Water pipes      06/23/2020

Buleryan heating boilers with a water circuit. Features of the installation with a water circuit. What are the advantages of Buleryan products

The Buleryan furnace can work on any types of solid fuel. Including waste products from paper and cardboard. But best of all, it heats on long round logs that occupy the entire length of the combustion chamber of the stove.

This is an all-metal structure resembling a barrel, with pieces of pipes welded to its surface. Inside it is divided into two chambers. In the lower chamber, during the combustion of solid fuel, gases are formed, which are then burned out in the upper chamber, as in.

When the heating of the buleryan begins, it is sucked into the lower holes of the pipes cold air, heating up from the surface of the stove, it rises up, heating the room.

Initially, such furnaces were intended for air heating. But they had a flaw. They did not cope well with the heating of the premises by divided partitions. The way out of this problem was equipment.

Principle of operation and scope

Buleryan with a water circuit uses the same conversion principle as with an air circuit. Only in this case, instead of hot air, hot water will rise up.

This property allows in a short time to warm up a room with a size of several tens of cubic meters air. Water, passing through the pipes encircling the furnace, does not allow the surface to overheat. Therefore, it does not burn out the air in the room.

Fuel consumption is reduced due to the use of the chamber, in which the afterburning of wood gases obtained at the stage of combustion in the primary combustion chamber takes place.

The heat exchanger is pipes located inside the casing encircling the furnace. Minimal amount pipes are usually equal to six. The heated water from the connection point at the top of the stove goes to the radiators installed in the room.

Having passed in a circle, the chilled water returns to bottom connection. Such a heating boiler has a high efficiency due to the use of three heating methods - heat transfer, heat exchange, and convection.

The stove can be used in various buildings. It can be residential buildings, warehouses or change houses.

When installing it, several conditions must be met:

  1. A good chimney is essential for the operation of the boiler. Since when gases are burned in the second chamber, their complete combustion does not always occur. As a result, carbon monoxide can enter the room. It is odorless and, if poisoned, is often fatal.
  2. In order to fire safety , the installation of buleryan is allowed at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from the wall.
  3. To connect the water circuit recommend reinforced polypropylene pipes. They have good flexibility, and are not subject to deformation from high temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such heating systems have a number of positive properties:

  1. The installation of such a heating boiler does not require any approvals., unlike gas equipment.
  2. They allow you to quickly and evenly heat the room. including those on the second and third floors. Hot water rises up to 7-8 meters.
  3. The heating boiler has a compact size.
  4. The stove is fuel efficient. When the room is warm, one load is enough for 10-12 hours to maintain the temperature in the room.
  5. Easy to install by yourself. It should be noted here that if you are new to this business, entrust the construction and connection of the chimney to specialists.

No matter how anyone praises such boilers, they have a number of small drawbacks:

  1. The main disadvantage is the availability of fuel. Dry firewood of non-resinous species is used as fuel. In areas where wood is scarce, such heaters are not economically viable.
  2. Such heaters must be regularly cleaned from carbon deposits and scale.
  3. The chimney needs to be insulated to avoid condensation. Condensation reduces the efficiency of the heater.
  4. The metal case is a source of heat, it heats up to high temperature. In order not to get burns and fires, it is necessary to establish a protective perimeter around the buleryan, at least half a meter. If there is little space, then the heater can be overlaid with a special brick, or sheets of metal with inner lining basalt fibre. This will bring the temperature down to an acceptable level.

Characteristics and selection criteria

Characteristics, first of all, are determined by the parameters of the room where they are going to install it.

For manufacturing, mainly steel and cast iron are used. Buleryans made of cast iron have great reliability and durability. At the same time, they are more massive and difficult to use in small spaces. Steel heaters are well suited for small spaces, but at the same time, their efficiency is lower compared to cast iron ones.

The second important parameter- this is the number of water circuits of the heating system. The single circuit system is designed for space heating only. The double-circuit system, in addition to heating, heats water for domestic needs.

Third parameter is a solid fuel boiler manufacturer. In this choice, you can focus on the reviews of people who have already become happy owners of a boiler of this manufacturer.

Other selection criteria do not depend on the parameters of the room and the boiler itself. This is the volume of the room, the material of the walls and ceilings, the height of the chimney.

Price and reviews

Every year, stoves long burning buleryan are gaining popularity. This is due to their cost, which is less than the installation of similar gas equipment.

At the same time, you will not have to pay for work on connecting to the gas main and the development of permits. The cost of such a heater, first of all, depends on its volume, and, accordingly, power.

The price of the simplest and smallest starts from 7500 rubles. Such a stove will heat a small room up to 100 cubic meters. For a room of 250 or more cubic meters, the price will start from 20,000 rubles.

It should be noted that many manufacturers decorate some of their products with various elements, including artistic forging. This also affects its cost.


Sergey Ivanovich, Samara.

“I bought a small buleryan with stainless pipes for 16,000 rubles. I did the installation myself. The chimney was made of metal 5 meters high. At first, I could not get enough of the work. Then, the stove began to smoke. The check showed that the chimney was clogged with various black tar deposits. It turned out that although the pipe was well insulated, condensation formed in its upper part, and gradually flowed down. I changed the chimney to brick, it helped with condensate.”


I use the third year. So far, the impressions are the most favorable. The disadvantages include uneven heating. It is difficult to regulate the heating temperature with a damper. It turns out cool, but more often too hot.

Do-it-yourself oven

To build such a furnace, you must be an experienced welder. To work, first of all, you need welding machine, pipe bender, grinder, metal shears, as well as a set of drawings.


Then, do the work in a certain sequence:

  1. cut pipes required length.
  2. Give them the required shape with a pipe bending tool.
  3. From sheet metal make an outline the required form.
  4. Weld spot pipes to a sheet of metal. The number of pipes must be in pairs. You will get a design, like a barrel with pipes welded on top.
  5. The next step is to install the back wall with a chimney hole. For the chimney you will need a pipe, approximately 100 mm in diameter.
  6. Next, install the front, with opening door. At the bottom of the front, install a pipe with a damper.
  7. Clean the seams and check the quality of the work done.

When choosing the size of the furnace, focus primarily on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheating the room.

The most important thing is to choose right place installation. It can be done anywhere in the room, but remember that the equipment should be no closer than 0.5 meters to the nearest wall.

The oven must stand firmly on the surface. Any vibrations of the body are unacceptable. After installation in the chosen place, it is connected to the heating system.

The importance of heating in the cold Russian climate cannot be overestimated. However, district heating not always available. Therefore, the use of special stoves for heating, for example, a private house, is effective way solution to the heating problem. One of the best options here is the Buleryan furnace, equipped with a special water circuit.

Principle of operation and efficiency

Buleryan has a high coefficient useful action: 75 to 80%. In general, it is a cylinder located horizontally. Inside it, the process of combustion of fuel takes place.

Firewood is burned in the primary chamber. Substances that have not been burned before rise to the secondary chamber, which is located in the upper part of Buleryan, and burn down there to ashes. This method of combustion makes it possible to burn the fuel almost completely.

This is one of the factors that ensure the high efficiency of such furnaces. The ash pan is located at the bottom of the combustion chamber, but in some design options, its presence is not provided. This is due to the fact that the degree of fuel burn-up is very high and solid combustion products are almost completely absent.

Around the casing, the combustion chamber, there are rows of pipes. If the furnace uses a water circuit, then water vapor circulates in them. There are other options for such stoves, in which air circulates through them to heat the house.

Water vapor circulates as follows:
in pipes, it heats up and expands under the influence of high temperature. For this reason, it rises up and enters directly into the heating system. In the process of heating residential premises, it gives off its heat and, as a result, cools and contracts.

Let's not forget that as a result of combustion, gaseous wastes are formed. We are talking about carbon dioxide and a small amount of smoke. These products of combustion must be brought out through the chimney.

It joins at the top of it. Note that heat is also removed in this way. In order for it to be used for heating, the chimney is lined mineral wool or similar material. The use of this heat also contributes to the efficiency of this heating system.

The casing here is usually made two-layer, which reduces the waste of heat during the operation of Buleryan.

The heating process can be divided into 2 main stages:

  1. Kindling. Firewood is thrown into the stove in order to create intense combustion.
  2. Maintaining the fire. At this stage, you need to regularly throw up a small amount of fuel. At this time, the combustion process occurs evenly and with great strength. It requires minimal effort to maintain.

When using Buleryan, it can be designed (finished) so that it resembles a stylized Russian stove (or in some similar way).

Advantages and disadvantages

The oven is working. Therefore, when choosing options for affordable heating, it is necessary to take into account the cost of this type of fuel in a given area. Usually in big cities, firewood is expensive and the operation of such heating systems will not be cheap. If we are talking about those places where there is fairly cheap firewood, then Buleryan will be a good choice here.

In operation, such a heating system uses convection and heat exchange, which occur through the cycling of water vapor, which leads to the fact that heating is carried out very efficiently.


  1. Considering that that the circulation of water vapor in this heating system is very dynamic, the heating of the room occurs not only quickly enough, but also evenly.
  2. The design features are that with its help it is possible to heat not only a one-story a private house, but also two-storey house with the same efficiency.
  3. In progress the boiler does not heat up, and this ensures that oxygen does not burn out in the room where it is located.
  4. Here, two-chamber combustion is implemented. The products of incomplete combustion of firewood enter the secondary chamber and burn out there to ashes. This not only improves fuel efficiency, but also minimizes the formation of solid combustion products.
  5. The door closes hermetically, which eliminates the possibility of sparks during combustion and guarantees safety from fire at the installation site.
  6. Ease of installation process. The main condition for this is that the distance to the nearest wall should not be less than half a meter.
  7. An important feature of such a heating system is that that for its operation there is no need for any external communications.


  1. Fuel purchase costs may be large enough.
  2. When using certain types of wood the chimney pipe may be clogged.
  3. For efficient use of this heating system you need to learn how to use this mode of operation, in which there is a slow burning (smoldering) of the fuel. This is necessary in cases where the stove must burn autonomously (for example, at night).
  4. Without the use of special it cannot be guaranteed that the heating system will not freeze during severe frosts.
  5. Installation of this heating system I is a rather complicated and costly business.

Owner reviews

Sergey, Moscow: We have been using Buleryan for 2 years. At first, pine logs were used as firewood. Then we switched to birch firewood. There was a problem: the pipes were clogged with a porous mass. I had to clean them up. It was not very convenient, because it was winter in full swing.

This winter the situation has changed. We use well-dried and chopped firewood. Pipes are cleaned regularly. There are no problems. Firewood burns faster. At the same time, more heat is produced than before.

Vera, Novosibirsk: I have had Buleryan for 7 years. We are not afraid to leave the stove at night. Only for this you need to transfer to smoldering mode.

Natalia, Sverdlovsk: Buleryan is very convenient for use in country house. Only in severe frosts should not be used for circulation clean water, but a special antifreeze liquid. However, the installation process itself is quite complex and relatively expensive.

Olga, Sverdlovsk: We have country house. Its area is approximately 100 square meters. The Buleryan oven works great. The house warms up quickly. We heat this stove with dry wood. I treat the stove with some caution because of its rather high power.

Anna Mikhailovna, Syzran: From my own experience I can say that the Buleryan furnace with a water circuit is great option for those owners who live in a country house permanently. If non-freezing liquid is poured into the pipes, then even in severe frost there will be no problems with this heating system. Unfortunately, the installation of such furnaces is quite expensive.

Cost and rules of operation

The long burning furnace Buleryan PO-100 will cost 9850 rubles. A double combustion chamber is provided here. The warranty period is one month. The volume of the heated room can be up to 100 cubic meters.

The PO-200 model of the Buleryan furnace will cost 14,249 rubles. The main difference from the previous model is that it can heat rooms up to 200 cubic meters.

The Buleryan HV-400 oven will cost 18,449 rubles. It is capable of heating rooms up to 400 cubic meters.

Operating rules:

  1. kindle firewood it is only necessary after you make sure that there is traction and that the dampers are open.
  2. The chimney must be periodically cleaned of ash. E This will ensure uninterrupted operation of the furnace and cause the absence of unpleasant odors at work.
  3. You need to set the burning mode using a regulator.
  4. If you add wood, then you need to make sure that the dampers are open.
  1. This heating system used for those houses where one or two floors. For houses with a higher number of storeys, it is not customary to use it.
  2. Place of installation of the furnace should be covered with metal sheet.
  3. The oven must be no closer than half a meter from the nearest wall.
  4. It is forbidden to heat these stoves with coal. Only firewood can be used.
  5. For the most efficient heat transfer special corrugated pipes can be used.

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, the territory of which is located on different climatic zones. That is why it is necessary to deal with the problem of heating in different ways. In those regions that are heated with wood, you can often see Buleryan solid fuel stoves with a water circuit. Such a stove can only be heated with wood and it is not recommended to use another type of fuel. After all, complex chemical and physical processes take place in the device. Their normal flow can only be ensured by dry firewood during combustion. Thus, when choosing this stove, you need to find out the cost and availability of fuel in your area.

The principle of operation of the furnace

It should be noted that the idea of ​​​​creating buleryan belongs to Canadian lumberjacks. They, in turn, shared it with the engineers who brought ideas to life. The furnace consists of a round body, which shaped like a barrel, the interior space of which is divided into two parts. Firewood is ignited and burned in the lower part of the stove. In the same section, high temperature is formed and accumulates a large number of heat.

After the firewood burns out, hot gases appear and fill the second part of the boiler. Several curved pipes run in the center of the two fireboxes. This is where the convection method takes place, thanks to which a person uses heat for his own benefit.

Cold air enters Buleryan through pipes. The air in the furnace meets with a red-hot circuit, in connection with this, a fast flow is formed, which breaks out and takes the heat of the furnace with it. There is no fan in such a device, so heating occurs quickly. The stove uses 3 heating methods - heat transfer, heat transfer, convection.

The furnace works in a special way:

  • first you need to warm the boiler with wood chips;
  • the lower throat is filled to the very top;
  • firewood smolders for 12 hours. Then wood gas is produced, which highlights thermal energy in more quantity;
  • an air flow is formed, which can reach up to 120 degrees Celsius;
  • this air is forced out through the pipes, allowing the room to heat up quickly without overloading.

It is worth noting that in the second furnace, gas cannot be completely burned, even if there is good traction. That is why it is worth installing a quality chimney. He must not have any defects, even the smallest, as it threatens to leak carbon monoxide which is dangerous to the human body. If you have never installed a chimney before, it is best to entrust this matter to professionals.

Features of installing a Buleryan furnace with a water circuit

It should be noted that there were times when wood stoves could not compete with central heating systems. The thing is that a wood-burning brick oven could not heat a large room divided into rooms. Everything has changed since the moment when the engineers managed to combine a conventional wood-burning stove with a water circuit.

To date, even the Buleryan oven can be understaffed circulation system. The coolant will move through it. Such innovations received the prefix "aqua" to their name. In this regard, such devices as Aqua-Belerian, Brenneran-Aquaten appeared. Such installations can be used to organize a water heating system.

In the furnace, the water circuit occupies about 70% of the entire combustion section. That is why water heats up quickly and evenly. At the same time, heat losses are insignificant. In such devices there are no large pressure drops and temperatures. If we compare the efficiency of the furnace, then the efficiency of gas generators will be on a par. It should be noted that air circulation has received a huge demand. That is why such an installation is not uncommon in residential buildings, as well as in industrial premises enterprises.

It should be noted that buleryan furnaces with an understaffed water circuit can produce heat for 12 hours. During this time, there are no temperature fluctuations. This feature allows you not to lay firewood again for a long time.


Today's installations allow you to warm up the room quickly and evenly, even if the room is large. If you choose an installation with a water circuit, then the heat is easily transported to the rooms that are located on the second and third floors. The installation has a compact size.

It is very convenient to use this setup. Installation is quick and easy. But in order to install a chimney, you need to hire professionals.

It should be noted that the Buleryan oven don't use much fuel compared to other settings. One download is enough for 12 hours.

Of course, such a list of positive features in technical specification gives optimistic hopes. But still, in order for the picture to develop completely, it is necessary to pay attention to the shortcomings of the installation.


It is not recommended to load into the oven raw firewood. Do not use firewood, which form during the combustion of resins.

Generator gases in buleryan in the second furnace burn about 70%. That is why it is impossible to call the installation perfect.

Installing a chimney Special attention it is worth giving it warming. If it don't do that condensate will be released, which reduces the performance of the furnace.

The main structural element is the body. Very often it is made of metal. The main source of heat is the boiler. That is why the space around it must be protected. It will be very difficult to protect the space if the buleryan is installed in the corner at the junction of two walls. It is not recommended to install the oven close to the wall. This ban is big problem for small houses. There must be a maximum distance of 20 cm from the wall to the installation.

If you want to save space, then you will have to sheathe the walls with metal sheets. Their height must exceed the height of the unit itself. In this case, it is necessary to lay basalt insulation between the sheet and the wall. In this case metal sheets will perform several functions at once:

  • protection of walls from heating;
  • additional heat source.

It is also worth noting that dust will constantly get into the pipe opening. When the furnace burns, a temperature is formed in its channel that can survive everything in its path. Thus, unpleasant odors will often come out of the equipment.

At the same time, it must be said that near the furnace in working condition charged ions are formed that can attract small particles mud. They can enter the human body. If a person's immunity is weakened, then this can lead to diseases. In this regard, the rooms that are heated by such a stove must be cleaned every day and ventilated.

If you want to buy such an installation for yourself, you need to pay attention to what material the boiler doors are made of.

There is a stove with a metal door, it looks beautiful, especially since you can see how the fire burns through it. But at the same time, you can see it only when the firewood is burning. In other cases it is useless. Moreover, a stove with such a door has a higher price than usual. Experts do not recommend overpaying, but buying an ordinary oven with a metal door.

Installation cost

Water circuit ovens are a production famous company Breneran. Such installations operate on the principle of gas generation and are designed for heating both small and large rooms. The price for them can be different: from 13225 to 46285 rubles.

As a rule, this company produces two types of installations:

  • AquaTEN;
  • Aqua.

The difference between these models and others is that they use heating elements boilers and are notable for their design.

It is difficult to imagine any beautiful and comfortable house without quality heating creating a comfortable environment. Therefore, much attention is paid to the installation of heating equipment in suburban buildings. One of these modern appliances used for space heating are furnaces with a water circuit from the Canadian manufacturer Buleryan. They are devices equipped with heat exchangers, thanks to which minimal cost, evenly and very quickly heating of all rooms in the house is provided.

During the operation of furnaces with a water casing, their surface does not heat up at all, so the oxygen in the room is not burned out. In addition, the installation of such equipment provides the possibility of supplying the whole family hot water with low fuel costs. It is especially advisable to install furnaces of this group in rooms where it is not provided permanent residence. The efficiency of such devices is 87%.

Buleryan furnace connection diagram

Main advantages:

  • The presence of pipes for the heat carrier, forming the casing-convector of the furnace.
  • Hermetically sealed doors.
  • The top location of the afterburner chamber.
  • The flow of heated air into the afterburner compartment.
  • The absence of an ash pan.

Thanks to a well-thought-out design, not only firewood, but also decomposition products are completely burned in Buleryan stoves. The increase in heat transfer of the equipment is facilitated by a special branching of the pipes. Buleryan effectively heats the water in the pipes and quickly provides heat to all connected radiators.

There are many ways to heat a private house: air, water, convection. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the heating devices for air system is the so-called buleryan. This heating unit is a hybrid of a potbelly stove and a long-burning stove. Because of this, Buleryan is able to work like a potbelly stove, that is, quickly heat up the room and maintain this temperature for a long time on one tab of firewood. General form buleryan is shown in the figure below.

Buleryan with a water circuit in the interior of the house


Buleryan device diagram for home heating

As can be seen from the figure, the buleryan is a structure of several curved pipes (usually more than six) (1), welded in such a way that a combustion chamber (2) and (6) is formed inside. To separate the combustion chamber into two zones, a special partition is welded into the structure. Firewood burns first in the primary chamber (6), and then burns out in the secondary chamber (2), while ensuring maximum efficiency. Air is constantly circulated through the pipes from the bottom up, ensuring optimal heat transfer in the room. Wood and briquettes are mainly used as fuel for the stove. For laying firewood and sampling ash, there is a door (11) on the front wall of the stove, which, thanks to the seals and the special design of the lock (10), is able to close hermetically. A blower (8) is welded to the door to regulate the air supply to the primary chamber. To supply air to the secondary chamber, there are injectors (14) on the pipes. Ash collection takes place in the ash pan (7). To regulate the combustion process, there are draft regulators (9) on the door and on the exhaust pipe located on the rear wall.

For normal operation of the buleryan and less accumulation of soot in the chimney, it must be insulated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a heating stove as Buleryan has a number of advantages:

  1. Rapid heating of the room, which is ensured by the special design of the product.
  2. High efficiency - more than 80%. This is ensured by the presence of two fuel combustion chambers and a special sealed design of the furnace.
  3. Possibility of work in the mode of long burning. From one bookmark of firewood, Buleryan is able to work up to 12 hours, which simplifies the process of maintenance and care.
  4. Inexpensive stove.

The disadvantages of Buleryan include:

  1. Use for heating only firewood and briquettes. The use of coal is unacceptable in these furnaces.
  2. Heating occurs only in one room - the one where this stove is located. To eliminate this shortcoming, a buleryan design with a water circuit was developed.
  3. Unsightly appearance, which is why in most cases such a buleryan is installed in utility rooms.

This type of buleryan differs from the traditional one in that a water jacket is created from the buleryan pipes, and not air, but water, begins to circulate through them, similar to the operation of a heating boiler. Such a buleryan is shown in the figure below.

As can be seen from the figure, the upper and lower ends of the pipes are welded together, and a branch pipe of the supply pipeline is welded to the upper combs, and a return pipeline is welded to the lower combs.

The walls of the buleryan get very hot during operation, so you need to be as careful as possible near it to avoid burns. For the same reason, the minimum distance to walls and nearby objects during installation must be at least 0.5 meters.

Buleryan with a water circuit: advantages and disadvantages

Compared to the usual one, buleryan with a water circuit has a number of advantages:

  1. Possibility of connection to the existing aquatic heating system of the house, thereby providing heating throughout the house, and not just in one room.
  2. Rapid heating of the coolant and then maintaining the required temperature in the room for 6 hours from one bookmark.
  3. Low cost compared to traditional water heating boilers.

But this design also has a disadvantage.– work only with gravity water heating system.

The option of binding Buleryan to the heating system is shown in the figure below.

Binding buleryan to the heating system of the house

The figure clearly shows that the water first rises up the riser to expansion tank and only then goes to the heating batteries.

DIY manufacturing

Although the price of buleryan is not so high, you can still save a decent amount by making it at home with your own hands. It does not require any great level of skill or sophisticated equipment. It is enough to have a turbine, a welding machine and a pipe bender. From the materials you need a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and sheet metal 5 mm thick.

About everything in order. To begin with, the pipe is cut into pieces 1.2 m long and bent with a pipe bender to a radius of 225 mm. Straight sections 265 mm long are left along the edges. A drawing of such a buleryan for making with your own hands is shown in the figure below.

Buleryan drawing for making your own hands

After the pipes are prepared, they must be welded as shown in the figure. In this case, it is necessary to make the seams airtight.

As can be seen from the figure, in the first furnace door a pair of pipes welded tubes of smaller diameter to supply air to the secondary chamber. When converting the air circuit to a water circuit, it is necessary either not to connect these pipes to the aqua circuit or to provide air flow in another way.

After the pipe structure is welded, it is necessary to fill the voids between the pipes with strips of metal 5 mm thick and 5 cm wide. Then a partition is made of sheet metal in order to separate the upper chamber from the lower one. After that, the front and back wall according to the drawing.

All seams on the product must be sealed in order to prevent the release of carbon monoxide from the buleryan. After the front and rear walls are made, according to the drawings, it is necessary to manufacture and weld the doors on the front wall. The main condition in the manufacture of doors is that they must be hermetically closed in order to ensure optimal mode Buleryan's work. To do this, a seal of asbestos cord is arranged around the perimeter of the door and a shutter of a special design is made. The design of such a shutter is shown in the figure below.

Buleryan door shutter

After everything is mounted, the aqua circuit device begins. To do this, connect the lower and upper outlets of the pipes into two combs.

Conducting a test

Upon completion of work on the manufacture of the furnace, a leak test is carried out. To do this, one branch pipe of the water jacket is jammed, and water is poured into the other under pressure, which is controlled using a pressure gauge. If the product can withstand a pressure of more than 3 atmospheres, it can be safely operated.

For the operation of a do-it-yourself buleryan with an aqua circuit, the same requirements apply as for the operation of a water boiler.

Keep in mind that the feed riser is heated to 90°C, so care must be taken when operating the oven to avoid burns.

Buleryan can work in two modes:

  1. Quick warm up. In this mode of operation, the fuel burns as quickly as possible, warming up the room. After that, the buleryan is extinguished and kindled only when the temperature in the room drops. At the same time, the fuel for the operation of the furnace is consumed sparingly, but the temperature in the room is not kept at a constant level, but constantly rises and falls.
  2. Long burning. In this mode, the furnace is loaded to the maximum, and the boiler operates in the mode of maintaining a constant temperature in the room. This mode is good in that a constant temperature is kept in the room, but at the same time there is a slight overspending of fuel.
  3. Classmates