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When is Eugene's name day in the year? Eugenia's name day (Eugene's Angel Day) according to the Orthodox calendar. Venerable Eugene of Vithynia

A beautiful male name that sounds courageous and reliable - that’s all about Evgenia. success and vitality a man so named is given patrons who are revered on certain days.

Name days according to the church calendar

There are not so many patron saints for men, but they have a great influence on a man’s life. This is especially true for the martyrs Eugene of Damascus (October 8), Caesarea (December 23) and Sebaste (December 26). Evgenia’s name day is celebrated on the following days:

  • February 3, 18, 24;
  • March 4 and 20;
  • August 3rd;
  • October 8;
  • 20 November;
  • December 7, 23 and 26.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

The origin of scolding goes back to ancient Greece. In this language there is a word “eugenes”, which is translated as “noble”. This word is key in defining Zhenya’s character. This is both gentle and strong, a reliable name that does not lose its popularity, despite some simplicity.

Zhenya does not have strong energy; he is calm and balanced. He is never in a hurry and even walks at a leisurely pace. This does not bother him, although it often infuriates those around him. In general, Eugene does not get along with people very well, does not get along with them.

This is not to say that he is always silent and quiet. In some situations, he may raise his voice and quickly become irritated. But most often his aggression does not result in screams, but in ironic and caustic remarks. But he still doesn’t like to argue. If he is not affected, he himself will never enter into a conflict, much less resolve it by force. However, most often his character maintains a balance between calm and hyperactivity.

Zhenya is not a knight who is ready to perform feats around the clock. However, sometimes he can do something heroic, and it can be an impulsive impulse, an impromptu, which even the man himself did not expect from himself.

Personal life and career

The soul is what is important for Zhenya in a woman. It takes him a long time to choose his companion. If he tied the knot, he will be a good family man. Rarely gets into quarrels and conflicts with his other half. He easily cedes the rights of the head of the family; this issue does not bother him. Loves children and willingly spends time with them.

Zhenya has a technical mindset, he is drawn to technology, exact sciences, wires, and diagrams. He is quite hardworking and promising in his work if he is interested in it and likes it. Sometimes he gives in to impulse and takes risks that are not always justified and can lead to problems. It is difficult to endure obstacles and difficulties; because of them, depression in mood is often observed.

  • January 6, 18 and 23
  • July 19
  • August 1st and 30th
  • 12-th of September
  • November 17
  • December 7

The meaning and characteristics of the name Evgeniy

This name comes from Greek word, meaning “noble” or “sacrificing.” According to one version, Eugenia is a variant of the name Iphigenia, known in ancient times. In mythology, this was the name of the daughter of King Agamemnon.

The girl, named Zhenya, differs from her peers in her “boyish” character. She always has broken knees, her hair is not combed, and the baby will prefer comfortable shorts and a T-shirt to any, even the most beautiful dress.

Of course, the company childhood Zhenya's is predominantly masculine - the boys treat her as their fighting friend.

However, parents should not worry about this feature of their daughter, since this does not at all prevent her from doing well at school, playing sports, or attending theater or music clubs.

Growing up, the girl becomes shy and a little complex, but this period quickly passes, and Evgenia turns into an elegant, interesting lady, around whom, just as in childhood, crowds of young people circle, now not just friends, but admirers.

However, most often the owner of this name gets married only after she has established her own career. At the same time, the husband should under no circumstances try to limit Evgenia in her goals and aspirations, but, on the contrary, help realize all her bold plans.

Congratulations to Evgenia on her name day in verse

Today I congratulate Evgenia on her holiday,
So that she meets the day in the best mood!
Smile – and people will smile back!
May your life be easy and happy!

You are always energetic, beautiful,
Beautiful, wonderful Evgenia!
So be always successful, happy,
Not a girl, but just a sight for sore eyes!

Happy holiday, Evgenia!
On this day accept
Our congratulations -
Be happy!

SMS congratulations to Evgenia on her name day

Dear Evgenia, you are good at everything!
May your life be in full swing every moment!

Evgenia! I sincerely congratulate you on your wonderful holiday, and I wish you to always be the first in everything! But when building a career, don’t forget that the main happiness in life is to love and be loved!

There are dates when it is customary to honor a person in accordance with his date of birth, social status, and occupation. You can show a kind attitude towards loved ones named Zhenya if you know what day Eugene’s name day is celebrated. Female and male names determine character and destiny. Information about the inherent traits of Eugene and the talismans that suit them will allow you to better know and please your loved ones and friends.

Meaning of the name

Evgenia and Eugene are names of ancient Greek origin. Translated it means “noble, selfless.” According to other sources, the bearer of the name is considered to “change the fate of the family.”

IN different languages there are analogues of the Russian Zhenya. For example:

  • In the USA, England, Australia - Jean and Eugene.
  • In France and Belgium - Eugenie and Eugene.
  • In Germany - Eugenia and Eugen.
  • In Spain - Eugenia and Eugenio.

Is your or a loved one's name Zhenya? You're in great company! Prominent namesakes:

  • Evgeny Evstigneev (1926−1992) - Soviet actor (“Zigzag of Fortune”, “Old Robbers”, “Heart of a Dog”, etc.).
  • Eugene Delacroix (1798−1863) - French painter (“Liberty Leading the People”).
  • Gene Kelly (1912−1996) - American actor, singer, choreographer (“Singing in the Rain”).
  • Eugene Suleiman is a contemporary British stylist.
  • Eugenia Montijo (1826−1920) - Spaniard, Empress of France, trendsetter.

Character traits

By naming your daughter or son Zhenya, you convey to your baby high intellectual abilities and developed intuition. There are also qualities that are special for men and women.

All Zhenyas are strict critics. They place high demands on both themselves and others. At the same time, they are sociable, charming and get along well with people.

One can envy someone whose colleague or boss is named Evgeniy.

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar

Name days are otherwise called angel's day. This holiday is associated with the traditions of the Christian church. Angel Day falls on the date when the namesake saint of the birthday boy is honored.

According to the church calendar, Angel Eugene's Day is a sign of memory of the holy martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith and beliefs. Among them are mentioned:

  • February 12 - St. Eugene of Bithynia (VI century) - righteous man from Bethany (Central Asia). After the death of his wife, he devoted his life to monastic service. The saint's daughter followed him and took monastic orders under male name Marin.
  • - Venerable Eugene of Antioch (IV century) - presbyter of the Christian Church. He denied the worship of pagan deities and denounced the sins of Emperor Julian the Apostate, for which he was subjected to torture. He was exiled and ended his days as a hermit in the Arabian desert.
  • - New Martyr Evgeny Zernov (1877−1937) - Bishop of Russia Orthodox Church. Gorky Metropolitan. Accused of anti-Soviet propaganda and repressed.
  • November 20 - Holy Martyr Eugene Melitinsky (III century) - a warrior who refused to participate in the persecution and murder of his fellow Christian Church members.

The indicated days are only a small part of the memorable dates when Eugene celebrates his name day.

The Day of the Intercessor Angel Zhenya occurs more than 20 times a year. These are the days of honoring Christians, in different time who have accomplished the feat of faith.

A woman, girl or girl can also celebrate her Angel Day several times a year. The patron saints of Zhenya are commemorated on the following days:

Angel Day Traditions

In Rus', the day of the angel was an important date in the personal calendar of an Orthodox person. By importance name day was equal to birthday and served as the occasion for a ceremonial feast.

Traditionally, on the eve of the holiday, the birthday person confessed and received communion the next morning. The man lit candles and venerated the image of his Christian protector.

At home, congratulations from friends and relatives, abundant food and gifts awaited him.

The scale of the name day celebration could be more modest if the date fell during a fast. This is true for the day of veneration of Eugenia of Rome on the eve of the Nativity of Christ (January 6 and 7, respectively).

These days, a grand celebration on name day is a rarity. You can please Zhenya with congratulations or a small gift. Information about amulets suitable for bearers of this name, will help you make the right choice:

Give your loved one a souvenir in the shape of a totem animal, jewelry with a charm stone, or an accessory in a lucky shade. Attention and kind words Both little Zhenechkas and respectable Eugenes, whom you call by their first and patronymic names, will be delighted.

Attention, TODAY only!

Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Eugene’s name day

Saints with the name Eugene are venerated 10 times.

  • January 21 - Eugene, martyr;
  • February 3 - Eugene of Trebizond, martyr;
  • February 25 - Eugene of Vithynia, reverend;
  • March 4 - Eugene of Antioch, Mauritanian, martyr, presbyter;
  • March 20 - Eugene of Chersonesos, martyr, bishop;
  • August 31 - Evgeny Dmitrov, martyr, psalm-reader;
  • October 8 - Eugene of Damascus, martyr;
  • November 20 - Evgeny Melitinsky;
  • December 23 - Eugene of Caesarea, martyr;
  • December 26 - Eugene of Sevastia, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Eugene:

The origin of the name is ancient Greek, translated as noble. Evgeniy (as well as the names Albin and Valentin, who are similar in energy) refers to those people who symbolically exist in two worlds. And all because they nervous system, psyche, character have dual traits: sentimental and nervous; impressionable idealists, aggressive masochists.

It can not be so? Maybe! Take a close look at people with such names. After all, they are all psychopaths, although they hide it. And the root of evil (and maybe good) is buried in their sexual life, which also has two faces. One of them (the first): soars in the clouds, composing odes to his idol - the most beautiful, the most beloved...

And the second face, in the words of Pushkin, was sad that he was “not created for bliss..., your perfections are in vain, which I am unworthy of...”, “marriage will be torment for you...”, etc.

As we see, Pushkin’s Evgeniy is exactly the same as ours - cowardly, indecisive and weak. He has a very slow reaction speed to all events - both sad and joyful. He seems to be constantly dozing. At such moments, Evgeny and his friends (Albin, Valentin) are like a bear in hibernation. And with real life They are connected only by their paw, which they constantly suck.

However, this passivity, as mentioned above, is only apparent. Evgeny, like a bear, sees well what is happening around him. Therefore, he will never miss the moment when he needs to leave his den and get down to specific everyday affairs. True, Evgeniy’s activity is below average - quite small. Evgeniy usually does not like to rush. Before doing specific things, he will carefully weigh everything, calculate all his strengths and capabilities. That is, he will measure seven times before he cuts.

His weak point is selectivity of interests. So, Eugene can completely delve into some little things and pass by truly real, significant phenomena, without deigning to pay attention to them. Evgeny often succumbs to the influence of others, which indicates his weakness and timidity. Don’t rush to feel sorry for Evgeniy. These weak traits of his character help him adapt well to life.

It’s not for nothing that people say that “a submissive calf sucks two queens.”

As we see, the system of moral values ​​on Earth is never clear and precise. After all, the ways of the Lord are mysterious!

As for Evgeniy’s health, he is not bad. More like good. And yet, Evgeniy needs to lead a healthy, measured lifestyle, follow a daily routine, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, or even more. After all, Evgeniy gets tired very quickly. In addition, he is susceptible to acute respiratory infections. infectious diseases. The weakest points of his body are the eyes and bronchi.

The intimate (sexual) life of this man depends entirely on his feelings. Sometimes it takes him a lot of time for his desires to clearly manifest themselves. Then everything is like in a fairy tale. In terms of work, he is also doing great. Evgeny is hardworking, shows great promise, but achieves only an average standard of living. He likes to study physics, chemistry, electronics, is interested in poetry, and writes quite good poems himself. “Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful.

Evgeniy is a good family man, he loves good cuisine That's why he likes women who can cook well. Evgeny is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations shows indecisiveness.

Congratulations on Evgeniy’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Eugene's name day and congratulate Eugene on Angel's Day.

Evgeniy means noble!

On your birthday we wish you,

So that your soul is free,

So that they don’t believe the words,

But they only trusted the matter,

And to my sincere friends,

To start the day with a smile,

And may you be lucky in life!

There is a reason for congratulations:

You are the birthday boy, our Evgeniy!

Your Angel is hovering over you

And he tells me to congratulate you.

And we sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you all the best and the best.

We need you as a friend,

We all love you so much!

In you we appreciate tenderness, affection,

You can make a fairy tale out of life!

Your sociable, sweet disposition

He will reconcile everyone - who is right and who is wrong...

Your gentle humor and sincerity

There are no boundaries, just like generosity.

May your angel protect

You from life's troubles!

Many in our wonderful world

They call them geniuses!

You, Evgeny, are one of those -

Our congratulations!

He will tell the story

So that it’s not boring to stay awake,

Word to word will be neatly connected,

Will begin to philosophize.

They say it's very difficult

The path of genius.

We will simplify and say -

Be loved and be happy!

The name “Zhenya” is considered by many to be non-Orthodox, although it exists in Orthodoxy.

Eugene’s name day is in any Orthodox calendar, and the female name Evgenia is also considered Orthodox.

This is when female and male wives should celebrate their name days.

When is Evgeniy’s man’s name day?

Eugene's name day is celebrated in the cold season.

The most famous name days:

  • February 25, 3 and 19;
  • December 23;
  • January 21 and 31;
  • November 11, 20 and 24;
  • August 3rd;
  • March 4, 20 and 10.

Angel Eugenia Woman's Day according to the church calendar

Eugenia of Rome - saint female name Eugenia, whose feast day is celebrated on August 1, although in the Catholic Church her feast day is December 24. This saint lived interesting life and came from a very noble Roman family.

She had a lot of suitors, but she did not give consent to any of them to marry and secretly took monastic vows in a monastery. She was accepted as a monk, and then the following story happened.

Not knowing who was really in front of her, a widow who was quite wealthy at that time fell in love with Evgenia and offered her a rich allowance. Evgenia rejected her proposal, for which the woman accused her of harassment. After this, Eugene was presented to the imperial court and she had to reveal who she really was, and her parents also found out about it.

However, the pagans killed Eugenia’s influential father secretly and he died in terrible martyrdom. They tried to kill Evgenia herself several times, but they did not succeed - she did not burn in fire or drown in water. Then she was beheaded. Today, the relics of Eugenia, like her icon, are considered healing.

Prayer to Saint Eugene

It can be found in the prayer book, canon and akathist to Eugene, or combed through in a mini-version of the icon, which can be purchased in the church.

Saint Eugenie is the patroness of what

Saint Eugenia helps in difficult times life situations, protects against slander and protects from the dangers of water and fire. They pray to her if it is difficult to gain sanity and accept correct solution in life. Therefore, the icon of Eugenia is extremely popular.

Eugene Martyr of Damascus

Saint who lived at the beginning of the 1st century in Armenia. Little is known about his life today, but Eugene accepted martyrdom for Christ and was canonized.

The memory of this saint is celebrated on October 8. His icon helps against heart disease, kidney disease and drunkenness; many mentally ill people find healing before it.

Eugene of Antioch

The memory of this Eugene is celebrated February 19. This Eugene was a presbyter in the temple and is considered one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church.

Confessors Eugene and Macarius served in the Antioch Church. At this time, Julian the Apostate was briefly on the throne in the country, who preached paganism and implanted the cult of the ancient gods everywhere. Eugene, together with Macarius, was offered to take part in pagan rituals, but the future saints refused to do this, for which they were subjected to cruel torture.

Instead of the death penalty, Eugene and Macarius were sentenced to a slow and painful death in the desert. Local residents knew that a huge snake lived in those parts, destroying everything in its path. However, the saints were not afraid to get there and lightning destroyed the snake. When the danger had passed, the saints settled in the desert and prayed desperately. They died on the same day.

The memory of Eugene of Antioch is celebrated in some calendars on March 4 or March 3 in the high year. Another day of celebration is February 19th.

Eugene of Caesarea

A well-known martyr in Orthodoxy. His memorial day falls in the middle of winter - December 23.

Little is known about this saint, but in the Orthodox Church this saint is revered, so that all Eugenes born in winter can celebrate their name day on this beautiful day.

Eugene of Trebizond Martyr

His memorial day is celebrated February 3rd. Together with other Orthodox saints, Eugene served in churches, calling on the pagan people to accept Orthodoxy, which the authorities did not like, and they tried to burn Eugene, along with other saints, in a furnace. When the saints survived, they were beheaded and their relics became holy.

Venerable Eugene of Vithynia

His day of remembrance 25 February. At this time, all men named Eugene celebrate their angel day. But this man's life was known for a completely different fact.

Evgeniy had a daughter, Maria, who decided to become a nun, but there was no female monasticism at that time, so she introduced herself as a guy and went to the monastery under the name Marin.

Moreover, she had to go through a difficult test for a monk - the girl fell in love with a pseudo-youth and began to demand from him intimate relationships, thinking it's a guy. Naturally, she received nothing and decided to take revenge on her lover by becoming pregnant by another and slandering the monk.

Marin endured this calmly and even agreed to leave the monastery for the desert because he was kicked out. After all, the girl brought a child allegedly from him and said that Marin’s brother was guilty of this. After some time, Marin was again accepted into the monastery, although reluctantly, and only after his death did the monks learn that it was a woman.

This is how female monasticism appeared, and the church later also presented Father Eugene as a saint. His daughter raised her pseudo-son, who later became a monk, and his mother was healed of madness.

Saint Eugenia prayer

The prayer to Saint Eugenia can be found in the church prayer book or on the back of a small cardboard icon that can be purchased at the church.

There is also an akathist to Eugenia Rimskaya.