Toilet      06/26/2020

We make a dressing room with our own hands. Do-it-yourself dressing room - drawings and diagrams, layout, how to make compartment doors. A simpler option for making shelving

Many girls dream of having a Walk-in closet. In a well-equipped and beautiful dressing room, a simple choice of outfit in the morning turns into a real ritual that gives a positive charge for the whole day. If you have a 2 by 2 meter area at your disposal, you are really lucky.

Small at first glance, the room can turn into a beautiful and cozy dressing room. In this article, we will give some recommendations for arranging a storage system in such conditions.


The organization of the dressing room is a real salvation for those who can boast of an impressive amount of clothing. This is an excellent solution that will allow you to organize the storage of seasonal and outerwear, shirts, blouses and suits, as well as hats and shoes.

You can even place some household appliances here! Before telling you about how to properly equip such a room, it is worth considering a few features.

  1. Your free space is limited, you should at least proceed from this. There is no point in wasting centimeters. You should leave enough space inside for one person to change comfortably. We allocate the rest of the space for a storage system. As a rule, an area of ​​80 x 120 cm is sufficient.
  2. The level of comfort in the operation of your future dressing room largely depends on the layout. Everything will need to be taken into account before the smallest details. We recommend counting the total number of clothes and each item to determine its place.
  3. If you like order in everything and are not used to leaving your clothes in chaos, this is perfect for you. open system storage Everything is visible, well ventilated, looks attractive and costs less.
  4. If you don't want to bring your belongings daily to perfect order, it would be optimal to prefer a closed dressing room. You can make it with the help of an interior partition, doors, or simply equip the system itself with doors.
  5. You will have to give up bulky furniture, sofas and armchairs in such a room. They will “eat up” the space. In addition, you will lose proportionally. Large furniture will also visually interfere with perceiving the room as spacious.
  6. Rationally use not only horizontal, but also vertical arrangement. Often even high cabinets do not reach the ceiling, and this is a place where many more things will fit. Very convenient option– organization of storage of things in two tiers. The second one can be lowered on the rod using a handle. Outdated clothes will be placed on the upper shelves.

But you also have some freedom in your decisions! You are not limited in choosing the design of your dressing room. There is only one small classic recommendation - try to do it in bright colors. This will make it appear visually even larger.

A separate issue is the open-plan design. Remember that shelves, racks and drawers should match the color of the setting and not stand out. Let the visitor think that the storage system is “growing” out of the walls.

How to arrange the storage system?

You can start thinking about your dressing room only after you have determined a place for it. There are no universal answers here. In each case you need something different. Pay attention to the following areas:

  • pantry;
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • space under the stairs;
  • attic;
  • attic;
  • balcony;
  • niches;
  • unused corners in rooms.

An important requirement for the selected area is excellent ventilation. You can arrange it yourself, but the flow of fresh air should not come from “dirty” rooms (bathroom and kitchen). Do not neglect this rule, otherwise things will not retain their freshness.

If you don't have free space for a dressing room, be sure to consider a corner as an option. As a rule, there is a massive cabinet in the corner. How about replacing it with a more efficient clothing storage system? Using corners in rooms is always a difficult issue. They are often not used at all. A dressing room or area in such a place is an excellent solution.

If there is a niche in the hallway, then it will be your ideal option. Oddly enough, such surprises are often found in old apartments. Even if it is smaller in size, consider whether this niche can be used as a dressing room.


Now we present some of the most common layout options. Most often, one of these options becomes final. They have long proven themselves both from a technical and design point of view.

  1. Linear arrangement along one wall. A good option when the dressing room is a walk-through room. All elements of your wardrobe will be visible. Great option for those who like to always keep their clothes in perfect order.
  2. In a niche. Good decision, if you need to balance the proportions of the room. It will take on the shape familiar to the eyes. If the niche is large, you can make a room in it with a partition and a door. In the future the door will become decorative element in room.
  3. In the corner. We have already mentioned the advantages of a corner location of the dressing room above. A corner of almost any room often goes unused. And it can fit your family’s entire wardrobe if the storage system is properly organized.
  4. U-shaped layout. A good option for a proportional room of 2 by 2 meters. All walls, except one, are lined with shelves and cabinets up to the ceiling. This is the most spacious option. At the same time, there will still be enough space inside for changing clothes (approximately 0.8 by 1.4 meters).

A very practical option would be to create a wardrobe system with sliding doors. They give the room design more impact and save space. Besides, modern doors no less reliable than swing ones.

Subtleties of filling

There should be enough shelves, drawers and other elements inside the room. You need to lay out all your clothes and calculate how much and what you should keep. Different fillings are used for different things.

  1. For trousers, suits, outerwear and anything that needs to hang on a hanger, you need to provide your own rods.
  2. Underwear and bed linen, as well as small items can be stored in drawers. For accessories and jewelry, you can choose something transparent.
  3. Trousers and skirts should be stored on a trouser rack.
  4. On the upper tier you can store seasonal and currently irrelevant clothes.
  5. The shelves can be used for home clothes, sweaters, bedspreads and blankets.
  6. Shoes can be stored in special baskets. Hats are on hooks or in baskets.
  7. Availability required large mirror V full height so you can rate your outfit

4 sq m is quite enough for a good dressing room. But remember that your space is limited and you need to make the most of it. Be sure to make drawings before purchasing or building!

In order to create a comfortable environment in the interior of a house or apartment, it is important to properly organize the space.
Today, special areas are created for storing wardrobe items or separate rooms are allocated, equipping them with the necessary things: shelves, racks, racks and modules.

Some people think that allocating space for such a purpose with a comfortable layout and fashionable design- this is excess, bordering on luxury.

But if you study examples of ready-made dressing rooms, you can see that this is possible in any residential room, and even from an ordinary storage room you can create a full-fledged dressing room with your own hands.

The main task is to decide what dimensions and layout the dressing room will have, and think through the remaining details.

DIY dressing room from a storage room of 4 sq. m, photo

Subtleties of location

When choosing the location of the area intended for storing wardrobe items, be guided by the size of the room allocated for these purposes.

A small wardrobe for storing a large number of things can be equipped even in a modest-sized room. The smallest dressing rooms have dimensions of 1x1.5 and 1x2 m. In such a space of 2-3 square meters. meter you can fit drawers, hangers and a rack, and decorate the free wall with a mirror.

Small dressing room, photo

Important! The space allocated for the dressing room should be well lit: hang small light sources on the ceiling or walls in this area. It is best to opt for built-in lamp models.

In the event that space is allocated for placing clothes in a living room, it is advisable to give preference modular system. This option will make it possible to change the position of the modules. In most cases, such systems are placed in the corner of the room or along the wall, so as not to take up space in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing room involves the allocation of a separate room - 12, 16 and even 18 square meters. meters, although most often it is a small storage room.

The photo shows an example of a dressing room from a small closet:

Small dressing rooms from the pantry, photo

If the layout and size of your home allows you to allocate a separate room for storing wardrobe items, then you will gain much more advantages from creating a full-fledged wardrobe system for storing things.

The main advantage of such a layout is the ability to divide the space into functional zones and allocate separate sections for all residents of the house.

When choosing the type of storage system and place for its location, take into account that shelves and racks should be in a convenient accessible place. If there is not enough space, install only the most necessary sections, and place elements of secondary importance, for example, a dressing table, an ironing board, outside the wardrobe.

Advantages of wardrobe equipment

If you are in doubt whether it is worth equipping a dressing room in your apartment or private house and where it is better to arrange such a zone, consider the advantages of having such a system:

The photo shows a sample of a built-in dressing room:

Built-in dressing rooms, photo

Before you start arranging your wardrobe, check out the options for its layout to ensure its maximum comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

Layout options

There are several options for planning your wardrobe. The simplest one is linear, similar to a long compartment wardrobe, with monolithic walls and sliding doors.

If such a wardrobe does not occupy the entire room, plasterboard partitions are used to distinguish. If there is no need for a reliable space divider, then use a beautiful curtain for this purpose.

Small wardrobe rooms, photo

It should be noted that the linear type layout is also suitable for wardrobes located in passage areas. If a separate room is allocated for storing things, install the racks along the wall or parallel to each other, and hang a mirror on the wall perpendicular to them.

The wardrobe can also be arranged in the corner. Wardrobes with a corner layout save space. To allocate more space for storage, you can use unusual radius doors that have a hemispherical configuration.

Doors for a dressing room, photo

If the room is spacious, an excellent solution would be to organize a storage system in the shape of the letter P. As filling, as structural elements; such a wardrobe should be equipped with traditional shelving; special laundry baskets, convenient hangers, hooks, and an ironing compartment are also suitable.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small wardrobe systems can accommodate a limited number of modules, so you need to choose only those that are needed most.

The main areas that make up the dressing room include:

  • a high section designed for outerwear (coats, jackets, raincoats) with a bar located at a 1.5-meter height;
  • section 1 meter high - for shortened clothes;
  • shoe compartment;
  • shelves for hats and things that you will not need at certain times of the year.

The minimum width of the dressing room is 1-1.2 m.

For example, in a dressing room of 4 sq.m in the bedroom, as in the photo, these sections will be enough:

Photos of small dressing rooms 4 sq. meters

Thinking through the equipment of the wardrobe, be guided by the needs of all residents. Women need an area with a mirror, for men it is more important to quickly find the necessary things for everyday wear, so the practicality of storage compartments is brought to the fore.

The system for storing children's clothing also needs increased attention: the shelves are located at a lower height, differ in shape and have a smaller volume.

Recommendation: the wardrobe, which will be used by the fairer sex, can be equipped with small chests, drawers for accessories and others useful devices, created to organize order and demonstrate original design.

IN Lately Products with the ability to transform have come into fashion: pieces of furniture - transformers, customized to the required parameters. A similar system is appropriate for both a small dressing area and a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is more rational to place a rod for attaching hangers in the middle of a modern dressing room, and place racks and small shelves on the sides. In reality, closet organization ideas are varied, and before you start organizing your own closet, explore several layout options.

Corner wardrobe

Wardrobe systems with a corner configuration are perfect for small rooms. They can be placed in any free corner of the room and used in rooms with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. A space of 4 square meters is enough to place things. m.

Taking into account the layout and other features of the room, sketch out the wardrobe.

Such systems can have different configurations:

Based on the chosen option, you can place various equipment in the wardrobe. For corner systems with a modest area, simple models are preferred.

Walk-through wardrobe option

Sometimes there is a need to organize a storage system in a room that is a walk-through room. In such a situation, the racks are positioned in such a way as not to block the passage to the adjacent room. For example, this is possible in apartments with a layout in which the bathroom and bedroom are located next to each other.

Narrow dressing room, photo

What should you take into account when organizing your space in this way? First of all, carefully plan the location of shelves and other sections. Place them so that they do not interfere, but do not lose capacity. Ordinary doors that open from oneself or, conversely, towards oneself, are not ergonomic, they take up a lot of space. In such a situation, compartment doors (based on the principle of a wardrobe) are more suitable.

A convenient option is the location of adjacent rooms in the same axial plane, and not diagonally. This allows you to install the shelving in such a way that it does not interfere with movement and creates an attractive look for the entire area.

in the attic

Arranging a dressing room with your own hands will give you the opportunity to adapt to the features of the room and its layout. You can easily arrange your wardrobe even in the attic.

Choose details for wardrobe systems, taking into account their fit into sloping spaces and attic areas with low ceilings.

Important! It is not recommended to equip a system for storing things in attic room, if its height is less than two meters.

Do not forget about convenience, if you cannot straighten up to your full height when entering the attic - this is not the best option for a dressing room. If you have enough space, you can start planning.

Wardrobe room in the attic

In those parts of the attic where the ceilings are low, place shelves for shoes, in those that are higher - sections for outerwear.

Design nuances

When decorating a dressing room located in a bedroom or other room, you can easily decide on the design. The color scheme of materials used for finishing should be combined with the palette that prevails in the interior of the room itself.

It is optimal that the pieces of furniture, including those in the dressing room, have a similar texture or belong to the collection of the same designer.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

The doors of the dressing room are decorated with inserts made of frosted, transparent glass, carved patterns, mirrors. The decor option is chosen based on the style direction in which the room is decorated. For example, plastic photo panels are suitable for a modern style.

The decor of a dressing room located in a separate room, in most cases, needs good level lighting, since there are rarely windows in such rooms. For this reason, it is preferable to decorate the walls in light colors (you can paint or wallpaper them).

Concerning colors furniture facades, then it can be different; Be guided by personal preferences and the size of the room, but it is advisable that it be a muted, easily perceived range.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

If there is internal lighting in the dressing room, you can use non-standard sections. For example, glass racks or shelves on which stylish accessories or designer shoes will be placed.

A large wardrobe can be decorated with soft carpeting with fluffy pile, and the walls can be decorated with mirrors in beautiful frames.

Look at the photo to see how you can properly and competently arrange a dressing room:

Options for planning and decorating wardrobe areas and rooms are varied. Study photographs of finished and already completed projects and implement the option you like in your home. Arrange a comfortable, beautiful and functional area or a room for placing things is not so difficult, if there is a desire.

The photo shows diagrams and samples of the layout and arrangement of dressing rooms with dimensions (pictures are clickable):

Having your own dressing room is not a luxury, but a necessity, providing convenient, organized storage of things.

Ready-made sketches will help you create a cozy and presentable wardrobe in a room with any layout, even the smallest and most modest in size.

For some modern styles (modern, minimalism, hi-tech) it is appropriate to use for wall decoration: look at examples and evaluate their properties to find out whether such a material is suitable for you.

Options interior arches from plasterboard in the apartment you can see in the photo.

Photos of luxury bedrooms in modern style— in the article at:


Video on how to arrange a dressing room with your own hands:

Every family has a problem with the optimal placement of clothes, especially if they are clothes of different-sex children and young women who follow fashion. The design of the dressing room should harmoniously complement the room with which it borders. We have begun to realize that it is convenient to allocate 3-4 sq.m. for compact storage systems. When they are not there, problems arise - there is nothing to wear, nowhere to put seasonal clothes, things have to be ironed often, and it is difficult to find what you need. If you understand the need for a dressing room, listen to the recommendations of specialists.

Additional soft light will create a special atmosphere in the dressing room

White dressing room design with bright lighting

Option for combining a dressing room with a toilet

In any home you can find a place for clothes, but there is sorely not enough of it to organize and systematize clothes. The main purpose of the dressing room is to organize all things:

  • by season;
  • appointment;
  • completeness;
  • color scheme;
  • frequency of use.

Not only the layout of shelves and various departments, but also the design of a classic dressing room works for this purpose.

An ideal dressing room is when its owner entered, received aesthetic pleasure from her “treasury”, quickly selected a fashionable look and came out looking perfect. Some designers go further, drawing up a design project for a dressing room - you can invite a friend into a small space to chat, show off your new items and even relax over a cup of coffee.

Design of a small dressing room

Design option for a narrow dressing room

Depending on the available space and general arrangement, there may be not only wardrobes and shoe shelves, but also an ironing board, dressing table or full-length mirror. For some it may seem like a discovery, but the design of a women's dressing room should be different from storage systems for men - there are such.

Eat different types wardrobe design solutions when it comes to several meters. A complete storage of organized clothes and shoes with sorting of things is possible only in a separate room.

Attention! Housing with an improved layout without walls, like a loft apartment or a studio apartment with more space, suggests competent zoning to suit the design of a future dressing room with light or mobile partitions.

A smartly designed clothing storage area will provide space for your entire wardrobe. All this should be organized so that you can find it in a couple of minutes, choosing a fashionable and stylish “look” (look) for any occasion. Ideally, everyone in the family has their own dressing room, closet or storage system, but this rarely happens.

The dressing room should always be in order

You can place a banquette in the middle of the dressing room

The dressing room can be combined with another room

Types of clothing storage systems

2 storage systems have been developed:

  1. Separate dressing room.
  2. Some rooms with other functions (bedroom, wide corridor, attic, storage room, etc.).

If there is a lack of rooms and free space, as often happens in city apartments, you have to allocate part of a large room for clothing storage. It is necessary to optimize not only the bedroom area as much as possible, but also to allocate a passage for a systematic “container of things.” In fact, this is what distinguishes it from cabinets and built-in cabinet furniture covering the entire wall.

In the design of a full-fledged dressing room, everything should be thought out, including lighting - daylight and artificial. It is recommended to install ventilation, a hood, or find some other way to ventilate clothes, since not everything is cleaned and washed after a single use.

In any case, it is recommended to wash the armpits of shirts, blouses and turtlenecks, and to clean the back of the collar before storing them. This is especially true when the cold season has ended. The dressing room is also treated with antiseptics - against moths, carpet beetles and other living creatures that can ruin clothes.

Design of a dressing room in cream color with small chests of drawers

Design of a spacious dressing room with a beautiful chandelier

In a city apartment, many people have to separate part of a square bedroom. After renovation, there may be little space left for a spacious bed. Then you have to place the headboard against the wall of the dressing room, and replace the walls themselves with sliding doors - this is a very convenient option.

If there is not enough space in the bedroom and you want to organize a dressing room, it is sometimes wise to separate a triangle in the bedroom for clothing storage systems. The bed will stand diagonally, then the central part is a stationary wall made of plasterboard, only the hinged doors on the sides of the bed open. This design option for corner dressing rooms is often ordered individually from carpentry workshops.

When there is not enough space for such a solution, the room with wardrobes is separated in another way:

  • thick tulle on ceiling cornice along the shelves;
  • sliding systems with mirrors on a guide with rollers;
  • partially stationary glass partition with hinged doors at the edges;
  • accordion folding screens attached to one wall.

The advantage of dressing rooms arranged in part of the living room is that you can afford a universal way to store things in any corner of a small city apartment. These goals include:

  • corridor dead end;
  • part of a square room along the wall;
  • free corner of a room of any functionality.

Option for unusual dressing room lighting

The dressing room should have sufficiently bright lighting

To prevent things from collecting dust, you should choose cabinets with mirrored doors

A self-contained room for storing clothes can be reorganized after overhaul, changing the functionality of other rooms:

  • insulated loggia or balcony (by the way, it’s convenient to ventilate);
  • former storeroom (closet);
  • parts of a wide hallway;
  • at end wall large living room.

In this way, we have a separate room for thoughtful placement of clothes with shoe shelves and a fitting room. But the area of ​​the allocated space must be at least 2 sq.m. A banquette or ottoman, a stepladder or folding ladders would be useful to make it convenient to get clothes from the upper mezzanines. Local lighting and general lighting are required, especially when there is no window.

Attention! Built-in furniture, shelving, open partitions and shelves or collapsible modules - the choice depends on the taste of the owners and the design of the preferred wardrobe option. A mandatory attribute is a full-length mirror, regardless of the design.

Another thing - a private house, where there are more opportunities to find space for well-organized storage of things. Often houses are equipped with an attic or attic space, with a staircase leading to them. After repairing and insulating the upper level of the house, it is worth considering the interior of the attic-type dressing room. The wardrobe module should fit harmoniously into the style of the attic. If the entire attic is dedicated to storing outfits, you can choose the design style arbitrarily.

A dressing room under the stairs is a compact option; everything won’t fit here. Therefore, this niche is often adapted for storing winter clothes and shoes, as well as for sports equipment, beach and other (rarely used) items. Then suits, dresses and everyday items are taken out for storage in the closet of one of the living rooms.

Design of a classic dressing room

Design of a dressing room with lighting and a beautiful chandelier

Optimal solutions for wardrobes of different layouts

People who are accustomed to a fairly high level of comfort have their own requirements for organizing the space of dressing rooms. This is greatly facilitated by:

  • simple devices;
  • transformers;
  • furniture of small shapes;
  • mobile stands;
  • multifunctional shelves and doors.

Cabinet doors equipped with closers do not slam and close smoothly themselves. They can be installed by any carpenter or joiner in literally an hour, regardless of the interior design of the dressing room. Hangers with clothespins are convenient for hanging skirts and trousers. Folding shelves, tabletops and seats are convenient compact solutions - they are removed after use so as not to occupy the aisles of the fitting room. Otherwise, each solution has specific features.

Dressing room design in light colors

The flooring in the dressing room is made of porcelain stoneware

Dark wood in the interior of the dressing room looks very beautiful and unusual

  1. The design of a corner dressing room is most often tied to the solution of a room where there is an empty corner (usually a bedroom). A wall made of gypsum plasterboard under wallpaper, frosted glass or laminated plywood will help you isolate yourself. Conveniently, there are 2 doors on the sides; the interior interior of such a dressing room is not as important as the exterior design. The main thing is the most thoughtful storage systems behind the false wall.
  2. The design of a U-shaped dressing room is usually consistent with big room, where cabinets and shelves are located along the side walls. Often this is the dead end of a spacious corridor or hallway. In interior design the main thing is the material for the outer cladding.
  3. A linear dressing room is a long storage compartment along the wall in a spacious room, usually a living room. This option is rarely used as a fitting room. This includes picking up and putting clothes back on hangers. The design of a living room with a linear-type dressing room involves tall sliding mirrors as an area divider. This is a kind of wide wardrobe with a passage and local lighting inside - an ideal solution for most city apartments.
  4. The design of a parallel dressing room involves division into 2 sections with a passage in the middle. Usually this is a wide corridor or hallway. The design suggests symmetry and expensive Decoration Materials, if there are mirrors, but they are not placed opposite each other. The optimal solution is when one wall is mirrored, which will visually expand the space, and the other is finished with expensive wood. Additional aisles and a fitting corner are not needed; lighting and a small mobile pouf are important.

Design of a spacious dressing room with lighting

What is different about a men's dressing room?

Some people subconsciously have a question: do men have a dressing room? Of course, this functional room is needed not only by young fashionistas spoiled by shopping. A business man should have enough space to store classic suits and freshly ironed shirts. A laundry maid is often hired to take care of the “big boss’s” clothes, especially abroad, why can’t there be a separate room?

The main difference between the men's system of placing things is that everything here is strictly ordered and systematized. Business suits hang separately from light sports-cut outerwear, white shirts separately from colored ones. As a rule, each suit has its own trempel, so that there are no accidental creases if one shoulder of the jacket drops under other clothes.

Availability of ironing board and steam iron- Necessarily. Also, spools of thread and a box of buttons are always kept nearby near men's clothing - just in case, so as not to waste time searching.

Men's shoes are usually stored neatly in boxes, as opposed to lightweight women's shoes placed on open shelves. There is a separate bar for ties so you can immediately choose your option. Cufflinks and tie pins are nearby on the shelf. The design style of a men's dressing room is usually classic or matches the overall design of the house.

Open and closed wardrobe

A closed method of storing things involves aesthetic facades or cabinet doors. In an isolated room, wardrobes are made according to a design project. They may alternate:

  • open shelving and closed shelves;
  • mirrors and glass facades;
  • curtain made of fabric on the cornice.

The interior door is the only entrance to an isolated (closed) wardrobe, equipped in a separate room. Sometimes, if the room is a walk-through room, the passage will be through, that is, some doors are opposite others, they must be made in the same key.

An open dressing room is a mix of a wardrobe and a storage room for clothes. The design of facades, partitions or fabric curtains is important here. Glass is often used for doors and partitions, which is selected to match the style of the interior.

Mezzanines are a convenient way to store things that are rarely used, better closed type. They are located in the upper part of the dressing room, near the ceiling, on top of wardrobes and shelves.

Open cabinets do not need ventilation; general ventilation or a draft is sufficient. Storage behind a fabric curtain good quality- a common way to store things. With this solution, the room should be in perfect order, all things and shoes should be clean, sorted and systematized.

Wood in the interior of the dressing room looks very beautiful

The corridor to the dressing room can be made just as functional

Aristocratic dressing room design

The most popular materials for finishing facades and as an alternative to doors

Corrugated, sandblasted, matte, colored, stained glass

Tree and its derivatives

chipboard, furniture panels, veneered plywood, laminated wood-based panels

Mirror surfaces

Full-length mirrors, ceiling-length mirror panels, highly reflective tiles


Translucent uniform tulle, organza, light curtain fabrics, thin plain jacquard

Wood replacement

MDF, eco-veneer, furniture laminate

Sliding systems

Openwork metal “accordion”

Horizontal and vertical, colored and plain, silicone and plastic

The most popular materials for the facades of built-in cabinet furniture in designer walk-in closets are wood and textured analogues. Good options replacement of closed facades - lightweight partitions that are easy to move, including with an electric remote control. Traditional materials are used for the walls and floors.

Lighting in the dressing room is an important factor. Rarely does a non-residential building have its own window. Most often, such rooms are equipped with compact ceiling lights and LED local lighting in each large compartment of cabinets or along sliding doors. This is very convenient when you need to choose an item that matches the shade. Additionally, side lighting is required in the fitting vector - on both sides of the full-length mirror. You can make lower lighting and LED strip around the perimeter of the ceiling if it does not interfere with the doors.

Design of a simple and spacious dressing room

Design of a bright dressing room

  1. The internal distribution and functionality of the compartments depends on the family's lifestyle.
  2. The design of the room should be subordinated to convenience. But there are proven options when the dressing room looks especially luxurious - a mirrored fitting room with a marble floor, a design with golden curtains and upholstered furniture, white room.
  3. The design of a living room with a dressing room should have something in common color scheme. In a separate room, you can choose your favorite color in a calm shade - beige, pink, blue, lilac.
  4. Equipment with furniture is realistic for a spacious room. This is a soft module, exposed as an island, a banquette, a dressing table (for cosmetics), a chest of drawers or an antique chest.

A dressing room can border any room; it is important that it is convenient for the owners and meets the basic functionality. Don't hoard outdated and unnecessary clothes, even if you have plenty of space. Minimalist design and full order speaks of the good taste and practicality of the owners. Good examples of arrangement are in our gallery in the photo.

Video: All about pantries and dressing rooms

50 photos of dressing room design ideas:

A dressing room is a great way to place not only clothes and shoes, but also various household items in one place. However, many people are intimidated by the construction of this small room. Don't worry, you can do it with my own hands from scratch, and at a very low cost.

First, decide on the location of the dressing room. If you have a large enough hallway, you can take a small corner from there. Plus, this way you won’t lose useful space in other rooms.

To build a dressing room, you can use plywood, wooden shields, chipboard. But exactly cutting chipboard with edge gluing will be the easiest option in terms of processing and cost. In this project, the dressing room was built with dimensions of 100 by 180 centimeters.

YouTube | Bubenita

For the wardrobe body

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 50x266 cm;
  • 1 piece of chipboard 100x266 cm;

For shoe shelves

  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x30 cm;
  • 4 pieces of chipboard 50x30 cm;

For mezzanines

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 80x40 cm;

For bottom rack

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 100x30 cm;
  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x30 cm;

For top rack

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 150x20 cm;
  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x20 cm;


How to do

YouTube | Bubenita

To attach chipboard to the wall, you can use ordinary plastic corners. Drill holes in the wall, insert dowels and screw the corners with screws. Corners are attached to the ceiling, walls and floor.

YouTube | Bubenita

The most large detail is installed as a second wall, two smaller parts will serve as the front walls with the entrance.

YouTube | Bubenita

Depending on what kind of dressing room you want to see, you may need drawers, shelves, and rods. For the shelves, it is enough to assemble the chipboard by screwing the boards to the sides using confirmations.

YouTube | Bubenita

Use special holders to secure clothes rails to the wall.

YouTube | Bubenita

Instead of sliding entrance doors You can hang an ordinary curtain. This will help make the space more comfortable and also save money. To hang it, you can use the same rod as in the dressing room if the curtain has rings.

The cost of such a room will be about 10 thousand rubles with all consumables.

Today I want to develop the pressing topic of putting the house in order and talk about filling the closets. A dressing room is undoubtedly the cherished dream of any woman... and let’s face it, most men too =) If earlier a separate dressing room was considered exclusively as an unaffordable luxury, then nowadays the owners small apartments, and spacious apartments are increasingly thinking about organizing a dressing room, even if there is a shortage of extra square meters.

What is good about a dressing room?

1. All your things are collected in one place: clothes, underwear, shoes, bags, accessories - everything is in front of your eyes and at your fingertips. There is no need to run between the closets in the bedroom and hallway trying to find the pair of shoes you need - saving time and nerves during your daily preparations.

2. The dressing room unloads the entire apartment, saving you from the need to buy separate wardrobes, chests of drawers, shelving, consoles, cabinets...

3. A walk-in closet is a great way to save money! What is more profitable: buy a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a cabinet for each room or install sliding doors, separating the wardrobe from prying eyes, and equipping it with simple racks for clothes, boxes, hangers? For example, Ikea offers a lot budget options solutions to the storage issue for dressing rooms.

4. Thanks to its excellent capacity, you can store not only clothes in the dressing room. Everything that should be hidden from view will fit here: bed linen, pillows, blankets; collections, albums, boxes with small items; household supplies - ironing board, vacuum cleaner, cleaning products. You can even organize a laundry room in the dressing room by installing a washing machine and dryer here. Empty your home, leaving only stylish decor And necessary minimum furniture.

There are a huge variety of options for equipping a dressing room to suit any budget: from drawers, hangers and shelves with complex mechanisms behind facades made of expensive wood, to racks for hangers and plastic baskets and drawers constructed from improvised materials.

1. Bars and pantographs. There should be several rods for hangers: high for long dresses, coats, raincoats. Its height should be at least 165-175 cm. Lower rods are for jackets, blouses, skirts, jackets. The height of such rods is from 100 cm.

A pantograph is a type of rod that has a mechanism for descending to a convenient level. Good for a small dressing room, where it is not possible to allocate the upper shelves under the mezzanine, but you have to use the entire height of the room for rods.

2. Retractable trouser hangers. Must be present in a functional dressing room and occupy a height of at least 60 cm.

3. boxes. Some of the dressing room modules must be protected from dust. Drawers store underwear and bed linen, accessories, and jewelry. Flat storage boxes small items should be equipped with dividers to avoid chaos of belts, socks and jewelry.

The drawers can extend to 3/4 depth and to the full depth, and are equipped with closers and one-touch opening mechanisms. Of course, every additional function requires capital investment, but adds ease of use.

4. Shelves. Can be stationary or retractable. The width of the shelf is at least 30-40 cm. Under the ceiling of the dressing room, you can plan wider shelves - 45-60 cm - under the mezzanine. Suitcases, boxes of seasonal items, rarely used equipment and clothing will be stored here.

5. Boxes and baskets. Convenient item for storing things that do not need ironing, as well as shoes, bed linen, and various small items. Baskets can be equipped with a retractable mechanism, or they can be completely simple plastic and stand on shelves - a great way to save on expensive retractable elements.

Before you put another pair of shoes or bag in a box, be sure to label what's inside. Better yet, take a photo of the contents and put a sticker on the end of the box. In moments of urgent preparation for an important event, you will be endlessly grateful to yourself for your organization.

6. Modules for shoe storage. Shoes are stored in boxes, on open shelves, in drawers (often designed at an angle) and overshoes, on special stands for models with heels or in the form of a last. Boots with high soft tops are stored hanging to maintain their shape (leave sections 40-60 cm high for such pairs). Unused seasonal shoes are on the mezzanine, everyday pairs are closer to the floor.

7. Hangers for ties, scarves, belts, umbrellas. They can be retractable (similar to trouser hangers), hanging (located on a rod) or circular - in the corner of the dressing room. Hooks and clips attached to the wall or door serve the same purpose.

8. Spacious sections for storing ironing boards, dryers, irons, vacuum cleaners, buckets and others household supplies. It is better to hide such often unsightly devices behind cabinet doors. We want the dressing room to be not only comfortable, but also beautiful!

9. Mirrors. Ideally, there should be several of them: one full-length - on the cabinet door, on the wall, or a mobile, free-standing one. At least one small one - so that you can look at yourself from the side and behind.

10. If space allows, you can place a convenient pouf or armchair, dressing table or console.

1. Special attention give . The best option– spotlights that provide bright diffused light. The lighting should not be yellow or go into other colors so that you can objectively evaluate the makeup and color combination of clothing and accessories. Be careful with the pretty ones hanging chandeliers: after all, trying on clothes is often associated with careless waves of hands...

2. It is advisable to provide in the dressing room ventilation. Air circulation will provide protection from unpleasant odors and reliable safety of things. Ventilation is especially important in rooms equipped with washing machines and clothes dryers.

3. Start planning your closet from high sections for long clothes. The remaining elements (shelves, drawers, pull-out modules) are distributed according to the residual principle.

4. Depth stationary shelves should not be more than 100 cm. It is better to make deep shelves retractable, because The arm length of an adult is usually no more than 80 cm.

5. Drawers and shelves should not be made wider than 90 cm due to possible sagging under heavy things and for good operation of retractable mechanisms.

6. The same goes for rods more than 100-120 cm long. Provide support for them so that one day the entire structure does not collapse under the weight of heavy winter clothing.

7. On aisles between shelves you should leave at least 60 cm. If the dressing room is equipped with sliding mechanisms, add another 50 cm of free space for convenient use of all modules.

How to arrange a dressing room if there is little space:

If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for a dressing room, you should not refuse such a functional element of the interior. The dressing room can be placed:

1. In a niche. Separating shelves and hangers from prying eyes beautiful curtain, suspended from the ceiling itself, with a screen, sliding doors.

2. Place it under the dressing room a small part of the room(better than a bedroom) - this can be one and a half meters across the entire width of the room behind the bed, a corner of the room (in this case, sliding doors are installed diagonally - the dressing room becomes triangular in shape, or at a right angle - for a square or rectangular room).

3. If you live in a private house or on attic floor, best place for the dressing room - non-functional beveled corners premises, as well as substaircase space.

If you have read this lengthy article to the end, you know everything or almost everything about filling a dressing room. I hope you find this information useful! Stay with us - subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the most interesting things!