In a private house      06/13/2019

Gloxinia from seeds photo tutorial. More good and different gloxinias! Propagation by seeds and plant parts

Gloxinia is a fairly popular plant. Today you can grow it yourself. The process of formation of gloxinia from seeds is extremely interesting.

What is gloxinia?

Many have seen this indoor plant and its beautiful, rather large flowers. Currently, there are a huge number of different varieties. The plant was brought to us from South and Central America. In these areas it grows on mountain slopes.

If you want to become the owner of this indoor plant, then it is not at all necessary to go to a specialized store. You can try to plant gloxinia with seeds. In this case, with a little patience, you will certainly achieve your goal.

Video about growing gloxinia from seeds

Beginning gardeners often wonder how to grow gloxinia from seeds. Sometimes it seems to them that this is an unusually difficult and painstaking task. Perhaps this statement is partly true. But believe me, if you try, this process can captivate you for a long time. Armed with the necessary equipment and detailed instructions with an experienced mentor, you will certainly achieve success.

First you need to prepare planting material. You can stock up on seeds purchased at the store. But often experienced gardeners prefer to grow their own material.

Gloxinia seeds are very small, so they are simply scattered on the surface of the ground without pressing them

When the seeds are already available, you can start preparing the soil. In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to make loose, light soil. For this purpose, we take turf, leaf and peat soils in equal proportions and add sand. Now put the resulting mixture in the microwave for 10 minutes, with the power set to the highest. It is better to cultivate the soil by pouring it into a bag with holes punched in it.

When asked how to plant gloxinia with seeds, some gardeners answer that the main thing is to properly prepare the soil. If you want to do without using microwave oven, then you should definitely pour it thoroughly with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

When the soil is ready, you can sow the plants. Gloxinia seeds are very small, so they are simply scattered on the surface of the ground without pressing. Now it is important to create the most favorable conditions, which will promote plant germination. To do this, cover the container with film or, if used, plastic cups, the same glass, only half cut.

When the soil is ready, you can sow the plants

As a rule, the first shoots appear on days 10–15. It is very important to observe the temperature regime. It is recommended to maintain 20–26 degrees. This will help increase the germination of plants.

When to sow gloxinia? If you want to see the first flowers this year, then you should start the process in January or February. Do not forget to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of the plant. Gloxinia loves light very much, therefore, especially in winter, it is advisable to use additional lighting in the form fluorescent lamps. If it is not possible to provide heat and light, then it is necessary to postpone planting until spring.

With the appearance of the first shoots, begin to ventilate the plants daily, as moisture accumulating under the film can ruin it. It is enough to free it from the greenhouse for half an hour. Don't flood the flower!

When the first two true leaves have appeared, it is recommended to plant the gloxinias in separate containers. First, plastic glasses will do, and then larger pots.

When the first two true leaves have appeared, it is recommended to plant gloxinias in separate containers

When replanting, do not damage the root system of the sprout. To do this, it is advisable to take it with a small piece of earth.

At proper care gloxinias, which were grown from seeds, begin flowering after four to five months.

Experienced plant growers note that to achieve best result, it is necessary to pick gloxinia as many as 4 times. The first is after the appearance of two leaves. As a rule, this coincides with the month of the flower's life. It is necessary to replant it during this period extremely carefully, since the plant is still unusually tender and does not tolerate mechanical damage.

Video about growing gloxinia seeds at home

In this case, it is necessary to deepen the gloxinia to the cotyledon leaf. Light pressure of the soil is allowed. When the transplant is completed, you need to water the plant with a syringe.

Already in the second month of gloxinia’s life, you can abandon the greenhouse. But this needs to be done gradually in order to understand whether the seedlings are ready for new atmospheric conditions. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary to carefully monitor watering. Gloxinia does not like excessive watering and dry soil. It is important to find a middle ground.

Already in the second month of gloxinia’s life, you can abandon the greenhouse

If you stick to these simple tips and don’t rush, then you are guaranteed success in growing a flower from a seed.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds

Gloxinia is most often sold as a bush with buds or flowers, but few people know that it can be grown from seeds. What seeds can be used to grow gloxinia?

Various trade marks offer many spectacular varieties of gloxinia seeds. As a rule, they come with the mark "F1". This means that the plants that come out of them will be hybrids. These include:

"Empress Blue Pikoti"

"Avanti Red Visa White Edge"

"Impress Red Ink"

"Impress Blue Ink"

"The Wine-Red Empress."

This is only a small part of gloxinia varieties that have a single-layer flower structure, that is, they are not double. Their color can be different - white, pink, lilac, with various inclusions and edges of a different color.

TO terry varieties relate:

"Brocade Blue"

"Brocade Red"

"Brocade White".

Their inflorescences have a complex structure. They can be either plain or with splashes of various sizes and colors.

One feature of all hybrid varieties is that seeds collected from adult plants may not replicate the characteristics of the mother material. If there is a need or desire to propagate a hybrid, then it is better to do this by rooting the leaf. In this case, the probability of getting an option that is most similar to the original one increases several times.

From gloxinia seeds not hybrid variety the same indoor plant will grow as the mother plant, exactly repeating all its characteristics.

Unfortunately, seedlings do not always grow to a flowering state due to errors in maintenance and care, but you can try if you gain knowledge and patience.

How to sow gloxinia seeds correctly and care for the seedlings.

The seeds are so small that they can only be compared to a speck of dust. Most often they are sold in a protective shell, which also becomes their first feeding. Seedlings require additional lighting from January to mid-March.

For sowing, use a greenhouse container with loose and well-drained organic-mineral peat soil. Moisten the soil and carefully place the seeds at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. There is no need to sprinkle on top, otherwise small gloxinia plants will not be able to germinate. Crops can be covered with glass to maintain constant humidity.

Leave the container in a warm place. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Moisten it with a spray bottle. When the first shoots appear, provide enough light so that the gloxinia seedlings do not stretch. Continue growing in the container until 2-3 true leaves form. On average it takes about 3-4 months from the time of sowing. During development, its tuber also grows.

R plant young plants in separate small pots - do not bury them when replanting. The base of the leaves should be above the surface of the soil, and the tuber should stick out slightly from the ground. Gloxinia should be watered, avoiding water getting on the leaves. Avoid over-moistening the soil and direct sun rays.

After a certain time, gloxinia may “fall asleep.” Don't be alarmed if it starts to lose leaves. Reduce the amount of watering and place in a cool place. After 2-3 months, new shoots will appear on the bulb.

If the plant has not had time to develop properly, then it is better not to send it for winter. They continue to care for it, maintaining humidity, lighting, and warmth.

Gloxinia grown from seeds usually blooms after 6-7 months, provided that the tuber is formed and the required number of leaves (at least 6 pairs) has been grown. The first early flowering is not abundant. As a rule, this is 1-2 flowers. Each time the number of inflorescences increases. Mature plant with a large bulb it can simultaneously produce about 30 buds.

You can stock up on seeds beautiful varieties from the store, but flower growers often prefer to grow their own material.

Features of caring for adult gloxinias.

We managed to grow a luxurious gloxinia from seeds, now we have a plant in front of us in a fully formed state. To keep the bush in in good shape and to give it the opportunity to bloom, you will need some knowledge about how to care for gloxinia, conditions of detention, etc.

Gloxinia is quite unpretentious in care, but requires the implementation of certain rules to obtain rich flowering.

First of all, she must have enough light. Scattered bright rays will perfectly satisfy her needs. If there is not enough light for gloxinia, its stem will begin to stretch. Home plant will lose its compact shape.

The growing temperature should not exceed 25° C, but for best results it is better to keep it at 18-22° C. Daily temperature fluctuations have a beneficial effect on the plant and stimulate flowering. When the average daily temperature decreases and daylight hours decrease, the flower “falls asleep.”

Air humidity should be relatively high. Excessive dryness may cause brown spots to form on the leaves. But at the same time, you should not spray the plant. Leaves covered with villi retain moisture. This can cause rot and subsequent death of the bulb.

Apply fertilizers to flowering plants. Gloxinia should be fed during active growth, a month after planting/transplanting into fresh nutrient soil. If you overfeed a plant with nitrogen, it will grow a lot of large leaves, but there may be too few buds and flowers.

IN frequent transplantation does not need, since the bulb usually does not reach large sizes and she has enough space in a fairly small pot.

That's all for caring for gloxinias! If you follow the rules of keeping at home, you can achieve good results growing gloxinia from seeds.

The flowering of gloxinia is very beautiful, which is why the plant is very popular among gardeners - experienced and beginners. It is often propagated vegetatively, that is, by cuttings or tubers. But another way is possible - with seeds.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds?

If you're willing to put a little extra effort into growing this beautiful houseplant, Gloxinia from seed will live up to your expectations. You will be able not only to see the rarest examples of varieties that none of your familiar flower growers have, but also to independently develop new hybrids. First, you need to gain experience and simply try to grow gloxinia from seeds at home, avoiding common mistakes in germinating and bringing seeds to an adult flowering plant.

How to plant gloxinia with seeds?

Regardless of whether you bought ready-made seed or collected it yourself, planting gloxinia with seeds involves distributing them over the surface of moist soil without embedding them in the ground. The seeds are very small, so you need to try to scatter them as evenly as possible. It’s a little easier with purchased seeds - they are granulated, so there are no problems with sowing.

After this, you need to spray the seeds with water from a spray bottle, cover the container with polyethylene and place it in a room where the temperature is +20-25ºС until the first sprouts appear, which hatch within 10-15 days. Until this point, there is no need to water the plantings. As soon as the first shoots begin to appear, gloxinia seeds at home need regular ventilation so that the moisture under the film does not destroy the plants. At the same time, moderate watering of the seedlings begins.

  • the first after the appearance of 2 true leaves (about a month after the seeds hatch) in containers of 10-15 pieces;
  • the second and third transplants are carried out as the seedlings grow into separate pots of 50-100 ml;
  • the fourth picking occurs when the bushes are 10 weeks old; they are transplanted into pots 9-10 cm in diameter.

When to sow gloxinia from seeds?

If you plan to have time to grow a flower before summer so that it blooms in July-August, sowing work should begin in January-February. In general, the time when you need to sow gloxinia and begonia seeds will largely depend on whether you use only natural light or use special lamps for additional illumination. In the first case, you need to sow no earlier than February-March so that the sprouts have enough light, since gloxinia is very light-loving. With additional lighting, you can sow seeds throughout the year.

Soil for gloxinia

Land for gloxinia is crucial. From its quality and proper preparation the entire success of the event will depend. A ready-made universal peat soil will do, but you need to add a little vermiculite and fine charcoal. You can prepare the mixture yourself from peat, turf and leaf soil with the addition of sand. It is important that the substrate is light, nutritious and breathable.

To get rid of microbes, the soil must be sterilized. You can bake it in the oven () for high power for 10 minutes, freeze in the freezer for at least 2 days or pour over a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil and improve air exchange in it, holes are made in the bottoms of planting containers.

Gloxinia seeds - possible difficulties

There are several reasons why gloxinia does not bloom:

  1. The plant grown from seeds did not have time to form a tuber. This is especially true for late-planted plants. Full flowering of gloxinia is observed at the age of 6-7 months, and it should form 6 pairs of leaves. If this moment coincides with wintering time, there is no need to send your plants to rest, because you risk ruining them. Another likely reason for late tuber formation is excessive watering.
  2. The plant lacks nutrients. When gloxinia is planted in poor soil, its growth and development are slowed down, and flowering is delayed. An excess of nitrogen can also cause a lack of flowering.
  3. The flower does not have enough light. For full flowering, gloxinia needs good lighting. To ensure that the buds form and do not turn out to be barren flowers, it is necessary to place the pots on sunny windowsills or provide them with additional artificial lighting.
  4. The pot doesn't fit. The container in which gloxinia is grown from seeds at home should be low and wide. Ideally, its diameter and height should match. In a deep and too large pot, the flower will grow a tuber for a very long time, and until the process is completed, flowering will not occur.

Gloxinia - care and cultivation

During the last flower transplant, soil for flowering plants is used, which consists of equal parts of leaf and peat soil, sand and sphagnum. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pots. You need to water the plants very carefully so that drops of water do not fall on the leaves. Knowing what gloxinia likes and how to care for it, already at the age of 3 months you can expect the first buds to appear from it.

For rapid and proper development, the plant requires periodic feeding. complex fertilizer, during flowering - with fertilizers for flowering plants. It is extremely important for this indoor flower proper lighting - without direct sunlight, but still bright. Optimal temperature during the growing season – 20-22ºС.

How to care for gloxinia after flowering?

Required special care for gloxinia after flowering, which will ensure the gradual onset of a dormant period for its tubers. So, what to do next if gloxinia has faded:

  • reduce watering with the onset of September;
  • reduce the amount of light by moving it to a darker place;
  • stop feeding with fertilizers;
  • reduce the temperature to +14ºС.

Gradually the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, and the stem will dry out. As soon as this happens, you can cut off the above-ground part of the plant, and put the pot with the tuber in a room with a temperature of +10ºС and keep it there until spring, slightly moistening the soil once a month. To prevent moisture from the soil from evaporating quickly, you can cover it with a layer of sand on top. Another way to store a tuber is to dig it out of the ground, cover it with sawdust or sand and put it in the warmest compartment of the refrigerator.

When to replant gloxinia?

After the end of the dormant period, you can transplant the plant tubers into fresh soil. Gloxinia should be transplanted after inspecting it for damage and removing them, followed by sprinkling the “wounds” with charcoal. It wouldn’t hurt to pre-soak the tubers in a steep solution of potassium permanganate. The prepared roots should be planted in moist soil to a depth of 5 cm and the pot should be placed in the sun.

Gloxinia - dormant period

It is important that gloxinia winters properly. A short winter without complying with all conditions invariably affects flowering. The tuber simply does not have time to prepare for the new season. For good flowering, gloxinia requires rest for 4 months. An inexperienced gardener may have a question about why gloxinia does not sleep. The reason for this is incorrect conditions for wintering - non-compliance temperature regime and light level.

Growing gloxinia from seeds is a very exciting and interesting activity. Having sowed gloxinia seeds, you will be able to watch how a beautiful plant will develop from a tiny “speck of dust”, which will delight you with flowering within 5-6 months after sowing. Of course, in order to achieve such results when growing gloxinia from seeds, it is necessary to follow agricultural techniques.

It is important to choose the right sowing time. You need to understand that for successful germination and development of seedlings you need good lighting and warmth (about 22-25 degrees). In natural light conditions, seeds should be sown in February-March, when daylight hours are already long enough. At the same time, make sure that the window sill is well insulated. If you are the happy owner of special lamps for lighting plants, you can sow throughout the year.


  • small bowl: it is convenient to use transparent containers of various sizes. In this case, you get an excellent greenhouse (when the container lid is closed, heat and high humidity are retained);
  • light soil, you can also use soaked peat tablets;
  • sprayer for spraying soil;
  • transparent film, zip bag and other analogues for creating a greenhouse (if you are using an opaque container);
  • potassium permanganate (optional) – to prevent mold on the ground;
  • a syringe with a needle - convenient for watering small seedlings.


Pour the soil into the container and level it well. Gloxinia seeds are very small, so they should not be allowed to fall into uneven ground. Prepare a pink solution of potassium permanganate (you will only need a couple of crystals per glass of water). If the solution is too dark, simply drain some and add clean water. Spray the soil with a spray bottle with the resulting solution; it should be moist, but not damp. Place the seeds on a white sheet of paper. Make a fold and, tapping the resulting groove, distribute the seeds throughout the container. If you use store-bought seeds in granules, simply spread them over the surface. After this, spray the soil again and cover with a transparent lid or film. When growing gloxinia seeds, you need good tightness so that the greenhouse is always moist. The sprouted gloxinia seedlings are very small and tender. Therefore, at an early stage of development, it is not recommended to frequently open and ventilate the greenhouse.


When the seedlings grow a little (on average 3 weeks to a month), you can make the first pick. To do this, it is convenient to use some sharp object (for example, a bamboo skewer or a knitting needle). Carefully pick up the sprout and transfer it to loose soil (to a new place), deepening it to the cotyledon leaves. Lightly press down the soil around the sprout.

Picking gloxinias from seeds can be done later if you are not sure that you can cope with such small seedlings. However, it must be remembered that for successful cultivation Gloxinia from seeds needs at least 4 pickings - they significantly accelerate growth and contribute to the development of a powerful root system. After picking, do not forget to water the plants: do it carefully, using a teaspoon or syringe.

Starting from 2 months, you can stop using the greenhouse: gradually, first slightly open the lid/remove the film for a couple of hours, then leave it for a day. All this time, periodically observe how the seedlings react; if they wilt, return the greenhouse. Gradually, the seedlings will get used to the drier air, and you will be able to abandon the greenhouse completely. Important! Remember that now you need to be especially careful about watering, because the moisture will evaporate quickly.


As soon as the leaves of your seedlings reach 2 cm in diameter, you can provide them with a separate “living space”. To begin with, 100-200 ml cups are perfect, then it is recommended to transplant the plants into pots with a diameter of 9 cm.

Gloxinias or Sinningia speciosa are very popular among gardeners. Most often, this plant is propagated vegetatively, but there is another way - to grow gloxinia from seeds at home.

Although it will require a little more effort, the result will be worth your expectations. This is the only way a florist can:

  • become the owner of hybrids created with your own hands;
  • see the flowering of rare varietal specimens on your windowsill that local indoor plant lovers do not have.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the patience and perseverance to get adults from gloxinia seeds. flowering plants. Sometimes annoying mistakes in germination and care prevent success. How to avoid them and where to start if you want to propagate this indoor crop using seeds? First, you should take care of the seed material.

How to get gloxinia seeds at home?

If the seeds are varietal or hybrid plants purchased in a store, they do not require special preparation, and they are completely ready for embedding in the ground. But when the gardener’s goal is to obtain his own proprietary hybrids, he will have to go the whole way: from pollination to collecting mature gloxinia seeds.

After pollen from one flower is transferred to the pistil of another, after a few days the corolla fades, and the future seed pod remains on the peduncle. The development and ripening of seeds, depending on the variety and growing conditions, takes from 6 to 9 weeks.

The seeds are very small. Therefore, before planting gloxinia seeds, you need to try to collect them. As soon as signs of the box opening appear, it is cut off and carefully transferred to a separate dry container. This will make it easier to collect the brown, pointed-oval seeds needed for planting.

How to plant gloxinia with seeds?

Sowing is carried out on the surface of a moist, loose substrate without embedding into the soil. At this stage there is no need to make a special mixture, just ready-made universal primer based on peat, add a little vermiculite and crushed charcoal. Gloxinia seedlings feel good in small

The soil for gloxinia grown from seeds at home must be sterilized using a microwave oven, oven or freezer. In the latter case, it takes at least 1–2 days to get rid of pathogens and pests.

Obtaining gloxinia seedlings from seeds at home can be done in shallow containers. During growth, the senes dive several times, so a soil layer of no more than 3 cm is sufficient for sowing.

When the seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate, it is additionally sprayed with a spray bottle, trying not to wash away the fine seed material. Then the container is tightly covered with film to prevent moisture evaporation and placed in a warm, bright place for germination.

To make it easier to grow from seeds and care for gloxinia in autumn and winter time When development is hampered by a lack of light, you need to take care of an indoor greenhouse in advance.

Daylight hours, regardless of the time of year, should be at least 12–14 hours, and the temperature should be 20–24 °C.

After 7–10 days, tiny green sprouts appear on the surface of the substrate, and then gloxinia from seeds at home need watering and several pickings.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds?

Getting tiny gloxinia seedlings is not as difficult as then growing them into independent plants capable of flowering. Receiving enough light, heat and moisture in a greenhouse, the sprouts continue to develop until, after about a month, real leaves appear on them, and individual gloxinia begin to crowd each other.

At this time, young specimens should be dived. This procedure, which is important for growing and caring for gloxinias, activates growth that has slowed down due to the density of plantings, as a result of which the plants will grow stronger faster.

From sowing to planting young rosettes in separate pots, 3 to 4 picks may be required. Their number depends on the varietal characteristics of the plant, the conditions created and the density of sowing.

Gloxinias obtained from seeds are carefully removed from the old container, trying not to damage the roots and crown of neighboring rosettes. The first transplant is carried out into a fresh substrate, 10–15 pieces at a time. And after this, the plants are again placed in the greenhouse under the lamps.

At the stage of the second and third picking of gloxinia, it is already possible to replant individual pots with a volume of no more than 50–100 ml. Such sockets are already strong enough to be hardened, gradually accustoming them to the air in the room.

Young gloxinia from seeds do not require additional feeding, since during picking they are transferred to a nutrient substrate that meets the needs of small seedlings.

By the age of ten weeks, the young bushes are transplanted into their own pots. It is better to take small containers with a diameter of 9–10 cm, in which the width is equal to the height. For constant soil moisture, you can use a simple wick passed through a drainage hole, or an indoor drip irrigation system.

At good care Growing gloxinia from seeds gives consistently high results. And already at three months of age, the strongest seedlings begin to produce their first buds.

Growing amazing gloxinia from seeds - video