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, good-natured and trusting character and peaceful temperament. The guinea pig is the safest pet for preschool children.

The rodent got its name, which at first sounded like “overseas pig”, in Russia precisely due to the fact that it arrived from across the sea, and in shape the head of the animal resembled the head of a pig. The animal is also called kewi, kevey or guinea pig.

All individuals of the genus can be conditionally divided into 5 breed subgroups:

  1. Shorthair (Self, agouti, satin, Dalmatian, two- and three-color, and many others).
  2. Longhair (Merino, Peruvian, Texel, Alpaca, Angora, Coronet, Sheltie).
  3. Wirehaired (Rex, Abyssinian, American Teddy).
  4. Completely without wool (skinny, baldwin).
  5. Rare breeds (kui, harlequin, rainbow, havana, etc.).

Keivy were domesticated in the 5th millennium BC. e. Indian tribes in the territory of modern Peru, Colombia, Ecuador. The Indians worshiped guinea pigs and depicted them on art objects.

Distinctive features of the genus:
  • Dimensions: body length - 25 - 35 cm; weight - from 700 to 1500 gr. Some breeds may vary in size. For example, kui reach a weight of 4 kg and a length of 50 cm.
  • The length of the coat and the color of the animal depend on the breed. Color options are varied: white, cream, agouti, golden, red, chocolate, black, two- and three-color.
  • The daily routine is similar to the human one: they are awake during the day, they sleep no more than 4-6 hours at night.
  • They have a perfect sense of smell, good eyesight (can distinguish some colors) and excellent hearing.
  • They don't like water, but they can swim.
  • All breeds (even long-haired ones) shed moderately, but throughout the year.
  • They prefer to live in a group of their own kind.
  • Very clean animals, wash their paws like cats.
  • They love society and the caress of a person, they become smarter in the process of taming.
  • They are afraid of colds, drafts, overheating and falls from a height of more than 20 cm.
  • Kewis are coprophages, they eat their droppings, which is associated with the peculiarity of the gastrointestinal tract: vitamins are absorbed only after going through the digestive process twice.
  • Keeping with birds is unacceptable, especially with parrots of any kind.

There should be two feeders - for green food and for dry. Choose stable bowls, preferably ceramic ones, so that the animal cannot turn them over.

Pros in favor of keeping a Cavey:

  • Ideal pets for children, do not take up much space.
  • They quickly get used to a nickname or a conditional call (whistling).
  • Non-aggressive (biting individuals are almost never found).
  • Indifferent towards other animals.
  • Unpretentious in food, do not need walks and physical activity.
  • Considered the most hypoallergenic pet.

Difficulties of maintenance and care:

  • They are difficult to train, but some tricks can be taught.
  • They are obsessive - they beg for food and affection.
  • Noisy - make many different sounds: whistling, squealing, squeaking, grunting, grunting (each sound has its own meaning).
  • They are very active, so they scatter hay, dung and sawdust around the cage.
  • They gnaw on furniture, wires and other things.
  • While walking outside the cage, they can defecate on the carpet or floor.
  • They mark their territory with urine and the secretion of their glands.
  • They are afraid of cold and overheating, they catch cold easily.
  • They do not tolerate loneliness well, so a relative partner is required.
  • They are shy, so they get used to a person for a long time.

Photo of guinea pigs

Choosing a cage, place and accessories for it

The guinea pig is an unpretentious pet, the maintenance and care of which is quite simple. Most convenient size wire cage pallet for keeping a pair of guinea pigs at home - 120 × 60 cm. Sawdust or other filler from a pet store is poured onto the pallet with a layer of 3-5 cm. When choosing granular sawdust, mix them with wood, otherwise the pigs will have corns on their paws.

The height of the cage should be from 30 to 50 cm, which will give the animals the opportunity to stand on their hind legs. You can install one cage on top of another to save space. The cage should be placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. It is very important to protect the animals from drafts. The optimal average daily temperature for keeping a rodent is 18 - 20C˚. In summer, animals can be kept on outdoors, for example, in a garden, a place protected from light.

Many people prefer a closed terrarium to the cage. This is due to the fact that the filler flies over a long distance from the first. The terrarium protects well from drafts, but it is more problematic to fix a hammock, salt stones, a drinking bowl and other accessories in it. On the other hand, the cage is more breathable, and it is easier to take the animal out for communication. Mandatory cage accessories:

  • drinker;
  • two feeders;
  • flat stone for grinding claws;
  • salt stone or mineral salt wheels;
  • tree branches;
  • hammock, ladders, shelves, manholes (optional).

In pet stores there are houses for rodents made of different material: bark, wood, plastic. Although, experts do not recommend buying a house for Kevy. The pet may become less tame and contact, he will spend all his free time in solitude.

The cage is cleaned 1-2 times a week. Usually pigs go to the same place when they need it, so you can teach them to defecate in a special tray and change it daily.

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Guinea pigs feel calm and comfortable only in the company of a relative partner. This is inherent in their evolution and is due to the life of the Cave in the wild. It is easier to keep two or more females in one cage. If you have two boys, they should be provided with enough territory, food and water to avoid quarrels. IN last resort animals can be separated by a thin wire partition through which they will see each other and sniff. Keeping heterosexual couples should not be practiced in order to avoid uncontrolled reproduction.

Members of the Federal Association of Practitioners (Germany) proved that 50% of Kevy's behavior consists of social communication with their own kind. In many European countries (Germany, Holland, Austria) it is forbidden to keep social animals alone. This includes the Hawaiian pig.


If there is enough space in the cage and there is an opportunity to “have fun” (hammock, ladders and other attractions), then walking the pet is not necessary. But if the cage is too small or, apart from the feeder and drinker, there is nothing in it, you can periodically organize walks for the pigs. In order to avoid such troubles as gnawed furniture or damaged carpet, it is better to build a special fenced enclosure. You can let the pigs out to run in the fresh air, but they need to be carefully monitored so that they do not run away into some kind of mink or become the prey of a larger animal.

Dental care

How you take care of your guinea pig's front teeth is very important. They demand special attention. Like all rodents, they grow throughout their lives and require constant grinding. Usually the animals themselves grind off the excess on young twigs. fruit trees but sometimes they need help. The incisors can grow long enough to pierce the tongue or gums. It also happens that Kevy has an incorrect incisor position from birth. In this case, you have to go to the veterinarian every 3-4 months to shorten the overgrown teeth.

Ear care

Eye care

When discharge or crusts appear in the corners of the eyes, they are carefully removed with a napkin dipped in boiled water. Excessive lacrimation or redness of the eyelids symbolizes an eye disease and requires an immediate examination by a specialist.

Nail care

Nails need to be cut from the age of 1 year. Do this 1-2 times a year. For clipping, use a sharp nail cutter for cutting the nails of cats or small breeds of dogs. In order not to injure your pet, first read on the Internet how the procedure is carried out. For professional help, you can contact your veterinarian. A damaged blood vessel passing through the claw heals for a very long time and is painful. A wound can provoke an infection and blood poisoning.

Hair care

Short-haired and rosette individuals need to be combed 1-2 times a week. Each time after you hold the pig in your arms, a small amount of hair remains from it. This is the norm. Just like the fact that there are small bald patches behind the ears of a rodent.

Long-haired breeds comb daily. First with a long-toothed comb, then with a soft brush. To facilitate combing, you can slightly moisten the fur with water from a spray bottle. Felled wool that cannot be untangled is trimmed with sharp scissors.


They bathe the animals only in case of emergency: if the wool got dirty in the ground, the animal had diarrhea, etc. A shallow plastic bowl is suitable for bathing. Water is poured into it to a level of 3 - 4 cm from the bottom. The water temperature should not exceed 38C˚. The pig is bathed using baby shampoo for the smallest or a special veterinary shampoo for rodents. While swimming, keep your ears, eyes and nose out of the water. The bathed animal should be wiped dry with a warm towel. Long-haired individuals must be dried with a hair dryer using warm, not hot air. A freshly bathed pet is very sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures.


Feeding pigs is one of the critical factors harmonious development and good health of the pet. From the wrong menu, kewis quickly get sick and die. Ideally, the diet of a rodent consists of the following types of food:

  1. Hay - 60% - should always be in abundance for a guinea pig (choose hay that is pleasantly smelling and greenish, in no case musty).
  2. A balanced grain mix from a pet store - 20% - is not recommended to make it yourself, as many cereals are prohibited for Cavey.
  3. Grass - 20% - this also includes fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Salt or mineral salt stone.
  5. Young branches - fruit trees or spruce, willow, aspen (in unlimited quantities).
  6. crackers home cooking, without flavorings and dyes - give occasionally in a small amount.

In terms of nutrition, the Hawaiian pig is a very gentle creature, therefore, when offering new food to the animal, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the product has caused indigestion. What suits one individual may provoke diarrhea or allergies in another.

Important feeding rules:

  • In the drinking bowl of rodents, fresh water with vitamin C dissolved in it should always be poured (the required dosage is checked with the veterinarian in accordance with the weight and number of individuals in the cage).
  • There should always be hay in the cage, even in summer, when there is a lot of fresh greenery.
  • Guinea pigs are fed twice a day, large breeds - three times.
  • Serving size for feeding per pig - 1 - 2 tablespoons of feed.
  • Popular in pet stores, cereal sticks with honey can be given no more than 2 times a week as a treat.
  • Many herbs are deadly for rodents, so you can only give 5 to 10 items that you are sure of.

Some poisonous herbs:

  • Parsnip.
  • Lilac.
  • Bindweed.
  • Iris.
  • Chestnut.
  • Ambrosia.
  • Buttercup.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Lily of the valley.
  • Laurel.
  • Burdock.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Dandelion flowers and stems (leaves and roots can be given).
  • Scilla.

Allowed herbs for Cavey:

  • Anise.
  • Pansies.
  • Plantain.
  • Leaves and roots of dandelion.
  • Melissa.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppermint.
  • Chamomile.
  • Linden.
  • Calendula.
  • Clover (with caution, there is bloating).
  • Strawberry.
  • Cowberry.
  • Coriander.
  • Yarrow.
  • Caraway.
  • Rose hip.
  • Blueberry.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Sedge.


Preparing for pregnancy

Despite the fact that the animals reach sexual maturity early, experts recommend bringing them together at the age of at least 10 months. When choosing a pair, give preference to individuals of the same breed and age category. Future parents should not be related. Obese individuals should also be excluded. A week before the expected mating, increase the amount of vitamin E in the diet of animals.

It is advisable to plan a future pregnancy so that fertilization takes place no later than November, then the female will have time to feed the offspring before the spring molt. Otherwise, the combination of lactation and molting can be fatal for a female that has weakened after pregnancy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cover females more often than three, and rare breeds that are difficult to care for and breed, twice a year.

Estrus in guinea pigs lasts 2 days, repeating every 12 to 20 days. The most favorable period for fertilization is the first 12 hours. It is not difficult to notice the readiness of a pig to become a mother, she takes a characteristic pose: she raises her back, spreading her legs and freezing motionless. Males are almost always ready to mate.

The fertilized guinea pig is placed in a separate cage. If the next estrus has not come, then this indicates a pregnancy that will last about 10 weeks. Multiple pregnancies may result in earlier births.

Guinea pig toxicosis

The so-called toxicosis can become a big problem during the bearing of young. This is a painful condition that is characteristic of many individuals in the last weeks of pregnancy or the first days after childbirth. Often this condition leads to the death of the animal. Manifestations of toxicosis:

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Tousled dull fur.

The causes of toxicosis are malnutrition, lack of water or vitamins, stress or multiple pregnancy. It is necessary to isolate the pregnant female from all these factors and provide special care for her.

Caring for a pregnant female

  • Calm walks 1 - 2 times a day.
  • Stable temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Content in a cage with an area of ​​at least 1200 - 1500 cm 2.
  • Lack of stress - it is not recommended to take the pig in your hands (it can provoke a miscarriage), stroke it, often or for a long time to clean the cage.
  • A varied diet - in the first half of pregnancy, the feed rate is increased by 1/3, in the second - 2 times.
  • In addition to drinking water, they offer rosehip broth, milk and tomato juice.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements for food (according to the recommendation and dosage of a veterinarian).
  • Installation in a cage house with a nest of fresh hay.
  • For hygiene purposes, long-haired females need to be trimmed a few days before giving birth.

Birth and care of babies

Childbirth usually passes quickly and without features, lasting no more than 30 minutes. Newborns are born sighted, hearing and with developed incisors. Weight ranges from 50 to 140 gr. Litter contains an average of 3 - 5 individuals. The cubs grow rapidly, on the 2nd - 3rd day they begin to eat the food familiar to adults. By the month they become full-fledged guinea pigs, which can be planted from their mother.

It may happen that the mother dies during childbirth or after them from toxicosis. Then the best option will plant offspring with another female, since it is better for babies to be among relatives. It is usually possible to feed orphans with diluted dry cream from a pipette. Be sure to provide crumbs with access to eating the litter of adult pets. If by the 17th - 20th day of life the weight of the cubs has increased by 2 times, then we can assume that they are saved and develop normally.

From unviable babies born with a weight of up to 40 grams, unfortunately, you need to get rid of immediately. They are almost impossible to get out and, even if possible, individuals will be too weak and painful for a full life.

It is a contagious, deadly viral disease. There is no cure, so the animal will have to be euthanized. Symptoms: weakness, apathy, convulsions, incoordination, paralysis.


This is a common bacterial disease in the mumps family, leading to paralysis of the limbs. A sick animal should be isolated and urgently taken to a veterinarian. Symptoms: diarrhea, refusal to feed, exhaustion.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

It is a contagious, incurable disease that can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms: shortness of breath, convulsions, pleurisy, fever.

Attention! normal temperature guinea pig body - 37 - 39.5 C˚.


The causative agent is a bacterium of the genus Salmonella, which causes intestinal infections. Symptoms: diarrhea, lethargy, apathy, refusal to feed.


This is a dangerous incurable disease, the affected individual should be destroyed. The causative agent is a Gram-negative, non-motile ovoid rod. Symptoms: purulent runny nose, sneezing, abscesses on the skin, wheezing, diarrhea, convulsions.

Signs of a sick animal:

  • Apathetic and lethargic behavior.
  • The desire of the pet to retire, hide in the corner of the cage or house.
  • Dull and tousled fur.
  • Discharge from eyes or nose.
  • Dirty or wet fur around the anus.

Guinea pigs belong to the rodent family, although appearance more reminiscent of rabbits, except perhaps with small ears. However, the structure and arrangement of their teeth are very similar to rodents. Pigs were domesticated many centuries ago by the ancient Incas, and to this day they are considered wonderful pets. They are surprisingly affectionate, active and sociable creatures. Moreover, unlike small fellow rodents, leading a daily lifestyle. Each guinea pig has its own unique character. There are also lazy sleepyheads who love to eat a hearty meal, and are ready to make noise all day long.

Who should get pigs

Any pig can be a wonderful pet. People who do not know how to care for a guinea pig, and are afraid of not being able to cope with this task, need not worry: animals are really unpretentious. Even a child from the age of six can take care of them. It is also recommended to start pigs for older couples and those people who do not have a large number free time to care for larger and more demanding animals. Pigs do not take up much space, do not damage furniture and do not require walking outside, and therefore will be a great alternative to a dog or cat.

If there are representatives of the younger generation in the family, do not be afraid to entrust the maintenance of the pet to them. After all, it is through communication with animals and caring for them that children learn about the world. So they learn responsibility for the lives of others, even if for now it is just a small animal. It is important to patiently tell the child how to care for a guinea pig, to explain that it should not be pulled by its paws and wool.

Guinea pigs: care and maintenance

The larger the cage where your pet will live, the better. Large sawdust is used as a filler (not conifers), which are changed a couple of times a week. For one guinea pig, housing measuring 70 by 50 cm, but no less, will be quite enough. Here it is better not to be stingy, since the principle of “in close quarters and not offended” is unacceptable for pigs. The content of one or, even worse, several pigs in too small a cage leads to a weakening of immunity in animals and the emergence of various stressful situations. Not to mention infections.

As a result, pigs can be subject to unpleasant diseases, one of which is alopecia. This means that cute fluffy animals are partially or completely deprived of wool. It is possible to cure the disease caused by stress, but rehabilitation and recovery will require a lot of time and effort on the part of the owner. It is better to just avoid such situations. That is why the choice of cells should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Pig selection

It is best to purchase an animal from breeders who specialize in breeding your favorite breeds. Such people usually take their reputation seriously. In addition, they will be able to tell you a lot of interesting things about how to care for a particular breed of guinea pig. After all, she will get to the new owners quite a crumb - just right to get confused. Therefore, buying a small pig from a breeder guarantees success, as well as the absence of diseases and birth defects.

In second place in terms of reliability is the purchase of a guinea pig in a pet store. But here the future owner should be careful himself. Firstly, adult pigs are often sold in stores, and this greatly complicates the domestication of the animal. It is best to purchase babies from the age of one month. They should be active, with shiny eyes, eat well. Damage to the skin and hairline, protruding bones, sticky and dirty hair in the anus area, lethargy indicate that the animal is unhealthy and it is better to refuse to buy it.

Well, in third place will be the purchase of animals, as they say, "from hand." And also in the bird markets or by agreement. This is always done at your own risk. The only case when it would be possible to recommend such a way to acquire an animal is the acquisition of a pig from good friends.


On the shelves of pet stores you can often see books detailing how to care for a guinea pig. Considerable attention is paid to the "feeding" section. And this is no coincidence, because for all the simplicity of keeping pigs have a very delicate stomach. The main food of guinea pigs is hay. It should always be in abundance. In summer, hay is partially replaced with fresh, well-washed dandelions, plantain, and clover. Of course, if there is somewhere to collect it, since vegetation from the roadsides or from polluted areas will not benefit the animals.

Also in the feeder must be dry food for guinea pigs. It is important that they eat everything or almost everything, and not choose the tastiest. If you spoil an animal in this way, it will no longer receive all the substances necessary for the body. As a result, the mumps will begin to suffer from beriberi. To prevent this from happening, you need to be patient and not pour new food on top of the old one. fill the feeder better in the morning and in the evening.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be present in the diet of guinea pigs. These are apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots (just not too much, otherwise there will be problems with the liver), pears, grapes, watermelon. Pigs are very important vitamin C. Some eat oranges, others get this vitamin from parsley, feed or rose hips. One way or another, vitamin C should be in sufficient quantities. Do not forget about water. There should always be a drinking bowl in the cage, the contents of which should be changed every day.