Shower      05/28/2019

Do-it-yourself hl lift drawings. Cutter, holder and drywall lifter: tools that will help you get the job done. Drywall lift: an overview of factory models and recommendations for assembling homemade ones

If you have ever done installation drywall constructions on the ceiling, then you probably know how difficult it is to attach GKL sheets to the frame even together. There is a whole series of special lifts, which, to a large extent, facilitate the work. But why spend money if you can make a drywall lift with your own hands and spend several times less money?

Lift for drywall ( allowable height- 3.5 m)

Lifts - types, classification, design solutions

Builders-finishers, who constantly perform installation work on plasterboard ceiling structures, know how difficult it is to keep the GKL on weight. At the same time, the sheets need to be fixed. And what is most interesting, in the end, the sheet should lie evenly and beautifully on the ceiling surface, and the fastening should be reliable.

It is almost impossible for one person to perform such manipulations, therefore even professionals constantly take someone as their partner. If you do not have an assistant and even a worthy candidate for this position, then experts recommend purchasing a special drywall lifter. Upon arrival at the specialty store, we recommend that you turn your attention to labels such as Levpano and Roger Mondelin. These are the highest quality and most reliable samples tested in practice.

The main task of the GKL lift is to lift drywall to the place of attachment. Lifts are most in demand when fixing plasterboard ceilings, since only with their help you can press the drywall sheet to the frame as evenly as possible.

Attention! Sheets of drywall on the lift can be kept indefinitely, until you finish installing the entire ceiling structure.

As for the height, there are both mechanical and electric lifts for drywall, so you can always adjust the height of the lift. If you do not have extra money for a drywall lift, then you can design it yourself.

Lifts - types and designs

In general, there are several types of lifts. They are classified according to the types of work performed.

Reference! GKL lifts are not only for ceilings, but also for walls.

If we talk about all types briefly, it turns out something like this:

  • wall unit ( from the name it is clear that the device is intended for fastening the GKL to vertical surfaces);

Wall lift

  • ceiling lift(designed for fastening GKL on ceiling structures);

ceiling lift

  • universal lift(suitable for both ceilings and walls).

To ensure maximum results in production, each type of lift has its own characteristics and individual operating requirements. Simply put, using the lift in your own way, you will not be able to organize the workflow as efficiently as possible, which, in the end, can lead to a breakdown of the unit.

Note! Lifts are made by two methods - at specialized enterprises and in a handicraft way (with your own hands).

We make a lift with our own hands

If you look closely at the drawings, then the drywall spacer lifter does not require any special costs. Let's look at the main fixtures and materials that we may need in our work:

  • profiled pipes, with the help of which the proper rigidity of the frame is ensured;
  • pipe trimmings do not need to be thrown away - they will be used to make the legs of the future unit;
  • do not forget about the wheels - with their help it will be much easier to move the structure;
  • if you are an amateur complex structures, then you should stock up on cables and rollers.

Before starting work, you need to acquire a drawing in advance (see photo). Also, do not forget about the correct calculation of the load on the structure, because an incorrect calculation will lead to a breakdown of the unit.

All components of the structure are fastened to each other with bolts. The role of the lifting mechanism is performed by a mechanical device or an electric motor (this is where cables come in handy). If you are building a lift with a "manual" drive, then you need to add "legs" to the design for greater stability.

Making a retainer - as an alternative to a lift

Not all of us have free time to make a lift. After all, if you work with plasterboard ceiling structures only once every few years, then you don’t need to have a bulky device. As an alternative solution, we suggest paying attention to the retainer.

It is much easier (and faster) to make it, and at the same time you will spend money at a minimum.

Here is a short guide:

  • You will need a long beam (to the height of your ceiling). The horizontal part of the structure and the width must be at least 90 cm. It turns out that two beams form the letter "T". They are fastened with nails, which, when hammered, need to be drowned a little.

  • Now let's start making scarves. They are located between the horizontal and vertical parts of the latch.

Attention! If there is no 90˚ angle between the scarves, then the design of your latch is not suitable for work, since fixing the plasterboard at a slight angle to the ceiling is simply unacceptable.

  • Now that the fit is complete and everything is in place, we attach the scarves to the structure with the same nails. As last stage can be called the installation of a retainer at the place of work.

At its core, the latch is an ordinary stand for GKL in a strictly horizontal position. If you are not going to constantly work with drywall, then this design for you - simply irreplaceable!


It turns out that the drywall lift consists of only three parts: chassis, turntable and telescopic rack. On average, if you have your own welding machine and the skills of a locksmith, then the final price will be about 3000-4500 rubles (it all depends on the quality of the material used in the construction). As for the assembly time, all work will take about 3-5 days (it all depends on the degree of your employment).

Due to the fact that the text design features device will not be clear to everyone, we have prepared a small gift - a thematic video instruction. We wish you success in your inventions!

Installation drywall sheets requires at least two pairs of hands as these Construction Materials are high in weight and big size. If it is not possible to attract assistants during work, then a special drywall lift is used, which you can do yourself or buy at a hardware store.


A drywall lifter is a device that allows you to set the cardboard at a certain height and fix it in the desired position, while not making much effort. The main advantage of the device is its ease of use and significant time savings while working with this building material.

Photo - work with a spacer

What is a lift for?:

  1. For finished sheathing metal frame large sheets of drywall. The design of the device allows you to install materials of any size on it, it is very convenient even when working alone. You simply lay the sheet on the support frame and raise it to the desired height, fixing it at the frame itself;
  2. Marking the ceiling and corners. Very often masters independent work the markup is redone several times, because from different angles the visibility of the flow or angular plane changes somewhat. If you understand the lift with a laser level, it will be possible to ensure the perfect installation line of the frame from the first time;
  3. Installation of profiles in hard-to-reach areas. Simply, instead of drywall, profile guides are laid on the lift table, which rise to a pre-made markup.

There are several types lifting devices, they are classified according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse: wall, ceiling and universal. The main difference is the location of the desktop. At the wall it is installed vertically, at the ceiling - horizontally, and at the universal one it can change its angle depending on the type of work performed.

Photo - homemade fixture

Fixture design

The lift consists of a telescopic pole, which changes its length depending on the needs. It can be square or round. Next constructive element is the chassis, due to which the movement and installation of the device in a certain position is made. Often the chassis is represented by a pipe with a section of ¾ inch.

most important detail is a spacer table, directly on which drywall or profile is installed. It looks like a frame for a sheet, on the sides it is equipped with pipes of various sections (depending on the type of use and type). Also, any telescopic lift for mounting and drywall sheets is equipped with a winch that controls the rise of the rack. It is connected to the drum, it can be wound in two rows or in one. Many home craftsmen claim that if the winch is spinning in one row, then the telescopic rack is lifted faster.

How to do

A homemade drywall spacer lifter is no less effective than a professional fixture (for example, Premos or FIT). Plus, it can be made at home. Before starting work, you need to prepare drawings.

Photo - drawing of the lift

The support according to this scheme can be made of wood and metal profiles - this is very convenient, since no additional costs are required. It is necessary to take into account only the costs of fasteners and a winch. All parts are interconnected with bolts.

The lift can be made simple (disposable - for working in only one room) and reusable (it is suitable for different ceiling heights). It should be noted that the first option will be easier to convert to another room than to construct the second.

Step-by-step instruction how to make a lift for filing drywall on the frame:

If you have a professional welding inverter and a drawing of a metal telescopic drywall lift - then you can make it more complex, but practical to use universal. For work, you will need several pipes for the telescopic leg - square or round. In the diagrams below, they are represented by rolled metal with sections of 80 × 80 × 2, 60 × 60 × 2, 40 × 40 × 2 mm. Pipes 40×25×2 and 30×20×2 were used for the table.

Photo - professional wall lift

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Drywall lift: an overview of factory models and recommendations for assembling homemade ones

Do you want to facilitate and speed up the process of installing a plasterboard ceiling? The experience I have accumulated allows me to assert that a drywall lift will do just fine for this purpose. A review of current offers from manufacturers will help me prove this. And the instructions for making a homemade copy will give you the opportunity to make an alternative purchase decision.

Proposals from manufacturers

The GKL (gypsum board) lift provides significant advantages during operations with gypsum boards in comparison with the implementation of all work manually:

  • Reduces the number of installers to one person. No matter how virtuoso you are, you will not succeed in attaching a drywall sheet to the ceiling alone. The strut lifter makes this trick possible;

  • Facilitates the transport of drywall sheets by construction site. The device in question allows not only to lift and hold sections, but also to transport them from place to place.

IN construction stores you can find the following devices for mounting drywall on the ceiling:

Please note that the prices in the article are current in the summer of 2017.

Levpano 1

The Levpano 1 drywall lift is the brainchild of the German company Knauf, which has long and rightly earned a reputation as a manufacturer of high quality products. Specifications:


The lifting height of the purchased model must be at least 350 cm, so that it is convenient to use even in rooms with high ceilings.

Premos is a professional drywall lift capable of handling tasks of varying complexity. It is noteworthy that it costs, despite the high operational capabilities, inexpensive.



Models in the design of which there are unreliable plastic elements, I recommend ignoring. As practice shows, their service life is short, and the risk of sudden breakdown during operation is very high.

"Edma" is a representative of a popular French brand, a distinctive feature of which can be called the possibility of operation in a limited space. Specifications:

DIY manufacturing

The first thing you will need when you decide to make a drywall lift with your own hands is drawings. There are plenty of them on the Internet, choose at your discretion. An example of one of them:

There are four main nodes that you need to think about for your lift and implement:

  1. tripod. This is the base that holds the entire device. For convenience, it is usually supplemented with wheels and locking mechanisms;

  1. Tripod. Telescopic stand, which is most often made of shaped pipes inserted into each other with sections of 80, 60 and 40 mm;

  1. Rotary tablestand. Design H-shape on which the GKL will be laid;

  1. winch. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made one, since assembling it yourself, even for a specialist with special equipment, is a time-consuming and difficult task.

Photo illustration of the assembly process:

Photo Description

We weld base, which is an unfolded tripod with wheels.

Assembling the winch.

Install on profile pipe, which will play the role of beams, rollers.

Doing GKL holders using bent steel brackets.

We assemble a tripod.

Connecting All structural elements together.


You have learned how you can assemble a drywall lift yourself and with its most popular factory models. The video in this article contains Additional materials. In the comments, you can ask any questions on the topic.

Making a drywall lift with your own hands is much more profitable than buying or renting. The purchase will cost about 5 to 10 times more than the cost of the parts. If rented, then the next repair will need to be spent again on the lifting mechanism.

Self-production can take up to 5 days, but will save money and also reduce physical stress. The weight of one sheet of drywall reaches approximately 30 kilograms and requires the constant help of 1 or 2 people. With such gravity, the sheet needs to be fixed evenly and firmly, which takes a lot of time and effort. The hoist on average can withstand up to 50 kilograms of weight, securely fixes the sheet for the required time under right angle which reflects well in the quality of work.

Types of lifts and methods of use

Lifts differ in purpose, materials, design and additional details. There are the following types:

There are many types of drywall lifters, but you can also make your own, it will take about five days.

  1. For walls - fastening on vertical surfaces is carried out.
  2. For ceilings - mounting is possible only on horizontal surfaces.
  3. Universal - supports a sheet of drywall at any given angle.
  4. With a mechanical drive - lifting is possible with the help of a winch that is wound on a drum.
  5. With an electric drive - the lift is controlled by a remote control. The presence of this device makes the work of the master as comfortable as possible.
  6. A multi-purpose reliable lift is made of metal elements.
  7. Wooden is mainly used as a fixative, its functions are limited.
  8. Equipped with an additional platform for the master, which replaces the goats.

A drywall spacer is useful in the following cases:

  1. For the installation of drywall sheets: carrying, lifting and fixing. The design is convenient for working with materials of various dimensions.
  2. For marking ceilings and corners with laser level which must be securely fastened to turntable. This method allows you to make the correct markup the first time.
  3. For installation of lighting, air conditioning and ventilation systems, profiles in hard-to-reach places.

The mechanism operates on the principle of a jack. First, a sheet of drywall with clamps is securely fixed on the surface of the spacer table. Then, using the lifting mechanism, the sheet is delivered to the selected height and set at the desired angle, provided that the lift is universal.

Mechanism and device

A drywall lift drawing will help you understand the components of the mechanism, decide on the choice of parts and fasteners. The store version of this device consists of:

Price for ready lifts in stores it can be quite high, so many choose a slightly more difficult path - to build such a mechanism on their own.

  • front and rear lower rack;
  • front and rear top rack;
  • front, middle, rear beams;
  • upper spacer;
  • tie-down cable;
  • console heads;
  • lanyard, staples, bolts.

Functional elements of the lift:

  • Frame for fixing the sheet: a table in the form of "H", this form is considered the most stable.
  • Retractable supports in the shape of the letter "T".
  • Telescopic stand, consisting of three pipes: main, middle, small and two nodes, with which the height of the table is adjusted. The pipes are inserted into each other according to the “matryoshka” principle - first there is a pipe of 80 mm, then 60 mm, then 40 mm. Round and square profiles can be used.
  • Chassis for extension and fixing in the required position.
  • A winch that connects to the drum and adjusts the lifting height. Usually bought in a store independent production very complex.
  • The tripod consists of three sliding metal legs with wheels: two swivel, one welded. The wheels must have locks for fixing in one position. Swivel castors fold easily for transport.

What parts, tools and apparatus will be needed:

  1. Metal profile with a section of 80 mm, 60 mm and 40 mm, round or square; wheels, rollers, two beams, winch, chassis, bolts.
  2. Bulgarian, welding machine.
  3. Cables for electric motor.
  4. Nails and hammer for wooden construction.

It is easier and faster to make a wooden structure, but if you have auxiliary devices and skills to work with them, it is better to make a strong one. metal mechanism for lifting drywall.

You can make a lift yourself from wood and metal, the second option is considered more successful and durable.

Instructions for self-production

After you have carefully studied the drawings, purchased necessary details, prepared the tools, boldly proceed to the assembly of the lifting mechanism. There are a few homemade models lift:

  • Making a wooden retainer - an alternative to a lift - using nails and a hammer:
    • fasten two wooden beams between each other with the letter "T" nails. The length of the timber should be equal to the height of the room and reach the ceiling, the width of the structure is at least 90 centimeters.
    • Between the horizontal and vertical parts there are reinforcing scarves, which are installed diagonally at an angle of 90?.
    • If necessary, the horizontal surface can be expanded with additional beams.
    • Such a simple retainer can only hold the sheet in a horizontal position, it is not equipped lifting mechanism, so its height has to be additionally adjusted for different rooms.
  • Making a metal universal lift from pipes using a welding machine:
    • The base is made from metal pipe 80 × 80 mm, the support for the pipe is welded from two corners.
    • Legs with braces are welded to the pipe from four sides. Legs can be removed or folded for ease of transport.
    • Let's move on to production telescopic tripod. It should consist of three pipes of different sections. The widest tube, 80 × 80 × 2 mm, is at the bottom, the middle one is 60 × 60 × 2 mm, and the thinnest part is at the top, its size is 40 × 40 × 2 mm. We insert the pipes one into the other, fix each segment with a plug on one side. At the end of the thinnest pipe we make a mount for the turntable.
    • The spacer table will consist of pipes 40? 25? 2 and 30? 20? 2. We connect the pipes in the shape of the letter "H", welding them one to the other. There should be holes in the middle jumper for attaching supports.
    • Next, you need to make two supports. Each of them is welded in the shape of the letter "T", with a long vertical leg, on which you need to drill a hole. Such supports are connected to the table with the help of bolts.
    • We attach rotary mechanism to the assembled structure.

We fix the drum and winch on the thickest pipe of the rack, and the rotary mechanism on the thinnest one.

  • All components are bolted together, which allows, if necessary, to disassemble the lift and hide it until the next repair or transport it to a new location.
  • Such a mechanism is multifunctional, which means it will bring significant benefits during various kinds works.

If the do-it-yourself gypsum board lift is made of good materials, correctly assembled, it will last a very long time, it will be convenient in storage and transportation. The master will be able to perform the fastening of drywall sheets to the walls and ceiling with better quality and with less physical effort.