In a private house      06/15/2019

A simple mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle. How to make a mosquito trap from a bottle How to make a mosquito trap with your hands

Summer has finally arrived, we are still waiting for the heat, but the mosquitoes are already here. Of course, it is unlikely that we will have the same insect invasion as the one, but it is still worth preparing.

We have found for you a cheap and simple device that you can make yourself. The principle of its operation is used at American military bases in malaria zones with fantastic results. There are many variations of Ovitrap, some are easier, while others require the use of poison.

This mosquito trap is simple and extremely effective - killing an entire generation of mosquitoes before they even have a chance to bite. After six weeks of use, up to 98 percent of the insects die.

How it works

This mosquito trap is like honey for flies. They search everywhere for standing water in a dark place to lay their eggs. During their short life span they make up to ten clutches per different places. Mosquitoes live for blood, which they then turn into eggs. As soon as they receive it, they search for water even faster.

Once the mosquitoes lay their eggs, the larvae hatch and crawl through the screen into the water where they become live mosquitoes, which are too large to fly back through the screen. You won't notice anything for a while and it will seem like nothing is happening in the trap, but this process may take a week or two. So keep filling the trap with water and after six weeks it will be full of dead mosquitoes.

On an area of ​​four thousand square meters you will need 4-6 such traps. As soon as you see that the trap is full, remove the screen, empty the dead insects and add water.

Step One: What You'll Need

1. A regular plastic container, the bigger the better. Black is better, if not, you can paint over it or darken it later.

2. Black socks.

3. Silicone based adhesive.

4. Metal mesh or screen.

5. Wire.

Tools: drill, wire cutters, scissors and chalk.

Step two: Drill two holes in the container at the top to then insert the wire. Drill holes with a diameter of 6 millimeters a little lower so that the water does not reach the metal mesh.

Step three: Glue a black sock to the container.

Apply glue to the bottom and then press the end of the sock. While the glue dries, work on the screen.

Step four: Place the container on a metal mesh, draw a circle with chalk and cut out screens for future traps.

Step five: Cut pieces of wire to hang traps on. Usually half a meter in length is enough.

Step six: Once the glue is dry, pull the sock around the circumference of the container all the way to the end.

Step seven: Carefully insert the metal mesh into the container and apply slight pressure so that the screen is higher than the drilled holes at the bottom. The mosquito larvae will crawl through the mesh towards the water, hatch and become too large to fly out. If the water level is higher than the screen, the trap will not work.

Step eight: insert the cut wire into the holes at the very top and bend it from the inside.

Step nine: Fill a bucket of water from the pond. Mosquitoes love stagnant water, so fresh water will not work, it must be scented.

Dip all the traps into a bucket to fill them with water. Excess water will flow out through drilled holes. You can add a couple of pieces of dry dog ​​food to keep the water stagnant even after a heavy rain.

Step ten: Hang up your traps and start killing mosquitoes. It is better to hang it away from the sun and wind - on trees or bushes. Rainwater will replenish the trap, which will run until it is full of dead mosquitoes.

With the arrival of summer, mosquito control becomes important. These blood-sucking insects not only leave painful bites on the human body, but also carry dangerous infections. There are many mosquito traps available. About one of them - from plastic bottle- we will tell you in this article.

The principle of operation of the trap is simple. It releases carbon dioxide, which attracts insects. Mosquitoes get into it, but cannot get back out. The advantages of this trap include health safety and low cost of raw materials. And it can function without “refueling” for a week.

So, to make a mosquito trap we will need:

One and a half liter eraser bottle;
Granulated sugar (50 grams);
Baker's yeast (5 grams);
Water (180 ml);
Dark fabric;

Cut off the neck of the bottle and pour granulated sugar into the bottom.

Pour water over sugar and mix thoroughly. The water temperature should be about 40°C. With more high temperature(45°C and above) the yeast dies. As a result, fermentation does not begin.

Insert the neck into the bottle like a funnel. Add yeast to the water.

We are all waiting for summer. But along with the beautiful times come annoying insects. A mosquito trap can be a real salvation for those who have no other means at hand, and obnoxious bloodsuckers prevent them from fully enjoying the summer days.

There are other types of protection against mosquitoes - ointments, sprays, fumigators. But products applied to the skin do not last long and, moreover, can cause an allergic reaction. Often these products contain chemical substances, which are not safe for the skin, but are also ineffective. The fumigator only works indoors, and stocking up on records for the whole summer can be expensive for the budget. Therefore there is different types mosquito traps - both electrical and mechanical. In addition, there is an economical, efficient and affordable way To protect yourself from insects - build a mosquito trap with your own hands. In this case, they will not die, but will simply find themselves in a homemade trap.

Types of mosquito traps - Velcro

This product is one of the most accessible and familiar means that can be used not only for catching flies, but also for mosquitoes. Duct tape can be purchased at any hardware store. It needs to be unfolded according to the instructions on the package, then fixed in the place under the ceiling where insects most often gather (for example, in the corner of the kitchen or bedroom, where there is a night light or the TV is on).

Once caught in sticky nets, the insect will not be able to get out of them, even if it touches the sticky surface just a little. This product is economical, but it is more effective for large insects (flies, wasps), since mosquitoes will not always be able to get into the Velcro due to their size.

Electrical traps

An electric mosquito trap is very effective and does not cause harm to health. Varieties of such baits:

  1. Bait with ultraviolet lamps. Its job is to lure insects (mosquitoes, flies, midges, wasps) with ultraviolet light and subsequent shock. The lamps used in these devices do not adversely affect human health; they work exclusively in the direction of insects. They fly towards the light, and when they fly close, they land on a metal mesh that is energized.
  2. Some types of electric traps are designed to “suck” insects into a small fan.
  3. Lures that imitate human body odor. Using special lamps that emit a small amount of carbon dioxide (this is perceived by mosquitoes as the breath of a person or mammal).

The general principle of such traps is the emission of light, heat, carbon dioxide, which are perceived annoying insects like a living object.

One of the newest anti-mosquito inventions is ultrasonic generators, made in the form of key chains or products that can be put in your pocket. Ultrasonic waves repels mosquitoes with different frequency and intensity. But their cost is not affordable for everyone.

This device is safe for people and pets. Its huge advantage is its cost-effectiveness - if you purchase the device once, there is no point in spending money on other insecticides; in addition, the electricity consumption of this device is quite insignificant.

Such mosquito traps can work around the clock, destroying flies and wasps during the daytime, and those insects that are nocturnal at night. The negative side of such a bait is that it must be installed in a place inaccessible to children and pets to avoid contact with the live grille. Another disadvantage of these types of baits is their high cost.

Baits with insecticides

They are an effective insect repellent. These can be containers that contain substances that attract mosquitoes, or baits with toxic substances inside that need to be diluted with water.

Such a product is considered disposable, since after filling with dead insects the container must be thrown away. The operating time of such a device is more than a month; you just need to add water little by little as it dries. Such a container can hold up to twenty thousand dead mosquitoes.

Mechanical insect traps

Today, people have learned to make different types of baits with their own hands - both poisonous ones, Velcro, and containers. There are several popular ways to make them, which are quite effective. In order to make Velcro, you will need a sheet of paper cut into strips, which must be spread with one of the following compounds:

  • rosin;
  • Castor oil;
  • turpentine;
  • honey or jam.
  • Baits in the form of poisonous feeders are prepared from cut strips of paper and soaked in the following composition:
  • black pepper;
  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • potassium dichromate.

This composition acts on mosquitoes as an insecticide.

Container traps are one of the most inventive methods. They are made from plastic bottles, in which holes are made, straws are inserted and bait is poured. Insects get inside, but cannot get out. You can also take a jar and pour sweet syrup and soap into it. Insects will fly in, and once their wings get wet, they will not be able to get out. The question immediately arises - how to choose the right one?

Method for preparing a trap at home:

  1. The plastic bottle is cut, the neck is cut off by one third.
  2. Then you need to turn the resulting “funnel” into reverse side and press firmly into the bottom of the bottle. The container trap is ready.
  3. The bait that needs to be poured inside consists of the following ingredients: warm water, sugar, yeast. Everything needs to be mixed and poured into the resulting container.
  4. Then opaque paper or foil is taken and the finished trap is wrapped around the entire perimeter.

The principle of operation of such bait is that the resulting solution begins to ferment and at the same time the yeast absorbs sugar, releasing carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes. They “think” that it is a person or animal breathing, and fly to the place where the smell is coming from, then “get stuck” in the sticky mixture and cannot get out of there. When preparing such bait, it is recommended to tightly close the places where the cone (neck) meets the bottle itself. This is done so that carbon dioxide does not evaporate from the cracks, but only comes out of the neck. You can replace sugar with jam or honey, then such a mixture will attract not only mosquitoes, but also other annoying insects that, smelling something sweet, will be drawn to the trap.

Mosquitoes (and only mosquitoes) sense their victims by smell, heat and breath, so the operating principle of bait traps is designed to attract bloodsuckers in all possible ways.

Making your own adhesive tape

Such a device can be made from what we have at hand. You need paper cut into strips (preferably thick), we treat it with an adhesive mass. Fastening is done using thread, button or other means. We glue the thread to the paper. The sticky mass is prepared in a water bath. Its ingredients are: rosin, castor oil, turpentine, sugar. Or this composition: pine resin, wax, flax oil, honey. Another option is glycerin, honey, rosin, Vaseline. All this is prepared in a water bath, mixed thoroughly. Then the slightly cooled mass is applied to strips of paper and secured near a window, above the door or in another place attractive to insects.

There are many devices for repelling or, conversely, attracting mosquitoes.

You can buy them ready-made, or you can make them yourself.

Fighting mosquitoes is a troublesome task, sometimes even costly if you have to purchase various means and devices. We suggest making a mosquito trap with your own hands. It will help you quickly get rid of those annoying flying bloodsuckers and save money at the same time. Not only glue traps, but also electric traps can be homemade, but first things first.

What can you make a trap from?

Factory-made killers of flying insects are quite expensive. A mid-price model will cost from 2,000 rubles. and higher. For some, this is expensive, especially since we are talking about mosquitoes. Therefore, we bring to your attention three ways to make a mosquito trap with your own hands:

  • from a plastic bottle;
  • from adhesive tape;
  • from a fan and container.

Below we will tell you how to correctly assemble such traps and in what order.

From a plastic bottle

The device works without breaks and weekends

You can assemble a mosquito trap with your own hands from a bottle. To implement this option, you will need the following items and consumables:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of at least one liter;
  • construction knife or sharp scissors;
  • scotch;
  • newsprint or foil;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 10 grams of yeast;
  • 5 tablespoons granulated sugar (brown varieties are best if possible).

Preparation method:

  1. First of all, you need to cut off the top of the bottle, approximately 1/3. To do this we will use a construction knife or scissors.

When working with sharp objects, be sure to follow safety rules. We hold the knife away from us, and the direction of the cut should also be done away from us. And remember, the cut edges of the bottle can also cause injury.

  1. The next step is to prepare your own mosquito bait. To do this, pour warm water into the resulting flask and add granulated sugar there. Now you need to mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. After waiting for the sugar water to cool, add yeast to it (you don’t have to stir it).
  2. Next you need to turn the flask into a mosquito trap. To do this, take the cut neck and insert it with the narrow part down so that a kind of funnel is formed inside. We fix both parts with tape.
  3. To prevent the exterminator from repelling insects, you need to wrap it in newsprint or foil. We secure our “wrapper” with tape.

All that remains is to place the catcher in a place of increased activity of flying pests. As the container fills, we clean it and replace the bait.

On what principle does this homemade mosquito trap work? The whole secret is in the yeast. Once these components combine, carbon dioxide will begin to be actively produced, causing the sugar-yeast mixture to begin to ferment.

Having sensed the “aroma” of the bait, mosquitoes will rush towards it, overcoming the narrow neck of the bottle. Having had enough of the treat, they simply won’t be able to get out because they won’t be able to find a way out. Ultimately, after a day, the flying bloodsuckers will die.

The operating life of such a device is no more than 7 days. So be sure to change the bait and get rid of the dead mosquitoes.

VIDEO: Simple trap for flying insects with your own hands

Adhesive based device

This type of catcher is similar in performance to a conventional adhesive insect killer. To make such a mosquito trap with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  • thick paper (thin paper will not work, because after heavy impregnation it will simply fall apart and lose its performance characteristics);
  • castor oil - half a glass;
  • rosin - 200 ml;
  • turpentine - 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 80-100 grams;
  • water - 20-30 ml.

The manufacturing process of such a device is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare an adhesive base, which, in fact, will act as bait and the catcher itself. To do this, dissolve granulated sugar in water. Next, transfer the sugar water to an enamel saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil the mixture until a thick consistency is formed.
  2. Mix the resulting sugar syrup with rosin, turpentine and castor oil. The mosquito trap bait is ready to use.
  3. Prepare strips of paper. This can be either small squares that can be placed on the windowsill or long ribbons that are laid out on pieces of furniture.

  1. We apply the adhesive base to the previously prepared strips.

All that remains is to place the finished destroyers at front door, on the windowsill and in places where there is increased activity of flying bloodsuckers.

The principle of operation is to lure insects with the sweet aroma of the bait. Once they hit the adhesive base, they will no longer be able to fly back. Such traps are equally effective against mosquitoes, flies and midges.

As the trap fills, it is thrown away and a new one is installed in its place.

Electric homemade model

You can also do electric trap for insects with your own hands. To make such a device, you need to stock up on the following components:

  • a paper bag for milk or juice;
  • wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm;
  • a small fan that runs on batteries or a battery pack (a car or portable one will do for these purposes);
  • bulb small size or flashlight;
  • gauze piece;
  • glue;
  • scissors or construction knife.

Electric homemade trap

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First we need to prepare the body part of our future destroyer. Using scissors or a construction knife, cut off the top of the milk (juice) carton. Using the same principle, we get rid of the bottom of the box.
  2. Further in the lower part, closer to the edge, we attach the fan. For these purposes we use wire. But at the same time, you need to place the device in such a way that the air flow is attracted to it.
  3. Now we take the gauze material and cut off a rounded piece, the diametrical size of which ranges from 50-70 cm.
  4. Using glue, we attach the gauze to the lower edge of the body so that we get something like a bag.
  5. After this, we move on to preparing the upper part of the future catcher. We make one hole on the sides of the bag (directly at the edges). We thread the wire into them so that it looks like a handle.
  6. Then we attach it to our handle lighting fixture, which is also fixed with wire.
  7. We make a small loop from the wire and attach it to the handle. Thereby structural element we will be able to suspend our destroyer.

VIDEO: Electric shock for flying insects

On what principle does a homemade electric mosquito and fly trap work?

VIDEO: Mosquito trap: DIY

Intrusive mosquitoes disturb the sleep of residents of both city apartments and private houses. For those who are used to spending time at the dacha, in country house, these insects can ruin your vacation. There are many on sale chemicals from mosquitoes. However, not all people can use such sprays, ointments and fumigators.

There are many ways to build a harmless DIY mosquito trap. Using simple materials at hand, you can create special devices that can become an alternative to traditional remedies for annoying insects.

Features of homemade structures

Considering DIY mosquito trap options you can do several different designs. They differ in their operating principle and efficiency. You can create several traps at once, which will become a talisman against insect attacks, and over time, choose the most effective option among those presented below.

All homemade traps take into account the behavioral characteristics of mosquitoes. Insects are attracted to the warmth and smell of sweat, which is secreted by the glands of human skin. Mosquitoes are also attracted to water. Many residents of holiday villages have noticed that in damp areas where there is a body of water nearby, there are much more insects. Mosquitoes also react to carbon dioxide that people exhale.

Various available materials, which are usually available in any home, will help create an effective remedy that can protect against the bites and irritating buzzing of these harmful insects.

Adhesive tape

With the help of simple improvised means that are at hand, you can make homemade trap for mosquitoes. With your own hands it will be possible to create an effective reliable means. To do this, you need to prepare castor oil, rosin, turpentine, water and sugar. You will also need pieces of cardboard or thick paper.

First, a solution is prepared that will attract mosquitoes with its smell. Three tablespoons of sugar are diluted in five tablespoons of water. The composition must be brought to a boil. Stirring with a spoon, wait until it thickens. Next, 100 g of castor oil, rosin and 50 g of turpentine are added to the solution. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, it is applied to strips of cardboard.

Such a trap can be hung near where people are. The smell attracts mosquitoes, which will stick to the surface. When there is no free space left on the paper, you need to hang another strip. The presented trap changes once a week. Pine resin, flax oil, beeswax and honey can be used as impregnation for cardboard.

Plastic bottle trap

Considering options for how to make a mosquito trap with your own hands, you should pay attention to one of the most popular methods. To implement it you will need a regular plastic bottle. It can have a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters. Plastic containers are widely used for making various decor, useful devices. You can also protect yourself from mosquitoes with their help.

The design of this trap is quite simple. In addition to the bottle, you will need yeast and sugar. In this case, insects will be attracted by the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released by sugar and yeast.

The bottle must be cut crosswise using a stationery knife. The upper part (where the neck remains) should be 1/3 of the total length. The cover should be removed. With the neck forward, the upper part of the bottle is installed in the lower section. The joint must be sealed with tape.

Preparing the bait

Reviews of DIY mosquito trap, collected from a bottle, they speak of its high efficiency. After making the main structure, you need to make a bait.

Take 0.5 cups of water. Its temperature should be about 30ºС. Next, you need to dissolve 100 g of sugar in it. Then 5 g of yeast is added to the solution. Any type of them can be used. When the ingredients are well mixed, they are poured into the bottom of the bottle. The edges of the neck should not reach the surface of the sweet liquid.

It is better to use a bottle made of dark plastic. You can wrap it in foil to prevent mosquitoes from being repelled by the bright light. During the fermentation process, heat and carbon dioxide are released. Mosquitoes will fly into the bottle. They can no longer get back out. After a few days, the bait needs to be replaced.

Simple design

To make DIY mosquito trap (without yeast), you can use one more simple recipe. To do this, you will need to purchase special insect repellent glue. They use it to treat a piece of gauze. The canvas, impregnated with the presented composition, is stretched over the openings of the ventilation shaft. You can also hang gauze near windows.

One more simple method is the use of an ultraviolet light bulb. Such a device must have a power of 20 W. It is placed in a metal mesh frame. The grid is connected to the current. To ensure the safe operation of the presented product, the structure is hidden in a special case in the form of a mesh. The bait should be installed in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

Ultraviolet radiation is attractive to mosquitoes. They will fall on the electrical grid. This is an effective remedy in the fight against mosquitoes. The trap can become a source of soft illumination in the evening, complementing the main lighting indoors or outdoors.

Electric trap

If you wish, you can do it yourself electric mosquito trap. This device will be an effective tool in the fight against annoying insects. The master must have certain knowledge in electrical engineering. To make such a system, you will need a diode lamp and AA batteries.

First you need to disassemble the light bulb. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the internal parts. Next you need to drill two holes in it. Regular aluminum wire is threaded through them. One edge will need to be fixed. Next, the wire is wound around the light bulb. If there is excess aluminum conductor, it must be cut off with wire cutters.

When carrying out all actions, it is important to follow electrical safety rules. If the master does not have the required qualifications, he should not carry out such actions. Such a device may be unsafe to operate.

Completing the build

The same procedure is performed on the other side, where the second hole is drilled. Next, you need to connect one of the electrical terminals of the lamp (original) to the end of the aluminum conductor, which was wound on the surface of the device. To do this, you need to twist the outputs tightly. The other two ends (from the lamp and the aluminum wire) are connected to the high-voltage module. This structural element additionally connected to a switch. The wires should approach the battery on this side.

Electric DIY mosquito trap must be assembled correctly. You need to put a lamp with a winding on the connected high-voltage module. The wiring on both parts must match. Only in case of their contact will the device work.

After this, the structure is considered assembled. It must be checked carefully before use. If all parts are firmly connected to each other, you can connect the device to the network. It is important to wear protective clothing and rubber gloves.

Electric trap operation

Creating DIY mosquito trap, The device must be checked before use. To do this, the device is inspected and the integrity of the systems is determined visually. Then it can be connected to the network. If the lamp lights up, everything works fine, you can install it indoors or outdoors.

Mosquitoes flock to the light emitted by the lamp. At the same time, the room and area should be dark. If there are other light sources, mosquitoes will fly to them. As soon as an insect lands on the surface of a lamp entangled in wire, it will be shocked by an electric current.

It is recommended to install a plastic tray under the lamp. Mosquitoes will fall into it. You can hang the presented catcher. For this purpose, the design provides for a loop. This is an effective remedy. However, when it is working, you cannot leave the lamp unattended. Especially if there are children or animals in the house.