Shower      06/12/2019

The drill does not drill concrete. Checking for electrical wiring. Drilling with diamond crowns

Everyone who has at least once encountered the need to make a hole in the wall knows that the question of whether how to drill concrete is not so easy to answer. Both the instrument itself and consumable you need to choose the right one, otherwise the idea risks turning into a complete failure.

How to drill concrete - choose a tool

So, first you need to decide on the tool. Actually, there are two options here: shock and. A puncher, of course, is preferable, because the original task of this tool is to punch holes in concrete or stone. It can make a hole enough large diameter, while even the best impact drill is not designed for drilling passages thicker than 12 cm. However, if we are talking about foam concrete, then in this case it is the drill that you need to choose, since the punch will simply break the wall.

You can not use an ordinary hammerless drill for work - this is not only useless, but can also lead to breakage of the tool.

Of course, if you need to make several holes, then in the absence of a puncher, you can use a drill, but if you have a long job to do, then its acquisition cannot be avoided. And we are talking here not only about saving time and effort - since the drill was not originally designed for such loads, then with inept handling it can become unusable. If, however, you still have to work with a drill, then you need to remember that in this case they use a victorious drill bit for concrete, the tip of which is coated with carbide coating.

Diamond drill bits for concrete and other accessories

Sometimes on sale you can find ring drills with a diamond coating on the end. Such devices are designed for special drilling rigs that drill large holes up to 25 cm in diameter. It should be said right away that such units are very expensive - several tens of thousands of rubles, so there is no point in purchasing them for the home.

If during the repair process you need to make a place for a socket or switch, use crowns for drilling concrete. Along the circumference of their cutting edge there are special solderings made of hard-alloy metals. Their diameter can be from 35 to 120 mm, however, 68 mm crowns are most often used, since these are the holes that are needed for switches and sockets. When working with a crown, it is imperative to turn off the perforator impact mode. Most of these devices drill holes with a depth of no more than 15 cm. If you want to go deep into the wall to a greater thickness, you can use an extension nozzle.

There are similar crowns among. Unlike the previous ones, such crowns do not have soldering, but a coating of tungsten carbide alloy around the entire circumference. The advantage of this "device" is that if you need to drill a hole in tiled concrete, you do not need to change the nozzle, as it can work equally well in concrete. However, it is worth noting that such nozzles are intended for drills, the power of which is not lower than 1000 watts.

Usually, special ones are used to work with a puncher. Their diameter ranges from 4 to 80 mm. Often, beginners have a question about how to choose the right diameter of the drill. In fact, just in case, along with the purchase of a puncher, you should immediately buy and concrete drill set. However, as a rule, really high-quality kits are very expensive, so the advice is this: the diameter should be exactly the same as that of the dowel that will be inserted into it. When buying such drills, you should know what kind of shank they should have - SDS+ or SDS-max.

Before you fix the drill in the chuck, you need to check if there are any contaminants in it. If any are found, it is worth removing them with a dry rag, otherwise problems may arise when working with the tool. When inserting it into the cartridge, you need to make sure that it stands at a perfectly right angle, and the shank enters all the way.

The most a big problem, which can be encountered when “passing” a concrete wall is the “opposition” of a drill and metal reinforcement (usually this happens during penetration to a great depth). In this case, the reinforcement is passed with a punch, and then work continues. If the hole is made with an impact drill, then it will help to cope with the obstacle. conventional drill for metal.

Since a non-professional tool is not designed for a long load, about every 15 minutes you need to take a break for about the same period. During this time, both the tool itself and the consumable will cool down. Before continuing work, you need to moisten the drill with water - this will extend its service life.

Sometimes it may happen that when drilling a wall from its reverse side pieces of plaster begin to fall off. In this case, you need to reduce the speed so that the work goes a little slower. Although such work will take more time, you can not worry about the safety of the wall. Another incident that can happen in the process is the drill getting stuck in the wall. In this case, you should not try to remove it by loosening the tool back and forth, as this can break off the sting. It is necessary to carefully disconnect the puncher, and then insert another small-diameter drill into it and start drilling a “brother” tightly stuck in the wall, while trying not to touch it.

By choosing the right tool and accessories for it, you can successfully make holes even in such an unyielding material as concrete. A bit of theory seasoned with practice - and such work will be done quickly, efficiently and without any extra effort.

I welcome you to my site! Today we will touch on one burning question, namely, how to drill a conventional drill concrete wall if you don't have a puncher.

Such questions arise because of the desire to save money - who wants to spend money on perf? Although you once had money for a drill. Of course, I understand that when you bought it, you wanted to save money, since the puncher is more expensive. Or maybe they just didn’t know that you couldn’t take concrete with it.

Eh, they could add a little and get a tool that easily combines these two functionalities. And now they would just drill through and that's it. And if a hole would be needed in wood or plastic, then perf would do it here too.

Well, okay, what am I preaching to you? You have come for advice. Well, I will offer one old-fashioned option.

So, using this method, you can drill concrete with both an impact and a non-impact machine. Time, of course, will take a decent amount, but in the absence of a perforator, you can do without.

To work, in addition to a drill and a drill, you will also need a punch. Hope you have it. If not, then it costs not like a perf - you can fork out a little.

The order of work is this:

  • We put the punch to the place where you need a hole, and hit it with a hammer until you get a small indentation
  • Then we drill in this place before the drill hits the pebbles or crushed stone, which are the concrete filler. If it rests against the reinforcement, then you need to either change the place of drilling, or drill it with a metal drill
  • Next, we take the punch again and hit it with pebbles or rubble
  • Drilling again
  • Repeat the procedure until the desired depth is obtained.

As you can see, the method is rather complicated, but quite feasible. That is, here we carry out the work that the puncher does on the go with a puncher manually. Since the obstacle is mainly stones, they must be destroyed. The drill copes with the solution.

Diamond drilling

But still there is a normal way to drill concrete with a drill. It is carried out with the help of diamond crowns. But that's me so for general information. For a home, this method is not suitable, because the crowns themselves cost so much that it is better to buy a perforator.

Well, and, in addition, for diamond drilling and devices use powerful and mainly specially designed for this purpose, with water cooling and a clamping device. Do you want something like this at home?

Okay, okay, they are more modest. But still, there is no need to have such a house.

Thus, in order to confidently work with concrete, I advise you to save up for a hammer drill. Well, on this moment use the described option. After all, it happens that you need a hole right now - you won’t wait for the accumulation of the required amount.

Almost all modern buildings are built from concrete slabs, therefore, very often repairmen and home craftsmen are faced with the problem of drilling a concrete wall. Breaking through a wall of this material, even with a victorious drill, is not an easy task, since its design includes reinforcement and stones.

Scheme of a laser electric drill: 1 - Vertical level, 2 - Angular level, 3 - Horizontal level, 4 - Electric drill.

To do this, you need to understand the tool used and have step by step instructions which will greatly facilitate the process of drilling holes in concrete.

Tools for the job

Concrete is excellent construction material, which has increased strength and durability, but the presence of such properties causes certain difficulties in working with it. The need for fastening false ceiling or installing an outlet in a room requires drilling a concrete wall, which is fraught with certain difficulties. Before drilling a wall, you will need to decide on the size of the desired hole, and only then begin to select a tool. The depth and diameter of the hole, as well as the presence of reinforcement in the concrete wall, determines the method of drilling.

Cutting attachments

The shape of the nozzle is designed with safety standards in mind and allows for easy drilling in autoclaved concrete.

You can break through a concrete wall with special nozzles, which differ in shape, size of the working part and type of shank. Drills and drills are used to drill holes with small and medium diameters. The rod of such nozzles has a screw shape and a carbide tip. For impact drills, drill shanks have cylindrical shape With smooth surface. And in perforators they can be made in accordance with the SDS standard. In use cutting tool needs sharpening. But it should be noted that Pobedite drills do not tolerate overheating well and break very often. Therefore, such a process is always accompanied by cooling the drill with a special liquid.

To make a large hole in concrete, crowns are used. This cutting tool is a hollow cylinder, inside which the cut material (core) moves. Its working part can be equipped with carbide cutting segments or diamond cutting edges.

For impact drilling using a puncher, a crown with carbide teeth is used. The working part with diamond coating is mainly used for non-impact method of drilling with coolant. This tool is quite wear-resistant, but in any case, it needs to be restored after a while. If the integrity of the case is not broken, then a hard-alloy or diamond segment is soldered onto the working surface of the crown. If you want to drill a hole of a relatively small diameter, the tool can be held in your hands. But for drilling holes large sizes professional installation is attached to the wall with anchors.

drilling tool

You can make a hole in concrete with an impact drill. But the puncher is best suited for such purposes. Such a tool will be effective when drilling holes with a diameter of about 100 mm. However, it must be borne in mind that the reinforcing metal encountered in the path of the cutting tool can jam it and break the teeth. Serrated crowns are especially susceptible to this moment. Therefore, before work, you will need to study the characteristics drilling tool and, in accordance with the properties of the material, select it. If it is not possible to work with a hammer drill, it can be replaced with an impact drill. It is, of course, less efficient and has some drilling features. But if there is a small amount of work to be done, then you can limit yourself to it.

To drill a hole in concrete of large diameter and with frequently encountered reinforcement, the diamond drilling method is used with a special non-percussive power tool that has a water supply to the drilling zone.

Drilling process

Drill or perforator

There are two ways to make a hole in a concrete wall: use a drill with an impact function or a hammer drill. The first is used when it is supposed to drill a hole to a shallow depth. As for the perforator, it is more powerful tool and the speed of drilling is much higher. Thus there is no need to use pressure when drilling. The methods of working with a drill and a hammer drill are similar.

Drilling a concrete wall is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to determine the location of the wiring. If this condition is not met, the master may receive an electric shock.
  2. Mark drilling locations. In this case, the master must have a comfortable and stable position. The drilling process is accompanied by a lot of dust, so when working, the eyes must be protected with special glasses.
  3. Prepare the tool and make a mark on the wall with a drill having a standard sharpening. Such a nuance will help to make the right start.
  4. Break stones with a punch. This is a drill that is not difficult to find in a construction kit and its price is much lower than for a cutting one.
  5. The master needs to monitor the temperature of the drill and cool it with water every 10 minutes.
  6. In the process of drilling, the tool may stumble upon rebar or stones. This can be understood by the characteristic whistle and ringing (fittings). In addition, drilling speed may drop significantly (stone). A punch is used to break the stone. To cut reinforcing metal, it is necessary to change the pobedite drill to a conventional one designed for cutting metal.
  7. In the process, every 1.5 cm, the drill must be pulled out of the hole a little, without turning off the tool itself. This will allow the accumulated concrete crumb to come out and gently approach the reinforcement.
  8. To reduce dust formation, you can make a funnel of transparent polyethylene film, which is worn directly on a drill or puncher.

Drill a large diameter hole in the wall for an outlet, junction box, or make ventilation duct possible in several ways. The first is to make several holes of small diameter along the marked contour, after which the concrete should be knocked out with a chisel. But the work in this case will be sloppy, since the edges will not be smooth enough.

Therefore, it is better to punch a hole in concrete with a crown, which must be selected in accordance with the desired size. To extend its service life, you can first use the first method, and then go through the slotted hole with a crown.

diamond drilling

Diamond drilling has a serious advantage over other methods. High precision of execution, efficiency, low level of noise and vibrations allow this technology to be quite in demand.

The process of making holes can be carried out in different directions: in horizontal, vertical planes and also at an angle. The maximum drilling depth can be up to 2 meters, and the hole diameter is up to 500 mm. In this case, the drilling speed is from 1…6 cm/min.

The technology of diamond drilling is carried out by special equipment using diamond ring bits. To do this, a diamond drilling machine, located on a special frame, is fixed to working surface anchoring system or vacuum plate. This installation method greatly facilitates the drilling process and improves the accuracy of the cut holes.

The operation of the installation begins with the spinning of the annular crown at high speed, while water is supplied by means of a pump to working area. The fluid is needed to cool and remove drilling products from the cutting tool. At the end of the process, the hole is smooth, with neat edges.

I would also like to note that the cost of new equipment or its rental is quite high. But at professional use With a special diamond machine, the costs are paid off by the accuracy of the work performed, high speed and silence. In addition, the absence of additional processing of the hole and exhausting cleaning of the premises are a significant plus for its use.

Drilling in concrete is very difficult, everyone who has had to deal with a similar problem will confirm this. In order to adequately overcome the resistance of a resistant material, you need to know some of the features of concrete drilling, plus be able to apply knowledge in practice. So, let's find out how to get out of the situation without any problems.

What kind of drill to drill concrete

To drill a concrete wall, craftsmen use drills with a pobedite tip.

A simple drill will not cope with such a task. If you need to make a small hole (less than 13 mm in diameter), then a drill is used, and in other cases, a puncher. It is much more productive than a drill due to the presence of a device with an impact function and a higher drilling speed. When a hammer drill is not at hand, an ordinary drill with a carbide drill with an asymmetric sharpening is also suitable.

Before starting work, it is necessary to outline the place of drilling with a core. It is also desirable to minimize the spread of dust throughout the room by placing a simple device on the puncher cartridge - a cap from a tin can. Most of dust will settle in it. In order for the plastic dowel to go into the hole made to the end, experts recommend making a recess a centimeter longer than the size of the fastener itself.

In the process of rotation in concrete, the drill heats up due to friction, which leads to a decrease in its working properties, so the drill is periodically moistened in machine oil or ordinary water.

For high-quality drilling, it is preferable to choose a tool equipped with building level. If such a contraption is not provided in the puncher, it does not matter, an ordinary small level, fixed to the body with electrical tape, will also do.

It happens that you need to drill through concrete, and the drill at hand is too short. Then with inside a blind hole is drilled for the entire length of the existing drill, and a magnet is placed in the resulting socket. On the reverse side, the location of the first one is determined by another magnet, and drilled at the intended point.

If drilling interferes metal fittings, then change the drill for concrete to something that is designed to work with metal. Then continue with the same drill.

Before drilling a concrete wall, make sure that the penetration into the material will not damage any communications.

The use of a punch to make holes is already considered obsolete. However, with small volumes of work, it is indispensable due to its affordability. With its help, drilling is carried out by percussion or in the usual way. But this method has a significant drawback: in the process of operation, the vibrations that inevitably arise from the "grooving" of the tool lead to unwanted defects in the finish. And if, in addition, the hammer drill is very powerful, then the consequences of actions for the structure are simply unpredictable. To reduce vibrations, new modifications of modern rotary hammers have been developed.

Nowadays, diamond drilling equipment is more often used, especially in large-scale construction - the holes in the concrete are even, clear, while the drilling machine practically does not create noise and almost does not form dust and debris. The shockless method does not make chips, it is also possible to avoid the formation of cracks in concrete. And the main plus of diamond drilling is that in addition to fast drilling of concrete, it can easily cope with reinforcement.

To obtain holes in thin concrete partitions, a punch is used: it is made from an 8 mm drill, the end of which is sharpened under the “swallow's tail”. The drill needs to be turned and hit with a hammer.

When drilling in the ceiling, so that the concrete crumbs do not fall asleep to the eyes, it is recommended to attach a protective funnel to the tool.

To fix the screw in concrete, a piece of nylon is driven into the hole. Then it is slightly melted with a hot metal (nail), after which a screw is screwed in. Kapron hardens and firmly holds the mount.

A dowel substitute can be a piece of copper or aluminum tube. It is compressed to the required size, inserted into the hole and screwed.

A structure whose surface is far from easy to damage, as well as drilled. But if such a need nevertheless arose, then with the help of special equipment and compliance with certain rules it is still possible to do this. And now about everything in more detail.

General provisions

Let's first consider why a concrete wall is not drilled using conventional methods. And everything lies in the structure of such a durable material:

As you can see, the action of all components is aimed at increasing the strength qualities of the finished product. Especially critical for conventional drills is crushed stone, which instantly dulls their cutting edges.

And with all the complexity of processing a concrete wall, the need for this can arise very often.

For example, if you need:

  • Hang the shelf on the wall or any other furniture interior.

  • Finish with drywall.

  • Implementation electrical wiring installation of new sockets and switches. At the same time, for laying the wire, cutting of reinforced concrete with diamond wheels is also performed.

  • Plumbing connection.

Execution technology

We have dealt with the need and the difficulties that arise, now we will consider how to properly drill a concrete wall.

Tool selection

First of all, let's decide how to drill a concrete wall. of course they don't fit.

Choose from the following options:

  • Drill bits with Pobedit tipped. But it should be borne in mind that in this case, in addition to rotation, an impact function will also be required.

Tip: Don't use a cutting tool with a pobedit to drill through iron or wood, as it will crush them.

  • Drill bits with diamond coating. Such edges can cut stone even without impact, but their price is much higher.

But the question of how to drill a concrete wall is not limited to the choice of consumables.

You also need to decide on the tool:

  • conventional drill. Only if you have nothing more suitable and you only need to make 2-3 holes. And in this case, from time to time, you will have to break through a layer of concrete with a steel pin with your own hands.
  • Drill with impact function. It will cope with a small amount of work even if the diameter of the required holes does not exceed 13 mm. The fact is that the blow in such an apparatus is carried out due to the metal "ratchet", which is quickly erased under intense load.

  • Perforator. It can handle large volumes and can even use special nozzles in the form of crowns, which are ideal for drilling nests for sockets. In it, the blow is carried out due to the piston system, which is much more powerful and less likely to fail than the “ratchet” of the drill.

The following generalized table will help to summarize and give a final answer to the question of what is the best way to drill concrete walls:

Carrying out work

Now let's figure out how to drill a concrete wall. To do this, take a puncher as a clear winner of impromptu competitions.

Its operating instructions are as follows:

  1. We check the shaft shaft for debris. If it is found, delete it.
  2. Insert the drill until it clicks. In this case, in some models, it may be necessary to pull the slider part of the “nose” of the tool towards you.
  3. We bring it strictly perpendicular and start drilling, slightly pressing on it.

Tip: Moisten the working part of the drill with water from time to time. This will protect it from overheating and extend the service life.

  1. During drilling, the drill may get stuck. In this case, do not try to loosen it in order to pull it out, as you can break off the tip. Just remove the tool from the device, insert a drill of a smaller diameter and try to expand the hole with it and release the captive product.
  2. Keep an eye on the equipment, letting it cool down.


We looked at how to drill through a concrete wall, the process itself is not that complicated. The main thing is to choose the right tools and follow some rules during work. most practical and rational decision will be the use of a puncher with pobeditovy drills.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information regarding the materials presented. Be careful and you will succeed!